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Miss Winnie Daily Cantonese Small Talk, Ep. 65 My Bubu dog in Hong Kong is ill

Ep. 65 My Bubu dog in Hong Kong is ill

Hello ,大家 好 。

今日 係 二 零 二 三 年 五 月 十七 號 。

今日 呢 ,係 星期三 啦 。

咁 呀 ,而家 就 係 下晝 嘅 三 點 正 。

Sharp at 3 o'clock 。

so ,三 點 正 。

OK,咁 今日 呢 ,要 同 大家 講下

我 另 一隻 狗仔 。

嗯 ,佢 叫做 BooBoo 呀 。

咁 我 諗 好多 嘅 聽眾 都 知道 啦 。

我 有 隻 狗狗 ,金金 。

咁 金金 呢 ,就 同 我 都 一齊 喺 美國 嘅 。

咁 但係 呢 ,我 仲有 一隻 狗狗 。

佢 係 喺 香港 嘅 。

咁 呀 ,佢 叫做 BooBoo 。

咁 其實 BooBoo 呢 ,就 大過 金金 幾 年 㗎 。

大 金金 四 年 。

咁 呀 , BooBoo 呢 ,今年 呢 ,就 十四 歲 啦 。

咁 佢 都 係 一隻 貴婦 狗 。

佢 係 一隻 Miniature Poodle 。

叫做 迷你 貴婦 。

中文 Miniature Poodle ,我哋 叫做 迷你 貴婦 。

咁 但係 呢 ,其實 佢 就 唔係 話 真係 好 迷你 嘅 。

佢 都 有 二十 磅 重 。

咁 BooBoo 呢 ,就 係 我 第 一隻 狗 啦 。

咁 佢 呢 ,就 喺 香港 嘅 一路 都 係 。

咁 點解 佢 唔 一齊 同 金金 嚟 美國 呢 ?

其實 金金 同 BooBoo 呢 ,佢地 都 試過 一齊 住 幾年 咁 樣 啦 。

咁 但係 呢 ,佢哋 兩個 呢 ,唔係 好 夾 呀 。

係呀 ,唔係 好 夾 嘅 意思 。

Not compatible with each other 。

佢哋 唔 係 好 夾 。

咁 BooBoo 呢 ,就 唔係 好 鍾意 金金 嘅 。

咁 會 成日 廢 呀 ,金金 嘅 。

係呀 ,咁呢 ,就 令到 BooBoo 呢 ,就 好 躁 呀 。

佢 呢 ,就 成日 都 會 好 容易 呢 ,就 令 到 佢 呢 ,好 嬲 呀 ,好 躁 呀 。

咁 為 咗 BooBoo 佢 嘅 健康 啦 。

其實 佢 都 唔 適合 呢 ,有 另 一隻 狗狗 同 佢 一齊 住 嘅 。

因為 佢 都 係 好 習慣 呢 ,得 佢 自己 一隻 狗狗 。

所以 後來 金金 加入 啦 ,咁 BooBoo 呢 ,其實 就 唔 係 咁 鍾意 有 另 一隻 狗 仔 呢 ,喺 身邊 ,咁樣 。

佢哋 有時候 會 打 架 呀 ,又 會 吵 呀 ,咁樣 ,係 呀 。

所以 佢哋 唔 適合 兩個 一齊 住 。

咁 呀 ,金金 就 同 我 住 嘅 。

咁 點解 今日 要 講 BooBoo 呢 ?

咁 就 係 喇 ,我 今朝早 瞓醒 嘅 時候 呢 ,就 收到 WhatsApp 嘅 訊息 。

收到 WhatsApp 嘅 訊息 啦 。

咁 就 話 呢 ,BooBoo 呢 , 啱 啱 就 去 睇 醫生 , 睇 獸醫 , vet, 睇 獸醫 。

咁 BooBoo 呢 ,因為 年紀 都 大 啦 ,咁 都 有 一啲 身體 嘅 毛病 。

咁 今次 呢 ,佢 去 獸醫 嗰度 呢 ,就 個 原因 呢 ,係 因為 佢 發現 佢 個 頸 嘅 兩邊 ,

both sides of his neck, 頸 嘅 兩邊 都 比較 腫脹 ,swollen, 腫脹 。

咁 呢 ,就要 睇下 咩 事 啦 。

咁 醫生 呢 ,就 喺 佢 嘅 淋巴腺 嗰度 呢 ,就 抽 一啲 組織 ,一啲 tissues ,一啲 組織 去 做 一啲 化驗 啦 ,

做 一啲 testing 咁 樣 。

咁 淋巴腺 係 呢啲 lymphnodes,淋巴腺 。

咁 點知 呢 ,當 醫生 抽 佢 嘅 淋巴腺 嘅 組織 嘅 時候 呢 ,

嗰 啲 血 呢 , 就 從 佢 嘅 口水 腺 , 口水 , 係 saliva, saliva glands。

喺 嗰個 口水 腺 嗰度 呢 ,就 有啲 血 呢 ,就 走出 嚟 喎 。

咁 醫生 呢 ,都 嚇 咗 一 鏡 呀 。

因為 呢 ,醫生 話 ,都 未 試過 咁樣 嘅 。

咁 我 見到 個 video 啦 , Bubu 呢 ,個 口 有啲 血 嘅 video 啦 。

咁 呢 ,我 都 覺得 ,點呀 ,心痛 呀 。

心痛 ,literally means heart, and then pain, so heartache。

見到 呢 , Bubu 呢 ,唔 舒服 呢 ,都 好 心痛 呀 ,heartache 。

呀 ,咁 樣 啦 。

所以 呢 ,我 喺 呢度 呢 ,都 希望 大家 都 為 到 我 嘅 Bubu 祈禱 啦 ,pray for Bubu 。

咁 呢個 化驗 啦 ,就 會 幾日 後 ,會 三 日 後 呢 ,出 嗰個 報告 ,個 report ,個 報告 。

咁 就 睇 下 係 乜嘢 事 。

咁 醫生 呢 ,就 話 可能 都 係 一啲 比較 嚴重 嘅 情況 ,一啲 critical issue ,一啲 嚴重 嘅 情況 ,都 未定 嘅 。

不過 ,係 啦 ,我 就 即刻 為 到 Bubu 祈禱 啦 ,將 呢個 嘅 醫療 嘅 程序 ,成 個 嘅 medical procedure ,呢個 醫療 嘅 程序 禱告 交託 畀 神 啦 。

我 希望 呢 , 獸醫 會 有 智慧 ,wisdom, 有 智慧 去 處理 Bubu 嘅 case, 同埋 我 希望 呢 ,Bubu 唔 好 咁 辛苦 啦 , 唔 好 痛 啦 。

其實 ,見到 Bubu ,希望 佢 能夠 開心 ,同埋 live without pain ,唔好 呢 ,好 辛苦 ,好痛 咁樣 ,咁 我 就 會 覺得 好好 啦 。

啦 咁樣 ,總之 呢 ,係 啦 ,為 Bubu 祈禱 啦 ,希望 唔係 一啲 好 嚴重 嘅 情況 。

咁 呀 ,好 在 呢 ,就 Bubu 嘅 胃口 啦 ,都 仲 係 好好 嘅 ,佢 都 係 食 好多 嘢 嘅 。

係 總之 ,就 交託 畀 神 啦 ,咁樣 .好多 嘢 呢 ,都 唔係 我哋 自己 控制 到 ,但係 hope for the best ,prepare for the worst ,

期望 會 有 好 嘅 結果 啦 , 但 係 都 作 一個 準備 啦 , 係 有 一個 嘅 preparation, 準備 咁 樣 。

但係 呢 ,因為 我 嘅 信仰 啦 ,咁 我 相信 呢 ,喺 每 一個 情況 ,situation ,喺 每 一個 情況 呢 ,神 都 會 帶領 住 ,都 會 喺 神 嘅 手 裏面 嘅 ,in God's hand ,喺 神 嘅 手 裏面 嘅 。

咁 我 就 都 喺 我 嘅 Facebook 嗰 度 post 咗 Bubu 嘅 情況 啦 , 咁 我 都 好 感恩 ,I'm so grateful, 好 感恩 , 好多 朋友 呢 , 都 為 Bubu 打氣 啦 , 同埋 會 紀念 Bubu 嘅 。

咁 好 多謝 大家 ,咁樣 ,所以 呢 ,好 體會 到 喎 ,真係 健康 係 真係 好 緊要 ,好似 我哋 做 毛孩 嘅 父母 啦 ,毛孩 係 fur kids 。

咁 我 係 毛孩 嘅 父母 ,我 媽媽 咁樣 ,知道 我 隻 狗狗 ,我 隻 寵物 ,pets ,寵物 唔 舒服 呢 ,真係 會 好 憂心 ,會 好 upset ,會 好 難過 ,好 傷心 。

所以 呢 ,真係 睇 見 嘩 ,自己 嘅 仔女 唔 舒服 啦 ,真係 會 令到 父母 好 憂心 。

咁 我 自己 做 人哋 嘅 仔女 啦 ,係 人哋 嘅 女 啦 ,咁 所以 我 都 要 好好 照顧 好 我 自己 嘅 身體 , I have to take care of myself for the sake of my parents too 。

咁 我 為 咗 我 嘅 父母 呢 ,我 都 要 好好 地 照顧 自己 ,避免 我 嘅 父母 都 去 擔心 我 。

係啦 ,咁樣 ,响度 呢 ,都 希望 大家 係 喺度 真係 身體健康 ,我 都 唔 單止 希望 你哋 身體健康 ,你嘅 屋企人 身體健康 ,你嘅 寵物 ,你嘅 毛孩 都 要 身體健康 。

好 啦 , 咁 我 今日 就 係 同 大家 想 分享 下 一個 消息 , 係 我 今 朝早 嘅 收到 嘅 一個 消息 囉 , 咁 係 呢 度 同 大家 分享 下 嘅 , 咁 樣 。

多謝 你哋 嘅 收聽 呀 ,咁 我哋 會 下 一集 再見 ,多謝 收聽 。

And here are some vocabs of this episode.

迷你 貴婦 , minature poodle, 迷你 貴婦

##唔係 咁 夾 ,or 唔 夾 ,incompatible ,can't get along with each other ,唔係 咁 夾

## BooBoo 同 金金 唔係 咁 夾

BooBoo 同 金金 唔係 咁 夾 .金金 同 BooBoo 唔 夾 ,佢哋 唔 夾

訊息 ,message,訊息 .

獸醫 , vet, 獸醫 .

身體 組織 , body tissues, 身體 組織 .

化驗 , some medical test, 化驗 .

腫脹 ,swollen,腫脹

報告 ,report,報告

心痛 ,heartache,心痛

感恩 ,greatful ,感恩 .

祈禱 ,pray,or prayers ,祈禱 .

多謝 大家 收聽 ,我哋 下集 再見 ,拜拜 。

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Ep. 65 My Bubu dog in Hong Kong is ill Episode|My|Bubu|dog|in|Hong|Kong|is|ill Ep. 65 [Conversa em Cantonês] O meu cão Bubu em Hong Kong está doente Епізод 65 [Розмова кантонською] Мій собака Бубу в Гонконзі захворів Ep. 65 [Cantonese Talk] My Bubu dog in Hong Kong is ill Ep. 65 My Bubu dog in Hong Kong is ill

Hello ,大家 好 。 Hello|everyone|good Hello, everyone.

今日 係 二 零 二 三 年 五 月 十七 號 。 today|is|2|0|2|3|year|5|month|17|day Today is May 17, 2023.

今日 呢 ,係 星期三 啦 。 today|question particle|is|Wednesday|final particle Today is Wednesday.

咁 呀 ,而家 就 係 下晝 嘅 三 點 正 。 then|particle|now|just|is|afternoon|possessive particle|three|o'clock|sharp Right now, it is exactly 3 PM.

Sharp at 3 o'clock 。 Exactly|at|o'clock Sharp at 3 o'clock.

so ,三 點 正 。 so|three|o'clock|sharp So, 3 o'clock.

OK,咁 今日 呢 ,要 同 大家 講下 |then|today|particle indicating a question|need|with|everyone|talk a little OK, so today, I want to talk to everyone about

我 另 一隻 狗仔 。 I|another|one|puppy my other dog.

嗯 ,佢 叫做 BooBoo 呀 。 hmm|he|is called|BooBoo|particle Hmm, his name is BooBoo.

咁 我 諗 好多 嘅 聽眾 都 知道 啦 。 then|I|think|many|possessive particle|audience|all|know|final particle Well, I think many listeners already know.

我 有 隻 狗狗 ,金金 。 I|have|measure word for animals|dog|Jinjin I have a dog, Jin Jin.

咁 金金 呢 ,就 同 我 都 一齊 喺 美國 嘅 。 then|Jin Jin|question particle|then|with|I|also|together|at|America|possessive particle Jin Jin is with me in the United States.

咁 但係 呢 ,我 仲有 一隻 狗狗 。 then|but|particle indicating a question|I|still have|one|puppy But, I also have another dog.

佢 係 喺 香港 嘅 。 He|is|in|Hong Kong|possessive particle He is in Hong Kong.

咁 呀 ,佢 叫做 BooBoo 。 then|particle|he|is called|BooBoo Well, his name is BooBoo.

咁 其實 BooBoo 呢 ,就 大過 金金 幾 年 㗎 。 so|actually|BooBoo|question particle|then|older than|JinJin|several|years|sentence-final particle Actually, BooBoo is a few years older than JinJin.

大 金金 四 年 。 big|golden|four|year BooBoo is four years older.

咁 呀 , BooBoo 呢 ,今年 呢 ,就 十四 歲 啦 。 like this|particle|name|particle|this year|particle|then|fourteen|years old|particle So, this year, BooBoo is fourteen years old.

咁 佢 都 係 一隻 貴婦 狗 。 then|he|also|is|a|poodle|dog He is also a pampered dog.

佢 係 一隻 Miniature Poodle 。 He|is|a|| It is a Miniature Poodle.

叫做 迷你 貴婦 。 is called|mini|wealthy woman Called a Miniature Maltese.

中文 Miniature Poodle ,我哋 叫做 迷你 貴婦 。 Chinese|Miniature|Poodle|we|are called|Miniature|Poodle In Chinese, Miniature Poodle is called Miniature Maltese.

咁 但係 呢 ,其實 佢 就 唔係 話 真係 好 迷你 嘅 。 so|but|this|actually|he|just|is not|saying|really|very|mini|particle However, actually, it is not really that mini.

佢 都 有 二十 磅 重 。 He|also|has|twenty|pounds|weight It weighs twenty pounds.

咁 BooBoo 呢 ,就 係 我 第 一隻 狗 啦 。 then|BooBoo|question particle|then|is|I|ordinal number prefix|one|dog|final particle So BooBoo is my first dog.

咁 佢 呢 ,就 喺 香港 嘅 一路 都 係 。 then|he|question particle|then|at|Hong Kong|possessive particle|all the time|also|is So he has always been in Hong Kong.

咁 點解 佢 唔 一齊 同 金金 嚟 美國 呢 ? then|why|he|not|together|with|Kam Kam|come|America|question particle So why didn't he come to America with Jin Jin?

其實 金金 同 BooBoo 呢 ,佢地 都 試過 一齊 住 幾年 咁 樣 啦 。 actually|JinJin|and|BooBoo|question particle|they|also|tried|together|live|several years|like that|situation|particle indicating suggestion or finality Actually, Jin Jin and BooBoo have lived together for a few years.

咁 但係 呢 ,佢哋 兩個 呢 ,唔係 好 夾 呀 。 then|but|particle indicating a question|they|two|particle indicating a question|not|very|compatible|particle indicating a question But the two of them didn't really get along.

係呀 ,唔係 好 夾 嘅 意思 。 yes|not|very|suitable|possessive particle|meaning Yes, it means not very compatible.

Not compatible with each other 。 Not|compatible|with|each|other Not compatible with each other.

佢哋 唔 係 好 夾 。 they|not|are|very|compatible They are not very compatible.

咁 BooBoo 呢 ,就 唔係 好 鍾意 金金 嘅 。 then|BooBoo|question particle|then|not|very|likes|Jinjin|possessive particle So BooBoo doesn't really like JinJin.

咁 會 成日 廢 呀 ,金金 嘅 。 then|will|all day|lazy|sentence final particle|a name|possessive particle So JinJin will always be useless.

係呀 ,咁呢 ,就 令到 BooBoo 呢 ,就 好 躁 呀 。 yes|then|just|made|BooBoo|question particle|then|very|anxious|particle Yes, so this makes BooBoo very anxious.

佢 呢 ,就 成日 都 會 好 容易 呢 ,就 令 到 佢 呢 ,好 嬲 呀 ,好 躁 呀 。 he|particle indicating a question or emphasis|then|all the time|also|will|very|easily|particle indicating a question or emphasis|then|make|to|him|particle indicating a question or emphasis|very|angry|particle indicating a question or emphasis|very|irritable|particle indicating a question or emphasis He often gets very easily upset and very anxious.

咁 為 咗 BooBoo 佢 嘅 健康 啦 。 then|for|past tense marker|BooBoo|he|possessive particle|health|sentence-final particle So it's for BooBoo's health.

其實 佢 都 唔 適合 呢 ,有 另 一隻 狗狗 同 佢 一齊 住 嘅 。 actually|he|also|not|suitable|this|has|another|a|dog|with|he|together|lives|past tense particle Actually, he is not suitable to live with another dog.

因為 佢 都 係 好 習慣 呢 ,得 佢 自己 一隻 狗狗 。 because|he|also|is|very|used to|this|only|he|himself|one|dog Because he is very used to being the only dog.

所以 後來 金金 加入 啦 ,咁 BooBoo 呢 ,其實 就 唔 係 咁 鍾意 有 另 一隻 狗 仔 呢 ,喺 身邊 ,咁樣 。 so|later|Jin Jin|joined|particle indicating completed action|then|BooBoo|question particle|actually|just|not|is|that|likes|have|another|a|dog|puppy|question particle|at|side|like that So later, Jin Jin joined, and BooBoo, actually, doesn't really like having another dog around.

佢哋 有時候 會 打 架 呀 ,又 會 吵 呀 ,咁樣 ,係 呀 。 they|sometimes|will|fight|particle|particle|also|will|argue|particle|like this|yes|particle Sometimes they would fight and argue, like that.

所以 佢哋 唔 適合 兩個 一齊 住 。 so|they|not|suitable|both|together|live So they are not suitable to live together.

咁 呀 ,金金 就 同 我 住 嘅 。 then|particle|name|then|with|I|live|possessive particle Well, Jin Jin lives with me.

咁 點解 今日 要 講 BooBoo 呢 ? then|why|today|need to|talk about|BooBoo|question particle So why are we talking about BooBoo today?

咁 就 係 喇 ,我 今朝早 瞓醒 嘅 時候 呢 ,就 收到 WhatsApp 嘅 訊息 。 then|just|is|particle indicating completed action|I|this morning|woke up|possessive particle|time|particle indicating a question|then|received|WhatsApp|possessive particle|message So, this morning when I woke up, I received a WhatsApp message.

收到 WhatsApp 嘅 訊息 啦 。 received|WhatsApp|possessive particle|message|final particle I received a WhatsApp message.

咁 就 話 呢 ,BooBoo 呢 , 啱 啱 就 去 睇 醫生 , 睇 獸醫 , vet, 睇 獸醫 。 It said that BooBoo just went to see the doctor, the vet.

咁 BooBoo 呢 ,因為 年紀 都 大 啦 ,咁 都 有 一啲 身體 嘅 毛病 。 then|BooBoo|question particle|because|age|also|old|sentence-final particle|then|also|has|some|body|possessive particle|health issues BooBoo is getting older, so he has some health issues.

咁 今次 呢 ,佢 去 獸醫 嗰度 呢 ,就 個 原因 呢 ,係 因為 佢 發現 佢 個 頸 嘅 兩邊 , so|this time|particle|he|go|veterinarian|there|particle|then|the|reason|particle|is|because|he|discovered|he|the|neck|possessive particle|both sides This time, the reason he went to the vet is because they found something on both sides of his neck.

both sides of his neck, 頸 嘅 兩邊 都 比較 腫脹 ,swollen, 腫脹 。 both sides of his neck are quite swollen.

咁 呢 ,就要 睇下 咩 事 啦 。 then|particle indicating a question|will need to|see|what|matter|particle indicating a suggestion or confirmation So, we need to see what the issue is.

咁 醫生 呢 ,就 喺 佢 嘅 淋巴腺 嗰度 呢 ,就 抽 一啲 組織 ,一啲 tissues ,一啲 組織 去 做 一啲 化驗 啦 , then|doctor|question particle|then|at|he|possessive particle|lymph nodes|there|question particle|then|take|some|tissue|some|tissues|some|tissue|to|do|some|tests|final particle The doctor will take some tissue from his lymph nodes to do some tests.

做 一啲 testing 咁 樣 。 do|some|testing|like this|appearance To do some testing.

咁 淋巴腺 係 呢啲 lymphnodes,淋巴腺 。 then|lymph nodes|is|these||lymph nodes The lymph nodes are these lymph nodes.

咁 點知 呢 ,當 醫生 抽 佢 嘅 淋巴腺 嘅 組織 嘅 時候 呢 , then|how would I know|particle|when|doctor|extract|he|possessive particle|lymph node|possessive particle|tissue|possessive particle|time|particle So, what happened was, when the doctor took a sample of his lymph node tissue,

嗰 啲 血 呢 , 就 從 佢 嘅 口水 腺 , 口水 , 係 saliva, saliva glands。 the blood came from his salivary glands, saliva, which is saliva, saliva glands.

喺 嗰個 口水 腺 嗰度 呢 ,就 有啲 血 呢 ,就 走出 嚟 喎 。 at|that|saliva|gland|there|particle|then|some|blood|particle|then|come out|out|particle At that salivary gland, some blood came out.

咁 醫生 呢 ,都 嚇 咗 一 鏡 呀 。 then|doctor|question particle|also|scared|past tense marker|one|glance|final particle The doctor was also shocked.

因為 呢 ,醫生 話 ,都 未 試過 咁樣 嘅 。 because|this|doctor|said|all|not yet|tried|like this|particle indicating past action Because, the doctor said, he had never seen anything like this before.

咁 我 見到 個 video 啦 , Bubu 呢 ,個 口 有啲 血 嘅 video 啦 。 then|I|saw|the|video|sentence-final particle|Bubu|this|the|mouth|has some|blood|possessive particle|video|sentence-final particle So, I saw the video, and Bubu has some blood in his mouth in the video.

咁 呢 ,我 都 覺得 ,點呀 ,心痛 呀 。 like this|question particle|I|also|feel|how|heartache|particle for emphasis So, I also feel, like, heartbroken.

心痛 ,literally means heart, and then pain, so heartache。 Heartbroken, literally means heart, and then pain, so heartache.

見到 呢 , Bubu 呢 ,唔 舒服 呢 ,都 好 心痛 呀 ,heartache 。 seeing|question particle|Bubu|question particle|not|comfortable|question particle|also|very|heartache|particle|heartache Seeing Bubu like this, not feeling well, it's really heartache.

呀 ,咁 樣 啦 。 ah|so|appearance|particle Yeah, that's how it is.

所以 呢 ,我 喺 呢度 呢 ,都 希望 大家 都 為 到 我 嘅 Bubu 祈禱 啦 ,pray for Bubu 。 so|particle indicating a question or emphasis|I|at|this place|particle indicating a question or emphasis|also|hope|everyone|all|for|to reach|my|possessive particle|Bubu|pray|particle indicating a suggestion or request|pray|for|Bubu So, here I am, hoping that everyone will pray for my Bubu, pray for Bubu.

咁 呢個 化驗 啦 ,就 會 幾日 後 ,會 三 日 後 呢 ,出 嗰個 報告 ,個 report ,個 報告 。 then|this|test|sentence-final particle|then|will|a few days|later|will|three|days|later|question particle|issue|that|report|measure word|report|measure word|report This test will have the report out in a few days, in three days, the report.

咁 就 睇 下 係 乜嘢 事 。 then|just|see|next|is|what|matter Then we will see what it is.

咁 醫生 呢 ,就 話 可能 都 係 一啲 比較 嚴重 嘅 情況 ,一啲 critical issue ,一啲 嚴重 嘅 情況 ,都 未定 嘅 。 then|doctor|question particle|then|said|possibly|also|is|some|relatively|serious|possessive particle|situation|some|critical|issue|some|serious|possessive particle|situation|also|undetermined|possessive particle The doctor said it might be a more serious situation, a critical issue, a serious situation, but it's not certain yet.

不過 ,係 啦 ,我 就 即刻 為 到 Bubu 祈禱 啦 ,將 呢個 嘅 醫療 嘅 程序 ,成 個 嘅 medical procedure ,呢個 醫療 嘅 程序 禱告 交託 畀 神 啦 。 but|is|sentence final particle|I|then|immediately|for|to|Bubu|pray|sentence final particle|to put|this|possessive particle|medical|possessive particle|procedure|whole|measure word|possessive particle|medical|procedure|this|medical|possessive particle|procedure|prayer|entrust|to|God|sentence final particle However, yes, I will immediately pray for Bubu, entrusting this medical procedure, the whole medical procedure, to God.

我 希望 呢 , 獸醫 會 有 智慧 ,wisdom, 有 智慧 去 處理 Bubu 嘅 case, 同埋 我 希望 呢 ,Bubu 唔 好 咁 辛苦 啦 , 唔 好 痛 啦 。 I hope that the veterinarian will have wisdom to handle Bubu's case, and I hope that Bubu won't suffer so much, won't be in pain.

其實 ,見到 Bubu ,希望 佢 能夠 開心 ,同埋 live without pain ,唔好 呢 ,好 辛苦 ,好痛 咁樣 ,咁 我 就 會 覺得 好好 啦 。 actually|seeing|Bubu|hope|he|can|happy|and|live|without|pain|not|this|very|hard|very painful|like this|then|I|just|will|feel|very good|particle Actually, seeing Bubu, I hope he can be happy and live without pain, not like this, suffering a lot, in a lot of pain, then I would feel very good.

啦 咁樣 ,總之 呢 ,係 啦 ,為 Bubu 祈禱 啦 ,希望 唔係 一啲 好 嚴重 嘅 情況 。 particle indicating a suggestion|like this|in short|particle indicating a question|is|particle indicating a suggestion|for|name|pray|particle indicating a suggestion|hope|not|a little|very|serious|possessive particle|situation So, in short, yes, pray for Bubu, hoping it's not a very serious situation.

咁 呀 ,好 在 呢 ,就 Bubu 嘅 胃口 啦 ,都 仲 係 好好 嘅 ,佢 都 係 食 好多 嘢 嘅 。 then|particle|very|at|particle|just|Bubu|possessive particle|appetite|particle|also|still|is|very good|particle|he|also|is|eat|a lot|food|particle Well, fortunately, Bubu's appetite is still very good, he is still eating a lot.

係 總之 ,就 交託 畀 神 啦 ,咁樣 .好多 嘢 呢 ,都 唔係 我哋 自己 控制 到 ,但係 hope for the best ,prepare for the worst , is|in short|then|entrust|to|God|sentence final particle|like this|many|things|this|all|not|we|ourselves|control|able to|but|hope|for|the|best|prepare|for|the|worst In short, just leave it to God. Many things are not within our control, but hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

期望 會 有 好 嘅 結果 啦 , 但 係 都 作 一個 準備 啦 , 係 有 一個 嘅 preparation, 準備 咁 樣 。 I hope there will be a good outcome, but I will also make a preparation, to have a preparation.

但係 呢 ,因為 我 嘅 信仰 啦 ,咁 我 相信 呢 ,喺 每 一個 情況 ,situation ,喺 每 一個 情況 呢 ,神 都 會 帶領 住 ,都 會 喺 神 嘅 手 裏面 嘅 ,in God's hand ,喺 神 嘅 手 裏面 嘅 。 but|this|because|I|possessive particle|faith|sentence-final particle|then|I|believe|this|in|every|one|situation|situation|in|every|one|situation|this|God|also|will|lead|continuously|also|will|in|God|possessive particle|hand|inside|possessive particle|in|God's|hand|in|God|possessive particle|hand|inside|possessive particle However, because of my faith, I believe that in every situation, in every situation, God will lead us, and we are in God's hand.

咁 我 就 都 喺 我 嘅 Facebook 嗰 度 post 咗 Bubu 嘅 情況 啦 , 咁 我 都 好 感恩 ,I'm so grateful, 好 感恩 , 好多 朋友 呢 , 都 為 Bubu 打氣 啦 , 同埋 會 紀念 Bubu 嘅 。 So I also posted Bubu's situation on my Facebook, and I am very grateful, I'm so grateful, many friends are cheering for Bubu and will remember Bubu.

咁 好 多謝 大家 ,咁樣 ,所以 呢 ,好 體會 到 喎 ,真係 健康 係 真係 好 緊要 ,好似 我哋 做 毛孩 嘅 父母 啦 ,毛孩 係 fur kids 。 then|very|thank you|everyone|like this|so|question particle|very|understand|to|particle indicating realization|really|health|is|really|very|important|like|we|be|fur child|possessive particle|parents|particle indicating suggestion|fur child|is|fur|kids So thank you very much everyone, I really feel that health is really important, just like we are the parents of fur kids.

咁 我 係 毛孩 嘅 父母 ,我 媽媽 咁樣 ,知道 我 隻 狗狗 ,我 隻 寵物 ,pets ,寵物 唔 舒服 呢 ,真係 會 好 憂心 ,會 好 upset ,會 好 難過 ,好 傷心 。 then|I|am|fur kid|possessive particle|parents|I|mom|like this|know|I|measure word for animals|dog|I|measure word for animals|pet|pets|pet|not|comfortable|question particle|really|will|very|worried|will|very|upset|will|very|sad|very|heartbroken As a parent of fur kids, I know that when my dog, my pet, is not feeling well, I will really be very worried, very upset, very sad.

所以 呢 ,真係 睇 見 嘩 ,自己 嘅 仔女 唔 舒服 啦 ,真係 會 令到 父母 好 憂心 。 so|question particle|really|||wow|own|possessive particle|children|not|comfortable|sentence-final particle|really|will|make|parents|very|worried So, really, seeing your own children uncomfortable will truly make parents very worried.

咁 我 自己 做 人哋 嘅 仔女 啦 ,係 人哋 嘅 女 啦 ,咁 所以 我 都 要 好好 照顧 好 我 自己 嘅 身體 , I have to take care of myself for the sake of my parents too 。 then|I|myself|be|others|possessive particle|child|sentence-final particle|am|others|possessive particle|daughter|sentence-final particle|then|so|I|also|have to|well|take care of|well|I|myself|possessive particle|body|I|have|to|take|care|of|myself|for|the|sake|of|my|parents|too As for me, being someone else's daughter, I also need to take good care of my own body, I have to take care of myself for the sake of my parents too.

咁 我 為 咗 我 嘅 父母 呢 ,我 都 要 好好 地 照顧 自己 ,避免 我 嘅 父母 都 去 擔心 我 。 then|I|for|past tense marker|I|possessive particle|parents|particle indicating a question|I|also|must|well|adverbial particle|take care of|myself|avoid|I|possessive particle|parents|also|go|worry|I So, for my parents, I also need to take good care of myself to avoid making them worry about me.

係啦 ,咁樣 ,响度 呢 ,都 希望 大家 係 喺度 真係 身體健康 ,我 都 唔 單止 希望 你哋 身體健康 ,你嘅 屋企人 身體健康 ,你嘅 寵物 ,你嘅 毛孩 都 要 身體健康 。 that's right|like this|here|particle|also|hope|everyone|are|here|really|healthy|I|also|not|only|hope|you all|healthy|your|family|healthy|your|pet|your|fur baby|also|need|healthy Yes, in this regard, I hope everyone is really healthy, I not only hope you are healthy, but also your family members, your pets, and your furry kids should all be healthy.

好 啦 , 咁 我 今日 就 係 同 大家 想 分享 下 一個 消息 , 係 我 今 朝早 嘅 收到 嘅 一個 消息 囉 , 咁 係 呢 度 同 大家 分享 下 嘅 , 咁 樣 。 Alright, today I want to share a piece of news with everyone, it’s a message I received this morning, and I’m sharing it here with everyone.

多謝 你哋 嘅 收聽 呀 ,咁 我哋 會 下 一集 再見 ,多謝 收聽 。 thank you|you (plural)|possessive particle|listening|sentence-final particle|then|we|will|next|episode|see you again|thank you|listening Thank you for your listening, we will see you in the next episode, thank you for listening.

And here are some vocabs of this episode. And here are some vocabs of this episode.

迷你 貴婦 , minature poodle, 迷你 貴婦 Miniature poodle, miniature poodle.

##唔係 咁 夾 ,or 唔 夾 ,incompatible ,can't get along with each other ,唔係 咁 夾 not|so|compatible|or|not|compatible|incompatible|cannot|get|along|with|each|other|not|so|compatible ## Not compatible, or incompatible, can't get along with each other, not compatible.

## BooBoo 同 金金 唔係 咁 夾 BooBoo|and|JinJin|not|so|compatible ## BooBoo and JinJin are not compatible.

BooBoo 同 金金 唔係 咁 夾 .金金 同 BooBoo 唔 夾 ,佢哋 唔 夾 BooBoo|and|JinJin|are not|so|compatible|JinJin|and|BooBoo|not|compatible|they|not|compatible BooBoo and JinJin are not that compatible. JinJin and BooBoo are not compatible, they don't match.

訊息 ,message,訊息 . message||message Message, message, message.

獸醫 , vet, 獸醫 . Veterinarian, vet, veterinarian.

身體 組織 , body tissues, 身體 組織 . Body tissues, body tissues, body tissues.

化驗 , some medical test, 化驗 . Medical test, some medical test, medical test.

腫脹 ,swollen,腫脹 swollen||swelling swollen

報告 ,report,報告 report||report report

心痛 ,heartache,心痛 heartache||heartache heartache

感恩 ,greatful ,感恩 . grateful|grateful|grateful grateful.

祈禱 ,pray,or prayers ,祈禱 . pray||or|prayers|pray pray, or prayers.

多謝 大家 收聽 ,我哋 下集 再見 ,拜拜 。 thank you|everyone|listening|we|next episode|see you again|bye Thank you everyone for listening, we'll see you in the next episode, goodbye.

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