Blank Maps EP4 - سراب- صوت من الأردن
Blank|Maps|Episode 4|Mirage|Voice|from|Jordan
Blank Maps EP4 - Mirage - Voice from Jordan
أخبر الجيل opportunities
Tell the generation opportunities
جلالة بישغでは
His Majesty|
His Majesty Beshgh does
watching (1)
You see
أريد أن أصبح إنسانا
I want|to|become|a human
I want to become a human
أريد إن شاء الله أحس أنني وأ عائلتي
I want|if|||I feel|that I|and|my family
I want, God willing, to feel that I and my family are okay.
لكني أريد أن أعلم البحاق بأنني أرثني
but I|want|to|inform|Al-Bahaq|that I|inherit me
But I want to inform the truth that I inherited.
أسمي تالا
My name|Tala
My name is Tala.
عمري 23 سنة وجنسيتي أردنية
I am|years old|and my nationality|is Jordanian
I am 23 years old and my nationality is Jordanian.
هات جوابي المعتاد لسؤال عارفين عن حالك
give|my answer|usual|to the question|we know|about|your condition
Give me my usual answer to the question of how you are.
ما عمري فكرت كثير بالإجابة
not|I ever|thought|much|about the answer
I have never thought much about the answer.
إلا لما سألت نفس السؤال للحجة مريم
except|when|I asked|same|question|to the argument|Mary
Except when I asked the same question to Aunt Maryam.
اتطلعت فيه وكأني حكيت إشي مش مفهوم
I looked at it|in it|as if I|said|something|not|understood
I looked into it as if I was saying something incomprehensible.
حاولت أرجع عيد صياغة السؤال
I tried|to return|rephrasing|formulation|the question
I tried to rephrase the question.
حجة قديش عمرك؟
aunt|how old|you are
Aunt, how old are you?
والله عمري ما أدري عمري قديش
I swear by God|my age|never|I know|my age|how much
Honestly, I never know how old I am.
استغربت من الإجابة
I was surprised|by|the answer
I was surprised by the answer.
ولا إراديا سألتها طب وين انولدتي أو عشتي؟
and not|intentionally|I asked her|well|where|you were born|or|you lived
And involuntarily, I asked her, 'So where were you born or lived?'
والله فرحانات
by God|happy
Honestly, they are happy.
من الرويشة إلى حدودها السعودية
from|Al-Ruwaisah|to|its borders|Saudi Arabia
From Al-Ruwaisah to its borders with Saudi Arabia.
إلى عراق من دون
To Iraq without
إلى غور رحت العجنون
to|Ghor|you went|Ajlun
To Ghor I went to Ajnoun
نزلت بعجنون
I descended|in Ajnoun
I stayed in Ajnoun
تعرفون عجنون؟
Do you know|Ajnoon
Do you know Ajnoun?
والله هاتي لا أعرف دون
I swear by God|give me|not|I know|without
By God, I don't know without
كانت مريم عم بتجاوض سؤالي بسؤال أكبر
was|Mary|(continuous action particle)|answering|my question|with a bigger question|bigger
Maryam was countering my question with a bigger question.
ما بيكفي إني أكون إنسانة؟
Isn't it enough for me to be a human being?
استفزتني إجابتها
her answer provoked me|her answer
Her answer provoked me.
لأنها منعتني من تصنيف الشخص الأتامي
because|prevented me|from|classifying|the person|the orphan
Because it prevented me from categorizing the orphaned person.
وبنفس الوقت اتحدت وواجهت تعريفي لنفسي
and at the same|time|I united|and faced|my definition|
And at the same time, she challenged and confronted my definition of myself.
معكم تالا العيسى من برنامج خرائط اللامكان
with you|Tala|Al-Essa|from|program|maps|of non-place
This is Tala Al-Essa from the program Maps of the Non-Place.
اللي بتناول قضية فاقدي الجنسية في العالم العربي
Which addresses the issue of stateless individuals in the Arab world.
في حلقتنا اليوم سراب
In|our episode|today|Sarab
In our episode today, Serab.
رح نحكي عن علاقة المواطنة بالبدوة
We will|talk|about|relationship|citizenship|with the Bedouin
We will talk about the relationship between citizenship and nomadism.
وعن تغير مفهوم الجنسية عبر الأجيال
and about|change|concept|nationality|across|generations
And about the changing concept of nationality across generations.
ضمن المجتمع البدوي
Within the Bedouin community
خليكم معنا لتسمعوا صوت من القرطن
stay|with us|to hear|voice|from|Al-Qartan
Stay with us to hear a voice from the Qartan
وهي نوصلنا
and she|drives us
And we are reaching out
أه ممتاز توقع تناخد وقت أكتر من هيك
yes|excellent|I expect|we will take|time|more|than|this
Oh great, I expect it will take more time than this
لا لا هي عموماً بلدة الزعتري
No, no, generally it is the town of Al-Zaatari
بتبعد حوالي عشرة كيلو عن وسط المدينة بالمفرق
is located|about|ten|kilometers|from|downtown|city|in Al-Mafraq
It's about ten kilometers from the city center in Mafraq.
فهيك الوقت ممتاز
So the time is excellent.
آه تمام تمام
Oh, okay, okay.
شايفة هدول الأولاد هدول الأولاد هدولة حسن
I see|those|boys|those|boys|these|good
Do you see those kids? Those kids are good.
حسن وأولاده الأربعة فاقدين للجنسية
Hassan|and his four children|four|lacking|nationality
Hassan and his four children are stateless.
وبيتبعوا لبدو الشمال
and they follow|for the Bedouins|north
They belong to the northern Bedouins.
اللي وصل عدد غير المجنسين منهم في الـ 2014
who|reached|number|not|naturalized|of them|in|the
The number of stateless individuals among them reached in 2014.
لـ 7300 شخص
7300 people.
انولد حسن سنة الـ 78 برواشد
was born|Hassan|year|the|in Rawashid
Hassan was born in 1978 in Rawashid.
لعيلة بدوية ابترع الغنم
for a Bedouin family|Bedouin|they raised|sheep
For a Bedouin family, they raised sheep.
كانوا بدو كانوا يرحلون
They were|Bedouins|They were|traveling
They were Bedouins who used to migrate.
يرحلون لسعودية يرحلون لعراق يرحلون لسوريا
They migrate|to Saudi Arabia|They migrate|to Iraq|They migrate|to Syria
They migrated to Saudi Arabia, they migrated to Iraq, they migrated to Syria.
ما كان لا فيه حدود ولا فيه شيء
what|was|not|in it|limits|nor|in it|anything
There were no borders or anything.
الحج مريم والدته لحسن
Hajj|Maryam|his mother|for Hassan
Hajj Maryam, the mother of Hassan.
بتأكد أنه على وقتها
I confirm|that|at|her time
I make sure that it is on time.
مفهوم الدولة ما كان متعارف عليه بالمجتمع البدوي
concept|state|what|was|recognized|upon|in the society|Bedouin
The concept of the state was not recognized in Bedouin society.
والترحال ما كان مقيد لا بوراء ولا بحدود
and travel|not|was|restricted|not|by the past|nor|by borders
And migration was not restricted by borders or limits.
لما ولدوا أولادك
when|were born|your children
When your children were born,
هل كان عندك علم أنه مثلا لابد من تسجليهم
did|be|you have|knowledge|that|for example|must|of|registering them
did you know that, for example, you had to register them?
هل كان فيه مراكز أمن تتابع هاي الأمور ولا لا
was|there|in it|centers|security|monitor|these|matters|or|no
Were there security centers monitoring these matters or not?
لا لا لا لا
No, no, no, no.
ما حد قال لي لا تسجلي
no|one|said|to me|not|register
No one told me not to record.
لا بتبرو صاروا زرم
no|they become|they became|
No, they became boys.
احنا نشرج ونقرب محل حلاء
we|explain|and get closer|shop|sweets
We explain and get closer to a place of solution.
تعتقد المحامية هالة عاهد
The lawyer believes|lawyer|Hala|Ahed
Lawyer Hala Ahed believes
أنه إحدى أسباب ظهور فاقديل الجنسية في الوطن العربي
it is|one of|reasons|emergence|loss of|nationality|in|homeland|Arab
that one of the reasons for the emergence of statelessness in the Arab world
بعود لتقسيمات سايكس بيكو
I return|to the divisions|Sykes|Pico
is due to the Sykes-Picot divisions.
من المتوقع أنه في الأردن والبلاد العربية
it is|expected|that|in|Jordan|and the Arab|countries
It is expected that in Jordan and the Arab countries
أنه يكون في هاي الحالات
there will be such cases.
بعد تقسيمات سايكس بيكو
After the Sykes-Picot divisions
على اعتبار أنه هذا كان وطن واحد
considering that this was one homeland
والناس كانوا يتنقلوا بحريةهم
and people|were|moving|freely
and people used to move freely
لكن بعد وضع هذي للحدود
but|after|setting|these|for the borders
but after these borders were established
أصبح هناك في سوريا في الأردن في العراق
there became Syria, Jordan, and Iraq.
على سبيل المثال في هذي المناطق
For example, in these areas.
وبالتالي الناس اللي كان من الطبيعي أنها تتنقل بين هذي الدول
and thus|people|who|was|from|natural|that|move|between|these|countries
Consequently, the people who would normally move between these countries.
منها من وجد نفسه فجأة
from it|who|found|himself|suddenly
Some of them found themselves suddenly.
ولا أي دولة تعترف له بحق الجنسية
nor|any|country|recognizes|to him|right|citizenship
And no country recognizes their right to citizenship.
أما السبب الثاني لظهور بدو فاقدين للجنسية في الأردن
as for|reason|second|for the appearance|Bedouins|lacking|for nationality|in|Jordan
As for the second reason for the emergence of stateless Bedouins in Jordan.
فهو نسبة لمحمد الفاعوري مدير مركز البادية للدراسات والأبحاث
he|relative|to Muhammad|Al-Faouri|director|center|Al-Badiya|for studies|and research
It refers to Mohammed Al-Faouri, the director of the Badia Center for Studies and Research.
عدم احتياج أو اهتمام البدو في الماضي لاكتساب الجنسية
lack of|need|or|interest|Bedouins|in|the past|acquiring|nationality
The lack of need or interest among Bedouins in the past to acquire citizenship.
لأن تربية الأغنام كانت المكون الأساسي لهويتهم وتحركهم
because|raising|sheep|was|component|primary|of their identity|and their movement
Because sheep herding was the essential component of their identity and mobility.
هذه الوثائق كانت لا تشكل شيء بالنسبة لهم
These documents meant nothing to them.
كان الرابط الوحيد اللي يربطهم في الظروف المعاشية
was|link|only|that|connects them|in|circumstances|living
The only link that connected them to their living conditions.
هو مكان وجود الرعي
It is|place|presence|grazing
It is the place where grazing occurs.
والمناخ حتى يستطيعوا تأقلموا العيش
and the climate|so that|they can|adapt|living
And the climate so they can adapt to living.
مع تربية المواشي سواء كانت الإبل أو الأغنام أو ما شابها ذلك
With raising livestock whether it is camels or sheep or similar.
وهي المصدر أو مدخل الرئيسي لمعيشتهم
and it is|source|or|main|entry|for their livelihood
And it is the main source or entry point for their livelihood.
ولكن مع التطور الحضري وتوسع المدن
but|with|development|urban|and expansion|cities
But with urban development and the expansion of cities.
أصبح مفهوم الجنسية متداول أكثر بين البدو
The concept of nationality has become more common among the Bedouins.
خاصة وأن جزء منهم قرروا يستقروا في المدن
especially||part|of them|decided|to settle|in|cities
Especially since some of them decided to settle in the cities.
وبالتالي أصبحوا مهتمين بإصدار الجنسية
and thus|they became|interested|in issuing|the nationality
As a result, they became interested in obtaining nationality.
من ضمنهم عائلة حسن
Among them is the Hassan family.
ومتيجة الحاجة المريحة في التكيف مع الظروف المعاشية
and the result|need|comfortable|in|adaptation|to|circumstances|
And due to the comfortable need to adapt to living conditions.
استدعت الأمور بأن يستوطنوا هؤلاء الأشخاص
The situation required that these individuals settle.
ضمن مناطق جغرافية ضمن حدود المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية
Within geographical areas within the borders of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
لكن هذا الارتباط جاء متأخرا
But this connection came late.
استنادا لمباريذات الإقامة والحاجة إلى الوثائق الرسمية
based on|for the purposes of|residence|and the need|for|documents|official
Based on residency requirements and the need for official documents.
في السبع وتمانين تم منح الجنسية للحجة مريم
in|seventy|and eighty|was|granted|citizenship|to the honorable|Mary
In the seventies and eighties, citizenship was granted to the lady Mary.
ومعظم أولادها عن طريق مكلمة ملكية صدرت بهذه السنة
and most|of her children|by|means|call|royal|issued|this|year
Most of her children were through a royal decree issued this year.
كان عمر حسن وقتها حوالي تسع سنين
was|age|Hassan|at that time|about|nine|years
At that time, Omar Hassan was about nine years old.
ولسبب ما لم يتم إرفاقه مع جنسية والده
and for some reason|what|not|was|attaching it|with|nationality|his father
For some reason, he was not attached to his father's nationality.
وبالتالي أصبح فاقد للجنسية
and thus|became|deprived|of nationality
Thus, he became stateless.
نظريا بيحمي قانون الجنسية الأردنية البدو فاقدين الجنسية
In theory, the Jordanian nationality law protects stateless Bedouins.
أولا لأنه بيعتبر بعض العشائر من بدو الشمال مواطنين أردنيين
First, because it considers some tribes from the northern Bedouins as Jordanian citizens.
وثانيا لأنه بيسمح للمرأة الأردنية أنها تنقل جنسية هالأبناءها
and secondly|because|allows|for the woman|Jordanian|to|transfer|nationality|her children
And second, because it allows the Jordanian woman to pass on the nationality to her children.
في حال كان أب الأطفال فاقد للجنسية
in|case|was|father|children|lacking|of nationality
In case the children's father is stateless.
بناء على القانون بتأكد المحامية هاله أنه حسن أردني
According to the law, lawyer Hala confirms that Hassan is Jordanian.
كل من ولد لأم أردنية في الأردن وأبوه عديم الجنسية
Every|who|was born|to a mother|Jordanian|in|Jordan|and his father|stateless|nationality
Anyone born to a Jordanian mother in Jordan and whose father is stateless.
يستطيع أن يتقدم أولا لدائرة الأحوال المدنية
can|to|apply|first|to the department|civil|registry
He can first apply to the Civil Status Department.
ليطلب الحصول على الرقم الوطني وكل الوثائق التي تثبت بكونه أردني
to request|obtaining|on|number|national|and all|documents|that|prove|of him being|Jordanian
To request the national number and all documents that prove he is Jordanian.
فإذا تم رفضة الأحوال المدنية منحوا هذا الرقم الوطني
if|is||civil|registry|they were given|this|number|national
If the Civil Status Department refuses to grant him this national number.
فعليه أن يذهب إلى المحكمة الإدارية ليطعن بقرارها بعدم منحه
so he must|to|go|to|court|administrative|to appeal|her decision|of not|granting him
He must go to the administrative court to appeal their decision not to grant him.
هذه قضية واضحة لا مجال للاجتهاد فيها
this|issue|clear|no|room|for interpretation|in it
This is a clear case with no room for interpretation.
لأنه نحن في القانون نقول بأنه لا اجتهاد في مورد النص
Because in law we say that there is no room for interpretation where there is a text.
بالرغم من حماية القانون
despite|of|protection|the law
Despite the protection of the law.
لما صار عمر حسن فوق الثمانتاعش حاول أنه يصدر جنسية أردنية
When Omar Hassan turned eighteen, he tried to obtain Jordanian citizenship.
ولكن ما قدر يحصل غير على جواز سفر مؤقت
But he could only get a temporary passport.
لازم يتجدد كل سنة وصلاحياته شبه معدومة
must|be renewed|every|year|and his powers|almost|nonexistent
It must be renewed every year and its powers are almost nonexistent.
أبداً أبداً أبداً أبداً لا يفيدني أن أذهب إلى أي مكان
never|never|never|never|not|benefits me|to|I go|to|any|place
Never, never, never, never does it benefit me to go anywhere.
هذا مستوى خط التلفون
This is the phone line level.
خط التلفون ماهي قيمته؟
line|telephone|what is|its value
What is the value of the phone line?
لا يسجل باسمه
does not|register|in his name
It is not registered in his name.
خط التلفون
Phone line.
إذا أردت أن أشتري خط التلفون
if|you wanted|to|buy|line|telephone
If I want to buy a telephone line.
جواز السفر لا يمنح حقوق الجنسية
A passport does not grant citizenship rights.
الجواز عبارة عن وثيقة التنقل
The passport is a travel document.
ويمكن استخدامها كوثيقة لإثبات الشخصية لا غير
and can|be used|as a document|for proving|identity|not|other
And it can be used as a document for identity verification only.
نسبة لسالم هرويلي الممثل الرسمي لبدو الشمال
regarding|to Salem|Harwaili|representative|official|for the Bedouins|of the North
Regarding Salem Harweli, the official representative of the Bedouins of the North.
يفيد الجواز المؤقت الدولة أكثر من الفرد
The temporary passport benefits the state more than the individual.
هي الدولة تستفيد لتعرف شخصيتك
It|country|benefits|to know|your personality
The state benefits to know your identity.
تعرف من أنت
you know|who|you
It knows who you are.
لا تتغلب لتوديك إلى المركز
do not|overcome|to take you|to|center
Do not let it overwhelm you to take you to the center.
وثاني مرة ترى من أنت
and second|time|you see|who|you
And the second time, it sees who you are.
he confirms
It is confirmed.
هذا نعرف هذا فلان
this|we know|this|so-and-so
We know this person.
ماهي قيوده؟
what are|his restrictions
What are his restrictions?
ماهي هذا؟
what is|this
What is this?
اتوظف سالم في المطار عن طريق الواصطة
was employed|Salem|in|the airport|by|means|wasta
Salem got a job at the airport through connections.
ولكن تم الاستغناء عن خدماته
but|was|dismissal|from|his services
But his services were dispensed with.
لعدم حياسته على رقم وطني
for not having|possession|of|number|national
Due to not having a national number.
تعتقد المحامية هالة
The lawyer believes|the lawyer|Hala
Lawyer Hala believes.
أن عدم منح الجنسية لحسن وأمثاله
that|not|granting|citizenship|to Hassan|and his likes
That the denial of citizenship to Hassan and others like him.
بعود لجهل ومزاجيات المسؤولين والدوائر الحكومية
I return|to ignorance|and whims|of the officials|and the departments|governmental
Is due to the ignorance and whims of officials and government departments.
أنا لا أستبعد أن يكون من هم موجودين في دائرة الحوال مدنية
I do not rule out that those present in the civil transfer circle
لا يعرفوا بأن هذا الشخص عديم الجنسية
(not)|they know|that|this|person|stateless|nationality
do not know that this person is stateless.
وبالتالي ينطبق عليه نص المادة
and thus|applies|to him|text|article
Therefore, the provisions of the article apply to him.
وإن كانوا يعرفوا فهم لا يريدوا أن يمنحوا آخرين
and|they were|to know|they|not|want|to|grant|others
And if they know, they do not want to grant others
أو يعترفوا للآخرين بأنهم أردنيين ولهم الحق في الجنسية
or|they acknowledge|to others|that they are|Jordanians|and they have|the right|to|citizenship
or acknowledge to others that they are Jordanians and have the right to citizenship.
فيراهنوا على أن طالما من جاء يطلب هذا الحق لا يعرف
they bet|on|that|as long as|whoever|came|asks|this|right|not|knows
They bet that as long as the one who comes to claim this right does not know.
فبالتالي يمكن لنا أن نتجاوز
therefore|we can|for us|to|overcome
Therefore, we can overcome.
وهذه مخالفة صريحة للقانون
and this|violation|clear|to the law
And this is a clear violation of the law.
حسن عنده أربع أولاد غير مجنسين
Hassan has four children who are not naturalized.
رغم أن والدتهم مواطنة أردنية
although|that|their mother|citizen|Jordanian
Even though their mother is a Jordanian citizen.
كلما قمت بالجروب يقول لي لا يكذب عن جنستك
whenever|I joined|the group|he tells|me|not|lie|about|your gender
Whenever I join the group, it tells me not to lie about my nationality.
هل استمع حين أخchiedenي؟
Does he listen when I tell him?
لا يوفر لي ما هو جنسيتك
does not|provide|to me|what|is|your nationality
He does not provide me with what your nationality is.
يقول لي ما هو أنت
He says|to me|what|he|you
He tells me what you are.
لا يوفر لي ما هو جنسيتك
does not|provide|to me|what|is|your nationality
He does not provide me with what your nationality is.
يقول لي ما هو أنت
says|to me|what|he|you
He tells me what you are.
عندما ي�도وع شخص منهم يرم�ونكم
when|||person|from them||
When one of them is mentioned, they throw you away.
يعتبر حسن أن أولاده لا يملكون مستقبل
considers|Hassan|that|his children|not|have|future
Hassan believes that his children have no future.
بسبب حرمانهم من حقوقهم الأساسية
due to|their deprivation|of|their rights|basic
Because they are deprived of their basic rights.
مثل الحق العمل والتملؤ
like|truth|work|and fulfillment
Such as the right to work and to own.
أنا بالنسبة لي أنتهيت وأموري لا تزال
I|regarding|to me|have finished|and my matters|not|still
As for me, I have finished and my matters are still ongoing.
وضعي سال
my situation|asked
My situation is safe.
ولكن مشكلتي لذلك الضحايا الصغار
but|my problem|for that|victims|young
But my problem is with those small victims.
أنا تأقلمت وقلت هذا امتحان من رب العالمين
I|adapted|and said|this|test|from|Lord|worlds
I have adapted and said this is a test from the Lord of the Worlds.
وقلت لا بأس
and I said|no|problem
And I said it's okay.
لكن هؤلاء أين يذهبون؟
But where do these go?
هذا ما هو مساواة؟ لا يلهم
What is equality? It does not inspire.
والله ما هو مساواة؟
I swear by God|what|is|equality
By God, what is equality?
ما هو مساواة في هذا البلد؟ لا يلهم
What is equality in this country? It does not inspire.
لأن هذا الضحية
Because this is the victim.
لو كان لديك عدنية كيف تتخيل أن تساعد؟
if|were|you have|Adnani|how|do you imagine|that|you help
If you had a person from Aden, how do you imagine you would help?
أصبح بني آدم
He became a human being.
أصبح إنسان مثلي مثل أي إنسان
became|human|like me|like|any|human
He became a person like any other person.
أصبح بشر
He became a human.
ويوم أتي إلى شرطي أو دكتور
And the day|he came|to|police officer|or|doctor
And one day he came to a police officer or a doctor.
لا يقولون لي أنت
do not|they say|to me|you
They don't tell me you are.
يعتبرني ليس بشر
considers me|not|human
They consider me not human.
أريد أن أشعر أنني وعيالي
I want|to|feel|that I|and my children
I want to feel that I and my children.
أريد أن يشعروا بأنهم أردنيين
I want|to|they feel|that they are|Jordanians
I want them to feel that they are Jordanians.
أريد أن أشعر أني إنسان
I want|to|feel|that I|human
I want to feel that I am a human.
لا أريد أكل ولا أشرب
no|I want|eating|nor|I drink
I do not want to eat or drink.
أريد هويتي عندما أتحرك
I want|my identity|when|I move
I want my identity when I move.
أريد أن أشعر بأنني هويتي
I want|to|feel|that I|my identity
I want to feel that I am my identity.
وأريد أن أبناء هذا البلد
and I want|that|the children|of this|country
And I want the children of this country.
ليس بشر
is not|human
They are not human.
ليس معروفاً ماذا أنا؟
is not|known|what|I
It is not known what I am?
كنت معكم من الإعداد والتقديم تالا العيسى
I was|with you|from|preparation|and presentation|Tala|Al-Essa
I was with you in the preparation and presentation, Tala Al-Issa.
من الهندسة الصوتية محمد حجازي
From sound engineering, Mohammed Hijazi.
تابعونا بالحلقة الجاي لتسمعوا صوت مختلف من يوتوبيا
Follow us|in the next episode|next|to hear|voice|different|from|
Stay tuned for the next episode to hear a different voice from Utopia.
وما تنسوا اتابعوا صفحتنا على الفيسبوك
and not|forget|follow|our page|on|Facebook
And don't forget to follow our page on Facebook.
لتعرفوا أكثر عن البودكاست الجديد عيب من إنتاج صوت
to learn|more|about|podcast|new|Aib|from|production|Sawt
To learn more about the new podcast "Ayb" produced by Sawt.
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