Hvem kan mest om mensen?
Wer weiß am besten über die Periode Bescheid?
¿Quién sabe más sobre los períodos?
Wie weet het meeste over menstruatie?
Quem sabe mais sobre menstruação?
Regl dönemleri hakkında en çok kim biliyor?
Хто найбільше знає про місячні?
Who knows the most about menstruation?
Hei og velkommen til Unormal.
Hello and welcome to Unormal.
I dag blir det blodig alvor.
Today|day|will be|it|bloody|serious business
Today it will be bloody serious.
Mensen er jo mer enn bare blod.
menstruation|is|after all|more|than|just|blood
Menstruation is more than just blood.
Den kan ta veldig masse hjerneplass:
It|can|take|very|much|brain space
It can take up a lot of brain space:
Sitter tampongen riktig? Jeg har vondt i magen. Har jeg blødd gjennom?
Is the|tampon|in correctly|I|have|pain|in|stomach|Have|I|bled|through
Is the tampon in the right place? I have a stomach ache. Have I bled through?
-Det har jeg gjort en gang. Ekkelt! -Jeg elsker sånne historier.
-I have done that once. Gross! -I love stories like that.
Jeg hadde tampong, og pysj, for jeg lå og sov på et hotell.
I had a tampon and pajamas, because I was lying and sleeping in a hotel.
Så våkna jeg neste morgen. Det så ut som det hadde vært mord!
Then|I woke|I|next|morning|It|looked|like|as|it|had|been|murder
Then I woke up the next morning. It looked like there had been a murder!
-I senga? -Ja. Da vi skulle ut av hotellet ...
In|the bed|Yes|Then|we|were|out|of|the hotel
-In the bed? -Yes. When we were about to leave the hotel ...
Hva tror du de tenkte? "There's been a murder!"
What do you think they thought? "There's been a murder!"
"There's been a murder!"
There has|been|a|murder
"There's been a murder!"
Det var i Frankrike: "C'est un murder! La période!"
It was in France: "C'est un murder! The period!"
Men nok om meg. Har du noen gang blødd gjennom?
But enough about me. Have you ever bled through?
Nei. Sikkert litt, men jeg har ikke hatt noen "crazy murder story".
No|Surely|a little|but|I|have|not|had|any|crazy|murder|story
No. Probably a little, but I haven't had any "crazy murder story."
Jeg har jo blødd gjennom til trusa og tatt papir nedi.
I|have|of course|bled|through|to|underwear|and|put|paper|in it
I have bled through to my underwear and put paper in.
Et sosialt press. Man blir redd for: "Har du blødd gjennom?! Shame!"
A social pressure. You become afraid of: "Have you bled through?! Shame!"
Vi kan anta, men også prøve å finne ut hva folk faktisk tenker.
We can assume, but also try to find out what people actually think.
I dag skal vi teste dette med et lite eksperiment.
Today we will test this with a small experiment.
Alice, i dag skal vi blø gjennom.
Alice, today we are going to bleed through.
-Nei ...! -Rai-rai!
-No ...! -Rai-rai!
Få se.
Let's see.
-Jeg gruer meg! -Det er et bord med bare menn.
-I'm nervous! -It's a table with only men.
-Det er litt slemt! -Skal vi bare gå inn?
It|is|a little||Shall|we|just|go|inside
-That's a bit mean! -Should we just go in?
Hei. Unnskyld, er det greit at vi filmer dere litt?
Hi|Excuse me|is|it|okay|that|we|film|you|a little
Hi. Excuse me, is it okay if we film you a bit?
Hei. Vil du se et pennetriks?
Hi|Will|you|see|a|pen trick
Hi. Would you like to see a pen trick?
-Å nei! -Nei ...!
-Oh no! -No ...!
Unnskyld. Kan jeg bare vise deg et pennetriks?
Excuse me|Can|I|just|show|you|a|pen trick
Excuse me. Can I just show you a pen trick?
Å nei ...
Oh no ...
Tilbake i studio. Hva syns du om dette lille eksperimentet?
Back|in|studio|What|do you think|you|about|this|little|experiment
Back in the studio. What do you think of this little experiment?
Det føltes ekstra, for det var bløtt og kaldt - og rødt!
It felt extra, because it was wet and cold - and red!
Ja, litt ubehagelig. Hvem av oss kan mest om mensen?
Yes|a little|uncomfortable|Who|of|us|can|most|about|menstruation
Yes, a bit uncomfortable. Who among us knows the most about menstruation?
Klart for:
Ready for:
So synchronised.
So synchronized.
Første spørsmål.
First question.
Jeg føler at det er sant.
I feel that it is true.
Samtidig er det jo en syklus på en måned; det skjer forskjellige ting.
At the same time|is|it|after all|a|cycle|of|a|month|it|happens|different|things
At the same time, it is a cycle of a month; different things happen.
Klar, ferdig, gå.
Ready, set, go.
-Du sier "sant", jeg "usant". -Oi, shit!
-You say "true", I say "false". -Oh, shit!
-Hva er svaret? -Yes! Så hormonene gjør at ...
What|is|the answer|Yes|So|the hormones|make|that
-What is the answer? -Yes! So the hormones make ...
Det er sikkert litt som stemmeskiftet for guttene.
It|is|probably|a little|like|voice change|for|the boys
It's probably a bit like the voice change for boys.
Jeg tenkte hormonene gjorde noe med stemninga, men ikke stemmen.
I thought the hormones did something to the mood, but not the voice.
Ett poeng til deg!
One point for you!
-I gjennomsnitt ...? -Klar, ferdig, gå.
-On average ...? -Ready, set, go.
-Samme? -Ja.
-The same? -Yes.
-Jeg har alltid sju dager. -Jeg tror jeg har midt imellom.
-I always have seven days. -I think I have in between.
Til alle som har mensen i to dager: Dere er heldige.
To everyone who has their period for two days: You are lucky.
Det kan hende du blør masse.
It|may||you|bleed|a lot
You might bleed a lot.
Været kan påvirke syklusen din?
The weather|can|affect|cycle|your
The weather can affect your cycle?
-OK ... -Hvordan?
-OK ... -How?
-Så søkt at det kunne vært sant. -Klar, ferdig, gå.
So|absurd|that|it|could|have been|true|Ready|set|go
-So sought that it could have been true. -Ready, set, go.
-Nei! -Å shit!
-No! -Oh shit!
-Nei! -Jeg trodde jeg hadde feil der!
-No! -I thought I was wrong there!
Det blir for dumt.
That's too silly.
-Kanskje man er anspent pga. kulda. -Jeg lurer på hvorfor.
Maybe|one|is|tense|due to|the cold|I|wonder|about|why
-Maybe one is tense because of the cold. -I wonder why.
Jeg har hatt like vond mens om sommeren som om vinteren.
I|have|had|as|pain|in the summer|in||||winter
I have had the same pain in the summer as in the winter.
-Litt flaut å ta feil her. -Det er veldig viktig å vite.
A little|embarrassing|to|make|mistake|here|It|is|very|important|to|know
-A bit embarrassing to be wrong here. -It is very important to know.
Jeg føler det er to svar, og jeg kan begrunne begge.
I feel there are two answers, and I can justify both.
-Hvordan? -Det får ikke du vite.
How|It|will get|not|you|know
-How? -You won't find out.
Klar, ferdig ... Hva var spørsmålet?
Ready|set|What|was|the question
Ready, set ... What was the question?
Man kan ikke bli gravid når man har mensen.
You can't get pregnant when you have your period.
Så flaut å ta feil!
So embarrassing to be wrong!
-Men spermen lever lenger. -Sannsynligheten er liten.
But|the sperm|lives|longer|The probability|is|small
-But the sperm lives longer. -The probability is small.
Mindre sannsynlig, men fortsatt greit å ... huske det.
Less likely, but still good to ... remember that.
Use a condom, meatball.
Use a condom, meatball.
Klar, ferdig, gå.
Ready, set, go.
Hvis man for eksempel går ekstremt mye ned i vekt.
For example, if one loses an extreme amount of weight.
En med anoreksi kan miste mensen, fordi kroppen bare ikke får det til.
One|with|anorexia|can|lose|menstruation|because|body|just|not|gets|it|to function
Someone with anorexia can lose their period because the body just can't manage it.
Og hvis man er veldig stressa, eller man blør et eller annet sted.
And if one is very stressed, or if one is bleeding from somewhere.
Mensen er et tegn på god helse.
The period is a sign of good health.
-Skal jeg lese nå? -Ja.
-Should I read now? -Yes.
-Usant, for det har jeg gjort. -Jeg òg.
-That's not true, because I have done it. -Me too.
-Eksempler på at det er usant. -Man kan bruke tampong.
-Examples of it being untrue. -You can use a tampon.
-Bind går visst ikke så bra. -Nei, for det blir jo fullt av vann.
-Pads apparently don't work so well. -No, because they get full of water.
-Jeg syns det er sant. -Passer annerledes ...
-I think that's true. -Fits differently ...
-Puppene driver jo og ... -Kan vokse, ja.
The puppies|are playing|of course|and|Can|grow|yes
-The breasts are just ... -Can grow, yes.
Må man ha fire BH-er i måneden?
Must|one|have|four|||in|the month
Do you have to have four bras a month?
-Kanskje. -Syklus-BH, det burde vi lage.
-Maybe. -Cycle bra, we should make that.
Som vokser og ...
That grows and ...
Hormonelle endringer gjør at puppene kanskje føles ømme eller blir større.
Hormonal changes may make the breasts feel tender or become larger.
Neste ...
Next ...
-Det føler jeg gir mening. -Men kanskje man bare strammer ...
-I feel that makes sense. -But maybe you just tighten ...
Jeg har en teori bak svaret mitt.
I have a theory behind my answer.
Å, du skulle ikke si den.
Oh, you shouldn't say that.
Jeg hadde tenkt å ta "sant". Men mer smerte? Jeg ville tenkt motsatt:
I was going to say "true". But more pain? I would think the opposite:
"Du skulle bare visst hvor hardt det klyper i livmora mi!"
"You should just know how hard it pinches in my womb!"
Jeg tenkte det samme. Nei!
I thought the same. No!
Mer vondt når man har mensen? Jeg skal legge merke til det.
More pain when you have your period? I will pay attention to that.
Gjør mensen mer vondt når man har mensen ...?
Does your period hurt more when you have your period...?
Det er en sånn ....
It's a kind of ....
Hallo! Det er veldig kjipt.
Hello! It's really lame.
-Alt blir bare ... -Det er litt sånn ... nedfor.
Everything|becomes|just|It|is|a little|like|down
-Everything is just ... -It's a bit like ... down.
Er du klar, Lydia?
Are you ready, Lydia?
-Oh, happy day! -Crappy day ...
-Oh, happy day! -Crappy day ...
Svaret var ...
The answer|was
The answer was ...
Vi visste det.
We knew it.
Da kan man faktisk få både løs bæsj og forstoppelse.
Then you can actually have both loose stools and constipation.
Jeg måtte tenke litt.
I|had to|think|a little
I had to think a little.
Jeg vet det kan ta flere måneder -
I know it can take several months -
- før man får mensen igjen.
- before you get your period again.
Og etter hvert blir det regelmessig.
And eventually it becomes regular.
Nå bare tok jeg fra erfaring og tenkte det var sikkert vanlig.
Now I just took from experience and thought it was probably common.
"Jeg vil ikke være annerledes!"
"I don't want to be different!"
Vi har samme.
We are the same.
Man har kanskje ikke gjort ...
One might not have done ...
-Hormonbehandling. -Da er man gutt, men får mensen.
Hormone treatment|Then|is|one|boy|but|gets|menstruation
-Hormone treatment. -Then you are a boy, but you get your period.
Gjennomsnittet er ikke langt unna 14.
The average|is|not|far|from
The average is not far from 14.
-Men man kan få det mellom 8 og 18. -Veldig stort slingringsrom.
-But you can get it between 8 and 18. -Very large margin.
-Hvor gammel var du? -11. Og du?
-How old were you? -11. And you?
Jeg fikk mensen sommeren før jeg begynte på videregående.
I|got|period|summer|before|I|started|in|high school
I got my period the summer before I started high school.
-Jeg var 15-16. -Ikke så langt unna det som sto.
I|was|Not|so|far|off|what|that|was written
-I was 15-16. -Not too far from what was written.
Så 8-18 er ingen fasit. Det er det som er mest vanlig.
So|is|no|definitive answer|It|is|that|that|is|most|common
So 8-18 is not a definitive answer. It's what is most common.
Skal vi se hvem som har vunnet? Jeg har en anelse om at det er deg.
Shall we see who has won? I have a feeling it's you.
-Gratulerer! Bra jobba. -Men vi har alle lært masse i dag.
Congratulations|Good|job|But|we|have|all|learned|a lot|in|today
-Congratulations! Good job. -But we have all learned a lot today.
Ekstra heder og ære fra meg fordi du tok det så voksent.
Extra honor and praise from me because you handled it so maturely.
-Tusen takk. -Vi har lært masse om mens i dag.
Thank you|very much|We|have|learned|a lot|about|menstruation|in|today
-Thank you very much. -We have learned a lot about menstruation today.
Men det er mange spørsmål til som trenger svar.
But there are many more questions that need answers.
Så dette blir ikke siste episode om mensen.
So|this|will be|not|last|episode|about|menstruation
So this will not be the last episode about menstruation.
Har dere erfaringer eller spørsmål, kan dere kommentere under her.
Have|you (plural)|experiences|or|questions|can|you (plural)|comment|below|here
If you have experiences or questions, you can comment below.
Så bruker vi kanskje akkurat det i neste video.
Then we might use exactly that in the next video.
-Abonner! -Imens!
Subscribe|In the meantime
-Subscribe! -In the meantime!
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