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Hari Poter i Dvorana tajni, 2.16. Hari Poter i Dvorana tajni - Dvorana tajni (2)

2.16. Hari Poter i Dvorana tajni - Dvorana tajni (2)

Sliterinov naslednik nije ih želeo u blizini zamka kada je Dvorana otvorena! Paukovi beže od njega! Sve se uklapa! – Ali kako se Bazilisk kretao po zamku? – upita Ron. – Gadna, velika zmija... Neko bi ga video... Hari, međutim, pokaza na reč koju je Hermiona napisala na dnu strane. – Cevi – reče. – Cevi... Rone, koristio je vodovod. Ja sam čuo onaj glas kako dopire iz zidova... Ron iznenada zgrabi Harija za ruku. – Ulaz u Dvoranu tajni! – reče on promuklo. – Šta ako je u kupatilu? Šta ako je ulaz u kupatilu... – ...kupatilu Jecajuće Mirte – dovrši Hari. Sedeli su tu, dok im je uzbuđenje strujalo venama, jedva se usuđujući da poveruju. – To znači – reče Hari – da ja nisam jedini Nemušti u školi. I Sliterinov naslednik je takav. Tako uspeva da kontroliše Baziliska. – Šta ćemo da radimo? – upita Ron, dok su mu oči sevale. – Hoćemo li da idemo pravo kod profesorke Mek Gonagal? – Hajdemo u zbornicu – reče Hari, poskočivši. – Ona će biti tamo za deset minuta, uskoro će odmor. Strčali su niza stepenice. Pošto nisu želeli da ih ponovo zateknu kako lutaju po hodnicima, otišli su pravo u praznu zbornicu. Bila je to velika obložena soba puna tamnih drvenih stolica. Hari i Ron su se šetkali po njoj, i suviše uzbuđeni da bi seli. Ali zvono za odmor nije se oglasilo. Umesto njega, odjekujući hodnicima, začuo se magijski pojačan glas profesorke Mek Gonagal. – Svi učenici odmah da se vrate u spavaonice svojih kuća. Svi nastavnici da se vrate u zbornicu. Odmah, moliću. Hari se okrenu i zagleda u Rona. – Nije valjda još jedan napad? Ne sada? – Šta ćemo da radimo? – upita Ron uplašeno. – Da se vratimo u spavaonicu? – Ne – reče Hari, osvrćući se oko sebe. S njihove leve strane stajao je vrlo ružan orman, pun nastavničkih ogrtača. – Unutra. Hajde da čujemo o čemu se radi. Onda ćemo im reći šta smo otkrili. Oni se sakriše unutra, slušajući tutnjavu stotine ljudi koji se kreću iznad njihovih glava, a vrata zbornice se uz tresak otvoriše. Između prašnjavih nabora ogrtača, posmatrali su nastavnike kako ulaze u prostoriju. Neki od njih su izgledali zbunjeno, drugi sasvim prestrašeno. Stiže i profesorka Mek Gonagal. – Opet se desilo – obrati se ona nemoj zbornici. – Čudovište je odvelo jednu učenicu. Pravo u samu Dvoranu. Profesor Flitvik ciknu. Profesorka Mladica prinese šaku ustima. Snejp čvrsto zgrabi naslon jedne stolice, i upita: – Kako možeš da budeš sigurna? – Sliterinov naslednik – reče profesorka Mek Gonagal, koja je bila veoma bleda – ostavio je još jednu poruku. Odmah ispod prve. Njen kostur će zauvek ležati u Dvorani. Profesor Flitvik briznu u plač. – Ko je u pitanju? – upita Madam Bućkuriš, koja beše utonula u stolicu jer su je kolena izdala. – Koja učenica? – Džini Vizli – reče profesorka Mek Gonagal. Hari oseti kako Ron nečujno skliznu na pod garderobe pored njega. – Moraćemo sutra da pošaljemo sve učenike kućama – reče profesorka Mek Gonagal. – Ovo je kraj Hogvortsa. Dambldor je uvek govorio... Vrata zbornice ponovo se otvoriše uz tresak. U jednom mahnitom trenutku, Hari je bio siguran da je to Dambldor. Ali to je bio samo Lokhart, koji se zadovoljno smeškao. – Strašno mi je žao – zadremao sam – šta sam propustio? Izgleda da nije primetio da ga ostali nastavnici posmatraju gotovo s mržnjom. Snejp iskorači ispred njih. – Baš čovek koji nam treba – reče on. – Baš pravi. Čudovište je ščepalo jednu devojčicu, Lokharte. Odnelo ju je u samu Dvoranu tajni. Najzad je kucnuo tvoj čas. Lokhart preblede. – Tako je, Gilderoje – ubaci se profesorka Mladica. – Zar nisi baš sinoć pričao da si sve vreme znao gde je ulaz u Dvoranu tajni? – Ja – pa, ja... – mucao je Lokhart. – Da, zar mi nisi rekao da si siguran da znaš šta je u njoj? – procvrkuta profesor Flitvik. – J-jesam li? Ne sećam se... – Ja se svakako sećam da si pričao koliko ti je žao što se nisi dočepao čudovišta pre nego što je Hagrid uhapšen – reče Snejp. – Zar nisi rekao da je ceo ovaj problem nevešto vođen i da ti je trebalo dati odrešene ruke od samog početka? Lokhart je zurio u svoje kolege, čija su lica bila kruta kao da su od kamena. – Ja... ja stvarno nikad... Možda ste pogrešno razumeli... – Dakle, prepuštamo tebi da to rešiš, Gilderoje – reče profesorka Mek Gonagal. – Večeras će biti pravi trenutak da to uradiš. Postaraćemo se da ti se svi sklone s puta. Moći ćeš sasvim sam da savladaš čudovište. Najzad ćeš imati odrešene ruke. Lokhart je očajno buljio oko sebe, ali mu niko ne priteče u pomoć. Više nije izgledao ni približno zgodno. Usna mu je drhtala, a u odsustvu svog uobičajenog iskeženog osmeha delovao je suvonjavo, i brada kao da mu se stopila s vratom. – D-dobro onda – reče on. – Biću – biću u svom kabinetu, spremaću – spremaću se. I on izađe iz prostorije. – Dakle – reče profesorka Mek Gonagal, raširenih nozdrva – bar smo njega skinuli s vrata. Glavešine kuća trebalo bi da pođu i obaveste učenike šta se dogodilo. Kažite im da će ih sutra, rano izjutra, Hogvorts ekspres odvesti kućama. Molim vas neka se ostali pobrinu da učenici ne napuštaju spavaonice. Nastavnici ustadoše, i krenuše jedan po jedan. * * * To je verovatno bio najgori dan u celom Harijevom životu. On, Ron, Fred i Džordž sedeli su zajedno u ćošku grifindorskog dnevnog boravka, i nisu bili u stanju ništa da kažu jedan drugome. Persi nije bio tu. Otišao je da pošalje sovu gospodinu i gospođi Vizli, a onda se zatvorio gore u svoju spavaonicu. Nijedno popodne nije toliko dugo trajalo, niti je grifindorski toranj ikada bio tako pun, a opet tako tih. Pred zalazak sunca, Fred i Džordž su otišli gore na spavanje, ne mogavši više da podnesu to sedenje. – Ona je nešto znala, Hari – reče Ron, progovorivši prvi put otkako su se u zbornici krili u ormanu. – Zato je odvedena. Nije se uopšte radilo ni o kakvoj gluposti u vezi s Persijem. Otkrila je nešto o Dvorani tajni. Biće da je zbog toga... – Ron mahnito protrlja oči. – Mislim, ona je Čistokrvna. Ne može da bude nijedan drugi razlog. Hari je video krvavocrveno sunce kako zaranja iza horizonta. Nikada se nije osećao ovako užasno. Kad bi bar nešto mogli da preduzmu. Bilo šta. – Hari – reče Ron – misliš li da ima ikakve šanse da ona nije... znaš već... Hari nije znao šta da kaže. Nije mogao ni da zamisli da je Džini još živa. – Znaš šta? – reče Ron – trebalo bi da odemo do Lokharta. Da mu ispričamo sve što znamo. On će pokušati da uđe u dvoranu. Možemo da mu kažemo gde mislimo da se ona nalazi, i da mu kažemo da je Bazilisk unutra. Pošto Hari nije mogao da smisli šta bi drugo mogli da učine, a pošto je hteo bilo šta da preduzme, on pristade. Grifindorci oko njih bili su toliko očajni i toliko su sažaljevali Vizlijeve, da niko nije ni pokušao da ih zaustavi kad su ustali, prošli kroz boravak i izašli kroz rupu iza portreta. Kad su se spustili do Lokhartovog kabineta, mrak je uveliko padao. Činilo se da se u kabinetu štošta dešava. Mogli su da čuju struganje, lupanje i užurbane korake. Hari pokuca i, odjednom, unutra sve utihnu. Onda se vrata malčice odškrinuše, i oni videše jedno Lokhartovo oko kako viri kroz prorez. – O... gospodine Poter, gospodine Vizli... – reče on, još malo odškrinuvši vrata. – Trenutno sam nešto zauzet. Brzo recite to što imate, moliću... – Profesore, imamo neke informacije za vas – reče Hari. – Mislimo da bi vam pomogle. – Ovaj... pa... mislim da nije strašno... – Deo Lokhartovog lica koji se video izgledao je kao da mu je neprijatno. – Hoći reći... pa... dobro. Otvorio je vrata, i oni uđoše. Njegov kabinet bio je bezmalo ogoljen. Dva velika kovčega ležala su otvorena na podu. Njegove odore: žadzelena, jorgovanljubičasta i ponoćnoplava behu užurbano spakovane u jedan od njih. U drugom su neuredno bile nabacane knjige. Fotografije, koje su nekad pokrivale zidove, sada su bile natrpane u kutije na stolu. – Idete negde? – upita Hari. – Ovaj, pa da – reče Lokhart, skidajući svoj poster u prirodnoj veličini s poleđine vrata, i poče da ga umotava. – Hitan poziv... neizbežan... moram da idem... – Šta će biti s mojom sestrom? – obrecnu se Ron. – Pa, što se toga tiče... zbilja žalosno – reče Lokhart, izbegavajući njihove poglede, izvuče celu fioku i poče da prazni njen sadržaj u torbu. – Nikome nije žao više nego meni... – Vi ste nastavnik Odbrane od Mračnih veština! – reče Hari. – Ne možete sada da odete! Ne sad, dok se ovde dešavaju sve te Mračne stvari! – Pa, moram da priznam... kad sam prihvatio nameštenje... – mrmljao je Lokhart, trpajući sada čarape preko odora – u opisu posla ništa nije pisalo o... nisam očekivao... – Hoćete da kažete da bežite? – reče Hari s nevericom. – Posle svega što ste uradili u svojim knjigama? – Knjige mogu da zavaraju – reče Lokhart diplomatski. – Pa vi ste ih napisali! – viknu Hari. – Dragi moj dečače – reče Lokhart, uspravljajući se i mršteći se na Harija. – Mućni svojom glavom. Moje knjige se ne bi prodavale ni upola ovoliko dobro ukoliko ljudi ne bi mislili da sam ja uradio sve te stvari. Niko neće da čita o nekom ružnom, starom, jermenskom vešcu, makar ovaj spasao celo selo od vukodlaka. Izgledao bi užasno na naslovnoj strani. Uopšte nema smisla za odevanje. A veštica koja je proterala bandonsku vilu zloslutnicu ima dlakavu bradu. Mislim, ma daj... – Znači da ste vi samo preuzimali zasluge za nešto što je uradila gomila drugih ljudi? – upita Hari s nevericom. – Hari, Hari – reče Lokhart, nestrpljivo vrteći glavom – to nije ni približno tako jednostavno. Bilo je tu mnogo posla. Trebalo je da nađem sve te ljude. Da ih pitam kako su tačno uspeli da urade to što su uradili. Onda je trebalo da bacim na njih Memorijske čini, kako se ne bi sećali da su to uradili. Ako postoji nešto čime se ponosim, onda su to moje Memorijske čini. Ne, tu je bilo mnogo posla, Hari. Nije to samo potpisivanje knjiga i fotografija za javnost, znaš. Ako hoćeš da stekneš slavu, moraš da budeš spreman na dug i mukotrpan rad. On zatvori brave na kovčezima i zaključa ih. – Da vidimo – reče. – Mislim da je to sve. Da, ostala je još samo jedna stvar. On izvuče svoj čarobni štapić i uperi ga u njih. – Strašno mi je žao, dečaci, ali sada moram da bacim Memorijske čini na vas. Ne mogu da vas pustim da svima izbrbljate moje tajne. Više nikad ne bih prodao nijednu knjigu... Hari zgrabi svoj štapić taman na vreme. Lokhart jedva da je podigao svoj kad Hari uzviknu: – Ekspeliarmus! Lokhart bi odbačen unazad, i sruči se preko svog kovčega. Njegov štapić polete visoko u vazduh. Ron ga uhvati, i baci kroz otvoren prozor. – Nije trebalo da pustite profesora Snejpa da nas nauči tome – reče Hari besno, šutnuvši Lokhartov kovčeg u stranu. Lokhart je odozdo gledao u njega, ponovo delujući suvonjavo. Hari je još uvek upirao svoj štapić u njega. – Šta hoćete da uradim? – upita Lokhart slabašno. – Ne znam gde je Dvorana tajni. Ništa ne mogu da uradim. – Imate sreće – reče Hari, nateravši pokretom svog štapića Lokharta da ustane. – Mislimo da mi znamo gde je. I šta je u njoj. Hajdemo. Izmarširali su Lokharta iz kabineta i poveli ga niz najbliže stepenice, pa mračnim hodnikom u kom su sijale poruke na zidu, sve do ulaza u kupatilo Jecajuće Mirte. Pustili su Lokharta prvog unutra. Hariju je bilo drago da vidi kako se ovaj trese. Jecajuća Mirta je i dalje sedela na vodokotliću krajnjeg klozeta. – O, to ste vi – reče ona kad spazi Harija. – Šta sad hoćete? – Da te pitamo kako si umrla – reče Hari. Ceo Mirtin izgled odmah se promeni. Činilo se da joj niko nikada nije postavio tako laskavo pitanje. – Oooo, bilo je strašno – reče sa zadovoljstvom. – To se dogodilo baš ovde. Umrla sam u ovom separeu. Sećam se kao da je juče bilo. Sakrila sam se ovde jer me je Olivija Hornbi zadirkivala zbog naočara. Vrata su bila zaključana, i ja sam plakala, a onda sam čula kako neko ulazi. Rekao je nešto smešno. Mislim da je bilo na nekom drugom jeziku. U svakom slučaju, ono što me je zaista iznerviralo je što je to izgovorio neki dečak. Stoga sam otključala vrata da mu kažem da ide u svoj klozet, a onda sam... – Mirta se značajno isprsi, ozarenog lica – umrla.

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2.16. Hari Poter i Dvorana tajni - Dvorana tajni (2) Harry|Potter|and|Chamber|of Secrets|Chamber|of Secrets 2.16. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - Chamber of Secrets (2)

Sliterinov naslednik nije ih želeo u blizini zamka kada je Dvorana otvorena! Slytherin|heir|did not|them|wanted|in|proximity|castle|when|was|Hall|opened The Heir of Slytherin did not want them near the castle when the Chamber was opened! Paukovi beže od njega! The spiders|run|from|him The spiders flee from him! Sve se uklapa! Everything|reflexive pronoun|fits Everything fits! – Ali kako se Bazilisk kretao po zamku? But|how|reflexive pronoun|Basilisk|moved|through|the castle – But how did the Basilisk move through the castle? – upita Ron. asked|Ron - asked Ron. – Gadna, velika zmija... Neko bi ga video... Hari, međutim, pokaza na reč koju je Hermiona napisala na dnu strane. Bad|big|snake|Someone|would|it|seen|Harry|however|pointed|at|word|that|(past tense auxiliary verb)|Hermione|wrote|on|bottom|page - A nasty, big snake... Someone would have seen it... Harry, however, pointed to the word Hermione had written at the bottom of the page. – Cevi – reče. Cevi|said - Pipes - he said. – Cevi... Rone, koristio je vodovod. Pipes|Rone|used|(he)|plumbing - Pipes... Ron, he used the plumbing. Ja sam čuo onaj glas kako dopire iz zidova... Ron iznenada zgrabi Harija za ruku. I|am|heard|that|voice|how|comes|from|walls|Ron|suddenly|grabs|Harry|by|hand I heard that voice coming from the walls... Ron suddenly grabbed Harry by the arm. – Ulaz u Dvoranu tajni! Entrance|to|Hall|of Secrets – Entrance to the Hall of Secrets! – reče on promuklo. he said|he|hoarsely – he said hoarsely. – Šta ako je u kupatilu? What|if|is|in|the bathroom – What if it's in the bathroom? Šta ako je ulaz u kupatilu... – ...kupatilu Jecajuće Mirte – dovrši Hari. What|if|is|entrance|in|bathroom|bathroom|Weeping|Mirta|finishes|Hari What if the entrance is in the bathroom... – ...in the bathroom of Weeping Mirta – finished Harry. Sedeli su tu, dok im je uzbuđenje strujalo venama, jedva se usuđujući da poveruju. They sat|(auxiliary verb)|here|while|to them|(auxiliary verb)|excitement|flowed|through their veins|barely|(reflexive pronoun)|daring|to| They sat there, as excitement coursed through their veins, barely daring to believe. – To znači – reče Hari – da ja nisam jedini Nemušti u školi. That|means|said|Hari|that|I|am not|the only|Nemušti|in|school "That means," said Harry, "that I am not the only Mute in the school." I Sliterinov naslednik je takav. I|Slytherin's|heir|is|such The heir of Slytherin is like that too. Tako uspeva da kontroliše Baziliska. This way|he succeeds|to|control|Basilisk That way he manages to control the Basilisk. – Šta ćemo da radimo? What|shall|to|we do "What are we going to do?" – upita Ron, dok su mu oči sevale. asked|Ron|while|were|his|eyes|shining " Ron asked, his eyes shining. – Hoćemo li da idemo pravo kod profesorke Mek Gonagal? Shall we|question particle|to|go|straight|to|professor|Mc|Gonagall – Are we going straight to Professor McGonagall? – Hajdemo u zbornicu – reče Hari, poskočivši. Let's go|to|the staff room|said|Hari|jumping – Let's go to the staff room – said Harry, jumping up. – Ona će biti tamo za deset minuta, uskoro će odmor. She|will|be|there|in|ten|minutes|soon|will|break – She will be there in ten minutes, break is coming soon. Strčali su niza stepenice. They ran|(past tense marker)|down|the stairs They rushed down the stairs. Pošto nisu želeli da ih ponovo zateknu kako lutaju po hodnicima, otišli su pravo u praznu zbornicu. Since|they did not|want|to|them|again|catch|as|wander|through|hallways|they went|(past tense marker)|straight|to|empty|teachers' lounge Since they didn't want to be caught wandering the halls again, they went straight to the empty staff room. Bila je to velika obložena soba puna tamnih drvenih stolica. It was|(verb to be)|that|large|paneled|room|full|dark|wooden|chairs It was a large, carpeted room full of dark wooden chairs. Hari i Ron su se šetkali po njoj, i suviše uzbuđeni da bi seli. Harry|and|Ron|they|themselves|walked|around|her|and|too|excited|to|would|sit Harry and Ron were wandering around it, too excited to sit down. Ali zvono za odmor nije se oglasilo. But|bell|for|break|did not|reflexive particle|ring But the bell for the break did not ring. Umesto njega, odjekujući hodnicima, začuo se magijski pojačan glas profesorke Mek Gonagal. Instead of|him|echoing|through the hallways|heard|reflexive particle|magically|amplified|voice|of Professor|Mc|Gonagall Instead, echoing through the corridors, a magically amplified voice of Professor McGonagall was heard. – Svi učenici odmah da se vrate u spavaonice svojih kuća. All|students|immediately|to|themselves|return|to|dormitories|their|houses – All students return to the dormitories of their houses immediately. Svi nastavnici da se vrate u zbornicu. All|teachers|(particle for obligation)|themselves|return|to|staff room All teachers should return to the staff room. Odmah, moliću. Right away|I will ask Right away, please. Hari se okrenu i zagleda u Rona. Harry|himself|turned|and|stared|at|Ron Harry turned around and looked at Ron. – Nije valjda još jedan napad? Is not|surely|another|one|attack - Is it another attack? Ne sada? Not|now Not now? – Šta ćemo da radimo? What|shall|to|we do – What are we going to do? – upita Ron uplašeno. asked|Ron|fearfully – Ron asked fearfully. – Da se vratimo u spavaonicu? Let's|reflexive pronoun|return|to|dormitory – Should we go back to the dormitory? – Ne – reče Hari, osvrćući se oko sebe. No|said|Hari|looking|himself|around|himself – No – said Harry, looking around. S njihove leve strane stajao je vrlo ružan orman, pun nastavničkih ogrtača. On|their|left|side|stood|was|very|ugly|wardrobe|full|teacher's|robes To their left stood a very ugly wardrobe, full of teacher's robes. – Unutra. Inside - Inside. Hajde da čujemo o čemu se radi. Let's|to|hear|about|what|it|is happening Let's hear what it's about. Onda ćemo im reći šta smo otkrili. Then|we will|to them|tell|what|we|discovered Then we will tell them what we discovered. Oni se sakriše unutra, slušajući tutnjavu stotine ljudi koji se kreću iznad njihovih glava, a vrata zbornice se uz tresak otvoriše. They|reflexive pronoun|hid|inside|listening to|rumble|hundreds|people|who|reflexive pronoun|move|above|their|heads|and|door|of the assembly hall|reflexive pronoun|with|bang|opened They hid inside, listening to the rumble of hundreds of people moving above their heads, and the doors of the assembly room opened with a bang. Između prašnjavih nabora ogrtača, posmatrali su nastavnike kako ulaze u prostoriju. Between|dusty|folds|of the cloaks|they observed|(past tense auxiliary verb)|the teachers|how|they enter|into|the room Between the dusty folds of the cloaks, they watched the teachers enter the room. Neki od njih su izgledali zbunjeno, drugi sasvim prestrašeno. Some|of|them|were|looked|confused|others|completely|frightened Some of them looked confused, others completely scared. Stiže i profesorka Mek Gonagal. Arrives|and|professor|Mc|Gonagall Professor McGonagall is arriving. – Opet se desilo – obrati se ona nemoj zbornici. Again|(reflexive particle)|happened|addressed|(reflexive particle)|she|don't|to the teacher "It happened again," she addressed the staff room. – Čudovište je odvelo jednu učenicu. The monster|has|taken|one|student "A monster has taken one student." Pravo u samu Dvoranu. Straight|into|the|Hall Right into the Great Hall. Profesor Flitvik ciknu. Professor|Flitwick|squeaked Professor Flitwick squeaked. Profesorka Mladica prinese šaku ustima. The professor|Mladica|brought|fist|with her mouth Professor McGonagall brought a handful to her mouth. Snejp čvrsto zgrabi naslon jedne stolice, i upita: – Kako možeš da budeš sigurna? Snape|firmly|grabbed|armrest|one|chair|and|asked|How|can|to|be|sure Snape firmly grabbed the armrest of a chair and asked: – How can you be sure? – Sliterinov naslednik – reče profesorka Mek Gonagal, koja je bila veoma bleda – ostavio je još jednu poruku. Slytherin's|heir|said|professor|McGonagall|Gonagall|who|was|very|very|pale|left|(past tense marker)|another|one|message – The heir of Slytherin – said Professor McGonagall, who was very pale – left another message. Odmah ispod prve. Right away|under|first Right below the first one. Njen kostur će zauvek ležati u Dvorani. Her|skeleton|will|forever|lie|in|the Hall Her skeleton will lie forever in the Hall. Profesor Flitvik briznu u plač. Professor|Flitwick|burst|into|tears Professor Flitwick burst into tears. – Ko je u pitanju? Who|is|in|question - Who is it? – upita Madam Bućkuriš, koja beše utonula u stolicu jer su je kolena izdala. asked|Madam|Bućkuriš|who|was|sunk|in|chair|because|they|her|knees|betrayed - asked Madam Pomfrey, who had sunk into her chair because her knees had given out. – Koja učenica? Which|student - Which student? – Džini Vizli – reče profesorka Mek Gonagal. Ginny|Weasley|said|professor|Mc|Gonagall – Ginny Weasley – said Professor McGonagall. Hari oseti kako Ron nečujno skliznu na pod garderobe pored njega. Harry|feels|how|Ron|silently|slid|onto|floor|wardrobe|next to|him Harry felt Ron silently slide to the floor of the wardrobe next to him. – Moraćemo sutra da pošaljemo sve učenike kućama – reče profesorka Mek Gonagal. We will have to|tomorrow|to|send|all|students|home|said|professor|Mc|Gonagall – We will have to send all the students home tomorrow – said Professor McGonagall. – Ovo je kraj Hogvortsa. This|is|end|Hogwarts – This is the end of Hogwarts. Dambldor je uvek govorio... Vrata zbornice ponovo se otvoriše uz tresak. Dumbledore|was|always|said|The door|of the staff room|again|reflexive pronoun|opened|with|a bang Dumbledore always said... The door to the staff room opened again with a bang. U jednom mahnitom trenutku, Hari je bio siguran da je to Dambldor. In|one|frantic|moment|Harry|was|was|sure|that|is|it|Dumbledore In a frantic moment, Harry was sure it was Dumbledore. Ali to je bio samo Lokhart, koji se zadovoljno smeškao. But|that|was|only|just|Lockhart|who|himself|contentedly|smiled But it was just Lockhart, who was smiling contentedly. – Strašno mi je žao – zadremao sam – šta sam propustio? terribly|to me|is|sorry|I dozed off|I|what|I|missed – I'm terribly sorry – I dozed off – what did I miss? Izgleda da nije primetio da ga ostali nastavnici posmatraju gotovo s mržnjom. It seems|that|did not|notice|that|him|other|teachers|watch|almost|with|hatred It seems he didn't notice that the other teachers were watching him with almost hatred. Snejp iskorači ispred njih. Snape|steps out|in front of|them Snape stepped in front of them. – Baš čovek koji nam treba – reče on. exactly|man|who|us|needs|said|he – Exactly the man we need – he said. – Baš pravi. really|right – Just right. Čudovište je ščepalo jednu devojčicu, Lokharte. The monster|(is)|grabbed|one|little girl|Lokharte The monster grabbed a little girl, Lokhart. Odnelo ju je u samu Dvoranu tajni. It took|her|(past tense marker)|to|the very|Hall|of secrets It took her to the very Hall of Secrets. Najzad je kucnuo tvoj čas. Finally|has|struck|your|hour At last, your time has come. Lokhart preblede. Lokhart|paled Lockhart paled. – Tako je, Gilderoje – ubaci se profesorka Mladica. That's|is|Gilderoy|interjected|herself|professor|Mladica – That's right, Gilderoy – Professor Mladica interjected. – Zar nisi baš sinoć pričao da si sve vreme znao gde je ulaz u Dvoranu tajni? Didn't|you|exactly|last night|said|that|you|all|time|knew|where|is|entrance|into|Hall|secret – Didn't you say just last night that you knew all along where the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets was? – Ja – pa, ja... – mucao je Lokhart. I|but|I|stuttered|past tense marker|Lokhart – I – well, I... – Lockhart stammered. – Da, zar mi nisi rekao da si siguran da znaš šta je u njoj? Yes|question particle|to me|you didn't|told|that|you|sure|that|know|what|is|in|it – Yes, didn't you tell me that you were sure you knew what was inside? – procvrkuta profesor Flitvik. chirped|professor|Flitvik – chirped Professor Flitwick. – J-jesam li? ||question particle – A-am I? Ne sećam se... – Ja se svakako sećam da si pričao koliko ti je žao što se nisi dočepao čudovišta pre nego što je Hagrid uhapšen – reče Snejp. I don't|remember|myself||yourself||||||||was|||||||||||Hagrid|arrested|said|Snape I don't remember... – I certainly remember you saying how sorry you were that you didn't get your hands on the monster before Hagrid was arrested – said Snape. – Zar nisi rekao da je ceo ovaj problem nevešto vođen i da ti je trebalo dati odrešene ruke od samog početka? Didn't|you|said|that|is|whole|this|problem|clumsily|managed|and|that|you|is|should|to give|free|hands|from|very|beginning – Didn't you say that this whole problem was poorly managed and that you should have been given free rein from the very beginning? Lokhart je zurio u svoje kolege, čija su lica bila kruta kao da su od kamena. Lokhart|(past tense verb marker)|stared|at|his|colleagues|whose|were|faces|were|rigid|as|if|were|of|stone Lockhart stared at his colleagues, whose faces were as stiff as if they were made of stone. – Ja... ja stvarno nikad... Možda ste pogrešno razumeli... – Dakle, prepuštamo tebi da to rešiš, Gilderoje – reče profesorka Mek Gonagal. I|I|really|never|Maybe|you (plural)|incorrectly|understood|So|we leave|to you|to|that|solve|Gilderoy|said|professor|Mc|Gonagall – I... I really never... Maybe you misunderstood... – So, we leave it to you to resolve this, Gilderoy – said Professor McGonagall. – Večeras će biti pravi trenutak da to uradiš. Tonight|will|be|right|moment|to|that|do – Tonight will be the right moment to do it. Postaraćemo se da ti se svi sklone s puta. We will make sure|reflexive pronoun|that|you|reflexive pronoun|everyone|gets out of the way|with|path We will make sure everyone gets out of your way. Moći ćeš sasvim sam da savladaš čudovište. Will be able|you|completely|alone|to|overcome|monster You will be able to handle the monster all by yourself. Najzad ćeš imati odrešene ruke. Finally|you will|have|free|hands Finally, you will have a free hand. Lokhart je očajno buljio oko sebe, ali mu niko ne priteče u pomoć. Lokhart|was|desperately|stared|eye|at himself|but|to him|no one|not|rushed|to|help Lokhart was desperately staring around, but no one came to his aid. Više nije izgledao ni približno zgodno. No longer|did not|looked|not|anywhere near|attractive He no longer looked remotely handsome. Usna mu je drhtala, a u odsustvu svog uobičajenog iskeženog osmeha delovao je suvonjavo, i brada kao da mu se stopila s vratom. His lip|him|was|trembling|and|in|absence|his|usual|grinning|smile|looked|he|emaciated|and|chin|as|if|him|himself|merged|with|neck His lip was trembling, and in the absence of his usual wide grin, he appeared gaunt, and his chin seemed to have merged with his neck. – D-dobro onda – reče on. ||then|he said|he – W-well then – he said. – Biću – biću u svom kabinetu, spremaću – spremaću se. I will be||in||office|I will prepare||myself – I will – I will be in my office, I will be preparing – preparing. I on izađe iz prostorije. I|he|exits|from|the room And he left the room. – Dakle – reče profesorka Mek Gonagal, raširenih nozdrva – bar smo njega skinuli s vrata. So|said|professor|Mc|Gonagall|flared|nostrils|at least|we|him|got rid of|from|door – So – said Professor McGonagall, with flared nostrils – at least we got him off our backs. Glavešine kuća trebalo bi da pođu i obaveste učenike šta se dogodilo. Glaveshina|house|should|would|to|go|and|inform|students|what|reflexive pronoun|happened The heads of houses should go and inform the students what happened. Kažite im da će ih sutra, rano izjutra, Hogvorts ekspres odvesti kućama. Tell|them|that|will|them|tomorrow|early|in the morning|Hogwarts|express|take|home Tell them that tomorrow, early in the morning, the Hogwarts Express will take them home. Molim vas neka se ostali pobrinu da učenici ne napuštaju spavaonice. Please|you|let|themselves|others|ensure|that|students|not|leave|dormitories Please make sure that the others see to it that the students do not leave the dormitories. Nastavnici ustadoše, i krenuše jedan po jedan. The teachers|stood up|and|started|one|by|one The teachers stood up and started to leave one by one. * * * To je verovatno bio najgori dan u celom Harijevom životu. It|is|probably|was|worst|day|in|whole|Harry's|life * * * This was probably the worst day of Harry's life. On, Ron, Fred i Džordž sedeli su zajedno u ćošku grifindorskog dnevnog boravka, i nisu bili u stanju ništa da kažu jedan drugome. He|Ron|Fred|and|George|sat|were|together|in|corner|Gryffindor|common|room|and|were not|were|in|state|anything|to|say|one|another He, Ron, Fred, and George were sitting together in the corner of the Gryffindor common room, and they were unable to say anything to each other. Persi nije bio tu. Persi|was not|there|here Percy was not there. Otišao je da pošalje sovu gospodinu i gospođi Vizli, a onda se zatvorio gore u svoju spavaonicu. He went|(past tense marker)|to|send|owl|Mr|and|Mrs|Wisley|but|then|himself|closed|upstairs|in|his|bedroom He had gone to send an owl to Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, and then he locked himself up in his dormitory. Nijedno popodne nije toliko dugo trajalo, niti je grifindorski toranj ikada bio tako pun, a opet tako tih. No|afternoon|was not|so|long|lasted|nor|was|Gryffindor|tower|ever|been|so|full|but|again|so|quiet No afternoon had ever lasted so long, nor had the Gryffindor tower ever been so full, yet so quiet. Pred zalazak sunca, Fred i Džordž su otišli gore na spavanje, ne mogavši više da podnesu to sedenje. Before|sunset|sun|Fred|and|George|they|went|up|to|sleep|not|being able|anymore|to|endure|that|sitting Before sunset, Fred and George went upstairs to sleep, unable to bear sitting any longer. – Ona je nešto znala, Hari – reče Ron, progovorivši prvi put otkako su se u zbornici krili u ormanu. She|was|something|knew|Harry|said|Ron|speaking|first|time|since|they|themselves|in|the staff room|hid|in| "She knew something, Harry," said Ron, speaking for the first time since they had hidden in the cupboard in the staff room. – Zato je odvedena. That's why|is|she was taken "That's why she was taken." Nije se uopšte radilo ni o kakvoj gluposti u vezi s Persijem. It is not|reflexive pronoun|at all|was discussed|nor|about|any|stupidity|in|relation|with|Persius It wasn't about any nonsense regarding Percy at all. Otkrila je nešto o Dvorani tajni. She revealed|(past tense verb marker)|something|about|the Chamber|of secrets She discovered something about the Chamber of Secrets. Biće da je zbog toga... – Ron mahnito protrlja oči. It will be|that|is|because|that|Ron|frantically|rubs|eyes It must be because of that... – Ron frantically rubbed his eyes. – Mislim, ona je Čistokrvna. I think|she|is|Purebred – I mean, she is Pureblood. Ne može da bude nijedan drugi razlog. It|can|to|be|no|other|reason There can't be any other reason. Hari je video krvavocrveno sunce kako zaranja iza horizonta. Hari|(past tense verb marker)|saw|blood-red|sun|as|sinks|behind|horizon Harry saw the blood-red sun setting behind the horizon. Nikada se nije osećao ovako užasno. Never|himself|has not|felt|this|awful He had never felt this awful. Kad bi bar nešto mogli da preduzmu. If|would|only|something|could|to|take action If only they could do something. Bilo šta. Anything|question word Anything. – Hari – reče Ron – misliš li da ima ikakve šanse da ona nije... znaš već... Hari nije znao šta da kaže. Harry|said|Ron|do you think|question particle|that|has|any|chance|that|she|is not|you know|already|Harry|not|knew|what|to|say - Harry - said Ron - do you think there's any chance that she isn't... you know... Harry didn't know what to say. Nije mogao ni da zamisli da je Džini još živa. He did not||even|to|imagine|that|she|Ginny|still|alive He couldn't even imagine that Ginny was still alive. – Znaš šta? You know|what - You know what? – reče Ron – trebalo bi da odemo do Lokharta. said|Ron|should|would|to|we go|to|Lockhart - said Ron - we should go to Lockhart. Da mu ispričamo sve što znamo. Let|him|we tell|everything|that|we know To tell him everything we know. On će pokušati da uđe u dvoranu. He|will|try|to|enter|in|the hall He will try to enter the chamber. Možemo da mu kažemo gde mislimo da se ona nalazi, i da mu kažemo da je Bazilisk unutra. We can|to|him|tell|where|we think|that|herself|she|is located|and|to|him|tell|that|is|Basilisk|inside We can tell him where we think it is, and tell him that the Basilisk is inside. Pošto Hari nije mogao da smisli šta bi drugo mogli da učine, a pošto je hteo bilo šta da preduzme, on pristade. Since|Harry|not|could|to|think of|what|would|other|could|to|do|and|since|he|wanted|anything|what|to|undertake|he|agreed Since Harry couldn't think of what else they could do, and since he wanted to take any action, he agreed. Grifindorci oko njih bili su toliko očajni i toliko su sažaljevali Vizlijeve, da niko nije ni pokušao da ih zaustavi kad su ustali, prošli kroz boravak i izašli kroz rupu iza portreta. Gryffindors|around|them|were|they|so|desperate|and|so|they|||||||||||||stood up|passed|through|living room|and|exited|through|hole|behind|the portrait The Gryffindors around them were so desperate and so sorry for the Weasleys that no one even tried to stop them when they stood up, walked through the common room, and exited through the hole behind the portrait. Kad su se spustili do Lokhartovog kabineta, mrak je uveliko padao. When|they|themselves|descended|to|Lockhart's|office|darkness|was|already|falling When they descended to Lockhart's office, darkness was already falling. Činilo se da se u kabinetu štošta dešava. It seemed|reflexive pronoun|that|reflexive pronoun|in|the cabinet|quite a lot|is happening It seemed that a lot was happening in the office. Mogli su da čuju struganje, lupanje i užurbane korake. They could|(past tense auxiliary verb)|to|hear|scraping|banging|and|hurried|footsteps They could hear scraping, banging, and hurried footsteps. Hari pokuca i, odjednom, unutra sve utihnu. Hari|knocked|and|suddenly|inside|everything|fell silent Harry knocked and suddenly everything inside went quiet. Onda se vrata malčice odškrinuše, i oni videše jedno Lokhartovo oko kako viri kroz prorez. Then|(reflexive particle)|door|slightly|opened|and|they|saw|one|Lockhart's|eye|how|peeks|through|crack Then the door cracked open a little, and they saw one of Lockhart's eyes peering through the gap. – O... gospodine Poter, gospodine Vizli... – reče on, još malo odškrinuvši vrata. Oh|Mr|Potter|Mr|Weasley|he said|he|still|a little|slightly opening|the door – Oh... Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley... – he said, opening the door a little more. – Trenutno sam nešto zauzet. Currently|I am|somewhat|busy – I'm currently a bit busy. Brzo recite to što imate, moliću... – Profesore, imamo neke informacije za vas – reče Hari. Quickly|tell|what|that|you have|I beg you|Professor|we have|some|information|for|you|said|Hari Quickly tell me what you have, please... – Professor, we have some information for you – said Harry. – Mislimo da bi vam pomogle. We think|that|would|to you|help – We think it would help you. – Ovaj... pa... mislim da nije strašno... – Deo Lokhartovog lica koji se video izgledao je kao da mu je neprijatno. This|well|I think|that|is not|terrible|Part|Lockhart's|face|which|himself|seen|looked|was|like|that|to him|was|uncomfortable – This... well... I don't think it's that bad... – Part of Lockhart's face that was visible looked like he was uncomfortable. – Hoći reći... pa... dobro. I want|to say|well|okay – You mean... well... okay. Otvorio je vrata, i oni uđoše. He opened|(past tense marker)|the door|and|they|entered He opened the door, and they entered. Njegov kabinet bio je bezmalo ogoljen. His|office|was|(past tense marker)|almost|bare His office was almost bare. Dva velika kovčega ležala su otvorena na podu. Two|large|suitcases|were lying|(auxiliary verb)|open|on|the floor Two large trunks lay open on the floor. Njegove odore: žadzelena, jorgovanljubičasta i ponoćnoplava behu užurbano spakovane u jedan od njih. His|uniforms|jade green|lilac purple|and|midnight blue|were|hurriedly|packed|in|one|of|them His uniforms: jade green, lilac purple, and midnight blue were hurriedly packed into one of them. U drugom su neuredno bile nabacane knjige. In|the second|were|messily|there|thrown|books In the other, books were carelessly thrown in. Fotografije, koje su nekad pokrivale zidove, sada su bile natrpane u kutije na stolu. The photographs|which|were|once|covered|the walls|now|were|been|crammed|into|boxes|on|the table Photographs, which once covered the walls, were now stuffed into boxes on the table. – Idete negde? Are you going|somewhere - Are you going somewhere? – upita Hari. asked|Hari - asked Harry. – Ovaj, pa da – reče Lokhart, skidajući svoj poster u prirodnoj veličini s poleđine vrata, i poče da ga umotava. This|well|yes|said|Lockhart|taking down||||||with|back|door|and|began|to|it|wrap - Well, yes - said Lockhart, taking down his life-size poster from the back of the door, and began to roll it up. – Hitan poziv... neizbežan... moram da idem... – Šta će biti s mojom sestrom? Urgent|call|inevitable|I must|to|go|What|will|happen|with|my|sister - Urgent call... unavoidable... I have to go... - What will happen to my sister? – obrecnu se Ron. growled|himself|Ron - Ron snapped. – Pa, što se toga tiče... zbilja žalosno – reče Lokhart, izbegavajući njihove poglede, izvuče celu fioku i poče da prazni njen sadržaj u torbu. Well|as for|reflexive pronoun|that|concerns|really|sad|said|Lokhart|avoiding|their|glances|pulled out|whole|drawer|and|began|to|empty|its|contents|into|bag - Well, as for that... really sad - said Lockhart, avoiding their gazes, pulled out the entire drawer and began emptying its contents into a bag. – Nikome nije žao više nego meni... – Vi ste nastavnik Odbrane od Mračnih veština! to nobody|is not|sorry|more|than|me|You|are|teacher|Defense|against|Dark|arts – No one feels worse than I do... – You are the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher! – reče Hari. said|Hari – said Harry. – Ne možete sada da odete! You|can|now|to|leave – You can't leave now! Ne sad, dok se ovde dešavaju sve te Mračne stvari! Not|now|while|reflexive pronoun|here|are happening|all|those|Dark|things Not now, while all these Dark things are happening here! – Pa, moram da priznam... kad sam prihvatio nameštenje... – mrmljao je Lokhart, trpajući sada čarape preko odora – u opisu posla ništa nije pisalo o... nisam očekivao... – Hoćete da kažete da bežite? Well|I must|to|admit|when|I|accepted|job|mumbled|was|Lokhart|stuffing|now|socks|over|uniform|in|description|job|nothing|was not|written|about|I was not|expecting|Do you want|to|say|that|you are running away – Well, I must admit... when I accepted the position... – mumbled Lockhart, now stuffing socks over his robes – the job description didn't mention anything about... I didn't expect... – Are you saying you're running away? – reče Hari s nevericom. said|Hari|with|disbelief - said Harry in disbelief. – Posle svega što ste uradili u svojim knjigama? After|everything|that|you (plural)|did|in|your (plural)|books - After everything you have done in your books? – Knjige mogu da zavaraju – reče Lokhart diplomatski. Books|can|to|deceive|said|Lockhart|diplomatically - Books can be misleading - said Lockhart diplomatically. – Pa vi ste ih napisali! Well|you|are|them|written - But you wrote them! – viknu Hari. shouts|Hari - shouted Harry. – Dragi moj dečače – reče Lokhart, uspravljajući se i mršteći se na Harija. Dear|my|little boy|said|Lockhart|straightening|himself||frowning|himself|at|Harry – My dear boy – said Lockhart, straightening up and frowning at Harry. – Mućni svojom glavom. Shake|with your|head – Use your head. Moje knjige se ne bi prodavale ni upola ovoliko dobro ukoliko ljudi ne bi mislili da sam ja uradio sve te stvari. My|books|reflexive pronoun|not|would|sell|not even|half|this much|well|if|people|not|would|thought|that|I||did|all|those|things My books wouldn't sell half as well if people didn't think I did all those things. Niko neće da čita o nekom ružnom, starom, jermenskom vešcu, makar ovaj spasao celo selo od vukodlaka. Nobody|will|to|read|about|some|ugly|old|Armenian|wizard|even if|this|saved|whole|village|from|werewolf No one wants to read about some ugly, old, Armenian wizard, even if he saved the whole village from werewolves. Izgledao bi užasno na naslovnoj strani. He would look|(conditional particle)|awful|on|cover|page He would look terrible on the cover. Uopšte nema smisla za odevanje. completely|has no|sense|for|dressing There is absolutely no sense of dressing. A veštica koja je proterala bandonsku vilu zloslutnicu ima dlakavu bradu. The|witch|who|is|banished|bandon|villa|ominous|has|hairy|beard And the witch who banished the ominous villa of Bandons has a hairy beard. Mislim, ma daj... – Znači da ste vi samo preuzimali zasluge za nešto što je uradila gomila drugih ljudi? I think|but|come on|So|that|you (plural)|you (plural)|only|took|credit|for|something|that|(past tense auxiliary verb)|did|a bunch|other|people I mean, come on... – So you were just taking credit for something that a bunch of other people did? – upita Hari s nevericom. asked|Hari|with|disbelief – asked Harry incredulously. – Hari, Hari – reče Lokhart, nestrpljivo vrteći glavom – to nije ni približno tako jednostavno. Hari||said|Lockhart|impatiently|shaking|his head|that|is not|even|remotely|so|simple – Harry, Harry – said Lockhart, impatiently shaking his head – it's not nearly that simple. Bilo je tu mnogo posla. It was|(past tense verb to be)|there|much|work There was a lot of work to be done. Trebalo je da nađem sve te ljude. It was necessary|(past tense auxiliary verb)|to|find|all|those|people I had to find all those people. Da ih pitam kako su tačno uspeli da urade to što su uradili. To|them|I ask|how|they|exactly|succeeded|to|do|that|what|they|did To ask them how exactly they managed to do what they did. Onda je trebalo da bacim na njih Memorijske čini, kako se ne bi sećali da su to uradili. Then|was|necessary|to|throw|at|them|Memory|spells|so that|themselves|not|would|remembered|that|they|it|did Then I had to cast Memory spells on them, so they wouldn't remember that they did it. Ako postoji nešto čime se ponosim, onda su to moje Memorijske čini. If|there is|something|that|reflexive pronoun|I am proud|then|are|those|my|Memory|acts If there is something I am proud of, it is my Memory spells. Ne, tu je bilo mnogo posla, Hari. No|there|was|much|much|work|Hari No, there was a lot of work here, Harry. Nije to samo potpisivanje knjiga i fotografija za javnost, znaš. It is not|that|just|signing|books|and|photographs|for|the public|you know It's not just signing books and taking photos for the public, you know. Ako hoćeš da stekneš slavu, moraš da budeš spreman na dug i mukotrpan rad. If|you want|to|gain|fame|you must|to|be|ready|for|long|and|hard|work If you want to gain fame, you have to be ready for long and hard work. On zatvori brave na kovčezima i zaključa ih. He|closes|locks|on|suitcases|and|locks|them He closes the locks on the coffins and locks them. – Da vidimo – reče. Let's|see|he said - Let's see - he said. – Mislim da je to sve. I think|that|is|it|everything – I think that's all. Da, ostala je još samo jedna stvar. Yes|remains|is|only|one|one|thing Yes, there's just one more thing. On izvuče svoj čarobni štapić i uperi ga u njih. He|pulls out|his|magic|wand|and|points|it|at|them He pulls out his magic wand and points it at them. – Strašno mi je žao, dečaci, ali sada moram da bacim Memorijske čini na vas. terribly|to me|is|sorry|boys|but|now|I must|to|cast|Memory|spells|on|you – I'm really sorry, boys, but now I have to cast Memory spells on you. Ne mogu da vas pustim da svima izbrbljate moje tajne. I|can|to|you|let|to|everyone|blurt out|my|secrets I can't let you blab my secrets to everyone. Više nikad ne bih prodao nijednu knjigu... Hari zgrabi svoj štapić taman na vreme. never|again|not|would|sold|any|book|Harry|grabbed|his|wand|just|in|time I would never sell another book again... Harry grabbed his wand just in time. Lokhart jedva da je podigao svoj kad Hari uzviknu: – Ekspeliarmus! Lockhart|barely|to|was|raised|his|when|Harry|shouted|Expelliarmus Lockhart barely lifted his wand when Harry shouted: – Expelliarmus! Lokhart bi odbačen unazad, i sruči se preko svog kovčega. Lokhart|would|thrown|backward|and|fell|himself|over|his|suitcase Lockhart was thrown backward and fell over his trunk. Njegov štapić polete visoko u vazduh. His|stick|flies|high|in|air His wand flew high into the air. Ron ga uhvati, i baci kroz otvoren prozor. Ron|him|catches|and|throws|through|open|window Ron caught it and threw it out the open window. – Nije trebalo da pustite profesora Snejpa da nas nauči tome – reče Hari besno, šutnuvši Lokhartov kovčeg u stranu. It wasn't|necessary|to|let|Professor|Snape|to|us|teach|that|said|Harry|angrily|kicking|Lockhart's|trunk|to|side "You shouldn't have let Professor Snape teach us that," Harry said angrily, kicking Lockhart's trunk aside. Lokhart je odozdo gledao u njega, ponovo delujući suvonjavo. Lockhart|was|from below|looking|at|him|again|appearing|dryly Lockhart looked up at him from below, appearing thin and frail again. Hari je još uvek upirao svoj štapić u njega. Harry|is|still|always|poking|his|stick|at|him Harry was still pointing his wand at him. – Šta hoćete da uradim? What|do you want|to|do "What do you want me to do?" – upita Lokhart slabašno. asked|Lokhart|weakly Lockhart asked weakly. – Ne znam gde je Dvorana tajni. I|know|where|is|Hall|of Secrets – I don't know where the Chamber of Secrets is. Ništa ne mogu da uradim. Nothing|not|can|to|do I can't do anything. – Imate sreće – reče Hari, nateravši pokretom svog štapića Lokharta da ustane. You have|luck|said|Harry|forcing|with a movement|his|wand|Lockhart|to|get up – You're lucky – said Harry, making Lockhart get up with a wave of his wand. – Mislimo da mi znamo gde je. We think|that|we|know|where|he is – We think we know where it is. I šta je u njoj. And|what|is|in|her And what's in it. Hajdemo. Let's go Let's go. Izmarširali su Lokharta iz kabineta i poveli ga niz najbliže stepenice, pa mračnim hodnikom u kom su sijale poruke na zidu, sve do ulaza u kupatilo Jecajuće Mirte. They marched out|(past tense auxiliary verb)|Lokhart|from|the office|and|led|him|down|nearest|stairs|then|dark|hallway|in|which|(past tense auxiliary verb)|shone|messages|on|the wall|all|to|the entrance|in|the bathroom|Weeping|Mirta They marched Lokhart out of the office and led him down the nearest stairs, through a dark hallway where messages shone on the wall, all the way to the entrance of the bathroom of Weeping Mirta. Pustili su Lokharta prvog unutra. They let|(past tense auxiliary verb)|Lokhart|first|inside They let Lokhart go in first. Hariju je bilo drago da vidi kako se ovaj trese. Hari|was|it|glad|to|see|how|himself|this|trembles Hari was glad to see him trembling. Jecajuća Mirta je i dalje sedela na vodokotliću krajnjeg klozeta. Weeping|Mirta|was|and|still|sat|on|toilet tank|farthest|toilet Weeping Mirta was still sitting on the toilet tank of the farthest toilet. – O, to ste vi – reče ona kad spazi Harija. Oh|that|are|you|she said|she|when|spotted|Harry – Oh, it's you – she said when she spotted Harry. – Šta sad hoćete? What|now|do you want – What do you want now? – Da te pitamo kako si umrla – reče Hari. To|you|ask|how|you|died|said|Hari – We want to ask you how you died – said Harry. Ceo Mirtin izgled odmah se promeni. The whole|Mirt's|appearance|immediately|himself|changes Myrtle's entire demeanor changed. Činilo se da joj niko nikada nije postavio tako laskavo pitanje. It seemed|reflexive particle|that|to her|nobody|ever|had not|asked|so|flattering|question It seemed that no one had ever asked her such a flattering question. – Oooo, bilo je strašno – reče sa zadovoljstvom. Oooo|was|it|terrible|said|with|satisfaction – Oooo, it was terrible – she said with satisfaction. – To se dogodilo baš ovde. It|reflexive pronoun|happened|just|here – It happened right here. Umrla sam u ovom separeu. I died|am|in|this|private booth I died in this booth. Sećam se kao da je juče bilo. I remember|reflexive pronoun|as|that|it was|yesterday|been I remember it as if it were yesterday. Sakrila sam se ovde jer me je Olivija Hornbi zadirkivala zbog naočara. I hid|(past tense marker)|reflexive pronoun|here|because|me|(past tense marker)|Olivia|Hornby|teased|because of|glasses I hid here because Olivia Hornby was teasing me about my glasses. Vrata su bila zaključana, i ja sam plakala, a onda sam čula kako neko ulazi. The door|were|locked|locked|and|I|was|crying|but|then|I|heard|how|someone|enters The door was locked, and I was crying, and then I heard someone coming in. Rekao je nešto smešno. He said|(past tense marker)|something|funny He said something funny. Mislim da je bilo na nekom drugom jeziku. I think|that|it was|in some|in|some|other|language I think it was in another language. U svakom slučaju, ono što me je zaista iznerviralo je što je to izgovorio neki dečak. In|every|case|that|what|me|was|really|annoyed|was|that|was|it|said|some|boy In any case, what really annoyed me was that it was said by some boy. Stoga sam otključala vrata da mu kažem da ide u svoj klozet, a onda sam... – Mirta se značajno isprsi, ozarenog lica – umrla. Therefore|I|unlocked|the door|to|him|I tell|to|go|in|his|bathroom|and|then|I|Mirta|herself|significantly|puffs up|beaming|face|died So I unlocked the door to tell him to go to his own bathroom, and then I... – Mirta puffs up significantly, her face beaming – died.

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