4.3. Hari Poter i Vatreni pehar - Poziv (2)
Harry|Potter|and|Goblet of|Fire|Invitation
4.3. Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch - Einladung (2)
4.3. Harry Potter et la coupe de feu - Invitation (2)
4.3. Harry Potter e il Calice di Fuoco - Invito (2)
4.3. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - Invitation (2)
Hari — TATA JE DOBIO KARTE — Irska protiv Bugarske, ponedeljak uveče.
Harry — DAD GOT TICKETS — Ireland against Bulgaria, Monday evening.
Mama je pisala Normalcima s molbom da te puste da dođeš.
Mom|(past tense verb to be)|wrote|to the Normal school|with|request|to|you|let|to|come
Mom wrote to the Normals asking them to let you come.
Možda su već dobili pismo, ne znam koliko je brza normalska pošta.
Maybe|they|already|received|letter|not|I know|how much|is|fast|regular|mail
Maybe they have already received the letter, I don't know how fast the normal mail is.
Rekoh, da ti ovu poruku pošaljem po Prasetu, za svaki slučaj.
I said|that|to you|this|message|I send|by|the Pig|for|every|case
I said I would send you this message by Pig, just in case.
Hari je buljio u reč „Prase“, a zatim pogleda ka sićušnoj sovi koja je sad obletala oko lustera uz tavanicu.
Harry|was|staring|at|word|Pig|and|then|looked|at|tiny|owl|which|was|now|flying around|around|chandelier|along|ceiling
Harry stared at the word "Pig," and then looked at the tiny owl that was now flying around the chandelier on the ceiling.
Nikada nije video nešto što manje liči na prase.
He had never seen anything that looked less like a pig.
Možda nije dobro pročitao Ronov rukopis.
Maybe he hadn't read Ron's handwriting well.
Vrati se pismu.
Return|reflexive pronoun|to the letter
Return to the letter.
Dolazimo po tebe, svidelo se to Normalcima ili ne, Ne smeš da propustiš Svetsko prvenstvo, samo mama i tata misle da je bolje da se pretvaramo da im kao tražimo dozvolu.
We are coming|for|you|liked|reflexive pronoun|that|to the Normals|or|not|You must not|may|to|miss|World|championship|only|mom|and|dad|think|that|is|better|to|reflexive pronoun|pretend|to|them|as if|we are asking|permission
We are coming for you, whether the Normals like it or not, you must not miss the World Championship, only mom and dad think it's better to pretend that we are asking for permission.
Ako kažu DA, pošalji Prase nazad hitno sa svojim odgovorom, i mi ćemo doći po tebe u nedelju u pet po podne.
If|they say|YES|send|Prase|back|urgently|with|your|answer|and|we|will|come|for|you|on|Sunday|at|five|past|noon
If they say YES, send Pig back urgently with your answer, and we will come for you on Sunday at five in the afternoon.
Ako kažu NE, pošalji Prase nazad hitno, i mi ćemo svejedno doći po tebe u nedelju u pet po podne.
If|they say|NO|send|Pig|back|urgently|and|we|will|anyway|come|for|you|on|Sunday|at|five|past|noon
If they say NO, send Pig back urgently, and we will come for you anyway on Sunday at five in the afternoon.
Hermiona dolazi danas popodne.
Hermione is coming this afternoon.
Persi je počeo da radi — u Odseku za međunarodnu magijsku saradnju.
Percy|(past tense verb 'to be')|started|to|work|in|the Department|for|international|magical|cooperation
Percy has started working — in the Department of International Magical Cooperation.
Ne spominji ništa u vezi sa inostranstvom dok si ovde, inače će te udaviti dosadnom pričom o tome.
Don't|mention|anything|in|relation|with|foreign country|while|you|here|otherwise|will|you|drown|boring|story|about|it
Don't mention anything about abroad while you're here, otherwise they'll drown you in a boring story about it.
Vidimo se uskoro, Ron
We see|each other|soon|Ron
See you soon, Ron.
– Smiri se – reče Hari, dok je mala sova preletala iznad njegove glave, ludački cvrkućući od, Hari je pretpostavljao, ponosa što je pismo dostavila pravoj osobi.
"Calm down," said Harry, as the little owl flew over his head, chirping madly, from what Harry assumed was pride for delivering the letter to the right person.
– Dođi ovamo, treba da odneseš moj odgovor!
Come|here|you need|to|take|my|answer
"Come here, you need to take my reply!"
Sova doleprša na vrh Hedviginog kaveza.
The owl|swoops down|onto|the top|Hedwig's|cage
The owl fluttered down to the top of Hedwig's cage.
Hedviga je hladno pogleda, kao da je čika da joj priđe bliže.
Hedviga|is|coldly|looked at|as if|to|is|uncle|to|her|approaches|closer
Hedwig looked at it coldly, as if daring it to come closer.
Hari zgrabi svoje orlovsko pero još jedanput, dohvati novo parče pergamenta, i napisa:
Harry|grabbed|his|eagle|feather|one|more|grabbed|new|piece|of parchment|and|wrote
Harry grabbed his eagle feather once more, grabbed a new piece of parchment, and wrote:
Rone, sve je u redu, Normalci kažu da mogu da dođem.
Rone|everything|is|in|order|Normals|say|that|I can|to|come
Ron, everything is fine, the Muggles say I can come.
Vidimo se sutra u pet.
We see|each other|tomorrow|at|five
See you tomorrow at five.
Jedva čekam.
I can't wait.
Presavio je nekoliko puta ovu poruku, dok se nije sasvim smanjila, i na jedvite jade je svezao za nogu majušne sove, dok je ptičica cupkala u mestu od uzbuđenja.
He folded|(past tense auxiliary verb)|several|times|this|message|while|(reflexive pronoun)|(past tense auxiliary verb)|completely|reduced|and|with|barely|threads|(past tense auxiliary verb)|tied|to|leg|tiny|owl|while|(past tense auxiliary verb)||hopped|in|place|from|excitement
He folded this message several times until it was small enough, and with great difficulty tied it to the leg of a tiny owl, while the little bird hopped in place from excitement.
Čim je poruka bila bezbedno svezana, sova je opet odletela.
As soon as|was|message|was|safely|tied|owl|(she)|again|flew away
As soon as the message was safely tied, the owl flew away again.
Prozujala je kroz prozor i nestala iz vidokruga.
She zoomed|past tense marker|through|window|and|disappeared|from|sight
It swooshed through the window and disappeared from sight.
Hari se okrenu Hedvigi: – Da li si za jedno dugo putovanje?
Hari|reflexive pronoun|turned|Hedviga|Yes|question particle|are|for|one|long|journey
Harry turned to Hedviga: – Are you up for a long journey?
– upita je.
– he asked her.
Hedviga dostojanstveno zahukta.
Hedviga dignifiedly huffed.
– Možeš li da mi učiniš uslugu i odneseš ovo Sirijusu?
Can|you|to|me|do|favor|and|take|this|to Sirius
– Can you do me a favor and take this to Sirius?
– reče, uzimajući svoje pismo.
he said|taking|his|letter
- he said, taking his letter.
– Pričekaj, hteo bih da ga najpre završim.
Wait|I wanted|would|to|it|first|finish
- Wait, I would like to finish it first.
On odvi pergament i žurno dodade post skriptum.
He unrolled the parchment and quickly added a postscript.
Ako želiš da me kontaktiraš, biću kod mog prijatelja Rona do kraja leta.
If|you want|to|me|contact|I will be|at|my|friend|Ron|until|the end|summer
If you want to contact me, I will be at my friend Ron's until the end of summer.
Njegov tata nam je nabavio karte za Svetsko prvenstvo u kvidiču!
His|dad|to us|(is)|bought||for|World|championship|in|Quidditch
His dad got us tickets for the Quidditch World Cup!
Kada je završio, vezao je pismo za Hedviginu nogu.
When|(past tense auxiliary verb)|finished|tied|(past tense auxiliary verb)|letter|to|Hedwig's|leg
When he was done, he tied a letter to Hedwig's leg.
Ona se držala neobično kruto, kao da je rešena da pokaže kako prava poštanska sova treba da se ponaša.
She|(reflexive pronoun)|held|unusually|stiffly|as|to|was|determined|to|show|how|true|postal|owl|should|to|(reflexive pronoun)|behaves
She held herself unusually stiff, as if determined to show how a real postal owl should behave.
– Biću kod Rona kad se vratiš, u redu?– reče joj Hari.
I will be|at|Ron|when|you|return|okay|right|said|to her|Harry
– I'll be at Ron's when you get back, okay? – Harry said to her.
Ona mu štipnu prst u znak naklonosti, a zatim, uz mek i fijukav zvuk, raširi svoja ogromna krila i odjezdi kroz otvoren prozor.
She|to him|pinched|finger|in|sign|affection|and|then|with|soft|and|whistling|sound|spread|its|huge|wings|and|flew away|through|open|window
She pinched his finger as a sign of affection, and then, with a soft and whistling sound, spread her huge wings and flew out through the open window.
Hari ju je gledao kako nestaje s vidika, a zatim se podvuče ispod kreveta, odglavi odvaljenu podnu dasku, i izvuče veliko parče rođendanske torte.
Hari|her|was|watching|how|disappears|from|sight|and|then|himself|crawled|under|the bed|removed|broken|floor|board|and|pulled out|big|piece|birthday|cake
Harry watched her disappear from sight, then crawled under the bed, pried off a loose floorboard, and pulled out a large piece of birthday cake.
Sedeo je na podu i jeo je, naslađujući se srećom koja ga je obuzimala.
He sat|was|on|the floor|and|ate|was|||||||overwhelming
He sat on the floor and ate, savoring the happiness that enveloped him.
Imao je tortu, a Dadli ništa osim grejpfruta, bio je vedar letnji dan, već sutra odlazi iz Šimširove ulice, ožiljak je prestao da ga boli i ide da gleda Svetsko prvenstvo u kvidiču.
He had|(past tense verb marker)|cake|but|Dadli|nothing|except|grapefruit|was|(past tense verb marker)|bright|summer|day|already|tomorrow|leaves|from|of Šimširova|street|scar|(past tense verb marker)|stopped|to|him|hurt|and|goes|to|watch|World|championship|in|Quidditch
He had cake, while Dudley had nothing but grapefruit, it was a bright summer day, he was leaving Privet Drive tomorrow, the scar had stopped hurting, and he was going to watch the Quidditch World Cup.
U takvom trenutku bilo mu je teško da brine zbog bilo čega – pa čak i zbog samog Lorda Voldemora.
In|such|moment|was|to him||hard|to|worry|about|anything|else|even|even|and|about|the very|Lord|Voldemort
At such a moment, it was hard for him to worry about anything – not even about Lord Voldemort himself.
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