Bir çok aksiyon filminde klişe bir sahne vardır.
A|many|action|in the movie|cliché|a|scene|exists
في كثير من الأفلام الحركة يوجد مشهد سينمائي كليشة.
There is a cliché scene in many action movies.
Filmin kahramanı bir bombayla baş başa kalır ve çok kısa
The film|hero|a|with a bomb|head||is left|and|very|short
فيه يظل بطل الفيلم وحده مع قنبلة ولديه وقتا
The hero of the film is left alone with a bomb and has very little
süresi vardır. Belki 1 dakika belki 2 dakika.
قصيرا جدا. ربما دقيقة أو دقيقتين.
time. Maybe 1 minute, maybe 2 minutes.
O 2 dakika tık tık saniyeler
وتنفد هاتان دقيقتان
Those 2 minutes tick tick seconds.
azalmaya devam eder. ve
to decrease|continue|will|and
شيئا فشيئا
continues to decrease. and
kahramanımızın görevi; o kısa zaman diliminde
our hero|mission|he|short|time|in the period
وفي هذه الفترة وظيفة البطل
our hero's mission; during that short time period
bombayı etkisiz hale getirmek. ve eninde sonunda
the bomb|harmless|state|to neutralize|and|eventually|in the end
فقد تأثير القنبلة. وأجلا أو عاجلا
to neutralize the bomb. and sooner or later
klişe ya bu kahraman,
كليشة كما تعرفون، أن البطل،
this hero faces a cliché,
şöyle bir şeyle yüz yüze kalır; kırmızı kabloyu mu
like this|a|with thing|face|to face|encounters|red|cable|question particle
يجد نفسه مخيرا؛ هل سيقطع الكابل الأحمر
is it the red wire?
kesecek mavi kabloyu mu kesecek. O orada
will cut|blue|the cable|question particle|will cut|He|
أم الكابل الأزرق؟ وحين ذلك
Is he going to cut the blue wire? He is there.
bombayı etkisiz hale getirmeye çalışırken; yoğun bir baskı altındayken
the bomb|neutralized|state|to render|while trying|intense|a|pressure|while under
عندما يحاول البطل من أجل فقد تأثير القنبلة وأنه تحت ضغط كثيف
While trying to defuse the bomb; under intense pressure.
biz de aynı şekilde hissederiz, onunla beraber
we|also|same|way|feel|with him|together
ونحن نشعر كذلك معه
We feel the same way, along with him.
baskı altında hissederiz. Bazen
pressure|under|we feel|Sometimes
أننا تحت ضغط كثيف.
We feel under pressure. Sometimes.
tam anlamıyla o kahramanın yaşadığı hissiyat
fully|in terms of|that|hero|experienced|feeling
وفي بعض الأحيان أحاسيس ما شعرها البطل
The exact feeling that the hero experiences.
var ya o ikilemler, o baskı altında kalma hali,
there|or|those|dilemmas|that|pressure|under|state of being|condition
ومعضلات بالتحديد، وتلك الحال الظل تحت ضغط كثيف
You know, those dilemmas, that state of being under pressure,
o stres hali birebir bunu bir
نحن نشعر بهذا الضغط
that state of stress, we experience this directly in our lives without a bomb.
bomba olmaksızın hayatımızda yaşarız. İşte, böyle
bomb|without|in our lives|we live||like this
في حياتنا اليومية دون هذه القنبلة
In times like this,
zamanlarda yoğun stres altındayken
during times|intense|stress|when under
وعند هذه الحالات، تحت ضغط النفسي
when under intense stress,
yoğun baskı altındayken nasıl rahatlayabilirsin
intense|pressure|when under|how|can you relax
كيف يمكنك الإسترحاء؟
when under intense pressure, how can you relax?
bunu bu videoda sana anlatacağım.
this|in this|video|to you|I will explain
سأشرح لك هذا في هذا الفيديو
I will explain this to you in this video.
Olay ne olursa olsun, insana yoğun baskı
Event|no|happens|regardless|to a person|intense|pressure
مهما كان الأمر، هناك سببان
Regardless of the event, there are usually two feelings behind things that make a person feel intense pressure
ve stres hissettiren şeylerin arkasında genelde iki tane
قد يجعلان الإنسان يشعر بضغط النفسي في الغالب:
and stress. One of these is the possibility of being harmed,
duygu oluyor. Bunların birisi; zarar görme ihtimali,
emotion|occurs|These|one of them|harm|experiencing|probability
الأول؛ هو احتمال التعطب،
the second is the fear of loss. But
ikincisi ise kaybetme korkusu. Ama
the second|however|losing|fear|but
والثاني خوف الخيبة.
bu iki korku bu iki duygu yeni bir şey
لكنهما ليسا شيئان أو حسّان جديدان
these two fears, these two feelings are not something new.
değil. Bundan binlerce yıl öncede
no|from this|thousands|year|
قبل آلاف سنة كمان،
Thousands of years ago,
insanlar buna benzer şeyler yaşıyordu. Ama o zaman
people|this|similar|things|were living|But|that|time
كان الناس يشعرون بذلك، لكن تلك الزمن
people were experiencing similar things. But back then,
günümüzün modern zamanların tehlikelerinden daha başka
our day|modern|times|dangers|more|different
كان هناك الأمور تختلف عن يومنا هذا
there were different dangers than those of modern times.
şeyler vardı. Nelerdi bunlar? Belki dışarıda
things|were|What were|these|Maybe|outside
فكان ماذا يحدث؟ ربما في الخارج
What were they? Perhaps outside,
başına kötü bir şey gelme ihtimali, bir hayvanın
to it|bad|a|thing|happening|probability|a|animal
قد يكون احتمال مصيبة سيئة مثل مهاجمة حيوان طوري
the possibility of something bad happening to you, the possibility of being attacked by an animal
saldırısına uğrama ihtimali ya da rakip bir
أو احتمال قتل
or the possibility of being killed by a rival tribe... In such situations
kabile tarafından öldürülme ihtimali... Böyle durumlarda
|by|being killed|probability|Such|situations
من قبل قبيلة معارضة ... في مثل هذا الوضع
a person must make decisions very quickly. What is
insan çok hızlı karar vermek zorundadır.Nedir
a person|very|quickly|decision|to make|must|
على الإنسان أن يقرر بسرعة
for example? If you are experiencing that event, maybe just seconds
mesela?O olayı yaşıyorsan belki saliseler
for example|That|event|you are experiencing|maybe|seconds
فعلى سبيل المثال، إن كنت في هذا الوضع
içinde o an o kararı vereceksin ve kendini
in|that|moment|that|decision|you will give|and|yourself
قد ستأخذ قرارا في لحظة صغيرة
In that moment, you will make that decision and save yourself.
kurtaracaksın kaçacaksın ya da belki savaşacaksın.
you will save|you will escape|or|also|maybe|you will fight
فستنقذ نفسك وتفر أو تقاتل
You will escape or maybe you will fight.
Şimdi o zamanlar bu teknik, çok işe yarıyordu. Ama
Now|that|times|this|technique|very|work|was useful|But
هلا كان هذه التقنيات تفيد في السابق.
Back then, this technique was very useful. But
insan binlerce yıldır aynı şeyi yapa yapa
human|thousands|for years|same|thing|doing|doing
لكن الإنسان يظن أن الأشياء التي فعلها
humans have been doing the same thing for thousands of years.
sanki günümüzde de aynı şeyi yaparsa
as if|in modern times|also|same|thing|does
ستفيد دائما
As if doing the same thing today would also work.
doğru olacakmış gibi hissediyor. Ama özellikle; birisi sizi
right|would be|like|feels|But|especially|someone|you
إذا استمر فيما فعل. لكن شخص
feels like it will be right. But especially; if someone is not
öldürmeye çalışmıyorsa, stresiniz bundan
to kill|if he/she is not trying|your stress|from this
إذا لا يحاول أن يقتلك وسبب توترك
trying to kill you, your stress is not
dolayı değilse çok hızlı harekete geçmek genelde
because of|if not|very|quickly|to action|to take|generally
ليس ناجما عن ذلك ففعل شيئ بسرعة
due to that, acting very quickly usually
bize iyi gelmez ve ama öncesinden böyle bir
to us|well|does not come|and|but|from before|such|a
لا يفيدنا في الغالب. لكن سبب وجود
doesn't do us good, and because we have such a
alışkanlığımız olduğu için, zihnimizde
our habit|is|because|in our mind
عندنا مثل هذه الدربة من قبل
habit beforehand, in our minds.
bilinç dışımızda böyle bir yapı olduğu için
ففي ذهننا، فاللاوعي قواما مثل هذا
because there is such a structure in our unconscious
kötü bir şey yaşayacağımızı düşündüğümüz zaman
bad|a|thing|we will experience|we thought|time
عندما نفكر بأننا سنصيب شيئا سيئا
when we think that we will experience something bad
hemen harekete geçmek isteriz. Buna karşı koymamız gerekiyor.
immediately|action|to take|we want|this|against|us to resist|is necessary
فنريد الحركة فورا. علينا أن نقاوم هذا الحس.
we immediately want to take action. We need to resist this.
Çünkü bu bize iyi hissettirmiyor. Olur da
Because|this|to us|good|doesn't make us feel|It happens|too
لأنه لا يجعلنا نشعر بخير
Because it doesn't make us feel good. Even if
zamanımız kısıtlıysa bile bir iki dakika
our time|is limited|even|one|two|minute
ولو كان وقتنا محدودا، التفلت من هذا الشلال الضغطي
our time is limited, just a couple of minutes
o stres şelalesi içinden çıkıp
that|stress|waterfall|from within|coming out
لدقيقة أو دقيقتين
to emerge from that waterfall of stress
kendi içimize dönmemiz farklı şeyleri düşünmemiz ya da
والعودة إلى أنفسنا والتفكر عن الأشياء المختلف
to turn inward, to think about different things, or
gözlerimizi kapatıp sadece derin derin nefes
our eyes|closing|only|||breath
أو حتى التنفس العميق مع إغلاق العيون
to close our eyes and just take deep breaths
almamız bile bizi biraz yavaşlatacaktır. ve bir
our receiving|even|us|a little|will slow down||
سيجعلنا نتباطأ
will even slow us down a bit. And at one
nokta bir tıkta iyi hale getirecektir. Eğer ki, daha
dot|one|click|good|state|will bring|If|that|more
وسيكون الوضع أحسن
point, it will make us feel better.
fazla zamanımız varsa birkaç gün boyunca
extra|our time|if there is|a few|days|for
إذا لدينا وقتا كافيا
if we have enough time, for a few days
kendimizi birazcık o stres şelalesinin artık arkasına
ourselves|a little|that|stress|waterfall's|no longer|behind
سنبتعد عن الشلال الضغط
we will pull ourselves a little bit behind that stress waterfall.
çekeceğiz. Birazcık daha rahat edeceğiz daha mantıklı
we will pull|a little bit|more|||more|reasonable
طول بضعة أيام وسنرتاح
We will feel a bit more relaxed, which will help us make more rational
kararlar almak noktasında bu bize iyi gelecek.
decisions|to make|regarding|this|to us|well|will be
وسيفيدنا هذا في أخذ قرار أكثر قياسي
Dedim ya; insan stresli zamanlarda hızlı olma
I said|you know|a person|stressful|in times|fast|be
كما قلت؛ أن الإنسان يميل إلى أخذ قرار بسرعة في حالة الضغط النفسي
As I said; people tend to be quick during stressful times.
eğilimindedir bu da aynen düşünceler için de geçerlidir.
is inclined|this|also|exactly|thoughts|for|also|is valid
وهذا متداول للأفكار كمان
this is also true for thoughts.
insan stresli olduğu zaman diliminde çok hızlı düşünür ama
a person|stressed|is|time|in the period|very|quickly|thinks|but
يفكر الإنسان سريعا جدا حينما يكون تحت التوتر
When a person is in a stressful period, they think very quickly, but
bu hızlı düşünme olayı çokta faydalı bir olay
this|fast|thinking|event|not very|beneficial|a|event
لكن هذا التفكرالسريع لا يفيد الإنسان بشكل كثير
this fast thinking is not very beneficial.
değildir. Çünkü çok fazla ve hızlı düşünme olayı
is not|Because|very|much|and|fast|thinking|phenomenon
لأن الكثرة والسرعة في التفكر، يسير منحدرا بعد فترة
Because thinking too much and too quickly
bir süre sonra hep yokuş aşağıya gider. ve insana
a|period|later|always|uphill|downhill|goes|and|to a person
ويؤدي إلى شعور أسوأ في الإنسان.
eventually goes downhill.
çok daha kötü hissettirir.Bu kötü hissettiren bazı
much|more|bad|makes (someone) feel|this|bad|making (someone) feel|some
أريد أن أتحدث لك عن هذه
makes you feel much worse. I want to talk to you about some of these negative thought patterns.
düşünce kalıplarından bahsetmek istiyorum sana. Özellikle;
thought|patterns|to talk|I want|to you|especially
القوالب التي تؤدي إلى تفكر سيئ خاصة
"ya eğer düşünce" tuzağı. Şimdi bu o öyle bir şey ki,
"كيد (لو، إذا)" هلا هذا هو شيئ كأنه
the "what if" trap. Now this is something that,
yüzleştiğin o an maruz kaldığın ve
the moment you faced|that|moment|exposed|you were|and
هناك حادث يعطي لك ضغط النفسي
in that moment you face, you are exposed to and
sana stres yaratan bir olay var. ve o olayı düşünmekle birlikte
to you|stress|causing|a|event|exists|and|that|event|by thinking|together
حينما تواجه أو تتعارض له ومع تفكير في هذا الحادث
there is an event that causes you stress. And along with thinking about that event,
"ya eğer tuzağına" düşündüğün zaman şöyle bir noktaya
or|if|to your trap|you think|time|like this|one|point
عندما سقطت في "كيد(لو، إذا)"
"or if you think about the trap" it comes to a point like this
gelir iş; aslında hiç alakası olmamasına rağmen
income|job|actually|ever|relation|not being|despite
تكون الأمر هكذا رغم عديم العلاقة مع المخاوف مثل
even though it has nothing to do with it
ya eğer işten atılırsam, ya eğer
or|if|from work|I am fired||
"وماذا إذا طُردت من العمل؟"
what if I get fired, what if
ele güne muhtaç kalırsam, ya eğer
to others|day|in need|if I remain|or|if
"وماذا إذا كنت محتاجا إلى الآخرين؟"
I become dependent on others, what if
evimize haciz gelirse, ya eğer terkedilirsem
to our house|foreclosure|if it comes|or|if|I am abandoned
"وماذا إذا استولي بيتنا؟"
our house gets seized, what if I am abandoned
aslında şuanda olan olaydan çok daha
في الواقع يفكر الإانسان الاحتمالات البعيدة عن الحاضر
actually thinks about possibilities that are much further away than the current event.
ötede olan ihtimalleri de düşünür. Onlar
بدلا من الحادث الذي يحدث الآن.
You worry about them.
içinde kaygılanırsın bunu farketmen
within|you worry|this|you realize
تقلق منها. يمكنك أن تفرق هذا ويمكنك
You may realize this.
kendi içine dönmen de mümkün.Çok kötü hissettiğin zaman
your|inward|turning|also|possible|very|bad|you feel|time
أن تعود إلى نفسك كمان. حينما تشعر سيئا جدا
It is also possible to turn inward.
bir bak bakalım neler düşünüyorsun. O an
a|look|let's see|what|you are thinking|that|moment
لاحظ نفسك! عن ماذا تفكر؟
When you feel very bad, take a look at what you are thinking.
düşünceler sana çok gerekli gibi gelir ama çoğu zaman düşünceler
thoughts|to you|very|necessary|like|seem|but|most|time|thoughts
في هذه اللحظة، يمكنك أن تظن أن هذه الأفكار مهمة جدا.
thoughts may seem very necessary to you, but most of the time thoughts
çöptür. "Ya eğer" de aslında çöpün en kralıdır. Bunu
is trash|well|if|also|actually|trash's|the most|is king|this
لكنها تافهة غالبا. "لو إذا" هو الملك التفاهة
are trash. "What if" is actually the king of trash. When you
farkettiğin an da kendini şu ana
the moment you realize|moment|also|yourself|this|present
عندما فرقت هذا عليك أن تعود إلى الحاضر
realize this, you should pull yourself back to the present moment.
çekmelisin. Şu an maruz
you must pull|this|moment|exposed
وعليك بتركيز
You are exposed to what you are currently experiencing,
kaldığın şeye, şu an çünkü çözmek zorunda olduğun probleme
you left|to the thing|right now|moment|because|to solve|obligated|you are|to the problem
المشكلة الحالية التي تعارضت لها
because it is the problem you have to solve right now.
odaklanmalısın. Zaten eğer; ileride
you should focus|already|if|in the future
وإذا حدث شيئا من قبيل مثلما تقلق
you should focus. After all, if;
böyle bir şey olursa onu o zaman düşünürsün.
such|a|thing|if it happens|it|then|time|you will think
فستتصرف بها في ذلك الحين
something like that happens, you'll think about it then.
İnsan stresli olduğu zaman dilimlerinde
|stressed|is|time|in periods
في الأوقات التي ظل الإنسان تحت ضغط النفسي
When a person is in stressful periods,
çok hızlı kararlar vermek ister ve o an; yanarsa
very|quickly|decisions|to make|wants|and|it|moment|if it burns
يريد أن يأخذ قرارا بسرعة وفي تلك اللحظة،
they want to make decisions very quickly and at that moment;
yansın, batarsa batsın,giderse gitsin
let it burn|if it sinks|let it sink|if it goes|let it go
"ويقول في نفسه "ما علي ولو احترق أو أغرق أو ذهب"
if it burns, let it burn, if it sinks, let it sink, if it goes, let it go.
ne oluyorsa bitsin gibi düşünceye girersin.
what|is happening|should end|like|thought|you enter
"مهما حدث حدث" لأن المنطق
you start to think as if whatever is happening should end.
Çünkü mantık o anda devre dışıdır.
Because|logic|that|moment|circuit|is off
عاطل عن العمل في ذلك الحين.
Because logic is out of order at that moment.
Çok ilkel bir şekilde düşündüğün için hemen sonuç
very|primitive|one|in a way|you think|because|immediately|result
بسبب تفكير البدائي بشكل كثير
Since you are thinking in a very primitive way, you want to get results immediately,
almak istersin, hemen tepki vermek istersin hemen
to take|you want|immediately|reaction|to give|you want|immediately
تريد أن تأخذ نتيجة فورا وتريد أن ترد فورا
you want to react immediately, you want to make a decision immediately.
karar almak istersin. Böyle zamanlarda vereceğin karar,
decision|to make|you want|such|in times|your given|decision
وتريد أن تقرر فورا. والقرار الذي أخذتته في مثل هذه الأحيان ،
The decision you will make in such times,
en iyi kararlarından birisi olmayacağından
the|best|decisions|one|will not be
يمكنك أن تؤكد من أن هذا القرار لن يكون من افضل الأقرار التي أخذتها
you can be sure that it will not be one of your best decisions.
emin olabilirsin. Çünkü muhakeme becerisini;
sure|you can be|because|reasoning|skill
لأن حالتنا الجسمية والهورمونات المفروزة
Because the ability to reason;
stres anında bedensel durumumuz salgılanan
stress|at the moment|physical|our condition|released
والقوام الذهن في ذلك الحين تؤثر في
in times of stress, our physical state and the hormones released
hormonlar o an ki zihin yapısı sağlıklı
القدرة على أخذنا القرار
affect the mental state at that moment, which impairs our ability to make healthy
karar alma becerimizi ve muhakeme becerimizi
decision|making|our ability|and|reasoning|our ability
بشكل سلبي جدا.
decisions and our reasoning skills.
çok fazla olumsuz etkiliyor. Bundan dolayı sağlıklı kararlar
very|much|negative|affects|From this|reason|healthy|decisions
وبسبب ذلك أخذ القرار الصحي
has a very negative impact. For this reason, healthy decisions
çok nadiren çıkıyor stresli anlarda. Bunun için eğer
very|rarely|comes out|stressful|in moments|this|for|if
في الأوان الضغط النفسي صعب ونادر جدا.
rarely come out in stressful moments. Therefore, if
imkanın varsa o anda lütfen karar verme.
your opportunity|if there is|that|moment|please|decision|don't make
إن كنت لديك إمكانية، لا تأخذ قرارا من فضلك في ذلك الحين.
you have the opportunity, please do not make a decision at that moment.
Benim kendi adıma ana prensibimdir: Ben şunu biliyorum,
my|own|on behalf of me|main|principle||this|I know
هذا مبدئي شخصيا: أنا أعرف هذا
It is my main principle: I know that,
stresli ve yoğun baskı anlarında ben
stressful|and|intense|pressure|in moments|I
أنا أفكر عاطفيا
in stressful and high-pressure moments, I
duygusal düşünüyorum. Aynen biraz önce bahsettiğim gibi.
emotional|I think|Exactly|a little|earlier|I mentioned|like
عندما أكون متوترا. كما قلت قبل قليل
I think emotionally. Just like I mentioned a little while ago.
Yanarsa yansın... Böyle zamanlarda ben
if it burns|let it burn|such|in times|I
إذا احترق احترق... في مثل ذلك الأحيان
Burn or not... In such times, I
her zaman birkaç gün içinde karar vermeye çalışırım
every|time|few|days|within|decision|to make|I try
أنا أحاول أن أقرر في بضعة أيام. ليس فورا.
always try to make a decision within a few days.
hemen değil.Birazcık yavaşlatıyorum ve bu buna
immediately|not|a little|I slow down|and|this|to this
أبطأ قليلا وهذا يفيد في كل مرة دائما.
Not immediately. I slow down a bit and this
her seferinde iyi geliyor. Sana da iyi gelebilir.
every|time|well|comes|to you|also|well|might come
قد يفيد لك كمان.
is good for me every time. It might be good for you too.
Stres; hem bedeni hem de zihni inanılmaz derecede
أن التوتر يتعب الجسم والذهن بشكل عجيب
Stress; it incredibly tires both the body and the mind.
yorar ama böyle zamanlarda insan
لكن في مثل ذلك الأحيان
But during such times, a person is very stingy about resting or rewarding themselves.
kendini dinlendirmek ya da kendini ödüllendirmek konusunda çok cimridir.
himself|to rest|or||himself|to reward|in terms of|very|is stingy
يكون الإنسان بخيلا في شئن الترويح عن النفس أو التجزئة
Because they think: "Let this issue be resolved,"
Çünkü şöyle düşünür: "Bu mevzu bir halolsun",
Because|like this|thinks|This|issue|a|be resolved
لأنه يفكر هكذا: " بعد حل هذه المشكلة سأقوم ب..."
"Let this work pass over me, then I will relax," "I am like that.
"Bu iş başımızdan bir geçsin öyle rahatlayacağım", "Ben öyle
This|job|from our heads|one|passes|like that|I will relax|I|like that
"بعد انتهاء هذه المسألة سأرتاح."
biraz kendimi dinlendireceğim" der ama bazen bu strese
a little|myself|will rest|says|but|sometimes|this|stress
"سأروح عن نفسي قليلا " هكذا يقول
"I will rest a little," he says, but sometimes this leads to stress.
neden olan olaylar günler, haftalar, bazen
لكن مسببات هذا التوتر قد تستغرق طول أيام
Events that cause this can last for days, weeks, sometimes.
aylar bile sürebilir. Hatta bazen işimiz tamamen stresli
months|even|can last|Even|sometimes|our work|completely|stressful
أو أسابيع حتى شهور أحيانا. فقد يتكون عملنا من الأمور المجهدة.
It can even last for months. In fact, sometimes our work can be completely stressful.
işlerden de oluşuyor olabilir. Peki ne yapacağız?
from work|also|may be formed|possible|well|what|will we do
فماذا علينا إذا؟
So what will we do?
Ömrün geçmesini mi bekleyeceğiz? Böyle olunca insan
life|passing|question particle|will we wait|like this|when|a person
هل سننتظر لانتهاء العمر؟ وبذلك
Will we just wait for life to pass by? In such cases, a person...
sonuçta neyle karşılaşıyor. Bize gelen vakalardan gördüğümüz
in the end|with what|he/she/it encounters|to us|arriving|from the cases|we see
ماذا يقابل الإنسان؟ حسبما الأحاديث الآتية إلينا
what they are ultimately facing. From the cases that come to us,
kadarıyla; "tükenmişlik sendromu"yla.
نرى أن الناس فيهم "متلازمة الارهاق"
we see that it is "burnout syndrome."
Beden de tükeniyor zihin de tükeniyor. Peki böyle bir durumda
Body|also|is exhausting|mind|also|is exhausting|Well|such|a|in situation
يرهق الذهن والجسم كمان. فما هو الشيئ
The body is exhausted, and the mind is exhausted as well. So in such a situation,
insanı engelleyen şey ne kendini dinlendirme
the person|that hinders|thing|what|oneself|resting
الذي يمنع الإنسان من الترويح عن نفسه؟
what prevents a person from resting
konusunda? Şöyle bir şey düşünüyor insan,
about|like this|one|thing|thinks|person
في مثل هذا الحال يفكر الإنسان ويقول:
themselves? People think something like this,
zevk almıyorum ki canım istemiyor ki çünkü kafam
pleasure|I don't get|because|my desire|doesn't want|because|because|my mind
"لا أستمتع بها، أنا لا أفضل."
I'm not enjoying it, I don't want to because my mind
ana mevzuda. Böyle bir durumda zihninin sözüne
main|issue|Such|a|in situation|your mind's|word
"لأنني أفكر في الموضوع الأساسي ." في مثل هذا الموضوع،
is on the main issue. In such a situation, you shouldn't
çok fazla güvenmemek lazım. Eskiden stresli
very|much|to trust|necessary|In the past|stressful
لازم ألا تصدق فيما قال ذهنك تماما. في الماضي
trust your mind too much. In the past, during stressful
olduğun zamanlarda değil daha eski zamanlarda kendini
when you are|in times|not|more|old|in times|yourself
كيف كنت تروح عن نفسك وأنت لست متوترا؟
times, not just in more recent times, how did you
nasıl dinlendiriyordun? Kendini nasıl
how|were you relaxing|yourself|how
كيف كنت ترتاح؟
relax yourself? How did you
rahatlatıyordun? Böyle şeyleri canın istemese de
you were relaxing|such|things|your heart|didn't want|either
عليك أن تسأل نفسك مثل هذه الأشياء
You were comforting? Even if you don't want to do such things,
zihnin istemese de sen yapmalısın.
your mind|doesn't want|even|you|must do
إن شاء أم أبى ذهنك.
you must do it even if your mind doesn't want to.
Bedenin dinlenecektir. Zihnin istemese de
Your body|will rest|Your mind|doesn't want|either
فسيرتاح جسمك . رغم عديم الرغبة في ذهنك
Your body will rest. Even if your mind doesn't want to,
keyif almasa da ve bedenin dinlendiği zaman bir süre sonra
pleasure|he/she/it does not take|also|and|body|resting|time|a|period|after
ورغم عديم الاستمتاع. بعد ترويح جسمك
even if it doesn't enjoy it, when your body rests for a while,
o senin zihnine de faydalı
وبعد هذه الفترة
it will also be beneficial for your mind.
will be
ستكون مفيدة
It will be.
Oraya da şifa olacaktır. O yüzden;
There|also|healing|will be|That|reason
لذهنك أيضا. لذلك؛
There will also be healing there. That's why;
kötü zamanlarda, zor zamanlarda stresli
bad|in times|hard|in times|stressful
في أوقات سيئة وصعبة والمتوترة
in bad times, in difficult times, in stressful
zamanlarda, ne olursa olsun kendini dinlendiriyorsun.
in times|no|matter|what|yourself|you rest
مهما كلف الأمر، فستروح عن نفسك
times, no matter what, you are resting yourself.
Seni rahatlatan fiziksel aktiveteler yapıyorsun.
وتقوم بأنشطوة بدنية تفيد لك في ترويح عن نفسك.
You are doing physical activities that relax you.
Stresli anlarda seni rahatlatıcak şeylerden bir tanesi;
stressful|moments|you|will relax|things|one|of them
وواحد سيسترخيك في حالة التوتر مثلا:
One of the things that will relax you in stressful moments;
etrafında güvendiğin soğukkanlı
around you|you trust|calm
الاستشارة مع شخص
if there is a calm person around you whom you trust,
olduğunu düşündüğün bir insan varsa ona akıl danışmak.
you think|you think|one|person|if there is|to him/her|advice|to consult
تصدق به وهو بارد الدم
consulting them for advice.
Şimdi şu demek değil bu; o
Now|this|to mean|not|this|that
وهذا لا يعني؛ أنه
This does not mean that;
akıl danıştığın insanın sana söylediği şeyi
advice|you consulted|person|to you|said|thing
يقول شيئا وأنت تتصرف هكذا كأنه أمر ذلك.
the advice given by that person you consult.
yapmak zorunda değilsin. Sadece yaşadığın zorluğu
to do|obligated|you are not|Just|you experienced|difficulty
أنك تحكي مشكلتك التي واجهتها فقد، وصديقك الذي
you don't have to do it. You are just sharing the difficulty you are experiencing
güvendiğin ve soğukkanlı olan birisine anlatıyorsun. O
you trust|and|calm|who is|to someone|you are explaining|He/She
تصدق به وهو بارد الدم يستمع
with someone you trust and who is calm. Even if they say
şunu dese bile
that|he/she says|even
حتى هذا كلامه
senin çok iyi gelecek:"Ya Beyhan
your|very|good|will be|Oh|Beyhan
سيكون مفيدا لك:
it will do you a lot of good: "Ya Beyhan
sen bundan önce daha zor şeyleri bile çözdün bunu mu
you|from this|before|more|difficult|things|even|solved|this|question particle
"يا بيهان! أنك نجحت في كثير من الأشياء التي أصعب من هذا الأمر.
you have solved even tougher things before, can you not handle this?
takıyorsun kafana?" ya da "Beyhan halledersin sen
you take|to your head|or|also|Beyhan|you will handle|you
أ لست قادرا على هذا؟!!" " هل أنت تشغل بالك لهتذا ؟!" أو " يا بيهان!
"Are you wearing that on your head?" or "Beyhan, you can handle this.
güçlü adamsın" ,"Beyhan şunları takma ya
strong|you are a man|Beyhan|those things|don't mind|you know
أنت قادر على حل هذا. أنت رجل قوي" " فلا تشغل بالك لهذه الأشياء "
"You're a strong man," "Beyhan, don't wear those.
hadi gel beraber bir çay içelim" dese bile aslında bu
come on|let's|together|a|tea|we drink|he/she says|even|actually|this
"هيا تعال! لنشرب شايا." وربما هكذا يكفي
Even if he says, "Come on, let's have tea together," actually this
sana çok iyi gelecek. Bir yandan da aslında dışarıdan bir
to you|very|well|will be beneficial|One|side|also|actually|from outside|a
لاسترخائك . ومن ناحية أجرى
will do you a lot of good. On the one hand, you will also gain an outside
bakış açısı kazanmış olacaksın. Bazen de yine
perspective|angle|you will have gained|you will be|Sometimes|also|again
ستكسب وجهة نظر. وأحيانا
perspective. Sometimes again,
seni rahatlatacak bir teknik olarak; başka biri
you|will relax|a|technique|as|another|person
كتقنية أخرى ستسترخيك ؛ كيف يتصرف
as a technique to relax you; what would another person do?
olsaydı bu durumda ne yapardı? Bu güvendiğin
if he/she were|this|in this situation|what|would do|this|you trust
شخص أخرى لو كان في مكانك؟
If someone else were in this situation, what would they do? This could be a person you trust in their decisions, it could be your father, or
bir insan olabilir kararlarında, baban olabilir, ya da
a|person|can be|in his decisions|your father|can be|or|also
يمكن أن يكون هذا الشخص شخصا تصدق بأقراره أو
it could be your former boss or a colleague.
eski patronun olabilir ya da bir iş arkadaşın olabilir.
former|your boss|may be|or|also|a|work|your colleague|may be
صاحب العمل السابق أو صديقك في العمل.
What would Ahmet Mehmet do in this situation? You don't even need to talk to him.
Ahmet Mehmet bu durumda ne yapardı? Onunla konuşmana bile gerek
Ahmet|Mehmet|this|situation|what|would do|with him|your talking|even|necessary
كيف يتصرف أحمد أو محمد في هذا الوضع؟ و حتى لا حاجة إلى التكلم معه
yok böyle bir durumda. Bazen bir film kahramanı
there is not|such|a|situation|Sometimes|a|film|hero
في مثل هذا الوضع. هو قد يكون بطل فيلم أحيانا.
there is no such situation. Sometimes it can even be a movie hero.
bile olabilir. Güvendiğini düşündüğün,
even|may be|you think you trust|the one you think
كيف تتصرف الشخص الذي تصدق به،
What if it was a hero you trusted,
kararlarına saygı duyduğun bir kahraman o olsaydı ne yapardı?
his decisions|respect|you respected|a|hero|he|were|what|would do
تحترم أقرار وهو البطل؟
who you respected for their decisions? What would they do?
Bu aslında, senin zihnini farklı bir perspektiften
This|actually|your|mind|different|a|from perspective
في الحقيقة هذه التقنية تستوفر لك
This will actually allow you to look at events from a different perspective
olaylara farklı bir açıdan bakmanı sağlayacak. ve
to events|different|one|perspective|to look at you|will enable|and
وجهة نظر مختلفة وستجعلك
and see things from a different angle. And
hem sağlıklı bir karar aldıracak hem de
both|healthy|a|decision|will make (someone) take|both|also
تأخذ أقرارا صحية
it will both help you make a healthy decision and
o yoğun baskı ve duman ortamından seni sıkıştıran
that|intense|pressure|and|smoke|from the environment|you|suffocating
وستبتعدك عن الأشياء التي
temporarily get you out of the things that are pressuring you in that intense atmosphere of smoke.
şeylerden çıkmanı bir süreliğine sağlayacak. Ama bir de
from things|to get out|one|temporarily|will provide|But|one|also
تزعجك والبيئة الضغط الكثيف والدخان لوقت محدود.
But there is also this situation; sometimes when I said to consult someone,
şöyle bir durum var; bazen bu akıl danışma dedim ya
like this|one|situation|exists|sometimes|this|mind|consultation|I said|you know
لكن هنا مشكلة صغيرة. الاستشارة التي تحدثت عنها من قبل،
you need to think twice when consulting some people.
bazen bazı insanlara akıl danışırken 2 kere düşünmek lazım.
sometimes|some|to people|mind|when consulting|times|to think|necessary
علينا أن ننتبه في اختيار الأشخاص الذي سنستشير معهم.
İyi insanlarda olsa bizi çok seviyor da olsa
|in people|if they were|us|very|loves|also|if they were
مهما كانوا طيبون، أنهم قد يكون أكثر متوترا منا.
Even if good people love us very much
bu insanlar ateşli insanlarsa normal
these|people|passionate|if they are|normal
إذا كانوا يبالغون كثيرا مثل:
if these people are passionate, it's normal
bir şey söylüyorsun mesela "ya anne eee
a|thing|you are saying|for example|oh|mom|umm
تقول شيئا "يا أمي!!
for example, you say "hey mom, eee
ben işte evliliğimde şöyle bir sorun yaşıyorum", "baba
I|at work|in my marriage|like this|one|problem|experience|father
أنني أعاني من كذا كذا في زواجي"
I'm experiencing this kind of problem in my marriage", "dad
işte iş yerinde patron dedi ki; bir aya kadar
here|work|at the workplace|boss|said|that|one|month|within
أو "يا أبي! قال صاحبي العمل؛ اتقن في أعمالك في شهر واحد،
at work, the boss said; by the end of the month
bir çabanı düzelt performansını düzelt yoksa
a|your effort|correct|your performance|correct|otherwise
وإلا سأتصرف بك
correct your effort, correct your performance or else
işler kötü olacak." Karşı taraf, "oğlum bitti", "yandık",
things|bad|will be|The opposing|side|my son|is finished|we are doomed
بشكل مختلف." ويقول الأب: " يا ويلنا ! ضاع إبني!!"
things will go bad." The other side said, "my son is finished", "we're doomed,"
"ne yapacağız?" "işsiz mi kalacak?", "eşinden mi ayrılacaksın?" diye.
what|will we do|unemployed|question particle|will stay|from your spouse|question particle|will you separate|
"وماذا سنفعل الآن ؟" " هل سيبقى عاطلا عن العمل ؟" " هل ستطلق زوجتك؟"
"what will we do?" "Will he be unemployed?", "Will you divorce your wife?"
Bu sana çok daha fazla kötü hissettirebilir. O yüzden
This|to you|much|more|excessive|bad|could make you feel|That|reason
وهذا يمكن أن يجعلك تشعر بالحزن أو قلق. ولذلك
This can make you feel much worse. That's why
böyle ateşli insanlarla konuşuyor olmak konusunda
such|passionate|with people|talking|being|about
أتواصى لك بانتباه وروية حينما تتحدث
it's about talking to such fiery people.
çok dikkatli ve temkinli olmanı öneriririm. Olay tazeyken
very|careful|and|cautious|you to be|I recommend|incident|while fresh
مع الأشخاص من قبيل هذا النوع.
I recommend that you be very careful and cautious. When the incident is fresh,
olay sıcakken bu insanlara paylaşım
event|while it's hot|this|to people|sharing
من المستحسن ألا تستشير مع هؤلاء الأشخاص
it will be better for you not to share with these people when the incident is hot.
yapmamak senin için daha iyi olacaktır.
not doing|your|for|more|good|will be
عندما تستمر حرارة الحدث
It will be better for you.
Stresli olduğun zamanlarda belki de kendini çaya, kahveye,
Stressed|you are|in times|maybe|also|yourself|to tea|to coffee
حينما تكون تحت ضغط النفسي ،
When you are stressed, you might be turning to tea, coffee,
sigaraya alkole veriyor olabilirsin.
to smoking|to alcohol|might be giving|you might be
قد تشرب شايا أو الكهول أو تدخن سيجارة
cigarettes, or alcohol.
Bu durum aslında o an için belki sana rahatlama
This|situation|actually|that|moment|for|maybe|to you|relief
قد تجعل هذا الوضع أنك تشعر بالراحة أو الهدوء في حين
This situation may actually make you feel relaxed at that moment.
getiriyormuş gibi hissettirebilir. Ama daha geniş zamana baktığımız
as if it were bringing|like|can make feel|But|more|broader|time|we look
أما في وقت واسع وفي فترة طويلة
But when we look at a broader time frame,
zaman, uzun vadede her zaman daha
فتكون أكثر متوترا وتشعر نفسك أسوأ
in the long run, you will always be more
stresli olursun daha kötü hissedersin. Bir bakmışsın ki
stressed|you become|more|bad|you feel|One|you realize|that
فترى أن عملك المجهدة جعلك
stressed and feel worse. You might find that
stresli işin senin çok daha
تشرب الكهول أكثر من السابق
your stressful job is much more
yoğun alkol tüketmene neden olmuş ya da çok yoğun kahve tüketiyorsan
heavy|alcohol|consumption|reason|has happened|or|also|very|heavy|coffee|consumption
أو تشرب قهوة كثيرة
has caused you to consume alcohol heavily or if you are consuming a lot of coffee.
zaten kahve stres durumunu tetikleyen bir şey.
والقهوة تطلق حالة التوتر
Coffee is already something that triggers stress.
Bir bakıyorsun ki rahatlamak için içtiğin, yediğin,
One|you realize|that|to relax||you drink|you eat
فترى أن الأشياء التي أدخلتها في حياتك من أجل الاسترخاء،
You realize that what you drink and eat to relax,
hayatına kattığın şey sana çok daha kötü hissettiriyor.
to your life|you added|thing|to you|much|more|bad|makes feel
جعلتك تشعر بأكثر القلق أو التوتر
the things you add to your life make you feel much worse.
Bu sebeple, böyle zamanlardayken ne
This|reason|such|during times|what
وبسبب ذلك حينما تشعر بالتوتر
For this reason, during such times, what
yediğini ne içtiğini özellikle dikkat etmelisin.
what you eat|what|what you drink|especially|attention|you should pay
عليك أن تنتبه فيما تأكل وتشرب.
You should especially pay attention to what you eat and drink.
Son olarak; bana iyi gelen bir şeyden bahsetmek istiyorum.
Finally|as|to me|good|coming|one|from thing|to mention|I want
وأجيرا؛ أريد أن أتحدث عن الشيء الذي يجعلني على الخير.
Lastly; I want to talk about something that does me good.
Ben yoğun baskı altındayken; eve sığamıyorum,
I|intense|pressure|when under|to home|I can't fit
عندما كنت على ضغط النفسي لا أستطيع أن أبقى في البيت .
When I am under intense pressure; I can't fit in the house,
böyle kapalı alanlara sığamıyorum ve bir şekilde
such|closed|areas|I can't fit|and|one|way
والأماكن الأخرى مثل البيت المغلق
I can't fit in such closed spaces and somehow
düşünceler beni kapalı ortamlarda daha
thoughts|me|closed|in environments|more
فتزعجني الأفكار كثيرا في الأماكن المغلقة .
thoughts overwhelm me more in closed environments.
fazla rahatsız hissettiriyorlar. Ben böyle bir durumlarda yıllardır şöyle bir
too much|uncomfortable|make me feel|I|such|a|situations|for years|like this|a
أنا أستعمل مثل هذه التقنية منذ سنوات :
they make me feel very uncomfortable. In such situations, I have been using a technique for years: I walk a lot.
teknik kullanıyorum: Bolca yürüyorum 1 kilometreyle
technique|I use|A lot|I walk|with a kilometer
أمشي على الأقدام كثيرا. بدأت هذا بواحد ك.م.
I started with 1 kilometer, and I know that at first I walked 10-15 kilometers.
başladım ilk başta 10-15 kilometre yürüdüğümü bilirim. ve
I started|first|at first|kilometers|I walked|I know|and
ووصل واحد ك.م. إلى 10~15 ك.م. مع مرور الزمن.
And during such times, initially that fiery thought gradually cools down.
böyle zamanlarda ilk başta o ateşli
such|in times|first|at|that|fiery
في مثل هذا الوضع
After that, that
düşünce yavaş yavaş soğuyor. Sonrasında o
يبرد الفكر المحترق رويدا رويدا
yürüme esnasında düşünürken ve
ثم أجد نفسي بارد الدم
I think while walking and
soğukkanlı bir noktaya geliyorum. Bu o kadar
calm|a|point|I am coming|This|that|much
في أثناء المشي. فأنه مريح جدا
I reach a calm point. This is so
rahatlatıcı oluyor ki o yoğun duygusal hissiyattan kurtulmuş
relieving|it is|that|he|intense|emotional|feeling|has been freed from
أشعر نفسي منقذا من الأحاسيس الكثيفة العاطفية بعده.
relaxing that I feel like I have escaped from that intense emotional feeling.
oluyorum. Hem de bu yürüyüşler esnasında
I become|Also|during|this|walks|while
ولاحظت أنني أبقى على الصحة
Moreover, I have noticed that I make
daha sağlıklı kararlar aldığımı farkettim. Bu bana
more|healthy|decisions|that I took|I realized|This|to me
بعد مثل هذه المشيات.
healthier decisions during these walks. This helps me.
iyi geliyor belki sana da iyi gelebilir
good|is coming|maybe|to you|also|good|could come
هذا مفيد لي. وقد يكون مفيدا لك أيضا.
It might be good for you too.
Beni dinlediğin için teşekkür ediyorum güzel insan. Eğer ki
me|you listened|for|thank|I am|beautiful|person|If|(conditional particle)
أشكرك لإستماعك يا إنسان طيب/ة!
Thank you for listening to me, beautiful person. If
bu videoyu beğendiysen beğenmeyi ve abone olmadıysan
this|video|if you liked|to like|and|subscribe|if you haven't
إذا أعجبت هذا الفيديو لا تنس أن تنقر
you liked this video, don't forget to like it and if you haven't
youtube kanalıma abone olmayı unutma. Kendine çok
youtube|to my channel|subscribe|to|don't forget|to yourself|very
على زر الإعجاب وأن تشترك في قناتي.
subscribed to my YouTube channel, please do. Take care of yourself.
iyi davran görüşmek üzere...
good|behave|to meet|soon
انتبه لنفسك! إلى اللقاء!
See you soon...
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