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Storybooks Canada, Tingi na ng'ombe

Tingi na ng'ombe

https://storybookscanada.ca/images/0210/01.jpg" alt="A woman sitting against a tree and a boy petting a cow."/>

https://storybookscanada.ca/images/0210/02.jpg" alt="A woman with her arm around a boy."/>

Tingi aliishi na bibi yake.

https://storybookscanada.ca/images/0210/03.jpg" alt="A woman sitting against a tree and a boy petting a cow."/>

Alizoea kuchunga ng'ombe na bibi yake.

https://storybookscanada.ca/images/0210/04.jpg" alt="A woman with her arm around a boy and soldiers marching."/>

Siku moja wanajeshi walikuja.

https://storybookscanada.ca/images/0210/05.jpg" alt="A soldier pointing and two cows walking away."/>

Wakawachukua ng'ombe.

https://storybookscanada.ca/images/0210/06.jpg" alt="A woman and a boy running through a forest."/>

Tingi na bibi yake walikimbia na kujificha.

https://storybookscanada.ca/images/0210/07.jpg" alt="A woman with her arm around a boy sitting in a dark forest."/>

Walijificha kichakani hadi usiku.

https://storybookscanada.ca/images/0210/08.jpg" alt="A woman and a boy hiding in a forest and soldiers walking around."/>

Wanajeshi walirudi tena.

https://storybookscanada.ca/images/0210/09.jpg" alt="A woman hiding a boy under leaves in a dark forest."/>

Bibi alimficha Tingi chini ya majani.

https://storybookscanada.ca/images/0210/10.jpg" alt="A soldier stepping on a boy hiding under leaves in a dark forest."/>

Mwanajeshi mmoja alimkanyaga, lakini akanyamaza kimya.

https://storybookscanada.ca/images/0210/11.jpg" alt="A woman and a boy walking out of the forest."/>

Wanajeshi walipoondoka Tingi na bibi yake wakajitokeza.

https://storybookscanada.ca/images/0210/12.jpg" alt="A woman and a boy walking to a house."/>

Wakajikongoja kimya kimya kurudi nyumbani.

Tingi na ng'ombe Tingi und Kühe Tingi and cows Tingi y vacas Tingi et les vaches ティンギと牛 Tingi e vacas

A woman sitting against a tree and a boy petting a cow.

A woman with her arm around a boy.

Tingi aliishi na bibi yake. Tingi lived with his grandmother. Tingi vivait avec sa grand-mère.

A woman sitting against a tree and a boy petting a cow.

Alizoea kuchunga ng'ombe na bibi yake. He used to tend cows with his grandmother.

A woman with her arm around a boy and soldiers marching.

Siku moja wanajeshi walikuja. One day the soldiers came. Un jour, les soldats sont arrivés.

A soldier pointing and two cows walking away.

Wakawachukua ng'ombe. They took the cows.

A woman and a boy running through a forest.

Tingi na bibi yake walikimbia na kujificha. Tingi and his grandmother ran and hid. Tingi et sa grand-mère ont couru et se sont cachés.

A woman with her arm around a boy sitting in a dark forest.

Walijificha kichakani hadi usiku. They hid in the bush until night. Ils se sont cachés dans la brousse jusqu'à la nuit.

A woman and a boy hiding in a forest and soldiers walking around.

Wanajeshi walirudi tena. The soldiers returned again.

A woman hiding a boy under leaves in a dark forest.

Bibi alimficha Tingi chini ya majani. Grandma hid Tingi under the leaves.

A soldier stepping on a boy hiding under leaves in a dark forest.

Mwanajeshi mmoja alimkanyaga, lakini akanyamaza kimya. A soldier stepped on him, but he remained silent.

A woman and a boy walking out of the forest.

Wanajeshi walipoondoka Tingi na bibi yake wakajitokeza. When the soldiers left Tingi and his wife appeared. Lorsque les soldats sont partis, Tingi et sa femme sont arrivés.

A woman and a boy walking to a house.

Wakajikongoja kimya kimya kurudi nyumbani. They staggered quietly back home. Ils rentrèrent tranquillement chez eux en titubant.