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Miss Winnie Daily Cantonese Small Talk, Ep. 72 Ideal Retirement Place

Ep. 72 Ideal Retirement Place

Hello, 大家 好 , 今日 係 二 十 二 三 年 六 月 七 號

六 月 七 號 嘅 十一 點 零 六 分 , 朝 早 嘅 十一 點 零 六 分

今日 係 星期三, 星期三 啦

嘩 , 唔 係 睇 下 個 月曆 calendar , 月曆 啦, 都 唔 記得 喎

嘩 , 今日 係 星期 幾 呢 , 今日 幾多 號 呢

咁 今朝 早 呢 , 我 都 好 晏 先 起身呀

所謂 嘅 晏 起身 呢 , 就 係 差唔多 瞓 到 8 點鐘

係 呀 , 自然 咁 醒 , 就 差唔多 瞓 到 8 點鐘

咁 因為 我 平時 呢 , 我 都 慣 咗 6 點 零 鐘 起身

6 點 幾 起身 呢 , 咁 所以 尋日 呢 , 我 都 好 早 要 起身

同埋 其實 都 慣 咗 嗰 個 鐘數 起身 呢

個 身體 呢 , 差唔多 嗰 個 時間 呢 , 就 會 醒

咁 但係 今日 呢 , 瞓 到 差唔多 8 點鐘 呢

咁 就 非常之 舒服 呀 , 唔使 趕住 呢

啲 時間 啦 , 咁 樣 .

咁 今日 呢 , 想同 大家 講 嘅 話題 係 乜嘢 呢

講下 呢 個 Retirement, 退休

退休 , 點解 我會 講 退休 呢

事緣 呢 , 就 係 我 上個星期 啦

咁樣, 我 呢 就 喺 Facebook 嗰度 呢

就 見到 我 有 個 朋友

就 佢 分享 佢 喺 泰國 清邁 嘅 生活 喎

咁 佢 呢 就 同埋 佢 嘅 先生

即係 佢 老公 呢

同埋 佢 有 三隻 狗狗 同埋 一隻 兔仔

喺 舊年 呢 就 移民 就 去 咗 呢個 泰國 呀

咁 佢 就 去 泰國 嘅 清邁, 咁, 泰國 清邁

係 泰國 嘅 第二 大城市 The second largest city of Thailand. 清邁

咁 清邁 就 係 對於 香港 人 嚟 講 呢 都 唔 陌生 嘅

都 幾 熟悉 嗰 個 地方

因為 嗰度 有 陽光 海灘 啦 有 好多 Resort 啦

嗰 啲 度假 嘅 地方 啦

度假屋 呀 , 度假 酒店 呀

係 一個 好 靚 嘅 地方 嚟 嘅

咁 呀,好多 香港人 去 旅行 都 會 鍾意 去 清邁 旅行

咁 我 都 去過。 非常之 優美 嘅 環境

咁 我 朋友 佢哋 就 移民 咗 去 清邁 一年

咁 喺 佢嘅 Facebook 嗰度 呢 就

嗰 日 就 分享 到 佢

個 社區 community 去 個 社區 呀

啲 人 呢, 好好 人 呀, 好 友善 呀 好 friendly 好 友善 呀

啲 鄰居 呢 大家 會 彼此 幫助 呀 咁 樣

咁 呀 非常之 好 啦, 咁 我 呢 就 突然 間 就, 嘩 , 睇 完 之後 呢

都 好 好奇 curious 好 好奇

就 想 問 下 佢 係 喎 , 喺 清邁 嗰度

究竟 個 租金 係 點 啦 同埋 生活費 係 點 啦 個 cost of living 呀

平時 個 生活費 係 幾多 到 啦 咁 樣

然之後 呢 佢 就 話 畀 我 聽 呢

佢 就 住 喺 一個 獨立 嘅 屋 有 三 間 房

咁 仲有 一個 私人 嘅 泳池 喎

一個 private swimming pool 一個 私人 泳池

嘩 , 咁 租金 呢 係 大概 係 五千 五百 蚊 港幣

Hong Kong dollar five thousand five hundred

咁 即係 差唔多 係 七百 蚊 美金 Around 700 US dollars

大概 係 七百 蚊 美金, 嘩 , 我 睇 完 之後 呢 實在 覺得

嘩 , 真係 正 呀! 咁樣

咁 然之後 我 就 上網 查下

原來 去 喺 泰國 啦 嘅 生活費 平時 食 呀 嘅 嘢 啦

大概 都 係 可能 一 兩 蚊 嘅 美金

或者 三 蚊 美金 都 ok 㗎 啦

嘩 , 加加埋埋 一個月 嘅 洗費 真係 少 好多 喎

洗費 係 個 啲 expenses 喺 泰國 生活 啦

啲 洗費 呢,會 少 好多 低 好多

因為 喺 美國 呢 一度 雖然 環境 都 好好 嘅

一啲 人 , 我 呢 度 嘅 鄰居 呀 朋友 , 佢 哋 都 好好 人 嘅

但 實在 係 太貴 啦 平時 嘅 洗 用 呀

食 嘢 呀, 實在 係 太貴

而且 呢 喺 美國 如果 我 要 返去 亞洲 啦

或者 去 返 香港 啦 實在 係 太 遠 啦

我 查 下 啲 機票 呢 要 廿 幾個 鐘 , 三十 個 鐘

但係 呢, 如果 喺 清邁 飛返 香港 呢

三個 幾 鐘頭 咋 喎 just three hours something,then can fly back to Hong Kong from 清邁。

咁 呀, 非常之 近 呀

又 有 直航機 有 direct flight,直航機 實在 係 好 方便 呀

而且 周圍 都 有 好好 食 嘅 亞洲 嘢 食 啦

泰國菜 啦 唔 知 啦

泰國菜 真係 非常之,非常之 正

咁 呢 一啲 種種 呢,都 令 到 我 真係 可以 諗 下

考慮 下 consider 考慮 下

第日 退休 去 泰國 喎, 咁樣

係 囉, 咁 呢個 係 我 上個 禮拜 諗 到 嘅 咁樣

咁 你 又 會 想 係 去 邊個 地方 退休 呢?

唔好意思 呀 金金 都 有啲 意見 呀 咁樣 快 咗 兩 聲

咁 你 如果 退休 嘅 話 你 又 想 去 邊度 退休 呢?

咁 你 都 可以 同 我 分享 下 有冇 啲 理想 嘅 地方

或者 國家,呀,你 好 想 退休 嘅 時候 呢 可以 去 嘅 係 啦

咁 你 都 可以 話 畀 我 聽 呀

咁 喺 呢 度 呢 多謝 你 哋 呀 收聽

咁 我 希望 喺 呢 個 暑假 已經 開始 咗 嘅 時候 呢

可以 錄 多啲 podcast 大家 繼續 留意 stay tuned

咁 我哋 下集 再見, 多謝, 拜拜

Todays vocab

Calendar 月曆 , 月曆

我 要 睇下 個 月曆 先至 今日 係 星期 幾

Retire,Retirement 退休 , 退休

你 想 喺 邊度 退休 呀 ? 你 退休 想 去 邊度 呀 ?

Expenses, 洗費

我 想 去 一啲 洗費 低 啲 嘅 地方 生活

我 想 去 一啲 洗費 低 啲 嘅 地方 生活 ,I want to live in some district with lower expenses

Immigration, 移民 , 移民

呢 幾年 好多 香港人 移民

好多 香港人 移民 去 其他 國家 生活

District, 地區 , 地區

你 想 住 乜嘢 地區 呀 ?

Resorts 度假村 , 度假村 , or 度假屋 , those resorts house, 度假屋

Community, 社區 , 社區

我 嘅 社區 啲 人 好 友善

ideal, 理想 , 理想

我 嘅 理想 生活 係 可以 去 一個 比較 靜 啲 同埋 平 啲 嘅 地方 。

我 嘅 理想 退休 生活 係 想 去 一個 平 啲 同埋 靜 啲 嘅 地方 。

Direct flight, 直航機 , 直航機

泰國 有 直航機 去 香港

即係 香港 有 直航機 去 泰國

Private swimming pool, 私人 泳池 , 私人 泳池

我 朋友 嘅 屋企 有 私人 泳池

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Ep. 72 Ideal Retirement Place |Perfect|Ideal Retirement Place| Ep. 72 [Cantonese Talk] Ideal Retirement Place Ep. 72 [広東語の会話] 理想的な退職の場所 Ep. 72 [Kantonesiskt tal] Idealisk plats för pensionering Ep. 72 [Cantonese Talk] Ideal Retirement Place

Hello, 大家 好 , 今日 係 二 十 二 三 年 六 月 七 號 |||||||||||||date Hello, everyone, today is June 7th, 2013.

六 月 七 號 嘅 十一 點 零 六 分 , 朝 早 嘅 十一 點 零 六 分 ||||||||||morning|morning||||zero||AM 11:06 am on June 7th, 11:06 am in the morning

今日 係 星期三, 星期三 啦 ||Wednesday|| Today is Wednesday, it's Wednesday.

嘩 , 唔 係 睇 下 個 月曆 calendar , 月曆 啦, 都 唔 記得 喎 ||||||monthly calendar|calendar|||||remember| Wow, let me check the calendar, I don't remember.

嘩 , 今日 係 星期 幾 呢 , 今日 幾多 號 呢 ||||what||||| Wow, what day of the week is it today, what date is it today?

咁 今朝 早 呢 , 我 都 好 晏 先 起身呀 |this morning||||||late|first|got up late This morning, I am so hard to get up first

所謂 嘅 晏 起身 呢 , 就 係 差唔多 瞓 到 8 點鐘 so-called||getting up|get up|||||sleep|until| The so-called "hard wake up" is to sleep almost until 8 o'clock

係 呀 , 自然 咁 醒 , 就 差唔多 瞓 到 8 點鐘 ||naturally||wake up|then|almost|||8 o'clock Yes, it's natural to wake up so early and sleep almost until 8 o'clock.

咁 因為 我 平時 呢 , 我 都 慣 咗 6 點 零 鐘 起身 |||usually||||used to|past tense marker||1||get up I am used to getting up at 6:00am because I usually do.

6 點 幾 起身 呢 , 咁 所以 尋日 呢 , 我 都 好 早 要 起身 |a little past|get up|||so|yesterday||||very|early||get up I have to get up at 6:00, so I have to get up early on the search day.

同埋 其實 都 慣 咗 嗰 個 鐘數 起身 呢 |actually||used to||that|that|time slot|| I am used to get up at that hour.

個 身體 呢 , 差唔多 嗰 個 時間 呢 , 就 會 醒 |body||almost|||time||||wake up The body, it will wake up in less than that time.

咁 但係 今日 呢 , 瞓 到 差唔多 8 點鐘 呢 ||||||almost|| Well, today, I almost slept until 8 o'clock.

咁 就 非常之 舒服 呀 , 唔使 趕住 呢 ||very|||don't have to|in a hurry| It feels really comfortable, no need to rush.

啲 時間 啦 , 咁 樣 . |time|emphasis particle||like that That's the time, just like that.

咁 今日 呢 , 想同 大家 講 嘅 話題 係 乜嘢 呢 |today||want to||talk||topic||| Then today, what would you like to tell us?

講下 呢 個 Retirement, 退休 ||||Retirement Let's talk about retirement.

退休 , 點解 我會 講 退休 呢 retirement|why|I will|||question particle Retirement, why am I talking about retirement?

事緣 呢 , 就 係 我 上個星期 啦 "The reason"|||||last week| The reason is that it was just last week.

咁樣, 我 呢 就 喺 Facebook 嗰度 呢 like this||||at||there|

就 見到 我 有 個 朋友 |||||friend

就 佢 分享 佢 喺 泰國 清邁 嘅 生活 喎 ||share about|||Thailand|Chiang Mai||life| So he shares his life in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

咁 佢 呢 就 同埋 佢 嘅 先生 |||then||||husband Then he and his husband.

即係 佢 老公 呢 that is||husband| That is, her husband.

同埋 佢 有 三隻 狗狗 同埋 一隻 兔仔 ||||dogs|and||rabbit She has three dogs and a rabbit

喺 舊年 呢 就 移民 就 去 咗 呢個 泰國 呀 |last year||then|emigrated to Thailand|||||| In the old days, immigrants went to Thailand.

咁 佢 就 去 泰國 嘅 清邁, 咁, 泰國 清邁 ||||Thailand||||| So, he went to Chiang Mai, Thailand.

係 泰國 嘅 第二 大城市 The second largest city of Thailand. 清邁 ||||largest city|||second largest city|Chiang Mai||Chiang Mai|Chiang Mai Chiang Mai is the second largest city of Thailand.

咁 清邁 就 係 對於 香港 人 嚟 講 呢 都 唔 陌生 嘅 |Chiang Mai|||"for"||||||||unfamiliar| So, Chiang Mai is also not unfamiliar to Hong Kong people.

都 幾 熟悉 嗰 個 地方 |quite|Quite familiar|||place I know that place very well.

因為 嗰度 有 陽光 海灘 啦 有 好多 Resort 啦 |||sunlight|beach||||resort hotels| Because over there, there's sunshine, there's a beach, there's a lot of resorts.

嗰 啲 度假 嘅 地方 啦 ||vacation spots||| The vacation spots.

度假屋 呀 , 度假 酒店 呀 Vacation home||vacation|resort hotel| Vacation rentals , vacation hotels

係 一個 好 靚 嘅 地方 嚟 嘅 |||beautiful||||

咁 呀,好多 香港人 去 旅行 都 會 鍾意 去 清邁 旅行 |||||travel|also|will|||Chiang Mai| Well, many Hongkongers like to travel to Chiang Mai.

咁 我 都 去過。 非常之 優美 嘅 環境 |||have been|very|beautiful||environment I have been there too. It's a very beautiful environment.

咁 我 朋友 佢哋 就 移民 咗 去 清邁 一年 |||||immigrated||||for a year So my friends have emigrated to Chiang Mai for a year.

咁 喺 佢嘅 Facebook 嗰度 呢 就 ||his|||| Then, on her Facebook page.

嗰 日 就 分享 到 佢 ||that|"shared"|to|it That's the day to share it.

個 社區 community 去 個 社區 呀 this|community|the neighborhood|||community| The community goes to the community.

啲 人 呢, 好好 人 呀, 好 友善 呀 好 friendly 好 友善 呀 |||||||friendly|||very friendly||| The people here are very good people, very friendly.

啲 鄰居 呢 大家 會 彼此 幫助 呀 咁 樣 |neighbors||||each other|help each other||| The neighbors will help each other.

咁 呀 非常之 好 啦, 咁 我 呢 就 突然 間 就, 嘩 , 睇 完 之後 呢 ||very|||||||suddenly|||wow|watch|finished|afterwards| That's very good, so I suddenly got excited after watching it!

都 好 好奇 curious 好 好奇 ||Very curious|very interested||curious I am very curious, very curious.

就 想 問 下 佢 係 喎 , 喺 清邁 嗰度 ||||||||Chiang Mai| I just want to ask, is it in Chiang Mai?

究竟 個 租金 係 點 啦 同埋 生活費 係 點 啦 個 cost of living 呀 "Exactly"||rent price|||||living expenses||how much|||cost of living||cost of living| What is the rent like and what is the cost of living?

平時 個 生活費 係 幾多 到 啦 咁 樣 ||living expenses|||||| How much is the usual cost of living?

然之後 呢 佢 就 話 畀 我 聽 呢 "After that"|||||||| Then, he told me that

佢 就 住 喺 一個 獨立 嘅 屋 有 三 間 房 ||live|at||detached|possessive particle|house|||rooms|rooms he lives in an independent house with three rooms

咁 仲有 一個 私人 嘅 泳池 喎 |also||private||swimming pool| and there's also a private swimming pool.

一個 private swimming pool 一個 私人 泳池 |private|private swimming pool|private swimming pool||private|

嘩 , 咁 租金 呢 係 大概 係 五千 五百 蚊 港幣 ||rent fee|||approximately|||five hundred||Hong Kong dollars Wow, the rent is about $5,500 HKD.

Hong Kong dollar five thousand five hundred ||Hong Kong dollar||five thousand||

咁 即係 差唔多 係 七百 蚊 美金 Around 700 US dollars |means|about||Seven hundred||US dollars||US|US dollars So, that's almost around 700 US dollars.

大概 係 七百 蚊 美金, 嘩 , 我 睇 完 之後 呢 實在 覺得 about||||US dollars|||||||really| About 700 US dollars, wow, after I finished watching it, I really feel that.

嘩 , 真係 正 呀! 咁樣 ||awesome|| Wow, it's really awesome! Like this.

咁 然之後 我 就 上網 查下 |then||then|go online|"look up" Then I went online to check it out

原來 去 喺 泰國 啦 嘅 生活費 平時 食 呀 嘅 嘢 啦 actually|||||||usually|eating|question particle|particle|things|emphasis particle The cost of living in Thailand.

大概 都 係 可能 一 兩 蚊 嘅 美金 about|||||one or two|dollars|| Probably a couple of dollars.

或者 三 蚊 美金 都 ok 㗎 啦 Or $3.00 USD, that's fine.

嘩 , 加加埋埋 一個月 嘅 洗費 真係 少 好多 喎 |all together|one month|of|expenses||less|| Wow, the monthly laundry fee is so much less!

洗費 係 個 啲 expenses 喺 泰國 生活 啦 ||||expenses|||| The expenses are the costs of living in Thailand.

啲 洗費 呢,會 少 好多 低 好多 |expenses|||||lower| The expenses will be much lower.

因為 喺 美國 呢 一度 雖然 環境 都 好好 嘅 ||||place|"Although"|environment||| Because although the environment is very good here in the U.S.

一啲 人 , 我 呢 度 嘅 鄰居 呀 朋友 , 佢 哋 都 好好 人 嘅 ||||||neighbors||friends|||||| Some people, like my neighbors and friends here, are really nice.

但 實在 係 太貴 啦 平時 嘅 洗 用 呀 but|"really"||too expensive||||washing|usage| But it's too expensive for normal use.

食 嘢 呀, 實在 係 太貴 |||really||too expensive Eating is really too expensive.

而且 呢 喺 美國 如果 我 要 返去 亞洲 啦 also||||||want to|go back to|Asia| Moreover, if I want to go back to Asia here in the US.

或者 去 返 香港 啦 實在 係 太 遠 啦 |||||really|||far| Or if I want to go back to Hong Kong, it's really too far.

我 查 下 啲 機票 呢 要 廿 幾個 鐘 , 三十 個 鐘 |check|||air tickets|||twenty-something||||hours| It takes more than 20 minutes or 30 minutes to check the tickets.

但係 呢, 如果 喺 清邁 飛返 香港 呢 ||||Chiang Mai|fly back to||

三個 幾 鐘頭 咋 喎 just three hours something,then can fly back to Hong Kong from 清邁。 ||hours|question particle|||three|three hours||||"fly back"||||||

咁 呀, 非常之 近 呀 |||close| So, it's very close

又 有 直航機 有 direct flight,直航機 實在 係 好 方便 呀 also|there|direct flight||||direct flight|really is|||convenient|

而且 周圍 都 有 好好 食 嘅 亞洲 嘢 食 啦 also|around||are|||that|Asian||| And there are really good Asian foods around.

泰國菜 啦 唔 知 啦 Thai food|||know| Thai food, I don't know.

泰國菜 真係 非常之,非常之 正 ||very||delicious Thai food is really, really delicious.

咁 呢 一啲 種種 呢,都 令 到 我 真係 可以 諗 下 |||various things|||make|||||think| Then, I can really take an easy way out of all this.

考慮 下 consider 考慮 下 Consider carefully||Think about it|consideration| Consider this, consider this.

第日 退休 去 泰國 喎, 咁樣 the day|retirement|||| I plan to retire in Thailand one day.

係 囉, 咁 呢個 係 我 上個 禮拜 諗 到 嘅 咁樣 |emphasis particle|||||last|last week|thought|thought of||like this Yes, this is something I thought about last week.

咁 你 又 會 想 係 去 邊個 地方 退休 呢? ||||think|||||retire| So where do you want to retire?

唔好意思 呀 金金 都 有啲 意見 呀 咁樣 快 咗 兩 聲 sorry||Jin Jin|||suggestions||like this||||sound Sorry, I have some opinions too, it's just a bit quick.

咁 你 如果 退休 嘅 話 你 又 想 去 邊度 退休 呢? |||retire||if|you||want|||retire| So, if you retire, where do you want to retire to?

咁 你 都 可以 同 我 分享 下 有冇 啲 理想 嘅 地方 ||||||share||||ideal||places So, you can also share with me if there are any ideal places

或者 國家,呀,你 好 想 退休 嘅 時候 呢 可以 去 嘅 係 啦 or||||||||when||||that|| or countries that you really want to go to when you retire.

咁 你 都 可以 話 畀 我 聽 呀 Then you can tell me.

咁 喺 呢 度 呢 多謝 你 哋 呀 收聽 |||||||you all|particle|tuning in Well, thank you for listening here.

咁 我 希望 喺 呢 個 暑假 已經 開始 咗 嘅 時候 呢 ||hope||||summer vacation|already|started|||when| So I hope during this summer that has already started.

可以 錄 多啲 podcast 大家 繼續 留意 stay tuned |record||||"keep following"|"Stay tuned"|stay|stay tuned we can record more podcasts. Everyone, stay tuned.

咁 我哋 下集 再見, 多謝, 拜拜 |||see you|thank you|bye Then, we'll see you in the next episode. Thank you, bye-bye.

Todays vocab Today's vocabulary|

Calendar 月曆 , 月曆 |Monthly calendar|

我 要 睇下 個 月曆 先至 今日 係 星期 幾 I have to look at the next calendar until today is the day of the week

Retire,Retirement 退休 , 退休 Retire, Retirement||Retire, Retirement|

你 想 喺 邊度 退休 呀 ? Where do you want to retire? 你 退休 想 去 邊度 呀 ? Where do you want to go for retirement?

Expenses, 洗費 |Cleaning expenses Expenses

我 想 去 一啲 洗費 低 啲 嘅 地方 生活 |||||lower|||places|live I want to live in a place where the cost of laundry is lower

我 想 去 一啲 洗費 低 啲 嘅 地方 生活 ,I want to live in some district with lower expenses ||||living expenses||||||||||||||lower expenses|

Immigration, 移民 , 移民 Immigration, migration, emigration||

呢 幾年 好多 香港人 移民 ||||immigrate

好多 香港人 移民 去 其他 國家 生活 ||||other|| Many Hong Kong people emigrate to other countries to live

District, 地區 , 地區 |Area|

你 想 住 乜嘢 地區 呀 ? ||live in||| Which area do you want to live in?

Resorts 度假村 , 度假村 , or 度假屋 , those resorts house, 度假屋 Vacation resorts|Resort village|resorts||vacation house||resorts|accommodate| Resorts, holiday villages, or holiday homes, those resorts houses, holiday homes.

Community, 社區 , 社區 ||community Community, community, community.

我 嘅 社區 啲 人 好 友善 ||||||friendly

ideal, 理想 , 理想 |Ideal, aspiration|ideal

我 嘅 理想 生活 係 可以 去 一個 比較 靜 啲 同埋 平 啲 嘅 地方 。 ||||||||relatively|quiet|||cheaper|more||place My ideal life is to go to a place that is relatively quieter and more peaceful.

我 嘅 理想 退休 生活 係 想 去 一個 平 啲 同埋 靜 啲 嘅 地方 。 My ideal retirement life is to want to go to a place that is more peaceful and quieter.

Direct flight, 直航機 , 直航機 Direct flight, direct flight, direct flight.

泰國 有 直航機 去 香港

即係 香港 有 直航機 去 泰國 There are direct flights from Hong Kong to Thailand.

Private swimming pool, 私人 泳池 , 私人 泳池 private||||||

我 朋友 嘅 屋企 有 私人 泳池