Lauantai 24.7.2021
Saturday, July 24, 2021
[Ilman ääntä: TV:n selkouutisilla on kesätauko.
Without|sound|||easy-to-understand news|has|summer break
[Without sound: The TV's simplified news has a summer break.
Radion selkouutiset tehdään joka päivä myös kesällä.]
The radio|easy-to-understand news|are made|every|day|also|in summer
The radio's simplified news is produced every day even in summer.]
Suomen koronaluvut
Finland's|coronavirus figures
Finland's coronavirus numbers
Koronatartuntojen kasvu jatkuu.
Coronavirus infections|growth|continues
The growth of coronavirus infections continues.
Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos kertoi lauantaina, että Suomessa on 570 uutta koronatartuntaa.
Health|and|welfare|institute|reported|on Saturday|that|in Finland|there are|new|coronavirus infections
The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare reported on Saturday that there are 570 new coronavirus infections in Finland.
Eniten uusia tartuntoja on Helsingin ja Uudenmaan alueella.
The most new infections are in the Helsinki and Uusimaa region.
Lisäksi on kerrottu, että Suomessa on 1 uusi koronakuolema.
Additionally|has|been reported|that|in Finland|there is|new|coronavirus death
Additionally, it has been reported that there is 1 new coronavirus death in Finland.
Suomessa on kuollut yhteensä 980 ihmistä koronan takia.
In Finland|has|died|a total of|people|coronavirus|due to
A total of 980 people have died due to the coronavirus in Finland.
Sairaalahoidossa on nyt 54 koronapotilasta.
In hospital care|are|now|COVID-19 patients
There are currently 54 coronavirus patients in hospital care.
Indonesian koronakuolemat
Indonesian|coronavirus deaths
Indonesian coronavirus deaths
Maailmalta on tullut huonoja koronauutisia.
from the world|has|come|bad|coronavirus news
Bad coronavirus news has come from around the world.
Koronatilanne on huono esimerkiksi Indonesiassa, Aasiassa.
The coronavirus situation|is|bad|for example|in Indonesia|in Asia
The coronavirus situation is poor, for example, in Indonesia, Asia.
Indonesiassa on kuollut koronan takia yli 1000 ihmistä päivässä jo viikon ajan.
In Indonesia|has|died|from corona|due to|over|people|per day|already|week|for
In Indonesia, more than 1000 people have died from the coronavirus every day for a week.
Perjantaina koronakuolemia oli yli 1500.
On Friday|coronavirus deaths|were|over
On Friday, there were over 1500 coronavirus deaths.
Myös lasten koronakuolemat ovat lisääntyneet Indonesiassa.
Also|children's|COVID-19 deaths|have|increased|in Indonesia
Child deaths from COVID have also increased in Indonesia.
Koronan takia on kuollut noin 700 lasta.
of the corona|due to|has|died|about|children
About 700 children have died due to COVID.
Intian sateet
India's rains
Intiassa kärsitään kovista sateista.
In India|suffers|heavy|rains
India is suffering from heavy rains.
Ainakin 125 ihmistä on kuollut, koska sade on aiheuttanut maanvyöryjä ja onnettomuuksia.
At least|people|has|died|because|rain|has|caused|landslides|and|accidents
At least 125 people have died because the rain has caused landslides and accidents.
Kuolleiden määrä voi nousta, koska monia ihmisiä on kadonnut.
of the dead|number|may|rise|because|many|people|have|disappeared
The number of dead may rise, as many people are missing.
Taloja jäi maanvyöryjen alle.
Houses|were left|by the landslides|under
Houses were buried under landslides.
Pelastustyöntekijät ovat siirtäneet ihmisiä turvaan.
The rescue workers|have|moved|people|to safety
Rescue workers have moved people to safety.
Intian Maharashtran osavaltiossa ei ole ollut näin kovia sateita 40 vuoteen.
India|Maharashtra|in the state|not|has|been|this|heavy|rains|years
There have not been such heavy rains in the Indian state of Maharashtra for 40 years.
Venäjän Karjalan metsäpalot
Russia|Karelia|forest fires
Forest fires in Russia's Karelia.
Venäjän Karjalassa on metsäpaloja.
Russia's|in Karelia|there are|forest fires
There are forest fires in Russian Karelia.
Alueella on nyt hätätila.
The area|has|now|state of emergency
There is now a state of emergency in the area.
Venäjän Karjala on Suomen rajan vieressä.
Russian|Karelia|is|Finland's|border|next to
Russian Karelia is next to the Finnish border.
Perjantaina metsäpalo levisi myös Suomen puolelle.
On Friday|forest fire|spread|also|Finland|to the side
On Friday, the forest fire spread to the Finnish side as well.
Paloa sammutettiin Suomen puolella monta tuntia.
The fire|was extinguished|Finland|on|many|hours
The fire was extinguished on the Finnish side for many hours.
Kukaan ei loukkaantunut.
No one|did not|was injured
No one was injured.
Moose vehicle collisions
Deer collisions
Suomessa tapahtuu hirvieläinkolareita enemmän kuin ennen.
In Finland|occur|deer accidents|more|than|before
Deer collisions occur more frequently in Finland than before.
10 vuotta sitten hirvieläinkolareita oli noin 4000 vuodessa, mutta nyt jo yli 13 000 vuodessa.
years|ago|deer collisions|were|about|per year|but|now|already|over|per year
Ten years ago, there were about 4,000 deer collisions per year, but now there are already over 13,000 per year.
Hirvieläinkolarissa auto törmää hirvieläimeen, joita ovat hirvi, peura ja kauris.
In the deer-vehicle collision|the car|collides|with the deer|which|are|moose|reindeer|and|roe deer
In a deer collision, a car collides with a deer, which includes moose, deer, and roe deer.
Kolari hirven kanssa on vaarallisin, koska hirvi on hirvieläimistä isoin.
collision|moose|with|is|the most dangerous|because|moose|is|of the deer family|the largest
A collision with a moose is the most dangerous because the moose is the largest of the deer family.
Suurin osa kolareista tapahtuu kuitenkin peurojen kanssa.
The largest|part|of collisions|happen|however|with deer|
However, most collisions occur with deer.
Peurojen määrä on kasvanut Etelä-Suomessa nopeasti.
The number of deer|has|grown|rapidly|||
The number of deer has rapidly increased in Southern Finland.
Siksi peuroja liikkuu myös autoteillä enemmän kuin ennen.
Therefore|deer|move|also|on roads|more|than|before
Therefore, deer are also moving more on roads than before.
Sunnuntain sää
Sunday's weather
Sunnuntai on etelässä lämmin päivä.
Sunday|is|in the south|warm|day
Sunday is a warm day in the south.
Lämpötila on yli 25 astetta.
The temperature|is|over|degrees
The temperature is over 25 degrees.
Pohjoisessa on viileämpää.
In the North|is|cooler
It is cooler in the north.
Etelässä on sunnuntaina poutaa, eli vettä ei sada.
In the south|is|on Sunday|clear weather|that is|water|not|rain
In the south, it will be clear on Sunday, meaning it won't rain.
Pohjoisessa voi tulla ukkoskuuroja.
In the North|can|come|thunderstorms
In the north, there may be thunderstorms.
Maanantai on lämmin, aurinkoinen ja poutainen päivä koko Suomessa.
Monday|is|warm|sunny|and|clear|day|all|in Finland
Monday is a warm, sunny, and clear day across Finland.
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