3 korisne lekcije koje sam naučila od mog najdražeg učitelja
3 nützliche Lektionen, die ich von meinem Lieblingslehrer gelernt habe
3 полезных урока, которые я получил от любимого учителя
3 useful lessons I learned from my favorite teacher
Dragi moji, dobro mi došli!
dear|my|well|to me|you came
Dear friends, welcome!
Ja sam Slavica i ovo je moj YouTube kanal
I am Slavica and this is my YouTube channel
i svakog četvrtka ovde možete da dobijete
and|every|Thursday|here|you can|to|get
and every Thursday you can get here
korisne savete kako da kreirate posao
useful|advice|how|to|you create|job
useful tips on how to create a business
i život koje ćete da obožavate.
and|life|that|you will|to|you love
and a life that you will love.
Pritisnite subscribe i pritisnite zvonce
Press subscribe and hit the bell
kako biste bili uvek obavešteni kad ima nešto novo.
how|you would|be|always|informed|when|there is|something|new
to always be notified when there is something new.
A u današnjem videu
And in today's video
želim da vam pričam
I want|to|you|I talk
I want to tell you
šta sam naučila od mog najdražeg učitelja.
what|I have|I learned|from|my|favorite|teacher
what I learned from my favorite teacher.
Vi koji me pratite dugo, znate da sam bila kod
you|who|me|you follow|long|you know|that|I have|I was|at
You who have been following me for a long time know that I was at
puno učitelja širom sveta.
many teachers around the world.
Ali moj najdraži učitelj
But my favorite teacher
je bio Tom Best i od njega sam naučila
he is|was|Tom|Best|and|from|him|I|learned
was Tom Best and from him I learned
neke tri stvari koje sam za vas izdvojila
some|three|things|that|I|for|you|singled out
three things that I have highlighted for you.
Ostanite do kraja ovog videa da
stay|until|the end|this|video|to
Stay until the end of this video to
čujete o čemu se radi
you hear|about|what|reflexive particle|it is about
hear what it's about
i da možda te lekcije budu i vama jako korisne.
and|to|maybe|those|lessons|they are|and|to you|very|useful
and maybe those lessons will be very useful to you as well.
Prva lekcija koja mi je stvarno bila fenomenalna
first|lesson|that|to me|it was|really|it was|phenomenal
The first lesson that was really phenomenal for me
i koju sam od njega naučila i zapamtila zauvek
and which I learned from him and remembered forever
je da je za sreću i nesreću
is that for happiness and unhappiness
it takes
podjednako energije
the same amount of energy
i podjednako truda.
and equal effort.
On je uvek govorio: da bi ljudi bili nesretni, oni moraju
he|is|always|said|that|to|people|they would be|unhappy|they|must
He always said: for people to be unhappy, they must
svesno da se fokusiraju na stvari koje ih čine nesrećnim
consciously|to|reflexive pronoun|they focus|on|things|that|them|they make|unhappy
consciously focus on the things that make them unhappy
da generišu nesrećne misli
to|they generate|unhappy|thoughts
to generate unhappy thoughts.
i da se stvarno stalno bore
and|that|reflexive pronoun|really|constantly|they fight
and that they really constantly fight
sa nevoljom i nesrećom.
against hardship and misfortune.
I za to treba jako puno energije.
and|for|that|it takes|really|a lot of|energy
And it takes a lot of energy for that.
Jako je teško ići
really|is|hard|to go
It is very difficult to go
kroz život nezadovoljan, nesrećan
through life dissatisfied, unhappy
i neuspešan
and unsuccessful
isto tako,
je jako teško
it is very difficult
biti uspešan.
to be|successful
to be successful.
I poenta je samo
And the point is only
šta u stvari odlučimo.
what|in|fact|we decide
what we actually decide.
Da li ćemo da odlučimo jednoga dana
whether|question particle|we will|to|we decide|one|day
Will we decide one day
da hoćemo da budemo srećni u životu
to|we want|to|we be|happy|in|life
if we want to be happy in life
i da svoj fokus, svoju energiju
and to direct our focus, our energy
we direct
na sreću i na sve ono što treba da
happiness and everything that needs to be
da se fokusiramo, da razmišljamo
to|ourselves|we focus|to|we think
to focus, to think
da radimo,
to|we work
to work,
da bismo bili uspešni
to|we would|we are|successful
to be successful
ili ćemo svu svoju energiju da usmerimo na ono
or|we will|all|our|energy|to|we direct|to|that
or we will direct all our energy to what
što nas čini nesrećnim i nezadovoljnim.
which makes us unhappy and dissatisfied.
I to je zaista uvek za mene bilo
and|that|is|really|always|for|me|has been
And that has always been really important for me
nekako važno u trenucima kada sam se osećala loše
somehow in moments when I felt bad
da kažem sebi: Slavice,
to|I say|to myself|Slavica
to tell myself: Slavica,
ti biraš sada, hoćeš li da
you|choose|now|you want|whether|to
you choose now, do you want to
kukaš i da se osećaš loše i da budeš nesrećna,
you complain|and|to|yourself|you feel|bad|and|to|you will be|unhappy
complain and feel bad and be unhappy,
ili ćeš sada da usmeriš svoju pažnju na ono što možeš da uradiš
or|you will|now|to|you direct|your|attention|to|that|what|you can|to|you do
or will you now focus your attention on what you can do
i da učiniš sebe srećnom, zadovoljnom i uspešnom.
and|to|you make|yourself|happy|satisfied|and|successful
and make yourself happy, content, and successful.
Ovako prolazimo, u principu, na sledeću lekciju
this way|we pass|in|principle|to|next|lesson
This is how we proceed, in principle, to the next lesson.
koju sam od njega naučila, a on je govorio:
which|I|from|him|I learned|but|he|he|he said
which I learned from him, and he said:
"Energy flows, where attention goes".
"Energy flows, where attention goes".
A to znači da sva naša energija
And that means that all our energy
odlazi tamo gde je usmerena pažnja.
goes where attention is directed.
I to je opet jedna stvar koja nam govori da
and|that|is|again|one|thing|that|to us|tells|that
And that is again one thing that tells us that
u stvari, kada se u životu fokusiramo
in|fact|when|reflexive pronoun|in|life|we focus
in fact, when we focus in life
na ono što nemamo, na ono što nije dobro,
on|that|that|we don't have|on|that|that|is not|good
on what we don't have, on what is not good,
na ono što nas nervira, na
on what annoys us, on
stvari koje ne možemo da promenimo,
things|that|not|we can|to|change
things we cannot change,
sva naša energija dragocena,
all our precious energy,
ode u tom pravcu.
goes in that direction.
Što znači, da ako želimo da budemo srećni i uspešni,
that|means|that|if|we want|to|we are|happy|and|successful
Which means that if we want to be happy and successful,
da se fokusiramo na nešto što
to|reflexive pronoun|we focus|on|something|that
we need to focus on something that
želimo da postignemo, važno je da imamo
we want|to|we achieve|important|it is|to|we have
we want to achieve, it is important to have
ciljeve, da se fokusiramo na njih.
goals|to|reflexive pronoun|we focus|on|them
goals, to focus on them.
Da svoj fokus, svoju energiju, usmerimo
to|our|focus|our|energy|we direct
To direct our focus, our energy
u ono što želimo da postignemo, ne u ono
into|that|what|we want|to|we achieve|not|into|that
to what we want to achieve, not to what
što ne želimo, u ono čim nismo zadovoljni,
what|not|we want|into|that|with what|we are not|satisfied
we do not want, to what we are not satisfied with,
nego u ono što želimo.
but|into|that|what|we want
but to what we want.
Da bismo mogli da svoj fokus
in order to|we|could|to|our|focus
In order to be able to focus our attention
i svu svoju energiju
and all our energy
fokusiramo na ono što želimo da postignemo,
we focus|on|that|what|we want|to|we achieve
on what we want to achieve,
važno je da imamo ciljeve, važno je da ih kreiramo,
important|it is|that|we have|goals|important|it is|that|them|we create
it is important to have goals, it is important to create them,
važno je da ih zapišemo.
important|is|that|them|we write down
it is important to write them down.
Važno je možda i da napravimo vision board
important|is|maybe|and|that|we make|vision|board
It is also important to perhaps create a vision board
koji nam onda svu našu energiju
which|to us|then|all|our|energy
which then directs all our energy
usmerava laserski precizno
with laser precision.
ka onome što želimo da postignemo.
towards|that|what|we want|to|achieve
to what we want to achieve.
I zato ja jako puno radim sa ljudima na
and|therefore|I|very|a lot|I work|with|people|on
And that's why I work a lot with people on
fokusiranju, kroz postavljanje njihovih ciljeva,
focusing, through setting their goals,
a imate na mom sajtu besplatno
and|you have|on|my|site|free
and you have free resources on my website.
"Dnevnik sreće", koji će vam pomoći
diary|happiness|which|will|to you|help
"The Happiness Journal", which will help you
da svoj fokus svakodnevno vežbate
to|your|focus|daily|you practice
to practice your focus daily
kako bi vaša energija odlazila u pravcu
so that your energy goes in the direction
u kome je vama korisno
in|which|is|to you|useful
that is beneficial for you
i gde dobijate, u stvari
and|where|you get|in|fact
and where you actually get
pozitivan rezultat za sebe i za svoj život.
a positive result for yourself and for your life.
I treća
And the third
moja najdraža lekcija
my favorite lesson
koju sam naučila od Toma
which|I have|learned|from|Tom
which I learned from Tom
je da su ljubav i strah kao svetlost i tama
is|that|they are|love|and|fear|like|light|and|darkness
is that love and fear are like light and darkness
On je uvek govorio:
He always said:
da ljubav ima
that love has
svojstvo kao svetlost što može da rastera tamu
a property like light that can dispel darkness
tako i ljubav može da rastera strah u našem životu.
so love can dispel fear in our lives.
I govorio je
and|he said|is
And he said
da je to normalno da se mi plašimo.
that|is|it|normal|that|reflexive pronoun|we|we are afraid
that it is normal for us to be afraid.
Ljudi su prestravljeni, znate.
people|are|terrified|you know
People are terrified, you know.
Prestravljeni su od života,
They are terrified of life,
prestravljeni su od posla,
they are terrified of work,
prestravljeni su od raznih odnosa
they are terrified of various relationships.
prestravljeni su od budućnosti,
terrified|they are|of|future
they are terrified of the future,
prestravljeni su od prošlosti...
terrified|they are|of|past
they are terrified of the past...
jednostavno su ljudi prestravljeni.
simply|they are|people|terrified
people are simply terrified.
I taj strah ih čini nekad možda malo
and|that|fear|them|makes|sometimes|maybe|a little
And that fear sometimes makes them a little maybe
i agresivnim i
and aggressive and
neraspoloženim i tužnim... i tako dalje.
unhappy and sad... and so on.
Ali ljubav vraća svetlost u njihov život.
But love brings light back into their life.
On je govorio da je zadatak nas učitelja
He said that the task of us teachers
da naučimo ljude kako
to|we learn|people|how
to teach people how
da vole svoj život.
to|they love|their|life
to love their life.
Da vole sebe.
to|they love|themselves
To love themselves.
I da tom ljubavlju osvetljavaju svoj život.
and|to|that|love|they illuminate|their|life
And to illuminate their life with that love.
Da, u stvari, rasteraju strah.
yes|in|fact|they disperse|fear
Yes, in fact, they drive away fear.
Jer kada volimo ono što radimo,
because|when|we love|that|what|we do
Because when we love what we do,
mi se onda ne plašimo toliko da nećemo uspeti
we|reflexive pronoun|then|not|we fear|so much|that|we will not|we will succeed
we are not as afraid that we will fail
kao kad radimo nešto što ne volimo.
as|when|we do|something|that|not|we love
as when we do something we don't love.
Kada volimo svoju porodicu, kada volimo sebe,
when|we love|our|family|when|we love|ourselves
When we love our family, when we love ourselves,
mi onda za sebe možemo
we|then|for|ourselves|we can
we can then
da napravimo jedan prostor u kome
to|we make|a|space|in|which
create a space for ourselves where
nema toliko straha kao kada
there is no|so much|fear|as|when
there is not as much fear as when
nam je sve naopako i ništa
to us|is|everything|upside down|and|nothing
everything is upside down for us and nothing
nam nije drago.
to us|is not|glad
makes us happy.
I zato je jako važno da radimo na sebi.
and|therefore|is|very|important|that|we work|on|ourselves
And that's why it's very important to work on ourselves.
Da stvarno kreiramo ljubav u sebi
that|really|we create|love|in|ourselves
To truly create love within ourselves.
kojom ćemo da osvetlimo sve oko sebe.
which|we will|to|we illuminate|everything|around|ourselves
with which we will illuminate everything around us.
I ja vas pozivam da dođete na Power Life Design
and|I|you|I invite|to|you come|to|Power|Life|Design
And I invite you to come to Power Life Design
jer to je predivan trening u koji sam ugradila
because|it|is|wonderful|training|in|which|I have|I incorporated
because it is a wonderful training in which I have incorporated
puno toga što sam od njega naučila
a lot|of that|that|I have|from|him|I learned
a lot of what I have learned from it.
i što vama može da bude korisno
and|what|to you|can|to|be|useful
and what can be useful for you
da naučite da volite sebe, da volite svoj život,
to|you learn|to|you love|yourself|to|you love|your|life
is to learn to love yourself, to love your life,
da svoju energiju usmerite
to|your|energy|you direct
to direct your energy
u pravcu ostvarenja svojih ciljeva
towards achieving your goals
i da stvarno ta energija odlazi
and|that|really|that|energy|goes away
and that energy really goes away
na kreiranje vaše sreće u životu
to create your happiness in life
a ne na kreiranje vaše nesreće.
and not to create your unhappiness.
Tako da, ako volite,
so|that|if|you love
So, if you love,
prijavite se, imate dole link
register|yourself|you have|below|link
sign up, you have a link below
kliknite obavezno na subscribe i na zvonce
be sure to click on subscribe and the bell
ako želite još korisnih saveta,
if|you want|more|useful|tips
if you want more useful tips,
i vidimo se!
and|we see|each other
and see you soon!
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