第 八十三 堂
Lesson 83
Pabellón 83
Salle 83
홀 83
Traffic jam
Traffic jam
今晚 嘅 中秋 晚會 一定 唔錯 嘅 。
||Mid-Autumn Festival|Evening party|definitely|will be great|
Tonight's Mid-Autumn Festival event will definitely be great.
咁 食 埋 啲 春卷 , 就 換 衫 出去 啦 喎 。
||together||Spring rolls||change||||
Then let's eat some spring rolls and change clothes before going out.
唔駛 咁 心急 丫 。
No need to be in such a hurry.
趁 暖 暖 哋 飲 埋 碗 湯 先 啦 。
Take advantage of|warm|||||bowl|soup||
Take your time and have a bowl of soup while it's warm.
唔係 㗎 , 次次 公眾 假期 同 節日 嗰陣 , 周圍 都 塞車 㗎 。
||every time|public holidays|public holiday||holidays||all around||traffic jam|
It's always like this during public holidays and festivals, there will be traffic jams everywhere.
練習 一 翻譯
Practice translating for once.
除咗 飲茶 之外 , 廣東 人 重 好 中意 飲 湯 添 。
besides||besides|Guangdong|||really like|really like||soup|
Besides dim sum, Cantonese people also really like drinking soup.
有冇 一 日 係 全 世界 嘅 公眾 假期 嚟 㗎 ?
Is there a day that is a public holiday in the whole world?
下 個 禮拜五 , 喺 學校 有 一 個 新年 晚會 。
||next Friday||school|||||
Next Friday, there will be a New Year's event at school.
夏天 着 冷氣 , 冬天 就 着 暖氣 。
summer||Air conditioning|winter|just||heating system
Use air conditioning in the summer and use heating in the winter.
下次 探 阿愛 嗰陣 , 送 一 盒 蛋卷 畀 佢 丫 。
|visit|Ah Oi|||||Egg rolls|||
When you visit Aunt Ai next time, give her a box of egg rolls.