A caminho de Colônia
Auf dem Weg nach Köln
On the way to Cologne
De camino a Colonia
São mais ou menos 300 km de distância entre Bremen e Colônia.
Zwischen Bremen und Köln liegen etwa 300 km.
It is about 300 km from Bremen to Cologne.
Como tínhamos pego muito trânsito entre Hamburgo e Bremen, ficamos com medo que passaríamos pela mesma situação, por isso saímos cedo de Bremen.
How||hit||||||Bremen|||||would pass|||||||||
Da wir zwischen Hamburg und Bremen viel Verkehr hatten, hatten wir Angst, dass wir die gleiche Situation durchmachen würden, also verließen wir Bremen vorzeitig.
As we had caught a lot of traffic between Hamburg and Bremen, we were afraid that we would go through the same situation, so we left Bremen early.
No meio do caminho resolvemos fazer uma pausa para esticar as pernas.
Auf halbem Weg beschlossen wir, eine Pause einzulegen, um uns die Beine zu vertreten.
Halfway we decided to take a break to stretch our legs.
Paramos numa cidadezinha chamada Münster.
||small town||Münster
We stopped at a small town called Münster.
Uau, que cidade bonita, que lugar agradável.
Wow, was für eine schöne Stadt, was für ein schöner Ort.
Wow, what a beautiful city, what a nice place.
Se eu tivesse sabido disso antes, eu teria planejado de pernoitar lá.
|||known|||||||stay overnight|
Wenn ich das früher gewusst hätte, hätte ich geplant, über Nacht zu bleiben.
If I had known this before, I would have planned to stay overnight there.
Mas como nós já tínhamos reservas em Colônia, tínhamos que continuar a viagem.
Da wir aber bereits in Köln reserviert hatten, mussten wir die Reise fortsetzen.
But as we already had reservations in Cologne, we had to continue the trip.
Mas Münster ficou guardada no meu coração.
Aber Münster blieb in meinem Herzen.
But Münster was kept in my heart.
Um dia quero voltar lá, com mais tempo para explorar a cidade - pois nossa parada foi de apenas 3 horas.
Eines Tages möchte ich dorthin zurückkehren, mit mehr Zeit, um die Stadt zu erkunden - denn unser Stopp dauerte nur 3 Stunden.
One day I want to go back there, with more time to explore the city - as our stop was just 3 hours.
Continuamos viagem e chegando em Colônia havia um trânsito infernal.
Wir setzten unsere Fahrt fort und als wir in Köln ankamen herrschte ein höllischer Verkehr.
We continued traveling and arriving in Cologne there was a hellish traffic.
Demorou quase 60 minutos para percorrer 1 km no centro da cidade.
Es dauerte fast 60 Minuten, um 1 km in die Innenstadt zu fahren.
It took almost 60 minutes to cover 1 km in the city center.
Quando chegamos no hotel, estávamos um bagaço de cansados.
Als wir im Hotel ankamen, waren wir müde.
When we arrived at the hotel, we were a bit tired.
Deixamos nossa bagagem no quarto e fomos explorar a cidade.
we left|||||||||
Wir ließen unser Gepäck im Zimmer und erkundeten die Stadt.
We left our luggage in our room and went to explore the city.
A famosa catedral ficava à apenas 3 minutos do hotel.
Die berühmte Kathedrale war nur 3 Minuten vom Hotel entfernt.
The famous cathedral was just 3 minutes from the hotel.
Realmente, a igreja é mesmo muito bonita, por fora, mas por dentro eu não achei grande coisa.
Wirklich, die Kirche ist wirklich schön, von außen, aber innen habe ich nicht viel gefunden.
Really, the church is really beautiful, on the outside, but on the inside I didn't think much.
Achei tudo muito escuro, umas tapeçarias horrorosas penduradas no meio da igreja.
|||dark||tapestries|horrible|hanging tapestries||||
Ich fand alles sehr dunkel, schreckliche Gobelins hingen mitten in der Kirche.
I found everything very dark, some horrible tapestries hanging in the middle of the church.
Não sei, não gostei e quis sair dali o mais rápido possível.
Ich weiß nicht, es hat mir nicht gefallen und ich wollte so schnell wie möglich da raus.
I don't know, I didn't like it and I wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.
Fomos então fazer um passeio na beira do rio Reno.
Dann sind wir am Rhein spazieren gegangen.
We then went for a walk on the banks of the Rhine.
Tinha bastante gente na cidade naquele dia.
An diesem Tag waren ziemlich viele Leute in der Stadt.
There were enough people in the city that day.
Bem atrás da igreja tinham montado um palco.
well|||||set up||stage
Gleich hinter der Kirche hatten sie eine Bühne aufgebaut.
Right behind the church they had set up a stage.
Vários músicos estavam afinando seus violinos e no centro do palco havia um piano de cauda.
|musicians||tuning||violins|||||stage|||grand piano||grand piano
Mehrere Musiker stimmten ihre Geigen und in der Mitte der Bühne stand ein Flügel.
Several musicians were tuning their violins and in the center of the stage was a grand piano.
Se não estivéssemos tão cansados, teríamos ficado para ouvir o concerto.
||we were||||stayed||hear||concert
Wenn wir nicht so müde wären, wären wir geblieben, um uns das Konzert anzuhören.
If we weren't so tired, we would have stayed to listen to the concert.
Mas o cansaço era tanto, que não tínhamos nem energia para ir jantar num restaurante.
Aber wir waren so müde, dass wir nicht einmal die Kraft hatten, zum Abendessen in ein Restaurant zu gehen.
But the tiredness was so great, that we didn't even have the energy to go to a restaurant for dinner.
Voltamos ao hotel e pedimos serviço de quarto.
Wir gingen zurück ins Hotel und bestellten den Zimmerservice.
We went back to the hotel and ordered room service.