foreign female star|I thought this was a dog
Ausländische Schauspielerin wegen Besitzes eines malaiischen Bären angeklagt: Ich dachte, es sei ein Hund
Foreign actress accused of hiding sun bear: I thought it was a dog
Actriz extranjera acusada de posesión de oso malayo: Creía que era un perro
Une actrice étrangère accusée d'avoir possédé un ours malais : "J'ai cru que c'était un chien".
Attrice straniera accusata di aver posseduto un orso malese: pensavo fosse un cane
태양곰 숨긴 외국 여배우 피고인 "개인 줄 알았다"
Atriz estrangeira acusada de posse de urso malaio: pensei que era um cão
Иностранная актриса обвиняется в хранении малайского медведя: Я думала, что это собака
Malay ayısı bulundurmaktan yargılanan yabancı oyuncu: Köpek sandım
大家 能 分辨出 狗 和 熊 的 区别 吗 ?
Can you tell the difference between a dog and a bear?
相信 很多 人 都 不会 混淆 这 两者 。
believe|||||confuse||the two
I believe many people will not confuse the two.
Creo que mucha gente no confundirá ambas cosas.
나는 많은 사람들이 두 가지를 혼동하지 않을 것이라고 믿습니다.
但 马来西亚 有位 女星 , 因 家中 藏有 马来熊 的 幼崽 而 被 控诉 。
|Malaysia|a certain|female star|because|home|harbored|Malayan bear||cub|||accused
But there is a Malaysian actress who has been charged for having sun bear cubs in her home.
그러나 말레이시아 여배우는 집에 태양 곰 새끼를 키웠다는 이유로 고소당했습니다.
但 她 竟 以 “ 我 以为 这 是 狗 “ 的 理由 来 申辩 。
But she actually pleaded with "I thought it was a dog".
하지만 그녀는 "개인 줄 알았다"는 이유로 변호했다.
事情 的 起因 是 这样 的 , 在 去年 6 月 , 马来西亚 女艺人 查丽 苏菲亚 在 路边 发现 了 一只 马来熊 崽 , 但 当时 她 以为 这是 一只 狗 。
||cause|||||||Malaysia|the Malaysian actress CHARLY SOPHIA|Chali|Sofia|at|the roadside||||Malayan bear|cub|||||||
The cause of the matter is as follows: In June of last year, Malaysian artist Charli Sofia discovered a sun bear cub by the roadside, but at that time she thought it was a dog.
사건의 원인은 이렇다.말레이시아 여배우 샬린 소피아는 지난해 6월 길가에서 태양곰 새끼를 발견했지만 당시에는 개인 줄 알았다.
因为 担心 这 只 “ 狗狗 “ 的 安危 , 她 就 将 它 带回家 喂养 照顾 , 并 给 它 起 名为 布鲁诺 。
||||dog||safety|||took|it|took it home|raising|taking care of||||named|named|Bruno
Worried about the safety of this 'dog', she took it home to care for and feed it, naming it Bruno.
Como estaba preocupada por la seguridad de este "perro", se lo llevó a casa para alimentarlo y cuidarlo, y lo llamó Bruno.
그녀는 이 "개"의 안전이 걱정되었기 때문에 집으로 데려가 먹이고 돌보았고 이름을 브루노라고 지었습니다.
不久 后 , 查丽 苏菲亚 因 开斋节 回 了 家乡 , 就 把 马来熊 独自 留在 了 公寓 内 。
not long after||Chali|Sofia|because|Eid al-Fitr|||hometown|||Malayan bear|alone|stayed||apartment|in
Not long after, Charli Sofia returned to her hometown for Eid al-Fitr and left the sun bear alone in the apartment.
얼마 지나지 않아 Charlie Sophia는 Eid를 위해 집으로 돌아 왔고 태양 곰은 아파트에 홀로 남겨졌습니다.
可能 这 只 马来熊 幼崽 因为 不安 , 它 不断 地 发出 很大 的 叫声 , 惊动 了 附近 的 居民 , 影响 到 了 住户 的 正常 生活 作息 , 还有 人 拍 到 了 这 只 小熊 时不时 把头 伸出 窗口 。
|||Malayan bear|cub||unease||continuously||made|||cries|disturbed||the vicinity||residents||||residents||daily||daily routine||||||||the bear cub|from time to time|its head|sticking out|window
The young Malayan bear was constantly making loud noises due to its anxiety, alarming nearby residents and disturbing their normal daily routines. Some people even captured moments of the little bear poking its head out of the window.
새끼 곰이 불안해서 계속 시끄러운 소리를 질러 인근 주민들을 놀라게 했고 주민들의 일상생활에 지장을 주었고, 간혹 새끼 곰이 창밖으로 머리를 내밀고 있는 모습을 촬영하기도 했습니다.
于是 , 附近 的 居民 马上 打电话 报警 求助 。
|nearby||residents|||called the police|for help
As a result, nearby residents immediately called the police for help.
이에 인근 주민들은 곧바로 경찰에 도움을 요청했다.
警方 前往 调查 后 发现 确实 有 这个 情况 , 就 立即 把 马来熊 救 出来 安置 。
The police|went to|investigation|||indeed|||||immediately||Malayan bear|rescued|out|relocate
After the police went to investigate and confirmed the situation, they immediately rescued the Malayan bear and provided it with shelter.
경찰은 조사에 나섰고 이것이 사실이라는 것을 알게 된 후 즉시 태양 곰을 구출하고 다시 정착시켰습니다.
根据 外媒 报道 , 查丽 苏菲亚 触犯 了 《 野生动物 保护法 》 当中 的 2 条 法令 , 最高 将 可 被 处 11 年 刑期 , 罚款 25 万 令吉 。
|foreign media|report|Charly|Sofia|violated||Wildlife|Wildlife Protection Act|||provision|regulations||will|may|be|punished||prison sentence|fine||ringgit
According to reports from foreign media, Charli Sophia has violated 2 regulations in the 'Wildlife Protection Law', which may result in a maximum sentence of 11 years and a fine of 250,000 MYR.
외신 보도에 따르면 찰리 소피아는 '야생동물보호법' 2건을 위반해 최고 징역 11년, 벌금 25만 링깃을 선고받았다.
但 查丽 苏菲亚 的 律师 聂慕末 表示 , 被告 只是 想 救 这 只 马来熊 , 并非 有意 从中 获取 利益 。
|Charly|Sophia||lawyer|Nie Mumo|stated|the defendant||wanted|save|||Malayan bear|not|intentionally|it|gain|benefit
However, Charli Sophia's lawyer, Niemo Mo, stated that the defendant only wanted to save the Malaysian bear and had no intention of profiting from the situation.
그러나 Charlie Sophia의 변호사인 Nie Momo는 피고인이 단지 태양곰을 구하고자 했을 뿐 그로부터 이익을 얻을 의도가 없었다고 말했습니다.
而且 她 一 开始 以为 这是 一只 狗 , 完全 不 知道 这 是 马来熊 。
Furthermore, she initially thought it was a dog and had no idea that it was a Malaysian bear.
对此 , 法官 当庭 针对 相关 的 2 项 罪刑 判处 10 个 月 刑期 , 罚款 2 万 7 千 令吉 。
In this regard|judge|in court|regarding|related||charges|offense|sentenced|||sentence|fine|||
In this regard, the judge sentenced 10 months in prison and a fine of 27,000 ringgit for the two related offenses.
이에 대해 판사는 관련 2건의 범죄에 대해 징역 10개월과 벌금 2만7000링깃을 선고했다.
查丽 苏菲亚 的 律师 聂慕末 表示 , 念 在 这 是 初犯 , 希望 法官 可以 从轻 量刑 , 只判 罚款 就 好 。
Charly||||Nemo|said|Nian||||first offense||the judge||leniently|sentencing|only impose a fine|fine||
Chali Sofia's lawyer, Niamum Mahmud, expressed that considering this is a first offense, he hopes the judge can be lenient and only impose a fine.
但 马来西亚 半岛 野生动物 及 国家 公园 局 的 主管 纳查 鲁丁 却 表示 , 法庭 应该 要 从重 量刑 , 这 是 让 被告 和 社会 吸取教训 , 了解 法庭 会 严正 处理 涉及 野生动物 的 案件 。
|Malaysia|Peninsula|wildlife|and|the country|National Parks|Department||Director|Nacha|Natcha Ruddin||stated|the court|||severe|sentencing||||the defendant||society|learn a lesson|understand|court||seriously|dealt with|involving|wildlife||case
However, the head of the Malaysian Peninsula Wildlife and National Parks Department, Nazriuddin, stated that the court should impose a heavier sentence to ensure that the defendant and society learn a lesson, understanding that the court will deal seriously with cases involving wildlife.
马来熊 是 熊科 动物 中 体型 最小 的 成员 , 它 的 体型 头大 、 耳小 , 体色 呈 深棕色 或 黑色 , 胸前 有 马蹄形 白斑 。
||family Ursidae|animal||size|||member|||size|big head|small ears|fur color|is呈|dark brown|||chest||horseshoe|white spot
The Malayan sun bear is the smallest member of the bear family, characterized by its large head, small ears, and deep brown or black fur, with a horseshoe-shaped white patch on its chest.
毛短具 光泽 , 四肢 向 内 弯 , 内侧 及 脚底 无毛 。
short hair|luster|limbs|||curved||||
It has short, glossy fur, its limbs are bent inward, and there is no hair on the inner sides and the soles of its feet.
善于 爬树 , 主要 食物 为 昆虫 和 果实 , 尤其 喜爱 蜂类 和 蜂蜜 , 也 以 椰子树 苗 、 脊椎动物 为食 。
It is good at climbing trees, primarily feeds on insects and fruits, especially fond of bees and honey, and also feeds on coconut seedlings and vertebrates.
主要 分布 于 缅甸 、 马来半岛 、 苏门答腊 及 婆罗洲 等 地 , 寿命 一般来说 约 有 25 岁 。
Mainly distributed in Myanmar, the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, and Borneo, the average lifespan is about 25 years.