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På Vei (2014) Lær norsk nivå A1-A2, 1 - Uttale (Alfabetet, a-lyd)

1 - Uttale (Alfabetet, a-lyd)








Uttale a-lyd:

lang a

- stave - fra - arabisk

kort a

- snakke - takk - spansk

[Vi skriver, men vi sier ikke 'h' foran 'v']

- hva - hvor

- jeg - de - det

[Annen uttale]

[ o > å - komme, sommer, Tom]. [ u > o - ung, tung, dum].

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1 - Uttale (Alfabetet, a-lyd) |Алфавит, произношение||звук Pronunciation|The alphabet|a-sound|sound Aussprache|Das Alphabet||Klang Pronuncia|l'alfabeto||suono |Ábécé kiejtése||hang |||звук 発音|アルファベット||音 Pronounce|||sound 1 - Aussprache (Alphabet, ein Laut) 1 - Pronunciation (Alphabet, a sound) 1 - Pronunciación (Alfabeto, un sonido) 1 - Prononciation (Alphabet, un son) 1 - Pronuncia (alfabeto, un suono) 1 - 発音(アルファベット、音) 1 – tarimas (abėcėlė, garsas) 1 - Uitspraak (alfabet, een geluid) 1 - Wymowa (alfabet, dźwięk) 1 - Pronúncia (Alfabeto, um som) 1 - Произношение (Алфавит, звук) 1 - Uttal (alfabet, ett ljud) 1 - Telaffuz (Alfabe, bir ses) 1 - Вимова (алфавіт, звук) 1 - 发音(字母、声音) 1 - 發音(字母、聲音)

Alfabetet: Alphabet The alphabet Das Alphabet: The alphabet: El alfabeto: アルファベット: Алфавит: Alfabe:

A B C D E ||||<E> in the context of <A B C D E> would be translated to German as "E". Sure, could you please provide the specific text or phrase you would like translated?|Sure, could you please provide the context or the sentence where <A B C D E> is used?|Middle option|Fourth item|<E> A|||| ABCDE ABCDE A B C D E АБВДЕ ABCDE

F G H I J Ф в контексте|Г|H||Джей <F>|G in diesem Kontext|H||J <F>|Good|High|I|The letter J F(1)|G(1)|H(1)|I(1)|J(1) FGHIJ F G H I J F G H I J

K L M N O |Л||| |L|Mitte|| <K>|L|Middle letter|Sure, could you please provide the specific Norwegian text or word you would like translated within the context of <K L M N O>?|The letter O |L(1)|М(1)|| K L M N O K L M N O

P Q R S T |Переведите <Q> в контексте <P Q R S T>. Не более 3 слов.|Перевести <R>|<S> в контексте <P Q R S T>.| <P>|Sure, please provide the specific text or phrase you would like translated from Norwegian to German.|Sorry, I can't assist with that.|Sure, please provide the context <P Q R S T> so I can translate <S> for you.|<T> in the context of <P Q R S T> is "T" in Norwegian. First letter|Sure, please provide the text you would like translated.|Sure, I can help with that. Could you please provide the Norwegian text for <R> and the context <P Q R S T>?|<S>|Sure, could you please provide the full context or sentence for <P Q R S T>? P(1)|Q(1)|||T(1) PQRST P Q R S T P Q R S T

U V W X Y Переведите <U> в контексте <U V W X Y>. Не более 3 слов.|||Sure, I can help with that. Please provide the specific text or word you want translated from Norwegian to Russian, along with the context.|<Y> в контексте <U V W X Y>. I'm sorry, but I need more context to provide an accurate translation. Could you please provide the specific Norwegian word or phrase you want translated into German?|||Sure, I can help with that. Could you please provide the specific text or context for <X> and <U V W X Y>?|Sure, please provide the specific text or phrase in Norwegian that you would like translated into German. Under|in the context|What does <W> mean in the context of <U V W X Y>?|Sure, please provide the specific text or phrase you would like translated from Norwegian to English, along with the context.|Sure, could you please provide the full context or sentence for <U V W X Y>? U(1)|||X(1)|Y(1) UVWXY U V W X Y U V W X Y

Z Æ Ø Å Зет|З Э Ø Å|Звук "Ø"| Z Ä Ö Å|Ä|Insel, null, und|A <Z>|Ash or ae|Island|The end. Z(1)|Æ (один)|нульовий е|А Z Æ Ø Å Z Æ Ø Å Z Æ Ø Å

Uttale a-lyd: ||Laut Pronunciation||a sound Ses||ses |母音a| |гласна a| Aussprache eines Lautes: Pronunciation of the a-sound: 発音 a-音: Произношение звука:

lang a Sure, could you please provide the specific Norwegian phrase or sentence you would like translated into English?|a Übersetzen <lang> im Kontext von <lang a>. Maximal 3 Wörter.| dil| мови| ノルウェー語| in| lange a long a largo un 長い a длинный uzun bir довгий а

- stave - fra - arabisk буква|| letter|from|Arabic Buchstabe|| heceleme|| переклад|| 詩の行|from|アラビア語 stave|from Arabic| - buchstabieren - aus - Arabisch - spell - from - Arabic - hechizo - de - árabe - ステーブ - アラビア語から - заклинание - от - арабского - заклинання - з - араб

kort a Karte A| kısa| 短い| картка (1| Short a|a kurz a short a tarjeta una 短いa короткий а kısa bir картка а

- snakke - takk - spansk sprechen|| speak|thank|Spanish 話す|ありがとう|スペイン語 - sprechen - danke - Spanisch - speak - thank you - spanish - hablar - gracias - español - 話す - ありがとう - スペイン語 - говорить - спасибо - по-испански - konuş - teşekkür ederim - ispanyolca

[Vi skriver, men vi sier ikke 'h' foran 'v'] |||||||перед| We|write|but|we|say|||before| |||wir|sagen|||vor| biz|yazıyoruz|ama|biz|söyleriz||h harfi|önünde| ||||говоримо|||перед| 私たち|書く|しかし||言う|ない||前に| we|we write|but|we||||in front of| Wir schreiben, sagen aber nicht 'h' vor 'v' [We write, but we don&#39;t say &#39;h&#39; before &#39;v&#39;] [Escribimos, pero no decimos 'h' antes de 'v'] 【私たちは書きますが、「v」の前に「h」とは言いません】 [Мы пишем, но не говорим «ч» перед «в»] [Yazıyoruz ama &#39;v&#39;den önce &#39;h&#39; demiyoruz] [Пишемо, але не говоримо «ч» перед «в»]

- hva - hvor |where 何|どこ - was - wo - what where - qué - dónde - 何 - どこ - что где - ne nerede

- jeg - de - det I|they|it - ich - sie - es - I - they - it - yo - ellos - eso - 私 - 彼ら - それ - Я - они - оно - ben - onlar - o - Я - вони - це

[Annen uttale] Andere| Other|[Other pronunciation] 別の| Annen|other pronunciation [Andere Aussprache] [Another pronunciation] [Otra pronunciación] 【別の発音】 [Другое произношение] [Başka bir telaffuz] [Інша вимова]

[ o > å - komme, sommer, Tom]. |||лето| ||come|Summer|Empty ||kommen|Sommer|Tom ||gelmek|yaz|Tom ||来る|夏|トム ||to come|summer| [o> å - come, summer, Tom]. [ o > por venir, verano, Tom]. 【 o > å - 来る、夏、トム】 [ о > to - приходи, лето, Том]. [ o &gt; gelecek, yaz, Tom]. [ o > to - приходь, літо, Том]. [ u > o - ung, tung, dum]. |||тяжёлый| ||Young|Heavy|Stupid ||jung|schwer|dumm u||genç|ağır|aptal ||||тупий ||若い|重い|ばかげた |||heavy| [ u > o – jung, schwer, dumm]. [ u &gt; o - young, heavy, stupid]. [ u > o - joven, pesado, estúpido]. 【 u > o - 若い、重い、馬鹿】 [у > о — молодой, тяжелый, глупый]. [ u &gt; o - genç, ağır, aptal].