[KOR/ENG SUB]오디오북ㅣ나는 나로 살기로 했다_김수현ㅣ잠잘때듣는이야기ㅣ책읽어주는라디오ㅣ책읽어주는남자ㅣ위로ㅣ보통의존재ㅣ애쓰지않고
||||as myself|decided to live|live|
[KOR/ENG SUB] Аудиокнига Я решил жить как я_Ким Су Хён РапамСпящий рассказ и читающий радио и читающий человек Поющий человек без нормального существования
[KOR/ENG SUB]SesliKitaplarBen olarak yaşamaya karar verdim_KimSuHyunRabbitSleepingTalkingRadioAndListeningRadioAndListeningMenLingWithoutTypicalExistence
[KOR/ENG SUB] Audiobook | I Decided to Live as Myself_ Kim Soo-hyun | Stories to Listen to While Sleeping | Radio Reading Books | The Man Who Reads Books | Comfort | Ordinary Existence | Without Struggling
안녕하세요. 레오의 책 읽는 밤 레오입니다.
hello|Leo's|book|reading|night|I am Leo
Hello. This is Leo from Leo's Book Reading Night.
2021년 해가 바뀌면서 나이는 한 살 먹었는데
2021|year|changing|age|one|year|I got older
As the year changed in 2021, I turned a year older,
전보다 나아진 것이 없다고 느껴진다면
than before|improved|thing|not|if you feel
but if you feel like nothing has improved compared to before,
오늘 제가 가지고 온 책을 소개해 드리고 싶어요.
today|I|with|brought|book|introduce|to you|want
Today, I would like to introduce the book I brought.
김수현 저자의 '나로 살기로 했다'입니다. 이 책에서는 저자가 느끼는 냉담한 현실에서
Kim Soo-hyun|author's|as myself|to live||this|in the book|the author|feeling|indifferent|in reality
It is 'I Decided to Live as Myself' by Kim Soo-hyun. In this book, the author talks about a to-do list for adult life in the cold reality they feel.
어른살이를 위한 to do list를 말하고
adult life|for||||tell
The term 'adult life' here refers to...
있는데요 여기에서 어른살이라고 하는 것은
there is|here|called adult|doing|thing
아마 어른답게 살아가는 방법을 말하는 것 같아요.
maybe|like an adult|living|way|talking|thing|seems
It seems to be talking about how to live like an adult.
제가 지금 들고 있는 책은 100쇄 기념 스페셜 에디션인데요.
I|now|holding|that is|book|100th printing|commemorative|special|edition
The book I am currently holding is a special edition for the 100th printing.
아마 뒤에 독자들의 평이 더 추가 되어 있는 버전인 것 같아요.
probably|behind|of the readers|reviews|more|additional|being|existing|version|thing|seems
It seems to be a version that has more reader reviews added at the back.
이만큼 베스트셀러 작품인데요.
this much|bestseller|is a work
It is quite a bestseller.
평범하지만 아름다운 우리 보통의 존재들을 위하여
For our ordinary yet beautiful existence.
우리는 어떻게 해야 누구도 부러워 하지 않으면서
How can we learn to acknowledge and love ourselves without envying anyone?
나를 인정하고 사랑하는 방법을 알게 될까요.
me|recognizing|loving|way|will know|be
I will look for that method while reading this book.
이 책을 읽으면서 그 방법을 찾아 볼게요.
this|book|while reading|that|method|find|I will
'인생에 숫자를 지울 것' 입니다.
in life|numbers|erase|thing|
"It is to erase numbers from life."
소제목부터 확 와 닿지 않으세요 인생에서 숫자를 지워야 된다.
from the subtitle|definitely|comes|to touch|don't|in life|numbers|should erase|be
Doesn't the subtitle resonate with you? We need to erase numbers from our lives.
우리는 참 숫자에 민감하죠. 나이가 어떻게 되세요 이렇게 질문
we|really|to numbers|are sensitive|age|how|are you||
We are really sensitive to numbers. There are people who ask, "How old are you?"
하는 사람도 있구요. 자 읽어보겠습니다.
doing|person|there is|now|I will read
Now, let me read on.
인터넷에서 떠돌았던 나라별 중산층의 기준이다.
on the internet|that was circulating|by country|middle class|standard
This is the standard for the middle class by country that has circulated on the internet.
먼저 영국인데요. 옥스퍼드대에서 제시한 중산층의 조건. 영국.
first|is the UK|from Oxford University|presented|middle class|conditions|UK
First, let's look at the UK. The conditions for the middle class presented by Oxford University.
페어플레이를 할 것 자신의 주장과 신념을 가질 것
fair play|will|thing|one's own|argument|belief|have|thing
To play fair, to have one's own claims and beliefs.
나만의 독선을 지니지 말 것 약자를 두둔하고 강자에 대응할 것
my own|dogmatism|possess|do not|thing|the weak|defend|against the strong|respond|thing
Not to hold onto one's own dogma, to support the weak and stand up to the strong.
불의 평등 불법에 의연히 대처할 것
injustice|equality|to the illegal|calmly|respond|thing
We will respond calmly to the equality of fire and the law.
네 영국 부분을 읽어보니까 좀 추상적 이긴 같긴 한데.. 음 뭐랄까요. 조금
yes|UK|part|when I read|a bit|abstract|is|seems|but|um|how should I put this|a little
I read your part about England, and it seems a bit abstract... um, how should I put it? A little
멋있는 것 같아요. 자 다음 볼게요. 다음은 프랑스인데요.
cool|thing|seems|now|next|I will see||it is France
cool, I think. Now let's move on. Next is France.
퐁피두 대통령이 '삶의 질'에서 정한 중산층의 기준이라고 합니다.
Pompidou|president|'quality of life'|in terms of|defined|middle class|standard|
It is said that President Pompidou defined the criteria for the middle class in terms of 'quality of life'.
외국어를 하나 정도 구사하여 폭넓은 세계 경험을 갖출 것
foreign language|one|to some extent|to be able to speak|broad|world|experience|to have|thing
Be able to speak at least one foreign language to have a broad world experience.
한 가지 이상의 스포츠를 즐기거나 하나 이상의 악기를 다룰 것
one|thing|more than|sport|enjoy|one||instrument|play|thing
Enjoy at least one sport or play at least one musical instrument.
남들과 다른 맛을 낼 수 있는 별미 하나 정도는 만들어 손님을 대접할 것
with others|different|taste|create|possibility|that can|delicacy|one|at least|make|to the guests|serve|thing
Create at least one unique dish that has a different taste to serve guests.
사회 봉사단체에 참여하여 활동할 것
society|to the volunteer organization|participating|will be active|thing
Participate in a social service organization and be active.
남의 아이를 내 아이처럼 꾸짖을 수 있을 것
someone else's|child|my|like my own|scold|possibility|be|thing
I can scold someone else's child as if they were my own.
굉장히 세 번째 부분이 인상적인데요. 남들과 다른 맛을 낼 수 있는
very|||part|is impressive|with others|different|taste|to produce|possibility|being
The third part is very impressive. You can create a unique flavor that is different from others.
별미 하나 정도는 만들어서 손님을 대접한다. 음.. 요리에 약한 저로서는
special dish|one|to the extent|making|to the guest|I serve|hmm|in cooking|weak|for me
I can make at least one special dish to serve to guests. Hmm... as someone who is weak in cooking,
굉장히 갑자기 배워보고 싶다는 느낌이 드네요.
very|suddenly|trying to learn|wanting to|feeling|comes
I suddenly feel like I want to learn.
자 다음 드디어 대한민국입니다. 연봉 정보 사이트 직장인 대상 설문
now|next|finally|is South Korea|annual salary|information|site|office worker|target|survey
Now, finally, it's South Korea. This is the result from a salary information site survey targeting office workers.
에서 나온 결과라고 하는데요. 좀 깜짝 놀라실 거예요.
from|coming|result|is|a bit|surprised|you will be|be
You might be a bit surprised.
부채 없는 아파트 평수 30평 월 급여 500만 원 이상
debt|without|apartment|area|30 pyeong|monthly|salary|5 million|won|or more
A debt-free apartment of 30 pyeong with a monthly salary of over 5 million won.
자동차는 2000cc급 중형차 예금액 잔고 1억 원 이상
the car|2000cc class|mid-size car|deposit amount|balance|100 million|won|or more
A car of 2000cc class mid-size and a bank balance of over 100 million won.
해외여행은 1년에 몇 번
overseas travel|per year||
How many times do you travel abroad in a year?
정말 숨 막히는 리스트인 것 같아요.
It seems like a really breathtaking list.
영국 프랑스와 비교했을 때 우리나라 기준에 빠짐없이 등장하는 것.
England|with France|compared||our country|standard|without exception|appearing|thing
When compared to the UK and France, it appears without fail according to our country's standards.
그건 바로 숫자다.
that|exactly|is a number
That is precisely the number.
한번은 인터넷 서핑을 하다 나의 결혼 가능 점수를 알려준다는
once|internet|surfing|while|my|marriage|possible|score|that tells
Once, while surfing the internet, I came across a banner ad that claimed to tell me my marriage potential score.
배너 광고를 본 적이 있다. 사주 사이트인가 했는데 그건 결혼정보회사
banner|advertisement|seen|experience|there is|fortune-telling|site|I thought|that is|marriage information company
I thought it was a fortune-telling site, but it turned out to be a marriage information company.
사이트였다. 나이 키 몸무게 자산 액수 연봉
was the site|age|height|weight|assets|amount|annual salary
After entering numerous numbers such as age, height, weight, assets, and annual salary,
등 수많은 숫자를 입력하고 나면 소고기처럼 등급을 매겨 나의 결혼
the|numerous|numbers|inputting|when|like beef|grade|assigning|my|marriage
it rated me like beef, giving me a score for my marriage potential.
가능 점수도 알려준다는 거였다.
possible|score|that informs|was
It was said that they would also inform us of the possible scores.
이게 진정한 의미의 한국형 알파 고가 아닐까 싶었다.
I thought this might be the true meaning of a Korean-style AlphaGo.
소고기 등급처럼 매긴다는 저자의 풍자가 굉장히 와 닿습니다.
beef|like a grade|that is given|of the author|satire|very|to|resonates
The author's satire about grading like beef quality really resonates.
우리는 무엇이든 숫자로 책정하는 것을 너무 좋아한 나머지
we|anything|in numbers|pricing|thing|too|liked|to the extent that
We love to quantify everything so much.
나 자신의 값어치를 매기는 일도 자연스럽게 받아들인다.
I naturally accept the act of valuing my own worth.
그렇게 세워진 숫자의 삶 속에서 개인은 이력서에 쓸 숫자들을 위해
like that|established|of the number|life|within|individual|on the resume|to write|numbers|for
In a life defined by such numbers, individuals strive for the numbers to put on their resumes,
분투하고 집의 평수로 관계에 금을 긋고
struggling|of the house|in terms of area|in the relationship|line|drawing
drawing lines in relationships based on the size of their homes,
파업이나 집회가 있으면 어떤 가치 의 충돌인지가 아니라
and when there are strikes or protests, it's not about what value is in conflict.
얼마의 돈을 손해보고 있는지를 헤드라인으로 읽는다.
how much|money|losing|is|as a headline|reads
Reads the headline of how much money is being lost.
그야말로 가치는 잊은 채 서로의 값어치만 묻는 숫자의 삶이다.
truly|value|forgotten|while|each other's|worth|asking|numerical|life
Indeed, it is a life of numbers that only asks about each other's worth while forgetting the value.
그런데 숫자라는 건 언제나 비교하기 쉽고 서열을 매기기
However, numbers have the characteristic of being easy to compare and rank.
용이하다는 특징이 있다. 예를 들어 세모와 동그라미를 비교하여
is easy|characteristic|exists|for example|in|triangle|circle|by comparing
For example, comparing a triangle and a circle.
서열을 매길 수는 없지만 1과 2를 비교하여 서열을 매기는건
the order|can be ranked|possibility|not|1|2|by comparing|the order|ranking
While we cannot rank them, comparing 1 and 2 to establish a ranking is something
누구나 할 수 있다. 결국 숫자의 삶이란
anyone|can|possibility|exist|ultimately|of numbers|life
anyone can do. Ultimately, the life of numbers is
쉴 새 없이 비교되며 서열이 매겨지는 삶인 것이다.
resting|new|without|being compared|hierarchy|being assigned|life|is
a life that is constantly compared and ranked.
그 안에서 우리는 낮은 값어치가 매겨질까 안절부절
that|inside|we|low|value|will be assigned|restless
Within that, we are anxious about whether we will be assigned a low value.
못하고 자신의 위치와 서열을 끊임없이
unable to|one's own|position and|hierarchy|constantly
Unable to do so, they constantly check their position and rank.
I confirm
Then, can everything in life be measured in numbers?
그렇다면 삶의 모든 것을 숫자로 측정할 수 있을까
then|of life|all|things|in numbers|measure|possibility|is there
IQ cannot measure wisdom, and the number of friends does not prove the depth of relationships.
아이큐가 지혜를 측정할 수 없고 친구의 숫자가 관계의 깊이를 증명
IQ|wisdom|measuring|ability|not|of friends|number|relationship|depth|proving
할 수 없으며 집의 평수가 가족의 화목함을 보장
can|possibility|not|of the house|area|of the family|harmony|guarantees
cannot guarantee the harmony of a family based on the size of the house.
할 수 없고 연봉이 그 사람의 인격을 대변할
cannot represent a person's character based on their salary.
수는 없다. 진정한 가치는 숫자로 측정되지
number|does not exist|true|value|by number|measured
True value cannot be measured by numbers.
않는다. 그러니 만약 당신이 우월한 존재가 아닌
does not|so|if|you|superior|being|not
So if you are not a superior being,
비교할 수 없는 존재가 되고 싶다면
incomparable|to|not|existence|become|if you want
If you want to become an incomparable existence,
가장 먼저 삶에서 숫자를 지워야 할 것이다.
the most|first|in life|numbers|should erase|must|be
you must first erase numbers from your life.
삶의 가장 중요한 것은 숫자가 담을 수 없는 것들에 있다.
life|most|important|thing|numbers|can hold|possibility|not|in things|exists
The most important things in life are those that cannot be contained by numbers.
어느 날 문득 나 자신이 초라하고 무력하게 느껴졌다.
One day, I suddenly felt shabby and powerless.
애매한 나이에 애매한 경력과 애매한 실력.
ambiguous|at age|ambiguous|career|ambiguous|skill
An ambiguous age with ambiguous experience and ambiguous skills.
나는 제대로 갖춘 것도 보장된 것도 없는 애매한 사람이었다.
I|properly|equipped|thing|guaranteed|thing|not having|ambiguous|was person
I was an ambiguous person with nothing properly equipped or guaranteed.
어쩌다 이렇게 애매한 어른으로 자라버렸을까.
how did|like this|ambiguous|as an adult|have I grown up
How did I end up growing up as such an ambiguous adult?
그때 나는 내가 뭘 잘못했을까 생각했다.
at that time|I|I|what|did wrong|thought
At that time, I thought about what I might have done wrong.
전공 선택을 잘못했던 걸까? 대학교 때 조금 더 열심히 하지
major|choice|was wrong|was it|university|when|a little|more|diligently|should have
Did I make a mistake in choosing my major? I should have worked a little harder in college.
않은 게 잘못이었을까?
not|thing|was it wrong
Was it wrong that I didn't?
일하며 더 버티지 못한 게 잘못 이었을까?
working|more|enduring|unable to|thing|wrong|was
Was it wrong that I couldn't endure more while working?
그런데 아무리 생각해도 나는 잘못이 없었다.
but|no matter how|I think|I|wrong|was not
But no matter how much I think about it, I did nothing wrong.
물론 내 인생에는 약간의 실수와 방황과 오류가 있었지만
of course|my|in life|some|mistakes|wandering|errors|there were
Of course, there have been some mistakes, wanderings, and errors in my life,
그건 삶에 있을 수 있는 시행착오가 아닌가.
that|in life|possible|possibility|being|trial and error|not
but aren't those the trial and error that can happen in life?
나는 학창 시절 선생님 말에 이유가 궁금했듯이
I|school|days|teacher|words|reason|was curious
Just as I was curious about the reasons behind my teachers' words during my school days,
아무 잘못 없는 개인이 왜 초라함을 느껴야 하는지 알고 싶었다.
any|wrong|not having|individual|why|humility|should feel|in regard to|knowing|wanted
I wanted to know why an innocent individual has to feel so miserable.
그때의 나는 많은 책을 읽었는데 취미의 책 읽기가 아니라 정말 궁금해서 읽었다.
at that time|I|many|books|was reading|for leisure|book|reading|not|really|out of curiosity|I read
At that time, I read many books, not as a hobby, but because I was truly curious.
나는 왜 초라해졌는가에 대하여 나는 왜 부족한가에 대하여
I|why|became shabby|about|||lacking|
About why I became so shabby, about why I am lacking.
나는 왜 아무것도 아닌가에 대하여
I|why|nothing|about being|regarding
About why I am nothing.
저자가 이렇게 많은 책을 읽었던 것을 통해서 우리가 그 생각을
the author|like this|many|books|had read|thing|through|we|that|thought
Through the fact that the author read so many books, we can think about that.
전달받을 수 있을 것 같아요.
receiving|possibility|will be|thing|seems
I think I will be able to receive it.
보통의 존재로 충분히 행복할 것
ordinary|as an existence|sufficiently|happy|thing
Being an ordinary being is enough to be happy.
어린 시절 차를 타면 언제나 해가 나를 따라온다고 생각했다.
young|childhood|car|when I ride|always|sun|me|follows|I thought
When I was a child, I always thought that the sun followed me when I was in a car.
그리고 언젠가 세일러문 정도의 마법소녀가 될 수 있지 않을까 기대했다.
and|someday|Sailor Moon|of the level|magical girl|become|possibility|be|not|I hoped
And I hoped that someday I could become a magical girl like Sailor Moon.
물론 성인이 되어서도 이런 생각을 계속 한다면 중증의 과대망상 판정을 받기 딱
of course|adult|even after becoming|this|thought|continuously|if|severe|delusion|diagnosis|receiving|exactly
Of course, if you continue to have such thoughts even after becoming an adult, it would be just right to receive a diagnosis of severe delusions.
좋을 것이다. 그래도 나이를 먹으면
good|will be|still|age|when
Still, as you grow older,
악의 무리로부터 세상을 구하는 영웅은 아닐지라도
of evil|from the group|world|saving|hero|even if not
even if you are not a hero saving the world from evil forces,
어딘가 특별한 어른이 되어있을 것만 같았다.
somewhere|special|adult|will be|only|seemed
I felt like I would somehow become a special adult.
하지만 현실의 나는 평범한 어른 으로 자라났다.
but|of reality|I|ordinary|adult|as|grew up
But the reality is that I grew up as an ordinary adult.
화려한 삶도 아니며 무한의 자유를 누리지도 않는다.
glamorous|life|not|infinite|freedom|enjoying|does not
It's not a glamorous life, nor do I enjoy infinite freedom.
여전히 소고기는 마음껏 사 먹기 어렵고
still|beef|freely|buy|eating|is difficult
I still find it hard to buy beef as much as I want,
좁은 생활 반경 속에서 멋없는 일상은 반복된다.
narrow|living|radius|in|unexciting|daily life|repeats
and my unremarkable daily life repeats within a narrow living radius.
그런데 생각해보면 평범한 어른 중의 한 사람이 되었다는
but|if I think about it|ordinary|adult|among|one|person|has become
But when I think about it, I have become just an ordinary adult.
사실을 깨닫는 지점 어린 시절 내가 품었던 이상을 떠나
the truth|realizing|point|childhood|period|I|held|ideal|leaving
The point of realizing this fact is when I leave behind the ideals I held in my childhood.
보내는 지점 어른의 사춘기는 그 지점에서 오는 게 아닐까.
sending|point|of the adult|adolescence|that|from point|coming|thing|not be
I wonder if the adolescence of adulthood comes from that point.
물론 그 순간이 슬프고 씁쓸하기는 하다.
of course|that|moment|is sad|is bitter|is
Of course, that moment is sad and bittersweet.
하지만 어린 시절의 환상과 기대감 에서 벗어나
but|childhood|of the|fantasy|expectation|from|escaping
But perhaps it is to break away from the fantasies and expectations of childhood.
특별하지 않은 보통의 존재로서 자신의 삶을 꾸리는 것
not special|not|ordinary|as an existence|one's own|life|leading|thing
Living one's life as an ordinary being, not something special,
어른의 숙제란 그런 것인지도 모른다.
adult|homework|such|might be|not know
might be the homework of adulthood.
나는 앞으로도 세일러문이 돼서 지구를 구할 일도
I|in the future|Sailor Moon|becoming|Earth|saving|job
I will still have to save the Earth as Sailor Moon in the future.
소르본 대학의 교수가 될 일도 없을 것이다.
I will probably never become a professor at the Sorbonne.
하지만 내가 원하는 건 나의 동창들이 내 소식을 듣고
But what I want is for my classmates to hear about me.
배가 아파 복통을 일으키는 것도 아니고
stomach|hurts|abdominal pain|causing|also|not
It's not about having a stomach ache or causing pain.
친척들이 가문의 영광이라며 나를 우러러보는 일도 아니다.
the relatives|of the family|as the glory|me|looking up to|thing|not
It's not about my relatives looking up to me as the glory of the family.
대신 내겐 쓰고 싶은 글이 있고 조금 더 잘 해보고 싶은 그림과
instead|to me|writing|want to|writing|there is|a little|more|well|trying to do|want to|picture
Instead, I have writings I want to create and drawings I want to improve a little more,
디자인 일이 있다. 가족과 시간을 더 보내고 싶고
design|work|there is|with my family|time|more|spend|want to
I want to spend more time with my family,
수영을 배워서 바다에서 마음껏 시간을 보내고 싶고
swimming|learn|in the sea|freely|time|spend|want
I want to learn to swim and spend time freely in the sea,
다양한 관점을 가진 사람들을 만나 며 나의 세계를 확장하고 싶다.
diverse|perspectives|having|people|meet|and|my|world|expand|want to
and I want to meet people with diverse perspectives to expand my world.
내 삶에는 많은 제약이 있고 보장된 것은 없지만
There are many constraints in my life and nothing is guaranteed,
특별하지 않은 보통의 삶에도 허락된 많은 것들이 있다.
not special|not|ordinary|in life|allowed|many|things|exist
but there are many things allowed in an ordinary life that is not special.
어른의 사춘기는 자신의 평범함을 인정하고
An adult's adolescence ends when one acknowledges their ordinariness,
그 안에서 자신의 삶을 채울 수 있을 때 종결되는 것이며
that|inside|one's own|life|fill|possibility|being|when|is concluded|
and can fill their life within that.
우리는 그 순간 진짜 어른이 될 것이다.
we|that|moment|truly|adult|will become|be
We will truly become adults at that moment.
성장판이 닫히고 상상력이 줄어든 것만으로 어른이 된 것은 아닌 것 같아요.
growth plate|closing|imagination|diminished|just by|adult|becoming|thing|not|thing|seems
It doesn't seem like we become adults just because our growth plates close and our imagination diminishes.
우리가 진짜 어른이 되는 순간은 저자는 이렇게 말하고 있네요. 너무 인상적이어서 다시 한 번 읽어 볼게요.
we|truly|adult|becoming|moment|the author|like this|is saying|is|very|impressive|again|one|time|read|I will
The author says that the moment we truly become adults is like this. It's so impressive that I will read it again.
어른의 사춘기는 자신의 평범함 을 인정하고 그 안에서 자신의 삶을 채울 수
adult|adolescence|one's|ordinariness|(object marker)|acknowledging|that|within|one's|life|filling|possibility
An adult's adolescence is about acknowledging one's ordinariness and being able to fill one's life within it.
있을 때 종결되는 것이며
to be|when|concluding|
It ends when it is present.
우리는 그 순간 진짜 어른이 될 것이다.
we|that|moment|truly|adult|will become|be
At that moment, we will truly become adults.
정말 감동적이에요.
really|is touching
It's really touching.
초등학교 2학년 때 장래희망을 말하는 시간이 있었다.
elementary school|2nd grade|when|future dream|talking about|time|was
There was a time in the second grade of elementary school when we talked about our future dreams.
나는 퀴리 부인에 대해 어디선가 주워듣고는
I|Curie|about the woman|regarding|somewhere|I heard
I heard somewhere about Madame Curie.
퀴리 부인과 같은 여성 과학자가 되고 싶다고 말했다.
Curie|with|like|female|scientist|become|want to|said
I said I wanted to be a female scientist like Madame Curie.
실상 나는 정자와 난자 시절부터 과학자와는 거리가 멀게 태어난
in reality|I|with the sperm|egg|from the time|with a scientist|distance|far|was born
In reality, I was born far from being a scientist since the days of sperm and egg.
사람이지만 초등학교 2학년의 나는 그런 공수표를
although I am a person|elementary school|second grade|I|such|blank check
But in the second grade of elementary school, I made such a promise.
남발해도 괜찮았다. 아홉 살짜리 꼬마가 구체적으로
even if I waste|was okay|nine|year old|little kid|specifically
It was okay to be reckless. A nine-year-old kid specifically
물류회사에서 구매를 담당하고 싶다거나
at the logistics company|purchasing|in charge of|want to
wants to be in charge of purchasing at a logistics company,
중견회사에서 회계 관리를 하고 싶다고 하는 게 더 이상한 일이 아닌가.
at a mid-sized company|accounting|management|doing|want to|that|thing|more|strange|matter|isn't
or says they want to manage accounting at a mid-sized company, which is no longer a strange thing.
그런데 문제는 나이를 먹어서도 우리의 꿈이
but|problem|age|even after|our|dream
But the problem is that even as we grow older, our dreams are still
무엇을 할 것인가가 아니라 무엇이 될 것인가에 머물러 있을 때 발생한다.
what|to do|will|not|what|will be|to be|remaining|being|when|occurs
It occurs when one remains focused not on what to do, but on what to become.
예전에 한 피부과 의사와 대화를 나눈 적이 있다.
in the past|a|dermatology|with the doctor|conversation|had|experience|there is
I once had a conversation with a dermatologist.
그는 서울에 있는 의대를 나와 강남에서 피부과 전문의를 하고 있었다.
he|in Seoul|is|medical school|graduated from|in Gangnam|dermatology||was|practicing
He graduated from medical school in Seoul and was practicing as a dermatologist in Gangnam.
그런데 대화를 나누는 동안 의사가 아닌 한 개인으로서
but|conversation|having|during|doctor|not|one|as individual
However, during our conversation, he was not just a doctor, but an individual.
그에게 어떤 개성이나 철학도 느끼지 못했고
to him|any|personality|philosophy|feel|could not
I couldn't feel any personality or philosophy from him.
오히려 성장하지 못한 아이 같다는 느낌을 받았다.
Rather, I felt like he was a child who hadn't grown up.
문득 그에게 지금 행복하냐는 질문을 했다.
suddenly|to him|now|if he is happy|question|I asked
Suddenly, I asked him if he was happy right now.
그러자 그는 1초의 망설임도 없이 "아니." 라고 답했다.
then|he|of 1 second|hesitation|without|no|said|answered
Without a second of hesitation, he answered, "No."
남들이 보기엔 그럴듯한 직업을 가졌다고 할 수 있겠지만
others|from their perspective|seemingly good|job|have|can|possibility|although
One could say that I have a job that seems impressive to others,
더 좋은 학벌에 더 큰 병원에서 일하지 못하는 것을 아쉬워할 뿐이었다.
more|good|academic background|more|big|at the hospital|working|unable to|thing|regretting|only
but I can only regret not being able to work at a better hospital with a better academic background.
많은 책에서 사회적으로 인정받는 직업을 가진 이들이
many|in books|socially|recognized|profession|having|those
Many books say that those who have socially recognized jobs,
실제론 행복하지 않은 경우가 많다더니
in reality|happy|not|cases|often
are often not happy in reality.
그가 그런 사람이었다.
he|such|was person
He was that kind of person.
열심히 공부하는 것에 매달려 청소년기를 보냈던 그는
diligently|studying|to|devoted|teenage years|spent|he
He spent his teenage years devoted to studying hard,
의대에 갈 수 있어서 의대에 갔다고 한다.
to medical school|go|possibility|being able to|to medical school|I went|says
and he says he went to medical school because he could.
다른 생각을 할 여유는 없었고 대학에 가서도 빡빡한 의과 공부와
other|thought|to have|leisure|was not|in college|even after going|intense|medical|studies
There was no room for other thoughts, and even in college, he had a tight schedule with medical studies.
인턴을 거쳐 지금에 이르렀다.
the internship|through|to now|have arrived
He has come this far after an internship.
그런데 그는 왜 행복하지 않을까? 그는 사회적 지위와 경제적 안정
But why is he not happy? He has social status and economic stability.
주변 사람들의 인정을 좇으며 자신의 내면을 바라보지 못했고
surrounding|people's|recognition|chasing|one's own|inner self|looking|could not
He chased the recognition of those around him and could not look at his own inner self.
그것은 그의 내면을 공허하게 만들었다.
This has made his inner self empty.
그런 그에게 중요했던 건 의사가 되는 것이었다.
that|to him|was important|thing|doctor|becoming|was
What was important to him was to become a doctor.
자신의 공허한 내면과 희미한 정체성을 채우기 위해
one's|empty|inner self|faint|identity|to fill|in order to
In order to fill his empty inner self and vague identity,
의사라는 직업적 정체성에 기댄 것이다.
the doctor|professional|identity|relied|
he relied on the professional identity of being a doctor.
그런데 그는 여전히 행복하지 않았다. 의사가 되면 해결될 거라 여겼지만
but|he|still|happy|was not|doctor|becoming|will be solved|thing|thought
However, he was still not happy. He thought becoming a doctor would solve everything.
더 큰 병원과 더 높은 연봉과 더 좋은 배경에 붙잡혀 있을 뿐
more|big|hospital|more|high|salary|more|good|background|being held|being|only
Just trapped by a bigger hospital, a higher salary, and a better background.
텅 빈 내면은 어떤 외적 가치로도 채워질 수 없었다.
empty|vacant|inner self|any|external|value|filled|possibility|was not
The empty inner self could not be filled by any external value.
물론 한 개인에게 직업은 단순히 돈벌이만을 의미하지 않는다.
of course|one|to an individual|job|simply|only a means of making money|does not mean|not
Of course, for an individual, a job does not simply mean making money.
하지만 직업이란 보다 자기다워지는 일이지
but|job|more|becoming true to oneself|is something
But a job is about becoming more oneself.
없는 자아를 창조하는 일이 아니다. 시작이 되는 눈 뭉치가 있어야
non-existent|self|creating|matter|is not|beginning|becoming|snow|ball|must be
It is not about creating a non-existent self. There must be a snowball that serves as the starting point.
눈덩이를 굴릴 수 있다.
Only then can you roll the snowball.
내면은 돌보지 못한 채 외면의 가치만을 좇는 한
inner self|caring for|unable to|while|external|value only|pursuing|person
As long as you chase only the value of the external while neglecting the inner self,
언제나 비교 속에서 살 뿐 결코 진짜 행복과 자존에는 닿을 수 없으니.
you will always live in comparison and can never reach true happiness and self-esteem.
우리에게 절실한 건 우리를 증명할 명함이 아니라
to us|urgent|thing|us|proving|business card|not
What we desperately need is not a business card to prove ourselves,
누구에게도 증명할 필요 없는 나 자신이 되는 것이다.
to anyone|prove|necessary|not|I|myself|becoming|is
but to become ourselves without needing to prove anything to anyone.
한동안 별 일 아닌 일에도 걱정을 반복한 적이 있다.
for a while|any|matter|not|even|worry|repeated|time|there was
There was a time when I repeatedly worried about trivial matters.
미리 걱정을 해두면 막상 문제가 벌어졌을 때
in advance|worrying|if you prepare|when|problem|arises|time
If you worry in advance, when the problem actually arises,
안도감이 들어서 그랬다.
I felt a sense of relief.
그런데 일어나지 않은 일을 앞서 걱정하는 건
but|happening|not|event|ahead|worrying about|thing
But worrying about things that haven't happened yet,
전쟁이 일어날까 두려워 땅굴에서 살거나
the war|will happen|I am afraid|in the tunnel|living
is like living in a tunnel out of fear that a war might break out,
혹시나 하는 마음에 당장 쓰지 않을 물건을 대량 구매
just in case|having|in mind|immediately|using|not|items|in bulk|purchase
or buying a large quantity of items that you won't use right away just in case.
해놓는 것과 같다.
It's like doing it.
삶의 낭비이자 비합리적인 일이다.
of life|waste|irrational|thing
It's a waste of life and an irrational thing.
그럼 어떻게 해야 이 낭비를 줄일 수 있을까.
So how can we reduce this waste?
걱정은 대체로 비합리적이고 지나치게 부정적인 생각에서 촉발된다.
worry|generally|irrational|excessively|negative|from thought|is triggered
Worry is generally triggered by irrational and excessively negative thoughts.
그렇기에 과장된 걱정에서 벗어나는 방법은
therefore|exaggerated|from worry|escaping|method
Therefore, the way to escape exaggerated worries is
막장 드라마 급의 개연성을 가진 왜곡된 생각을
trashy|drama|level of|plausibility|having|distorted|thought
to correct distorted thoughts that have the plausibility of a soap opera.
바로잡는 것에서 시작된다.
It starts with that.
당신의 걱정을 들여다보자. 일어날 확률이 낮은 최악의 경우를
your|worry|let's look into|happening|probability|low|worst|case
Let's take a look at your worries. The worst-case scenario with a low probability of happening.
떠올리고 있지는 않은가? 겨우 기침을 단서로 폐병을 염려
remembering|is||just|cough|as a clue|tuberculosis|concern
Aren't you recalling? Just worrying about tuberculosis with a mere cough as a clue.
하고 있지는 않은가? 그 날조된 미래에 붙잡혀 지금을
doing|is||that|fabricated|future|being caught|present
Aren't you caught up in that fabricated future, ruining the present?
망치지 말자.
don't ruin|let's not
Let's not ruin it.
당신의 괴로움은 당신이 쓴 엉터리 각본 때문이다.
your|suffering|you|wrote|nonsense|script|is due to
Your suffering is due to the ridiculous script you wrote.
우리가 걱정하고 있는 것을 천천히 들여다 볼 필요가 있을 것 같아요.
we|worrying|are|thing|slowly|looking into|to see|necessity|will be|thing|seems
I think we need to take a slow look at what we are worried about.
저도 어렸을 때부터 초등학교에 가기 전에도 걱정을 했고 구구단을 외우기 전에도 걱정을
I also|when I was young|from|to elementary school|going|before|worrying|and|multiplication table|memorizing|before|worrying
I also worried when I was young, even before going to elementary school, and I worried before memorizing the multiplication table.
했던 것 같아요. 여러분도 사소한 일 그리고 아직
had|thing|seems|you all|trivial|matter|and|still
I think I did.
발생하지 않은 일에 대해서 걱정을 해본 적 있으세요?
that has not happened|not|about|regarding|worrying|have|experience|do you have
Have you ever worried about trivial matters or things that haven't happened yet?
우리는 누구나 작고 큰 걱정을 하기 마련입니다.
We all tend to have small and big worries.
네 계속 읽어볼게요.
yes|continue|I will read
Yes, I will keep reading.
결혼은? 취업은? 연애는? 저축은? 사람들은 이런 질문이 불편하다고 착각한다.
marriage|employment|dating|saving|people|these|questions|uncomfortable|are mistaken
Marriage? Employment? Dating? Saving? People mistakenly think these questions are uncomfortable.
사실은 질문이 불편한 게 아니다. 그 질문 뒤에 나에 대해 내리는 타인의 판단이 불편한 거다.
the truth is|question|uncomfortable|thing|not|that|question|behind|about me|regarding|making|others'|judgment|uncomfortable|is
The truth is, it's not the questions that are uncomfortable. It's the judgments that others make about me behind those questions that are uncomfortable.
자신들의 방식과 다르다는 이유로 나를 잘못된 사람으로 만드는 시선과 판단.
their|way|different|reason|me|wrong|as a person|making|gaze|judgment
The gaze and judgment that make me a wrong person simply because I am different from their way.
자신에 대해서도 잘 모르면서
yourself|about|well|not knowing
Not even knowing themselves,
타인에 대해선 심리학자이자 프로파일러 이자
about others|regarding|psychologist|profiler|and
they transform into psychologists, profilers,
가장 중립적 비평가로 둔갑하여 너무나 쉽게 판단한다.
the most|neutral|as a critic|disguising|too|easily|judges
and the most neutral critics, judging far too easily.
그러나 누군가 이차방정식을 이해 하지 못한다면
however|someone|quadratic equation|understand|does|not
However, if someone does not understand the quadratic equation,
문제는 이차방정식이 아닌 그 사람의 이해력 부족에 있듯이
the problem|quadratic equation|not|that|person's|understanding|lack of|is
the problem lies not with the quadratic equation but with that person's lack of understanding.
누군가 우리를 이해하지 못한다면
If someone does not understand us,
그것 역시 우리의 문제가 아니라 상대의 이해력 문제일지 모른다.
that|also|our|problem|not|the other party's|understanding|may be a problem|we do not know
it may not be our problem but rather a problem of their understanding.
그러니 그들에게 쩔쩔 맬 필요도 없고
so|to them|flustered|be|need|not
So there is no need to be flustered by them.
우리를 증명하려 애쓸 필요도 없다.
us|to prove|to struggle|necessity|not
There is no need to try to prove ourselves.
우리는 편협한 이들에게 이해 받으려 사는 게 아니며
we|narrow-minded|to those|understanding|to receive|living|thing|not
We do not live to be understood by narrow-minded people.
당신의 삶은 당신의 것이다.
Your life is yours.
3인칭 시점을 전지적 작가 시점으로 여기는 오만은
third person|perspective|omniscient|author|as|considering|arrogance
The arrogance of considering the third-person perspective as an omniscient author's perspective
언제나 진실을 오독하기 마련이다.
always|the truth|misinterpreting|is inevitable
is always bound to misinterpret the truth.
'모두에게 정중하되 누구에게도 쩔쩔매지 않기 위하여' 라고 하는
to everyone|being polite|to anyone|being flustered|not|in order to||
The phrase 'to be polite to everyone but not to be flustered by anyone' comes to mind
저자의 '애쓰지 않고 편안하게' 에서의 문구가 떠오르네요.
the author's|'without effort|not|comfortably|in|phrase|comes to mind
from the author's 'effortlessly and comfortably'.
우리는 편협한 이들에게 이해 받으려 사는 것이 아닙니다.
we|narrow-minded|to those|understanding|to receive|living|thing|is not
We do not live to be understood by narrow-minded people.
나의 삶은 나의 것이죠. 네 계속 볼게요.
my|life|my|is|yes|continuously|I will see
My life is mine. Yes, I will keep watching.
우리는 종종 마음에 두고 있는 상대의 심중을 해석해
we|often|in our mind|keeping|being|of the other person|heart|interpret
We often want to interpret the feelings of the person we have in mind,
그린라이트 여부를 확인하고 싶어한다.
green light|whether|checking|wants to
to check whether we have the green light.
그런데 상대에게 연락하지 않는다 라는 한 가지 행동조차
but|to the other person|contact|does not|that|one|single|action
However, not contacting the other person is just one action.
첫째 손가락이 부러졌다. 둘째 아웃 오브 안중 이다.
first|finger|is broken|second|out|of|consideration|is
First, the index finger is broken. Second, they are out of mind.
셋째 중요한 일을 앞두고 매우 바쁘다.
third|important|task|ahead of|very|busy
Third, they are very busy with important matters ahead.
넷째 먼저 연락이 오길 기다리고 있다.
Fourth, they are waiting for the other person to contact them first.
등의 성향이나 상황에 따라 다른 이유가 있을 수 있다.
such as|tendencies|situation|according to|different|reasons|possible|possibility|be
There may be different reasons depending on the tendencies or situations.
한 가지 경우로 판단하기엔 언제나 사람 바이 사람, 케이스 바이 케이스인거다.
one|thing|case|to judge|always|person|by|person|case|by|is
It's always person by person, case by case to judge it as one situation.
그렇기에 어떤 연애 고수의 조언도
Therefore, any advice from a relationship expert,
타로 카드 아줌마의 호언장담도
tarot|card|of the lady|boastful claims
or the bold claims of a tarot card reader,
상대의 진심을 해석할 순 없다. 그럼에도 그 사람의 그린라이트
the other person's|sincerity|interpret|possibility|not|nevertheless|that|person's|green light
I cannot interpret the other person's true feelings. Nevertheless, if you want to know whether that person is giving you a green light,
여부를 알고 싶다면 가장 적절한 질문은
whether|knowing|if you want to|most|appropriate|question
the most appropriate question is not
'그 사람은 나를 어떻게 생각하는가' 가 아니라
that|person|me|how|thinks|subject marker|not
'What does that person think of me?' but rather
'나는 그 사람을 어떻게 생각하는가' 이다.
I|that|person|how|think about|
'What do I think of that person?'.
그 질문의 대답으로 '나는 그 사람이 좋다' 라는 결론에
If the answer to that question is 'I like that person,'
도달한다면 그것이 그 사람에게
if (he/she) reaches|that|that|to person
then that will be the real green light for that person to move forward.
전진해야 할 진짜 그린라이트가 될 것이다.
should advance|to|real|green light|will be|be
If love is approached with a mindset of 'if it happens, it happens' and only focusing on maintaining a safe distance,
사랑도 되면 한다 쯤의 생각으로 안전거리 확보에만 열을 올린다면
love|if|I do|of the kind|thought|safe distance|only in securing|heat|if raising
겁쟁이에게 사랑은 너무 과분하다.
to the coward|love|too|excessive
Love is too much for a coward.
네 이 부분을 읽고 많은 생각이 들었는데요.
yes|this|part|reading|many|thoughts|I had
I had a lot of thoughts after reading this part.
우리는 어떤 사랑이 다가올 때 그 사람이 나를 어떻게 생각하는지
When a certain love approaches, don't we measure and gauge how that person thinks of us?
재보고 가늠하지 않나요
re-evaluating|measuring|don't you
겁쟁이에게 사랑은 과분하다는 말이 와 닿습니다.
to the coward|love|is excessive|words|to|resonate
The saying that love is excessive for a coward resonates with me.
자 다음 계속 읽어볼게요.
now|next|continuously|I will read
Now, let me continue reading.
내 첫 여행은 한 달 일정의 배낭여행이었는데
my|first|travel|one|month|schedule|was a backpacking trip
My first trip was a month-long backpacking journey.
혼자 하는 여행에 불안했던 나는
alone|doing|to the trip|was anxious|I
I was anxious about traveling alone.
짐들을 잔뜩 챙겼다. 책만 세 권에 고데기도 두 종류를 챙겼으니
the luggage|fully|packed|only the books|three|volumes|hair straighteners|two|types|I packed
I packed a lot of luggage. I packed three books and two types of hair straighteners.
짐을 쌀 때 미쳤던 게 틀림없다.
the luggage|packing|when|was crazy|thing|must be
I must have been crazy when I was packing.
두 개의 가방을 낑낑 지고 다녔던 나는
I was struggling with two bags.
여행이 일주일 남았을 땐 완전히 지쳐버렸다.
the trip|one week|remaining|when|completely|was exhausted
By the time there was a week left for the trip, I was completely exhausted.
모든 상황이 지긋지긋했고 무거운 짐을 지고 다니는 나 자신에게
all|situation|was tiresome|heavy|burden|carrying|walking|I|to myself
I was fed up with all the situations and with myself carrying a heavy burden.
신물이 났다. 가방을 풀고 필요한 물건만 남긴 뒤
bile||bag|unzipping|necessary|only items|left|after
I unzipped my bag and after keeping only the necessary items,
짐 절반은 쓰레기통에 버려버렸다.
luggage|half|in the trash can|was thrown away
I threw half of my belongings into the trash.
그렇게 절반의 짐을 버리며 불편하지 않을까 하는 걱정도 들었지만
like that|half|burden|while throwing away|uncomfortable|wouldn't be|that|worry|I had
As I discarded half of my load, I did worry about whether it would be inconvenient.
여행의 발걸음은 한결 가벼워졌다.
the journey|footsteps|much|became lighter
The steps of travel have become much lighter.
여행 중에 만났던 지인은 1년 반 넘게 여행 중이었는데
travel|during|I met|acquaintance|1 year|half|more than|travel|was traveling
A friend I met during my travels had been traveling for over a year and a half.
그가 가진 짐이라고는 배낭 하나가 전부였다.
he|had|burden|backpack|one|was all
The only luggage he had was a single backpack.
그는 최소한의 짐만을 챙겼고 필요한 것이 있으면
he|minimal|only luggage|packed|necessary|thing|if
He packed only the bare minimum, and if he needed something,
그때그때 구입했다. 예를 들면 입고 있는 옷이 낡으면
at that time|I bought|for example|if|wearing|that is|clothes|are old
I bought things as needed. For example, if the clothes I was wearing got worn out,
현지 시장에서 구입하는 식이었는데
local|at the market|purchasing|was
I would buy them at the local market.
그 자체로 여행의 즐거움이라고 말했다.
that|in itself|of travel|is joy|said
I said that it was a joy of traveling in itself.
우리는 삶이 불안하다며 너무 많은 짐을 챙기지만
we|life|is anxious|too|many|burdens|we carry
We pack too much baggage, saying that life is uncertain,
사실 그렇게 많은 짐이 필요하진 않다.
actually|that|many|luggage|is not necessary|not
In fact, you don't need that much luggage.
필요할 때 충당할 수도 있고 약간의 불편함을 감수하는 쪽이
necessary|time|to cover|possibility|be|slight|inconvenience|enduring|side
It might be more beneficial to endure a little inconvenience and cover what you need when the time comes.
이득일 수도 있다.
gain|possibility|could be
Life is a long journey.
삶이란 오랜 여정이다. 최대한 가볍게 살아가야 지치지 않는다.
life|long|journey|as lightly as possible|lightly|should live|not get tired|does
You should live as lightly as possible to avoid getting tired.
그러니 삶을 조금 더 가볍게 하고 싶다면
then|life|a little|more|lightly|to do|if you want
So if you want to make life a little lighter,
불안한 마음에 버리지 못했던 것들을 다시 한 번 마주하고
anxious|in my heart|to discard|unable to|things|again|one|time|facing
face again the things you couldn't let go of due to your anxious heart,
그것들을 덜어내는 용기를 갖자.
those|removing|courage|let's have
and have the courage to let them go.
여행 내내 한 번도 꺼내지 않았던 짐과
travel|throughout|one|time|took out|not|luggage
The baggage that you never took out during the trip and
아직 일어나지도 않은 일에 대한 걱정과
yet|has not happened|not|about|regarding|worry
Worries about things that haven't even happened yet,
삶을 무겁게 만드는 불필요한 욕구와
unnecessary desires that weigh down life,
잘못한 것 없는 부끄러움과 지치게만 하는 과잉된 관계.
wrong|thing|not having|shame|only exhausting|doing|excessive|relationship
shame for things we haven't done wrong, and exhausting excessive relationships.
이 모든 것에 대한 최후통첩. 그 포기가 우리를 자유롭게 할 것이다.
A final ultimatum regarding all of these. Letting go of them will set us free.
자유롭게 살고 싶거든 없어도 살 수 있는 것을 멀리하라.
freely|live|if you want|without|live|can|existing|thing|keep away
If you want to live freely, stay away from what you can live without.
- 톨스토이
- Tolstoy
이제 이 책을 읽으며 나 자신에게 관심을 기울일 준비가 되지 않으셨나요?
now|this|book|while reading|to myself|to myself|interest|paying|preparation|not|are you
Aren't you ready to pay attention to yourself while reading this book?
284페이지의 저자의 메시지를 전하며 오늘 영상을 마쳐볼게요.
page 284|author's|message|conveying|today|video|I will conclude
I will conclude today's video by conveying the author's message on page 284.
냉담한 세상에서 인간성을 잃지 않고 살아가기 위하여
indifferent|in the world|humanity|losing|without|living|in order to
In a cold world, in order to live without losing our humanity,
우리는 자기 자신에게 조금 더 주의를 기울여야 하고
we|self|to ourselves|a little|more|attention|should pay|and
we need to pay a little more attention to ourselves,
부당함과 모욕과 불안에 당당하게 맞서야 한다.
the injustice|the insult|to the anxiety|confidently|should confront|we must
and we must face injustice, insults, and anxiety with dignity.
그리고 나와 타인을 위해 더 나은 사회를 위해 자신의 몫을 해야 한다.
And we must do our part for a better society for ourselves and others.
보통의 존재가 내가 아닌 것을 시기하지 않으며
An ordinary existence does not envy what is not me.
차가운 시선을 견디고 있는 그대로의 나로서 살아가기 위하여
cold|gaze|enduring|being|as|as me|living|in order to
In order to live as I am, enduring the cold gaze,
당신이 조금은 자유로워졌기를 바란다.
you|a little|have become free|I hope
I hope you have become a little freer.
우리에게 건투를 빈다.
to us|good luck|wishes
I wish us good luck.
우리에게 건투를 빈다는 저자의 메시지가
to us|good luck|wishing|author's|message
The author's message wishing us good luck
너무나도 가슴을 울립니다.
deeply resonates with me.
오늘 레오의 책 읽는 밤과 함께 해주셨는데요
today|Leo's|book|reading|night|together|you spent
Today, we have spent the night reading Leo's book.
여러분께서도 있는 그대로 나로 살기로 한 하루가 되길 바라면서
you all|existing|as|as me|living|one|day|becomes|hoping
I hope that today will be a day for you to live as your true self.
지금까지 김수현 지음의 '나는 나로 살기로 했다' 였습니다.
until now|Kim Soo-hyun|written by|I|as myself|decided to live|live|
So far, this has been 'I Decided to Live as Myself' by Kim Soo-hyun.
thank you
Thank you.
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