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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 023

呂布 啊 同 佢 老婆 嚴氏 商量 啊 , 睇 下 好 唔 好 將個 獨生女 許配 畀 袁術 做 新 抱 。 嚴氏 就 話 嘞 : 我 聽聞 話 袁術 鎮守 淮南 好耐 , 兵多 糧廣 , 好快 就要 做 天子 㗎 喇 噉 。 如果 大事 成功 呀 , 噉 我 哋 嘅 女 就 有 做 皇后 皇妃 嘅 希望 㗎 喇 。 啊 係 喇 , 唔 知 佢 幾 多個 仔 呢 嚱? 佢 就 係 得 一個 仔唧 。 咩 話 ? 就 係 一個 仔 咋 ? 哎呀 , 噉 就 快 啲 應承 佢 啦 。 縱使 第日 唔 做 皇后 , 有個 咁 威勢 嘅 親家 , 我 哋 徐州 乜 都 唔 使 憂 啦 嘛 。 見個 老婆 噉 講 , 呂布 揸 定 主意 嘞 。 佢 出去 回覆 韓胤 , 應承 咗 呢頭 親事 。 跟 住 就 好好 噉 款待 韓胤 。 韓胤 返 去向 袁術 報告 咗 佳音 , 袁術 即刻 準備 好 一份 聘禮 , 仍舊 叫 韓胤 呢 個 大媒 送 去 徐州 。 呂布 收 咗 聘禮 , 擺酒 款待 , 然後 請 韓胤 去 賓館 住落 。 陳 宮 知道 咗 呢 件 事 , 呢 朝 早 , 佢 直筆 去 到 賓館 拜會 韓胤 。 彼此 行過禮 , 坐定 , 陳 宮 叫 企 喺 旁邊 侍候 啲 人行 開 , 佢 問 : 係 邊個 獻 呢 一條 計 , 教 袁公 同溫 侯 聯婚 㗎 ? 想 攞 劉玄德 個人 頭 係 唔 係 呢 ? 韓胤 大吃一驚 : 哎呀 你 , 哎 , 仁兄 呀 , 請 你 千 祈千祈 唔 好 洩 露出 去 啊 ! 我 又 唔 會 洩 露出 去 嘅 , 就 係 怕 呢 件 事 辦得 太過 遲 , 必定會 畀 人 哋 睇 穿 嘅 , 噉 事情 就 會 變卦 㗎 嘞 噃。 噉 點好 呢 ? 請 仁兄 指教 指教 。 等 我 去 同溫 侯講 , 叫 佢 即日 就 送 女 就親 , 噉 好 唔 好 呢 ? 哎呀呀 呀 , 如果 係 噉 樣 啊 , 袁公 就 真 係 對 你 感激 不 淺 咯 。 陳 宮 辭別 咗 韓胤 , 就 去 見 呂布 噃, 佢 話 : 聽講 將軍 要 將個 女 許配 畀 袁 公路 做 新 抱 , 真 係 高興 啊 。 誒 , 唔 知 準備 幾時 成親 呢 嚱? 呂布 話 嘞 : 噉 仲要 商量 下先 至定 得 。 將軍 , 根據 古時 嘅 規矩 呢 , 從 落訂 到 成婚 嘅 期限 係 有 定例 㗎 噃。 天子 一年 , 諸侯 半年 , 大夫 一季 , 老百姓 就 一個月 。 噉 呀 , 袁 公路 得 天賜 國寶 , 好 快 就 會 做 皇帝 㗎 嘞 。 噉 而家 依照 天子 嘅 定例 呢 , 可 唔 可以 呢 ? 唔 得 啊 。 噉 咪 依照 諸侯 嘅 定例 啦 。 亦 唔 得 。 噉 就要 依照 卿大夫 嘅 定例 嘞 喎 , 係 嘛 ? 亦 唔 得唧 。 吓 ? 嘻嘻 嘻嘻 嘻嘻 嘻 , 唔 通 你 想 我 同 老百姓 一樣 咩 ? 唔 係 。 噉 究竟 你 嘅 意思 係 點至 啱 啊 ? 將軍 , 請 你 諗 下 , 當前 天下 嘅 諸侯 互相 爭雄 。 而家 將軍 要同 袁 公路 聯婚 , 你估 各路 諸侯 當中 冇 人 妒忌 㗎 ? 如果 吉期 選擇 得太過 遲 , 聽 下 佢 哋 趁 住 良辰吉日 , 喺 半路 埋伏 定 兵馬 嚟 搶親 , 噉 你 話 如之奈何 啊 ? 嗯 , 噉 你 嘅 意思 係 點好 呢 ? 將軍 , 照 我 睇 當今 之計 , 唔 應承 就 乜 事 都 冇 啦 ; 既然 已經 應承 咗 , 就要 趁住 各路 諸侯 都 未曾 知道 , 即刻 將個 女 送 去 壽春 。 另外 搵 間 屋住 開 , 然後 擇吉 完婚 , 噉 就 萬無一失 喇 。 啊 ! 你 噉 講 非常 有 道理 。 呂布 就 即刻 去 同 佢 老婆 嚴氏講 咗 , 漏夜 準備 好 晒 嫁妝 , 收拾 好 寶馬香車 , 吩咐 宋憲 、 魏續 陪同 韓胤 送個 女去 壽春 。 第二 朝 一早 , 鼓樂喧天 就 送 咗 出城 。 陳 登個 父親 就 叫做 陳 珪 吖 , 當時 佢 喺 屋企 養病 。 呢 朝 早 , 佢 聽見 外便 敲鑼打鼓 啊 奏 起 八音 , 滴 滴噠 噠 就 好 熱鬧 係 咩 嘢 事 呢 ? 就 問下 左右 啲 人 嘞 喎 。 啲 人 就將 呂布 送個 女 去 壽 春 嘅 事 講 畀 佢 聽 , 陳 珪 一 聽 就 明白 晒 喇 , 佢 話 : 呢條 係 疏不間親 之計 啊 , 劉玄德 危險 咯 呢 趟 ! 佢 即刻 起身 , 帶病 去 見 呂布 。 呂布 問 佢 : 大夫 唔 喺 屋企 休息 , 嚟 搵 我 有 咩 事 啊 ? 聽講 將軍 死期 到 , 特意 嚟 吊喪 啊 ! 吓 ? 乜 噉 講 啊 ? 前 嗰 次 , 袁 公路 送 咁 多 糧食 嚟 畀 將軍 , 係 想 殺 劉玄德 。 當時 將軍 你 轅門 射戟 , 同 佢 哋 和解 咗 。 呢 次 , 佢 忽然 派 人 嚟 求親 , 查實 佢 個 本意 呢 不外 係 想要 將軍 你 個 女 嚟 做 人質 , 隨後 就 嚟 攻打 劉玄德 , 奪取 小沛 㗎 嘞 。 小沛 一失 , 徐州 就 危險 咯 。 仲 有 噃, 佢 如果 嚟 借 糧 , 誒 或者 嚟 借兵 , 將軍 你 如果 應承 佢 , 就 一定 疲於奔命 , 而且 又 結怨 於 人 , 係 嘛 ? 如果 將軍 你 唔 肯 , 噉 就 變 咗 係 唔 顧 親戚 , 甚至 會 引起 戰爭 添 。 嘻嘻 況且 聽講 袁術 有意 想 做 皇帝 噃, 噉 咪 即 係 造反 嘞 噃。 佢 如果 造反 , 噉 將軍 就 係 反賊 親屬 啦 。 噉 你 就 會 不容 於 天下 㗎 嘞 噃, 嗰 陣 仲 得 了 嘅 咩 ? 哎呀 ! 陳 宮誤 我 啊 ! 呂布 畀 陳 珪 一番 說話 講到 周身 冷汗 , 急急 命令 張遼帶 住 一隊 兵馬 去 追 。 張 遼 一直 追 到 三十里 之外 先至 追到 , 就將 呂布 個 女 截返 轉頭 。 連韓胤 呢 個 媒人 啊 都 捉 咗 返 嚟 , 韞 咗 入監 , 唔 放 佢 走 。 另外 呢 , 呂布 派 人 去 回覆 袁術 , 藉口 話 嫁妝 未能 準備 好 , 等 置辦 齊全 嘞 , 就 送個 女 嚟 啦 噉 。 陳 珪 破壞 咗 袁術 呢 一條 疏不間親 計 之後 啊 , 佢 又 想 去 講 掂 呂布 , 叫 呂布 將韓胤解 咗 去 許都 交 畀 曹操 。 但 係 呂布 呢 仲 係 猶猶豫豫 , 落 唔 到 決心 。 噉 誒 又過 咗 段時間 喇 , 有 一日 , 有人 嚟 報告 話 劉玄德 喺 小 沛 招兵買馬 , 唔 知 咩 嘢 意思 呢 噉 。 呂布 就 話 嘞 : 佢 係 個 軍人 , 招兵買馬 係 本 份 嘅 事 , 使 乜 大驚小怪 呢 ? 正 喺 度 講 緊 , 宋憲同 魏續 入 嚟 報告 畀 呂布 聽 , 佢 哋 話 : 我 哋 兩個 奉 咗 將軍 你 嘅 命令 , 去 山東 買馬 , 買 咗 好 馬 三百 幾匹 返 嚟 。 返到 沛縣 境界 嘅 時候 , 點知 畀 一班 強盜 劫 咗 一半 去 。 收尾 先至 探聽到 原來 係 劉備 個 細佬 張飛 扮成 山賊 噉 樣 搶 咗 啲 馬 去 啊 ! 嘿 ! 呂布 聽 咗 大發雷霆 , 即刻 點起 兵馬 , 趕到 去 小沛 嚟 鬥 張飛 嘞 。 劉備 知道 咗 , 嚇 到 死死 下 , 連忙 帶住 兵 馬出城 嚟 頂住 先 。 噉 兩 便 都 擺開陣勢 , 劉備 出馬 話 : 兄長 為 咩 事要 帶兵 嚟 呢 處 啊 ? 你仲好講 ! 我 轅門 射戟 救 咗 你 一場 大難 , 你 點解 仲要 搶走 我 嘅 馬匹 吖 ! 兄長 唔 好 誤會 啊 ! 係 , 小弟 因為 缺乏 馬匹 , 所以 叫 人 四處 去 收買 。 不過 就算 我 有 天大 嘅 膽 , 又 點敢 去 搶 兄長 嘅 馬匹 呢 ? 哼 ! 你 使 張飛 去 搶 咗 我 一百五十 匹好 馬 , 你仲想 抵賴 ! 張飛 忍 唔 住 嘞 , 佢 挺 槍 出馬 : 你 嗰 啲 好 馬 係 我 搶 咗 嘅 , 你 而家 想點 啊 ! 張飛 你 個 圓眼 賊 ! 你 屢次 嚟 藐視 我 ! 呂布 你 呢 個 三個 老 竇 嘅 奴才 ! 我 搶 咗 你 啲 馬 你 就 嬲 呀 ? 你 搶 咗 我 大哥 嘅 徐州 , 點解 你 又 唔 講下 , 吓 ! 點解 你 唔 講 ! 嘿 ! 看戟 ! 呂布 挺 戟 出馬 嚟 戰 張飛 , 張飛 舞起 丈八蛇矛 嚟 迎戰 , 嘻 兩個 大戰 咗 百 幾個 回合 , 不分勝負 。 劉備 怕 有 咩 疏漏 損失 啊 , 就 急急 鳴金收兵 入 城 。 呂布 呢 就 分佈 軍馬 , 將 城池 四面 圍到 實一實 。 劉備 佢 入 咗 城 , 返到 去 衙門 就 鬧 張飛 啦 : 都 係 你 , 都 係 你 ! 搶 咗 佢 嘅 馬匹 惹出 呢 一場 大禍 , 唉 ! 而家 啲 馬匹 呢 , 喺 邊 處 嚟 啊 ? 三弟 。 都 暫時 韞 晒 喺 各 間 寺院 裏頭 嚟 。 劉備 問 清楚 嘞 , 跟 住 就 叫 人 出城 去 見 呂布 , 話 情願 送還 馬匹 , 彼此 收兵 啦 噉 。 呂布 想 答應 㗎 嘞 , 陳 宮話 : 唔 好 啊 , 唔 好 啊 ! 呢 次 唔 殺 劉備 呀 , 以後 必定會 畀 佢 害 返 轉頭 㗎 噉 。 於是 呂布 就 拒絕 咗 劉備 嘅 請求 , 攻城 愈加 緊急 。 劉備 知道 唔 得 掂 喇 呢 趟 , 即刻 搵 埋 糜竺 、 孫乾 嚟 商量 。 孫乾話 : 曹操 最 仇恨 嘅 就 係 呂布 吖 。 我 哋 不如 放棄 小沛 , 去 許都 投奔 曹操 , 借兵 嚟 打敗 呂布 ,嗱, 呢 個 係 上策 啊 ! 噉 邊個 當先 突圍 出去 好 呢 ? 張飛 話 : 小弟 情願 死戰 ! 好 ! 於是 劉備 就 命令 張飛 在 前 , 關羽 在 後 , 自己 居中 , 保護 全家老小 。 當晚 三 更 時分 , 趁住 有 啲 月色 , 出 咗 北門 走人 嘞 。 行 咗 冇 遠 , 撞 正 宋憲同 魏續 , 畀 張飛 乒乒乓乓 幾下 就 殺退 咗 , 噉 就 衝出 咗 重圍 。 跟 住 張 遼 喺 後 便 追 上 嚟 , 關公 將 佢 擋住 。 呂布 見到 劉備 已經 去 咗 咯 , 亦 冇 去 追 喇 , 就 入城 安定 民心 。 然後 就 吩咐 高順 留 喺 度 鎮守 小沛 , 佢 自己 呢 就 返去 徐州 。 而家 講下 劉備 , 佢 就 趯 到 去 許都 投奔 曹操 吖 。 去 到 喇 , 佢 喺 許都 城外 扎落 營寨 先 。 然後 叫 孫乾入 城去 見 曹操 , 講明 話 因為 畀 呂布 所 逼 , 冇 辦法 , 只好 嚟 投奔 呢 處 啦 噉 。 曹操 話 : 歡迎 啊 歡迎 啊 ! 玄德同 我 係 兄弟 嚟 , 快 啲 請 佢 嚟 ! 第二日 , 劉備 就 留低 關公 、 張飛 喺 城外 , 自己 就 帶 住 孫乾 、 糜竺 入城 嚟 拜見 曹操 。 曹操 用 上賓 嘅 禮儀 接待 咗 佢 。 劉備 就將 呂布 如何 如何 嘅 事 講 晒 畀 曹操 知 。 曹操 話 : 呂布乃 係 毫無 信義 之輩 , 我同 賢弟 你 合力 去 斬 咗 佢 ! 真 係 多謝 將軍 ! 跟 住 曹操 擺酒 款待 劉備 , 一直 到 晚上 先至 散席 , 劉備 就 告辭 返去 。 劉備 一走 咗 , 荀彧 就入 去 同 曹操 話 嘞 : 劉備 係 個 英雄人物 , 今日 唔 早 啲 下手 殺 咗 佢 , 以後 必 成 禍患 㗎 。 曹操 冇 出聲 。 荀彧 見 曹操 噉 樣 嘞 , 就 告辭 行返 出去 啦 。 佢 啱 啱 走 , 郭嘉 就 嚟 嘞 。 曹操 問 : 先頭 荀彧 勸 我 殺 咗 劉玄德 , 你 睇 點呢 ? 唔 好 殺 啊 ! 主公 你興 仁義之師 , 為 百姓 除暴 鋤奸 , 就 係 靠 用 信義 嚟 吸引 天下 嘅 俊傑 , 誒 噉 都 仲怕 有 啲 人 唔 肯 嚟 。 劉玄德 嘅 聲譽 一向 都 極高 , 天下 都 承認 佢 係 個 英雄 。 而家 因為 一時 之 困難 走 嚟 投奔 主公 你 , 噉 如果 殺 咗 佢 , 係 害 咗 一個 好人 啦 。 噉 樣 天下 間 嘅 有 智有謀 嘅 人士 知道 咗 之後 , 就 會 對 主公 發生 懷疑 , 冇 人敢 嚟 投奔 主公 㗎 喇 。 然則 主公 仲靠 乜嘢 人 嚟 幫手 平定 天下 呢 ? 嘻嘻 , 誒 , 剷除 咗 一個 可能 有 隱患 嘅 人 , 而 造成 好多 有用 嘅 人才 斷絕 咗 對 主公 嘅 希望 , 噉 一安一危 唔 能夠 唔 考慮 啊 主公 。 好 啊 , 講得 好 啊 ! 你 呢 番 說話 合晒 我 嘅 心 水 喇 。 第 日 , 曹操 就 上表 畀 皇帝 , 推薦 劉備 領 豫州 牧 , 就 係 由 朝廷 正式 任命 劉備 做 豫州 嘅 最高 軍政 長官 。 豫州 即 係 今日 嘅 河南 、 安徽 一部分 嘅 地區 , 州城 呢 就 喺 而 家 嘅 安徽 博縣 嚟 。 程昱 知道 咗 , 又 走 嚟 勸 曹操 嘞 , 佢 話 : 主公 啊 , 劉備 終歸 唔 肯 居於 他人 之下 㗎 , 不如 及早 殺 咗 佢 罷 啦 。 誒 , 當前 正 係 用 英雄 嘅 時候 , 唔 能夠 因為 殺 一個 人而失 咗 天下 之心 呀 ! 呢 一點 , 郭奉孝 同 我 嘅 睇 法 完全一致 。 曹操 冇 聽 程昱 個 話 , 送 咗 三千 兵 、 一萬 石 糧食 畀 劉玄德 , 叫 佢 去 豫州 上任 。 同時 , 叫 佢 召集 返 原來 打散 咗 嘅 兵卒 , 然後 準備 進攻 呂布 。 劉備 去 到 豫州 之後 , 就 派 人 去 約會 曹操 嘞 噃。 曹操 一 得到 消息 , 即刻 就 想 親自 帶兵 去 打 呂布 嘞 。 不過 正 係 喺 呢 個 時候 , 流星 探馬 有 報告 嚟 話 張濟 由 關中 帶兵 去 攻打 南陽 , 就 畀 箭 射死 咗 。 軍隊 呢 , 由 佢 個 侄 張 繡 率領 , 用 賈詡 做 謀士 , 聯合 埋 劉表 。 佢 哋 嘅 軍隊 啊 集結 喺 宛城 嚟 , 想 興兵 嚟 攻打 京城 , 企圖 搶走 皇帝 噉 。 唉 , 噉 啊 真 係 豈有此理 , 曹操 好 嬲 啊 , 想話 興兵 去 打 佢 啦 , 之 又 怕 呂布 嚟 侵犯 許都 啊 。 曹操 諗 唔 掂 嘞 , 就 叫 荀彧 嚟 問 佢 有 咩 妙計 。 荀彧 話 : 呢 件 事 好易 解決 啫 。 呂布乃 係 無謀 之輩 , 有利可圖 佢 就 高興 㗎 嘞 。 明公 你 派 個 使者 去 徐州 , 對 佢 加官進爵 , 賞賜 多 啲 嘢 過 佢 , 叫 佢 同 劉玄德 講和 。 噉 呂布 一 高興 , 就 唔 會 諗 得 咁 長遠 㗎 喇 。 冇 錯 , 冇 錯 ! 於是 曹操 就 派 奉軍 都尉 王則 做 使者 , 帶住 皇帝 簽署 嘅 詔書 同埋 和解 信去 徐州 , 呢 啲 呢 而家 唔 講 佢 住 先 啊 。 而家 先 講下 曹操 啊 , 佢 點 起 十五萬 大軍 , 親自 去 討伐 張繡 。 軍隊 就 分成 三路 進發 , 以 夏侯惇 為 先鋒 。 噉 啊 曹操 嘅 大軍 一直 嚟 到 淯 水扎落 營寨 嘞 。 淯 水即 係 今日 河南省 嘅 白 沙河 啊 。 眼睇 住 大軍 壓境 , 賈詡 就 勸 張 繡 嘞 , 佢 話 : 曹操 兵勢 甚大 , 冇 辦法 打得 過 佢 嘅 , 不如 全部 投降 佢 罷 啦 。 張繡 見到 形勢 係 噉 咯 , 亦 唯有 係 投降 係 啦 。 就 派 賈詡 去 見 曹操 , 表示 願意 降服 。 曹操 見 賈詡 啊 , 對答如流 , 個心 好 喜歡 佢 , 想擇 埋 佢 嚟 自己 部下 做個 謀士 。 但 係 賈詡 話 : 我 過去 係 跟 從 李 傕 嘅 , 得罪 咗 天下 。 而家 跟 從 張 繡 , 佢 對 我 非常 之 信任 , 可謂 言聽計從 , 我 唔 忍心 離開 佢 。 曹操 亦 冇 勉強 佢 , 噉 賈詡 呢 就 告辭 返去 。 到 咗 第二日 , 賈詡 帶 張 繡 嚟 拜見 曹操 , 曹操 待 佢 非常 之好 。 噉 張 繡 投降 之後 , 曹操 帶領 一部分 軍隊 入 咗 去 宛城 駐扎 , 其餘 嘅 呢 就 分別 駐 扎 喺 城外 。 嗰 啲 營寨 呀 一個 連 住 一個 , 連成 十幾 里路 啊 。 曹操 入 咗 宛城 , 一住 就 幾日 , 張繡 每日 都 設宴 嚟 款待 曹操 。 有 一日 , 曹操 飲 完酒 就 有 幾分 醉意 , 返入 去 寢室 , 就靜 雞雞 問 服侍 佢 啲 人 話 : 呢 個 城裏 便 誒 有 冇 , 哎 有 冇 妓女 啊 吓 ? 曹操 有個 侄 叫 曹安民 , 知道 曹操 諗 乜嘢 嘞 , 就 哄 埋 去 細細 聲 講 佢 聽 : 尋晚 小侄 睇 見 有 個 女人 , 就 住 喺 賓館 隔籬 冇 幾 遠 嘅 唧 , 生得 好靚 㗎 。 我問 人 佢 係 邊個 啦 , 原來 係 張 繡 叔父 張 濟 嘅 老婆 嚟 呀 。 哦 ? 你 , 你 去 帶 佢 嚟 。 曹操 叫 曹安民 帶住 五十個 鐵甲 衛兵 去 接張 濟 嘅 老婆 。 好 快脆 , 就 將 佢 接到 嚟 軍營 裏 便 嘞 。 曹操 一睇 , 嘩 ! 果然 係 靚 啊 ! 就 問 佢 姓 乜嘢 。 嗰 個 女人 回答 話 : 賤妾 係 張 濟 嘅 妻子 周氏 啊 。 夫人 , 你 認 唔 認得 我 啊 ? 聽聞 丞相 個 威名 好 耐 喇 , 之 就 係 今晚 先至 有福氣 見到 丞相 唧 。 嗯 , 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 我 為 咗 夫人 嘅 緣故 , 特意 接受 咗 張 繡 嘅 投降 。 如果 唔 係 呀 , 就要 滅族 嘅 喇 ! 丞相 再生之恩 , 真 係 感激不盡 啊 ! 今晚 能夠 同 夫人 相會 , 乃 係 天賜良機 , 今晚 夫人 你 就 喺 度 陪 我 , 然後 跟 我 返去 許都 安享 富貴 , 噉 好 唔 好 呢 ? 能夠 侍奉 丞相 係 賤妾 嘅 福氣 呀 。 於是 呢 , 張濟個 老婆 周氏 當晚 就 留 喺 度過 夜 嘞 。 佢 對 曹操 話 : 如果 喺 城裏 便 住 得 耐 , 張繡 必定會 懷疑 㗎 , 而且 亦 都 怕 外人 議論 啦 。 既然 係 噉 , 聽日 就 同 夫人 出 城 , 去 我 嘅 營寨 裏 便 住 啦 。 到 咗 第二日 , 曹操 真 係 搬 咗 出去 城外 便 住 , 而且 仲 吩咐 典 韋 瞓 喺 佢 中軍 營房 外便 , 做 佢 嘅 警衛 。 其他人 等 , 冇 叫 到 就 一律 唔 准入 內 , 因此 就 內外 都 封鎖 住 晒 。 噉 曹操 就 乜 事 都 唔 理 嘞 噃, 每日 都 同 周氏 尋歡作樂 , 根本 就 冇 想到 返 許都 。 話 就 話 嚴加 封鎖消息 啫 , 之紙 係 包 唔 住 火 嘅 。 呢 件 事 畀 張 繡 嘅 家人 知道 咗 , 就 秘密 噉 去 報告 畀 張繡知 。 張繡 嬲 到 咕咕 聲 喇 , 嗯 啊 ! 曹操 奸賊 ! 噉 樣 嚟 侮辱 我 ! 於是 就 請 賈詡 嚟 商量 。 賈詡 話 : 呢 件 事 一定 要 保守機密 , 千祈 唔 能夠 洩 露出 去 。 聽日 等 曹操 出 嚟 商議 事情 嘅 時候 , 你 就 噉 噉 噉 啦 。 商量 妥當 嘞 。 第 日 , 曹操 喺 中軍帳 辦公 , 張繡入 去 見 佢 話 : 新近 投降 嚟 嘅 士兵 逃亡 嘅 人 唔 少 啊 , 請 丞相 批准 , 將軍 隊 轉移 一下 駐 扎 嘅 地方 。 曹操 同意 咗 佢 嘅 請求 。 於是 張繡 就 將 佢 嘅 軍隊 轉移 去 另外 嘅 地方 , 分 做 四個 營寨 , 秘密 噉 定 咗 起事 嘅 日期 。 要 暗算 曹操 , 首先 要 解決 咗 典 韋至 得 喎 , 事關 此人 非常 勇猛 , 好難 埋 佢 嘅 身 嘅 。 張繡 就 搵 偏將 胡車兒 嚟 商量 辦法 。 呢 個 胡車兒 好 大力 㗎 , 能夠 孭 起 五百斤 嘢 , 一日 行 七百里 , 亦 係 一個 奇人 嚟 。 咩 話 ? 一日 行 七百里 , 仲要 孭 五百斤 添 呀 , 得 唔 得 㗎 ? 呵 咩 唔 得 啊 , 梗 得 啦 唔 係 點 叫做 奇人 至 得 𠿪! 噉 當時 佢 就 同 張 繡 諗 到 條 計 , 佢 話 : 典韋至 得 人 怕 嘅 , 就 係 佢 嗰 對 鐵戟 咋 嘛 。 主公 你 聽 日 請 佢 嚟 飲酒 , 灌醉 佢 。 到 其時 , 我 就 混 埋 喺 跟 佢 嚟 嘅 軍士 裏頭 , 偷入 佢 嘅 營房 , 先不先 偷走 佢 嗰 對 戟 。 噉 樣 呀 , 此人 就 唔 使 怕 佢 喇 。 得 , 得 啊 ! 張繡 即刻 下令 準備 弓箭 、 鐵甲兵 , 同時 通知 各個 營寨 準備 行動 嘞 。 好 喇 , 到 咗 預定 起事 嗰 日 喇 , 張繡 叫 賈詡 去 請 典韋 嚟 營寨 , 大排 筵席 , 請 佢 飲酒 , 態度 呀 非常 之 殷勤 。 呢 個 宴會 一直 到 晚頭 黑先 至 散席 , 典韋 已經 飲到 酩酊大醉 。 胡車兒 就 按照 計劃 , 混雜 埋 喺 典 韋 帶 嚟 啲 衛兵 隊伍 裏 便 , 一齊 返去 曹操 嘅 大營 。 當晚 , 曹操 正 喺 中軍帳 飲酒作樂 , 忽然間 , 聽見 帳外 人喊馬嘶 。 夜 麻麻 乜嘢 事 呢 ? 曹操 就 叫 人 出去 睇 下 。 哦 , 睇 過返 嚟 報告 話 原來 係 張 繡 嘅 軍隊 夜間 巡邏 啫 噉 。 曹操 就 一 啲 都 冇 懷疑 。 到 咗 二 更 咁 上下 , 突然 聽見 營寨 嗰 便 嘈 喧 巴 閉 。 有人 嚟 報告 話 係 草車 上面 火燭 。 曹操 話 嘞 : 軍人 一時 失火 , 唔 使 咁 驚 青 嘅 ! 咦 ? 唔 係 喎 , 話 咁 快 四周圍 都 起火 喇 。 曹操 噉 就 慌 起 上 嚟 喇 , 佢 急急 嗌 典韋 啦 。 呢 個 時候 , 典韋正 係 飲 醉酒 瞓 到 噘 噘 聲 , 瞓 瞓 下 , 喺 睡夢之中 聽見 鳴鑼 打鼓 喊 殺 連天 。 一下 紮 醒 , 卜聲 跳 起身 , 咦 ? 嗰 對 戟 去 咗 邊 處 啊 ? 四周圍 咁 搵 , 搵 唔 到 。 當時 , 張 繡 嘅 兵馬 已經 衝到 嚟 轅門 嘞 。 典韋 唔 理 咁 多咯 , 將 一個 步兵 嘅 腰刀 掹 咗 喺 手 嚟 。 咦 ? 只見 轅門 口 , 正有 無數 兵馬 , 人人 都 挺住 長槍 , 爭先恐後 , 蜂擁 噉 衝入 嚟 。 典韋 奮力 向前 , 斬 死 咗 二十幾 人 。 嘩 ! 不得了 啊 ! 馬 軍 啱 啱 退 咗 , 步軍 又 嚟 到 嘞 。 兩 便 嘅 長槍 密到 好似 蘆葦 林 噉 啊 。 事關 典韋 係 飲醉 咗 酒 瞓覺 , 一 紮 醒 就 起身 出 嚟 打 嘅 , 所以 身上 一片 鐵甲 都 冇 。 佢 個 身 上上下下 總共 畀 人 㓤 咗 幾十 槍 , 之 佢 依然 死戰 啊 。 佢 嗰 把 腰刀 因為 斬 得 人 多 , 斬到 卷 晒口 , 鈍 到 唔 用 得 嘞 。 嘿 ! 典韋捩 手掉 咗 把 刀 , 然後 一手 一個 , 雙手 揦 住 兩個 軍士 捹 起 嚟 當 武器 使 , 同張 繡 嘅 人馬 打 。 就 係 噉 樣 , 畀 佢 㩧 死 嘅 又 有 八九個 人 。 嘩 ! 乜 咁 勢 洶 嘅 ? 打到 張 繡 嘅 兵 唔 敢 埋 佢 身 , 只 係 隔 遠用 箭 嚟 射 佢 , 嗰 啲 箭 呀 , 密到 好似 落 大雨 噉 啊 。 但 係 典韋 呀 , 真 係 狼 㗎 , 佢 仲 係 死守 住 寨門 。 誰知 張 繡 嘅 兵馬 已經 攻破 後 寨 入 嚟 喇 。 哎 吖 ! 典 韋 嘅 背脊 又 中 咗 一槍 , 佢 大叫 咗 幾聲 , 啲 血 噴出 嚟 流到 滿地 都 係 , 然後 斷氣 死 咗 嘞 。 佢 死 咗 好 耐 好 耐 , 仲 冇 一個 人 膽敢 喺 前門 入 啊 。 而家 講下 曹操 , 佢 係 全 靠 典 韋 擋住 寨門 , 噉 先至 能夠 喺 寨 後 上馬 逃走 。 當時 只 係 得 一隻 馬 , 人 呢 亦 只有 曹安民 一個 人 步行 跟 佢 逃跑 。 曹操 嘅 右臂 中 咗 一箭 , 匹馬 亦 中 咗 三箭 。 好彩 呢 匹 馬 好 嘢 啊 , 係 大 宛良馬 嚟 , 捱 得 痛 , 走得快 。 大宛 馬 就 係 古代 西域 大宛國 出 嘅 馬 , 大宛國 即 係 喺 今日 蘇聯 費爾干納 盆地 嚟 。 佢 哋 剛剛 走到 去 淯 水 河邊 , 張 繡 嘅 人馬 追到 嚟 嘞 。 曹安民 呀 畀 啲 兵 斬 成肉 泥 。 曹操 急急 縱 馬 浭 水 沖 過 條 河 , 啱 啱 一 上岸 , 張 繡 嘅 兵 一 箭 射 過 嚟 , 射正 隻 馬 眼 , 嗰 匹 馬 噼啪 噉 𢴈 咗 喺 地 嚟 , 危急 啊 ! 噉 究竟 曹操 點先 走 甩身 呢 ? 下次 先至講 啊 。

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呂布 啊 同 佢 老婆 嚴氏 商量 啊 , 睇 下 好 唔 好 將個 獨生女 許配 畀 袁術 做 新 抱 。 Lu Bu|ah|with|his|wife|Yan family|discuss|ah|see|if|good|not|good||only daughter|betrothed|to|Yuan Shu|as|new|husband Lü Bu and his wife Yan discussed whether it would be good to betroth their only daughter to Yuan Shu as a new bride. 嚴氏 就 話 嘞 : 我 聽聞 話 袁術 鎮守 淮南 好耐 , 兵多 糧廣 , 好快 就要 做 天子 㗎 喇 噉 。 Yan family|then|said|past tense marker|I|heard|that|Yuan Shu|garrisoned|Huainan|a long time|many soldiers|abundant supplies|very soon||become|emperor|sentence-final particle|past action particle|like this Yan said: I have heard that Yuan Shu has been stationed in Huainan for a long time, with many troops and abundant supplies, and he will soon become the emperor. 如果 大事 成功 呀 , 噉 我 哋 嘅 女 就 有 做 皇后 皇妃 嘅 希望 㗎 喇 。 if|big event|successful|sentence-final particle|then|||possessive particle|daughter|then|has|become|queen|princess|possessive particle|hope|sentence-final particle|past action particle If the major event is successful, then our daughter will have the hope of becoming a queen or a consort. 啊 係 喇 , 唔 知 佢 幾 多個 仔 呢 嚱? ah|is|particle indicating completion|not|know|he|how many|many|children|question particle|where Oh right, I wonder how many sons he has? 佢 就 係 得 一個 仔唧 。 he|just|is|only|one|son He only has one son. 咩 話 ? 就 係 一個 仔 咋 ? 哎呀 , 噉 就 快 啲 應承 佢 啦 。 what|say|just|is|a|boy|only|oh no|then|just|quickly|more|promise|him|particle What did you say? It's just a kid, right? Oh, then just quickly agree to it. 縱使 第日 唔 做 皇后 , 有個 咁 威勢 嘅 親家 , 我 哋 徐州 乜 都 唔 使 憂 啦 嘛 。 even if|the next day|not|become|queen|have a|so|powerful|possessive particle|in-laws|I|we|Xuzhou|anything|all|not|need|worry|sentence-final particle|rhetorical particle Even if one day she doesn't become a queen, with such a powerful in-law, we in Xuzhou won't have to worry about anything. 見個 老婆 噉 講 , 呂布 揸 定 主意 嘞 。 see the|wife|like that|say|Lu Bu|drive|firm|decision|past tense particle Hearing the wife say that, Lü Bu has made up his mind. 佢 出去 回覆 韓胤 , 應承 咗 呢頭 親事 。 He|went out|replied|Han Yin|promised|past tense marker|this side|marriage proposal He went out to respond to Han Yin and agreed to this marriage. 跟 住 就 好好 噉 款待 韓胤 。 ||just|very well|like this|treat|Han Yin Then he treated Han Yin very well. 韓胤 返 去向 袁術 報告 咗 佳音 , 袁術 即刻 準備 好 一份 聘禮 , 仍舊 叫 韓胤 呢 個 大媒 送 去 徐州 。 Han Yin|return|to|Yuan Shu|report|past tense marker|good news|Yuan Shu|immediately|prepare|good|a|marriage gift|still|asked|Han Yin|this|measure word|great matchmaker|send|to|Xuzhou Han Yin returned to report good news to Yuan Shu, who immediately prepared a gift and still asked Han Yin, the matchmaker, to send it to Xuzhou. 呂布 收 咗 聘禮 , 擺酒 款待 , 然後 請 韓胤 去 賓館 住落 。 Lu Bu|received|past tense marker|betrothal gift|held a banquet|entertained|then|invited|Han Yin|to|hotel|stay Lü Bu received the gift, hosted a banquet, and then invited Han Yin to stay at the hotel. 陳 宮 知道 咗 呢 件 事 , 呢 朝 早 , 佢 直筆 去 到 賓館 拜會 韓胤 。 Chan|Gong|knows|past tense marker|this|classifier for events|matter|this|morning|early|he|directly|go|to|hotel|meeting|Han Yin Chen Gong learned about this matter, and this morning, he personally went to the hotel to visit Han Yin. 彼此 行過禮 , 坐定 , 陳 宮 叫 企 喺 旁邊 侍候 啲 人行 開 , 佢 問 : each other|exchanged greetings|sat down|Chan|Gong|called|to stand|at|beside|serve|some||past|he|asked After exchanging greetings and sitting down, Chen Gong asked the people standing by to step aside, and he inquired: 係 邊個 獻 呢 一條 計 , 教 袁公 同溫 侯 聯婚 㗎 ? is|who|proposed|this|one|plan|to teach|Mr Yuen||to|arrange marriage|question particle Who proposed this plan to arrange a marriage between Yuan Gong and Wen Hou? 想 攞 劉玄德 個人 頭 係 唔 係 呢 ? want|take|Liu Xuande|person|head|is|not|is|question particle Do you want to take Liu Xuande's head or not? 韓胤 大吃一驚 : 哎呀 你 , 哎 , 仁兄 呀 , 請 你 千 祈千祈 唔 好 洩 露出 去 啊 ! Han Yin|was greatly surprised|oh no|you|hey|brother|particle|please|you|||||||go|particle Han Yin was taken aback: "Oh, you, oh, my friend, please, I beg you, do not let this leak out!" 我 又 唔 會 洩 露出 去 嘅 , 就 係 怕 呢 件 事 辦得 太過 遲 , 必定會 畀 人 哋 睇 穿 嘅 , 噉 事情 就 會 變卦 㗎 嘞 噃。 I|again|not|will|||go|particle indicating possession|then|am|afraid|this|measure word for events|matter|handled|too|late||be|people|plural marker|see|through|particle indicating possession|then|matter|then|will|change|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating past action| I won't leak it out, it's just that I'm afraid if this matter is handled too late, it will definitely be seen through, and then things will change. 噉 點好 呢 ? 請 仁兄 指教 指教 。 then|what to do|question particle|please|brother|to give advice|to give advice So what should we do? Please give me some advice. 等 我 去 同溫 侯講 , 叫 佢 即日 就 送 女 就親 , 噉 好 唔 好 呢 ? wait|I|go|Tong Wan|Hau Gong|tell|he|same day|then|send|daughter|get married|like that|good|not|good|question particle Let me go talk to Wen Hou and ask him to send the girl over today, how about that? 哎呀呀 呀 , 如果 係 噉 樣 啊 , 袁公 就 真 係 對 你 感激 不 淺 咯 。 oh no|particle|if|is|like this|way|particle|Mr Yuen|then|||towards|you|grateful|not|shallow|particle Oh dear, if that's the case, then Lord Yuan will truly be very grateful to you. 陳 宮 辭別 咗 韓胤 , 就 去 見 呂布 噃, 佢 話 : Chan|Palace|said goodbye|past tense marker|Han Yin|then|go|meet|Lu Bu|particle indicating suggestion|he|said Chen Gong bid farewell to Han Yin and went to see Lü Bu, saying, 聽講 將軍 要 將個 女 許配 畀 袁 公路 做 新 抱 , 真 係 高興 啊 。 I heard|the general|wants|to marry|daughter|betrothed|to|Yuan|Gonglu|to be|new|husband|really|is|happy|ah I heard that the general is going to betroth his daughter to Lord Yuan as a new wife, that's really great. 誒 , 唔 知 準備 幾時 成親 呢 嚱? hey|||prepare|when|get married|question particle|ah Eh, I wonder when the wedding will be? 呂布 話 嘞 : 噉 仲要 商量 下先 至定 得 。 Lu Bu|said|past tense marker|like this|still need to|discuss|||okay Lü Bu replied: We still need to discuss it before we can decide. 將軍 , 根據 古時 嘅 規矩 呢 , 從 落訂 到 成婚 嘅 期限 係 有 定例 㗎 噃。 General|according to|ancient times|possessive particle|rules|this|from|engagement|to|marriage|possessive particle|deadline|is|have|fixed rule|sentence-final particle| General, according to the ancient rules, there is a set period from the engagement to the marriage. 天子 一年 , 諸侯 半年 , 大夫 一季 , 老百姓 就 一個月 。 Son of Heaven|one year|feudal lords|half a year|nobles|one season|common people|only|one month The emperor has one year, the feudal lords have half a year, the nobles have a season, and the common people have one month. 噉 呀 , 袁 公路 得 天賜 國寶 , 好 快 就 會 做 皇帝 㗎 嘞 。 like this|particle|Yuan|public road|can|heaven-sent|national treasure|very|soon|then|will|become|emperor|particle|particle So, Yuan Gonglu has been granted a national treasure, and he will soon become emperor. 噉 而家 依照 天子 嘅 定例 呢 , 可 唔 可以 呢 ? then|now|according to|emperor|possessive particle|regulations|question particle|can|not|can|question particle So now, according to the emperor's rules, is it possible? 唔 得 啊 。 no|can|particle No, it is not possible. 噉 咪 依照 諸侯 嘅 定例 啦 。 then|just|according to|feudal lords|possessive particle|established rules|final particle Then we should follow the rules of the lords. 亦 唔 得 。 also|not|allowed That won't do either. 噉 就要 依照 卿大夫 嘅 定例 嘞 喎 , 係 嘛 ? then|must|according to|Sir Qing|possessive particle|established rules|past action particle|sentence-final particle|is|question particle Then we have to follow the rules of the ministers, right? 亦 唔 得唧 。 also|not|allowed That won't do either. 吓 ? 嘻嘻 嘻嘻 嘻嘻 嘻 , 唔 通 你 想 我 同 老百姓 一樣 咩 ? huh|hehe|hehe|hehe|hehe|not|understand|you|want|I|with|ordinary people|the same|question particle Huh? Hehehehe, you don't want me to be like the common people, do you? 唔 係 。 No. 噉 究竟 你 嘅 意思 係 點至 啱 啊 ? so|exactly|you|possessive particle|meaning|is|how|correct|question particle So what exactly do you mean by that? 將軍 , 請 你 諗 下 , 當前 天下 嘅 諸侯 互相 爭雄 。 General|please|you|think|again|currently|world|possessive particle|feudal lords|mutually|vying for supremacy General, please think about it. Currently, the lords of the world are competing with each other. 而家 將軍 要同 袁 公路 聯婚 , 你估 各路 諸侯 當中 冇 人 妒忌 㗎 ? now|general||Yuan|Gonglu|to arrange a marriage||all|feudal lords|among|no|one|jealous|question particle Now the general wants to marry into the Yuan family. Do you think none of the lords will be jealous? 如果 吉期 選擇 得太過 遲 , 聽 下 佢 哋 趁 住 良辰吉日 , 喺 半路 埋伏 定 兵馬 嚟 搶親 , 噉 你 話 如之奈何 啊 ? if|auspicious date|choosing|too|late|listen|to|they|plural marker|||good time and auspicious day|at|halfway|ambush|or|soldiers and horses|come|abduct the bride|then|you|say|what can be done|ah If the auspicious date is chosen too late, just think about it. They might take advantage of a good day and ambush troops on the way to seize the bride. What do you think we should do about that? 嗯 , 噉 你 嘅 意思 係 點好 呢 ? hmm|then|you|possessive particle|meaning|is|how to do it well|question particle Hmm, so what do you mean by that? 將軍 , 照 我 睇 當今 之計 , 唔 應承 就 乜 事 都 冇 啦 ; 既然 已經 應承 咗 , 就要 趁住 各路 諸侯 都 未曾 知道 , 即刻 將個 女 送 去 壽春 。 General|according to|I|see|current|situation|not|should promise|then|anything|matter|all|have not|particle|since|already|promised|past tense particle||take advantage of|all|feudal lords|all|not yet|know|immediately|send the|daughter|send|to|Shouchun General, in my opinion, the best course of action now is to not make any promises; since we have already made a promise, we should take advantage of the fact that the various lords do not know yet, and immediately send the girl to Shouchun. 另外 搵 間 屋住 開 , 然後 擇吉 完婚 , 噉 就 萬無一失 喇 。 additionally|find|measure word for houses|place to live|move in|then|choose an auspicious date|get married|like this|then|without any mistakes|particle indicating completed action Additionally, find a place to live, and then choose an auspicious date for the wedding, that way it will be foolproof. 啊 ! 你 噉 講 非常 有 道理 。 ah|you|like that|talk|very|has|reason Ah! What you said makes a lot of sense. 呂布 就 即刻 去 同 佢 老婆 嚴氏講 咗 , 漏夜 準備 好 晒 嫁妝 , 收拾 好 寶馬香車 , 吩咐 宋憲 、 魏續 陪同 韓胤 送個 女去 壽春 。 Lu Bu|then|immediately|go|with|his|wife||past tense marker|overnight|prepare|well|completely|dowry|pack|well||instruct|Song Xian|Wei Xu|accompany|Han Yin|||Shouchun Lü Bu immediately went to tell his wife, the Yan family, and prepared the dowry overnight, arranged the fine horses and carriages, and instructed Song Xian and Wei Xu to accompany Han Yin to send the girl to Shouchun. 第二 朝 一早 , 鼓樂喧天 就 送 咗 出城 。 second|morning|early||then|sent|past tense marker|out of the city On the second morning, the sound of drums and music was loud as they sent them out of the city. 陳 登個 父親 就 叫做 陳 珪 吖 , 當時 佢 喺 屋企 養病 。 Chan|Dung's|father|then|was called|Chan|Kwai|particle|at that time|he|at|home|recovering from illness Chen Deng's father was named Chen Gui, and at that time he was at home recovering from illness. 呢 朝 早 , 佢 聽見 外便 敲鑼打鼓 啊 奏 起 八音 , 滴 滴噠 噠 就 好 熱鬧 係 咩 嘢 事 呢 ? 就 問下 左右 啲 人 嘞 喎 。 this|||he|heard|outside|drumming and gongs|ah|||eight musical instruments||||just|very|lively|is|what|thing|event|this|just|ask|around|some|people|past tense particle|sentence-final particle That morning, he heard the sound of gongs and drums outside, playing the eight sounds, and it was very lively. What was going on? He asked the people around him. 啲 人 就將 呂布 送個 女 去 壽 春 嘅 事 講 畀 佢 聽 , 陳 珪 一 聽 就 明白 晒 喇 , 佢 話 : the|people||Lü Bu|send a|girl|to|||possessive particle|matter|to tell|to|him|hear|Chen|Gui|one|hear|then|understand|completely|particle indicating completed action|he|said The people told him about Lü Bu sending his daughter to Shouchun, and as soon as Chen Gui heard it, he understood everything. 呢條 係 疏不間親 之計 啊 , 劉玄德 危險 咯 呢 趟 ! this plan|is|not to be too close|strategy|ah|Liu Xuande|dangerous|particle indicating realization|this|trip He said: This is a plan to sever ties, Liu Xuande is in danger this time! 佢 即刻 起身 , 帶病 去 見 呂布 。 He|immediately|got up|while sick|to|see|Lu Bu He immediately got up and went to see Lu Bu despite being ill. 呂布 問 佢 : 大夫 唔 喺 屋企 休息 , 嚟 搵 我 有 咩 事 啊 ? Lu Bu|asked|him|doctor|not|at|home|resting|come|find|me|have|what|matter|question particle Lu Bu asked him: "Why is the doctor not resting at home and coming to see me? What is the matter?" 聽講 將軍 死期 到 , 特意 嚟 吊喪 啊 ! I heard|the general|death date|has arrived|specially|come|pay respects|ah I heard that the general's time is up, so I specially came to pay my respects! 吓 ? 乜 噉 講 啊 ? huh|what|like this|say|question particle Huh? What are you talking about? 前 嗰 次 , 袁 公路 送 咁 多 糧食 嚟 畀 將軍 , 係 想 殺 劉玄德 。 previous|that|time|Yuan|Gonglu|sent|so|much|food|come|to|General|is|wanted|to kill|Liu Xuande Last time, Yuan Gonglu sent so much food to the general, it was to kill Liu Xuande. 當時 將軍 你 轅門 射戟 , 同 佢 哋 和解 咗 。 at that time|general|you|the gate|shot a spear|with|he||reconciled|past tense marker At that time, General, you shot the spear at the gate, and made peace with them. 呢 次 , 佢 忽然 派 人 嚟 求親 , 查實 佢 個 本意 呢 不外 係 想要 將軍 你 個 女 嚟 做 人質 , 隨後 就 嚟 攻打 劉玄德 , 奪取 小沛 㗎 嘞 。 this|time|he|suddenly|sent|people|here|to propose marriage|in fact|he|possessive particle|original intention|this|nothing more|is|wanting|general|your|possessive particle|daughter|here|to make|hostage|afterwards|then|came|to attack|Liu Xuande|to seize|Xiaopei|particle|particle This time, he suddenly sent someone to propose marriage, but his true intention was nothing more than to take your daughter as a hostage, and then attack Liu Xuande to seize Xiaopei. 小沛 一失 , 徐州 就 危險 咯 。 Xiao Pei|one mistake|Xuzhou|then|dangerous|particle indicating realization or finality Once Xiaopei is lost, Xuzhou will be in danger. 仲 有 噃, 佢 如果 嚟 借 糧 , 誒 或者 嚟 借兵 , 將軍 你 如果 應承 佢 , 就 一定 疲於奔命 , 而且 又 結怨 於 人 , 係 嘛 ? still|have|particle|he|if|come|borrow|food|eh|or|come|borrow soldiers|general|you|if|promise|him|then|definitely|exhausted from running around|moreover|again|create enmity|towards|people|is|particle Moreover, if he comes to borrow grain or perhaps to borrow troops, if you agree to it, General, you will definitely be exhausted and also create enmity with others, right? 如果 將軍 你 唔 肯 , 噉 就 變 咗 係 唔 顧 親戚 , 甚至 會 引起 戰爭 添 。 if|general|you|not|willing|then|just|become|past tense marker|is|not|care for|relatives|even|will|cause|war|additional particle If you refuse, General, it will appear as if you are neglecting your relatives, and it might even lead to war. 嘻嘻 況且 聽講 袁術 有意 想 做 皇帝 噃, 噉 咪 即 係 造反 嘞 噃。 hehe|moreover|I heard|Yuan Shu|has the intention|wants|to be|emperor|particle|then|just|immediately|is|rebellion|particle|particle Hehe, moreover, I heard that Yuan Shu intends to become emperor, so isn't that just rebellion? 佢 如果 造反 , 噉 將軍 就 係 反賊 親屬 啦 。 he|if|rebels|then|general|then|is|traitor|relative|sentence-final particle If he rebels, then the general will be a relative of the traitor. 噉 你 就 會 不容 於 天下 㗎 嘞 噃, 嗰 陣 仲 得 了 嘅 咩 ? then|you|will|will|not tolerated|in|the world||particle indicating a completed action||that|time|still|okay|past tense marker|particle indicating possession or emphasis|question particle Then you will be unwelcome in the world, right? Is that still possible? 哎呀 ! 陳 宮誤 我 啊 ! oh no|Chan|mischief|I|ah Oh no! Chen Gong has misled me! 呂布 畀 陳 珪 一番 說話 講到 周身 冷汗 , 急急 命令 張遼帶 住 一隊 兵馬 去 追 。 Lu Bu|gave|Chen|Gui|a lot of|talking|when it came to|all over|cold sweat|urgently|ordered||with|a unit of|soldiers|to|chase Lu Bu was so frightened by what Chen Gui said that he broke out in a cold sweat and urgently ordered Zhang Liao to take a troop to pursue. 張 遼 一直 追 到 三十里 之外 先至 追到 , 就將 呂布 個 女 截返 轉頭 。 Zhang|Liao|continuously|chased|to|thirty li|outside|only then|caught up||Lü Bu|possessive particle|daughter|intercepted|turned back Zhang Liao chased for thirty miles before catching up, and then intercepted Lü Bu's daughter on her way back. 連韓胤 呢 個 媒人 啊 都 捉 咗 返 嚟 , 韞 咗 入監 , 唔 放 佢 走 。 Lian Han-yin|this|measure word for people|matchmaker|particle|also|caught|past tense marker|back|here|detained|past tense marker|in prison|not|let|him|go Even the matchmaker Han Yin was captured and brought back, locked up, and not allowed to leave. 另外 呢 , 呂布 派 人 去 回覆 袁術 , 藉口 話 嫁妝 未能 準備 好 , 等 置辦 齊全 嘞 , 就 送個 女 嚟 啦 噉 。 additionally|question particle|Lu Bu|sent|person|to go|reply|Yuan Shu|excuse|said|dowry|unable to|prepare|well|wait|arrange|complete|past action particle|then|send a|girl|come|particle|like that Additionally, Lü Bu sent someone to reply to Yuan Shu, using the excuse that the dowry was not ready yet, and that he would send his daughter once everything was prepared. 陳 珪 破壞 咗 袁術 呢 一條 疏不間親 計 之後 啊 , 佢 又 想 去 講 掂 呂布 , 叫 呂布 將韓胤解 咗 去 許都 交 畀 曹操 。 Chen|Gui|destroy|past tense marker|Yuan Shu|this|one|not closely related|plan|after|particle|he|again|wants|to|negotiate|settle|Lu Bu|to ask|||past tense marker|to|Xu Du|hand over|to|Cao Cao After Chen Gui disrupted Yuan Shu's plan to marry into the family, he wanted to negotiate with Lü Bu, asking Lü Bu to release Han Yin to be handed over to Cao Cao in Xudu. 但 係 呂布 呢 仲 係 猶猶豫豫 , 落 唔 到 決心 。 ||Lu Bu|particle indicating a question|||hesitant||||decision However, Lü Bu was still hesitant and couldn't make up his mind. 噉 誒 又過 咗 段時間 喇 , 有 一日 , 有人 嚟 報告 話 劉玄德 喺 小 沛 招兵買馬 , 唔 知 咩 嘢 意思 呢 噉 。 like this|eh||past tense marker||sentence-final particle|there is||someone|came|report|said|Liu Xuande|at|Xiao|Pei|recruit soldiers and buy horses|not|know|what|thing|meaning|question particle|like this So, eh, some time has passed, and one day, someone came to report that Liu Xuande was recruiting soldiers in Xiaopei, not sure what that means. 呂布 就 話 嘞 : 佢 係 個 軍人 , 招兵買馬 係 本 份 嘅 事 , 使 乜 大驚小怪 呢 ? Lu Bu|then|said|past tense marker|he|is|a|soldier|recruiting soldiers and buying horses|is|this|part|possessive particle|thing|use|what|to make a fuss|question particle Lü Bu said: He is a soldier, recruiting soldiers is his duty, why make such a fuss? 正 喺 度 講 緊 , 宋憲同 魏續 入 嚟 報告 畀 呂布 聽 , 佢 哋 話 : just|at|here|talking|continuous aspect particle||Wei Xu|enter|come|report|to|Lu Bu|hear|they|plural marker|said Just as they were talking, Song Xian and Wei Xu came in to report to Lü Bu, they said: 我 哋 兩個 奉 咗 將軍 你 嘅 命令 , 去 山東 買馬 , 買 咗 好 馬 三百 幾匹 返 嚟 。 I|plural marker|two|obey|past tense marker|general|you|possessive particle|order|go|Shandong|buy horse|buy|past tense marker|good|horse|three hundred|several|return|come We two have followed your command, General, to Shandong to buy horses, and we have brought back over three hundred good horses. 返到 沛縣 境界 嘅 時候 , 點知 畀 一班 強盜 劫 咗 一半 去 。 return to|Peixian|border|possessive particle|time|unexpectedly|by|a group of|robbers|rob|past tense marker|half|away When we returned to the borders of Peixian, unexpectedly, we were robbed of half by a group of bandits. 收尾 先至 探聽到 原來 係 劉備 個 細佬 張飛 扮成 山賊 噉 樣 搶 咗 啲 馬 去 啊 ! wrap up|only then|found out|originally|is|Liu Bei|possessive particle|younger brother|Zhang Fei|disguised as|bandit|like that|appearance|robbed|past tense marker|some|horses|go|sentence-final particle After finishing up, I found out that it was Liu Bei's younger brother Zhang Fei disguised as a bandit who stole some horses! 嘿 ! 呂布 聽 咗 大發雷霆 , 即刻 點起 兵馬 , 趕到 去 小沛 嚟 鬥 張飛 嘞 。 hey|Lu Bu|heard|past tense marker|furious|immediately|mobilized|troops|rushed to|to|Xiao Pei|to|fight|Zhang Fei|past tense marker Hey! Lü Bu was furious upon hearing this, immediately gathered his troops, and rushed to Xiao Pei to fight Zhang Fei. 劉備 知道 咗 , 嚇 到 死死 下 , 連忙 帶住 兵 馬出城 嚟 頂住 先 。 Liu Bei|knew|past tense marker|scared|to|die|down|hurriedly|brought|soldiers||to|hold off|first Liu Bei learned about this and was terrified, quickly leading his troops out of the city to hold the line. 噉 兩 便 都 擺開陣勢 , 劉備 出馬 話 : then|both|immediately|all||Liu Bei|took the field|said So both sides set up their formations, and Liu Bei stepped forward to say: 兄長 為 咩 事要 帶兵 嚟 呢 處 啊 ? elder brother|for|||bring soldiers|come|||question particle Brother, why have you brought your troops here? 你仲好講 ! 我 轅門 射戟 救 咗 你 一場 大難 , 你 點解 仲要 搶走 我 嘅 馬匹 吖 ! |I|the gate|shot the spear|saved|past tense marker|you|one|great disaster|you|why|still|steal away|my|possessive particle|horse|sentence-final particle You still have the nerve to talk! I saved you from a great disaster with my spear at the gate, why do you still want to steal my horses? 兄長 唔 好 誤會 啊 ! 係 , 小弟 因為 缺乏 馬匹 , 所以 叫 人 四處 去 收買 。 elder brother|not|very|misunderstand|ah|yes|younger brother|because|lack of|horses|so|asked|people|everywhere|to|buy Brother, please don't misunderstand! Yes, I lack horses, so I asked people to go around and buy some. 不過 就算 我 有 天大 嘅 膽 , 又 點敢 去 搶 兄長 嘅 馬匹 呢 ? but|even if|I|have|extremely large|possessive particle|courage|again|how dare|to|steal|older brother|possessive particle|horses|question particle But even if I had the greatest courage, how could I dare to steal your horses? 哼 ! 你 使 張飛 去 搶 咗 我 一百五十 匹好 馬 , 你仲想 抵賴 ! hum|you|used|Zhang Fei|to|steal|past tense marker|I|one hundred fifty||horse||to deny Hmph! You sent Zhang Fei to steal one hundred and fifty of my good horses, and you still want to deny it! 張飛 忍 唔 住 嘞 , 佢 挺 槍 出馬 : 你 嗰 啲 好 馬 係 我 搶 咗 嘅 , 你 而家 想點 啊 ! Zhang Fei|to endure|not|able to|past tense particle|he|brandishing|spear||you|those|plural particle|good|horse|is|I|to rob|past tense particle|possessive particle|you|now||question particle Zhang Fei couldn't hold back, he brandished his spear and said: Those good horses are the ones I stole, what do you want to do now? 張飛 你 個 圓眼 賊 ! 你 屢次 嚟 藐視 我 ! Zhang Fei|you|possessive particle|round eyes|thief|you|repeatedly|come|despise|me Zhang Fei, you round-eyed thief! You have repeatedly come to look down on me! 呂布 你 呢 個 三個 老 竇 嘅 奴才 ! 我 搶 咗 你 啲 馬 你 就 嬲 呀 ? Lu Bu|you|question particle|measure word|three|old|Dou|possessive particle|servant|I|stole|past tense marker|you|plural marker|horses|you|then|angry|sentence-final particle Lu Bu, you are the servant of those three old men! I stole your horses and you got angry? 你 搶 咗 我 大哥 嘅 徐州 , 點解 你 又 唔 講下 , 吓 ! 點解 你 唔 講 ! you|stole|past tense marker|my|older brother|possessive particle|Xuzhou|why|you|again|not||huh|why|you|not|say You took my elder brother's Xuzhou, why don't you mention that, huh! Why don't you say anything! 嘿 ! 看戟 ! hey|look at the spear Hey! Look at the spear! 呂布 挺 戟 出馬 嚟 戰 張飛 , 張飛 舞起 丈八蛇矛 嚟 迎戰 , 嘻 兩個 大戰 咗 百 幾個 回合 , 不分勝負 。 Lu Bu|raised|halberd|rode out|to|fight|Zhang Fei||brandished|eight-foot-long serpent spear|to|face the battle|haha|the two|fought fiercely|past tense marker|hundred||rounds| Lu Bu brandished his spear to fight Zhang Fei, and Zhang Fei swung his eight-foot-long spear to meet him. Haha, the two fought for over a hundred rounds, with no clear winner. 劉備 怕 有 咩 疏漏 損失 啊 , 就 急急 鳴金收兵 入 城 。 Liu Bei|afraid|have|any|oversight|loss|particle|then|hurriedly||enter|city Liu Bei was worried about any possible mistakes or losses, so he hurriedly sounded the gong to withdraw his troops into the city. 呂布 呢 就 分佈 軍馬 , 將 城池 四面 圍到 實一實 。 Lu Bu|this|then|distribute|cavalry|will|city|from all sides|surround|tightly As for Lü Bu, he distributed his cavalry and surrounded the city tightly from all sides. 劉備 佢 入 咗 城 , 返到 去 衙門 就 鬧 張飛 啦 : Liu Bei|he|enter|past tense marker|city|return|to|yamen|then|scold|Zhang Fei|sentence-final particle When Liu Bei entered the city and returned to the yamen, he scolded Zhang Fei: 都 係 你 , 都 係 你 ! 搶 咗 佢 嘅 馬匹 惹出 呢 一場 大禍 , 唉 ! ||you||||rob|past tense marker|he|possessive particle|horse|caused|this|one|disaster|sigh It's all your fault, it's all your fault! You stole their horses and caused this great disaster, sigh! 而家 啲 馬匹 呢 , 喺 邊 處 嚟 啊 ? 三弟 。 now|plural marker|horses|question particle|at|||come|final particle|third younger brother Now, where are those horses? Third brother. 都 暫時 韞 晒 喺 各 間 寺院 裏頭 嚟 。 all|temporarily|hidden|completely|at|each|measure word for buildings|temple|inside|come They are temporarily hidden in various temples. 劉備 問 清楚 嘞 , 跟 住 就 叫 人 出城 去 見 呂布 , 話 情願 送還 馬匹 , 彼此 收兵 啦 噉 。 Liu Bei|asked|clearly|past tense particle|||immediately|called|people|out of the city|to|meet|Lu Bu|said|willing|return|horses|each other|withdraw troops|final particle|like that Liu Bei asked for clarification, then immediately sent someone out of the city to meet Lü Bu, saying he was willing to return the horses and that they should both withdraw their troops. 呂布 想 答應 㗎 嘞 , 陳 宮話 : 唔 好 啊 , 唔 好 啊 ! 呢 次 唔 殺 劉備 呀 , 以後 必定會 畀 佢 害 返 轉頭 㗎 噉 。 Lu Bu|wants|to agree|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating past action|Chen||not|good|particle indicating exclamation|not||||||kill|Liu Bei|particle indicating exclamation|in the future||be given|him|harm|return|turn around|particle indicating certainty|like that Lü Bu wanted to agree, but Chen Gong said: "No, no! If we don't kill Liu Bei this time, he will definitely come back to harm us later." 於是 呂布 就 拒絕 咗 劉備 嘅 請求 , 攻城 愈加 緊急 。 then|Lu Bu|then|rejected|past tense marker|Liu Bei|possessive particle|request|siege|increasingly|urgent So Lü Bu rejected Liu Bei's request, and the attack on the city became even more urgent. 劉備 知道 唔 得 掂 喇 呢 趟 , 即刻 搵 埋 糜竺 、 孫乾 嚟 商量 。 Liu Bei|knows|not|able|handle|particle indicating completed action|this|trip|immediately|find|also|Mi Zhu|Sun Qian|come|discuss Liu Bei realized that this situation couldn't be handled, so he immediately called Mi Zhu and Sun Qian to discuss. 孫乾話 : 曹操 最 仇恨 嘅 就 係 呂布 吖 。 Sun Qian said|Cao Cao|most|hated|possessive particle|just|is|Lü Bu|sentence-final particle Sun Qian said: Cao Cao's greatest hatred is for Lü Bu. 我 哋 不如 放棄 小沛 , 去 許都 投奔 曹操 , 借兵 嚟 打敗 呂布 ,嗱, 呢 個 係 上策 啊 ! ||might as well|give up|Xiaopei|go|Xu Du|seek refuge|Cao Cao|borrow troops|to|defeat|Lu Bu|look|||is|best strategy|particle Why don't we give up on Xiaopei and go to Xudu to seek refuge with Cao Cao, borrowing troops to defeat Lü Bu? This is the best strategy! 噉 邊個 當先 突圍 出去 好 呢 ? then|who|first|break out|go out|good|question particle So who should break out first? 張飛 話 : 小弟 情願 死戰 ! Zhang Fei|said|younger brother|would rather|fight to the death Zhang Fei said: I would rather fight to the death! 好 ! 於是 劉備 就 命令 張飛 在 前 , 關羽 在 後 , 自己 居中 , 保護 全家老小 。 good|then|Liu Bei|then|ordered|Zhang Fei|at|front|Guan Yu|at|back|himself|in the center|protect|all family members Alright! So Liu Bei ordered Zhang Fei to be in the front, Guan Yu in the back, and he himself in the middle to protect the whole family. 當晚 三 更 時分 , 趁住 有 啲 月色 , 出 咗 北門 走人 嘞 。 that night|three|watch|time|taking advantage of|having|a little|moonlight|go out|past tense marker|north gate|leave|completed action particle That night, around the third watch, taking advantage of the moonlight, I left through the North Gate. 行 咗 冇 遠 , 撞 正 宋憲同 魏續 , 畀 張飛 乒乒乓乓 幾下 就 殺退 咗 , 噉 就 衝出 咗 重圍 。 walk|past tense marker|not|far|collide|just||Wei Xu|by|Zhang Fei|in a flurry|a few blows|then|drive back|past tense marker|then|then|charge out|past tense marker|encirclement I hadn't gone far when I ran into Song Xian and Wei Xu, and after a few exchanges with Zhang Fei, I managed to break through their encirclement. 跟 住 張 遼 喺 後 便 追 上 嚟 , 關公 將 佢 擋住 。 ||Zhang|Liao|at|behind|then|||coming|Guan Gong|will|him|block Then, Zhang Liao chased up from behind, but Guan Gong blocked him. 呂布 見到 劉備 已經 去 咗 咯 , 亦 冇 去 追 喇 , 就 入城 安定 民心 。 Lu Bu|saw|Liu Bei|already|left|past tense marker|sentence-final particle|also|did not|go|chase|sentence-final particle|then|entered the city|stabilized|people's hearts Seeing that Liu Bei had already left, Lü Bu did not pursue him and instead entered the city to stabilize the people's hearts. 然後 就 吩咐 高順 留 喺 度 鎮守 小沛 , 佢 自己 呢 就 返去 徐州 。 then|just|instructed|Gao Shun|to stay|at|this place|garrison|Xiao Pei|he|himself|particle indicating contrast|then|return|Xu Zhou He then instructed Gao Shun to stay behind to guard Xiaopei, while he himself returned to Xuzhou. 而家 講下 劉備 , 佢 就 趯 到 去 許都 投奔 曹操 吖 。 now|let's talk about|Liu Bei|he|then|ran|to|go|Xu Du|seek refuge|Cao Cao|sentence-final particle Now let's talk about Liu Bei, he went to Xudu to seek refuge with Cao Cao. 去 到 喇 , 佢 喺 許都 城外 扎落 營寨 先 。 go|arrive|particle indicating completed action|he|at|Xudu|outside the city|set up|camp|first When he arrived, he first set up camp outside the city of Xudu. 然後 叫 孫乾入 城去 見 曹操 , 講明 話 因為 畀 呂布 所 逼 , 冇 辦法 , 只好 嚟 投奔 呢 處 啦 噉 。 then|called|||see|Cao Cao|explain|words|because|by|Lü Bu|(particle indicating action)|forced|no|way|had no choice but to|come|seek refuge|this|place|particle indicating suggestion|like this Then he asked Sun Qian to enter the city to see Cao Cao, explaining that he was forced by Lü Bu and had no choice but to come here for refuge. 曹操 話 : 歡迎 啊 歡迎 啊 ! 玄德同 我 係 兄弟 嚟 , 快 啲 請 佢 嚟 ! Cao Cao|said|welcome|ah|welcome|ah||I|am|brothers|come|quickly|particle|invite|him|come Cao Cao said: Welcome! Welcome! Xuande is my brother, quickly invite him in! 第二日 , 劉備 就 留低 關公 、 張飛 喺 城外 , 自己 就 帶 住 孫乾 、 糜竺 入城 嚟 拜見 曹操 。 the next day|Liu Bei|then|left|Guan Yu|Zhang Fei|at|outside the city|he himself|then|||Sun Qian|Mi Zhu|into the city|to|pay respects to|Cao Cao The next day, Liu Bei left Guan Gong and Zhang Fei outside the city, and he himself brought Sun Qian and Mi Zhu into the city to pay respects to Cao Cao. 曹操 用 上賓 嘅 禮儀 接待 咗 佢 。 Cao Cao|used|honored guest|possessive particle|etiquette|received|past tense marker|he Cao Cao received him with the etiquette of a high guest. 劉備 就將 呂布 如何 如何 嘅 事 講 晒 畀 曹操 知 。 Liu Bei||Lu Bu|how|how|possessive particle|matter|tell|completely|to|Cao Cao|know Liu Bei told Cao Cao everything about Lu Bu. 曹操 話 : 呂布乃 係 毫無 信義 之輩 , 我同 賢弟 你 合力 去 斬 咗 佢 ! Cao Cao|said||is|without|loyalty|person||virtuous younger brother|you|work together|to|kill|past tense marker|him Cao Cao said: Lu Bu is a person without any loyalty, let's work together to take him down! 真 係 多謝 將軍 ! ||thank you|general Thank you very much, General! 跟 住 曹操 擺酒 款待 劉備 , 一直 到 晚上 先至 散席 , 劉備 就 告辭 返去 。 ||Cao Cao|hosting a banquet|entertaining|Liu Bei|continuously|until|evening|only then|end of the banquet|Liu Bei|then|took his leave|returned home Then Cao Cao hosted a banquet for Liu Bei, and it wasn't until the evening that they dispersed, after which Liu Bei took his leave to go back. 劉備 一走 咗 , 荀彧 就入 去 同 曹操 話 嘞 : Liu Bei|once he ran away|past tense marker|Xun Yu||to|with|Cao Cao|said|past tense marker When Liu Bei left, Xun Yu went in to speak to Cao Cao and said: 劉備 係 個 英雄人物 , 今日 唔 早 啲 下手 殺 咗 佢 , 以後 必 成 禍患 㗎 。 Liu Bei|is|a|heroic figure|today|not|||take action|kill|past tense marker|him|in the future|definitely|become|disaster|sentence-final particle "Liu Bei is a heroic figure. If we don't take action to kill him today, he will definitely become a future threat." 曹操 冇 出聲 。 Cao Cao|did not|make a sound Cao Cao did not respond. 荀彧 見 曹操 噉 樣 嘞 , 就 告辭 行返 出去 啦 。 Xun Yu|saw|Cao Cao|like that|appearance|past tense particle|then|took his leave|walked back|outside|sentence-final particle Seeing Cao Cao's reaction, Xun Yu took his leave and went out. 佢 啱 啱 走 , 郭嘉 就 嚟 嘞 。 he|||left|Guo Jia|then|arrived|particle indicating completed action Just as he left, Guo Jia arrived. 曹操 問 : 先頭 荀彧 勸 我 殺 咗 劉玄德 , 你 睇 點呢 ? Cao Cao|asked|earlier|Xun Yu|advised|I|||Liu Xuande|you|think|what about Cao Cao asked: At first, Xun Yu advised me to kill Liu Xuande, what do you think? 唔 好 殺 啊 ! not|good|kill|particle Don't kill him! 主公 你興 仁義之師 , 為 百姓 除暴 鋤奸 , 就 係 靠 用 信義 嚟 吸引 天下 嘅 俊傑 , 誒 噉 都 仲怕 有 啲 人 唔 肯 嚟 。 lord||righteous army|for|common people|eliminate violence|eradicate evil|then|is|rely on|using|integrity|to|attract|the world|possessive particle|heroes|ah|like this|still||have|some|people|not|willing|to come Your Majesty, you promote the righteous army, eliminate violence and root out evil for the people, and you attract the talents of the world with trust and righteousness. Even so, there are still some people who might not come. 劉玄德 嘅 聲譽 一向 都 極高 , 天下 都 承認 佢 係 個 英雄 。 Liu Xuande|possessive particle|reputation|always|all|extremely high|the world|all|acknowledge|he|is|a|hero Liu Xuande's reputation has always been very high, and the world acknowledges him as a hero. 而家 因為 一時 之 困難 走 嚟 投奔 主公 你 , 噉 如果 殺 咗 佢 , 係 害 咗 一個 好人 啦 。 now|because|momentary|possessive particle|difficulty|come|here|seek refuge|lord|you|then|if|kill|past tense marker|he|is|harm|past tense marker|one|good person|sentence-final particle Now, because of a moment of difficulty, he has come to seek refuge with you, so if you kill him, it would harm a good person. 噉 樣 天下 間 嘅 有 智有謀 嘅 人士 知道 咗 之後 , 就 會 對 主公 發生 懷疑 , 冇 人敢 嚟 投奔 主公 㗎 喇 。 like this|appearance|world|among|possessive particle|have|intelligent and resourceful|possessive particle|person|know|past tense marker|after|then|will|towards|lord|happen|doubt|no||come|seek refuge|lord|sentence-final particle|past action particle In this world, intelligent and resourceful people will, after knowing this, begin to doubt the lord, and no one will dare to come and seek refuge with the lord. 然則 主公 仲靠 乜嘢 人 嚟 幫手 平定 天下 呢 ? then|lord||what|person|to|help|pacify|world|question particle Then, who else can the lord rely on to help stabilize the world? 嘻嘻 , 誒 , 剷除 咗 一個 可能 有 隱患 嘅 人 , 而 造成 好多 有用 嘅 人才 斷絕 咗 對 主公 嘅 希望 , 噉 一安一危 唔 能夠 唔 考慮 啊 主公 。 hehe|eh|eliminate|past tense marker|one|possibly|has|hidden danger|possessive particle|person|and|caused|many|useful|possessive particle|||||lord|||||||||| Hehe, by eliminating a person who might pose a hidden danger, many useful talents have lost hope in the lord. This balance of safety and danger cannot be ignored, my lord. 好 啊 , 講得 好 啊 ! 你 呢 番 說話 合晒 我 嘅 心 水 喇 。 ||spoken|||you|this|time|conversation|completely fit|my|possessive particle|||particle indicating completed action Alright, well said! What you just said resonates perfectly with my thoughts. 第 日 , 曹操 就 上表 畀 皇帝 , 推薦 劉備 領 豫州 牧 , 就 係 由 朝廷 正式 任命 劉備 做 豫州 嘅 最高 軍政 長官 。 the|day|Cao Cao|then|submitted a memorial|to|the Emperor|recommended|Liu Bei|to govern|Yu Province|governor|then|was|by|the court|officially|appointed|Liu Bei|as|Yu Province|possessive particle|highest|military and political|commander The next day, Cao Cao submitted a memorial to the emperor, recommending Liu Bei to lead the Youzhou governor, which was a formal appointment by the court for Liu Bei to be the highest military and political leader of Youzhou. 豫州 即 係 今日 嘅 河南 、 安徽 一部分 嘅 地區 , 州城 呢 就 喺 而 家 嘅 安徽 博縣 嚟 。 Yuzhou|||today|possessive particle|Henan|Anhui|a part of|possessive particle|||||||||Anhui|Boxian|from Yuzhou is today’s Henan and part of Anhui, and the state capital is in present-day Bo County, Anhui. 程昱 知道 咗 , 又 走 嚟 勸 曹操 嘞 , 佢 話 : Cheng Yu|knows|past tense marker|again|walk|come|persuade|Cao Cao|past action marker|he|said Cheng Yu understood this and came to persuade Cao Cao. 主公 啊 , 劉備 終歸 唔 肯 居於 他人 之下 㗎 , 不如 及早 殺 咗 佢 罷 啦 。 my lord|ah|Liu Bei|ultimately|not|willing|live under|others|beneath|particle indicating certainty|might as well|sooner|kill|past tense marker|him|stop|particle indicating suggestion He said: 誒 , 當前 正 係 用 英雄 嘅 時候 , 唔 能夠 因為 殺 一個 人而失 咗 天下 之心 呀 ! hey|currently|right|is|using|hero|possessive particle|time|not|able to|because|kill|one||past tense marker|world||sentence-final particle My lord, Liu Bei ultimately will not be willing to be beneath others, it would be better to kill him sooner. 呢 一點 , 郭奉孝 同 我 嘅 睇 法 完全一致 。 this|point|Guo Fengxiao|with|I|possessive particle||| At this moment, we are in need of heroes, we cannot lose the hearts of the world just because of killing one person! 曹操 冇 聽 程昱 個 話 , 送 咗 三千 兵 、 一萬 石 糧食 畀 劉玄德 , 叫 佢 去 豫州 上任 。 Cao Cao|did not|listen|Cheng Yu|possessive particle|advice|sent|past tense marker|three thousand|soldiers|ten thousand|measure word for grain|food|to|Liu Xuande|told|him|to|Yuzhou|take office Cao Cao did not listen to Cheng Yu's advice and sent three thousand soldiers and ten thousand stones of grain to Liu Xuande, asking him to take office in Yuzhou. 同時 , 叫 佢 召集 返 原來 打散 咗 嘅 兵卒 , 然後 準備 進攻 呂布 。 at the same time|to call|him|to gather|back|originally|scattered|past tense marker|possessive particle|soldiers|then|to prepare|to attack|Lü Bu At the same time, he instructed him to gather the soldiers who had originally been dispersed and prepare to attack Lü Bu. 劉備 去 到 豫州 之後 , 就 派 人 去 約會 曹操 嘞 噃。 Liu Bei|go|arrive|Yu Province|after|then|send|person|to|meet|Cao Cao|past action particle| After Liu Bei arrived in Yuzhou, he sent someone to arrange a meeting with Cao Cao. 曹操 一 得到 消息 , 即刻 就 想 親自 帶兵 去 打 呂布 嘞 。 Cao Cao|once|received|news|immediately|then|wanted|personally|lead troops|to|fight|Lu Bu|past tense particle As soon as Cao Cao received the news, he immediately wanted to personally lead troops to attack Lü Bu. 不過 正 係 喺 呢 個 時候 , 流星 探馬 有 報告 嚟 話 張濟 由 關中 帶兵 去 攻打 南陽 , 就 畀 箭 射死 咗 。 but|just|is|at|this|classifier for nouns|time|Liu Xing|scout|has|report|come|said|Zhang Ji|by|Guanzhong|lead troops|to|attack|Nanyang|then|by|arrow|shot dead|past tense marker However, at that moment, a scout reported that Zhang Ji had led troops from Guanzhong to attack Nanyang and was shot dead by an arrow. 軍隊 呢 , 由 佢 個 侄 張 繡 率領 , 用 賈詡 做 謀士 , 聯合 埋 劉表 。 army|question particle|by|he|possessive particle|nephew|Zhang|Xiu|led|using|Jia Xu|as|strategist|allied|with|Liu Biao The army, led by his nephew Zhang Xiu, used Jia Xu as a strategist and allied with Liu Biao. 佢 哋 嘅 軍隊 啊 集結 喺 宛城 嚟 , 想 興兵 嚟 攻打 京城 , 企圖 搶走 皇帝 噉 。 they|plural marker|possessive particle|army|sentence-final particle|gathered|at|Wan City|come|want|mobilize troops|come|attack|capital|attempt|take away|emperor|like that Their army gathered in Wan City, intending to raise troops to attack the capital city, attempting to seize the emperor. 唉 , 噉 啊 真 係 豈有此理 , 曹操 好 嬲 啊 , 想話 興兵 去 打 佢 啦 , 之 又 怕 呂布 嚟 侵犯 許都 啊 。 sigh|like this|particle|||how unreasonable|Cao Cao|very|angry|particle|thinking of|raising troops|to|fight|him|particle|he|again|afraid|Lu Bu|to come|invade|Xu Du|particle Alas, this is truly outrageous; Cao Cao was very angry and wanted to raise troops to fight them, but was also afraid that Lü Bu would invade Xudu. 曹操 諗 唔 掂 嘞 , 就 叫 荀彧 嚟 問 佢 有 咩 妙計 。 Cao Cao|thought|not|capable|past tense particle|then|called|Xun Yu|come|ask|he|has|what|brilliant plan Cao Cao couldn't think of a solution, so he called for Xun Yu to ask him for any clever plans. 荀彧 話 : 呢 件 事 好易 解決 啫 。 Xun Yu|said|this|measure word for events|matter|very easy|to solve|only Xun Yu said: This matter is very easy to resolve. 呂布乃 係 無謀 之輩 , 有利可圖 佢 就 高興 㗎 嘞 。 Lu Bu|is|reckless|person|profit to be gained|he|then|happy|particle|particle Lü Bu is a reckless person; he gets happy whenever there is a profit to be made. 明公 你 派 個 使者 去 徐州 , 對 佢 加官進爵 , 賞賜 多 啲 嘢 過 佢 , 叫 佢 同 劉玄德 講和 。 Your Excellency|you|send|a|messenger|to|Xu Province|to|him|promote and confer nobility|reward|more|a little|things|than|him|order|him|with|Liu Xuande|negotiate peace My lord, you should send an envoy to Xuzhou, promote him with titles, and offer him more rewards, asking him to negotiate peace with Liu Xuande. 噉 呂布 一 高興 , 就 唔 會 諗 得 咁 長遠 㗎 喇 。 then|Lu Bu|very|happy|then|not|would|think|to|so|long-term|particle|particle Then Lü Bu will be so pleased that he won't think too far ahead. 冇 錯 , 冇 錯 ! no|wrong|| That's right, that's right! 於是 曹操 就 派 奉軍 都尉 王則 做 使者 , 帶住 皇帝 簽署 嘅 詔書 同埋 和解 信去 徐州 , 呢 啲 呢 而家 唔 講 佢 住 先 啊 。 then|Cao Cao|then|sent|the army|commander|Wang Ze|to be|messenger|bringing|emperor|signed|possessive particle|edict|and|peace||Xuzhou|this|plural particle|this|now|not|talk|about him|living|first|particle So Cao Cao sent the military officer Wang Ze as the envoy, bringing the imperial edict and a letter of reconciliation to Xuzhou; let's not talk about these for now. 而家 先 講下 曹操 啊 , 佢 點 起 十五萬 大軍 , 親自 去 討伐 張繡 。 now|first|talk about|Cao Cao|ah|he|how|raise|150000|army|personally|go|attack|Zhang Xiu Now let's talk about Cao Cao, how he raised an army of 150,000 and personally went to attack Zhang Xiu. 軍隊 就 分成 三路 進發 , 以 夏侯惇 為 先鋒 。 army|then|divided into|three routes|advance|using|Xiahou Dun|as|vanguard The army was divided into three routes to advance, with Xiahou Dun as the vanguard. 噉 啊 曹操 嘅 大軍 一直 嚟 到 淯 水扎落 營寨 嘞 。 like this|ah|Cao Cao|possessive particle|army|continuously|come|to|||camp|past tense particle Thus, Cao Cao's large army arrived at the banks of the Yu River and set up camp. 淯 水即 係 今日 河南省 嘅 白 沙河 啊 。 Yu||is|today|Henan Province|possessive particle|White|Sha River|ah The Yu River is today's Baisha River in Henan Province. 眼睇 住 大軍 壓境 , 賈詡 就 勸 張 繡 嘞 , 佢 話 : seeing|continuous|large army|pressing on the borders|Jia Xu|then|advised|Zhang|Xiu|past tense marker|he|said Seeing the large army pressing in, Jia Xu advised Zhang Xiu, saying: 曹操 兵勢 甚大 , 冇 辦法 打得 過 佢 嘅 , 不如 全部 投降 佢 罷 啦 。 Cao Cao|military strength|very great|no|way|||him|possessive particle|might as well|all|surrender|him|stop|particle indicating suggestion Cao Cao's military strength is very great, and there is no way to defeat him, so it would be better to all surrender to him. 張繡 見到 形勢 係 噉 咯 , 亦 唯有 係 投降 係 啦 。 Zhang Xiu|saw|situation|is|like this|particle indicating realization|also|only|to be|surrender|to be|particle indicating finality Zhang Xiu saw that the situation was like this, and he could only surrender. 就 派 賈詡 去 見 曹操 , 表示 願意 降服 。 then|send|Jia Xu|to|meet|Cao Cao|expressed|willing|surrender So he sent Jia Xu to meet Cao Cao, expressing his willingness to submit. 曹操 見 賈詡 啊 , 對答如流 , 個心 好 喜歡 佢 , 想擇 埋 佢 嚟 自己 部下 做個 謀士 。 Cao Cao|saw|Jia Xu|ah|replied fluently||very|liked|him||to include|him|to|his own|subordinates|to be a|strategist When Cao Cao saw Jia Xu, he responded fluently and was very fond of him, wanting to recruit him as a strategist in his own ranks. 但 係 賈詡 話 : 我 過去 係 跟 從 李 傕 嘅 , 得罪 咗 天下 。 |was||||||following|from|Li|Kuo|possessive particle|offended|past tense marker|the world But Jia Xu said: I used to follow Li Jue, which offended the world. 而家 跟 從 張 繡 , 佢 對 我 非常 之 信任 , 可謂 言聽計從 , 我 唔 忍心 離開 佢 。 now|to follow|from|Zhang|Xiu|he|towards|me|very|particle indicating degree|trust|can be said to be|obedient to words and plans|I|not|heart to|leave|him Right now, following Zhang Xiu, he trusts me very much, so much so that he listens to my every word, and I can't bear to leave him. 曹操 亦 冇 勉強 佢 , 噉 賈詡 呢 就 告辭 返去 。 Cao Cao|also|did not|force|him|then|Jia Xu|question particle|then|take his leave|return home Cao Cao also did not force him, so Jia Xu took his leave and went back. 到 咗 第二日 , 賈詡 帶 張 繡 嚟 拜見 曹操 , 曹操 待 佢 非常 之好 。 arrive|past tense marker|second day|Jia Xu|bring|Zhang|Xiu|come|pay respects to|Cao Cao||treat|him|very| The next day, Jia Xu brought Zhang Xiu to meet Cao Cao, and Cao Cao treated him very well. 噉 張 繡 投降 之後 , 曹操 帶領 一部分 軍隊 入 咗 去 宛城 駐扎 , 其餘 嘅 呢 就 分別 駐 扎 喺 城外 。 then|Zhang|Xiu|surrendered|after|Cao Cao|led||army|entered|past tense marker|to|Wan City|garrisoned|the rest|possessive particle|plural marker|then|respectively|||at|outside the city After Zhang Xiu surrendered, Cao Cao led a part of the army into Wancheng to garrison, while the rest were stationed outside the city. 嗰 啲 營寨 呀 一個 連 住 一個 , 連成 十幾 里路 啊 。 that|plural marker|camps|sentence-final particle|one|connected|to live|one|connected together|more than ten||sentence-final particle Those camps were connected one after another, stretching for more than ten miles. 曹操 入 咗 宛城 , 一住 就 幾日 , 張繡 每日 都 設宴 嚟 款待 曹操 。 Cao Cao|entered|past tense marker|Wan City|once he settled in|then|several days|Zhang Xiu|every day|all|held a banquet|came|to entertain|Cao Cao Cao Cao entered Wan City and stayed for several days. Zhang Xiu hosted banquets for Cao Cao every day. 有 一日 , 曹操 飲 完酒 就 有 幾分 醉意 , 返入 去 寢室 , 就靜 雞雞 問 服侍 佢 啲 人 話 : 呢 個 城裏 便 誒 有 冇 , 哎 有 冇 妓女 啊 吓 ? there is|one day|Cao Cao|||then|had|a little|drunkenness|returned|to|bedroom||asked|asked|serving|him|plural marker|people|said|this|measure word||then|ah||not|sigh|||prostitutes|ah|huh One day, after drinking, Cao Cao felt a bit drunk and returned to his bedroom. He quietly asked the people serving him: "Are there any women in this city? Are there any prostitutes?" 曹操 有個 侄 叫 曹安民 , 知道 曹操 諗 乜嘢 嘞 , 就 哄 埋 去 細細 聲 講 佢 聽 : Cao Cao|has a|nephew|named|Cao Anmin|knows|Cao Cao|thinks|what|past tense particle|then|coaxed|together|to|quietly|voice|speak|he|heard Cao Cao had a nephew named Cao Anmin, who knew what Cao Cao was thinking, so he quietly went to him and said: 尋晚 小侄 睇 見 有 個 女人 , 就 住 喺 賓館 隔籬 冇 幾 遠 嘅 唧 , 生得 好靚 㗎 。 last night|little nephew|saw|saw|there is|a|woman|then|lives|at|hotel|next door|not|very|far|particle indicating possession|place|born|very beautiful|particle indicating affirmation Last night, my little nephew saw a woman who was staying at the hotel next door, not far away, and she was very beautiful. 我問 人 佢 係 邊個 啦 , 原來 係 張 繡 叔父 張 濟 嘅 老婆 嚟 呀 。 |person|he|is|who|sentence-final particle|originally|is|surname|embroidery|uncle|surname|name|possessive particle|wife|come|sentence-final particle I asked people who she was, and it turned out she was Zhang Xiu's uncle Zhang Ji's wife. 哦 ? 你 , 你 去 帶 佢 嚟 。 oh|you||go|bring|he|here Oh? You, you go bring her here. 曹操 叫 曹安民 帶住 五十個 鐵甲 衛兵 去 接張 濟 嘅 老婆 。 Cao Cao|called|Cao Anmin|to bring|fifty|armored|guards|to||Ji|possessive particle|wife Cao Cao instructed Cao Anmin to take fifty armored guards to pick up Zhang Ji's wife. 好 快脆 , 就 將 佢 接到 嚟 軍營 裏 便 嘞 。 very|quickly|then|will|he|pick up|come|military camp|inside|then|past tense particle Very quickly, they brought her to the military camp. 曹操 一睇 , 嘩 ! 果然 係 靚 啊 ! 就 問 佢 姓 乜嘢 。 Cao Cao|at a glance|wow|indeed|is|beautiful|particle|then|asked|he|surname|what Cao Cao took a look and exclaimed, "Wow! She really is beautiful!" Then he asked her what her surname was. 嗰 個 女人 回答 話 : 賤妾 係 張 濟 嘅 妻子 周氏 啊 。 that|classifier for people|woman|replied|saying|lowly wife|is|Zhang|Zai|possessive particle|wife|Zhou|ah particle The woman replied, "This humble servant is Zhang Ji's wife, the Zhou family." 夫人 , 你 認 唔 認得 我 啊 ? madam|you||||I|question particle Madam, do you recognize me? 聽聞 丞相 個 威名 好 耐 喇 , 之 就 係 今晚 先至 有福氣 見到 丞相 唧 。 heard|Prime Minister|possessive particle|reputation|very|long|particle indicating completed action|this|then|is|tonight|only then|fortunate|see|Prime Minister|something like a sound or action I have heard that the Prime Minister's reputation has been well-known for a long time, and tonight I am fortunate to meet the Prime Minister. 嗯 , 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 我 為 咗 夫人 嘅 緣故 , 特意 接受 咗 張 繡 嘅 投降 。 um|hahaha||I|for|past tense marker|wife|possessive particle|reason|deliberately|accepted|past tense marker|name|name|possessive particle|surrender Hmm, hahahaha, I specially accepted Zhang Xiu's surrender for the sake of Madam. 如果 唔 係 呀 , 就要 滅族 嘅 喇 ! if|not|is|particle|then must|exterminate|possessive particle|particle indicating change of state If it weren't for that, my family would have been exterminated! 丞相 再生之恩 , 真 係 感激不盡 啊 ! Prime Minister|grace of saving my life|really|is|endlessly grateful|ah I am truly grateful for the Prime Minister's grace of rebirth! 今晚 能夠 同 夫人 相會 , 乃 係 天賜良機 , 今晚 夫人 你 就 喺 度 陪 我 , 然後 跟 我 返去 許都 安享 富貴 , 噉 好 唔 好 呢 ? tonight|can|with|wife|meet|is|is|a heaven-sent opportunity|tonight|wife|you|then|at|place|accompany|me|then|follow|me|return to|Xu Du|enjoy|wealth and honor|like this|good|not|good|question particle Tonight, being able to meet with my lady is a heavenly opportunity. Tonight, my lady, you will accompany me here, and then we will return to Xu City to enjoy wealth and honor. How does that sound? 能夠 侍奉 丞相 係 賤妾 嘅 福氣 呀 。 able to|serve|Prime Minister|is|humble servant|possessive particle|blessing|sentence-final particle Being able to serve the Prime Minister is a blessing for this humble servant. 於是 呢 , 張濟個 老婆 周氏 當晚 就 留 喺 度過 夜 嘞 。 so|question particle||wife|Chow|that night|then|stayed|at|spent|night|past tense particle So, that night, Zhang Jie's wife, Mrs. Zhou, stayed over. 佢 對 曹操 話 : he|to|Cao Cao|said She said to Cao Cao: 如果 喺 城裏 便 住 得 耐 , 張繡 必定會 懷疑 㗎 , 而且 亦 都 怕 外人 議論 啦 。 if|at|in the city|then|live|able to|long|Cheung Siu||suspect|particle|moreover|also|all|afraid|outsiders|gossip|particle If we stay in the city for too long, Zhang Xiu will definitely become suspicious, and we also fear what outsiders might say. 既然 係 噉 , 聽日 就 同 夫人 出 城 , 去 我 嘅 營寨 裏 便 住 啦 。 since|is|like this|tomorrow|then|with|wife|go out|city|go|I|possessive particle|camp|inside|then|stay|particle indicating suggestion or confirmation Since that's the case, tomorrow I will go out of the city with my wife and stay in my camp. 到 咗 第二日 , 曹操 真 係 搬 咗 出去 城外 便 住 , 而且 仲 吩咐 典 韋 瞓 喺 佢 中軍 營房 外便 , 做 佢 嘅 警衛 。 arrive|past tense marker|the next day|Cao Cao|really|is|move|past tense marker|outside|outside the city|then|live|moreover|also|instructed|||sleep|at|his|main army|barracks|outside|be|his|possessive particle|guard The next day, Cao Cao really moved out of the city to stay, and he also ordered Dian Wei to sleep outside his central military tent to be his guard. 其他人 等 , 冇 叫 到 就 一律 唔 准入 內 , 因此 就 內外 都 封鎖 住 晒 。 other people|wait|not|||then|all|not||inside|therefore|then|inside and outside|all|locked|up|completely As for the others, they were not allowed to enter unless called, so everything was completely sealed off inside and out. 噉 曹操 就 乜 事 都 唔 理 嘞 噃, 每日 都 同 周氏 尋歡作樂 , 根本 就 冇 想到 返 許都 。 like this|Cao Cao|then|what|matter|all|not|care|past tense particle|sentence-final particle||all|with|Zhou family|seeking pleasure|fundamentally|just|not|thought of|returning|Xu Du So Cao Cao didn't care about anything, spending every day enjoying himself with the Zhou family, completely not thinking about returning to Xu. 話 就 話 嚴加 封鎖消息 啫 , 之紙 係 包 唔 住 火 嘅 。 say|just|say|strict||only||is|contain|not|hold|fire|possessive particle It's said that the news was strictly sealed, but you can't cover fire with paper. 呢 件 事 畀 張 繡 嘅 家人 知道 咗 , 就 秘密 噉 去 報告 畀 張繡知 。 this|classifier for events|matter|by|Zhang|Xiu|possessive particle|family|knew|past tense marker|then||like that|go|report|to| This matter was secretly reported to Zhang Xiu by his family. 張繡 嬲 到 咕咕 聲 喇 , 嗯 啊 ! 曹操 奸賊 ! 噉 樣 嚟 侮辱 我 ! Zhang Xiu|angry|to|crow|sound|particle|||Cao Cao|treacherous thief|like this|manner|come|insult|me Zhang Xiu was so angry that he was fuming, saying, 'Hmm! Cao Cao is a treacherous villain! How dare he insult me like this!' 於是 就 請 賈詡 嚟 商量 。 so|then|invited|Jia Xu|to come|discuss So he invited Jia Xu to discuss it. 賈詡 話 : 呢 件 事 一定 要 保守機密 , 千祈 唔 能夠 洩 露出 去 。 Jia Xu|said|this|classifier for events|matter|definitely|must||absolutely|not|able to|||go Jia Xu said: 'This matter must be kept confidential, it must not be leaked out at all.' 聽日 等 曹操 出 嚟 商議 事情 嘅 時候 , 你 就 噉 噉 噉 啦 。 tomorrow|wait|Cao Cao|come|out|discuss|matter|possessive particle|time|you|then|like this|like this|like this|sentence-final particle Tomorrow, when Cao Cao comes out to discuss the matter, you just do it like this. 商量 妥當 嘞 。 discuss|appropriate|sentence-final particle Let's discuss it properly. 第 日 , 曹操 喺 中軍帳 辦公 , 張繡入 去 見 佢 話 : the|day|Cao Cao|at|central army tent|working||to|see|him|said The next day, Cao Cao was working in the central army tent when Zhang Xiu came in to see him and said: 新近 投降 嚟 嘅 士兵 逃亡 嘅 人 唔 少 啊 , 請 丞相 批准 , 將軍 隊 轉移 一下 駐 扎 嘅 地方 。 recently|surrendered|coming|possessive particle|soldiers|fleeing|possessive particle|people|not|few|ah|please|Prime Minister|approve|general|troops|relocate|a little|stationed|garrisoned|possessive particle|location Recently, many of the soldiers who surrendered have fled. I request the Prime Minister to approve a relocation of the army's stationed area. 曹操 同意 咗 佢 嘅 請求 。 Cao Cao|agreed|past tense marker|he|possessive particle|request Cao Cao agreed to his request. 於是 張繡 就 將 佢 嘅 軍隊 轉移 去 另外 嘅 地方 , 分 做 四個 營寨 , 秘密 噉 定 咗 起事 嘅 日期 。 then|Zhang Xiu|then|will|he|possessive particle|army|transfer|to|another|possessive particle|place|divide|into|four|camps|secretly|like that|set|past tense marker|uprising|possessive particle|date So, Zhang Xiu moved his army to another location, dividing it into four camps, and secretly set a date for the uprising. 要 暗算 曹操 , 首先 要 解決 咗 典 韋至 得 喎 , 事關 此人 非常 勇猛 , 好難 埋 佢 嘅 身 嘅 。 to|ambush|Cao Cao|first|to|deal with|past tense marker|Dian||able|particle indicating certainty|concerning|this person|very|brave||to approach|him|possessive particle|body|possessive particle To secretly plot against Cao Cao, first we need to deal with Dian Wei, because this person is extremely brave and very difficult to take down. 張繡 就 搵 偏將 胡車兒 嚟 商量 辦法 。 Cheung Sau|then|find|subordinate general|Wu Che-er|come|discuss|solution Zhang Xiu then sought out the subordinate general Hu Che'er to discuss a plan. 呢 個 胡車兒 好 大力 㗎 , 能夠 孭 起 五百斤 嘢 , 一日 行 七百里 , 亦 係 一個 奇人 嚟 。 this|measure word|Hu Che-er|very|strong|sentence-final particle|able to|carry|up|500 pounds|things|in a day|travel|700 miles|also|is|a|remarkable person|comes This Hu Che'er is very strong, able to carry 500 pounds, and can travel 700 miles in a day; he is indeed a remarkable person. 咩 話 ? 一日 行 七百里 , 仲要 孭 五百斤 添 呀 , 得 唔 得 㗎 ? what|to say|one day|walk|seven hundred miles|still have to|carry|five hundred pounds|additionally|sentence-final particle|able|not|able|question particle What do you mean? Traveling 700 miles in a day while carrying 500 pounds, is that even possible? 呵 咩 唔 得 啊 , 梗 得 啦 唔 係 點 叫做 奇人 至 得 𠿪! ha|what|not|okay|particle|definitely|okay|particle|not|is|how|called|extraordinary person|only|okay|to be Oh, of course it's possible! That's exactly why he's called a remarkable person! 噉 當時 佢 就 同 張 繡 諗 到 條 計 , 佢 話 : then|at that time|he|then|with|Zhang|Xiu|thought|of|the|plan|he|said At that time, he and Zhang Xiu came up with a plan, he said: 典韋至 得 人 怕 嘅 , 就 係 佢 嗰 對 鐵戟 咋 嘛 。 主公 你 聽 日 請 佢 嚟 飲酒 , 灌醉 佢 。 |able|people|fear|possessive particle|then|is|he|that|pair|iron halberd|only|question particle|lord|you|hear|day|invite|him|come|drink|get drunk|him The only thing people fear about Dian Wei is his pair of iron halberds. My lord, you invite him for drinks tomorrow and get him drunk. 到 其時 , 我 就 混 埋 喺 跟 佢 嚟 嘅 軍士 裏頭 , 偷入 佢 嘅 營房 , 先不先 偷走 佢 嗰 對 戟 。 at|that time|I|then|||in|following|him|came|possessive particle|soldier|inside|sneaked into|his|possessive particle|barracks|first|stole away|his|that|pair|spear When the time comes, I will mix in with the soldiers who follow him, sneak into his tent, and first steal his halberds. 噉 樣 呀 , 此人 就 唔 使 怕 佢 喇 。 like this|appearance|sentence-final particle|this person|then|not|need|fear|him|sentence-final particle That way, this person won't be a threat anymore. 得 , 得 啊 ! okay|| Alright, alright! 張繡 即刻 下令 準備 弓箭 、 鐵甲兵 , 同時 通知 各個 營寨 準備 行動 嘞 。 Zhang Xiu|immediately|ordered|prepare|bows and arrows|armored soldiers|at the same time|notify|each|camp|prepare|action|past action marker Zhang Xiu immediately ordered the preparation of bows and arrows, armored soldiers, and at the same time notified each camp to prepare for action. 好 喇 , 到 咗 預定 起事 嗰 日 喇 , 張繡 叫 賈詡 去 請 典韋 嚟 營寨 , 大排 筵席 , 請 佢 飲酒 , 態度 呀 非常 之 殷勤 。 good|particle indicating completed action|arrive|past tense marker|scheduled|uprising|that|day||Zhang Xiu|called|Jia Xu|to go|invite|Dian Wei|come|camp|large|banquet|invite|him|drink|attitude|particle for emphasis|very|possessive particle|courteous Alright, the day of the planned uprising has arrived. Zhang Xiu called Jia Xu to invite Dian Wei to the camp, set up a grand banquet, and invited him to drink, showing an extremely courteous attitude. 呢 個 宴會 一直 到 晚頭 黑先 至 散席 , 典韋 已經 飲到 酩酊大醉 。 this|measure word for events|banquet|continuously|until|late evening||until|end of the banquet|Dian Wei|already|drank to|complete drunkenness This banquet continued until late at night before it dispersed, and Dian Wei was already drunk. 胡車兒 就 按照 計劃 , 混雜 埋 喺 典 韋 帶 嚟 啲 衛兵 隊伍 裏 便 , 一齊 返去 曹操 嘅 大營 。 Hu Che-er|then|according to|plan|mixed|in|at|||bring|come|some|guards|troops|inside|then|together|return|Cao Cao|possessive particle|main camp Hu Che'er followed the plan, mingling with the guards that Dian Wei brought, and returned to Cao Cao's main camp together. 當晚 , 曹操 正 喺 中軍帳 飲酒作樂 , 忽然間 , 聽見 帳外 人喊馬嘶 。 that night|Cao Cao|right now|at|the central army tent|drinking and making merry|suddenly|heard|outside the tent| That night, Cao Cao was drinking and having fun in the central tent when suddenly, he heard shouting and the sound of horses outside the tent. 夜 麻麻 乜嘢 事 呢 ? 曹操 就 叫 人 出去 睇 下 。 night|mom|what|matter|question particle|Cao Cao|then|called|someone|go out|see|check What is going on at night? Cao Cao ordered someone to go out and take a look. 哦 , 睇 過返 嚟 報告 話 原來 係 張 繡 嘅 軍隊 夜間 巡邏 啫 噉 。 oh|read|back|come|report|said|originally|is|Cheung|Siu|possessive particle|army|nighttime|patrol|only|like that Oh, after checking, the report said it was just Zhang Xiu's army on night patrol. 曹操 就 一 啲 都 冇 懷疑 。 Cao Cao|then|one|a little|all|not|doubt Cao Cao had no doubts at all. 到 咗 二 更 咁 上下 , 突然 聽見 營寨 嗰 便 嘈 喧 巴 閉 。 arrive|past tense marker|two|watchman|so|up and down|suddenly|heard|camp|that|then|noisy|loud|sound|stop By the time it was around the second watch, suddenly there was a loud noise from the camp. 有人 嚟 報告 話 係 草車 上面 火燭 。 someone|come|report|said|is|grass cart|on|fire Someone came to report that there was a fire on the grass cart. 曹操 話 嘞 : 軍人 一時 失火 , 唔 使 咁 驚 青 嘅 ! Cao Cao|said|past tense marker|soldier|moment|accidentally fired|not|need|so|scared|young|possessive particle Cao Cao said: "Soldiers sometimes make mistakes, there's no need to be so alarmed!" 咦 ? 唔 係 喎 , 話 咁 快 四周圍 都 起火 喇 。 eh|||particle|said|so|fast|all around|all|catch fire|particle Eh? No way, it seems like the fire has spread all around so quickly. 曹操 噉 就 慌 起 上 嚟 喇 , 佢 急急 嗌 典韋 啦 。 Cao Cao|then|immediately|panic|get up|on|here|particle indicating completed action|he|urgently|called|Dian Wei|particle indicating completed action Cao Cao then panicked and urgently called for Dian Wei. 呢 個 時候 , 典韋正 係 飲 醉酒 瞓 到 噘 噘 聲 , 瞓 瞓 下 , 喺 睡夢之中 聽見 鳴鑼 打鼓 喊 殺 連天 。 this|measure word|time||is|drinking|drunk|sleep|until|||sound|||down|in|dream|heard|the sound of the gong|drumming|shouting|kill|continuously At that moment, Dian Wei was drunk and snoring loudly, in his sleep he heard the sound of drums and cries of battle. 一下 紮 醒 , 卜聲 跳 起身 , 咦 ? 嗰 對 戟 去 咗 邊 處 啊 ? 四周圍 咁 搵 , 搵 唔 到 。 suddenly|to tie|wake up|with a sound|jump|get up|huh|that|pair|chopsticks|go|past tense marker|where|place|particle|all around|so|search|search|not|arrive Suddenly waking up, he jumped up and thought, "Eh? Where did my halberd go?" He searched all around but couldn't find it. 當時 , 張 繡 嘅 兵馬 已經 衝到 嚟 轅門 嘞 。 at that time|Zhang|Xiu|possessive particle|army|already|charged to|come|Yuanmen|past action particle At that time, Zhang Xiu's cavalry had already charged towards the gate. 典韋 唔 理 咁 多咯 , 將 一個 步兵 嘅 腰刀 掹 咗 喺 手 嚟 。 Dian Wei|not|care|so|much|take|a|infantryman|possessive particle|waist sword|pull|past tense marker|at|hand|come Dian Wei didn't care about that, and drew a foot soldier's saber in his hand. 咦 ? 只見 轅門 口 , 正有 無數 兵馬 , 人人 都 挺住 長槍 , 爭先恐後 , 蜂擁 噉 衝入 嚟 。 eh|only saw|the main gate|opening||countless|soldiers and horses|everyone|all|held up|long spears|competing to be first and fearing to be last|swarming|like that|rushed in|here Oh? At the gate, there were countless soldiers, everyone holding long spears, rushing in one after another. 典韋 奮力 向前 , 斬 死 咗 二十幾 人 。 Dian Wei|with all his might|forward|slashed|killed|past tense marker|over twenty|people Dian Wei fought fiercely forward, killing more than twenty people. 嘩 ! 不得了 啊 ! 馬 軍 啱 啱 退 咗 , 步軍 又 嚟 到 嘞 。 wow|incredible|ah|cavalry|army|||retreated|past tense marker|infantry|again|arrive|arrived|past tense marker Wow! This is terrible! The cavalry just retreated, and the infantry has arrived. 兩 便 嘅 長槍 密到 好似 蘆葦 林 噉 啊 。 two|convenient|possessive particle|long gun|dense|looks like|reeds|forest|like|particle The two long spears are as dense as a reed forest. 事關 典韋 係 飲醉 咗 酒 瞓覺 , 一 紮 醒 就 起身 出 嚟 打 嘅 , 所以 身上 一片 鐵甲 都 冇 。 regarding|Dian Wei|is|drunk|past tense marker|alcohol|sleep|one|time|awake|then|gets up|out|comes|fight|past tense marker|so|on body|a piece|armor|all|not have The reason is that Dian Wei was drunk and fell asleep, and as soon as he woke up, he got up to fight, so he didn't have a piece of armor on him. 佢 個 身 上上下下 總共 畀 人 㓤 咗 幾十 槍 , 之 佢 依然 死戰 啊 。 he|possessive particle|body|all over|in total|by|people|shoot|past tense marker|several dozen|bullets|but|he|still|fight to the death|sentence-final particle He had been stabbed dozens of times all over his body, yet he still fought to the death. 佢 嗰 把 腰刀 因為 斬 得 人 多 , 斬到 卷 晒口 , 鈍 到 唔 用 得 嘞 。 he|that|measure word for knives|waist knife|because|chop|successfully|people|many|chopped until|rolled||dull|to|not|use|able|past tense particle His waist knife had been used to kill so many people that it was completely dull and couldn't be used anymore. 嘿 ! 典韋捩 手掉 咗 把 刀 , 然後 一手 一個 , 雙手 揦 住 兩個 軍士 捹 起 嚟 當 武器 使 , 同張 繡 嘅 人馬 打 。 hey|||past tense marker|measure word for tools|knife|then|one hand|one|both hands|grab|hold|two|soldiers|lift|up|come|as|weapon|use||embroidery|possessive particle|cavalry|fight Hey! Dian Wei dropped his knife, then grabbed one soldier with each hand, using them as weapons to fight against the embroidered soldiers. 就 係 噉 樣 , 畀 佢 㩧 死 嘅 又 有 八九個 人 。 ||||by|he|hit|dead|possessive particle|again|have|eight or nine|people Just like that, there were about eight or nine people who were killed by him. 嘩 ! 乜 咁 勢 洶 嘅 ? 打到 張 繡 嘅 兵 唔 敢 埋 佢 身 , 只 係 隔 遠用 箭 嚟 射 佢 , 嗰 啲 箭 呀 , 密到 好似 落 大雨 噉 啊 。 wow|what|so|momentum|fierce|possessive particle|beat until|Zhang|Xiu|possessive particle|soldiers|not|dare|approach|him|body|only|is|from a distance||arrows|to|shoot|him|those|plural particle|arrows|sentence-final particle||like|falling||like|ah Wow! Why is it so intense? The soldiers of Zhang Xiu didn't dare to approach him, only shooting arrows from a distance, and those arrows were so dense it was like it was raining heavily. 但 係 典韋 呀 , 真 係 狼 㗎 , 佢 仲 係 死守 住 寨門 。 ||Dian Wei|particle|||wolf|particle|he|||fiercely guarding|particle|village gate But Dian Wei, he is really fierce, he is still holding the gate. 誰知 張 繡 嘅 兵馬 已經 攻破 後 寨 入 嚟 喇 。 who knew|Zhang|Xiu|possessive particle|army|already|broke through|rear|fort|enter|come|completed action particle Who would have thought that Zhang Xiu's soldiers had already broken into the rear stockade. 哎 吖 ! 典 韋 嘅 背脊 又 中 咗 一槍 , 佢 大叫 咗 幾聲 , 啲 血 噴出 嚟 流到 滿地 都 係 , 然後 斷氣 死 咗 嘞 。 ah|particle|||possessive particle|back|again|hit|past tense marker|a shot|he|shouted|past tense marker||plural marker|blood|spurted out|come|flowed to|the ground|all|is|then|breathed his last|die|past tense marker|particle Oh no! Dian Wei's back was hit by an arrow, he shouted a few times, blood sprayed out and flowed all over the ground, and then he died. 佢 死 咗 好 耐 好 耐 , 仲 冇 一個 人 膽敢 喺 前門 入 啊 。 he|die|past tense marker|very|long|||still|no|one|person|dare|at|front door|enter|sentence-final particle He has been dead for a long time, and no one dares to enter through the front door. 而家 講下 曹操 , 佢 係 全 靠 典 韋 擋住 寨門 , 噉 先至 能夠 喺 寨 後 上馬 逃走 。 now|talk about|Cao Cao|he|is|completely|relying on|||blocked|gate|then|only then|able to|at|camp|behind|mount (a horse)|escape Now let's talk about Cao Cao, he relied entirely on Dian Wei to block the gate, which allowed him to escape on horseback from the back of the stronghold. 當時 只 係 得 一隻 馬 , 人 呢 亦 只有 曹安民 一個 人 步行 跟 佢 逃跑 。 at that time|only|was|had|one|horse|person|question particle|also|only had|Cao Anmin|one|person|walking|following|he|escaped At that time, there was only one horse, and only Cao Anmin was walking behind him to escape. 曹操 嘅 右臂 中 咗 一箭 , 匹馬 亦 中 咗 三箭 。 Cao Cao|possessive particle|right arm|hit|past tense marker|one arrow|horse|also|hit|past tense marker|three arrows Cao Cao's right arm was hit by an arrow, and the horse was also hit by three arrows. 好彩 呢 匹 馬 好 嘢 啊 , 係 大 宛良馬 嚟 , 捱 得 痛 , 走得快 。 luckily|this|measure word for horses|horse|very|good|particle|is|great||come|endure|able to|pain|run fast Fortunately, this horse is a good one, it is a fine horse from Dayuan, it can endure pain and run fast. 大宛 馬 就 係 古代 西域 大宛國 出 嘅 馬 , 大宛國 即 係 喺 今日 蘇聯 費爾干納 盆地 嚟 。 Dayuan|horse|just|is|ancient|Western Regions|Dayuan Kingdom|produced|possessive particle|horse|Dayuan Kingdom|namely|is|in|present day|Soviet Union|Fergana|basin|from The Dayuan horse is a horse from the ancient Dayuan Kingdom in the Western Regions, which is located in today's Ferghana Valley in the Soviet Union. 佢 哋 剛剛 走到 去 淯 水 河邊 , 張 繡 嘅 人馬 追到 嚟 嘞 。 They|plural marker|just|arrived|at||||Zhang|Xiu|possessive particle|horse and rider|chased|here|past action marker They had just arrived at the banks of the Yu River when Zhang Xiu's cavalry caught up with them. 曹安民 呀 畀 啲 兵 斬 成肉 泥 。 Cao Anmin|particle indicating exclamation|give|some|soldiers|kill|into meat|mud Cao Anmin was turned into minced meat by the soldiers. 曹操 急急 縱 馬 浭 水 沖 過 條 河 , 啱 啱 一 上岸 , 張 繡 嘅 兵 一 箭 射 過 嚟 , 射正 隻 馬 眼 , 嗰 匹 馬 噼啪 噉 𢴈 咗 喺 地 嚟 , 危急 啊 ! Cao Cao|urgently|spur|horse|river|water|rush|cross|measure word for long objects|river|||one|landed|Zhang|Xiu|possessive particle|soldiers|one|arrow|shoot|over|here|hit|measure word for animals|horse|eye|that|measure word for horses|horse|with a thud|like that|fell|past tense marker|at|ground|come|critical|ah Cao Cao hurriedly rode his horse to rush across the river, and just as he landed on the shore, an arrow from Zhang Xiu's soldiers shot over, hitting the horse right in the eye, causing it to fall to the ground, which was critical! 噉 究竟 曹操 點先 走 甩身 呢 ? like this|after all|Cao Cao|how|||question particle So how did Cao Cao manage to escape? 下次 先至講 啊 。 next time||particle Next time, I'll talk about it.

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