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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 014

到 李 傕 知道 樊稠 放走 咗 韓遂 , 就 嬲 到 不得了 。 佢 同 賈 詡 商量 想 辦法 殺樊稠 。 賈詡 就 話 嘞 : 想 殺 佢 好容易 嘅 啫 。 主公 你 舉行 個 宴會 , 請 張濟同 樊稠 嚟 , 話 同 佢 哋 慶功 。 喺 飲酒 嘅 時候 , 捉住 樊稠 嚟 斬 咗 佢 , 真 係 不費吹灰之力 啊 。 係 噃, 係 噃! 李 傕 就 用 佢 呢 條 計 , 舉行 個 宴會 , 請 張濟同 樊稠 。 佢 兩個 不知 東乓 , 以為 真 係 同 佢 哋 慶功 啫 唔 係 歡天喜地 噉 嚟 赴宴 囉 。 飲 飲下 , 李 傕 突然 面色 一變 : 樊稠 ! 你 點解 要 私通 韓遂 , 係 唔 係 想 謀反 啊 ? 樊稠 大驚失色 , 都 未 嚟 得切 回答 唧 , 只見 一班 刀斧手 湧出 嚟 , 喺 枱 邊 一刀 就 斬 咗 樊稠 個頭 。 哎呀 ! 嚇到 張濟 𠽤𡃈 一聲 跪低 , 趴 喺 地下 嚟 ,逳 都 唔 敢 逳 啊 。 李 傕 扶 佢 起身 話 : 樊稠要 謀反 , 所以 我 就 殺 咗 佢 。 仁兄 係 我 嘅 心腹 , 使 乜 驚 呢 ? 唔 使 驚 嘅 ! 以後 樊 稠 嘅 軍隊 就 交 畀 你 嚟 管 , 啊 。 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 。 多謝 將軍 ! 張濟 抹 咗 成額 冷汗 就 返去 弘農 嘞 。 李 傕 、 郭汜 自從 打敗 咗 西涼兵 之後 , 各路 諸侯 冇 一個 敢 過問 , 亦 冇 佢 哋 收 。 賈詡 呢 , 時時 咁 勸 佢 哋 要 安撫 百姓 , 任用 啲 有 學識 有 才能 嘅 人 。 因此 啊 , 局勢 稍 為 有 啲 好轉 。 但 係 點 知道 喺 青州 , 即 係 而 家 嘅 山東省 嘅 地方 , 嗰 啲 黃巾 又 起 嚟 造反 嘞 。 聚集 咗 成 幾十萬 人 到處 咁 打劫 。 太僕 朱俊 就 向 李 傕 、 郭汜 啊 舉薦 一個 人出 嚟 去 打 黃巾 。 佢 話 : 要 消滅 山東 呢 一班 黃巾 , 非 曹孟德 不可 啊 ! 孟德 而 家 喺 邊 處 嚟 呢 ? 佢 而 家 係 東 郡 太守 , 兵馬 眾多 。 如果 命令 佢 去 討伐 黃巾 , 噉 呢 班 賊黨 好易 消滅 嘅 唧 。 李 傕 好 高興 , 即刻 就 用 皇帝 嘅 名義 寫 好 一封 詔書 , 派 人 送 去 東郡 。 命令 曹操 , 同埋 濟北 相鮑信 一齊 去 打 黃巾 。 曹操 接 咗 聖旨 之後 , 就 會合 埋 鮑信 一齊 出兵 。 喺 壽陽 呢 個 地方 同 黃巾 大戰 。 鮑信 殺入 重圍 , 結果 啊 畀 黃巾 殺 咗 。 曹操 打 得 十分 順利 噃, 一直 攻到 去濟北 , 打 到 黃巾 有 幾萬人 投降 。 曹操 厲害 喇 , 佢 就 用 投降 過 嚟 嘅 黃巾 去 打頭陣 喎 , 結果 兵馬 所 到 嘅 地方 呀 , 冇 話 唔 投降 嘅 。 所以 不過 百 零日 唧 , 投降 過 嚟 嘅 人馬 有成 三 十幾萬 , 男男女女 百 幾萬 人口 。 曹操 從中 挑選 一批 精銳 嘅 , 組成 一支 軍隊 , 叫做 青州 兵 。 其餘 嘅 呢 , 全部 叫 佢 哋 返 去 務農 耕田 。 曹操 呢 步棋 確係 高明 啊 。 從此 之後 , 曹操 個 威名 越 嚟 越響 嘞 。 噉 打勝仗 嘅 捷報 送上去 朝廷 之後 呢 , 皇上 話 加封 曹操 做鎮東 將軍 。 曹操 佢 喺 兗州 啊 , 招賢納士 , 物色人才 。 有 兩 叔侄 嚟 投奔 曹操 嘞 。 佢 哋 係 潁川 潁 陰人 , 一個 姓 荀名 彧 , 字文若 。 以前 喺 袁紹 手下 做事 , 而家 離開 咗 袁紹 嚟 投奔 曹操 。 曹操 同 佢 傾 過 之後 , 高興 到極 , 佢 話 : 真 係 我 嘅 張子房 啊 ! 張子房 係 邊個 呢 ? 就 係 張良 , 係 漢高祖 開國 嘅 大 功臣 。 曹操 噉 樣 稱讚 荀彧 , 即 係 話 荀彧 嘅 本事 呀 , 可以 幫 佢 手 平定 天下 嘅 噉 , 於是 曹操 任命 佢 做 行軍 司馬 。 佢 個 侄 叫做 荀 攸 , 字公達 , 係 個 好 有名氣 嘅 學者 , 曾經 做過 黃門 侍郎 嘅 , 後 嚟 辭 咗 官職 返去 鄉下 。 呢 次 呢 , 同埋 佢 阿叔 就 嚟 投奔 曹操 , 曹操 就 任命 佢 做 行軍 教授 。 荀彧 對 曹操 話 嘞 : 我 聽聞 兗州 有個 學者 極為 賢德 嘅 , 而家 呢 個人 唔 知道 喺 邊度 唧 。 你 講 嘅 係 邊個 啊 ? 佢 係 東 郡 東阿 人 , 姓程 名昱 , 字仲德 。 哦 , 係 呀 ! 我 亦 聽聞 佢 名 好 耐 嘞 。 於是 曹操 就 派 人 去 四鄉 尋訪 佢 。 原來 佢 係 隱居 喺 山區 裏 便 讀書 , 曹操 啊 去 請 咗 佢 出 嚟 。 程昱 嚟 到 嘞 仲 推薦 咗 一個 人 , 姓 郭 , 名嘉 , 字 奉 孝 。 曹操 又 請 埋 佢 嚟 , 同 佢 討論 天下大事 , 曹操 十分 歡喜 。 郭嘉 推薦 一個 人 , 係 光武帝 嘅 後代 , 姓劉 , 名曄 , 字子陽 。 曹操 就 即刻 聘請 佢 嚟 。 曹曄 又 推薦 兩個 人 。 一個 係 山陽 昌邑 人 , 姓滿 , 名寵 , 字伯寧 。 一個 是 武城 人 , 姓 呂 , 名 虔 , 字子 恪 。 曹操 呢 平時 亦 聽聞 過呢 兩個 人 嘅 , 就 聘請 佢 哋 嚟 做 軍中 從事 。 滿寵 、 呂虔 共同 推薦 一個 人 , 係 陳 留平 邱人 , 姓 毛 , 名 玠 , 字孝先 。 曹操 亦 都 聘請 佢 嚟 做 從事 。 呢 班 係 文官 , 好 有 計謀 嘅 。 冇 幾耐 , 又 有 一個 將軍 , 帶領 住 幾百人 嚟 投奔 曹操 噃。 呢 個 將軍 乃 係 泰山 巨平人 , 姓于 , 名禁 , 字 文則 。 曹操 見 佢 弓馬熟 練 , 武藝 出眾 , 任命 佢 做 點 軍 司馬 。 有 一日 , 夏侯惇 帶 咗 個 大漢 嚟 見 曹操 。 曹操 問 佢 係 邊個 啊 噉 。 夏侯惇 就 話 : 佢 係 陳 留人 , 姓典 名韋 , 非常 勇猛 好 力 嘅 。 以前 係 跟過 張邈 , 因為 同 啲 同事 合 唔 嚟 , 殺 咗 幾十人 , 趯 咗 入 去 深山 匿 埋 。 有 一次 , 我入 山去 打獵 , 親眼 睇 住 典韋 追住 隻 老虎 嚟 打 , 打到 隻 老虎 呀 跳過 山坑 逃跑 啊 , 因此 我 收容 咗 佢 喺 軍隊 嚟 , 而家 想 推薦 佢 畀 你 啊 。 嗯 , 我 睇 佢 生 得 咁 魁梧 高大 , 一定 係 好好 力定 嘞 。 係 啊 ! 佢 曾經 為 朋友 報仇 , 殺 咗 人 , 揸 住 個人 頭 直筆 行出 街市 , 幾百人 都 唔 敢行 近 佢 㗎 。 唔 使講 第樣 啊 , 淨 係 佢 而 家 使 緊 嗰 兩支 鐵戟 呀 , 八十斤 重 , 騎住 馬 使 起 上 嚟 呀 , 揮舞 如飛 㗎 。 曹操 即刻 叫典 韋 表演 嚟 睇 下 。 典韋舞 住 兩支 戟 , 跑 衡馬 , 來來回回 嘿 , 真 係 威風 嘞 。 就 喺 呢 個 時候 , 突然 間 一陣 大風 吹 嚟 , 營帳 前 便 嗰 面 大旗 呀 畀 風吹 到 搖搖 欲 倒 , 成班 軍士 出力 噉 扶住 , 點都 扶 唔 穩 。 睇 白 吹 冧 㗎 嘞 , 典韋 即刻 落馬 , 喝 啲 軍士 行開 , 一隻 手 揸 住 支 旗杆 , 任 啲 大風 啊 吹 到 拂拂 聲 , 嘿 , 巍然 不動 啊 。 曹操 又驚又喜 , 大 讚 話 : 嘩 ! 真 係 大力士 啊 ! 於是 就 任命 佢 做 帳 前 都尉 , 將 自己 着 緊 嘅 錦袍 除落 嚟 送 畀 佢 , 仲將 駿馬 雕鞍 賜 畀 佢 添 。 從此 之後 啊 , 曹操 嘅 部下 , 文有 謀臣 就 武有 猛將 , 威震 山東 嘞 。 曹操 個 地位 一 鞏固 之後 呢 , 就 派 泰山 郡 太守 應劭去 琅 琊 郡 接 佢 父親 曹嵩 , 嚟 兗州 團聚 , 享下 太爺 福 嘞 喎 。 噉 啊 事關 當初 曹操 唔 得 掂 嗰 陣 啊 , 曹嵩 先一先 去 咗 陳 留 避難 , 收尾 啊 趯 咗 去瑯 琊 隱姓埋名 𠺢 嘛 。 噉 當日 曹嵩 接到 書信 , 梗 係 好 高興 啦 。 就 帶 住 一家老小 四 十幾人 , 隨行人員 百幾人 , 就 百 幾部 車 , 嘻嘻 㗾㗾, 熱熱鬧鬧 , 一路 去 兗州 嘞 。 佢 一路行 , 就 經過 徐州 。 徐州 城 呢 即 係 而家 山東 郯城縣 啊 。 噉 啊 徐州 太守 叫做 陶謙 , 字恭祖 , 佢 為 人 呢 就 老實 敦厚 , 一向 都 好 想 結交 曹操 , 之 總 係 冇 乜 機會 。 呢 次 知道 曹操 個 父親 經過 唄 , 啱 晒 咯 , 直情 出到 嚟 城外 迎接 , 仲 請 佢 哋 入 城 住 咗 兩日 , 大排 筵席 嚟 款待 , 再三 表示 敬意 。 噉 曹嵩 走 嘅 時候 呢 , 陶謙 又 親自 送出去 城外 , 特意 派 咗 一名 都尉 叫做 張 闓 , 帶住 五百 兵 嚟 護送 。 噉 佢 哋 一路行 咗 幾日 , 當時 係 夏末秋 初 。 有 一日 , 忽然間 啪啪 聲落 大雨 , 唔 行得 嘞 , 就 唯有 去 到 一間 和尚 寺 借宿 。 啲 和尚 啊 招呼 佢 哋 入 去 。 曹嵩 安頓 好 啲 家人 嘞 , 又 叫 張 闓 啊 , 安排 啲 兵卒 喺 兩 便 走廊 住落 。 嗰 班 兵卒 啲 衣服 都 畀 啲 雨 𢱕 濕晒 , 個個 都 哽 哽聲 啊 怨天怨地 。 張 闓 嗌 咗 佢 手下 幾個 頭目 , 搵 笪 靜僻 嘅 地方 嚟 商量 , 佢 話 : 我 哋 都 係 黃巾 餘黨 , 當時 冇 辦法 , 勉強 投降 咗 陶謙 , 咁 耐 嘞 一 啲 好處 都 冇 撈 到 。 嗱, 而家 曹家百 幾架 車 , 裝住 咁 多 嘢 , 吓 , 你 哋 如果 想 富貴 呀 一 啲 都 唔 難 㗎 。 就 喺 今晚 三 更 , 大家 殺入 去 , 將曹 嵩 佢 哋 冚 家 鏟 ,攞 咗 佢 哋 嘅 財物 , 然後 一齊 上山 落草 , 你 哋 話 噉 好 唔 好 吖 ? 大家 都 話 好 啊 好 啊 好 啊 噉 。 當晚 , 成晚 風雨 都 冇 停過 , 到 咗 半夜 , 曹嵩仲 未 瞓 喎 , 仲 喺 度 坐 , 突然 間 聽到 四圍 㗾㗾 聲 噉 嘈起 上 嚟 。 有個 家人 揸 住 把 劍 出去 睇 下 係 咩 嘢 事 啦 , 一 出去 就 畀 人 哋 㓤 死 咗 。 曹嵩 知道 弊 喇 , 急急 拉住 個 妾 侍 , 趯 咗 去 屋後 便 想 擒 牆 走 人 啦 。 誰知 佢 呢 個 妾 侍 啊 肥 過頭 , 點都 擒 唔 上去 。 曹嵩 又 慌 又 急 , 即刻 帶 住 嗰 個 肥 妾 侍 匿 入 去 廁所 嚟 。 哈 終歸 仲 係 畀 啲 兵 搵 到 , 就 殺 咗 佢 。 奉 曹操 命去 接 人 嗰 個 應 劭 啊 搏 命 咁 走 , 結果 畀 佢 走 甩 咗 。 之 佢 就 唔 敢 返 去 見 曹操 嘞 , 就 走 咗 去 投奔 袁紹 。 張 闓 殺 晒 曹嵩 全家 , 劫 咗 啲 財物 , 放火燒 咗 間 和尚 寺 , 帶 住 嗰 五百 人 就 趯 咗 去 淮南 嘞 。 嗰 晚 , 應劭 部下 有 幾個 走 甩 身執 返條 命 嘅 軍士 啊 , 就 返去 報告 畀 曹操 聽 。 曹操 一 聽聞 呢 個 消息 呀 , 當堂 喊 到 轆 咗 喺 地 嚟 。 大家 扶 返 佢 起身 , 曹操 咬牙切齒 話 : 嗬 —— 陶謙 啊 陶謙 , 你 縱容 啲 士兵 殺 咗 我 父親 , 此仇 此恨 不共戴天 啊 ! 哼 ! 我要 出動 大軍 , 掃平 佢 徐州 嚟 報仇雪恨 ! 於是 就 留低 荀彧 、 程昱 帶領 三 萬軍 兵 守住 鄄城 、 范縣 、 東阿 三個 縣 , 自己 親自 率領 其餘 嘅 人馬 , 殺 奔 徐州 。 佢 用 夏侯惇 、 于禁 、 典韋 做 先鋒 。 命令 佢 哋 只要 一 打破 城池 , 就要 將 全城 嘅 百姓 啊 全部 殺 清光 , 嚟 同 佢 父親 報仇 。 當時 , 有 一個 九江 太守 邊讓 , 佢 又 同 陶 謙 交情 好 深厚 嘅 , 聽聞 徐州 有 難 嘞 , 就 自己 帶住 五千 兵卒 去 救 徐州 噃。 曹操 知道 呢 個 消息 好 嬲 啊 , 就 叫 夏侯惇 喺 半路 截住 , 殺 咗 佢 。 呢 陣時 , 陳 宮 喺 東 郡 做官 。 陳 宮 當年 救過 曹操 , 就 連官 都 唔 做 。 收尾 見 曹操 殺 咗 呂伯奢 一家 , 仲講 咩 寧可 自己 對 唔 住 天下人 , 就 唔 好 叫 天下人 對 唔 住 自己 啊 , 所以 就 離開 咗 曹操 。 噉 啊 陳 宮同 陶謙 亦 係 好 朋友 。 聽聞 曹操 起兵 報仇 , 要 殺 盡 啲 百姓 喎 , 所以 即刻 就 趕 嚟 見 曹操 。 曹操 啊 估到 佢 嚟 , 無非 係 為 陶謙 講情 嘅 啫 , 想話 唔 見 佢 。 之陳宮 往日 對 自己 有恩 啦 , 唔 見 又 唔 好 吖 , 就 唯有 請 佢 入 嚟 見面 。 寒暄 過 幾句 , 陳 宮 開門見山 就 話 : 聽講 曹公 你 為 咗 要 報父仇 , 用 大軍 去 打 徐州 , 所到之處 要 殺 盡 啲 百姓 , 故此 小弟 專誠 嚟 勸 下 你 。 陶謙 乃 係 個 仁人君子 啊 , 絕唔 係 好利忘義 嘅 人 。 令尊 遇害 , 呢 啲 係 張 闓 作惡 啫 , 陶謙 冇 罪 嘅 喎 。 況且 徐州 嘅 百姓 同 曹公 你 有 乜嘢 仇恨 呢 , 噉 嚟 殺 佢 哋 極 之 唔 啱 㗎 。 請 曹公 你 三思 啊 。 曹操 話 嘞 : 往日 , 你 掉 開 我 走 咗 , 而家 你 仲有 咩 面目 嚟 見 我 呢 ? 陶謙殺 咗 我 全家 , 我發 咗 誓 要 捉 到 佢 , 挖 咗 佢 嘅 心肝 五臟 嚟 報仇雪恨 ! 仁兄 你 而家 雖然 係 嚟 為 陶謙 講情 呀 , 之 我 唔 聽 , 你 又 有 咩 辦法 呢 ? 你 返 去 啦 。 陳 宮 冇 晒 辦法 , 唯有 告辭 。 佢 覺得 自己 亦 冇 面去 見 陶謙 , 就 趯 咗 去 投奔 陳 留 太守 張邈 嘞 。 而家 講下 曹操 。 佢 大軍 所到之處 啊 屠殺 百姓 , 挖掘 墳墓 。 陶 謙 喺 徐州 嚟 , 聽 講話 曹操 起兵 報仇 , 到處 噉 屠殺 人民 , 唉 ! 佢 禁不住 喊起 上 嚟 話 : 哎呀 , 我 得罪 咗 上天 , 致使 徐州 百姓 , 遭受 噉 樣 嘅 大難 喇 ! 於是 就 急急 召集 所有 嘅 官員 來 商量 嘞 。 曹豹 話 : 曹操 嘅 兵馬 既然 打 嚟 嘞 , 唔 通 我 哋 繑 埋 雙手 等 死 咩 ? 一 於 同 佢 打 過 ! 確係 啊 , 唔 打 就 唔 得 㗎 。 陶謙 只有 帶兵 去 迎敵 嘞 , 出到 城 , 遠遠 見到 曹操 嘅 大軍 , 好似 鋪霜湧 雪 噉 。 中軍 豎起 兩面 白旗 , 上 便 寫 住 報仇雪恨 四個 大字 。 擺好 陣勢 嘞 , 曹操 全身 着 孝 , 縱馬 出陣 。 陶謙 亦 都 出馬 , 企 定 喺 門 旗 之下 , 佢 護 一 護 個 身 , 行 咗 個禮 , 佢 話 : 下官 本來 係 想 向 曹公 你 表示 好意 , 因此 命令 張 闓 護送 令尊 。 點 知道 佢 賊心 不改 , 搞 出件 噉 嘅 事 嚟 。 呢 啲 實在 唔 關 下官 事 㗎 , 希望 曹公 你 明察 啊 ! 曹操 破口大罵 : 你 個 老家伙 ! 殺 咗 我 父親 , 仲 膽敢 亂 噏 亂講 ! 邊個 去 生擒 呢 個 老賊 啊 ? 我 去 ! 夏侯惇 應聲 而出 。 陶謙 連忙 退返 入陣 。 夏侯惇 跑 衡馬 衝過 嚟 , 曹豹 挺 槍 躍馬 , 上前 迎敵 。 兩個 啱 啱 一 交手 唧 , 忽然間 , 呼 噉 翻起 大風 , 飛沙走石 , 兩 便 嘅 軍隊 都 亂 晒 陣勢 , 於是 呢 就 各自 收兵 唔 打 嘞 。 陶謙入 咗 城 , 又 同 大家 商量 話 : 曹操 兵馬 人多勢 大 , 好難 抵敵 㗎 喇 。 誒 不如 等 我 自己 綁 自己 去 到 曹營 , 任 佢 劏 又 好 殺 又 好 , 噉 樣 嚟 救返 徐州 一 郡 嘅 百姓 條命 都 好 吖 。 陶謙話 口 未 完 , 有 一個 人行 出 嚟 話 : 大人 治理 徐州 咁 耐 , 人民 都 感恩戴德 。 而家 曹兵 雖然 人多 , 之 佢 想 攻破 徐州 亦 唔 係 咁 易 嘅 。 大人 , 你 同埋 全城 百姓 一 於 堅守 , 唔 好 出去 同 佢 打 。 我 雖然 才疏學淺 啊 , 不過 略 施小計 , 一定 要 曹操 死無葬身之地 嘅 。 講呢 番 說話 嘅 人 係 邊個 呢 ? 佢 呀 , 姓 糜 , 名竺 , 字子仲 , 係 東海 人 。 佢 嘅 家世 好 有錢 。 呢 有 一次 噃, 佢 去 洛陽 做 完 生意 , 坐車 返歸 , 喺 路上 遇到 一個 好 靚 嘅 女人 , 要 搭 順風 車 。 糜竺 話 好 啦 , 於是 佢 啊 自己 落車 , 自己 行路 , 讓 架車 畀 嗰 靚女 人 一個 人 坐 。 嗰 女人 話 : 噉 唔 好意思 嘅 , 你 行路 , 我 坐車 , 不如 請 你 上車 一齊 坐 吧 啦 噉 。 糜竺 話 : 噉 亦 可以 吖 , 就 上 返車 , 正正經經 坐 喺 處 , 哈 , 目不斜視 喎 。 嗰 雙眼 呀 , 就 係 望實 自己 嘅 鼻 哥 尖 唧 。 如是者 行 咗 幾里路 。 嗰 個 女人 話 到 埗 嘞 , 要 落車 , 臨 分別 嘅 時候 就 對 糜竺講 : 我 係 南方 火 德星君 , 奉 咗 上帝 嘅 命令 , 要 去燒 你 屋企 。 先頭 一路上 你 待 我 咁 有 禮貌 , 十分 難得 , 我 好 感動 。 所以 , 我 就將 呢 件 事 講白 你 聽 , 你 趕快 返去 , 將 屋企 嘅 財物 搬 晒 出屋 , 我 今晚 就 到 㗎 嘞 。 講完 , 呼聲 唔 見 咗 。 嚇到 糜竺 呀 , 一身 冷汗 就 飛奔 返 屋企 啦 。 一返 到 去 , 即刻 叫 齊家 人 , 將 屋企 嘅 嘢 呀 應有盡有 ,冚𠾴唥 搬 晒 出 屋 。 果然 間 , 當晚 佢 屋企 廚房 起火 , 好 快脆 就 全屋 燒着 , 冇 幾耐 就 燒到 通晒天 。 從此 之後 啊 , 糜竺 就 一味 攞 錢 出 嚟 做 善事 , 濟貧 救苦 啊 。 收尾 呢 , 陶謙 又 聘請 佢 出 嚟 做官 。 咩 官 啊 ? 別駕 從事 , 就 係 州 刺史 , 亦 都 即 係 州長 嘅 助理 官員 嚟 。 噉 當時 呢 , 佢 聽 陶 謙 話 要 自己 綁 自己 去 曹營 咁 淒涼 , 佢 就 出 嚟 獻計 嘞 喎 , 佢 話 : 我 願意 親自 去 北海 郡 , 求 孔融 出兵 嚟 救 我 哋 。 同時 仲要 搵 一個 人去 青州 田 楷 嗰 度 求救 。 若果 呢 兩 笪 地方 嘅 軍馬 一齊 嚟 呀 , 曹操 實 退兵 嘅 。 唯有 係 噉 辦法 啦 。 於是 陶謙 就 寫 咗 兩封信 , 寫 完 嘞 , 就問 邊個 敢 去 青州 求救 啊 噉 。 說話 一 講完 , 有 個人 馬上 應聲 而出 。 大家 一睇 , 哦 , 原來 係 陳 登 。 陳 登 乃 係 廣陵 人 , 字 元龍 。 陶謙好 高興 , 就 首先 打發 陳 登去 青州 。 跟 住 就 派 糜竺 帶 住 佢 封 親筆信 去 北海 。 自己 呢 就 率領 人馬 守城 , 防備 曹操 嘅 進攻 。 而家同 大家 講一講 北海 孔融 呢 個人 先 。 孔融 , 字 文舉 , 乃 係 魯國 曲阜 人 。 佢 係 孔夫子 第二十 代孫 , 父親 係 泰山 都尉 孔宙 。 佢 自 細 就 好 聰明 。 十歲 嘅 時候 呢 , 佢 就 走 去 拜見 河南 尹 , 即 係 河南 郡 嘅 長官 李膺 。 看門 嗰 個人 見到 佢 係 個 細路 , 就 為 難 佢 , 想 唔 畀 佢 入 去 。 孔融 就 話 嘞 : 我同 你 哋 李大人 係 通家之好 , 世世代代 交情 深厚 啊 。 噉 啊 放 佢 入 去 啦 , 入到 去 嘞 , 李膺 就 問 佢 : 你 嘅 祖先 同 我 嘅 祖先 有 咩 嘢 親啊 ? 孔融 就 回答 話 : 從前 孔子 曾經 請教 過 老子 , 噉 樣 我 同 大人 你 唔 係 累世 通家 咩 ? 啊 , 李膺 就 真 係 好 驚奇 , 呢 個 細路 叻 噃。 點呢 ? 老子 係 姓李 嘅 , 喺 幾百年 前 , 孔子 係 做過 老子 嘅 學生 。 孔融 就 用 呢 件 事 嚟 說明 孔 、 李 兩家 , 係 喺 幾百年 前 就 有 交情 㗎 喇 噉 。 哈哈 , 過 咗 一陣 , 太中 大夫 陳 煒 嚟 嘞 。 李膺 指住 孔融 對陳煒 話 : 呢 個 係 神童 嚟 啊 ! 陳 煒 話 : 哦 , 呵呵 , 細時 聰明 , 大時 就 未必 聰明 啊 。 孔融 即刻 應 佢 一句 : 照 噉 講 , 大人 你 細時實 係 好 聰明 嘅 啫 。 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 陳 煒 佢 哋 不禁 大笑 起 嚟 話 : 哎 , 呢 個 細佬哥 呀 , 佢 大個 咗 必定 係 當代 嘅 大人物 啊 ! 從此 孔融 就 出晒名 , 收尾 佢 被 封 為 中郎將 , 一路 升到 做 北海 太守 。 佢 個 為 人 又 十分 好客 嘅 , 佢 周 時 都 話 嘞 : 我 至 希望 嘅 就 係 座上客 常滿 , 樽 中酒 不空 啊 。 佢 喺 北海 六年 , 好 得民心 。 好 嘞 , 而家 講返 轉頭 。 當日 孔融 正在 同 客人 坐緊 , 啲 人 報告 話 徐州 糜竺 嚟 啊 噉 。 孔融 就 叫 請 佢 入 嚟 , 問 佢 嘅 來意 啦 。 糜竺 就 將陶 謙 嘅 書信 交 畀 佢 , 又 話 : 曹操 圍攻 徐州 , 形勢 非常 危急 , 希望 孔公 你 去 救 啊 。 我同 陶恭祖 交情 深厚 , 你 又 親自 嚟 到 添 , 我點 都 要 去 嘅 。 不過 噉 喎 , 曹孟德 一向 同 我 無怨 無仇 , 我仲 係 派 個人 送 封信 去 同 你 哋 兩方 和解 下先 。 如果 佢 唔 肯 嘞 , 然後 我 先至 起兵 啦 。 唉 ! 曹操 恃 住 兵強馬壯 , 佢 決 唔 肯 講 和 㗎 , 孔公 。 孔融 仲 係 按照 自己 嘅 諗 法 做 喎 。 佢 命令 一便 點兵 , 做好 準備 , 一便 呢 , 就 派 人 去 送信 。 佢 哋 正 喺 度 商量 緊 , 忽然 接到 報告 話 : 有個 黃巾 賊黨 叫做 管亥 , 佢 帶 住 幾萬 賊兵 殺緊 嚟 喇 噉 。 孔融 大驚 嘞 , 就 急急 點起 本部 人馬 , 出城 去 同 管亥 呢 班 賊兵 打過 嘞 喎 。 擺好 陣 嘞 , 管亥 騎住 馬行 出 嚟 話 : 我 知道 北海 糧食 好多 , 借住 一萬 石 嚟 啦 , 我 就 退兵 嘞 。 如果 唔 係 呀 , 一 打破 城池 , 我 就 老幼 不留 ! 孔融 鬧 佢 話 : 哼 ! 我 係 漢朝 之臣 , 守衛 漢朝 之地 , 有 糧食 我 攞 嚟 餵豬 餵 狗 都 唔 畀 你 ! 管亥 發火 嘞 , 拍 馬舞刀 , 直取 孔融 。 孔融 部下 有員 將領 叫做 宗寶 , 挺槍 出馬 , 迎戰 管亥 。 打 咗 冇 幾個 回合 , 就 畀 管亥 一刀 就 斬 咗 落馬 。 孔融 嘅 部隊 亂 晒 大龍 嘞 搏命 咁 趯 返入 城 。 管亥 分派 人馬 將成個 城 四面 圍住 。 孔融 個心 好 煩悶 啊 , 糜竺 係 嚟 求救 嘅 , 個心 更加 愁悶 就 唔 再講 囉 。 第 日 , 孔融 上去 城樓 四周 望下 , 嘩 嗨 , 見到 賊勢 浩大 , 更加 憂心 咯 。 咦 ? 忽然間 , 見到 城外 有 個人 , 挺槍 躍馬 殺 咗 入 去 敵陣 , 左衝右 突 如入無人之境 啊 。 佢 一直 殺到 嚟 城樓 下 便 , 大聲 嗌 話 : 開門 ! 孔融 唔 識得 呢 個人 嘞 , 就 唔 敢 開門 。 嗰 班 賊兵 追到 嚟 護城河 邊 , 嗰 個人 一回 轉身 , 連氣將 十幾個 人刺 咗 落馬 。 喂 啊 死 喇 走 喇 , 嗰 班 賊兵 嚇到 喇喇聲 退後 。 孔融 就 急急 叫 人開 城門 放 佢 入 嚟 。 嗰 個人 入 咗 城 , 落 咗 馬 , 放低 支槍 , 直上 城樓 嚟 拜見 孔融 啊 。

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到 李 傕 知道 樊稠 放走 咗 韓遂 , 就 嬲 到 不得了 。 when|Li|Jue|knew|Fan Chou|let go|past tense marker|Han Sui|then|angry|to|extremely When Li Jue found out that Fan Chou had let Han Sui go, he was extremely angry. 佢 同 賈 詡 商量 想 辦法 殺樊稠 。 He|with|Jia|Xu|discussed|thought|way| He discussed with Jia Xu and wanted to come up with a way to kill Fan Chou. 賈詡 就 話 嘞 : 想 殺 佢 好容易 嘅 啫 。 Jia Xu|then|said|past tense marker|want|kill|him|very easy|particle indicating possession or modification|only Jia Xu then said: "It's actually very easy to kill him." 主公 你 舉行 個 宴會 , 請 張濟同 樊稠 嚟 , 話 同 佢 哋 慶功 。 Your Majesty|you|hold|(measure word)|banquet|invite||Fan Chou|come|say|with|them|plural marker|celebrate success You, my lord, hold a banquet and invite Zhang Jue and Fan Chou, saying it's to celebrate with them. 喺 飲酒 嘅 時候 , 捉住 樊稠 嚟 斬 咗 佢 , 真 係 不費吹灰之力 啊 。 at|drinking|possessive particle|time|caught|Fan Chou|to|chop|past tense marker|him|really|is|effortless|sentence-final particle During the drinking, we can capture Fan Chou and kill him, it really wouldn't take much effort at all. 係 噃, 係 噃! yes|particle used for emphasis|yes|particle used for emphasis Yes, yes! 李 傕 就 用 佢 呢 條 計 , 舉行 個 宴會 , 請 張濟同 樊稠 。 Li|Jue|then|use|he|this|measure|plan|hold|the|banquet|invite||Fan Chou Li Jue used this plan to hold a banquet, inviting Zhang Jie and Fan Chou. 佢 兩個 不知 東乓 , 以為 真 係 同 佢 哋 慶功 啫 唔 係 歡天喜地 噉 嚟 赴宴 囉 。 he|two|don't know|what|thought|really|was|with|them|they|celebration|only|not|was|joyfully|like that|come|attend the banquet|particle indicating realization or conclusion The two of them were unaware of the situation, thinking it was really just a celebration for them, not realizing it was a trap. 飲 飲下 , 李 傕 突然 面色 一變 : drink|drank|Li|Jue|suddenly|complexion|changed While drinking, Li Jue suddenly changed his expression: 樊稠 ! 你 點解 要 私通 韓遂 , 係 唔 係 想 謀反 啊 ? Fan Chou|you|why|want|secretly communicate|Han Sui|is|not|is|want|to rebel|question particle Fan Chou! Why did you secretly communicate with Han Sui? Are you plotting a rebellion? 樊稠 大驚失色 , 都 未 嚟 得切 回答 唧 , 只見 一班 刀斧手 湧出 嚟 , 喺 枱 邊 一刀 就 斬 咗 樊稠 個頭 。 Fan Chou|was greatly frightened|already|not yet|come|able to|answer|speak|only saw|a group of|knife and axe men|rushed out|come|at|table|side|one stroke|then|chopped|past tense marker|Fan Chou| Fan Chou was shocked and speechless, and before he could respond, a group of knife and axe wielders rushed out and immediately beheaded Fan Chou. 哎呀 ! 嚇到 張濟 𠽤𡃈 一聲 跪低 , 趴 喺 地下 嚟 ,逳 都 唔 敢 逳 啊 。 oh no|scared|Zhang Ji|shouted|out loud|knelt down|lay|on|the ground|came|run|even|not|dare|run|ah Oh no! Zhang Jie was so scared that he knelt down with a gasp, lying on the ground, not daring to move at all. 李 傕 扶 佢 起身 話 : 樊稠要 謀反 , 所以 我 就 殺 咗 佢 。 Li|Jue|help|him|get up|said||to rebel|so|I|then|kill|past tense marker|him Li Jue helped him up and said: "Fan Chou is plotting rebellion, so I killed him." 仁兄 係 我 嘅 心腹 , 使 乜 驚 呢 ? 唔 使 驚 嘅 ! brother|is|I|possessive particle|trusted confidant|use|what|afraid|question particle|not|need|afraid|possessive particle Brother, he is my trusted aide, so there is no need to be afraid! No need to be afraid! 以後 樊 稠 嘅 軍隊 就 交 畀 你 嚟 管 , 啊 。 from now on|Fan|Chou|possessive particle|army|then|hand over|to|you|come|manage|sentence-final particle From now on, Fan Chou's army will be handed over to you to manage. 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 。 hehe|hehe|hehe|hehe Hehe hehe hehe hehe. 多謝 將軍 ! thank you|general Thank you, General! 張濟 抹 咗 成額 冷汗 就 返去 弘農 嘞 。 Zhang Ji|wipe|past tense marker|whole face|cold sweat|then|return|Hongnong|sentence-final particle Zhang Jie wiped off all the cold sweat and returned to Hongnong. 李 傕 、 郭汜 自從 打敗 咗 西涼兵 之後 , 各路 諸侯 冇 一個 敢 過問 , 亦 冇 佢 哋 收 。 ||Guo Si|since|defeated|past tense marker|Xiliang soldiers|after|all|warlords|not|a single|dare|question|also|not|they|plural marker|receive Since Li Jue and Guo Si defeated the Xiliang soldiers, no lords dared to intervene, nor did they receive any. 賈詡 呢 , 時時 咁 勸 佢 哋 要 安撫 百姓 , 任用 啲 有 學識 有 才能 嘅 人 。 Jia Xu|this|always|so|advised|them|plural marker|to|pacify|common people|employ|some|have|knowledge|have|talent|possessive particle|people As for Jia Xu, he often advised them to pacify the people and appoint knowledgeable and capable individuals. 因此 啊 , 局勢 稍 為 有 啲 好轉 。 therefore|ah|situation|||||improvement Therefore, the situation has slightly improved. 但 係 點 知道 喺 青州 , 即 係 而 家 嘅 山東省 嘅 地方 , 嗰 啲 黃巾 又 起 嚟 造反 嘞 。 ||||in|Qingzhou|||||possessive particle|Shandong Province|possessive particle|place|||Yellow Turbans|again|rise|up|rebellion|past tense particle But who would have known that in Qingzhou, which is now Shandong Province, those Yellow Turbans have risen up in rebellion. 聚集 咗 成 幾十萬 人 到處 咁 打劫 。 gathered|past tense marker|around|several hundred thousand|people|everywhere|so|robbing They have gathered hundreds of thousands of people to loot everywhere. 太僕 朱俊 就 向 李 傕 、 郭汜 啊 舉薦 一個 人出 嚟 去 打 黃巾 。 Grand Tutor|Zhu Jun|then|to|Li|Que|Guo Zi|ah|recommend|one||out|go|fight|Yellow Turbans The Grand Commandant Zhu Jun recommended someone to Li Jue and Guo Si to fight the Yellow Turbans. 佢 話 : 要 消滅 山東 呢 一班 黃巾 , 非 曹孟德 不可 啊 ! he|said|wants to|eliminate|Shandong|this|group of|Yellow Turbans|not|Cao Mengde (Cao Cao)|impossible|ah He said: To eliminate this group of Yellow Turbans in Shandong, it must be Cao Mengde! 孟德 而 家 喺 邊 處 嚟 呢 ? Meng De|and|home|is|||come|question particle Where is Meng De's home? 佢 而 家 係 東 郡 太守 , 兵馬 眾多 。 He|||is|||governor|troops|numerous He is currently the governor of Dongjun, with many troops. 如果 命令 佢 去 討伐 黃巾 , 噉 呢 班 賊黨 好易 消滅 嘅 唧 。 if|order|he|to|attack|Yellow Turbans|then|this|group|bandits|very easily|eliminate|particle|exclamation particle If he is ordered to suppress the Yellow Turbans, this group of bandits can be easily eliminated. 李 傕 好 高興 , 即刻 就 用 皇帝 嘅 名義 寫 好 一封 詔書 , 派 人 送 去 東郡 。 ||very|happy|immediately|then|using|emperor|possessive particle|name|write|good|a|edict|send|person|deliver|to|Dongjun Li Jue was very happy and immediately wrote a decree in the name of the emperor, sending someone to deliver it to Dongjun. 命令 曹操 , 同埋 濟北 相鮑信 一齊 去 打 黃巾 。 order|Cao Cao|and|Ji Bei|Xiang Bao Xin|together|go|fight|Yellow Turbans He ordered Cao Cao and the governor of Jibei, Bao Xin, to go together to fight the Yellow Turbans. 曹操 接 咗 聖旨 之後 , 就 會合 埋 鮑信 一齊 出兵 。 Cao Cao|received|past tense marker|imperial edict|after|then|joined forces|together|Bao Xin|together|deployed troops After Cao Cao received the imperial decree, he joined forces with Bao Xin to launch a military campaign. 喺 壽陽 呢 個 地方 同 黃巾 大戰 。 in|Shouyang|this|classifier for places|place|with|Yellow Turban|great battle In the area of Shouyang, they fought a great battle against the Yellow Turbans. 鮑信 殺入 重圍 , 結果 啊 畀 黃巾 殺 咗 。 Bao Xin|broke into|encirclement|result|ah|by|Yellow Turbans|killed|past tense marker Bao Xin broke into the encirclement, but unfortunately, he was killed by the Yellow Turbans. 曹操 打 得 十分 順利 噃, 一直 攻到 去濟北 , 打 到 黃巾 有 幾萬人 投降 。 Cao Cao|fight|particle indicating result|very|smoothly|particle indicating exclamation|continuously|attacked until|to the north of the Yellow River|fought|until|Yellow Turban|has|tens of thousands of people|surrendered Cao Cao fought very successfully, advancing all the way to Jibei, where several tens of thousands of Yellow Turbans surrendered. 曹操 厲害 喇 , 佢 就 用 投降 過 嚟 嘅 黃巾 去 打頭陣 喎 , 結果 兵馬 所 到 嘅 地方 呀 , 冇 話 唔 投降 嘅 。 Cao Cao|formidable|particle indicating completed action|he|then|used|surrender|past|come|possessive particle|Yellow Turbans|to|lead the charge|particle indicating suggestion|as a result|troops|particle indicating location|arrived|possessive particle|places|particle indicating exclamation|not|saying|not|surrender|possessive particle Cao Cao was impressive; he used the surrendered Yellow Turbans to lead the charge, and as a result, wherever his troops went, there was no one who did not surrender. 所以 不過 百 零日 唧 , 投降 過 嚟 嘅 人馬 有成 三 十幾萬 , 男男女女 百 幾萬 人口 。 so|but|hundred|zero day|a sound of something being squeezed|surrender|past|come|possessive particle|people and horses|have|three||men and women|hundred||population So, after just a hundred days, the number of people who surrendered reached over three hundred thousand, with men and women totaling over a million. 曹操 從中 挑選 一批 精銳 嘅 , 組成 一支 軍隊 , 叫做 青州 兵 。 Cao Cao|from among them|selected|a group of|elite|possessive particle|formed|a|army|called|Qingzhou|soldiers Cao Cao selected a group of elite soldiers from among them to form an army called the Qingzhou Army. 其餘 嘅 呢 , 全部 叫 佢 哋 返 去 務農 耕田 。 the rest|possessive particle|question particle|all|to tell|he|plural marker|return|to|farm|plow the field The rest were all sent back to farm the land. 曹操 呢 步棋 確係 高明 啊 。 Cao Cao|this|move|really is|brilliant|ah Cao Cao's move was indeed brilliant. 從此 之後 , 曹操 個 威名 越 嚟 越響 嘞 。 from then on|after|Cao Cao|possessive particle|reputation|more|coming||past action particle From then on, Cao Cao's reputation grew louder and louder. 噉 打勝仗 嘅 捷報 送上去 朝廷 之後 呢 , 皇上 話 加封 曹操 做鎮東 將軍 。 then|win the battle|possessive particle|victory report|sent up|imperial court|after|particle indicating a question|the emperor|said|promoted|Cao Cao||general After the victory, the good news was sent to the court, and the emperor said to promote Cao Cao to the position of General of the Eastern Town. 曹操 佢 喺 兗州 啊 , 招賢納士 , 物色人才 。 Cao Cao|he|at|Yan Province|ah|recruiting talented people| Cao Cao was in Yan Province, recruiting talented individuals and seeking out capable people. 有 兩 叔侄 嚟 投奔 曹操 嘞 。 there are|two|uncle and nephew|come|seek refuge|Cao Cao|past action particle Two uncles and nephews came to seek refuge with Cao Cao. 佢 哋 係 潁川 潁 陰人 , 一個 姓 荀名 彧 , 字文若 。 They|plural marker|are|Yingchuan|Ying|Yin people|one|surname||Yu| They were from Yingchuan, Yingyin, one was named Xun Yu, courtesy name Wenruo. 以前 喺 袁紹 手下 做事 , 而家 離開 咗 袁紹 嚟 投奔 曹操 。 previously|at|Yuan Shao|under|worked|now|left|past tense marker|Yuan Shao|came|seek refuge|Cao Cao Previously, he worked under Yuan Shao, but now he left Yuan Shao to seek refuge with Cao Cao. 曹操 同 佢 傾 過 之後 , 高興 到極 , 佢 話 : 真 係 我 嘅 張子房 啊 ! Cao Cao|with|he|talk|past tense marker|after|happy||he|said|really|is|my|possessive particle|Zhang Zifang|exclamation particle After Cao Cao talked with him, he was extremely happy and said: "He is truly my Zhang Zifang!" 張子房 係 邊個 呢 ? 就 係 張良 , 係 漢高祖 開國 嘅 大 功臣 。 Zhang Zifang|is|who|question particle|just|is|Zhang Liang|is|Han Gaozu|founding|possessive particle|great|merit subject Who is Zhang Zifang? He is Zhang Liang, a great contributor to the founding of the Han Dynasty by Emperor Gao. 曹操 噉 樣 稱讚 荀彧 , 即 係 話 荀彧 嘅 本事 呀 , 可以 幫 佢 手 平定 天下 嘅 噉 , 於是 曹操 任命 佢 做 行軍 司馬 。 Cao Cao|like this|way|praised|Xun Yu|||saying|Xun Yu|possessive particle|ability|particle|can|help|him|hand|pacify|world|possessive particle|like this|so|Cao Cao|appointed|him|as|military|commander Cao Cao praised Xun Yu in this way, meaning that Xun Yu's abilities could help him pacify the world, so Cao Cao appointed him as the Army Commander. 佢 個 侄 叫做 荀 攸 , 字公達 , 係 個 好 有名氣 嘅 學者 , 曾經 做過 黃門 侍郎 嘅 , 後 嚟 辭 咗 官職 返去 鄉下 。 He|(possessive particle)|nephew|is called|Xun|You||is|(measure word)|very|famous|(possessive particle)|scholar|once|held the position of|palace attendant|deputy minister|(possessive particle)|later|come|resign|past tense marker|official position|return to|countryside His nephew is named Xun You, courtesy name Gongda, and he is a well-known scholar who once served as a palace attendant, but later resigned and returned to his hometown. 呢 次 呢 , 同埋 佢 阿叔 就 嚟 投奔 曹操 , 曹操 就 任命 佢 做 行軍 教授 。 this|time|this|and|he|uncle|then|come|seek refuge|Cao Cao|Cao Cao|then|appointed|him|as|marching|instructor This time, he and his uncle came to seek refuge with Cao Cao, and Cao Cao appointed him as the Army Instructor. 荀彧 對 曹操 話 嘞 : 我 聽聞 兗州 有個 學者 極為 賢德 嘅 , 而家 呢 個人 唔 知道 喺 邊度 唧 。 Xun Yu|to|Cao Cao|said|past tense marker|I|heard|Yan Province|there is a|scholar|extremely|virtuous|possessive particle|now|this|person|not|know|at|where|to be Xun Yu said to Cao Cao: I have heard that there is a scholar in Yan Province who is extremely virtuous, but now this person is unknown where he is. 你 講 嘅 係 邊個 啊 ? you|said|possessive particle|is|who|question particle Who are you talking about? 佢 係 東 郡 東阿 人 , 姓程 名昱 , 字仲德 。 He|is|||Dong'a|person||| He is from Dong'a in Dongjun, his surname is Cheng and his name is Yu, courtesy name Zhongde. 哦 , 係 呀 ! 我 亦 聽聞 佢 名 好 耐 嘞 。 oh|yes|particle|I|also|heard|he|name|very|long|particle Oh, really! I have also heard his name for a long time. 於是 曹操 就 派 人 去 四鄉 尋訪 佢 。 then|Cao Cao|then|sent|people|to|the four countryside areas|search for|him So Cao Cao sent someone to search for him in the countryside. 原來 佢 係 隱居 喺 山區 裏 便 讀書 , 曹操 啊 去 請 咗 佢 出 嚟 。 it turns out|he|is|living in seclusion|in|the mountains|inside|then|studying|Cao Cao|ah|went|to invite|past tense marker|him|out|to come It turns out he was living in seclusion in the mountains studying, and Cao Cao went to invite him out. 程昱 嚟 到 嘞 仲 推薦 咗 一個 人 , 姓 郭 , 名嘉 , 字 奉 孝 。 Cheng Yu|come|arrive|past tense marker|still|recommended|past tense marker|one|person|surname|Guo||courtesy name|| Cheng Yu came and also recommended a person, surname Guo, given name Jia, courtesy name Fengxiao. 曹操 又 請 埋 佢 嚟 , 同 佢 討論 天下大事 , 曹操 十分 歡喜 。 Cao Cao|again|invited|together|him|come|with|him|discuss|matters of the world||very|happy Cao Cao also invited him to come, to discuss the major affairs of the world, and Cao Cao was very pleased. 郭嘉 推薦 一個 人 , 係 光武帝 嘅 後代 , 姓劉 , 名曄 , 字子陽 。 Guo Jia|recommended|a|person|is|Emperor Guangwu|possessive particle|descendant||| Guo Jia recommended a person, who was a descendant of Emperor Guangwu, surname Liu, given name Ye, courtesy name Ziyang. 曹操 就 即刻 聘請 佢 嚟 。 Cao Cao|then|immediately|hired|him|to come Cao Cao immediately hired him. 曹曄 又 推薦 兩個 人 。 Cao Ye|again|recommended|two|people Cao Ye also recommended two people. 一個 係 山陽 昌邑 人 , 姓滿 , 名寵 , 字伯寧 。 a|is|Shanyang|Changyi|person||| One is from Changyi in Shanyang, surname Man, given name Chong, courtesy name Bo Ning. 一個 是 武城 人 , 姓 呂 , 名 虔 , 字子 恪 。 a|is|Wucheng|person|surname|Lu|given name|Qian||Ke The other is from Wucheng, surname Lu, given name Qian, courtesy name Zi Ke. 曹操 呢 平時 亦 聽聞 過呢 兩個 人 嘅 , 就 聘請 佢 哋 嚟 做 軍中 從事 。 Cao Cao|question particle|usually|also|heard||two|people|possessive particle|then|hired|they|plural marker|come|work|military|engaged in Cao Cao had also heard of these two people before, so he invited them to serve in the army. 滿寵 、 呂虔 共同 推薦 一個 人 , 係 陳 留平 邱人 , 姓 毛 , 名 玠 , 字孝先 。 Man Chung|Lui Kin|jointly|recommended|one|person|is|Chan|Lau Ping||surname|Mao|given name|Jit| Man Chong and Lu Qian jointly recommended a person, who is from Qiu in Chenliu, surname Mao, given name Jie, courtesy name Xiao Xian. 曹操 亦 都 聘請 佢 嚟 做 從事 。 Cao Cao|also|all|hired|him|to|work|engaged in Cao Cao also invited him to serve. 呢 班 係 文官 , 好 有 計謀 嘅 。 this|group|is|civil servants|very|have|strategy|possessive particle These are civil officials, very strategic. 冇 幾耐 , 又 有 一個 將軍 , 帶領 住 幾百人 嚟 投奔 曹操 噃。 not|long|again|has|one|general|leading|with|several hundred people|come|defect|Cao Cao|sentence-final particle Before long, another general came, leading hundreds of people to join Cao Cao. 呢 個 將軍 乃 係 泰山 巨平人 , 姓于 , 名禁 , 字 文則 。 this|measure word for people|general|is|is|Mount Tai|a person from Juping|||courtesy name|Wenze This general is from Taishan, his surname is Yu, his name is Jin, and his courtesy name is Wenze. 曹操 見 佢 弓馬熟 練 , 武藝 出眾 , 任命 佢 做 點 軍 司馬 。 Cao Cao|saw|he||practiced|martial arts|outstanding|appointed|him|to be|a unit of military|army|commander Cao Cao saw that he was skilled in archery and horsemanship, and his martial arts were outstanding, so he appointed him as the military officer. 有 一日 , 夏侯惇 帶 咗 個 大漢 嚟 見 曹操 。 there is|one day|Xiahou Dun|brought|past tense marker|classifier|big man|to|meet|Cao Cao One day, Xiahou Dun brought a great Han to meet Cao Cao. 曹操 問 佢 係 邊個 啊 噉 。 Cao Cao|asked|he|is|who|ah|then Cao Cao asked him who he was. 夏侯惇 就 話 : 佢 係 陳 留人 , 姓典 名韋 , 非常 勇猛 好 力 嘅 。 Xiahou Dun|then|said|he|is|Chen|a person from Liu|||very|brave|very|strong|possessive particle Xiahou Dun replied: He is from Chen Liu, his surname is Dian and his name is Wei, very brave and strong. 以前 係 跟過 張邈 , 因為 同 啲 同事 合 唔 嚟 , 殺 咗 幾十人 , 趯 咗 入 去 深山 匿 埋 。 before|was|following|Zhang Miao|because|with|plural marker|colleagues|get along|not|well|killed|past tense marker|dozens of people|ran|past tense marker|into|the|deep mountains|hide|buried He used to follow Zhang Miao, but because he couldn't get along with his colleagues, he killed dozens of them and fled into the deep mountains. 有 一次 , 我入 山去 打獵 , 親眼 睇 住 典韋 追住 隻 老虎 嚟 打 , 打到 隻 老虎 呀 跳過 山坑 逃跑 啊 , 因此 我 收容 咗 佢 喺 軍隊 嚟 , 而家 想 推薦 佢 畀 你 啊 。 there is|one time|||hunting|with my own eyes|see|continuous aspect marker|Dian Wei|chasing|measure word for animals|tiger|coming|hit|hit until|measure word for animals|tiger|particle indicating exclamation|jumped over|ravine|ran away|particle indicating exclamation|therefore|I|accepted|past tense marker|he|in|army|coming|now|want|recommend|he|to|you|particle indicating exclamation Once, I went into the mountains to hunt, and I personally saw Dian Wei chasing a tiger, beating it until the tiger jumped over a ravine to escape, so I took him into the army and now want to recommend him to you. 嗯 , 我 睇 佢 生 得 咁 魁梧 高大 , 一定 係 好好 力定 嘞 。 hmm|I|see|he|born|to be|so|muscular|tall|definitely|is|very good|strong|particle indicating certainty Hmm, looking at how strong and tall he is, he must be really powerful. 係 啊 ! 佢 曾經 為 朋友 報仇 , 殺 咗 人 , 揸 住 個人 頭 直筆 行出 街市 , 幾百人 都 唔 敢行 近 佢 㗎 。 ||he|once|for|friend|took revenge|killed|past tense marker|person|holding|in|the person's|head|straight|walked out|market|hundreds of people|all|not||near|him|sentence final particle Yes! He once avenged a friend, killed someone, and walked out of the market holding the person's head. Hundreds of people didn't dare to approach him. 唔 使講 第樣 啊 , 淨 係 佢 而 家 使 緊 嗰 兩支 鐵戟 呀 , 八十斤 重 , 騎住 馬 使 起 上 嚟 呀 , 揮舞 如飛 㗎 。 not|necessary to say|that|particle|||he|||lift|||||particle||||||||||wielding||particle No need to mention the first thing, just the fact that he is currently using those two iron halberds, which weigh eighty pounds, and he can wield them while riding a horse, swinging them effortlessly. 曹操 即刻 叫典 韋 表演 嚟 睇 下 。 Cao Cao|immediately||Wei|performance|come|watch|down Cao Cao immediately asked Dian Wei to demonstrate. 典韋舞 住 兩支 戟 , 跑 衡馬 , 來來回回 嘿 , 真 係 威風 嘞 。 Dian Wei dance|holding|two|halberds|running|horse|back and forth|hey|||impressive|particle indicating completed action Dian Wei danced with the two halberds, running on horseback, going back and forth, it was truly impressive. 就 喺 呢 個 時候 , 突然 間 一陣 大風 吹 嚟 , 營帳 前 便 嗰 面 大旗 呀 畀 風吹 到 搖搖 欲 倒 , 成班 軍士 出力 噉 扶住 , 點都 扶 唔 穩 。 at that moment|at|this|measure word for events|time|suddenly|measure word for actions|a gust of|strong wind|blew|coming|tent|in front of|then|that|side|big flag|particle|by|wind blowing|to|shaking|about to|fall|whole group of|soldiers|exerted effort|like that|supported|no matter how|support|not|stable At that moment, a sudden strong wind blew in, and the large flag in front of the tent was swaying dangerously, with a group of soldiers trying their best to hold it up, but they couldn't stabilize it. 睇 白 吹 冧 㗎 嘞 , 典韋 即刻 落馬 , 喝 啲 軍士 行開 , 一隻 手 揸 住 支 旗杆 , 任 啲 大風 啊 吹 到 拂拂 聲 , 嘿 , 巍然 不動 啊 。 look|white|blow|down|particle|particle|Dian Wei|immediately|dismount|shout|particle|soldiers|move away|one|hand|hold|particle|measure word|flagpole|let|particle|strong wind|particle|blow|to|rustling|sound|hey|majestically|unmoving|particle Seeing that it was about to fall, Dian Wei immediately dismounted, shouted for the soldiers to step back, and with one hand held onto the flagpole, letting the strong wind blow against him, making a rustling sound, yet he stood firm and unmoving. 曹操 又驚又喜 , 大 讚 話 : 嘩 ! 真 係 大力士 啊 ! Cao Cao|both surprised and delighted|||said|wow|||strongman|ah Cao Cao was both surprised and delighted, praising him, saying: Wow! He is truly a strongman! 於是 就 任命 佢 做 帳 前 都尉 , 將 自己 着 緊 嘅 錦袍 除落 嚟 送 畀 佢 , 仲將 駿馬 雕鞍 賜 畀 佢 添 。 then|immediately|appointed|him|as|account|before|military officer|to|himself|wearing|tight|possessive particle|brocade robe|took off|to|give|to|him||fine horse|saddle|bestowed|to|him|additionally Thus, he appointed him as the commander in front of the tent, took off his own brocade robe and gave it to him, and even bestowed upon him a fine horse and saddle. 從此 之後 啊 , 曹操 嘅 部下 , 文有 謀臣 就 武有 猛將 , 威震 山東 嘞 。 from then on|after|ah|Cao Cao|possessive particle|subordinates|civil|strategist|and|military|general||Shandong|past action particle From then on, Cao Cao's subordinates had both wise strategists and fierce generals, shaking the foundations of Shandong. 曹操 個 地位 一 鞏固 之後 呢 , 就 派 泰山 郡 太守 應劭去 琅 琊 郡 接 佢 父親 曹嵩 , 嚟 兗州 團聚 , 享下 太爺 福 嘞 喎 。 Cao Cao|possessive particle|status|one|consolidated|after|question particle|then|sent|Tai Shan|county|governor||||county|to pick up|his|father|Cao Song|to come|Yan Province|reunite|enjoy|great grandfather|blessings|past action particle|sentence-final particle After Cao Cao's position became stable, he sent the governor of Taishan, Ying Shao, to Langya County to meet his father, Cao Song, and come to Yanzhou for a family reunion to enjoy the blessings of their ancestors. 噉 啊 事關 當初 曹操 唔 得 掂 嗰 陣 啊 , 曹嵩 先一先 去 咗 陳 留 避難 , 收尾 啊 趯 咗 去瑯 琊 隱姓埋名 𠺢 嘛 。 then|particle|regarding|at that time|Cao Cao|not|able|to handle|that|time|particle|Cao Song|first|to go|past tense marker|Chen|Liu|to seek refuge|to wrap up|particle|to hurry|past tense marker||Ya|to live in hiding|to be|particle This is because initially, Cao Cao was not in a good position, so Cao Song first went to Chen Liu to seek refuge, and later moved to Langya to live in hiding. 噉 當日 曹嵩 接到 書信 , 梗 係 好 高興 啦 。 then|that day|Cao Song|received|letter|||very|happy|particle So when Cao Song received the letter, he was certainly very happy. 就 帶 住 一家老小 四 十幾人 , 隨行人員 百幾人 , 就 百 幾部 車 , 嘻嘻 㗾㗾, 熱熱鬧鬧 , 一路 去 兗州 嘞 。 then|bring|with|whole family|||accompanying staff|over a hundred people|then|hundred||cars|haha|heehee|lively|all the way|go|Yanzhou|past tense particle He brought along his entire family of over forty people, with more than a hundred attendants, and about a hundred carts, laughing and chatting, making a lively journey to Yanzhou. 佢 一路行 , 就 經過 徐州 。 He||then|passed|Xuzhou As he traveled, he passed through Xuzhou. 徐州 城 呢 即 係 而家 山東 郯城縣 啊 。 Xuzhou|city|question particle|just|is|now|Shandong|Tancheng County|final particle Xuzhou City is now in Tancheng County, Shandong. 噉 啊 徐州 太守 叫做 陶謙 , 字恭祖 , 佢 為 人 呢 就 老實 敦厚 , 一向 都 好 想 結交 曹操 , 之 總 係 冇 乜 機會 。 then|ah|Xuzhou|governor|is called|Tao Qian||he|as|person|particle|just|honest|kind|always|all|very|wanted|to befriend|Cao Cao|particle|always|is|not|any|opportunity The governor of Xuzhou is named Tao Qian, courtesy name Gongzu. He is honest and kind-hearted, and has always wanted to befriend Cao Cao, but has never had much opportunity. 呢 次 知道 曹操 個 父親 經過 唄 , 啱 晒 咯 , 直情 出到 嚟 城外 迎接 , 仲 請 佢 哋 入 城 住 咗 兩日 , 大排 筵席 嚟 款待 , 再三 表示 敬意 。 this|time|knows|Cao Cao|possessive particle|father|passing|particle indicating suggestion|right|completely|particle indicating realization|directly|out to|come|outside the city|welcome|still|invite|him|plural marker|enter|city|stay|past tense marker||grand|banquet|come|entertain|repeatedly|express|respect This time, knowing that Cao Cao's father was passing by, it was just right. He even went out of the city to welcome them and invited them to stay in the city for two days, hosting a grand banquet to entertain them and repeatedly expressing his respect. 噉 曹嵩 走 嘅 時候 呢 , 陶謙 又 親自 送出去 城外 , 特意 派 咗 一名 都尉 叫做 張 闓 , 帶住 五百 兵 嚟 護送 。 then|Cao Song|leave|possessive particle|time|particle indicating a question|Tao Qian|again|personally|send out|outside the city|specially|dispatched|past tense marker|one|captain|named|Zhang|Kai|bringing|five hundred|soldiers|to|escort When Cao Song was leaving, Tao Qian personally sent him out of the city and specially assigned a captain named Zhang Kai to escort him with five hundred soldiers. 噉 佢 哋 一路行 咗 幾日 , 當時 係 夏末秋 初 。 then|they|plural marker||past tense marker||at that time|was||early They traveled for several days, during the late summer and early autumn. 有 一日 , 忽然間 啪啪 聲落 大雨 , 唔 行得 嘞 , 就 唯有 去 到 一間 和尚 寺 借宿 。 there is|one day|suddenly|sound of rain|fell|heavy rain|not|able to walk|past tense particle|then|only|||a|monk|temple|stay overnight One day, suddenly there was a loud clap of thunder and heavy rain, and since we couldn't go anywhere, we had no choice but to seek shelter in a monk's temple. 啲 和尚 啊 招呼 佢 哋 入 去 。 plural marker|monk|sentence-final particle|greet|he|plural marker|enter|go The monks welcomed them in. 曹嵩 安頓 好 啲 家人 嘞 , 又 叫 張 闓 啊 , 安排 啲 兵卒 喺 兩 便 走廊 住落 。 Cao Song|settle|well|more|family|past tense particle|also|call|Zhang|Kai|particle|arrange|more|soldiers|at|two|side|corridor|stay Cao Song settled his family well, and also called Zhang Kai to arrange for some soldiers to stay in the corridors on both sides. 嗰 班 兵卒 啲 衣服 都 畀 啲 雨 𢱕 濕晒 , 個個 都 哽 哽聲 啊 怨天怨地 。 that|group|soldiers|possessive particle|clothes|all|by|some|rain|very|completely wet|everyone|all|choked up|voice|ah|blaming heaven and earth The soldiers' clothes were all soaked by the rain, and they were all grumbling and complaining. 張 闓 嗌 咗 佢 手下 幾個 頭目 , 搵 笪 靜僻 嘅 地方 嚟 商量 , 佢 話 : Cheung|Kai|called|past tense marker|he|subordinates|a few|leaders|found|a place|quiet and secluded|possessive particle|place|to|discuss|he|said Zhang Kai called a few of his subordinates, looking for a quiet place to discuss, and he said: 我 哋 都 係 黃巾 餘黨 , 當時 冇 辦法 , 勉強 投降 咗 陶謙 , 咁 耐 嘞 一 啲 好處 都 冇 撈 到 。 I|we|all|are|Yellow Turban|remnants|at that time|had no|way|reluctantly|surrendered|past tense marker|Tao Qian|so|long|past tense marker|one|some|benefits|all|had no|| We are all remnants of the Yellow Turbans. At that time, there was no way out, and we reluctantly surrendered to Tao Qian, but after such a long time, we haven't gained any benefits. 嗱, 而家 曹家百 幾架 車 , 裝住 咁 多 嘢 , 吓 , 你 哋 如果 想 富貴 呀 一 啲 都 唔 難 㗎 。 well|now|the Chao family|several|cars|loaded with|so|many|things|huh|you|plural marker|if|want|wealth|particle|a|little|all|not|difficult|particle Look, now the Cao family has over a hundred carts, loaded with so many things. If you all want to be rich, it's not difficult at all. 就 喺 今晚 三 更 , 大家 殺入 去 , 將曹 嵩 佢 哋 冚 家 鏟 ,攞 咗 佢 哋 嘅 財物 , 然後 一齊 上山 落草 , 你 哋 話 噉 好 唔 好 吖 ? just|at|tonight|||everyone|rush in|to||Song|he|they|wipe out|family|eliminate|take|past tense marker|he|they|possessive particle|property|then|together|go up the mountain|become bandits|you|they|say|like this|good|not|good|question particle Tonight at the third watch, everyone rush in and wipe out Cao Song and his whole family, take their possessions, and then we all go up the mountain to become bandits. What do you all think about that? 大家 都 話 好 啊 好 啊 好 啊 噉 。 everyone|all|says|good|particle|good|particle|good|particle|like that Everyone said, 'Good, good, good!' 當晚 , 成晚 風雨 都 冇 停過 , 到 咗 半夜 , 曹嵩仲 未 瞓 喎 , 仲 喺 度 坐 , 突然 間 聽到 四圍 㗾㗾 聲 噉 嘈起 上 嚟 。 that night|whole night|wind and rain|all|not|stopped|arrived|past tense marker|midnight||not yet|sleep|sentence-final particle|still|at|there|sitting|suddenly|measure word for actions|heard|all around|dripping|sound|like that|became noisy|up|come That night, the wind and rain didn't stop all night. By midnight, Cao Song was still awake, sitting there, when suddenly he heard a noise all around. 有個 家人 揸 住 把 劍 出去 睇 下 係 咩 嘢 事 啦 , 一 出去 就 畀 人 哋 㓤 死 咗 。 there was|family member|holding|in|measure word for tools|sword|go out|see|to|is|what|thing|matter|sentence final particle|one|go out|then|by|people|plural marker|stab|die|past tense marker A family member went out holding a sword to see what was going on, and as soon as he went out, he was killed. 曹嵩 知道 弊 喇 , 急急 拉住 個 妾 侍 , 趯 咗 去 屋後 便 想 擒 牆 走 人 啦 。 Cao Song|knows|wrong|particle indicating completed action|urgently|grabbed|classifier for people|concubine|servant|kicked|past tense marker|go|behind the house|then|wanted|catch|wall|escape|person|particle indicating suggestion or urgency Cao Song realized it was a problem, quickly grabbed his concubine, and tried to escape through the back of the house. 誰知 佢 呢 個 妾 侍 啊 肥 過頭 , 點都 擒 唔 上去 。 who knew|he|this|measure word for people|concubine|servant|ah|fat|overweight|no matter how|carry|not|up But his concubine was too fat and couldn't climb up. 曹嵩 又 慌 又 急 , 即刻 帶 住 嗰 個 肥 妾 侍 匿 入 去 廁所 嚟 。 Cao Song|both|panicked|and|hurried|immediately|brought|along|that|classifier for people|fat|concubine|servant|hid|into|go|toilet|come Cao Song was both panicked and anxious, so he immediately took the fat concubine and hid her in the toilet. 哈 終歸 仲 係 畀 啲 兵 搵 到 , 就 殺 咗 佢 。 ha|eventually|still|is|by|some|soldiers|find|to|then|kill|past tense marker|him In the end, they were still found by the soldiers and he was killed. 奉 曹操 命去 接 人 嗰 個 應 劭 啊 搏 命 咁 走 , 結果 畀 佢 走 甩 咗 。 to serve|Cao Cao||to pick up|person|that|measure word|should|Shao|ah|to fight|life|so|to run|result|to allow|he|to run|to escape|past tense marker Under Cao Cao's orders, I went to capture that Ying Shao, but he ran for his life and managed to escape. 之 佢 就 唔 敢 返 去 見 曹操 嘞 , 就 走 咗 去 投奔 袁紹 。 possessive particle|he|then|not|dare|return|to|see|Cao Cao|past tense particle|then|left|past tense particle|to|seek refuge|Yuan Shao After that, he didn't dare to return to see Cao Cao, so he went to seek refuge with Yuan Shao. 張 闓 殺 晒 曹嵩 全家 , 劫 咗 啲 財物 , 放火燒 咗 間 和尚 寺 , 帶 住 嗰 五百 人 就 趯 咗 去 淮南 嘞 。 Cheung|Kai|killed|completely|Cao Song|whole family|robbed|past tense marker|some|property||past tense marker|classifier for buildings|monk|temple|took|with|that|five hundred|people|then|fled|past tense marker|to go|Huainan|past tense marker Zhang Kai killed all of Cao Song's family, looted their valuables, burned down a monk's temple, and took those five hundred people to Huainan. 嗰 晚 , 應劭 部下 有 幾個 走 甩 身執 返條 命 嘅 軍士 啊 , 就 返去 報告 畀 曹操 聽 。 that|night|Ying Shao|subordinates|have|a few|run|away|with their lives|return|life|possessive particle|soldiers|ah|then|return|report|to|Cao Cao|hear That night, a few soldiers under Ying Shao's command who managed to escape with their lives returned to report to Cao Cao. 曹操 一 聽聞 呢 個 消息 呀 , 當堂 喊 到 轆 咗 喺 地 嚟 。 Cao Cao|one|heard|this|measure word|news|particle|on the spot|shouted|to|roll|past tense marker|at|ground|come When Cao Cao heard this news, he immediately fell to the ground in shock. 大家 扶 返 佢 起身 , 曹操 咬牙切齒 話 : everyone|help|return|him|get up|Cao Cao|gritting his teeth|said Everyone helped him up, and Cao Cao gritted his teeth and said: 嗬 —— 陶謙 啊 陶謙 , 你 縱容 啲 士兵 殺 咗 我 父親 , 此仇 此恨 不共戴天 啊 ! hey|Tao Qian|ah||you|allow|particle indicating plural|soldiers|killed|past tense marker|my|father|this hatred|this grudge|cannot coexist under the same sky|ah "Hah— Tao Qian, oh Tao Qian, you allowed your soldiers to kill my father, this grudge and hatred cannot be shared under heaven!" 哼 ! 我要 出動 大軍 , 掃平 佢 徐州 嚟 報仇雪恨 ! humph|I want|deploy|army|wipe out|him|Xuzhou|come|take revenge "Hmph! I will mobilize a large army to sweep through Xu Province to take revenge!" 於是 就 留低 荀彧 、 程昱 帶領 三 萬軍 兵 守住 鄄城 、 范縣 、 東阿 三個 縣 , 自己 親自 率領 其餘 嘅 人馬 , 殺 奔 徐州 。 then|immediately|left behind|Xun Yu|Cheng Yu|led|three||soldiers|defended|Juancheng|Fan County|Dong'a|three|counties|himself|personally|led|the rest of|possessive particle|troops|attacked|rushed|Xuzhou So he left Xun Yu and Cheng Yu to lead thirty thousand troops to guard the three counties of Jucheng, Fan County, and Dong'a, while he personally led the rest of the troops to rush to Xu Province. 佢 用 夏侯惇 、 于禁 、 典韋 做 先鋒 。 He|uses|Xiahou Dun|Yu Jin|Dian Wei|as|vanguard He used Xiahou Dun, Yu Jin, and Dian Wei as the vanguard. 命令 佢 哋 只要 一 打破 城池 , 就要 將 全城 嘅 百姓 啊 全部 殺 清光 , 嚟 同 佢 父親 報仇 。 order|he|they|as long as|one|breaks|city|then must|take|entire city|possessive particle|citizens|ah|all|kill|completely|come|with|his|father|take revenge Order them that as soon as they break the city, they must kill all the citizens in the city to take revenge for his father. 當時 , 有 一個 九江 太守 邊讓 , 佢 又 同 陶 謙 交情 好 深厚 嘅 , 聽聞 徐州 有 難 嘞 , 就 自己 帶住 五千 兵卒 去 救 徐州 噃。 at that time|there was|a|Jiujang|governor|Bian Rang|he|also|with|Tao|Qian|friendship|very|deep|possessive particle|hearing|Xuzhou|had|trouble|past tense particle|then|himself|brought|five thousand|soldiers|to go|rescue|Xuzhou|particle indicating suggestion or emphasis At that time, there was a governor of Jiujiang named Bian Liang, who had a deep friendship with Tao Qian. Upon hearing that there was trouble in Xuzhou, he personally led five thousand soldiers to rescue Xuzhou. 曹操 知道 呢 個 消息 好 嬲 啊 , 就 叫 夏侯惇 喺 半路 截住 , 殺 咗 佢 。 Cao Cao|knows|this|measure word|news|very|angry|particle|then|ordered|Xiahou Dun|at|halfway|to intercept|killed|past tense marker|him Cao Cao was very angry upon hearing this news, so he ordered Xiahou Dun to intercept him on the way and killed him. 呢 陣時 , 陳 宮 喺 東 郡 做官 。 ||Chan|Gong|at|||was an official At this time, Chen Gong was an official in Dongjun. 陳 宮 當年 救過 曹操 , 就 連官 都 唔 做 。 Chen|Gong|that year|saved|Cao Cao|then|even the official position|all|not|do Chen Gong had saved Cao Cao in the past, so he didn't even hold a position. 收尾 見 曹操 殺 咗 呂伯奢 一家 , 仲講 咩 寧可 自己 對 唔 住 天下人 , 就 唔 好 叫 天下人 對 唔 住 自己 啊 , 所以 就 離開 咗 曹操 。 wrap up|see|Cao Cao|kill|past tense marker|Lü Boshe|family||what|would rather|oneself|treat|||people of the world|then|||make|people of the world|treat|||oneself|ah|so|then|leave|past tense marker|Cao Cao In the end, seeing that Cao Cao killed Lü Boshe's entire family, he also said that it is better to let oneself down than to let down the people of the world, so he left Cao Cao. 噉 啊 陳 宮同 陶謙 亦 係 好 朋友 。 then|ah|Chan|Kung Tung|To Khin|also|is|good|friends Chen Gong and Tao Qian are also good friends. 聽聞 曹操 起兵 報仇 , 要 殺 盡 啲 百姓 喎 , 所以 即刻 就 趕 嚟 見 曹操 。 heard|Cao Cao|raised an army|take revenge|wants|||particle indicating plural|common people|particle indicating assertion|so|immediately|then|||to see|Cao Cao Hearing that Cao Cao raised an army for revenge and wanted to kill the common people, he immediately rushed to see Cao Cao. 曹操 啊 估到 佢 嚟 , 無非 係 為 陶謙 講情 嘅 啫 , 想話 唔 見 佢 。 Cao Cao|ah|expected|he|come|nothing more than|is|for|Tao Qian|plead|possessive particle|only|wanted to say|not|see|him Cao Cao guessed that he came, and it was just to plead for Tao Qian, wanting to say he wouldn't see him. 之陳宮 往日 對 自己 有恩 啦 , 唔 見 又 唔 好 吖 , 就 唯有 請 佢 入 嚟 見面 。 Chen Gong|in the past|to|himself|had kindness|particle indicating a completed action|not|seeing|again|||particle indicating a suggestion|then|only|invite|him|come|here|meet Since Chen Gong had once done him a favor, it wouldn't be good not to see him, so he could only invite him in to meet. 寒暄 過 幾句 , 陳 宮 開門見山 就 話 : small talk|exchange|a few sentences|Chen|Gong|get straight to the point|then|said After some small talk, Chen Gong got straight to the point and said: 聽講 曹公 你 為 咗 要 報父仇 , 用 大軍 去 打 徐州 , 所到之處 要 殺 盡 啲 百姓 , 故此 小弟 專誠 嚟 勸 下 你 。 I heard|Lord Cao|you|for|past tense marker|want||use|large army|to|attack|Xu Province|wherever he goes|must|kill|completely|particle indicating plural|common people|therefore|I (humble form)|sincerely|come|advise|you|you I heard that you, Cao Gong, are raising a large army to attack Xuzhou to avenge your father, and wherever you go, you intend to kill all the common people. Therefore, I sincerely come to advise you. 陶謙 乃 係 個 仁人君子 啊 , 絕唔 係 好利忘義 嘅 人 。 Tao Qian|is|is|a|benevolent and honorable person|ah|absolutely not|is|self-interested and ungrateful|possessive particle|person Tao Qian is a benevolent and virtuous person, definitely not someone who forgets righteousness for profit. 令尊 遇害 , 呢 啲 係 張 闓 作惡 啫 , 陶謙 冇 罪 嘅 喎 。 your father|was murdered|||are|Zhang|Kai|evil deeds|only|Tao Qian|has no|guilt|possessive particle|sentence-final particle Your father was harmed; this is the wrongdoing of Zhang Kai, and Tao Qian is not at fault. 況且 徐州 嘅 百姓 同 曹公 你 有 乜嘢 仇恨 呢 , 噉 嚟 殺 佢 哋 極 之 唔 啱 㗎 。 moreover|Xuzhou|possessive particle|common people|with|Lord Cao|you|have|what|hatred|question particle|like this|come|kill|they|plural marker|extremely|possessive particle|not|right|sentence-final particle Moreover, what enmity do the people of Xuzhou have with you, Cao Gong? It is extremely wrong to kill them. 請 曹公 你 三思 啊 。 please|Lord Cao|you|think thrice|ah Please, Cao Gong, think twice. 曹操 話 嘞 : 往日 , 你 掉 開 我 走 咗 , 而家 你 仲有 咩 面目 嚟 見 我 呢 ? Cao Cao|said|past tense marker|in the past|you|||I|||now|you|still have|what|face|come|see|me|question particle Cao Cao said: In the past, you left me, and now what face do you have to see me? 陶謙殺 咗 我 全家 , 我發 咗 誓 要 捉 到 佢 , 挖 咗 佢 嘅 心肝 五臟 嚟 報仇雪恨 ! |past tense marker|I|whole family||past tense marker|vow|to|||him|dig out|past tense marker|his||||in order to|take revenge Tao Qian killed my whole family, I swore to catch him and dig out his heart and organs to take revenge! 仁兄 你 而家 雖然 係 嚟 為 陶謙 講情 呀 , 之 我 唔 聽 , 你 又 有 咩 辦法 呢 ? brother|you|now|although|are|here|for|Tao Qian|to plead|particle|but|I|not|listen|you|again|have|what|solution|particle Brother, although you are here to plead for Tao Qian, I won't listen, what can you do? 你 返 去 啦 。 you|return|home|particle indicating suggestion or command You should go back. 陳 宮 冇 晒 辦法 , 唯有 告辭 。 Chan|Gong|has not|completely|solution|only|take his leave Chen Gong had no way out, so he had to take his leave. 佢 覺得 自己 亦 冇 面去 見 陶謙 , 就 趯 咗 去 投奔 陳 留 太守 張邈 嘞 。 he|thinks|himself|also|has no|face to|see|Tao Qian|then|hurried|past tense marker|to|seek refuge|Chen|Liu|governor|Zhang Miao|past tense marker He felt that he had no face to meet Tao Qian, so he hurried to seek refuge with the governor of Chen Liu, Zhang Miao. 而家 講下 曹操 。 now|talk about|Cao Cao Now let's talk about Cao Cao. 佢 大軍 所到之處 啊 屠殺 百姓 , 挖掘 墳墓 。 He|army|wherever it went|ah|slaughtered|civilians|dug|graves Wherever his army went, they slaughtered the common people and dug up graves. 陶 謙 喺 徐州 嚟 , 聽 講話 曹操 起兵 報仇 , 到處 噉 屠殺 人民 , 唉 ! Tao|Qian|is|Xuzhou|from|heard|saying|Cao Cao|raised an army|for revenge|everywhere|like that|slaughtered|people|sigh Tao Qian, who was in Xuzhou, heard that Cao Cao had raised an army for revenge and was slaughtering people everywhere, alas! 佢 禁不住 喊起 上 嚟 話 : He|couldn't help|crying|up|here|said He couldn't help but cry out and say: 哎呀 , 我 得罪 咗 上天 , 致使 徐州 百姓 , 遭受 噉 樣 嘅 大難 喇 ! oh no|I|offend|past tense marker|heaven|causing|Xuzhou|common people|suffer|such|kind|possessive particle|great disaster|sentence-final particle "Oh no, I have offended the heavens, causing the people of Xuzhou to suffer such great calamity!" 於是 就 急急 召集 所有 嘅 官員 來 商量 嘞 。 so|then|hurriedly|gathered|all|possessive particle|officials|to|discuss|past action particle So he hurriedly summoned all the officials to discuss. 曹豹 話 : 曹操 嘅 兵馬 既然 打 嚟 嘞 , 唔 通 我 哋 繑 埋 雙手 等 死 咩 ? 一 於 同 佢 打 過 ! Cao Bao|said|Cao Cao|possessive particle|troops|since|attack|come|past tense particle|||we|plural marker|||hands|wait|die|question particle|||with|him|fight|past action particle Cao Bao said: "Since Cao Cao's troops have come to attack, are we just going to sit back and wait for death? Let's fight back!" 確係 啊 , 唔 打 就 唔 得 㗎 。 definitely|ah|not|hit|then|not|okay|particle indicating certainty That's right, we have to fight back! 陶謙 只有 帶兵 去 迎敵 嘞 , 出到 城 , 遠遠 見到 曹操 嘅 大軍 , 好似 鋪霜湧 雪 噉 。 Tao Qian|only|lead troops|to|confront the enemy|past tense marker|when he got out of|the city|from afar|saw|Cao Cao|possessive particle|large army|seemed||snow|like Tao Qian only led his troops to meet the enemy. When he reached the city, he saw Cao Cao's large army from a distance, looking like a snowstorm. 中軍 豎起 兩面 白旗 , 上 便 寫 住 報仇雪恨 四個 大字 。 the central army|raised|two-sided|white flag|on|then|wrote|with|revenge|four|large characters The central army raised two white flags, on which were written the four big characters 'Avenge and Redress Grievances'. 擺好 陣勢 嘞 , 曹操 全身 着 孝 , 縱馬 出陣 。 set up|formation|past tense marker|Cao Cao|whole body|wearing|mourning attire|spur his horse|charge into battle Having arranged the formation, Cao Cao donned his mourning attire and rode out to battle. 陶謙 亦 都 出馬 , 企 定 喺 門 旗 之下 , 佢 護 一 護 個 身 , 行 咗 個禮 , 佢 話 : Tao Qian|also|all|come out to fight|stand|firmly|at|gate|flag|under|he|protect|one|protect|his|body|perform|past tense marker||he|said Tao Qian also rode out, standing firmly under the gate flag. He protected himself, performed a salute, and said: 下官 本來 係 想 向 曹公 你 表示 好意 , 因此 命令 張 闓 護送 令尊 。 I (the speaker)|originally|was|to want|to|Lord Cao|you|to express|good intentions|therefore|ordered|Zhang|Kai|to escort|your esteemed father "I originally intended to express goodwill towards you, Lord Cao, and therefore ordered Zhang Kai to escort your esteemed father." 點 知道 佢 賊心 不改 , 搞 出件 噉 嘅 事 嚟 。 呢 啲 實在 唔 關 下官 事 㗎 , 希望 曹公 你 明察 啊 ! how|to know|he|thieving nature|does not change|to cause|to create|such|possessive particle|incident|to come|this|plural marker|really|not|related|humble official|matter|particle indicating certainty|hope|Lord Cao|you|to see clearly|particle indicating exclamation How could I know that he has not changed his treacherous heart and caused such a thing to happen? This really has nothing to do with the lower officials, I hope you, Lord Cao, can see clearly! 曹操 破口大罵 : 你 個 老家伙 ! 殺 咗 我 父親 , 仲 膽敢 亂 噏 亂講 ! Cao Cao|shouted angrily|you|classifier for people|old man|killed|past tense marker|my|father|still|dare|randomly|talk|nonsense Cao Cao shouted angrily: You old man! You killed my father, and still have the audacity to speak recklessly! 邊個 去 生擒 呢 個 老賊 啊 ? who|go|capture alive|this|measure word|old thief|question particle Who will go and capture this old thief? 我 去 ! 夏侯惇 應聲 而出 。 I|go|Xiahou Dun|responding|came out I will go! Xiahou Dun responded immediately. 陶謙 連忙 退返 入陣 。 Tao Qian|hurriedly|retreated|into the formation Tao Qian quickly retreated back into the formation. 夏侯惇 跑 衡馬 衝過 嚟 , 曹豹 挺 槍 躍馬 , 上前 迎敵 。 Xiahou Dun|ran|Hengma|charged over|here|Cao Bao|raised|spear|leaping horse|moved forward|to meet the enemy Xiahou Dun ran over on horseback, and Cao Bao brandished his spear and leaped forward to meet the enemy. 兩個 啱 啱 一 交手 唧 , 忽然間 , 呼 噉 翻起 大風 , 飛沙走石 , 兩 便 嘅 軍隊 都 亂 晒 陣勢 , 於是 呢 就 各自 收兵 唔 打 嘞 。 the two|||one|fought|sound of a fight|suddenly|sound of wind|like that|raised|strong wind|flying sand and rolling stones|||possessive particle|armies|all|chaotic|completely|formation|so|this|then|each|withdrew|not|fight|past tense particle As the two just engaged in battle, suddenly, a strong wind arose, with flying sand and stones, causing both armies to be thrown into disarray, so they each retreated and stopped fighting. 陶謙入 咗 城 , 又 同 大家 商量 話 : |past tense marker|city|again|with|everyone|discuss|saying Tao Qian entered the city and discussed with everyone saying: 曹操 兵馬 人多勢 大 , 好難 抵敵 㗎 喇 。 Cao Cao|troops and horses|many people and strong|great|very difficult|resist the enemy|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completion or change of state Cao Cao's army is large and powerful, it's very difficult to resist. 誒 不如 等 我 自己 綁 自己 去 到 曹營 , 任 佢 劏 又 好 殺 又 好 , 噉 樣 嚟 救返 徐州 一 郡 嘅 百姓 條命 都 好 吖 。 hey|might as well|wait|I|by myself|tie up|myself|go|to|Cao camp|let|him|butcher|again|well|kill|again|well|like this|way|come|save back|Xu Zhou|one|county|possessive particle|common people|life|all|well|particle Hey, why don't I just tie myself up and go to Cao's camp, let him slaughter me or whatever, that way I can save the lives of the people in Xuzhou. 陶謙話 口 未 完 , 有 一個 人行 出 嚟 話 : Tao Qian said|mouth|not|finished|there is|one||out|here|said Tao Qian said, before he finished speaking, a person came out and said: 大人 治理 徐州 咁 耐 , 人民 都 感恩戴德 。 adult|govern|Xuzhou|so|long|people|all|grateful The lord has governed Xuzhou for so long, and the people are very grateful. 而家 曹兵 雖然 人多 , 之 佢 想 攻破 徐州 亦 唔 係 咁 易 嘅 。 now|Cao soldiers|although|there are many people|but|he|wants|to capture|Xuzhou|also|not|is|that|easy|particle indicating a statement Although Cao's troops are numerous now, it is not so easy for him to conquer Xuzhou. 大人 , 你 同埋 全城 百姓 一 於 堅守 , 唔 好 出去 同 佢 打 。 sir|you|and|the whole city|common people|||defend firmly|||go out|with|him|fight My lord, you and all the citizens should hold your ground and not go out to fight them. 我 雖然 才疏學淺 啊 , 不過 略 施小計 , 一定 要 曹操 死無葬身之地 嘅 。 I|although|lacking knowledge and ability|ah|but|slightly||definitely|want|Cao Cao|die without a burial place|particle indicating possession or emphasis Although I am not very talented, I will devise a small plan to ensure that Cao Cao has no place to be buried. 講呢 番 說話 嘅 人 係 邊個 呢 ? saying this|return|talking|possessive particle|person|is|who|question particle Who is the person speaking? 佢 呀 , 姓 糜 , 名竺 , 字子仲 , 係 東海 人 。 he|question particle|surname|Mi|||is|Donghai|person It's him, with the surname Mi, given name Zhu, courtesy name Zizhong, from Donghai. 佢 嘅 家世 好 有錢 。 he|possessive particle|family background|very|wealthy His family background is very wealthy. 呢 有 一次 噃, 佢 去 洛陽 做 完 生意 , 坐車 返歸 , 喺 路上 遇到 一個 好 靚 嘅 女人 , 要 搭 順風 車 。 this|has|one time|particle|he|went|Luoyang|||business|took a car|returned|at|on the road|encountered|a|very|beautiful|possessive particle|woman|wanted|to take|| Once, after he finished business in Luoyang, he took a carriage back and encountered a very beautiful woman on the road who needed a ride. 糜竺 話 好 啦 , 於是 佢 啊 自己 落車 , 自己 行路 , 讓 架車 畀 嗰 靚女 人 一個 人 坐 。 Mi Zhu|said|okay|particle|so|he|particle|himself|got out of the car|himself|walked|let|the car|to|that|pretty girl|person|one|person|sit Mi Zhu said it was fine, so he got off the carriage and walked, letting the carriage take the beautiful woman alone. 嗰 女人 話 : 噉 唔 好意思 嘅 , 你 行路 , 我 坐車 , 不如 請 你 上車 一齊 坐 吧 啦 噉 。 that|woman|said|then|not|embarrassed|particle|you|walk|I|drive|why not|invite|you|get in the car|together|sit|suggestion particle|particle|then The woman said: "Well, I'm sorry, you walk, I'll take the car, how about I invite you to get in the car and sit together?" 糜竺 話 : 噉 亦 可以 吖 , 就 上 返車 , 正正經經 坐 喺 處 , 哈 , 目不斜視 喎 。 Mi Zhu|said|like that|also|can|particle|then|get on|bus|properly|sit|at|place|haha|not looking around|particle Mi Zhu said: "That works too, let's get back in the car, sit properly, haha, and not look around." 嗰 雙眼 呀 , 就 係 望實 自己 嘅 鼻 哥 尖 唧 。 that|pair of eyes|particle|then|is|looking at|self|possessive particle|nose|older brother|sharp|poke Those eyes were just looking straight at the tip of their own nose. 如是者 行 咗 幾里路 。 in that case|walk|past tense marker|several miles And so they walked a few miles. 嗰 個 女人 話 到 埗 嘞 , 要 落車 , 臨 分別 嘅 時候 就 對 糜竺講 : that|classifier for people|woman|said|||past tense marker|needs to|get off|just before|parting|possessive particle|time|then|to| When they reached the destination, the woman said she needed to get out of the car, and before parting, she said to Mi Zhu: 我 係 南方 火 德星君 , 奉 咗 上帝 嘅 命令 , 要 去燒 你 屋企 。 I|am|Southern|Fire|Deity of Virtue|carry out|past tense marker|God|possessive particle|command|must||your|home I am the Southern Fire Deity, and I have received a command from God to burn down your house. 先頭 一路上 你 待 我 咁 有 禮貌 , 十分 難得 , 我 好 感動 。 at first|along the way|you|treat|me|so|have|polite|very|rare|I|very|touched You have been so polite to me all the way here, which is very rare, and I am very touched. 所以 , 我 就將 呢 件 事 講白 你 聽 , 你 趕快 返去 , 將 屋企 嘅 財物 搬 晒 出屋 , 我 今晚 就 到 㗎 嘞 。 so|I||this|measure word for events|matter|explain clearly|you|listen|you|quickly|go back|will|home|possessive particle|belongings|move|all|out of the house|I|tonight|will|arrive|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action So, I will tell you this clearly: you should hurry back and move all the valuables out of your house, as I will be coming tonight. 講完 , 呼聲 唔 見 咗 。 finished speaking|call|not|seen|past tense marker After saying this, the voice disappeared. 嚇到 糜竺 呀 , 一身 冷汗 就 飛奔 返 屋企 啦 。 scared|Mi Zhu|particle|all over|cold sweat|then|ran|back|home|particle Scared, Mi Zhu ran back home in a cold sweat. 一返 到 去 , 即刻 叫 齊家 人 , 將 屋企 嘅 嘢 呀 應有盡有 ,冚𠾴唥 搬 晒 出 屋 。 |||immediately||||to move|home|possessive particle|things||everything you could possibly need|to pack up|to move|completely|out|house As soon as I returned, I immediately called my family and moved everything out of the house. 果然 間 , 當晚 佢 屋企 廚房 起火 , 好 快脆 就 全屋 燒着 , 冇 幾耐 就 燒到 通晒天 。 as expected|measure word for rooms|that night|he|home|kitchen|caught fire|very|quickly|then|whole house|was burning|not||then|burned to| Sure enough, that night, a fire broke out in their kitchen, and soon the whole house was ablaze, and before long, it was burning to the sky. 從此 之後 啊 , 糜竺 就 一味 攞 錢 出 嚟 做 善事 , 濟貧 救苦 啊 。 from then on|after|particle|Mi Zhu|then|always|take|money|out|come|do|good deeds|help the poor|relieve suffering|particle From then on, Mi Zhu just kept taking money out to do charitable deeds, helping the poor and saving the suffering. 收尾 呢 , 陶謙 又 聘請 佢 出 嚟 做官 。 wrap up|question particle|Tao Qian|again|hired|he|come out|to|be an official To wrap things up, Tao Qian also invited him to become an official. 咩 官 啊 ? what|official|question particle What kind of official? 別駕 從事 , 就 係 州 刺史 , 亦 都 即 係 州長 嘅 助理 官員 嚟 。 charioteer|engaged in|just|is|province|governor|also|all|exactly|is|provincial governor|possessive particle|assistant|official|come Don't drive, just be the governor, which is also the assistant official of the governor. 噉 當時 呢 , 佢 聽 陶 謙 話 要 自己 綁 自己 去 曹營 咁 淒涼 , 佢 就 出 嚟 獻計 嘞 喎 , 佢 話 : then|at that time|question particle|he|heard|Tao|Qian|said|to|himself|tie|himself|go|Cao camp|so|desolate|he|then|came out|to|offer advice|past action particle|particle indicating suggestion|he|said At that time, he heard Tao Qian say he had to tie himself up to go to Cao Ying in such a miserable way, so he came out with a suggestion. 我 願意 親自 去 北海 郡 , 求 孔融 出兵 嚟 救 我 哋 。 I|am willing|personally|go|Beihai|county|request|Kong Rong|send troops|to come|rescue|we|plural marker I am willing to personally go to Beihai County to ask Kong Rong to send troops to rescue us. 同時 仲要 搵 一個 人去 青州 田 楷 嗰 度 求救 。 at the same time|still need to|find|a||Qingzhou|field|Kai|that|place|call for help At the same time, we also need to find someone to seek help from Tian Kai in Qingzhou. 若果 呢 兩 笪 地方 嘅 軍馬 一齊 嚟 呀 , 曹操 實 退兵 嘅 。 if|these|two|place|places|possessive particle|cavalry|together|come|sentence-final particle|Cao Cao|really|retreat|past tense particle If the troops from these two places come together, Cao Cao will definitely retreat. 唯有 係 噉 辦法 啦 。 only|is|like this|method|sentence-final particle There is no other way to do it. 於是 陶謙 就 寫 咗 兩封信 , 寫 完 嘞 , 就問 邊個 敢 去 青州 求救 啊 噉 。 then|Tao Qian|then|wrote|past tense marker|two letters|||past tense marker||who|dares|to go|Qingzhou|to seek help|particle|like that So, Tao Qian wrote two letters, and after finishing, he asked who would dare to go to Qingzhou for help. 說話 一 講完 , 有 個人 馬上 應聲 而出 。 speaking|one|finished|there is|a person|immediately|responding|and came out As soon as he finished speaking, someone immediately responded. 大家 一睇 , 哦 , 原來 係 陳 登 。 everyone|at a glance|oh|originally|is|Chan|Deng Everyone looked and saw, oh, it was Chen Deng. 陳 登 乃 係 廣陵 人 , 字 元龍 。 Chen|Deng|is|is|Guangling|person|courtesy name|Yuanlong Chen Deng was from Guangling, and his courtesy name was Yuanlong. 陶謙好 高興 , 就 首先 打發 陳 登去 青州 。 |happy|then|first|send|Chen||Qingzhou Tao Qian was very happy, so he first sent Chen Deng to Qingzhou. 跟 住 就 派 糜竺 帶 住 佢 封 親筆信 去 北海 。 |with||||||him|a|handwritten letter|to|Beihai Then he sent Mi Zhu with a personal letter to Beihai. 自己 呢 就 率領 人馬 守城 , 防備 曹操 嘅 進攻 。 I|particle indicating a question|then|lead|troops|defend the city|guard against|Cao Cao|possessive particle|attack As for himself, he led his troops to defend the city, preparing for Cao Cao's attack. 而家同 大家 講一講 北海 孔融 呢 個人 先 。 |everyone||Beihai|Kong Rong|this|person|first Now let me talk about Kong Rong from Beihai. 孔融 , 字 文舉 , 乃 係 魯國 曲阜 人 。 Kong Rong|courtesy name|Wenju|||State of Lu|Qufu|person Kong Rong, courtesy name Wenju, was from Qufu in the state of Lu. 佢 係 孔夫子 第二十 代孫 , 父親 係 泰山 都尉 孔宙 。 He|is|Confucius|twentieth|generation descendant|father|is|Mount Tai|military officer|Kong Zhou He is the 20th descendant of Confucius, and his father is Kong Zhou, the commander of Mount Tai. 佢 自 細 就 好 聰明 。 He|since|small|already|very|smart He has been very smart since he was young. 十歲 嘅 時候 呢 , 佢 就 走 去 拜見 河南 尹 , 即 係 河南 郡 嘅 長官 李膺 。 ten years old|possessive particle|when|particle indicating past action|he|then|walked|to|pay respects to|Henan|governor|that is|is|Henan|county|possessive particle|chief|Li Ying At the age of ten, he went to visit the governor of Henan, Li Ying. 看門 嗰 個人 見到 佢 係 個 細路 , 就 為 難 佢 , 想 唔 畀 佢 入 去 。 the doorkeeper|that|person|saw|him|is|the|kid|then|for|make things difficult for|him|wanted|not|let|him|enter|in The person at the door saw that he was just a child, so he made it difficult for him and tried not to let him in. 孔融 就 話 嘞 : 我同 你 哋 李大人 係 通家之好 , 世世代代 交情 深厚 啊 。 Kong Rong|then|said|past tense marker||you|plural marker|Mr Li|is|family friends|for generations|friendship|deep|ah Kong Rong said: I have a close relationship with your master Li, and our families have been friends for generations. 噉 啊 放 佢 入 去 啦 , 入到 去 嘞 , 李膺 就 問 佢 : like this|ah|let|him|in|go|particle indicating suggestion|once inside|go|particle indicating completion|Li Ying|then|asked|him So, ah, let him in, once he gets in, Li Ying asks him: 你 嘅 祖先 同 我 嘅 祖先 有 咩 嘢 親啊 ? you|possessive particle|ancestor|and|I|||have|what|thing|relationship What is the relationship between your ancestors and my ancestors? 孔融 就 回答 話 : 從前 孔子 曾經 請教 過 老子 , 噉 樣 我 同 大人 你 唔 係 累世 通家 咩 ? Kong Rong|then|replied|saying|once upon a time|Confucius|had|asked for advice|past tense marker|Laozi|like this|way|I|with|adults|you|not|are|generations|family friends|question particle Kong Rong replied: In the past, Confucius once sought advice from Laozi, so aren't we, you and I, connected through generations? 啊 , 李膺 就 真 係 好 驚奇 , 呢 個 細路 叻 噃。 點呢 ? ah|Li Ying|then|really|is|very|surprised|this|measure word|child|smart|particle|what about (him/her) Ah, Li Ying was really surprised, this kid is clever, huh? What about that? 老子 係 姓李 嘅 , 喺 幾百年 前 , 孔子 係 做過 老子 嘅 學生 。 Laozi|is||possessive particle|at|several hundred years|ago|Confucius|was|a student of|Laozi|possessive particle|student Laozi has the surname Li, and several hundred years ago, Confucius was a student of Laozi. 孔融 就 用 呢 件 事 嚟 說明 孔 、 李 兩家 , 係 喺 幾百年 前 就 有 交情 㗎 喇 噉 。 Kong Rong|then|used|this|measure word for events|matter|to|explain|Kong|Li|two families|are|at|several hundred years|ago|already|had|friendship|particle|particle|like that Kong Rong used this matter to illustrate that the Kong and Li families had a friendship that dates back several hundred years. 哈哈 , 過 咗 一陣 , 太中 大夫 陳 煒 嚟 嘞 。 haha|past|completed action particle|a while|Dr Tai Chung|doctor|Chan|Wai|come|past action particle Haha, after a while, the Grand Minister Chen Wei arrived. 李膺 指住 孔融 對陳煒 話 : 呢 個 係 神童 嚟 啊 ! Li Ying|pointing at|Kong Rong||said|this|classifier for people|is|child prodigy|come|particle indicating exclamation Li Ying pointed at Kong Rong and said to Chen Wei: This is a prodigy! 陳 煒 話 : 哦 , 呵呵 , 細時 聰明 , 大時 就 未必 聰明 啊 。 Chan|Wai|said|oh|haha|when young|smart|when older|then|not necessarily|smart|ah Chen Wei replied: Oh, haha, being smart when young doesn't guarantee you'll be smart when you're older. 孔融 即刻 應 佢 一句 : 照 噉 講 , 大人 你 細時實 係 好 聰明 嘅 啫 。 Kong Rong|immediately|should|he|one sentence|like|that|said|adult|you||were|very|smart|past tense particle|only Kong Rong immediately responded: By that logic, you were indeed very smart when you were young, sir. 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 陳 煒 佢 哋 不禁 大笑 起 嚟 話 : hahaha|||Chan|Wai|they|plural marker|cannot help but|laugh|up|come|said Hahaha, hahaha, hahaha, Chen Wei and the others couldn't help but burst into laughter and said: 哎 , 呢 個 細佬哥 呀 , 佢 大個 咗 必定 係 當代 嘅 大人物 啊 ! hey|this|measure word|younger brother|sentence final particle|he|grow up|past tense marker|definitely|is|contemporary|possessive particle|big shot|exclamatory particle Hey, this little brother, when he grows up, he will definitely be a great figure of our time! 從此 孔融 就 出晒名 , 收尾 佢 被 封 為 中郎將 , 一路 升到 做 北海 太守 。 from then on|Kong Rong|then|became famous|in the end|he|was|appointed|as|Zhonglang General|all the way|rose to|become|Beihai|governor From then on, Kong Rong became famous, and eventually he was appointed as Zhonglang Jiang, rising all the way to become the governor of Beihai. 佢 個 為 人 又 十分 好客 嘅 , 佢 周 時 都 話 嘞 : 我 至 希望 嘅 就 係 座上客 常滿 , 樽 中酒 不空 啊 。 He|possessive particle|for|person|also|very|hospitable|particle indicating possession|He|all|time|all|says|past tense marker|I|only|hope|particle indicating possession|just|is|guests||bottle|||ah particle He was very hospitable, often saying: What I hope for the most is that the guests at the table are always full, and the wine in the jar never runs out. 佢 喺 北海 六年 , 好 得民心 。 He|at|Beihai|six years|very|popular among the people He spent six years in Beihai, winning the hearts of the people. 好 嘞 , 而家 講返 轉頭 。 ||now|talk about|later Alright, let's go back to the previous topic. 當日 孔融 正在 同 客人 坐緊 , 啲 人 報告 話 徐州 糜竺 嚟 啊 噉 。 that day|Kong Rong|was|with|guests|sitting|the|people|reported|that|Xuzhou|Mi Zhu|came|ah|like this On that day, Kong Rong was sitting with his guests when someone reported that Mi Zhu from Xuzhou had arrived. 孔融 就 叫 請 佢 入 嚟 , 問 佢 嘅 來意 啦 。 Kong Rong|then|called|please|him|come|in|ask|him|possessive particle|intention|sentence-final particle Kong Rong then invited him in and asked about his purpose. 糜竺 就 將陶 謙 嘅 書信 交 畀 佢 , 又 話 : Mi Zhu|then||Qian|possessive particle|letter|to deliver|to him|he|also|said Mi Zhu handed him a letter from Tao Qian and said, 曹操 圍攻 徐州 , 形勢 非常 危急 , 希望 孔公 你 去 救 啊 。 Cao Cao|besiege|Xuzhou|situation|very|urgent|hope|Lord Kong|you|go|rescue|ah "Cao Cao is besieging Xuzhou, and the situation is extremely urgent. I hope you, Kong Gong, can come to the rescue." 我同 陶恭祖 交情 深厚 , 你 又 親自 嚟 到 添 , 我點 都 要 去 嘅 。 |To Kung Chu|friendship|deep|you|again|personally|come|here|additionally||all|must|go|particle indicating past action I have a deep friendship with Tao Gongzu, and since you came personally, I have to go. 不過 噉 喎 , 曹孟德 一向 同 我 無怨 無仇 , 我仲 係 派 個人 送 封信 去 同 你 哋 兩方 和解 下先 。 but|like this|particle indicating realization|Cao Mengde (Cao Cao)|always|with|I||||am|send|a person|deliver|a letter|to|with|you|plural marker|both parties|reconcile| However, Cao Mengde has never had any grievances with me, so I will send someone to deliver a letter to mediate between you two first. 如果 佢 唔 肯 嘞 , 然後 我 先至 起兵 啦 。 if|he|not|willing|past tense marker|then|I|only then|raise troops|sentence-final particle If he refuses, then I will raise an army. 唉 ! 曹操 恃 住 兵強馬壯 , 佢 決 唔 肯 講 和 㗎 , 孔公 。 sigh|Cao Cao|||strong army and powerful horses|he|definitely|not|willing|talk|peace|particle|Confucius Sigh! Cao Cao relies on his strong army, he definitely won't agree to talk about peace, Kong Gong. 孔融 仲 係 按照 自己 嘅 諗 法 做 喎 。 Kong Rong|still|is|according to|himself|possessive particle|||doing|sentence-final particle Kong Rong is still doing things according to his own thoughts. 佢 命令 一便 點兵 , 做好 準備 , 一便 呢 , 就 派 人 去 送信 。 He|ordered|at the same time|count soldiers|make good|preparations|at the same time|particle indicating a question|then|send|people|to|deliver the letter He ordered to gather the troops and prepare, and then sent someone to deliver a message. 佢 哋 正 喺 度 商量 緊 , 忽然 接到 報告 話 : 有個 黃巾 賊黨 叫做 管亥 , 佢 帶 住 幾萬 賊兵 殺緊 嚟 喇 噉 。 They|plural marker|currently|at|in|discussing|ongoing action marker|suddenly|received|report|saying||Yellow Turban|bandit group|called|Guan Hai|he|lead|with|tens of thousands|bandit soldiers|attacking|coming|particle indicating action completion|like this They were discussing when suddenly they received a report saying: a Yellow Turban bandit named Guan Hai is leading tens of thousands of bandits coming to attack. 孔融 大驚 嘞 , 就 急急 點起 本部 人馬 , 出城 去 同 管亥 呢 班 賊兵 打過 嘞 喎 。 Kong Rong|greatly alarmed|past tense marker|then|hurriedly|gathered|his main force|troops|out of the city|to|together|Guan Hai|this|group|bandit soldiers|fought|past tense marker|sentence-final particle Kong Rong was shocked and quickly gathered his main forces to go out of the city to fight against Guan Hai and his bandits. 擺好 陣 嘞 , 管亥 騎住 馬行 出 嚟 話 : set up|formation|past tense marker|Guan Hai|riding||out|come|said After setting up the formation, Guan Hai rode out on horseback and said: 我 知道 北海 糧食 好多 , 借住 一萬 石 嚟 啦 , 我 就 退兵 嘞 。 I|know|Beihai|food|a lot|borrow|ten thousand|stone|come|particle|I|then|withdraw troops|past action particle I know there is a lot of grain in Beihai, lend me ten thousand stones, and I will retreat. 如果 唔 係 呀 , 一 打破 城池 , 我 就 老幼 不留 ! if|not|is|particle|one|break|city|I|then|old and young|will not spare If it weren't for that, once the city is broken, I will leave no one alive! 孔融 鬧 佢 話 : 哼 ! 我 係 漢朝 之臣 , 守衛 漢朝 之地 , 有 糧食 我 攞 嚟 餵豬 餵 狗 都 唔 畀 你 ! Kong Rong|scolded|he|said|humph|I|am|Han Dynasty||defend|Han Dynasty||have|food|I|take|come|feed pigs|||all|not|give|you Kong Rong scolded him, saying: Hmph! I am a minister of the Han dynasty, guarding the land of the Han dynasty. I won't give you any food, even if I use it to feed pigs and dogs! 管亥 發火 嘞 , 拍 馬舞刀 , 直取 孔融 。 Guan Hai|got angry|past tense marker|slap||directly attacking|Kong Rong Guan Hai got angry, drew his sword, and charged directly at Kong Rong. 孔融 部下 有員 將領 叫做 宗寶 , 挺槍 出馬 , 迎戰 管亥 。 Kong Rong|subordinate||general|named|Zong Bao|wielding a spear|took the field|to face|Guan Hai Kong Rong's subordinate, a general named Zong Bao, stepped forward with a spear to face Guan Hai. 打 咗 冇 幾個 回合 , 就 畀 管亥 一刀 就 斬 咗 落馬 。 fight|past tense marker|not|a few|rounds|then|by|Guan Hai|one strike|then|cut|past tense marker|off the horse After a few exchanges, Guan Hai struck him down with one blow. 孔融 嘅 部隊 亂 晒 大龍 嘞 搏命 咁 趯 返入 城 。 Kong Rong|possessive particle|troops|chaotic|completely|Dai Lung|past tense particle|fighting for their lives|so|rushed|back into|city Kong Rong's troops were in chaos, desperately rushing back into the city. 管亥 分派 人馬 將成個 城 四面 圍住 。 Guan Hai|deploy|troops||city|from all sides|surround Guan Hai dispatched troops to surround the entire city from all sides. 孔融 個心 好 煩悶 啊 , 糜竺 係 嚟 求救 嘅 , 個心 更加 愁悶 就 唔 再講 囉 。 Kong Rong|his heart|very|troubled|ah|Mi Zhu|is|come|asking for help|particle|his heart|even more|worried|then|not||particle Kong Rong was very troubled; Mi Zhu came to seek help, which made him even more worried, and he didn't want to talk about it anymore. 第 日 , 孔融 上去 城樓 四周 望下 , 嘩 嗨 , 見到 賊勢 浩大 , 更加 憂心 咯 。 the|day|Kong Rong|went up|city tower|all around|looked down|wow|hey|saw|bandit force|overwhelming|even more|worried|particle indicating realization or emphasis The next day, Kong Rong went up to the city tower to look around, and wow, he saw the bandits were numerous, which made him even more anxious. 咦 ? 忽然間 , 見到 城外 有 個人 , 挺槍 躍馬 殺 咗 入 去 敵陣 , 左衝右 突 如入無人之境 啊 。 eh|suddenly|saw|outside the city|there is|a person|holding a gun|riding a horse|killed|past tense marker|enter|into|enemy camp|||as if entering a no-man's land|ah Hey? Suddenly, he saw a person outside the city, brandishing a spear, charging into the enemy ranks, breaking through left and right as if there was no one there. 佢 一直 殺到 嚟 城樓 下 便 , 大聲 嗌 話 : 開門 ! He|continuously|ran to|come|building|downstairs|then|loudly|shouted|saying|open the door He kept running down to the city tower and shouted loudly: Open the door! 孔融 唔 識得 呢 個人 嘞 , 就 唔 敢 開門 。 Kong Rong|not|recognize|this|person|past tense particle|then|not|dare|open the door Kong Rong didn't know this person, so he didn't dare to open the door. 嗰 班 賊兵 追到 嚟 護城河 邊 , 嗰 個人 一回 轉身 , 連氣將 十幾個 人刺 咗 落馬 。 that|group|bandits|chased|here|moat|side|that|person||turned around||more than ten||past tense marker|off the horse That group of bandits chased to the edge of the moat, and that person turned around and stabbed more than ten people off their horses. 喂 啊 死 喇 走 喇 , 嗰 班 賊兵 嚇到 喇喇聲 退後 。 hey|ah|die|past tense particle|run|past tense particle|that|classifier for groups|enemy soldiers|scared|in a hurry|retreat Hey, it's dead, let's go, that group of bandits was so scared that they retreated. 孔融 就 急急 叫 人開 城門 放 佢 入 嚟 。 Kong Rong|then|urgently|called||city gate|let|him|enter|come Kong Rong hurriedly called for someone to open the city gate to let him in. 嗰 個人 入 咗 城 , 落 咗 馬 , 放低 支槍 , 直上 城樓 嚟 拜見 孔融 啊 。 that|person|entered|past tense marker|city|dismounted|past tense marker|horse|put down|gun||city tower|came|pay respects to|Kong Rong|sentence-final particle That person entered the city, got off the horse, put down the gun, and went straight up to the city tower to meet Kong Rong.

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