Beginning 53: Boarding the plane
Anfang 53: Einsteigen ins Flugzeug
Beginning 53: Boarding the plane
Inicio 53: Embarque en el avión
Début 53 : Embarquement dans l'avion
Inizio 53: imbarco sull'aereo
53 시작: 비행기 탑승
Początek 53: Wejście na pokład samolotu
Atenção passageiros com destino a Nova Iorque, Varig voo 783 embarque imediato, portão 25.
Attention|passengers|with|bound for|to|New|York|Varig Airlines|flight|boarding|immediate boarding|gate
Achtung Passagiere, die nach New York fliegen, Varig Flug 783 Sofortiger Abflug, Gate 25.
Attention passengers bound for New York, Varig flight 783 immediate boarding, gate 25.
Ô Claudio, vamos-lá, eles estão chamando a gente para o embarque.
|Claudio|let's go|let's go|they|are|calling us||us|for||boarding
Hey Claudio, komm schon, sie rufen uns an Bord.
Ô Claudio, come on, they are calling us to board.
Tá, deixa eu comprar essa caixa de chocolates, e eu já vou.
Okay, lass mich diese Schachtel Pralinen kaufen und ich bin gleich da.
Okay, let me buy this box of chocolates, and I'll go.
Não se preocupe, ainda tem tempo.
||sich sorgen|||
Keine Sorge, es ist noch Zeit.
Don't worry, there's still time.