여름에 딱🌱 초간단 꾸안꾸 메이크업🍬같이 준비해요 ! feat.노아이라인 - YouTube
in summer|just right|super simple|effortless|makeup|together|we prepare|||
夏にぴったり🌱超簡単クアンクメイク🍬のように準備しましょう! feat.ノアイライン - YouTube
Perfect summer 🌱 super simple no-makeup makeup 🍬 let's get ready together! feat. No eyeliner - YouTube
안녕하세요 여러분.
Hello everyone.
저녁 약속이 있어가지고
dinner|appointment|I have
I have an evening appointment.
나가면서 이제 준비할 겸
while going out|now|preparing|as
So I'm getting ready as I go out.
한번 이렇게 겟레디를 찍어보려고 합니다.
once|like this|get ready|trying to shoot|
I am going to try to film a get ready with me.
겟레디를 정말 오랜만에 찍는 것 같거든요.
get ready|really|after a long time|filming|thing|seems
I think it's been a really long time since I filmed a get ready.
좀 어색해요.
a little|is awkward
It's a bit awkward.
보시면 아시곘지만
if you see|you will know
As you can see.
보라색 머리로 염색했어요.
I dyed my hair purple.
밑에는 약간 그레이고
The bottom is a bit gray.
위에가 퍼플이거든요?
above|is purple
The top is purple, you know?
지금 자연광이라 그런지 티가 잘 안 나는 것 같아요.
now|because of the natural light|perhaps|blemish|well|not|showing|thing|seems
I think it doesn't show well because it's natural light right now.
오늘은 메이크업을 아주아주 간단하게 할 거기 때문에
Today, I'm going to do my makeup very, very simply.
일단 렌즈를 먼저 껴줄게요.
first|the lens|first|I will put on
First, I'll put in my contact lenses.
이 렌즈를 가지고 왔는데
this|lens|with|I brought
I brought these lenses.
이 그래픽 직경이 그렇게 작지도 않고
The graphic diameter isn't that small.
뭔가 그레이 빛이 돌아가지고 한번 껴보려고 가지고 왔어요.
something|gray|light|is reflecting|once|trying to wear|bringing|I came
I brought this because it has a grayish hue and I wanted to try it on.
엄청나게 내추럴할 것 같은
It seems like it would be extremely natural.
그런 느낌이 나는데
that|feeling|I have
That's the kind of feeling it gives off.
보면은 또 엄청 티가 안 나는 그래픽은 아닌 것 같아요.
if you see|again|very|sign|not|noticeable|graphic|not|thing|seems
But when you look at it, it doesn't seem like it's a graphic that doesn't stand out at all.
are you okay
Is it okay?
제가 요즘 눈이 너무 약간 아파가지고
I|these days|my eye|very|slightly|is hurting
My eyes have been a bit painful lately.
원데이 아니면은 오래 못 끼고 있거든요?
one day|otherwise|long|cannot|wear|I can
I can't wear them for long unless they are daily disposables.
얘는 원데이로 나왔기도 하고
this one|as a one-day|came out|and
This one is also available as a daily disposable.
지금 꼈는데 아무 별 느낌 없는 거 보면은
now|wearing|any|special|feeling|not having|thing|if I see
I just put them on, and it feels like nothing special.
수분감이 많은 렌즈 같아.
It seems like a lens with a lot of moisture.
기초는 하고 왔기 때문에 바로 선크림을 발라줄 거예요.
the basic skincare|having done|I came|because|immediately|sunscreen|I will apply|will
Since I already did my skincare, I'm going to apply sunscreen right away.
사실 기초하면서 선크림도 발랐어야 됐거든요?
actually|while doing skincare|sunscreen|should have applied|you see
Actually, I should have applied sunscreen while doing my skincare, you know?
피부에 선크림을 먹여놓은 상태에서
on the skin|sunscreen|applied|in the state of
I had applied sunscreen on my skin.
베이스 메이크업을 해야
I needed to do the base makeup.
메이크업이 좀 잘 되가지고 그랬어야 됐는데
the makeup|a little|well|was done|should have been|been
The makeup should have turned out better.
머리 말리는데 시간이 너무 오래 걸려가지고.
It took too long to dry my hair.
이거는 구달 맑은 어성초 진정 수분 선크림.
this|Gudal|clear|houttuynia cordata|soothing|moisture|sunscreen
This is the Gudal Clear Centella Soothing Moisture Sunscreen.
제가 처음에 얘가 톤업 선인 줄 알고 사용했는데
I|at first|this|tone-up|product|line|knowing|I was using
At first, I thought it was a tone-up sunscreen and used it.
톤업이 되는 거는 잘 모르겠고
toning up|is|thing|well|I don't know
I'm not sure if it actually tones up.
정말 그냥 피부가 맑아지는 느낌?
really|just|skin|becoming clear|feeling
It really just gives a feeling of clearer skin?
그리고 보통 선크림 같은 거 잘못 바르면은
and|usually|sunscreen|like|thing|incorrectly|if you apply
And usually, if you apply sunscreen incorrectly,
눈이 진짜 시렵잖아요.
the snow|really|is cold
your eyes really feel cold.
저는 좀 선크림 아무거나 못 쓰는 편이거든요?
I|a little|sunscreen|any|cannot|use|am the type of
I tend to be picky about which sunscreen I use.
눈 시려우면은 선크림 바르자마자 딱 그게 티가 나서
eye|if it is cold|sunscreen|as soon as I apply|exactly|that|sign|showing
If my eyes feel cold, it's immediately noticeable as soon as I apply the sunscreen.
얘는 제가 테스트 겸 써보니까
this|I|test|for the purpose of|using
I tried this out for testing purposes.
아주 괜찮더라고요.
very|was okay
It's actually quite good.
데일리로 정말 많이 바르고 있어요.
daily|really|a lot|applying|I am
I use it a lot on a daily basis.
이렇게 두들두들하면서 발라줍니다.
like this|while tapping|I apply
I apply it like this, tapping it on.
컨실러를 먼저 해줄 건데
the concealer|first|will do|is
I will first apply the concealer.
컨실러는 페리페라 더블 롱웨어 커버 컨실러 내추럴 베이지.
the concealer|Peripera|double|long-wear|cover|concealer|natural|beige
The concealer is Peripera Double Longwear Cover Concealer in Natural Beige.
제가 이런 부분에 조금 가릴 게 있어서
I|this|part|a little|conceal|thing|is
I have some areas that I want to cover a bit.
이렇게 붉은 기는 또
like this|red|flag|again
This redness is also...
좀 한 톤 어두운 컬러를 사용을 해 줘야 잘 가려지거든요?
a little|one|tone|darker|color|using|you|should|well|be covered
You need to use a slightly darker color to cover it well, right?
그리고 다크서클.
and|dark circles
And the dark circles.
이렇게 해주고
like this|do
Do it like this.
이 컨실러가 약간
This concealer is a bit.
픽스가 한번 되면 그 뒤로 약간 변형이 안 되는?
the fix|once|becomes|that|afterwards|slightly|deformation|not|happening
Once it's fixed, it doesn't change much afterwards?
한번 코팅이 되는 듯한 그런 제형이어서
It seems to have a formulation that coats once.
너무 오래 방치를 해두면
too|long|neglected|if you leave it
If you leave it for too long,
오히려 피부 메이크업에서 경계가 지더라고요.
rather|skin|in makeup|boundary|is drawn
it actually creates a boundary in the skin makeup.
그래서 이거는 발라주고 그냥 이렇게 바로
so|this|apply|just|like this|directly
So you apply this and just like this right away.
펴가지고 이렇게 발라주는 게
spreading|like this|applying|thing
Spread it out like this and apply it.
더 내추럴하게 커버가 됩니다.
It covers more naturally.
그래서 차라리 이런
so|rather|this kind of
So rather this way.
이런 컨실러를 펴 바르고 남은 얼룩
Apply this concealer and cover the remaining stains.
이런 거는 이제 이 위에다가 파운데이션을 한번 덮으면 되는데
this|thing|now|this|on top of|foundation|once|if you apply|it will be fine
You can just put foundation over this.
한 톤을 그냥 붉은 기만 커버해 준다는 느낌으로.
Just to cover the redness with one tone.
그리고 이제 파운데이션은
And now for the foundation,
조르지오 아르마니 디자이너 리프트 스무딩 퍼밍 파운데이션
Giorgio Armani Designer Lift Smoothing Firming Foundation
1.75호를 발라줄 건데
175 size|will apply|to you
I'm going to apply shade 1.75.
이게 나온 지 꽤 됐거든요?
this|has come out|since|quite|has been
This has been out for quite a while, you know?
근데 제가 이거를 얼마 전에 처음 써봤는데
but|I|this|a little|ago|for the first time|tried using
But I just tried this for the first time not long ago.
이 파데가 진짜 너무 좋은 거예요.
This foundation is really so good.
약간 내 피부에 얹었을 때 다른 파운데이션 같은 경우는 좀
slightly|my|on skin|when applied|time|other|foundation|like|case|a bit
When I applied it on my skin, other foundations felt a bit
입자가 좀 두껍고
the particle|somewhat|is thick
thick in texture,
내 피부에 밀착이 착 안 되는 느낌이 있었거든요?
and I felt like they didn't adhere well to my skin.
사실 커버력이 그렇게 높지는 않아요.
actually|coverage|that|high|is not
In fact, the coverage isn't that high.
근데 진짜 내 피부에 약간 핏되는 느낌이
but|really|my|to skin|slightly|fitting|feeling
But it really feels like it fits my skin a bit.
정말 뭔가 편하고
It feels really comfortable.
안 바른 듯한 그런 느낌이 들거든요.
not|straight|like|that kind of|feeling|comes
It gives a feeling as if I haven't applied anything.
그래서 얘는 브러쉬로 바르면 뭔가 더 좋을 것 같지만
so|this one|with a brush|when applied|something|more|good|thing|seems
So I think it would be better to apply it with a brush.
저는 평소 바르던 대로 이렇게
I|usually|was applying|as|like this
But I usually apply it like this.
그러니까 이렇게 소량으로
so|like this|in small quantities
So I apply a small amount like this.
브러쉬로 펴듯이 이렇게 손으로 먼저 펴줍니다.
with a brush|as if spreading|like this|with my hand|first|I spread
I spread it out with my hands first, as if using a brush.
like this
Like this.
이거를 이제
Now this.
퍼프로 이렇게 밀착시켜주면
with the puff|like this|if you press closely
If you press it closely with a puff like this.
뭔가 내 피부 결 같은 느낌이야 진짜.
It really feels like my skin texture.
어때요? 이마 내 피부 같죠 진짜.
how is it|forehead|my|skin|looks like|really
How is it? It really looks like my skin.
여기 볼 쪽도
This side of the cheek too,
이렇게 브러쉬로 펴주듯이
like this|with a brush|spreading
apply it like this with a brush,
발라주고 퍼프로
applying|with a puff
and blend it with a puff.
이런 외곽 부분까지 너무 많이 발라버리면
this|outer|part|too|much|if you apply
If you apply too much to the outer areas,
쉐이딩할 때 좀 많이 뭉치거든요?
shading|when|a bit|a lot|clumps up
it tends to clump a lot when shading, right?
어? 구마야 이거 내 물이야!
Huh? Kuma, this is my water!
또 내 물 먹네.
again|my|water|is drinking
You're drinking my water again.
이거 보여줘야 돼.
this|should show|be
You have to show this.
구마야 구마야
Guma, guma.
sweet potato
Sweet potato!
이게 약간 내추럴한 메이크업을 할 때는
This is when you're doing a somewhat natural makeup.
확실히 피부부터 좀 깔끔해야
definitely|from the skin|a little|should be clean
The skin definitely needs to be clean first.
내추럴한 메이크업이 연출이 좀 잘 되는 것 같아.
natural|makeup|styling|a bit|well|working|thing|seems
It seems that natural makeup is easier to achieve.
피부가 진짜 깔끔하게 연출되면
skin|really|cleanly|is presented
When the skin is really cleanly presented,
색조를 어떤 걸 얹어도 정말 내추럴하거든요?
the color|any|thing|you put on|really|looks natural
any color applied will look truly natural, right?
그리고 제가 이 파데를 바르고 이제 많이 다녔잖아요.
and|I|this|foundation|wearing|now|a lot|have been out
And I've been wearing this foundation and going out a lot.
고정력도 너무 높아서
the fixation|too|is high
The staying power is really high.
마스크 같은 거에 좀 덜 묻어나는 편인 것 같았어요.
mask|like|to|a little|less|sticking|tendency|thing|seemed
It seemed to transfer less onto things like masks.
이거는 이 윗부분에 덜 가려진 이 붉은 기를
this|this|upper part|less|covered|this|red|flag
This one covers the redness on the upper part less.
이렇게 얹어주고 픽스 시켜주고 있다가
like this|putting on|fix|making it|while
I'm placing it like this and fixing it.
한 번에 펴 발라주겠습니다.
one|time|spread|will apply
I will apply it all at once.
이제 파우더를 할 건데
now|powder|will do|I am going to
Now, I'm going to use the powder.
파우더는 루나 프로 포토 피니셔 2호 블러 파우더.
the powder|Luna|pro|photo|finisher|shade 2|blur|powder
The powder is Luna Pro Photo Finisher No. 2 Blur Powder.
펄이 들어간 핑크 베이스의 파우더거든요?
It's a powder with a pink base that has pearl in it.
저는 펄 들어간 이런 파우더를 바르면
I|pearl|containing|this kind of|powder|when I apply
When I apply this kind of powder with pearl,
피부가 약간 떠 보이는 느낌이 있었는데
I used to feel like my skin looked a bit raised,
얘는 별로 그렇지 않더라고요.
this person|not really|like that|is
but this one doesn't really do that.
입자가 진짜 곱고
the particle|really|fine
The particles are really fine.
좀 부분 부분적으로 소량으로 좀 발라주면은
a little|part|partially|in small amounts|a little|if you apply
If you apply it in small amounts in certain areas,
피부 표현도 되게 내추럴하게 잘 되고 예쁜 것 같아.
the skin looks very natural and pretty.
저는 오늘 이 광을 가지고 가고 싶어서
I want to achieve this glow today.
이런 식으로
In this way,
눈 밑부분이랑
eye|under part
the area under the eyes and
얼굴 외곽만 눌러줄게요.
face|only the outer|I will press
only the outer part of the face will be pressed.
아 지금 머릿속에 약간 찍고 싶은 컨텐츠는 진짜 많거든요?
ah|now|in my head|slightly|shooting|want to|content|really|there are many
Oh, I actually have a lot of content I want to shoot in my head right now.
그 의지가 지금 부족해.
that|will|now|is lacking
That will is lacking right now.
그 너무 지금 찍고 싶은 게 많은데
that|very|right now|want to take|wanting|thing|many
There are so many things I want to shoot right now.
그래서 제 자신에게 너무 현타가 와요.
so|my|to myself|very|reality check|comes
So I'm feeling really disheartened.
'와 나 이렇게 많은 생각을 하고 있는데 왜 실행을 못 하지?' 이러면서
and|I|like this|many|thoughts|having|am|why|executing|not|do|while
I'm thinking, 'Wow, I'm having so many thoughts, but why can't I take action?'
어쨌든 이게 그리고 요철도 되게
anyway|this|and|the unevenness|very
Anyway, this really fills in the unevenness.
잘 메꿔주거든요?
well|fills in
It covers it very well, right?
이런 눈 밑에 요철 오돌토돌한 요철 이런 것도
These uneven bumps under the eyes,
한 번에 싹 커버가 됩니다.
one|at a time|completely|cover|becomes
can be completely covered in one go.
이제 여기 컨실러도
Now, here is the concealer.
힘을 빼고 두드려주고
Relax and tap it in.
이 파우더로 한번 살짝 눌러줘요.
this|with powder|once|lightly|press
Then, lightly press it with this powder.
이 위까지는 절대 올라오면 안 돼.
this|to the top|absolutely|if you come up|not|allowed
It must not go above this.
전 지금 이 애플존 이 광이 너무 예쁘거든요?
I|now|this|apple zone|this|light|very|is pretty
I'm really loving this Apple Zone, the shine is so pretty right now.
그리고 눈썹을 하기 전에 이제 윤곽을 좀 잡아줄 건데
and|eyebrow|doing|before|now|contour|a little|will shape|thing
And before doing my eyebrows, I'm going to define the contours a bit.
이 에뛰드 그림자 쉐딩 1호 재창조.
this|Etude|shadow|shading|number 1|recreation
This is Etude's Shadow Shading No. 1 Re-creation.
여기에 있는 컬러를 적절하게 섞어가지고
I'm going to mix the colors here appropriately.
저의 긴 코를 좀 짧아 보이게 만들어줄 거예요.
my|long|nose|a little|shorter|appear|will make|will
It will make my long nose look a bit shorter.
저같이 코가 얼굴에 비해 긴 편이신 분들은
like me|nose|face|compared to|long|is|people
For those who have a nose that is relatively long compared to their face like me,
이런 식으로 콧대를 너무 다 세워주는 것보다
instead of making the bridge of the nose too prominent,
이렇게 눈두덩이 위쪽에 이 삼각존 있죠.
like this|eyelid|above|this|triangular zone|is
there's this triangular area above the eyelids.
이 삼각존을 이렇게 채워서 음영을 주면서
this|triangular zone|like this|filling|shading|while giving
Fill this triangular zone like this to give it shading.
그러면 시선이 이제 이쪽으로 확 쏠리잖아요? 지금 당장은.
then|gaze|now|to this side|strongly|is focused|now|at this moment
Then the gaze will be drawn strongly to this side, right? Right now.
그러면서 이제 이 코끝에만 건드려주면
while||this|at the tip of the nose|if you just touch
And then if you just touch the tip of the nose,
코가 확 짧아 보여요.
the nose|definitely|short|looks
the nose looks significantly shorter.
끝에도 많이 쳐주고
at the end|a lot|hit
Hit a lot at the end.
이렇게 쳐주고
like this|hit
Hit it like this.
그리고 이렇게 삼각형 모양으로
and|like this|triangle|in shape
And do it in a triangular shape.
이렇게 해주면서 이쪽 부분은 약간 비워줘 놓는 거예요.
like this|while doing|this side|part|slightly|leaving empty|keeping|is
While doing this, leave this part slightly empty.
그러면 이쪽 부분 비워줘 놓으면
then|this side|part|leave empty|if you do
Then if you leave this part empty,
딱 보면은 이쪽이 조금 상대적으로 짧아 보이죠?
exactly|if you look|this side|a little|relatively|shorter|seems
it looks a bit relatively shorter on this side, right?
또 똑같이
again|the same
Again, I will do the same.
does for me
I will do it.
이렇게 해주고
like this|do
Do it like this.
이렇게 턱 끝에랑
like this|chin|at the end
Like this at the chin.
인중 부분
The philtrum area.
애교살 부분을
The aegyo-sal area.
도톰하게 만들어줄게요.
thick|I will make
I will make it thick.
오늘은 진짜
Today is really
아이메이크업 뭐 화려하고 이런 거보다
eye makeup|what|flashy|this|than
Instead of flashy eye makeup or anything like that
그냥 내 이목구비 자체를 조금 청순하게
just|my|facial features|itself|a little|innocently
I just want to make my features a little more innocent.
그런 메이크업으로
that|with makeup
With that kind of makeup,
좋아해주시더라고요 소중이들이.
they seem to like|precious ones
my precious ones seem to like it.
이렇게 해주면 얼굴이 확 짧아집니다.
like this|if you do|face|definitely|becomes shorter
Doing it this way makes the face look much shorter.
내추럴한 메이크업을 하는 거니까
It's a natural makeup look.
눈썹이 진짜 중요해요.
eyebrows|really|are important
Eyebrows are really important.
아리따움 매트포뮬라 아이브로우 펜슬 흑갈색.
Aritaum|Matte Formula|Eyebrow|Pencil|Dark Brown
Aritaum Matte Formula Eyebrow Pencil in Dark Brown.
이거. 이거를 써서 정말 손에 힘을 빼고
this|this|using|really|in my hand|strength|relaxing
This one. I'm going to use this and really relax my hand.
내 눈썹결을 살려주면서 그려줄 거예요.
my|eyebrow hair|while preserving|will draw|will be
I will draw while enhancing the natural shape of my eyebrows.
에보니 펜슬 같은 그런 펜슬이잖아요.
It's a pencil like an ebony pencil.
그래서 이런 펜슬은 약간 좀 묻어 나오는 것도 많고 이래서
so|this|pencil|slightly|a bit|smudging|coming out|thing|many|because of this
So this kind of pencil tends to smudge a bit.
쌩얼일 때 그리기에는 정말 좋지만
bare face|when|to draw|really|good but
It's really good for drawing when you have a bare face,
메이크업을 하고 나서 그렸을 때는
but when you draw after doing your makeup,
좀 양 조절이 좀 안 돼서
a little|amount|adjustment|a little|not|is possible
The amount is a bit hard to control.
숯검댕이 눈썹이 되는 경우가 있어요.
soot|eyebrow|becomes|case|there is
There are cases where it turns into charcoal-like eyebrows.
손에서 힘을 정말 빼줘야 돼요.
from the hand|strength|really|should release|be
You really need to relax your hands.
얘는 이렇게 눕혀가지고 일단
this one|like this|lying down|for now
You should lay it down like this first.
브러쉬로 채워주듯이
with a brush|as if filling in
Like filling in with a brush
내 앞부분부터
my|from the front
Starting from the front part of my work
이렇게 결을 일단 채워줍니다.
like this|grain|for now|fills in
I will first fill in the texture like this.
그냥 이렇게 색을 채워준다라는 느낌으로 먼저
just|like this|color|fills|with the feeling|first
Just with the feeling of filling in the color like this first.
while combing
While combing
이런 식으로
Like this
그리고 또 나머지 부분은 다른 거로 채우면 돼요.
and|also|remaining|part|other|with|fill|is fine
And then you can fill in the rest with something else.
like this
Like this
손에 힘을 빼고
in the hand|strength|release
Relax your hand.
눕혀서 이렇게 그려줍니다.
lying down|like this|I draw
Lay it down and draw like this.
베네피트 아이브로우 펜슬 3호.
Benefit|eyebrow|pencil|shade 3
Benefit Eyebrow Pencil No. 3.
얘가 심이 되게 얇거든요?
this|stem|very|is thin
This one has a very thin tip, you know?
눈썹의 디테일들을 조금 잡아주는 거예요.
of the eyebrow|details|a little|defining|is
It's about refining the details of the eyebrows.
컬러가 아까는 흑갈색이었잖아요?
the color|earlier|was dark brown
The color was dark brown earlier, right?
얘는 흑갈색이 아니라 약간 좀
this|black-brown|not|slightly|a little
This one is not dark brown, but rather a bit
브라운에 가까운 느낌이라
closer to a brown feel.
좀 이렇게 컬러를 중화시켜 주는 것도 되고
a little|like this|color|neutralizing|giving|also|is possible
This can also help to neutralize the color a bit.
이렇게 해주면 눈썹이 좀 자연스러워졌죠.
like this|if you do|eyebrow|a bit|became more natural
Doing this makes the eyebrows look a bit more natural.
이게 지금 햇빛 때문에 내 원래 눈썹이랑
this|now|sunlight|because of|my|original|eyebrow
Right now, because of the sunlight, my original eyebrows and
이 브로우 컬러가 안 섞여서
this brow color are not blending.
조금 도드라져 보이는데
a little|prominent|seems
It looks a bit prominent.
이 햇빛 없으면 진짜 자연스럽거든요?
Without this sunlight, it really looks natural, you know?
똑같이 이쪽도 그렇게 그려줄게요.
the same|this side|like that|I will draw for you
I'll draw this side the same way.
그리고 일단 메이크업 픽서를 뿌려주고
And first, I'll spray some makeup fixer.
아이 메이크업을 해줄게요.
eye|makeup|I will do
I will do your eye makeup.
투쿨포스쿨 아트클래스 피니쉬 세팅 픽서.
Too Cool For School|Art Class|Finish|Setting|Fixer
Too Cool For School Art Class Finish Setting Fixer.
이게 약간 침 뱉는 느낌이긴 하지만
It feels a bit like spitting.
그니까 분사력이 그렇게 좋지는 않거든요?
so|spray power|that|not good|is not
So the spray power isn't that great, you know?
근데 좀 가벼워가지고 가지고 다니기도 좀 편하고
but|a little|is light|carrying|to carry|a little|convenient
But it's a bit light, so it's convenient to carry around.
도 어느 정도 잘 되는 느낌이어서
It feels like it's working well to some extent.
이 마스크를 빨리 벗어야 내가 이런 걸 안 할 텐데
this|mask|quickly|take off|I|this kind of|thing|not|do|would
I need to take off this mask quickly, otherwise I won't be doing things like this.
원래 전 픽서를 안 쓰거든요 잘?
I usually don't use a fixer, you know?
마스크 때문에 픽서를 안 쓸 수가 없어.
mask|because of|fixer|not|use||there is not
I can't avoid using a fixer because of the mask.
like this
Like this
I dry it.
이제 아이 메이크업을 해줄 건데
now|child|makeup|will do|to
Now I'm going to do eye makeup.
아이 메이크업은 이 페리페라 올테이크 무드 테크닉 팔레트 쉘 위 체리.
eye|makeup|this|Peripera|All Take|Mood|Technique|palette|Shell|on|Cherry
The eye makeup will be done using the Peripera All Take Mood Technique Palette in Shell We Cherry.
그냥 뭐 한두 겹 정도로
just|what|one or two|layers|
I'll just do it with one or two layers.
음영만 주는 정도로만 할게요.
shadow|giving|to the extent|I will do
Just to give some shading.
이거 론썸하트
this|Lonesome Heart
This is Lonesome Heart.
이 컬러로
In this color.
눈두덩이 부분에
eyelid|on the part of
On the eyelid area.
like this
Like this
그리고 뭔가 제가 원래는
And something that I originally
겟레디를 정말 많이 찍었잖아요.
get ready|really|a lot|I filmed
I filmed Get Ready a lot.
근데 겟레디를 찍을 때 저는 항상
but|getting ready|when I take|time|I|always
But when I filmed Get Ready, I always
진짜 같이 준비를 하면서 오늘처럼 이렇게 찍었었던 건데
really|together|preparation|while|like today|like this|was taken|was
We really prepared together and took pictures like this today.
요즘 메이크업을 너무 안 하는 거예요 제가.
these days|makeup|too|not|doing|I am|
These days, I haven't been doing much makeup.
어디 나갈 일이 없으니까, 일밖에 안 하니까
where|going out|work|there is no|only work|not|doing
Since I have no reason to go out, I'm just working.
메이크업을 할 일이 없는 거예요.
makeup|to do|job|not having|is
So, I don't have any reason to do my makeup.
좀 넓은 브러쉬로
a little|wide|with a brush
With a slightly wider brush,
경계 한번 이렇게 쓸어서 경계를 없애줍니다.
boundary|once|like this|by sweeping|boundary|removes
I sweep along the edges like this to eliminate the boundaries.
그리고 똑같은 컬러로 눈 밑이랑 애교살 부분까지 이렇게 이어서
and|same|color|eye|under|aegyo-sal|part|like this|
And with the same color, I connect it to the area under the eyes and the aegyo-sal.
아련한 느낌도 나고
It gives a dreamy feeling.
좀 내 눈이
a little|my|eye
My eyes look a bit.
올망졸망해 보이는 그런 효과도 있어요.
looking small and cute|appearing|such|effect|exists
It also has a kind of effect that makes them look small and cute.
좀 트여 보이는 효과.
a little|open|appearing|effect
An effect that makes them look a bit more open.
인유어핑크 이 컬러로
in your pink|this|color
With this color, In Your Pink.
보면 이렇게
if you see|like this
If you look at it like this,
눈두덩이 전체를 한번 쓸어줄게요.
eyelid|entire|once|will sweep
I will sweep the entire eyelid.
이 쉘 위 체리가 약간 쿨핑크를 위한 그런 팔레트 같거든요?
this|shell|on|cherry|slightly|cool pink|for|such|palette|seems
This shell with the cherry seems to be a palette for a slightly cool pink, right?
제 생각에는 그냥 이 위에 있는 컬러들은
In my opinion, the colors on top of this are just
봄 컬러나 뮤트 컬러까지 다 쓸 수 있을 것 같아요.
I think you can use everything from spring colors to muted colors.
사실 이 밑에까지도
actually|this|down to
In fact, even down to this,
라이너로 쓰거나 뭐 하면은
as a liner|using|what|if
if you use it as a liner or something,
정말 스펙트럼 넓게 사용할 수 있을 것 같거든요?
really|spectrum|broadly|can use|possibility|be|thing|I think
I think you can really use it across a wide spectrum.
그리고 이제 제가 오늘 라이너를 안 그린다고 했으니까
And now that I said I won't draw the liner today,
여기에 있는 이 체리 컬러.
this cherry color here.
이게 퍼플리시다크 컬러거든요.
this|purplish dark|is the color
This is the Purplish Dark color.
이걸로 약간
with this|slightly
With this, a little bit.
눈을 조금 확장시켜주는 그런 효과만 줄게요.
the eyes|a little|that expands|such|effect only|I will give
I'll just give you a slight effect that expands the eyes a bit.
점막 부분을 톡톡 쳐가면서
mucous membrane|part|gently|tapping
Tap on the mucous membrane part.
약간 은은하게 눈이 확장되어 보이는 느낌으로
slightly|subtly|eyes|expanded|appearing|with a feeling of
With a slightly subtle feeling of the eyes appearing expanded.
속눈썹 모근을 건드려준다는 느낌으로 이렇게 쳐주면
eyelashes|of the hair root|touching|with the feeling|like this|if you do
If you tap like this, it feels like you're touching the roots of the eyelashes.
좀 내추럴하게 트임 효과가 있습니다.
a little|naturally|slit|effect|exists
It has a somewhat natural cut effect.
with this
With this.
like this
Like this.
브러쉬에 묻혀서 이 쌍꺼풀 라인 뒤쪽만
with the brush|dipped|this|double eyelid|line|only at the back
Dab it on the brush and only apply it to the back of the double eyelid line.
어색하지 않게 막아줄게요.
not awkward|in a way|I will block
I will block it so it doesn't feel awkward.
이렇게 하면 눈이 엄청 또렷해졌죠.
like this|if|eyes|very|became clear
Doing it this way makes the eyes very clear.
여기에다가 이제 펄을 해줄 건데
here|now|pearl|will give|is
Now I'm going to add some shimmer to this.
뷰러로 먼저 속눈썹을 먼저 집어줄게요.
with the eyelash curler|first|eyelashes|first|I will grab
First, I will curl the eyelashes with an eyelash curler.
지금 펄이 없어요.
now|pearl|is not present
I don't have any pearls right now.
펄을 가지고 와야 되는데
the pearl|bringing|must|be
I need to bring some pearls.
근데 펄 없어도 마스카라만 얹으면 딱 괜찮을 것 같은데?
but|glitter|without|just mascara|if you apply|just|fine|thing|seems
But I think it would be just fine if I just put on some mascara without the pearls?
제가 원래 예전에
I|originally|in the past
I used to...
뷰러를 할 만한
eyelash curler|to do|worth
There were no eyelashes worth curling.
이 집을 만한 속눈썹도 없었거든요?
this|house|comparable|eyelashes|didn't exist
But I found it really interesting.
근데 난 너무 신기한 거 있지.
but|I|very|interesting|thing|there is
Look at the eyelashes.
속눈썹 봐요.
eyelashes|I see
Look at my eyelashes.
이게 내 속눈썹이라니.
This is my eyelash.
진짜 대박이죠.
It's really amazing.
좀 내추럴하게 하기 위해서
a little|naturally|to make|in order to
To make it a bit more natural,
에뛰드 래쉬펌 컬 픽스 마스카라 롱앤컬 블랙.
Etude|lash perm|curl|fix|mascara|long & curl|black
Etude Lash Perm Curl Fix Mascara Long & Curl Black.
이거를 사용해 줄게요.
this|use|I will
I will use this.
얘가 약간 가닥가닥 진짜 내 속눈썹처럼 표현이 돼요.
this|slightly|in strands|really|my|like eyelashes|expression|is
It expresses like my real eyelashes, a bit strand by strand.
이 반대쪽도 같이 해줄게요.
this|opposite side|together|I will do
I will do the same on this side.
이런 식으로.
Like this.
그리고 눈 아래에도
And also under the eyes.
아리따움 치크 블러셔 1호 필터베이지.
Aritaum|cheek|blusher|No 1|Filter Beige
Aritaum Cheek Blusher No. 1 Filter Beige.
이걸 사용해 주겠습니다.
this|will use|I will give
I will use this.
얘가 정말 휘뚜루마뚜루에요.
this guy|really|is carefree
This one is really versatile.
얘는 진짜 이거 하나 가지고 다니면
this guy|really|this|one|carrying|around
This one really goes well with any makeup if you carry just this.
어떤 메이크업에 얹어도 다 잘 어울리거든요?
any|makeup|you put on|all|well|suits
And it gives a feeling of filling in some skin texture.
그리고 약간 피부 요철을 좀 메꿔주는 느낌이 들어서
and|slightly|skin|unevenness|a little|filling|feeling|comes
So when you use it as a blush,
블러셔로 이제 딱 썼을 때
with the blush|now|perfectly|applied|time
so when you use it as a blusher
내 피부 자체가 좀 보송보송해지는?
my|skin|itself|a little|becoming smooth
Does my skin itself become a bit more smooth?
저는 볼 중앙에다가 이렇게 얹을게요.
I|ball|in the center|like this|will place
I will apply it right in the center of my cheek.
얹으면 이런 식으로
if you put on|this|in this way
When I apply it, it looks like this.
톤도 너무 예뻐.
The tone is also very pretty.
나는 블러셔 중에서 솔직히 지금
I|blush|among|honestly|right now
Honestly, among blushes right now,
이 블러셔가 정말 좋거든요.
this|blush|really|is good
this blush is really good.
요즘에 진짜 많이 써요.
these days|really|a lot|I use
I've been using it a lot these days.
피부 이 발색도 진짜 잘 되고 밀착도 진짜 잘 되고
The pigmentation on the skin is really good and it adheres really well.
그리고 뭔가 그냥 제 개인적인 생각에
And just in my personal opinion,
이런 톤의 블러셔를 쓰면
this|tone|blush|if you use
if you use a blush in this tone,
이제 뭐 제가 피부 커버를 하다가
now, when I'm covering my skin,
커버가 안 된 부분이 있잖아요.
the cover|not|covered|part|is
there are parts that aren't covered.
근데 그런 부분들에 잘못 블러셔를 얹으면
but|such|parts|incorrectly|blush|if you apply
But if you apply blush incorrectly on those areas,
좀 피부 이런 트러블이 더 부각
a little|skin|this|trouble|more|prominent
it can sometimes accentuate skin troubles.
되어 보일 때가 있거든요.
There are times when it looks more pronounced.
근데 얘는 오히려 그런 것들을
but|this kid|rather|those|things
But this one actually helps with those issues.
좀 더 뭔가 중화를 시켜주는 그런 느낌.
a little|more|something|neutralizing|giving|that kind of|feeling
A feeling that balances things out a bit more.
그리고 글린트 하이라이터 듀이문.
And the Glint highlighter Dewy Moon.
코끝에다 하면은 코끝이 좀 길어 보이니까
at the tip of the nose|if you do|the tip of the nose|a little|longer|appears
If you apply it to the tip of the nose, it makes the tip look a bit longer.
이 콧대에다가 하겠습니다.
this|on the nose|I will do
I will do it on this bridge of the nose.
이렇게 해주고
like this|do
Do it like this.
텁텁해 보이는 부분 있죠.
There are parts that look dull.
이런 부분.
Like these parts.
와 이건 미쳤다 이거는 진짜.
wow|this|is crazy|this one|really
Wow, this is insane, this is really.
듀이문은 진짜 역대급인 것 같아.
Dewey Decimal System|really|unprecedented|thing|seems
Dewey Moon seems to be truly legendary.
이렇게 하고
like this|and
Doing it like this,
턱 부분도
jaw|part also
the chin part too.
이 눈 밑에도 있죠.
It's also under the eyes.
눈 밑에도 약간
There's a bit under the eyes too.
얘가 살이 차올라 보이게
this guy|fat|swelling|appears
This makes it look like there's some fat accumulated.
이 부분.
This part.
이 부분에도 해주고
Do this part too.
이 부분을 조금 차올라 보이게 하면
this|part|a little|raised|looking|if
If you make this part look a little raised,
좀 이런 식으로 입체감이 좀 중앙 쪽으로 이렇게 쏠려요.
a little|this|way|three-dimensionality|a little|central|towards|like this|is concentrated
it creates a sense of three-dimensionality that is somewhat focused towards the center.
투쿨포스쿨 아트클래스 프로타주 펜슬 7호 뮤티드 토프.
Too Cool For School|Art Class|Protage|Pencil|No 7|Muted|Taupe
Too Cool For School Art Class Protage Pencil No. 7 Muted Taupe.
이걸로 애교살을 좀 강조를 해줄게요.
with this|aegyo-sal|a little|emphasize|I will
I'll use this to emphasize the aegyo-sal a bit.
이게 나온 지 얼마 안 됐는데
this|has come out|since|how long|not|has been
This just came out not long ago.
엄청 유명하더라고요.
very|is famous
It's really famous.
이런 식으로 정말 자연스럽게
In this way, it's really natural.
애교살을 밝혀주는.
the aegyo sal|that brightens
Brightens the aegyo-sal.
그리고 펄도 그렇게 과하지는 않은 것 같아요.
and|the pearl|that|excessive|not|thing|seems
And the shimmer doesn't seem too excessive.
like this
Like this.
방금 생각난 건데
just now|thought of|thing
I just thought of this.
얘로 약간 이 입술 이 외곽 부분을
I think it would be nice to use this to slightly define the outer part of the lips.
베이스로 좀 잡아주면 예쁠 것 같아요.
as a base|a little|if you set|pretty|thing|seems
If we set this as a base, it would look pretty.
전체 다는 아니고 이 아랫부분이랑
whole|is|not|this|lower part
Not the whole thing, just the bottom part and
이 윗부분
this|upper part
the top part.
이런 느낌으로 잡아주면
this|feeling|if you hold
If you hold it like this,
입술이 엄청 도톰해 보이죠.
the lips look really plump.
여러분 그리고 제가 이제 입술을 할 건데
you all|and|I|now|lips|will do|thing
Everyone, and now I'm going to do my lips,
미리 사과의 말씀을 드릴게요.
in advance|of apology|words|I will give
I want to apologize in advance.
입술 각질 제거를 또 안 했어요.
lips|dead skin|removal|again|not|did
I haven't exfoliated my lips again.
제가 각질 제거를 안 했기 때문에
I|dead skin|exfoliation|not|did|because
Because I haven't done exfoliation,
좀 이 각질 보완을 좀 해줄 수 있는
a little|this|dead skin|to improve|a little|can|possibility|be
I need to use a
그런 립을 사용해야 되거든요?
that|lip|should use|you see
lip product that can help with this exfoliation.
이 에뛰드 픽싱틴트 아날로그 로즈.
this|Etude|fixing tint|analog|rose
This Etude Fixing Tint in Analog Rose.
이게 컬러도 진짜 예뻐요.
The color is really pretty.
제 픽이에요 딱.
It's my pick, just right.
너무 쨍하지도 않고
It's not too bright.
웜이나 쿨에 치우쳐지지 않은
Not leaning towards warm or cool.
딱 그런 로즈 빛인데
It's just that kind of rose color.
지속력이 대박이에요.
endurance|is amazing
The lasting power is amazing.
이게 그냥 이렇게 바르면 안 되고
this|just|like this|if you apply|not|is okay
You can't just apply it like this.
이거를 이렇게 발라주고
this|like this|apply
Apply this like this.
브러쉬로 한번 경계를 펴주고
with a brush|once|boundary|spread out
Use a brush to blend the edges.
이 위에다가 한 겹 더 얹어줄게요.
this|on top|one|layer|more|I will place
I'll add another layer on top of this.
브러쉬로 펴 발라주면서 확실하게
with a brush|spread|while applying|surely
Make sure to apply it evenly with the brush.
밀착을 해주면 픽싱이 진짜 대박이에요.
the attachment|if you do|fixing|really|amazing
If you apply it closely, the fixing is really amazing.
애교살에 썼던 이 펜슬로 한번 다시
on the aegyo-sal|that I used|this|with pencil|once|again
I'll use this pencil that I used for the aegyo sal again.
입술 외곽을 잡아줄게요.
lips|outer|I will hold
I'll define the outline of the lips.
이게 뭔가 펄감도 있고
This has some shimmer in it.
베이지 빛도 돌아가지고
beige|light|is turning
The beige color is also coming back.
이렇게 입술 볼륨을 조금 세워주는데 좋은 것 같아요.
like this|lips|volume|a little|to raise|good|thing|seems
I think it's good for giving a little volume to the lips.
그리고 제가 깜빡한 게 있는데
And there's something I forgot.
턱 쉐딩을 안 했더라고요.
I didn't do the jaw shading.
턱 쉐딩을 해줄게요.
chin|shading|I will do
I will do jaw shading.
아까 썼던 이 에뛰드 그림자 쉐딩 1호 재창조.
earlier|I wrote|this|Etude|shadow|shading|number 1|recreation
Recreating the Etude shadow shading No. 1 that I used earlier.
이거를 두 가지 컬러를 섞어가지고
I will mix these two colors.
턱 외곽 부분을
The outer part of the jaw.
콩콩 찍어주면서 발라줍니다.
'bouncing'|'while tapping'|'applies'
Dab it on while tapping.
이렇게 쳐주면
like this|if you hit
If you do it like this,
그래도 이쪽이랑 이쪽이랑 좀 차이가 있죠.
still|this side|this side|a little|difference|is
there is still a bit of a difference between this side and that side.
이게 블러셔만 딱 되어있으니까
this|only blush|exactly|is
This is just the blush applied.
너무너무 어색해서
very very|awkward
It was so awkward.
어쩐지 이게 왜 어색하지 했는데
no wonder|this|why|is awkward|was
I was wondering why this felt so awkward.
쉐딩을 안 했었네.
I hadn't done any shading.
정면에서 봤을 때
from the front|saw|when
When viewed from the front.
저는 이 아래턱을 치고 싶으니까
I|this|lower jaw|hit|want to
I want to hit this lower jaw.
이렇게 해주면
like this|if you do
If you do it like this,
it's done!
이렇게 머리까지 다 하고 왔는데
like this|to my hair|all|doing|I came
I came all the way here with my hair done like this.
슬랙스에 격식을 갖춘 그런 옷을 입으려고 했는데
in slacks|formal|appropriate|such|clothes|to wear|was
I was trying to wear something formal like slacks.
너무너무 심심해 보이고
very very|bored|looks
But it looks so boring.
제가 약간 체형 자체가
I|slightly|body shape|itself
I have a bit of a body shape.
이 상체를 드러내야 하는 체형이잖아요?
this|upper body|should reveal|that|body type
This is a body type that needs to show off the upper body, right?
그냥 이런 가디건 하나 이렇게 걸치려고요.
just|this|cardigan|one|like this|I am going to wear
I'm just going to throw on a cardigan like this.
이렇게 하고 가방은 이거를 들고 갈 거예요.
like this|and|bag|this|carrying|will go|I will
I'm going to do this and carry this bag.
EOW 가방인데
EOW|is a bag
It's an EOW bag.
새로 나오자마자 얘는 구매를 했었거든요?
new|as soon as it came out|this one|purchase|I had
As soon as it came out, I bought this.
이게 작아 보이지만 이 안에 휘뚜루마뚜루 정말
It looks small, but inside it really can hold a lot.
뭘 넣고 다니기가 좋아요.
what|to put|carrying|is good
It's great for carrying things around.
이 뒤에도 보면은
this|behind|if you look
If you look at the back as well,
카드 케이스 같은 게 내장이 되어 있어서
It has a built-in card case.
사실은 지갑을 안 들고 다녀도 될 정도인데
actually|wallet|not|carrying|around|be|to the extent
In fact, you could go without carrying a wallet.
저는 지갑도 따로 그냥 넣고
But I still just put my wallet in separately.
엄청 잘 쓰고 있는 쿠션.
I'm using this cushion really well.
아까 썼던 아이브로우랑
earlier|I used|eyebrow
The eyebrow pencil I used earlier,
the lip product,
이렇게만 챙겨줄게요.
like this|I will take care of you
I'll just pack these.
전체샷을 보여주고 싶은데
the full shot|I want to show|I want to
I want to show a full shot but
어떻게 보여드려야 되지?
how|should I show|be
How should I show it to you?
like this
Like this?
그러면 저는 나가보도록 하겠습니다.
then|I|will go out|will
Then I will go out.
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