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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 030

喺 煮 酒 論 英雄 之後 嘅 第二日 啊 , 曹操 又 嚟 請 劉備 去 飲 嘞 。 正 喺 度 飲 緊 酒 , 有人 嚟 報告 話 滿寵 啊 去 探聽 袁紹 消息 , 已經 返 嚟 喇 噉 。 曹操 叫 佢 入 嚟 問 佢 嘅 情況 。 滿寵話 : 公孫瓚 已經 畀 袁紹 攻破 咗 嘞 。 劉備 就 急急 問喇 : 誒 , 唔 該 你 詳細 啲 講下 。 哦 , 噉 嘅 , 公孫瓚 同 袁紹 打 , 一直 都 打敗仗 。 於是 就築 咗 個 城 , 喺 裏 便 起 咗 一座 大樓 , 成 十丈 高 嘅 , 叫做 易京 樓 。 儲存 咗 三十萬 石 糧食 喺 裏 便 , 啊 準備 長期 堅守 。 但 係 公孫瓚 此人 呢 , 就 太過 唔 顧 自己 嘅 士兵 喇 。 佢 有 啲 士兵 喺 作戰 嘅 時候 , 畀 袁紹 圍困 住 , 大家 都 𠼮 公孫瓚 派兵 去 救 啦 。 之 公孫瓚 話 : 如果 去 救人 啊 , 以後 一打 親仗 , 就 係 識得 望人 去 救 , 噉 就 唔 肯 拼命 打 㗎 喇 。 於是 就 唔 肯去 救 嘞 。 因此 呢 , 袁紹 嘅 兵馬 一到 , 投降 嘅 人 就 好多 。 公孫瓚 嘅 兵力 就 越 嚟 越弱 , 派人帶 信去 許都 求救 , 點 知 喺 半路 就 畀 袁 軍 捉住 。 噉 公孫瓚 呢 又 寫信 去 畀 孫燕 , 約 佢 舉火 為號 , 裏應外合 噉 。 啊 , 誰知 送信 嘅 人 呢 又 畀 袁紹 捉 咗 喎 。 袁紹 啊 將計就計 , 就 喺 城外 放火 。 公孫瓚 仲以 為 得 計添 , 就 親自 出戰 啦 。 哎呀 , 袁紹 嘅 伏兵 呀 一齊 出 嚟 , 打 到 公孫瓚 嘅 人馬 損失 咗 成 大半 。 噉 公孫瓚 呢 , 就 趯 返入 城 死守 。 後 嚟 畀 袁紹 派人掘 咗 條 地道 , 一直 通到 去 公孫瓚 住 嗰 座 大 樓下 便 就 放 起火 嚟 。 公孫瓚 啊 搞 到 走投無路 , 就 先 殺死 咗 妻子 , 然後 自己 吊頸 死 , 全家 都 畀 大 火燒 晒 。 而家 , 袁紹 啊 收編 埋 公孫瓚 嘅 軍隊 , 聲勢 就 更 盛 喇 。 佢 細 佬 袁 術 喺 淮南 , 因為 驕奢 過度 , 一 啲 都 唔 顧念 士兵 同 百姓 , 所以 人人 都 背叛 晒 佢 。 袁術 見到 冇 晒 辦法 , 就 派 人 去 見 袁紹 , 話 願意 將 皇帝 嘅 稱號 讓 畀 袁紹 噉 。 袁紹 又 想得到 個 玉璽 呢 , 袁術 啊 應承 親自 送 去 畀 佢 , 所以 袁術 而家要 放棄 淮南 歸附 河北 㗎 喇 。 噉 如果 佢 哋 兩個 人 同心協力 , 將來 就 幾難 制服 佢 㗎 , 請 丞相 盡快 剷除 佢 哋 至 好 啊 。 劉備 聽聞 公孫瓚 死 咗 , 諗 起 往日 佢 舉薦 自己 嘅 恩情 , 就 好 傷感 。 同時 呢 , 又 唔 知道 趙子龍 嘅 下落 , 好 擔心 。 佢 諗 嘞 : 啊 , 我 如果 唔 趁 呢 個 時候 搵 個 脫身 之計 , 就 更待何時 啊 。 於是 , 佢 企 起身 對 曹操 話 : 袁術 如果 去 投奔 袁紹 , 必定 要 由 徐州 經過 。 如果 丞相 同意 , 我帶 一支 軍隊 喺 半路 截擊 佢 , 噉 實捉 到 袁術 。 好 吖 , 等 聽 日 稟奏 過 皇上 就 起兵 啦 。 第 日 , 劉備 上朝 , 當面 稟奏 過 獻帝 。 曹操 就 落 命令 , 叫 劉備 總督 五萬 人馬 , 又 派 咗 朱靈 、 路昭 兩個 同埋 一齊 出征 。 當 劉備 辭別 獻帝 嘅 時候 呀 , 獻帝 流住 眼淚 送行 啊 。 噉 劉備 一返 到 住宅 , 喇喇聲 收拾 軍器 鞍馬 , 掛 咗 將軍 印 , 催促 住 起程 。 董承 呢 一直 趕到 去 十里長亭 送別 。 劉備 話 : 國舅 你 忍耐 下 。 我 呢 次 出去 , 一定 有所 作 為 嘅 , 請 你 放心 。 啊 , 玄德公 , 一切 務必 多多 留意 , 唔 好 辜負 主 上 嘅 心意 啊 。 講完 兩個 就 分別 嘞 。 一路行 , 關羽 、 張飛 就問 劉備 : 兄長 呢 次 出征 , 因乜事 咁 慌忙 噉 呢 ? 你 哋 知 唔 知 啊 , 我 本來 就 好似 籠中鳥 網中魚 啊 。 呢 一次 出征 , 就 好比 魚入 大海 、 鳥上 青天 , 冇 人 攔得 住 我 咯 。 因此 呢 , 劉備 就 叫 關羽 、 張飛 , 催促 朱靈 、 路 昭 嘅 軍馬 快 啲 行 。 噉 啊當 其時 呢 , 郭嘉同 程昱 就 外出 審核 錢糧 就 剛剛 返到 許都 。 一 知道 曹操 已經 派 咗 劉備 進兵 徐州 唄 , 慌忙 去 見 曹操 話 : 丞相 你 為 咩 事要 劉備 帶兵 出去 啊 ? 哦 , 就 係 要 佢 去 截擊 袁術 咋 嘛 。 程昱 話 嘞 : 往日 , 劉備 做 豫州 牧 嗰 陣 , 我 哋 勸 丞相 你 殺 咗 佢 。 但 係 丞相 唔 聽 , 今日 仲 將軍 隊交 畀 佢 添 , 直情 係 放龍入海 縱虎歸山 喇 。 以後 想 管 佢 呀 仲 得 咩 ? 郭嘉 又 話 : 丞相 縱然 唔 殺 劉備 , 亦 唔 應當 畀 佢 出去 𠿪。 古人 有話 : 一日 縱容 敵人 係 萬世之 患 啊 , 希望 丞相 考慮 。 嗯 , 你 哋 講得 有 道理 ! 曹操 於是 啊 叫 許褚帶 五百 兵馬 去 追 , 務必 要 追 劉備 返轉 嚟 噉 。 許褚 接受 咗 命令 就 出發 嘞 。 好 嘞 , 劉備 正 喺 度 行進 緊 , 只見 後 便 塵頭 驟起 啊 , 佢 就 對 關羽 、 張飛 話 : 實 係 曹兵 追緊 嚟 嘞 。 劉備 立即 下令 安營 , 叫 關羽 、 張飛 揸 住 兵器 , 企 喺 兩 便 啊 等 曹 兵 嚟 。 許褚一 嚟 到 , 咦 , 見到 軍容 嚴肅 齊整 噃, 就 落馬 入營 , 去 見 劉備 。 劉備 問 佢 : 許公 嚟 呢 處 有 咩 事 呢 ? 奉 丞相 嘅 命令 , 特意 嚟 請 將軍 返去 有事 商量 。 將 在外 , 軍命 有所 不 受 。 我 朝見 過 皇上 , 又 得到 過 丞相 嘅 指示 嘞 , 而家並 冇 咩 事要 商量 嘅 嘞 。 請 許公 你 返去 , 代 我 稟覆 丞相 。 許褚一 諗 : 丞相 一向 同 佢 都 咁 好 , 而家 又 冇 叫 我 嚟 同 佢 哋 廝殺 , 不如 就 將 佢 先頭 講 啲 說話 回覆 上去 , 等 丞相 定奪 就 係 喇 。 於是 許褚同 劉備 告辭 咗 就 帶兵 返扯 啦 。 返到 去 , 將 劉備 啲 說話 照樣 講 畀 曹操 聽 。 曹操 猶猶豫豫 下 唔 到 決心 。 程昱 同 郭嘉 就 話 嘞 : 劉備 唔 肯回 兵 , 可知 佢 個 心 呀 已 經變 咗 喇 。 曹操 話 : 我 有 朱靈 同路 昭 兩個 人 喺 佢 嗰 處 , 我 睇 , 玄德 未必 敢 變心 嘅 。 何況 我 既然 已經 派 咗 佢 出兵 咯 , 又點 好 反悔 呢 ? 算啦 。 噉 樣 曹操 呢 就 唔 再 派兵 去 追 劉備 嘞 。 哈哈 , 曹操 噉 樣諗法 就益 晒 劉備 咯 , 真 係 撞破 鐵籠 逃 虎豹 啊 , 頓 開金 鎖走 蛟龍 。 噉 啊 嗰 位 西涼 太守 馬騰 啊 , 佢 見到 劉備 已經 去 咗 。 噉 啊 啱 啱 邊境 嘅 敵情 又 緊急 , 所以 佢 呢 亦 趕 返 去 西涼州 。 呢 啲 就 暫時 放落 唔 講 佢 住 嘞 。 而家 講返 劉備 。 佢 率領 大軍 到達 徐州 。 徐州 刺史 車胄 就 出城 嚟 迎接 啦 。 當日 , 舉行 咗 盛大 嘅 歡迎宴會 , 孫乾 、 糜竺 等等 都 嚟 參見 。 散 咗 席 之後 , 劉備 就 返 屋企 探望 家人 。 同時 呢 , 就 派 人 去 探聽 袁 術 嘅 消息 。 過 咗 好幾日 , 探子 返 嚟 報告 話 袁術 因為 太過 奢侈 嘞 , 雷薄 、 陳 蘭 都 投奔 咗 去 嵩山 。 而家 袁 術 嘅 勢力 已經 十分 薄弱 。 就 寫信 畀 袁紹 , 情願 讓 皇帝 稱號 畀 佢 , 袁紹 就 派 人 叫 袁術 去 佢 處 。 所以 而家 袁術 呢 , 已經 收拾 好 人馬 , 宮廷 御用 嘅 物件 等等 , 嚟 緊 徐州 嘞 。 劉備 知道 袁術 就 到 唄 , 就 帶 住 關羽 、 張飛 、 朱靈 、 路昭 , 率領 五萬 人馬 出 嚟 等候 嘞 噃。 呢 一日 , 遇 啱 袁 術 嘅 先鋒 紀靈 嚟 喇 。 張飛 呀 , 噏 多句 都 嫌 嘥 氣 啊 , 一句 話 都 唔 講就 直取 紀靈 。 鬥 咗 唔 到 十個 回合 , 張飛 大喝一聲 : 吖 ! 就 將紀靈 刺死 喺 馬 下 。 嗰 班 敗兵 呀 猛 咁 趯 啊 。 跟 住 袁術 自己 帶兵 嚟 鬥過 嘞 。 劉備 就 分兵 三路 , 朱靈 、 路昭 在 左 , 關羽 、 張飛 在 右 , 劉備 親自 帶兵 居中 。 兩 軍 對陣 , 劉備 勒馬 企 喺 門 旗 底下 就 痛罵 袁術 : 嘿 ! 你 大逆不道 ! 我 今日 奉 皇上 命令 嚟 討伐 你 ! 你 趕快 束手 投降 , 免 你 死罪 啦 ! 袁術 就 鬧 返 轉頭 咯 喎 : 吖 吖 呸 ! 你 呢 個織席 打 草鞋 嘅 家伙 , 你 居然 敢 睇 小 我 ? 袁術將 馬鞭 一拂 , 就 指揮 人馬 殺 過去 。 劉備 命令 中軍 暫時 退後 , 等 左右兩 軍 殺出 嚟 。 嘩 ! 厲害 咯 。 當堂 殺到 袁 術 嘅 人馬 屍橫遍野 亦 血流成河 。 嗰 啲 兵卒 開小差 逃亡 嘅 呢 計 都 計 唔 掂 咁 多 。 袁術 就 衰開 有頭 有 路 噃。 佢 打輸 咗 冇 幾耐 之後 , 又 畀 趯 咗 去 嵩山 嘅 雷 薄 、 陳 蘭 劫走 晒 啲 錢糧 草料 。 噉 啊 想 返去 壽春 啦 , 點知 又 畀 一大群 賊 佬 襲擊 。 去 又 唔 去 得 , 返 又 唔 返得 , 就 唯有 住 喺 江 亭 呢 笪 地方 。 當時 呢 , 袁術 只 係 剩 返千零人 , 都 係 啲 老弱殘兵 。 季節 又 撞 啱 大熱天 噃, 糧食 已經 冇 晒 嘞 , 只 係 剩得 三十 石麥 , 就 全部 愛 嚟 分 畀 軍士 。 袁 術 嘅 家人 冇 得 食 啊 , 都 唔 知 餓死 咗 幾多 人 。 呢 一日 , 袁術 啊 嫌 啲 飯 粗 嚡, 好難 入口 , 就 叫 個 廚師 攞 啲 蜜糖 水 嚟 解下 渴 啦 。 個 廚師 話 : 血水 就 有 啫 , 邊度 有 蜜水 吖 ? 吓 ? 啊 ! 啊 —— 啊 ! 袁術 坐 喺 張 床 處 , 大叫 一聲 ,𢴈 喺 地下 嚟 , 吐 咗 成斗血 啊 , 誒 噉 就 死 咗 嘞 。 當 其時 , 正 係 建安 四年 六月 , 即 係 公元 一九九 年 啊 。 噉 袁術 死 咗 之後 呢 , 佢 個 侄 袁 胤 帶 住 袁 術 嘅 棺材 , 妻子 就 走 咗 去 廬江 , 畀 徐 璆 將 佢 哋 冚𠾴唥 殺死 晒 。 同時 搶到 個 玉璽 , 噉 佢 就 走 嚟 許都 將個 玉璽 獻 畀 曹操 。 曹操 歡喜 到極 喇 , 封徐 璆 做 高陵 太守 。 噉 啊 從此 之後 , 玉璽 就 歸 咗 曹操 嘞 。 劉備 知道 袁術 已經 死 咗 , 就 寫份 表章 申奏 朝廷 。 又 寫封信 畀 曹操 , 叫 朱靈 、 路昭返 去 許都 。 噉 至於 啲 人馬 呢 , 對 唔 住 喇 就 全部 留低 嚟 守衛 徐州 。 呢 啲 安排 好 之後 , 劉備 就 親自 出 城 , 去 號召 嗰 啲 逃亡 出外 嘅 人 返 嚟 , 叫 佢 哋 安居樂業 。 噉 啊 朱靈 同路 昭返 到 許都 , 報告 畀 曹操 聽 , 話 劉備 將 全部 兵馬 留低 晒 喇 噉 。 嘿 曹操 發火 嘞 , 要 殺 咗 佢 哋 兩個 。 荀彧 啊 勸 佢 話 : 兵權 喺 劉備 嘅 手上 , 佢 哋 兩個 亦 無可奈何 嘅 。 曹操 啊 聽 佢 勸 喎 , 免 咗 佢 哋 罪 。 荀彧 跟 住 就 向 曹操 獻計 , 叫 曹操 啊 , 寫封 密信 畀 徐州 刺史 車胄 , 命令 車胄 想 辦法 就近 殺 咗 劉備 。 曹操 呢 趟 下決心 喇 , 一 於 照辦 。 暗中 派 咗 個人 , 將呢 個 決定 講 咗 畀 車胄 知 。 車胄 啊 即刻 嚟 請 陳 登 商量 點樣 落手 嘞 噃。 陳 登話 嘞 , 呢 件 事易 到極 啦 。 嗱, 而家 劉備 出 咗 城去 號召 啲 老百姓 返 嚟 呀 。 佢 好 快 就 會 返 徐州 㗎 喇 。 噉 將軍 你 啊 預先 叫 一班 軍士 , 埋伏 喺 城門 外 嘅 瓮城 邊 嚟 , 等 劉備 馬 到 , 一刀斬 咗 佢 。 我 呢 , 就 喺 城樓 上 叫 弓箭手 射住 佢 哋 嘅 後軍 , 噉 就 乜 都 做 妥 晒 啦 嘛 。 車胄 噉 就 聽 晒 佢 嘞 喎 , 哈哈 , 點 知道 , 陳 登 係 忠於 劉備 𠺢 嘛 。 佢 呢 頭 告辭 咗 車胄 , 嗰 頭 就 返 屋企 , 將呢 件 事講 畀 佢 父親 陳 珪 聽 。 陳 珪 吩咐 佢 即刻 去 報 畀 劉備知 , 陳 登 飛馬 去 報信 啦 。 喺 半路 就 撞 正 關羽 同 張飛 , 就講 畀 佢 哋 聽話 如此 如此 噉 。 原來 呢 , 呢 次 係 關羽 、 張飛 返先 , 劉備 仲 喺 後 便 。 張飛 一聽 , 即刻 就 話 要 去 打過 , 關雲長 話 : 唔 得 。 佢 哋 埋伏 喺 瓮城 邊 嚟 等 我 哋 , 我 哋 就 噉 去 必定 輸 。 我 有 一條 計 , 可以 殺 車胄 。 點呢 ? 二哥 。 我 哋 喺 夜晚 , 扮成 曹 軍 噉 樣去 到 徐州 , 引 車胄 出 嚟 迎接 , 一下 突然襲擊 就 殺 咗 佢 。 好計 啊 二哥 , 就 噉 做 啦 ! 因 為 佢 哋 而 家 帶 緊 嘅 軍隊 啊 , 原來 就 係 曹操 嘅 人馬 嚟 嘅 , 所以 咩 旗號 啊 衣甲 啊 都 係 一樣 款式 。 好 喇 , 當晚 三 更 , 佢 哋 嚟 到 徐州 城邊 叫門 嘞 。 城樓 上問 係 咩 人馬 。 下 便 就 應話 係 曹丞相 派 嚟 嘅 張文遠 嘅 人馬 噉 。 啲 人 就 去 報 畀 車胄 知 , 車胄 急急 又 請 陳 登 嚟 商量 。 佢 話 : 如果 唔 開門 迎接 , 就 怕 文遠 疑心 唔 高興 。 之 如果 出去 迎接 呢 , 又 怕 唔 知會 唔 會 係 敵人 嘅 詭計 噃。 諗 一 諗 , 咪 嘞 , 車胄 行上 城樓 答 復 下 便 話 : 夜晚 黑 麻麻 睇 唔 清楚 , 難以 分辨 , 等 天光 先至 相見 啦 。 噉 城下 又 嗌 嘞 : 就 係 怕 畀 劉備 知道 啊 , 快 啲 開門 啦 ! 車胄 個心 十五 十六 猶豫不定 , 而 城外 呢 就 㗾㗾 聲大 嗌 開門 。 車胄 冇 辦法 嘞 , 只好 披掛 上馬 , 帶住 一千 人 馬出城 。 佢 一 跑 過 吊橋 就 大聲 話 : 文 遠 喺 邊 處 啊 ? 文 遠 喺 邊 處 啊 ? 喺 火光 掩映 之中 , 只見 關雲長 手提 大刀 , 縱 馬直衝 過 嚟 。 大喝一聲 : 你 個 匹夫 ! 居然 斗膽 想 用 詭計 嚟 害 我 兄長 係 嘛 ! 嘩 ! 乜 係 關雲長 呀 ! 嚇 到 車胄 面都青 埋 , 打 咗 幾個 回合 頂 唔 順 嘞 , 撥轉 馬頭 就 趯 返 扯 。 等 佢 跑 到 去 吊橋 邊 , 弊 ! 城樓 上 陳 登 亂箭 射落 嚟 。 死 啊 ! 車胄 搏命 繞 住 城 走 , 關雲長 追上去 手起 一刀 , 將 車胄 斬 咗 落馬 。 然後 割 咗 佢 個 首級 , 揸 住 喺 手 嚟 , 返到 去 城門口 對住 城上 大聲 嗌 話 : 反賊 車胄 已經 畀 我 殺 咗 嘞 。 你 哋 大家 都 係 冇 罪 嘅 , 投降 免死 ! 嘿 呀 ! 嗰 班 兵卒 呀 一 聽見 話 投降 免死唄 , 即刻 掉 低 啲 兵器 投降 啦 , 噉 樣 就 軍民 都 平安 嘞 。 喂 打 得 嚟 天光 嘞 噃, 關雲長 攞 住 車胄 個人 頭去 接 劉備 。 講 畀 佢 聽 , 話 車胄 要 謀害 佢 , 而家 已經 斬 咗 車胄 喇 噉 。 劉備 大吃一驚 啊 : 啊 , 啊 噉 如果 曹操 嚟 到 , 我 哋 點算 好 啊 ? 到 時 , 由 小弟 同 張飛 去 迎戰 。 唉 , 劉備 呀 , 心悒 到 不得了 , 都 冇 辦法 啦 , 唔 做 都 做 咗 嘞 。 佢 入 徐州 嘅 時候 呀 , 啲 老百姓 , 跪 晒 喺 路邊 迎接 佢 喎 。 劉備 返到 屋企 , 就 去 搵 張飛 嚟 。 哈 , 原 嚟 張飛 仲做 得絕 , 已經 將 車胄 全家 殺 清光 。 劉備 話 : 哎呀 , 殺 咗 曹操 心腹 之 人 , 佢 點 肯 罷休 㗎 。 陳 登 就 話 : 我 有 個 辦法 , 可以 打退 曹操 嘅 。 曹操 最怕 就 係 袁紹 吖 。 袁紹 虎踞 冀 、 青 、 幽 、 並 幾個 郡 , 擁有 百 萬軍 兵 , 文官 武將 極 多 。 而家 , 何不 寫封信 派 人 去 佢 處 求救 呢 ? 不過 噉 喎 , 袁紹 一向 同 我 都 冇 來往 嘅 。 而家 又 新 新 攻破 咗 佢 個 細 佬 , 噉 佢 點 肯 幫 我 哋 呢 ? 玄德公 , 有 一個 人 就 喺 徐州 嚟 , 佢 同 袁紹 係 三世 通家 , 如果 得 佢 寫 一封信 畀 袁紹 , 袁紹 必定 肯 嚟 幫助 嘅 。 你 講 嘅 係 邊個 啊 ? 呢 個人 , 玄德公 你 平日 都 係 十分 敬重 , 乜 噉 都 唔 記得 呀 ? 哦 ! 你 講 嘅 係 鄭玄 鄭康成 先生 係 嘛 ? 冇 錯 喇 。 原來 呢 個 鄭康成 啊 , 單名 一個 玄字 , 鄭玄 。 佢 呢 個人 博學多才 。 啊 連 佢 屋企 嘅 婢女 啊 , 都 係 熟讀 詩經 , 用 詩經 裏 便 嘅 詞句 嚟 互相 取笑 都 得 嘅 , 呵呵 。 噉 啊 佢 喺 漢桓帝 嘅 朝代 呢 , 佢 嘅 官職 就 已經 做到 尚書 㗎 嘞 。 後來 因為 十常 侍 嘅 變亂 , 佢 就 連 官 都 冇 做 , 隱居 喺 徐州 嚟 。 當年 劉備 喺 涿 郡 嘅 時候 呢 , 就 曾經 拜 佢 為 師 。 及至 劉備 做 咗 徐州 牧 , 更 係 時時 都 登門 請教 , 敬重 到極 㗎 嘞 。 噉 當時 一經 陳 登 提醒 啊 , 劉備 就 諗 起 咗 鄭玄 。 係 噃, 佢 真 係 高興 喇 。 即刻 就 同 陳 登去 鄭玄 屋企 , 求 佢 寫封信 畀 袁紹 。 鄭玄 就 非常 爽快 噉 就 應承 咗 咯 , 寫 咗 封信 交 畀 劉備 。 於是 劉備 就 派 孫乾 日夜兼程 , 趕快 送信 去 畀 袁紹 嘞 。 袁紹 接到 信 , 睇 完 佢 就 諗 嘞 : 劉備 消滅 咗 我 細佬 , 本來 係 唔 應該 去 幫 佢 。 但 係 鄭尚書 開到 聲 , 唔 去 救 佢 就 唔 好 吖 。 於是 袁紹 聚集 文武 官員 , 一齊 嚟 商量 興兵 攻打 曹操 嘅 事 。 但 係 佢 部下 嗰 班 謀士 啊 , 好似 田豐 吖 、 沮授 啊 、 審配 呀 、 郭圖 啊 噉 呢 就 意見 不 一 。 有 啲 認為 年 年 咁 打仗 , 老百姓 都 辛苦 喇 。 儲存 嘅 糧食 又 無多 , 就 唔 應該 興師 動眾 去 大 打 嘞 。 不如 逐步 擴張 , 穩扎 穩打 , 用 三年 嘅 時間 嚟 奪取 勝利 。 而 另 一種 意見 呢 , 就 認為 袁紹 今天 嘅 勢力 咁 強大 , 興兵 去 打 曹操 , 取勝 係 易如反掌 嘅 , 就 何必 拖延 時日 呢 ? 應該 接受 鄭尚書 嘅 意見 , 幫 劉備 手 , 剿滅 曹操 , 就 上合 天意 下合 民情 喇 噉 。 幾個 人 爭論 來 爭論 去 , 袁紹亦 揸 唔 定 主意 。 呢 個 時候 , 許攸同 荀 諶 嚟 到 嘞 。 袁紹 就 話 嘞 : 佢 兩個 見識 多 , 睇 下 佢 哋 點 主張 啦 。 就 問 佢 哋 兩個 話 : 鄭尚書 有信 嚟 畀 我 , 叫 我 起兵 去 幫助 劉備 , 攻打 曹操 。 你 哋 話 起兵 啱 呢 ? 定 唔 起兵 啱 呢 ? 佢 兩個 一齊 回答 話 : 明公以 多 打少 , 以 強攻 弱 , 討伐 漢賊 , 扶持 皇室 , 起兵 係 啱 嘅 。 多 咗 呢 兩個 參謀 表示 話 要 起兵 唄 , 袁紹 就 話 嘞 : 你 兩個 所講 嘅 合 晒 我 嘅 心 水 啊 。 就 具體 商量 點樣 起兵 . 袁紹 就 叫 孫乾返 去 回覆 鄭玄 先 . 同時 呢 約定 劉玄德 , 準備 接應 . 跟 住 , 佢 命令 審配 、 逢紀 做統 軍 , 田豐 、 荀 諶 、 許攸做 謀士 , 顏良 、 文丑 做 將軍 , 出動 馬 軍 十五萬 , 步兵 十五萬 , 總共 精兵 三十萬 啊 , 直向 黎陽 進發 . 黎陽 呢 , 喺 許都 嘅 北 便 嚟 , 即 係 今日 河南省 浚縣 嘅 東南方 . 吖 安排 妥當 之後 , 郭圖 對 袁紹 就 建議 話 : 明公 呢 次 討伐 曹操 , 必須 將 曹操 歷年來 所 做 嘅 壞事 列舉 出 嚟 , 寫 一篇 檄文 , 通告 全國 各郡 , 聲討 佢 嘅 罪惡 , 噉 先至 名正言順 喎 . 呢 個 係 好 主意 嚟 啊 ! 袁紹 接納 咗 郭 圖 嘅 建議 , 就 命令 書記 陳 琳 起草 呢 一篇 檄文 . 噉 啊 何謂 檄文 呢 ? 檄文 就 係 古時 官府 用 嚟 征召 、 宣佈 或者 聲討 嘅 文書 。 尤其 是 係 要 打仗 嘞 , 就 先發 一篇 檄文 , 聲討 敵人 嘅 罪行 , 講明 自己 出兵 嘅 原因 , 噉 啊 使 到 師出有名 , 振奮 威風 。 呢 個 陳 琳 啊 , 字 孔璋 , 佢 嘅 才學 一向 都 好 出名 嘅 。 喺 漢靈帝 嘅 朝代 呢 , 佢 喺 朝廷 嘅 官職 係 主簿 。 因為 勸諫 何進 , 何進 又 唔 聽 佢 個 意見 , 跟 住 呢 , 又 遇 着 董卓 作亂 咯 , 所以 就 趯 咗 嚟 冀州 避難 。 袁紹 用 佢 嚟 做 個 書記官 。 噉 當時 佢 接受 咗 袁紹 嘅 命令 寫 檄文 。 啊 , 真 係 筆落 似蠶聲 啊 , 一陣 間 , 千幾 二千 字 嘅 檄文 就 寫 好 嘞 。 嗰 篇 檄文 啊 , 由 曹操 個 父親 曹嵩 , 投靠 當時 掌握 國家 大權 嘅 太監 曹騰 講起 , 斥責 曹操 嘅 先人 啊 都 係 興妖作孽 、 做 盡 壞事 嘅 傢伙 。 然後 就 指出 曹操 當年 參與 討伐 董卓 , 屢屢 打敗仗 , 而 後來 積聚 咗 勢力 之後 喇 , 就 開始 飛揚跋扈 、 殘害 人民 。 再 後 , 就 挾持 皇帝 、 專制 朝政 、 殺害 大臣 、 挖掘 皇室 陵墓 、 苛政 害民 等等 , 總之 呢 , 曹操 可以 話 係 歷代 最 貪 殘酷 烈 嘅 奸臣 噉 。 而家 , 號召 各地 起兵 , 共同 討伐 曹操 。 如果 有人 斬得 曹操 首級 嘅 , 封 五千戶 侯 , 賞錢 五千萬 。 曹操 嘅 部下 , 無論 大小 將校 官員 , 投降 嘅 一律 不予 追究 噉 。 袁紹 睇 咗 陳 琳 寫 嘅 呢 篇 檄文 , 認為 寫 得 有 氣魄 , 好 嘢 。 即刻 就 吩咐 將呢 篇 檄文 啊 , 抄成 好 多份 , 發到 去 各個 州郡 , 並且 喺 各處 嘅 關津 隘口 張貼 出 嚟 。 當呢 篇 檄文 傳到 去 許都 嘅 時候 , 曹操 正 係 有 病 , 頭風 啊 , 瞓 喺 床 嚟 。 啲 人將 呢 篇 檄文 送 嚟 畀 佢 睇 。 曹操 一睇 完 , 哎呀 ! 毛骨悚然 , 出 咗 成身 冷汗 。 誒 , 啊 又 奇 喎 , 佢 嘅 頭風 病 即刻 好 晒 。 喺 床 處 嚗 聲 起身 , 佢 問 曹 洪 話 : 呢 篇 檄文 , 係 邊個 作 㗎 ? 聽講 係 陳 琳 寫 嘅 喎 。 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 有 文才 嘅 人 , 必須 有 武功 嚟 到 配合 。 陳 琳 嘅 文才 雖然 好 啊 , 但 係 袁紹 嘅 武功 不足 呢 , 哈哈哈哈 。 即 係 話 唔 使 怕 。 於是 就 召集 所有 嘅 謀士 嚟 研究 點樣 迎敵 。 孔融 聽到 呢 個 消息 , 就 走 嚟 見 曹操 話 : 袁紹 勢力 咁 大 , 唔 好 同 佢 打 啊 , 只 能夠 同 佢 講 和 㗎 咋 。 荀彧 駁 佢 話 : 袁紹 呢 啲 噉 嘅 無用 之 人 , 何必 同 佢 講 和 呢 ? 點 能夠 噉 話 啊 ? 袁紹 地廣民強 , 佢 嘅 部下 嗱, 好似 許攸 、 郭圖 、 審配 、 逢紀 , 都 係 足智多謀 ; 田豐 、 沮授 , 呢 啲 係 忠臣 嚟 呀 ; 顏良 、 文丑 勇冠三軍 ; 其他 好似 高覽 、 張 郃 、 淳于瓊 等等 都 係 世上 名將 喎 ; 點 能夠 話 袁紹 係 個 無用 之人 啊 ? 荀彧 笑 嘞 : 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 , 袁紹兵 多 , 冇 錯 , 但 係 好 垃雜 。 田豐 , 人 啊 剛直 , 之鍾意 頂撞 上司 。 許攸 既 貪婪 又 愚蠢 。 審配 雖然 學有專長 , 但 係 冇 乜 計謀 嘅 。 逢紀 做事 啊夠 果斷 咯 , 但 係 冇 能力 吖 。 佢 哋 呢 幾個 人 , 勢必 係 不能 相容 , 一定 會 發生 內 變 嘅 。 顏良 、 文丑 , 匹夫之勇 , 一箭 就 捉 咗 佢 咯 。 其餘 都 係 碌碌 之輩 , 就算 有 一百萬 啊 , 何足道哉 啊 ! 孔融 噉 就 啞 晒 啦 。 曹操 哈哈大笑 話 : 都 係 不出 荀文若 所料 啊 ! 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 。 荀文若 就 係 荀彧 , 即 係 話 荀彧 分析 得 啱 。 於是 曹操 下令 , 叫 前軍 劉岱 、 後軍 王忠 呀 帶 五萬 兵馬 , 打住 丞相 嘅 旗號 , 去 徐州 攻打 劉備 嘞 。

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喺 煮 酒 論 英雄 之後 嘅 第二日 啊 , 曹操 又 嚟 請 劉備 去 飲 嘞 。 at|cooking|wine|discussing|hero|after|possessive particle|second day|sentence-final particle|Cao Cao|again|come|invite|Liu Bei|to|drink|past action particle The day after the discussion about heroes over drinks, Cao Cao invited Liu Bei to drink again. 正 喺 度 飲 緊 酒 , 有人 嚟 報告 話 滿寵 啊 去 探聽 袁紹 消息 , 已經 返 嚟 喇 噉 。 currently|at|location particle|drinking|ongoing action particle|alcohol|someone|come|report|saying|a character's name|particle|go|inquire|Yuan Shao|news|already|return|come|completed action particle|like that While they were drinking, someone came to report that Man Chao had gone to gather information about Yuan Shao and had already returned. 曹操 叫 佢 入 嚟 問 佢 嘅 情況 。 Cao Cao|called|him|come|in|ask|him|possessive particle|situation Cao Cao asked him to come in and asked about the situation. 滿寵話 : 公孫瓚 已經 畀 袁紹 攻破 咗 嘞 。 Man Chong said|Gongsun Zan|already|by|Yuan Shao|defeated|past tense marker|sentence final particle Man Chao said: Gongsun Zan has already been defeated by Yuan Shao. 劉備 就 急急 問喇 : 誒 , 唔 該 你 詳細 啲 講下 。 Liu Bei|then|urgently|asked|hey|||you|in detail|a bit|explain Liu Bei quickly asked: Hey, could you please explain in more detail? 哦 , 噉 嘅 , 公孫瓚 同 袁紹 打 , 一直 都 打敗仗 。 oh|||Gongsun Zan|with|Yuan Shao|fight|always|all|lose battles Oh, so it is, Gongsun Zan has been fighting against Yuan Shao, and has been losing battles all along. 於是 就築 咗 個 城 , 喺 裏 便 起 咗 一座 大樓 , 成 十丈 高 嘅 , 叫做 易京 樓 。 then||past tense marker|measure word|city|at|inside|then|build|past tense marker|one|skyscraper|total|ten zhang (a unit of measurement)|tall|possessive particle|called|Yijing|building So he built a city, and inside it, he constructed a tall building, ten zhang high, called Yijing Tower. 儲存 咗 三十萬 石 糧食 喺 裏 便 , 啊 準備 長期 堅守 。 stored|past tense marker|300000|picul|food|at|inside|then|ah|prepared|long-term|to hold out He stored three hundred thousand shi of grain inside, preparing to hold out for the long term. 但 係 公孫瓚 此人 呢 , 就 太過 唔 顧 自己 嘅 士兵 喇 。 ||Gongsun Zan|this person|question particle|then|too much|||his own|possessive particle|soldiers|final particle However, Gongsun Zan is someone who does not care much for his own soldiers. 佢 有 啲 士兵 喺 作戰 嘅 時候 , 畀 袁紹 圍困 住 , 大家 都 𠼮 公孫瓚 派兵 去 救 啦 。 He|has|some|soldiers|at|battle|possessive particle|time|by|Yuan Shao|besieged|particle indicating ongoing action|everyone|all|to ask|Gongsun Zan|send troops|to|rescue|particle indicating completed action Some of his soldiers were surrounded by Yuan Shao during the battle, and everyone urged Gongsun Zan to send troops to rescue them. 之 公孫瓚 話 : 如果 去 救人 啊 , 以後 一打 親仗 , 就 係 識得 望人 去 救 , 噉 就 唔 肯 拼命 打 㗎 喇 。 's|Gongsun Zan|said|if|to go|save people|ah|in the future|one fight|friendly battle|then|is|knowing how to|rely on others|to go|save|then|then|not|willing|desperately|fight|particle|particle Gongsun Zan said: If we go to save people, then in the future, when we fight, it will be about relying on others to save us, and we won't be willing to fight to the death. 於是 就 唔 肯去 救 嘞 。 so|then|not|willing to go|save|past tense particle So he was unwilling to go and save. 因此 呢 , 袁紹 嘅 兵馬 一到 , 投降 嘅 人 就 好多 。 therefore|particle indicating a question or emphasis|Yuan Shao|possessive particle|troops||surrender|possessive particle|people|then|many As a result, when Yuan Shao's troops arrived, many people surrendered. 公孫瓚 嘅 兵力 就 越 嚟 越弱 , 派人帶 信去 許都 求救 , 點 知 喺 半路 就 畀 袁 軍 捉住 。 Gongsun Zan|possessive particle|military strength|then|more|come|weaker|||Xu Du|ask for help|||at|halfway|then|by|Yuan|army|captured Gongsun Zan's forces became weaker and weaker, and he sent someone to carry a letter to Xu Du for help, but unexpectedly, they were captured by Yuan's army on the way. 噉 公孫瓚 呢 又 寫信 去 畀 孫燕 , 約 佢 舉火 為號 , 裏應外合 噉 。 then|Gongsun Zan|this|again|write a letter|to|give|Sun Yan|to invite|him|raise a signal fire||inside and outside cooperating|like this So Gongsun Zan wrote a letter to Sun Yan, asking him to light a signal fire to coordinate their efforts. 啊 , 誰知 送信 嘅 人 呢 又 畀 袁紹 捉 咗 喎 。 ah|who knew|deliver the letter|possessive particle|person|question particle|again|by|Yuan Shao|catch|past tense marker|final particle Ah, who would have thought that the messenger would be caught by Yuan Shao. 袁紹 啊 將計就計 , 就 喺 城外 放火 。 Yuan Shao|ah|use the enemy's strategy against them|then|at|outside the city|set fire Yuan Shao, taking advantage of the situation, set fire outside the city. 公孫瓚 仲以 為 得 計添 , 就 親自 出戰 啦 。 Gongsun Zan|still|consider|gain|additional strategy|then|personally|go into battle|particle indicating action completion Gongsun Zan still thought he had the upper hand, so he personally went into battle. 哎呀 , 袁紹 嘅 伏兵 呀 一齊 出 嚟 , 打 到 公孫瓚 嘅 人馬 損失 咗 成 大半 。 oh no|Yuan Shao|possessive particle|ambush troops|exclamatory particle|together|come out|here|fight|to|Gongsun Zan|possessive particle|troops|loss|past tense marker|all|more than half Oh no, Yuan Shao's ambush troops came out all at once, causing Gongsun Zan's forces to suffer heavy losses. 噉 公孫瓚 呢 , 就 趯 返入 城 死守 。 then|Gongsun Zan|particle indicating a question|then|quickly|return to|city|defend to the death So Gongsun Zan retreated back into the city to defend it. 後 嚟 畀 袁紹 派人掘 咗 條 地道 , 一直 通到 去 公孫瓚 住 嗰 座 大 樓下 便 就 放 起火 嚟 。 |came|||||||||||||||||||| Later, Yuan Shao sent someone to dig a tunnel that went straight to the large building where Gongsun Zan lived, and then set it on fire. 公孫瓚 啊 搞 到 走投無路 , 就 先 殺死 咗 妻子 , 然後 自己 吊頸 死 , 全家 都 畀 大 火燒 晒 。 Gongsun Zan|ah|||having no way out|then|first|killed|past tense marker|wife|then|himself|hanged|died|whole family|all|by|||completely Gongsun Zan, feeling cornered, first killed his wife and then hanged himself, and his whole family was burned to death. 而家 , 袁紹 啊 收編 埋 公孫瓚 嘅 軍隊 , 聲勢 就 更 盛 喇 。 now|Yuan Shao|ah|recruit|also|Gongsun Zan|possessive particle|army|momentum|then|even|strong|sentence-final particle Now, Yuan Shao has incorporated Gongsun Zan's army, and his power has become even greater. 佢 細 佬 袁 術 喺 淮南 , 因為 驕奢 過度 , 一 啲 都 唔 顧念 士兵 同 百姓 , 所以 人人 都 背叛 晒 佢 。 he|small|boy|Yuan|Shu|at|Huainan|because|arrogance|excessive|one|a little|all|not|care for|soldiers|and|common people|so|everyone|all|betrayed|completely|him His son Yuan Shu in Huainan, due to excessive arrogance and extravagance, completely disregarded the soldiers and the common people, so everyone betrayed him. 袁術 見到 冇 晒 辦法 , 就 派 人 去 見 袁紹 , 話 願意 將 皇帝 嘅 稱號 讓 畀 袁紹 噉 。 Yuan Shu|saw|no|completely|way|then|send|people|to|meet|Yuan Shao|said|willing|to give|emperor|possessive particle|title|yield|to||like that Seeing that there was no way out, Yuan Shu sent someone to meet Yuan Shao, saying he was willing to give up the title of emperor to Yuan Shao. 袁紹 又 想得到 個 玉璽 呢 , 袁術 啊 應承 親自 送 去 畀 佢 , 所以 袁術 而家要 放棄 淮南 歸附 河北 㗎 喇 。 Yuan Shao|again|wants to obtain|the|imperial seal|particle indicating a question|Yuan Shu|ah|promised|personally|to send|to|to|him|so|Yuan Shu||give up|Huai Nan|submit|Hebei|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completion Yuan Shao wants to obtain the imperial seal, so Yuan Shu has promised to personally deliver it to him. Therefore, Yuan Shu now has to give up Huainan and submit to Hebei. 噉 如果 佢 哋 兩個 人 同心協力 , 將來 就 幾難 制服 佢 㗎 , 請 丞相 盡快 剷除 佢 哋 至 好 啊 。 then|if|he|they|two|people|work together|in the future|then|very difficult|defeat|him|particle|please|Prime Minister|as soon as possible|eliminate|him|they|||particle If the two of them work together, it will be quite difficult to subdue them in the future. I ask the Prime Minister to eliminate them as soon as possible. 劉備 聽聞 公孫瓚 死 咗 , 諗 起 往日 佢 舉薦 自己 嘅 恩情 , 就 好 傷感 。 Liu Bei|heard|Gongsun Zan|die|past tense marker|think|up|past|he|recommended|himself|possessive particle|kindness|then|very|sad Liu Bei heard that Gongsun Zan had died and thought of the kindness he had shown him in the past, which made him very sad. 同時 呢 , 又 唔 知道 趙子龍 嘅 下落 , 好 擔心 。 at the same time|particle indicating a question|again|not|know|Zhao Zilong|possessive particle|whereabouts|very|worried At the same time, he was also worried about the whereabouts of Zhao Zilong. 佢 諗 嘞 : 啊 , 我 如果 唔 趁 呢 個 時候 搵 個 脫身 之計 , 就 更待何時 啊 。 he|thought|past tense marker|ah|I|if|not|take advantage of|this|measure word|time|find|measure word|escape|plan|then||ah He thought: Ah, if I don't take this opportunity to find a way to escape, when else will I wait? 於是 , 佢 企 起身 對 曹操 話 : 袁術 如果 去 投奔 袁紹 , 必定 要 由 徐州 經過 。 then|he|stood|up|to|Cao Cao|said|Yuan Shu|if|goes|defect to|Yuan Shao|definitely|will|from|Xuzhou|pass through So, he stood up and said to Cao Cao: If Yuan Shu goes to seek refuge with Yuan Shao, he will definitely have to pass through Xuzhou. 如果 丞相 同意 , 我帶 一支 軍隊 喺 半路 截擊 佢 , 噉 實捉 到 袁術 。 if|Prime Minister|agrees||a|army|at|halfway|ambush|him|then|actually capture|catch|Yuan Shu If the Prime Minister agrees, I will take an army to ambush him halfway, and we can capture Yuan Shu. 好 吖 , 等 聽 日 稟奏 過 皇上 就 起兵 啦 。 good|particle|wait|hear|day|report|to|emperor|then|raise troops|particle Alright, let's wait until tomorrow to report to the Emperor and then we will mobilize the troops. 第 日 , 劉備 上朝 , 當面 稟奏 過 獻帝 。 the|day|Liu Bei|attend court|in person|report|past|Emperor Xian The next day, Liu Bei went to court and reported to Emperor Xian in person. 曹操 就 落 命令 , 叫 劉備 總督 五萬 人馬 , 又 派 咗 朱靈 、 路昭 兩個 同埋 一齊 出征 。 Cao Cao|then|gave|order|to call|Liu Bei|to govern|fifty thousand|troops|also|sent|past tense marker|Zhu Ling|Lu Zhao|two|and|together|to march out Cao Cao then issued orders, appointing Liu Bei to command 50,000 troops, and also sent Zhu Ling and Lu Zhao to join him in the expedition. 當 劉備 辭別 獻帝 嘅 時候 呀 , 獻帝 流住 眼淚 送行 啊 。 when|Liu Bei|bid farewell|Emperor Xian|possessive particle|time|sentence-final particle|Emperor Xian|flowing|tears|see-off|sentence-final particle When Liu Bei bid farewell to Emperor Xian, Emperor Xian shed tears to see him off. 噉 劉備 一返 到 住宅 , 喇喇聲 收拾 軍器 鞍馬 , 掛 咗 將軍 印 , 催促 住 起程 。 then|Liu Bei|once|arrived|residence|with a clattering sound|packed up|weapons|horses|hung|past tense marker|general|seal|urged|continuous aspect marker|departure As soon as Liu Bei returned home, he hurriedly packed his weapons and horses, hung the general's seal, and urged to set off. 董承 呢 一直 趕到 去 十里長亭 送別 。 Dong Cheng|question particle|continuously|hurried to|to|ten-mile long pavilion|farewell Dong Cheng rushed to the ten-mile long pavilion to see him off. 劉備 話 : 國舅 你 忍耐 下 。 Liu Bei|said|imperial uncle|you|endure|a little Liu Bei said: "Your Highness, please bear with it." 我 呢 次 出去 , 一定 有所 作 為 嘅 , 請 你 放心 。 I|this|time|go out|definitely|some|||particle indicating possession|please|you|don't worry "This time I go out, I will definitely achieve something, please rest assured." 啊 , 玄德公 , 一切 務必 多多 留意 , 唔 好 辜負 主 上 嘅 心意 啊 。 ah|Lord Xuande|everything|must|very much|pay attention|||disappoint|||possessive particle|intentions|ah Ah, Lord Xuande, you must pay close attention to everything and not disappoint the master's intentions. 講完 兩個 就 分別 嘞 。 finished talking|the two|then|separately|past tense particle After saying that, the two parted ways. 一路行 , 關羽 、 張飛 就問 劉備 : 兄長 呢 次 出征 , 因乜事 咁 慌忙 噉 呢 ? all the way|Guan Yu|Zhang Fei||Liu Bei|elder brother|this|time|expedition|for what reason|so|hurriedly|like this|this As they walked, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei asked Liu Bei: Brother, why are you in such a hurry for this expedition? 你 哋 知 唔 知 啊 , 我 本來 就 好似 籠中鳥 網中魚 啊 。 ||know|not|know|particle|I|originally|just|like|bird in a cage|fish in a net|particle Do you know, I was originally like a bird in a cage or a fish in a net. 呢 一次 出征 , 就 好比 魚入 大海 、 鳥上 青天 , 冇 人 攔得 住 我 咯 。 this|time|expedition|just|like||ocean||clear sky|no|one|||me|particle indicating certainty This time's expedition is like a fish entering the sea or a bird soaring in the sky; no one can stop me. 因此 呢 , 劉備 就 叫 關羽 、 張飛 , 催促 朱靈 、 路 昭 嘅 軍馬 快 啲 行 。 therefore|particle indicating a question or emphasis|Liu Bei|then|called|Guan Yu|Zhang Fei|urged|Zhu Ling|Lu|Zhao|possessive particle|war horses|quickly|particle indicating degree|move Therefore, Liu Bei called on Guan Yu and Zhang Fei to urge Zhu Ling and Lu Zhao's cavalry to move quickly. 噉 啊當 其時 呢 , 郭嘉同 程昱 就 外出 審核 錢糧 就 剛剛 返到 許都 。 then|at that time|at that time|this||Cheng Yu|then|went out|to audit|money and grain|just|just|returned to|Xu Du At that time, Guo Jia and Cheng Yu had just returned to Xudu after going out to audit the grain. 一 知道 曹操 已經 派 咗 劉備 進兵 徐州 唄 , 慌忙 去 見 曹操 話 : 丞相 你 為 咩 事要 劉備 帶兵 出去 啊 ? I|know|Cao Cao|already|sent|past tense marker|Liu Bei|advance|Xuzhou|particle indicating realization|hurriedly|go|see|Cao Cao|said|Prime Minister|you|for|what||Liu Bei|lead troops|go out|question particle As soon as they learned that Cao Cao had sent Liu Bei to advance into Xuzhou, they hurried to see Cao Cao and said: "Prime Minister, why do you want Liu Bei to lead the troops out?" 哦 , 就 係 要 佢 去 截擊 袁術 咋 嘛 。 oh|||need|he|to|intercept|Yuan Shu|| Oh, it's just to intercept Yuan Shu. 程昱 話 嘞 : 往日 , 劉備 做 豫州 牧 嗰 陣 , 我 哋 勸 丞相 你 殺 咗 佢 。 Cheng Yu|said|past tense marker|in the past|Liu Bei|was|Yu Province|governor|that|time|I|plural marker|advised|Prime Minister|you|kill|past tense marker|him Cheng Yu said: "In the past, when Liu Bei was the governor of Yuzhou, we advised the Prime Minister to kill him." 但 係 丞相 唔 聽 , 今日 仲 將軍 隊交 畀 佢 添 , 直情 係 放龍入海 縱虎歸山 喇 。 |is|||||||||||||release the dragon into the sea|let the tiger return to the mountain|particle indicating completed action But the Prime Minister does not listen, today he even handed over the general's troops to him, it's like letting a dragon into the sea and a tiger return to the mountain. 以後 想 管 佢 呀 仲 得 咩 ? in the future|want|to take care of|him|particle|still|able|what What can we do if we want to manage him in the future? 郭嘉 又 話 : 丞相 縱然 唔 殺 劉備 , 亦 唔 應當 畀 佢 出去 𠿪。 Guo Jia|again|said|Prime Minister|even if|not|kill|Liu Bei|also|||let|him|go out|fight Guo Jia also said: Even if the Prime Minister does not kill Liu Bei, he should not let him go out. 古人 有話 : 一日 縱容 敵人 係 萬世之 患 啊 , 希望 丞相 考慮 。 ancients|have a saying|one day|to indulge|enemy|is|of all time|trouble|ah|hope|prime minister|consider The ancients said: A day of leniency towards the enemy is a disaster for eternity, I hope the Prime Minister considers this. 嗯 , 你 哋 講得 有 道理 ! hmm|||speak|have|reason Hmm, you all make a good point! 曹操 於是 啊 叫 許褚帶 五百 兵馬 去 追 , 務必 要 追 劉備 返轉 嚟 噉 。 Cao Cao|then|ah|ordered||five hundred|soldiers|to go|pursue|must|to|pursue|Liu Bei|return|here|like this Cao Cao then ordered Xu Chu to take five hundred soldiers to pursue, and it was essential to chase Liu Bei back. 許褚 接受 咗 命令 就 出發 嘞 。 Xu Chu|accepted|past tense marker|order|then|set off|past action marker Xu Chu accepted the order and set off. 好 嘞 , 劉備 正 喺 度 行進 緊 , 只見 後 便 塵頭 驟起 啊 , 佢 就 對 關羽 、 張飛 話 : ||Liu Bei|currently|at|place|||suddenly saw|||dust|suddenly rose|ah|he|then|to|Guan Yu|Zhang Fei|said Alright, Liu Bei was currently on the move, and he suddenly saw dust rising behind him, so he said to Guan Yu and Zhang Fei: 實 係 曹兵 追緊 嚟 嘞 。 ||Cao Bing|chasing|coming|past action particle It really is Cao's soldiers chasing us. 劉備 立即 下令 安營 , 叫 關羽 、 張飛 揸 住 兵器 , 企 喺 兩 便 啊 等 曹 兵 嚟 。 Liu Bei|immediately|ordered|to set up camp|called|Guan Yu|Zhang Fei|hold|firmly|weapons|stand|at|both|sides|particle|wait|Cao|soldiers|come Liu Bei immediately ordered to set up camp, telling Guan Yu and Zhang Fei to hold their weapons and stand guard on both sides for Cao's soldiers to arrive. 許褚一 嚟 到 , 咦 , 見到 軍容 嚴肅 齊整 噃, 就 落馬 入營 , 去 見 劉備 。 |come|arrive|eh|saw|military appearance|serious|orderly|particle|then|dismount|enter camp|go|see|Liu Bei When Xu Chu arrived, he saw that the military was serious and orderly, so he dismounted and entered the camp to see Liu Bei. 劉備 問 佢 : 許公 嚟 呢 處 有 咩 事 呢 ? Liu Bei|asked|him|Lord Xu|come|this|place|has|what|matter|this Liu Bei asked him: "Xu Gong, what brings you here?" 奉 丞相 嘅 命令 , 特意 嚟 請 將軍 返去 有事 商量 。 to obey|Prime Minister|possessive particle|order|specially|come|invite|General|return|something|discuss "On the orders of the Prime Minister, I have come specifically to invite the General to return for a discussion." 將 在外 , 軍命 有所 不 受 。 general|abroad|military orders|somewhat|not|affected "When the General is away, military orders are not to be disregarded." 我 朝見 過 皇上 , 又 得到 過 丞相 嘅 指示 嘞 , 而家並 冇 咩 事要 商量 嘅 嘞 。 I|audience|past tense marker|Emperor|again|received|past tense marker|Prime Minister|possessive particle|instructions|completed action particle||have not|any||discuss|particle indicating completed action| "I have already seen the Emperor and received instructions from the Prime Minister, and there is currently nothing to discuss." 請 許公 你 返去 , 代 我 稟覆 丞相 。 please|Sir Xu|you|return|on behalf of|me|report back to|Prime Minister Please, Xu Gong, go back and report to the Prime Minister for me. 許褚一 諗 : 丞相 一向 同 佢 都 咁 好 , 而家 又 冇 叫 我 嚟 同 佢 哋 廝殺 , 不如 就 將 佢 先頭 講 啲 說話 回覆 上去 , 等 丞相 定奪 就 係 喇 。 Xu Chu Yi|thought|Prime Minister|always|with|he|both|so|good|now|again|not|called|me|to come|with|he|them|fight|might as well|then|to send|he|first|to say|some|words|reply|up|let|Prime Minister|decide|just|is|particle Xu Chu thought: The Prime Minister has always had a good relationship with him, and now he hasn't called me to fight with them, so I might as well relay what he said earlier and let the Prime Minister decide. 於是 許褚同 劉備 告辭 咗 就 帶兵 返扯 啦 。 then||Liu Bei|took his leave|past tense marker|then|led the troops||sentence-final particle So Xu Chu said goodbye to Liu Bei and took his troops back. 返到 去 , 將 劉備 啲 說話 照樣 講 畀 曹操 聽 。 return|home|will|Liu Bei|his|words|as usual|tell|to|Cao Cao|hear Upon returning, he conveyed Liu Bei's words to Cao Cao. 曹操 猶猶豫豫 下 唔 到 決心 。 Cao Cao|hesitated|lower|not|reach|determination Cao Cao hesitated and couldn't make a decision. 程昱 同 郭嘉 就 話 嘞 : 劉備 唔 肯回 兵 , 可知 佢 個 心 呀 已 經變 咗 喇 。 Cheng Yu|and|Guo Jia|then|said|past tense marker|Liu Bei|not||troops|it can be known|he|possessive particle|heart|sentence-final particle|already||past tense marker|sentence-final particle Cheng Yu and Guo Jia said: Liu Bei is unwilling to return his troops, which shows that his heart has already changed. 曹操 話 : 我 有 朱靈 同路 昭 兩個 人 喺 佢 嗰 處 , 我 睇 , 玄德 未必 敢 變心 嘅 。 Cao Cao|said|I|have|Zhu Ling|traveling together|Zhao|two|people|at|he|that|place|I|see|Xuande|probably not|dare|change his mind|particle indicating past action Cao Cao said: I have Zhu Ling and Zhao with him, and I think Xuan De might not dare to change his mind. 何況 我 既然 已經 派 咗 佢 出兵 咯 , 又點 好 反悔 呢 ? 算啦 。 moreover|I|since|already|send|past tense marker|he|deploy troops|sentence-final particle||well|regret|question particle|forget it Moreover, since I have already sent him out to fight, how can I go back on my word? Forget it. 噉 樣 曹操 呢 就 唔 再 派兵 去 追 劉備 嘞 。 then|way|Cao Cao|question particle|then|not|again|send troops|to|chase|Liu Bei|past action particle So Cao Cao decided not to send troops to pursue Liu Bei anymore. 哈哈 , 曹操 噉 樣諗法 就益 晒 劉備 咯 , 真 係 撞破 鐵籠 逃 虎豹 啊 , 頓 開金 鎖走 蛟龍 。 haha|Cao Cao|that|way of thinking|just benefits|completely|Liu Bei|particle indicating realization|||break through|iron cage|escape|tiger and leopard|ah|suddenly|||dragon Haha, Cao Cao's way of thinking really benefits Liu Bei, it's like breaking out of an iron cage to escape a tiger or leopard, suddenly opening the golden lock to let the dragon out. 噉 啊 嗰 位 西涼 太守 馬騰 啊 , 佢 見到 劉備 已經 去 咗 。 then|particle|that|classifier for people|Xiliang|governor|Ma Teng||he|saw|Liu Bei|already|leave|past tense marker So, that Western Liang governor Ma Teng, he saw that Liu Bei had already left. 噉 啊 啱 啱 邊境 嘅 敵情 又 緊急 , 所以 佢 呢 亦 趕 返 去 西涼州 。 then|ah|||border|possessive particle|enemy situation|again|urgent|so|he|particle indicating a change of state|also|hurry|return|to|Xiliangzhou So, the enemy situation at the border was urgent, so he also hurried back to Western Liang Province. 呢 啲 就 暫時 放落 唔 講 佢 住 嘞 。 ||just|temporarily|put aside|not|talk about|he|live|past tense marker Let's temporarily set these aside for now. 而家 講返 劉備 。 now|talk about|Liu Bei Now let's talk about Liu Bei. 佢 率領 大軍 到達 徐州 。 He|led|army|arrived|Xuzhou He led a large army to arrive at Xuzhou. 徐州 刺史 車胄 就 出城 嚟 迎接 啦 。 Xuzhou|governor|armor|then|leave the city|come|welcome|particle indicating a completed action The governor of Xuzhou, Che Zhou, came out of the city to welcome him. 當日 , 舉行 咗 盛大 嘅 歡迎宴會 , 孫乾 、 糜竺 等等 都 嚟 參見 。 that day|held|past tense marker|grand|possessive particle|welcome banquet|Sun Qian|Mi Zhu|etc|all|came|attend On that day, a grand welcome banquet was held, and Sun Qian, Mi Zhu, and others came to attend. 散 咗 席 之後 , 劉備 就 返 屋企 探望 家人 。 disperse|past tense marker|gathering|after|Liu Bei|then|return|home|visit|family After the banquet, Liu Bei went home to visit his family. 同時 呢 , 就 派 人 去 探聽 袁 術 嘅 消息 。 at the same time|particle indicating a question|then|send|person|to|inquire|Yuan|Shu|possessive particle|news At the same time, he sent someone to gather information about Yuan Shu. 過 咗 好幾日 , 探子 返 嚟 報告 話 袁術 因為 太過 奢侈 嘞 , 雷薄 、 陳 蘭 都 投奔 咗 去 嵩山 。 passed|past tense marker|several days|scout|return|here|report|said|Yuan Shu|because|too|extravagant|past tense marker|Lei Bo|Chen|Lan|all|defected|past tense marker|to|Mount Song After several days, the scout returned to report that Yuan Shu had become too extravagant, and Lei Bo and Chen Lan had defected to Mount Song. 而家 袁 術 嘅 勢力 已經 十分 薄弱 。 now|Yuan|Shijian|possessive particle|power|already|very|weak Right now, Yuan Shu's power is already very weak. 就 寫信 畀 袁紹 , 情願 讓 皇帝 稱號 畀 佢 , 袁紹 就 派 人 叫 袁術 去 佢 處 。 then|write a letter|to|Yuan Shao|would rather|let|emperor|title|to|him|Yuan Shao|then|send|someone|to call|Yuan Shu|to go|his|place He wrote a letter to Yuan Shao, expressing his willingness to let the emperor's title be given to him, and Yuan Shao sent someone to call Yuan Shu to his place. 所以 而家 袁術 呢 , 已經 收拾 好 人馬 , 宮廷 御用 嘅 物件 等等 , 嚟 緊 徐州 嘞 。 so|now|Yuan Shu|question particle|already|packed up|well|troops|palace|imperial|possessive particle|items|etc|come|continuous aspect particle|Xuzhou|past action particle So now Yuan Shu has already gathered his troops and the items used in the palace, and is coming to Xuzhou. 劉備 知道 袁術 就 到 唄 , 就 帶 住 關羽 、 張飛 、 朱靈 、 路昭 , 率領 五萬 人馬 出 嚟 等候 嘞 噃。 Liu Bei|knows|Yuan Shu|then|arrives|particle indicating suggestion|then|||Guan Yu|Zhang Fei|Zhu Ling|Lu Zhao|leads|fifty thousand|troops|||waiting|past action particle| Liu Bei knew that Yuan Shu was coming, so he brought along Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhu Ling, and Lu Zhao, leading fifty thousand troops to wait. 呢 一日 , 遇 啱 袁 術 嘅 先鋒 紀靈 嚟 喇 。 this|day|met|right|Yuan|Shu|possessive particle|pioneer|Ji Ling|come|completed action particle On this day, they happened to encounter Yuan Shu's vanguard, Ji Ling. 張飛 呀 , 噏 多句 都 嫌 嘥 氣 啊 , 一句 話 都 唔 講就 直取 紀靈 。 Zhang Fei|ah|talking|more words|all|dislike|waste|breath|ah|one sentence|talk|all|not||directly take|Ji Ling Zhang Fei, even a few more words are annoying, not saying a word and just going straight for Ji Ling. 鬥 咗 唔 到 十個 回合 , 張飛 大喝一聲 : 吖 ! 就 將紀靈 刺死 喺 馬 下 。 fight|past tense marker|not|reach|ten|rounds|Zhang Fei||ah|then||stab to death|at|horse|under After fighting for less than ten rounds, Zhang Fei shouted loudly: Ah! And then stabbed Ji Ling to death under the horse. 嗰 班 敗兵 呀 猛 咁 趯 啊 。 that|group|defeated soldiers|sentence-final particle|fiercely|so|kick|sentence-final particle Those defeated soldiers were rushing fiercely. 跟 住 袁術 自己 帶兵 嚟 鬥過 嘞 。 ||Yuan Shu|himself|lead troops|come|fight|past tense marker Then Yuan Shu personally led his troops to fight. 劉備 就 分兵 三路 , 朱靈 、 路昭 在 左 , 關羽 、 張飛 在 右 , 劉備 親自 帶兵 居中 。 Liu Bei|then|divide troops|into three routes|Zhu Ling|Lu Zhao|at|left|Guan Yu|Zhang Fei|at|right||personally|lead troops|in the center Liu Bei divided his troops into three routes, Zhu Ling and Lu Zhao on the left, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei on the right, while Liu Bei personally led the troops in the center. 兩 軍 對陣 , 劉備 勒馬 企 喺 門 旗 底下 就 痛罵 袁術 : two|armies|faced each other|Liu Bei|reined in his horse|stood|at|gate|flag|under|then|scolded severely|Yuan Shu In the face of the two armies, Liu Bei reined in his horse and stood under the flag at the gate, angrily scolding Yuan Shu: 嘿 ! 你 大逆不道 ! 我 今日 奉 皇上 命令 嚟 討伐 你 ! hey|you|unfilial|I|today|carry out|emperor|order|come|punish|you Hey! You are so rebellious! I am here today under the Emperor's orders to punish you! 你 趕快 束手 投降 , 免 你 死罪 啦 ! you|hurry|with hands up|surrender|avoid|you|death penalty|sentence particle You should quickly surrender to avoid the death penalty! 袁術 就 鬧 返 轉頭 咯 喎 : 吖 吖 呸 ! Yuan Shu|then|scold|return|turn around|particle indicating realization|particle indicating confirmation|ah|ah|phew Yuan Shu then turned around and shouted back: "Ah! Ah! Pah!" 你 呢 個織席 打 草鞋 嘅 家伙 , 你 居然 敢 睇 小 我 ? you|question particle||make|straw sandals|possessive particle|guy|you|unexpectedly|dare|||me You, this guy who weaves mats and makes straw sandals, how dare you look down on me? 袁術將 馬鞭 一拂 , 就 指揮 人馬 殺 過去 。 |whip|with a flick|then|commanded|troops|to charge|forward Yuan Shu flicked his whip and commanded his troops to charge forward. 劉備 命令 中軍 暫時 退後 , 等 左右兩 軍 殺出 嚟 。 Liu Bei|ordered|central army|temporarily|retreat|wait|left and right two|armies|break out|come Liu Bei ordered the central army to temporarily fall back, waiting for the left and right armies to break out. 嘩 ! 厲害 咯 。 wow|impressive|particle indicating realization or emphasis Wow! That's impressive. 當堂 殺到 袁 術 嘅 人馬 屍橫遍野 亦 血流成河 。 on the spot|killed|Yuan|Shu|possessive particle|soldiers|corpses everywhere|also|blood flowed like a river On the spot, they killed Yuan Shu's troops, leaving corpses everywhere and blood flowing like a river. 嗰 啲 兵卒 開小差 逃亡 嘅 呢 計 都 計 唔 掂 咁 多 。 that|plural marker|soldiers|desert|escape|possessive particle|this|plan|all|||good|so|many Those soldiers who tried to escape didn't manage to get away in such numbers. 袁術 就 衰開 有頭 有 路 噃。 Yuan Shu|then|decline|has a beginning|||particle indicating certainty Yuan Shu was already in a bad situation. 佢 打輸 咗 冇 幾耐 之後 , 又 畀 趯 咗 去 嵩山 嘅 雷 薄 、 陳 蘭 劫走 晒 啲 錢糧 草料 。 He|lost|past tense marker|not||after|again|by|kicked|past tense marker|to|Songshan|possessive particle|Lei|Bok|Chan|Lan|robbed|all|measure word|money and food|fodder Not long after he lost the battle, he was robbed of all his money and supplies by Lei Bo and Chen Lan from Songshan. 噉 啊 想 返去 壽春 啦 , 點知 又 畀 一大群 賊 佬 襲擊 。 then|ah|want|go back|Shou Chun|particle|unexpectedly|again|by|a large group of|||attacked So he wanted to return to Shouchun, but unexpectedly, he was attacked by a large group of bandits. 去 又 唔 去 得 , 返 又 唔 返得 , 就 唯有 住 喺 江 亭 呢 笪 地方 。 go|again|not|||return|||able to return|then|only|live|at|river|pavilion|this|small|place He couldn't go, and he couldn't return, so he had no choice but to stay in this place called Jiangting. 當時 呢 , 袁術 只 係 剩 返千零人 , 都 係 啲 老弱殘兵 。 at that time|question particle|Yuan Shu|only|was|||all|were|particle indicating plural|old weak and disabled soldiers At that time, Yuan Shu only had a little over a thousand people left, and they were all old, weak, and disabled soldiers. 季節 又 撞 啱 大熱天 噃, 糧食 已經 冇 晒 嘞 , 只 係 剩得 三十 石麥 , 就 全部 愛 嚟 分 畀 軍士 。 season|again|hit|right|hot day|particle|food|already|have not|run out|particle|||left|thirty|stone of wheat|then|all|love|come|share|to|soldiers The season coincides with the hot weather, and the food has already run out. There are only thirty stones of wheat left, and all of it will be given to the soldiers. 袁 術 嘅 家人 冇 得 食 啊 , 都 唔 知 餓死 咗 幾多 人 。 Yuen|Shuet|possessive particle|family|have not|able to|eat|sentence-final particle|all|not|know|starve to death|past tense marker|how many|people Yuan Shu's family has nothing to eat, and I don't know how many people have starved to death. 呢 一日 , 袁術 啊 嫌 啲 飯 粗 嚡, 好難 入口 , 就 叫 個 廚師 攞 啲 蜜糖 水 嚟 解下 渴 啦 。 this|one day|Yuan Shu|ah|complained|particle indicating plural|rice|coarse|hard||to eat|then|called|classifier for people|chef|to bring|some|honey|water|to come|relieve|thirst|particle indicating suggestion On this day, Yuan Shu complained that the rice was too coarse and hard to swallow, so he asked the chef to bring some honey water to quench his thirst. 個 廚師 話 : 血水 就 有 啫 , 邊度 有 蜜水 吖 ? the|chef|said|blood water|just|have|only|where|have|honey water|question particle The chef said: "We only have blood water, where can we find honey water?" 吓 ? 啊 ! 啊 —— 啊 ! scare|ah|ah|ah Huh? Ah! Ah—Ah! 袁術 坐 喺 張 床 處 , 大叫 一聲 ,𢴈 喺 地下 嚟 , 吐 咗 成斗血 啊 , 誒 噉 就 死 咗 嘞 。 Yuan Shu|sit|at|Zhang|bed|place|shouted||fall|at|ground|come|vomit|past tense marker||ah|hey|like this|then|die|past tense marker|final particle Yuan Shu was sitting on the bed, shouted loudly, fell to the ground, and spat out a whole bucket of blood, and then he died. 當 其時 , 正 係 建安 四年 六月 , 即 係 公元 一九九 年 啊 。 at|that time|exactly|was|Jian'an||June|that is|was|AD|199|year|particle At that time, it was June of the fourth year of Jian'an, which is the year 199 AD. 噉 袁術 死 咗 之後 呢 , 佢 個 侄 袁 胤 帶 住 袁 術 嘅 棺材 , 妻子 就 走 咗 去 廬江 , 畀 徐 璆 將 佢 哋 冚𠾴唥 殺死 晒 。 then|Yuan Shu|die|past tense marker|after|question particle|he|possessive particle|nephew|Yuan|Yin|carry|with|Yuan|Shu|possessive particle|coffin|wife|then|leave|past tense marker|go|Lujiang|by|Xu|Qiu|will|they|plural marker|cover up|kill|all After Yuan Shu died, his nephew Yuan Yin carried Yuan Shu's coffin, and his wife went to Lujiang, where Xu Shao had them all killed. 同時 搶到 個 玉璽 , 噉 佢 就 走 嚟 許都 將個 玉璽 獻 畀 曹操 。 at the same time|snatched|the|imperial seal|then|he|immediately|ran|to|Xu Du||imperial seal|offered|to|Cao Cao At the same time, they seized the imperial seal, and then he went to Xudu to present the seal to Cao Cao. 曹操 歡喜 到極 喇 , 封徐 璆 做 高陵 太守 。 Cao Cao|happy|to the extreme|particle indicating exclamation|||to be|Gaoling|governor Cao Cao was extremely pleased and appointed Xu Shao as the governor of Gaoling. 噉 啊 從此 之後 , 玉璽 就 歸 咗 曹操 嘞 。 then|ah|from now on|after|imperial seal|then|returned|past tense marker|Cao Cao|sentence-final particle From now on, the imperial seal will belong to Cao Cao. 劉備 知道 袁術 已經 死 咗 , 就 寫份 表章 申奏 朝廷 。 Liu Bei|knew|Yuan Shu|already|died|past tense marker|then|wrote a|memorial|to submit|imperial court Liu Bei, knowing that Yuan Shu is already dead, wrote a memorial to report to the court. 又 寫封信 畀 曹操 , 叫 朱靈 、 路昭返 去 許都 。 again||to|Cao Cao|to call|Zhu Ling||to|Xu Du He also wrote a letter to Cao Cao, asking Zhu Ling and Lu Zhao to return to Xudu. 噉 至於 啲 人馬 呢 , 對 唔 住 喇 就 全部 留低 嚟 守衛 徐州 。 then|as for|plural marker|troops|question particle||||past action particle|then|all|stay|here|guard|Xuzhou As for the troops, sorry, they will all stay behind to guard Xuzhou. 呢 啲 安排 好 之後 , 劉備 就 親自 出 城 , 去 號召 嗰 啲 逃亡 出外 嘅 人 返 嚟 , 叫 佢 哋 安居樂業 。 |plural marker|||||||||||||fugitives|outside|possessive particle|people|return|here|tell|they|plural marker|live and work in peace After these arrangements were made, Liu Bei personally went out of the city to call back those who had fled outside, asking them to return and live in peace. 噉 啊 朱靈 同路 昭返 到 許都 , 報告 畀 曹操 聽 , 話 劉備 將 全部 兵馬 留低 晒 喇 噉 。 like this|ah|Zhu Ling|travel together|Zhao Fan|arrive|Xu Du|report|to|Cao Cao|listen|saying|Liu Bei|will|all|troops|leave behind|completely|particle indicating completion|like this So, Zhu Ling and Zhao returned to Xu Du to report to Cao Cao, saying that Liu Bei had left all his troops behind. 嘿 曹操 發火 嘞 , 要 殺 咗 佢 哋 兩個 。 hey|Cao Cao|angry|past tense marker|want|kill|past tense marker|he|plural marker|two Hey, Cao Cao got angry and wanted to kill the two of them. 荀彧 啊 勸 佢 話 : 兵權 喺 劉備 嘅 手上 , 佢 哋 兩個 亦 無可奈何 嘅 。 Xun Yu|ah|advised|he|said|military power|in|Liu Bei|possessive particle|hands|they|plural marker|both|also|helpless|particle indicating state Xun Yu advised him, saying: the military power is in Liu Bei's hands, and they are both helpless. 曹操 啊 聽 佢 勸 喎 , 免 咗 佢 哋 罪 。 Cao Cao|ah|listen|he|persuade|past tense particle|exempt|past tense marker|they|plural marker|punishment Cao Cao listened to his advice and spared them. 荀彧 跟 住 就 向 曹操 獻計 , 叫 曹操 啊 , 寫封 密信 畀 徐州 刺史 車胄 , 命令 車胄 想 辦法 就近 殺 咗 劉備 。 Xun Yu|||immediately|to|Cao Cao|offer a plan|told|Cao Cao|ah|write a|secret letter|to|Xuzhou|governor|Che Zhou|ordered|Che Zhou|to think of|a way|nearby|kill|past tense marker|Liu Bei Xun Yu then suggested to Cao Cao to write a secret letter to the governor of Xuzhou, Che Zhou, ordering him to find a way to kill Liu Bei nearby. 曹操 呢 趟 下決心 喇 , 一 於 照辦 。 Cao Cao|question particle|trip|made up his mind|past action particle|one|in|follow through Cao Cao has made up his mind this time, and will proceed as planned. 暗中 派 咗 個人 , 將呢 個 決定 講 咗 畀 車胄 知 。 secretly|send|past tense marker|person||measure word|decision|tell|past tense marker|to|Che Zhou|know He secretly sent someone to inform Che Zhou about this decision. 車胄 啊 即刻 嚟 請 陳 登 商量 點樣 落手 嘞 噃。 vehicle|ah|immediately|come|please|Chan|Deng|discuss|how|start|past tense marker| Che Zhou immediately came to consult Chen Deng on how to proceed. 陳 登話 嘞 , 呢 件 事易 到極 啦 。 Chan|said|past tense marker|this|classifier for events|||sentence-final particle Chen Deng said, this matter is extremely easy. 嗱, 而家 劉備 出 咗 城去 號召 啲 老百姓 返 嚟 呀 。 well|now|Liu Bei|go out|past tense marker||call upon|particle indicating plural|common people|return|here|sentence-final particle Now, Liu Bei has left the city to call the common people back. 佢 好 快 就 會 返 徐州 㗎 喇 。 he|very|quickly|then|will|return|Xuzhou|sentence-final particle|past action particle He will return to Xuzhou very soon. 噉 將軍 你 啊 預先 叫 一班 軍士 , 埋伏 喺 城門 外 嘅 瓮城 邊 嚟 , 等 劉備 馬 到 , 一刀斬 咗 佢 。 then|general|you|ah|in advance|call|a group of|soldiers|ambush|at|city gate|outside|possessive particle|moat|side|come|wait|Liu Bei|horse|arrives||past tense marker|him So, General, you should preemptively call a group of soldiers to ambush by the outer city gate, waiting for Liu Bei to arrive, and then cut him down with one blow. 我 呢 , 就 喺 城樓 上 叫 弓箭手 射住 佢 哋 嘅 後軍 , 噉 就 乜 都 做 妥 晒 啦 嘛 。 I|question particle|then|at|tower|on|called|archer|shoot at|he|plural marker|possessive particle|rear guard|like that|then|anything|all|do|properly|completely|final particle|final particle As for me, I will be on the city tower commanding the archers to shoot at their rear troops, so everything will be taken care of. 車胄 噉 就 聽 晒 佢 嘞 喎 , 哈哈 , 點 知道 , 陳 登 係 忠於 劉備 𠺢 嘛 。 Zhao Zilong|like that|then|heard|completely|he|past tense particle|sentence-final particle|haha|how|to know|Chen|Deng|is|loyal to|Liu Bei|enemy|question particle Che Zhou is listening to him, haha, how could he know that Chen Deng is loyal to Liu Bei? 佢 呢 頭 告辭 咗 車胄 , 嗰 頭 就 返 屋企 , 將呢 件 事講 畀 佢 父親 陳 珪 聽 。 he|this|moment|said goodbye|past tense marker|vehicle|that|moment|then|return|home||classifier for events||to|him|father|Chan|Kui|hear He said goodbye to Che Zhou and then went home to tell his father, Chen Gui, about this matter. 陳 珪 吩咐 佢 即刻 去 報 畀 劉備知 , 陳 登 飛馬 去 報信 啦 。 Chen|Gui|instructed|he|immediately|to go|report|to||Chen|Deng|fast horse|to go|deliver the message|particle indicating completion or urgency Chen Gui instructed him to immediately report to Liu Bei, and Chen Deng rode a horse to deliver the message. 喺 半路 就 撞 正 關羽 同 張飛 , 就講 畀 佢 哋 聽話 如此 如此 噉 。 at|halfway|then|||Guan Yu|and|Zhang Fei||to|them|plural marker|listen to instructions|like this|like this|in this way On the way, he ran into Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, and told them what was happening. 原來 呢 , 呢 次 係 關羽 、 張飛 返先 , 劉備 仲 喺 後 便 。 it turns out|this|||is|Guan Yu|Zhang Fei||Liu Bei|still|at|back|later It turns out that this time, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were returning first, while Liu Bei was still behind. 張飛 一聽 , 即刻 就 話 要 去 打過 , 關雲長 話 : 唔 得 。 Zhang Fei|upon hearing|immediately|then|said|wanted|to go|fight|Guan Yu|said|| As soon as Zhang Fei heard this, he immediately said he wanted to go and fight, but Guan Yunchang said: No. 佢 哋 埋伏 喺 瓮城 邊 嚟 等 我 哋 , 我 哋 就 噉 去 必定 輸 。 They|plural marker|ambush|at|Wengcheng|side|come|wait|I|plural marker|||then|like this|go|definitely|lose They are lying in ambush by the city wall waiting for us, if we go like this, we will definitely lose. 我 有 一條 計 , 可以 殺 車胄 。 I|have|one|plan|can|kill|enemy I have a plan to kill the general. 點呢 ? 二哥 。 how about this|second older brother How? Second brother. 我 哋 喺 夜晚 , 扮成 曹 軍 噉 樣去 到 徐州 , 引 車胄 出 嚟 迎接 , 一下 突然襲擊 就 殺 咗 佢 。 I|plural marker|at|night|disguised as|||like||to|Xu Zhou|lead|chariots|out|come|welcome|suddenly|surprise attack|then|kill|past tense marker|him We will disguise ourselves as Cao's army at night and go to Xu Zhou to lure the general out to greet us, then suddenly attack and kill him. 好計 啊 二哥 , 就 噉 做 啦 ! good idea|ah|second brother|just|like this|do|particle indicating completion That's a good plan, second brother, let's do it! 因 為 佢 哋 而 家 帶 緊 嘅 軍隊 啊 , 原來 就 係 曹操 嘅 人馬 嚟 嘅 , 所以 咩 旗號 啊 衣甲 啊 都 係 一樣 款式 。 ||he|plural marker|||||possessive particle|army|particle indicating exclamation or surprise|originally|just|is|Cao Cao|possessive particle|troops|come|possessive particle|so|what|flag|particle indicating exclamation or surprise|armor|particle indicating exclamation or surprise|all|are|the same|style Because the army they are currently leading is actually Cao Cao's troops, so the flags and armor are all the same style. 好 喇 , 當晚 三 更 , 佢 哋 嚟 到 徐州 城邊 叫門 嘞 。 good|particle indicating completed action|that night|||they|plural marker|come|arrive|Xuzhou|city outskirts||particle indicating completed action Alright, that night at the third watch, they arrived at the gates of Xu Zhou. 城樓 上問 係 咩 人馬 。 city tower|asked above|is|what|person They asked who was there. 下 便 就 應話 係 曹丞相 派 嚟 嘅 張文遠 嘅 人馬 噉 。 next|time|then|should say|is|Prime Minister Cao|sent|here|possessive particle|Zhang Wenyuan|possessive particle|troops|like that It was reported that it was the troops of Zhang Wenyuan sent by Chancellor Cao. 啲 人 就 去 報 畀 車胄 知 , 車胄 急急 又 請 陳 登 嚟 商量 。 the|people|then|go|report|to|Chiu|know|Chiu|urgently|again|invite|Chan|Tang|to come|discuss The people went to inform Che Zhou, who quickly asked Chen Deng to come and discuss. 佢 話 : 如果 唔 開門 迎接 , 就 怕 文遠 疑心 唔 高興 。 he|said|if|not|open the door|to welcome|then|afraid|Wenyuan|suspicion|not|happy He said: If we do not open the door to welcome them, we fear that Wenyuan will become suspicious and unhappy. 之 如果 出去 迎接 呢 , 又 怕 唔 知會 唔 會 係 敵人 嘅 詭計 噃。 possessive particle|if|go out|welcome|question particle|again|afraid|not|inform|not|will|be|enemy|possessive particle|trick|sentence-final particle If we go out to meet them, we are afraid it might be a trick from the enemy. 諗 一 諗 , 咪 嘞 , 車胄 行上 城樓 答 復 下 便 話 : think|one|think|then|past tense marker|armor||city tower|answer|again|down|then|said Thinking about it, he said as he walked up to the city tower: 夜晚 黑 麻麻 睇 唔 清楚 , 難以 分辨 , 等 天光 先至 相見 啦 。 night|dark|blurry|see|not|clear|hard to|distinguish|wait|daylight|only then|meet|particle indicating suggestion or realization It's dark at night and hard to see clearly, making it difficult to distinguish; let's wait until dawn to meet. 噉 城下 又 嗌 嘞 : 就 係 怕 畀 劉備 知道 啊 , 快 啲 開門 啦 ! like this|under the city|again|shout|past tense marker|just|is|afraid|by|Liu Bei|to know|ah|quickly|a little|open the door|imperative particle Then, from below the city, they shouted: We are afraid Liu Bei will find out, hurry and open the gate! 車胄 個心 十五 十六 猶豫不定 , 而 城外 呢 就 㗾㗾 聲大 嗌 開門 。 armor|heart|fifteen|sixteen|indecisive|but|outside the city|question particle|then|knocking||shouting|open the door Che Zhou's heart was uncertain, and outside the city, there were loud shouts to open the gate. 車胄 冇 辦法 嘞 , 只好 披掛 上馬 , 帶住 一千 人 馬出城 。 armor|not have|solution|past tense marker|had no choice but to|put on|mount the horse|lead|one thousand|people| The armor is useless, so I can only put it on and lead a thousand cavalry out of the city. 佢 一 跑 過 吊橋 就 大聲 話 : 文 遠 喺 邊 處 啊 ? 文 遠 喺 邊 處 啊 ? He|one|||suspension bridge|then|loudly|said|Man|Yuen|is|||question particle|||||| As soon as he ran across the suspension bridge, he shouted loudly: Where is Wen Yuan? Where is Wen Yuan? 喺 火光 掩映 之中 , 只見 關雲長 手提 大刀 , 縱 馬直衝 過 嚟 。 in|firelight|shadow|within|only saw|Guan Yun Chang|holding|big sword|galloping||past|here Amidst the flames, I saw Guan Yun Chang charging over with a big knife in hand. 大喝一聲 : 你 個 匹夫 ! 居然 斗膽 想 用 詭計 嚟 害 我 兄長 係 嘛 ! shouted loudly|you|(measure word)|scoundrel|unexpectedly|dared|to think|to use|trick|to|harm|my|elder brother|is|(particle indicating obviousness) He shouted loudly: You, you rascal! How dare you try to use tricks to harm my brother! 嘩 ! 乜 係 關雲長 呀 ! Wow|what|is|Guan Yu|particle Wow! Is that Guan Yun Chang! 嚇 到 車胄 面都青 埋 , 打 咗 幾個 回合 頂 唔 順 嘞 , 撥轉 馬頭 就 趯 返 扯 。 scared|to|armor||also|fight|past tense marker|a few|rounds|withstand|not|in order|past action marker|turn|horse's head|then|kick|back|run away Scared to the point that the armored face turned pale, after a few rounds of fighting, unable to hold on, he turned the horse's head and fled. 等 佢 跑 到 去 吊橋 邊 , 弊 ! 城樓 上 陳 登 亂箭 射落 嚟 。 wait|he|run|arrive|to|suspension bridge|side|oh no|city tower|on|Chen|Deng|random arrows|shoot down|coming When he ran to the edge of the suspension bridge, bam! Chen Deng on the city tower shot down arrows. 死 啊 ! 車胄 搏命 繞 住 城 走 , 關雲長 追上去 手起 一刀 , 將 車胄 斬 咗 落馬 。 Damn! The armored man desperately ran around the city, and Guan Yunchang caught up and struck with a knife, cutting the armored man off his horse. 然後 割 咗 佢 個 首級 , 揸 住 喺 手 嚟 , 返到 去 城門口 對住 城上 大聲 嗌 話 : then|cut|past tense marker|he|possessive particle|head|holding|continuous aspect marker|at|hand|come|returned|to|city gate|facing|on the city wall|loudly|shouted|said Then he cut off his head, holding it in his hand, and returned to the city gate, shouting loudly at the people on the city wall: 反賊 車胄 已經 畀 我 殺 咗 嘞 。 你 哋 大家 都 係 冇 罪 嘅 , 投降 免死 ! traitor|armor|already|by|I|kill|past tense marker|sentence final particle|you|plural marker|everyone|all|are|no|crime|possessive particle|surrender| The rebel armored man has already been killed by me. You all are innocent, surrender and you will be spared! 嘿 呀 ! 嗰 班 兵卒 呀 一 聽見 話 投降 免死唄 , 即刻 掉 低 啲 兵器 投降 啦 , 噉 樣 就 軍民 都 平安 嘞 。 hey|particle|that|classifier for groups|soldiers|particle|one|heard|word|surrender|be spared from death|immediately|drop|down|particle indicating plural|weapons|surrender|particle|then|way|then|military and civilians|all|safe|particle Hey! Those soldiers, as soon as they heard that surrendering would grant them immunity from death, immediately dropped their weapons and surrendered. This way, both the military and civilians are safe. 喂 打 得 嚟 天光 嘞 噃, 關雲長 攞 住 車胄 個人 頭去 接 劉備 。 hey|fight|can|come|daylight|past tense particle|sentence-final particle|Guan Yu|take|holding|armor|personal||pick up|Liu Bei Hey, it's already dawn, Guan Yu is going to meet Liu Bei with the head of the chariot. 講 畀 佢 聽 , 話 車胄 要 謀害 佢 , 而家 已經 斬 咗 車胄 喇 噉 。 tell|to|him|listen|said|Che Zhou|to|kill|him|now|already|killed|past tense marker|Che Zhou|sentence-final particle|like this Tell him that the chariot was going to harm him, and now the chariot has already been killed. 劉備 大吃一驚 啊 : 啊 , 啊 噉 如果 曹操 嚟 到 , 我 哋 點算 好 啊 ? Liu Bei|was greatly shocked|ah|ah||||||||||| Liu Bei was shocked: Ah, if Cao Cao comes, what should we do? 到 時 , 由 小弟 同 張飛 去 迎戰 。 arrive|time|by|younger brother|with|Zhang Fei|go|to battle At that time, I will go to battle with Zhang Fei. 唉 , 劉備 呀 , 心悒 到 不得了 , 都 冇 辦法 啦 , 唔 做 都 做 咗 嘞 。 sigh|Liu Bei|particle|worried|to the point of|extremely|already|have not|solution|particle|not|do|already|||particle Sigh, Liu Bei, feeling so troubled, there's no way out, whether I do it or not, it's already done. 佢 入 徐州 嘅 時候 呀 , 啲 老百姓 , 跪 晒 喺 路邊 迎接 佢 喎 。 he|entered|Xuzhou|possessive particle|time|sentence-final particle|plural marker|common people|knelt|completely|at|roadside|welcomed|him|sentence-final particle When he entered Xuzhou, the common people knelt by the roadside to welcome him. 劉備 返到 屋企 , 就 去 搵 張飛 嚟 。 Liu Bei|returned to|home|then|go|find|Zhang Fei|come When Liu Bei returned home, he went to find Zhang Fei. 哈 , 原 嚟 張飛 仲做 得絕 , 已經 將 車胄 全家 殺 清光 。 Ha|||Zhang Fei|||already|to kill|Chariot|whole family|killed|completely Ha, it turns out Zhang Fei had already done the deed, having killed the entire family of the charioteer. 劉備 話 : 哎呀 , 殺 咗 曹操 心腹 之 人 , 佢 點 肯 罷休 㗎 。 Liu Bei|said|oh no|kill|past tense marker|Cao Cao|trusted aide|possessive particle|person|he|how|willing|let it go|question particle Liu Bei said: Oh no, having killed Cao Cao's trusted subordinates, how could he let this go? 陳 登 就 話 : 我 有 個 辦法 , 可以 打退 曹操 嘅 。 Chen|Deng|then|said|I|have|a|method|can|repel|Cao Cao|possessive particle Chen Deng said: I have a way to repel Cao Cao. 曹操 最怕 就 係 袁紹 吖 。 Cao Cao|fears most|just|is|Yuan Shao|particle Cao Cao is most afraid of Yuan Shao. 袁紹 虎踞 冀 、 青 、 幽 、 並 幾個 郡 , 擁有 百 萬軍 兵 , 文官 武將 極 多 。 Yuan Shao|tiger's den|Ji|Qing|You|and|several|commanderies|has|hundred||soldiers|civil officials|military generals|extremely|many Yuan Shao occupies Ji, Qing, and You, along with several other commanderies, and has a million troops, with many civil and military officials. 而家 , 何不 寫封信 派 人 去 佢 處 求救 呢 ? now|why not|write a letter|||to|him|place|ask for help|question particle Now, why not write a letter and send someone to ask for help from him? 不過 噉 喎 , 袁紹 一向 同 我 都 冇 來往 嘅 。 but|like this|particle indicating realization|Yuan Shao|always|with|I|also|have not|interaction|particle indicating possession However, Yuan Shao has never had any dealings with me. 而家 又 新 新 攻破 咗 佢 個 細 佬 , 噉 佢 點 肯 幫 我 哋 呢 ? now|again|new||defeat|past tense marker|he|possessive particle|small|child|then|he|how|willing|help|I|we|question particle Now, we have just broken through his little one, how can he help us? 玄德公 , 有 一個 人 就 喺 徐州 嚟 , 佢 同 袁紹 係 三世 通家 , 如果 得 佢 寫 一封信 畀 袁紹 , 袁紹 必定 肯 嚟 幫助 嘅 。 Lord Xuande|there is|one|person|just|at|Xuzhou|from|he|with|Yuan Shao|is|three generations|family friends|if|able to|he|write||to|Yuan Shao|Yuan Shao|definitely|willing|come|help|particle Lord Xuande, there is a person from Xuzhou, he has been family friends with Yuan Shao for three generations. If he writes a letter to Yuan Shao, Yuan Shao will definitely come to help. 你 講 嘅 係 邊個 啊 ? you|said|possessive particle|is|who|question particle Who are you talking about? 呢 個人 , 玄德公 你 平日 都 係 十分 敬重 , 乜 噉 都 唔 記得 呀 ? this|person|Lord Xuande|you|usually|all|are|very|respectful|why|like this|all|not|remember|question particle This person, Lord Xuande, you usually hold in high regard, how could you forget? 哦 ! 你 講 嘅 係 鄭玄 鄭康成 先生 係 嘛 ? oh|you|said|possessive particle|is|Zheng Xuan|Zheng Kangcheng|Mr|is|question particle Oh! You are talking about Mr. Zheng Xuan, Zheng Kangcheng, right? 冇 錯 喇 。 not|wrong|particle indicating completed action That's right. 原來 呢 個 鄭康成 啊 , 單名 一個 玄字 , 鄭玄 。 it turns out|this|measure word|Zheng Kangcheng|ah|single name|one|character 'Xuan'|Zheng Xuan It turns out this Zheng Kangcheng, has the single name Xuan, Zheng Xuan. 佢 呢 個人 博學多才 。 he|this|person|knowledgeable and talented This person is very knowledgeable and talented. 啊 連 佢 屋企 嘅 婢女 啊 , 都 係 熟讀 詩經 , 用 詩經 裏 便 嘅 詞句 嚟 互相 取笑 都 得 嘅 , 呵呵 。 ah|even|he|home|possessive particle|maid|ah|also|is|well-read|Book of Songs|using||inside|readily|possessive particle|phrases|to|mutually|tease|all|fine|possessive particle|haha Even his maid at home is well-versed in the Book of Songs, and they can even use phrases from it to tease each other, haha. 噉 啊 佢 喺 漢桓帝 嘅 朝代 呢 , 佢 嘅 官職 就 已經 做到 尚書 㗎 嘞 。 then|ah|he|at|Emperor Huan of Han|possessive particle|dynasty|particle indicating a completed action|he|possessive particle|official position|already|already|reached|Minister of Documents|particle indicating certainty|past action particle So, during the reign of Emperor Huan of Han, he had already reached the position of Minister of Documents. 後來 因為 十常 侍 嘅 變亂 , 佢 就 連 官 都 冇 做 , 隱居 喺 徐州 嚟 。 later|because|Shichang|attendant|possessive particle|turmoil|he|then|even|official|also|not|do|live in seclusion|in|Xuzhou|come Later, due to the turmoil of the Ten Constant Attendants, he no longer held any official position and lived in seclusion in Xuzhou. 當年 劉備 喺 涿 郡 嘅 時候 呢 , 就 曾經 拜 佢 為 師 。 that year|Liu Bei|at|Zhuo|county|possessive particle|time|particle indicating a question or emphasis|then|once|to pay respect|him|as|teacher Back then, when Liu Bei was in Zhuo County, he had once taken him as a teacher. 及至 劉備 做 咗 徐州 牧 , 更 係 時時 都 登門 請教 , 敬重 到極 㗎 嘞 。 until|Liu Bei|became|past tense marker|Xuzhou|governor|even|was|all the time|all|visiting|asking for advice|respect|to the utmost|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action When Liu Bei became the Governor of Xuzhou, he often visited to seek advice, showing great respect. 噉 當時 一經 陳 登 提醒 啊 , 劉備 就 諗 起 咗 鄭玄 。 then|at that time|once|Chen|Deng|reminded|ah|Liu Bei|then|thought|of|past tense marker|Zheng Xuan So, when Chen Deng reminded him, Liu Bei thought of Zheng Xuan. 係 噃, 佢 真 係 高興 喇 。 yes|particle indicating affirmation|he|really|is|happy|particle indicating a change of state Yes, he was really happy. 即刻 就 同 陳 登去 鄭玄 屋企 , 求 佢 寫封信 畀 袁紹 。 immediately|then|with|Chan|went to|Zheng Xuan|home|asked|him|to write a letter|to|Yuan Shao Immediately, I went with Chen to Zheng Xuan's house to ask him to write a letter to Yuan Shao. 鄭玄 就 非常 爽快 噉 就 應承 咗 咯 , 寫 咗 封信 交 畀 劉備 。 Zheng Xuan|then|very|straightforward|like that|then|agreed|past tense marker|sentence-final particle|wrote|past tense marker|a letter|handed|to|Liu Bei Zheng Xuan readily agreed and wrote a letter to Liu Bei. 於是 劉備 就 派 孫乾 日夜兼程 , 趕快 送信 去 畀 袁紹 嘞 。 then|Liu Bei|then|sent|Sun Qian|day and night without rest|quickly|deliver the letter|to|to|Yuan Shao|past tense marker So Liu Bei sent Sun Qian to deliver the letter to Yuan Shao day and night. 袁紹 接到 信 , 睇 完 佢 就 諗 嘞 : 劉備 消滅 咗 我 細佬 , 本來 係 唔 應該 去 幫 佢 。 Yuan Shao|received|letter|||he|then|thought|past tense marker|Liu Bei|eliminated|past tense marker|my|younger brother|originally|was|not|should|go|help|him When Yuan Shao received the letter and read it, he thought: Liu Bei has eliminated my younger brother, I shouldn't help him. 但 係 鄭尚書 開到 聲 , 唔 去 救 佢 就 唔 好 吖 。 ||Secretary Zheng|opened|voice|not|go|save|him|then|not|good|particle But Zheng, the Secretary, has made a sound, it wouldn't be good not to save him. 於是 袁紹 聚集 文武 官員 , 一齊 嚟 商量 興兵 攻打 曹操 嘅 事 。 then|Yuan Shao|gathered|civil and military|officials|together|came|to discuss|raising troops|attacking|Cao Cao|possessive particle|matter So, Yuan Shao gathered the civil and military officials to discuss the matter of raising troops to attack Cao Cao. 但 係 佢 部下 嗰 班 謀士 啊 , 好似 田豐 吖 、 沮授 啊 、 審配 呀 、 郭圖 啊 噉 呢 就 意見 不 一 。 ||he|subordinates|that|group|strategists|particle|like|Tian Feng|particle|Jue Shou|particle|Shen Pei|particle|Guo Tu|particle|then|particle|then|opinions|not|the same However, his subordinates, such as Tian Feng, Ju Shou, Shen Pei, and Guo Tu, had differing opinions. 有 啲 認為 年 年 咁 打仗 , 老百姓 都 辛苦 喇 。 there is|a little|think|year|year|so|fighting|common people|all|hard|particle indicating change of state Some believed that fighting every year was hard on the common people. 儲存 嘅 糧食 又 無多 , 就 唔 應該 興師 動眾 去 大 打 嘞 。 stored|possessive particle|food|again|not much|then|not|should|mobilize troops|move the masses|to|big|fight|past tense particle The stored grain was also not abundant, so it was not advisable to mobilize the masses for a major battle. 不如 逐步 擴張 , 穩扎 穩打 , 用 三年 嘅 時間 嚟 奪取 勝利 。 might as well|gradually|expand|steady|steady|using|three years|possessive particle|time|to|achieve|victory It would be better to expand gradually, steadily, and take three years to achieve victory. 而 另 一種 意見 呢 , 就 認為 袁紹 今天 嘅 勢力 咁 強大 , 興兵 去 打 曹操 , 取勝 係 易如反掌 嘅 , 就 何必 拖延 時日 呢 ? but|another|one kind|opinion|question particle|then|believes|Yuan Shao|today|possessive particle|power|so|strong|raise troops|to|fight|Cao Cao|victory|is|as easy as turning over one's hand|possessive particle|then|why|delay|time|question particle Another opinion is that since Yuan Shao's power is so strong today, it would be as easy as turning over one's hand to raise troops and fight Cao Cao, so why delay any longer? 應該 接受 鄭尚書 嘅 意見 , 幫 劉備 手 , 剿滅 曹操 , 就 上合 天意 下合 民情 喇 噉 。 should|accept|Secretary Zheng|possessive particle|opinion|help|Liu Bei|hand|eliminate|Cao Cao|then|in accordance with|heavenly will|in accordance with|people's sentiment|final particle|like this We should accept the opinion of Secretary Zheng, help Liu Bei, and eliminate Cao Cao, as this aligns with both heaven's will and the people's sentiments. 幾個 人 爭論 來 爭論 去 , 袁紹亦 揸 唔 定 主意 。 several|people|argue|come|argue|go||drive|not|determine|decision As several people debated back and forth, Yuan Shao was also unable to make a decision. 呢 個 時候 , 許攸同 荀 諶 嚟 到 嘞 。 this|measure word|time||Xun|Chen|||past tense marker At this time, Xu You and Xun Chen arrived. 袁紹 就 話 嘞 : 佢 兩個 見識 多 , 睇 下 佢 哋 點 主張 啦 。 Yuan Shao|then|said|past tense marker|he|the two of them|knowledge|much|see|particle indicating action|they|plural marker|how|argue|particle indicating suggestion Yuan Shao said: They both have extensive knowledge, let's see what they propose. 就 問 佢 哋 兩個 話 : 鄭尚書 有信 嚟 畀 我 , 叫 我 起兵 去 幫助 劉備 , 攻打 曹操 。 then|ask|he|they|two|said|Secretary Zheng||come|to|me|told|I|raise troops|to|help|Liu Bei|attack|Cao Cao I asked them both: Minister Zheng has sent a letter to me, asking me to raise troops to help Liu Bei and attack Cao Cao. 你 哋 話 起兵 啱 呢 ? 定 唔 起兵 啱 呢 ? ||say|revolt|right|question particle|or|not|revolt|right|question particle Do you think raising troops is the right thing to do? Or is it not the right thing to do? 佢 兩個 一齊 回答 話 : 明公以 多 打少 , 以 強攻 弱 , 討伐 漢賊 , 扶持 皇室 , 起兵 係 啱 嘅 。 He|two of them|together|answered|said||more||by||weak|defeating|Han bandits|supporting|the royal family|raising troops|is|right|particle indicating possession or modification The two of them answered together: Your Highness, attacking the few with the many, and the weak with the strong, to punish the traitors of Han and support the royal family, raising troops is indeed the right thing to do. 多 咗 呢 兩個 參謀 表示 話 要 起兵 唄 , 袁紹 就 話 嘞 : more|past tense marker|this|two|strategists|expressed|saying|want|raise troops|particle indicating suggestion|Yuan Shao|then|said|particle indicating completed action With these two advisors expressing that we should raise troops, Yuan Shao said: 你 兩個 所講 嘅 合 晒 我 嘅 心 水 啊 。 you|both|what you said|possessive particle|match|completely|my|possessive particle|||sentence-final particle What you both said aligns perfectly with my thoughts. 就 具體 商量 點樣 起兵 . then|specific|discuss|how|raise troops Let's specifically discuss how to raise troops. 袁紹 就 叫 孫乾返 去 回覆 鄭玄 先 . Yuan Shao|then|called||to|reply|Zheng Xuan|first Yuan Shao then asked Sun Qian to return and reply to Zheng Xuan first. 同時 呢 約定 劉玄德 , 準備 接應 . at the same time|this|appointment|Liu Xuande|prepare|support At the same time, he made an agreement with Liu Xuande to prepare for support. 跟 住 , 佢 命令 審配 、 逢紀 做統 軍 , 田豐 、 荀 諶 、 許攸做 謀士 , 顏良 、 文丑 做 將軍 , 出動 馬 軍 十五萬 , 步兵 十五萬 , 總共 精兵 三十萬 啊 , 直向 黎陽 進發 . ||he|ordered|Shen Pei|Feng Ji||army|||||||||||||150000|infantry|150000|a total of|elite troops|300000|ah|directly towards|Liyang|advance Following that, he ordered Shen Pei and Feng Ji to be the generals, while Tian Feng, Xun Chen, and Xu You served as strategists, and Yan Liang and Wen Chou as generals, mobilizing 150,000 cavalry and 150,000 infantry, totaling 300,000 elite troops, heading straight towards Liyang. 黎陽 呢 , 喺 許都 嘅 北 便 嚟 , 即 係 今日 河南省 浚縣 嘅 東南方 . Liyang|question particle|at|Xudu|possessive particle|north|side|from|that is|is|today|Henan Province|Jun County|possessive particle|southeast Liyang is located to the north of Xudu, specifically in the southeast of today's Jun County in Henan Province. 吖 安排 妥當 之後 , 郭圖 對 袁紹 就 建議 話 : ah|arrange|properly|after|Guo Tu|to|Yuan Shao|then|suggested|saying After everything was arranged properly, Guo Tu suggested to Yuan Shao: 明公 呢 次 討伐 曹操 , 必須 將 曹操 歷年來 所 做 嘅 壞事 列舉 出 嚟 , 寫 一篇 檄文 , 通告 全國 各郡 , 聲討 佢 嘅 罪惡 , 噉 先至 名正言順 喎 . Your Excellency|this|time|campaign against|Cao Cao|must|list|Cao Cao|over the years|all|done|possessive particle|wrongdoings|enumerate|out|come|write|an|open letter|notify|the whole country|all counties|denounce|him|possessive particle|evil deeds|then|only then|justifiable|particle indicating affirmation "Your Excellency, in this campaign against Cao Cao, we must list all the bad deeds Cao Cao has committed over the years, write a memorial, and notify all the counties in the nation to denounce his crimes. Only then can we have a just cause." 呢 個 係 好 主意 嚟 啊 ! 袁紹 接納 咗 郭 圖 嘅 建議 , 就 命令 書記 陳 琳 起草 呢 一篇 檄文 . this|measure word|is|good|idea|coming|particle|Yuan Shao|accepted|past tense marker|Guo|Tu|possessive particle|suggestion|then|ordered|secretary|Chen|Lin|to draft|this||edict "This is a great idea!" Yuan Shao accepted Guo Tu's suggestion and ordered the secretary Chen Lin to draft this memorial. 噉 啊 何謂 檄文 呢 ? then|ah|what is|proclamation|question particle So, what is a memorial? 檄文 就 係 古時 官府 用 嚟 征召 、 宣佈 或者 聲討 嘅 文書 。 edict|just|is|ancient times|government|used|to||announce|or|denounce|possessive particle|document A memorial is a document used by ancient officials to summon, announce, or denounce. 尤其 是 係 要 打仗 嘞 , 就 先發 一篇 檄文 , 聲討 敵人 嘅 罪行 , 講明 自己 出兵 嘅 原因 , 噉 啊 使 到 師出有名 , 振奮 威風 。 especially|is|to|need|go to war|past tense marker|then|first issue|one|proclamation|denounce|enemy|possessive particle|crimes|clarify|oneself|send troops|possessive particle|reason|so|ah|make|to|troops have a just cause|invigorate|prestige Especially when it comes to going to war, one must first issue a proclamation, denouncing the enemy's crimes and clarifying the reasons for sending troops, so that the military action is justified and morale is boosted. 呢 個 陳 琳 啊 , 字 孔璋 , 佢 嘅 才學 一向 都 好 出名 嘅 。 this|measure word|Chan|Lin|sentence-final particle|surname|Kong Cheung|he|possessive particle|talent|always|all|very|famous|sentence-final particle This Chen Lin, whose courtesy name is Kongzhang, has always been well-known for his talents. 喺 漢靈帝 嘅 朝代 呢 , 佢 喺 朝廷 嘅 官職 係 主簿 。 in|Emperor Ling of Han|possessive particle|dynasty|this|he|in|court|possessive particle|official position|is|chief clerk During the reign of Emperor Ling of Han, he held the position of chief clerk in the court. 因為 勸諫 何進 , 何進 又 唔 聽 佢 個 意見 , 跟 住 呢 , 又 遇 着 董卓 作亂 咯 , 所以 就 趯 咗 嚟 冀州 避難 。 because|advised|He Jin||again|not|listened|his|possessive particle|opinion|||particle indicating a question|again|||Dong Zhuo|causing chaos|particle indicating a completed action|so|then|ran|past tense marker|come|Jizhou|seek refuge Because he advised He Jin, and He Jin did not listen to his advice, he then encountered the chaos caused by Dong Zhuo, so he fled to Jizhou for refuge. 袁紹 用 佢 嚟 做 個 書記官 。 Yuan Shao|use|he|to|be|the|secretary Yuan Shao employed him as a secretary. 噉 當時 佢 接受 咗 袁紹 嘅 命令 寫 檄文 。 then|at that time|he|accepted|past tense marker|Yuan Shao|possessive particle|order|wrote|letter of challenge At that time, he accepted Yuan Shao's order to write a memorial. 啊 , 真 係 筆落 似蠶聲 啊 , 一陣 間 , 千幾 二千 字 嘅 檄文 就 寫 好 嘞 。 ah|||writing|like the sound of a silkworm|ah|||over a thousand|two thousand|characters|possessive particle|proclamation|then|||past tense particle Ah, it really flowed like a silkworm's voice, in a moment, a thousand or two thousand characters of the memorial were written. 嗰 篇 檄文 啊 , 由 曹操 個 父親 曹嵩 , 投靠 當時 掌握 國家 大權 嘅 太監 曹騰 講起 , 斥責 曹操 嘅 先人 啊 都 係 興妖作孽 、 做 盡 壞事 嘅 傢伙 。 that|article|memorial|ah|by|Cao Cao|possessive particle|father|Cao Song|defected to|at that time|held|country|great power|possessive particle|eunuch|Cao Teng|speaking of|reprimanded|Cao Cao|possessive particle|ancestors|ah|all|were|engaging in evil deeds|doing|to the fullest|bad things|possessive particle|guy That memorial, starting from Cao Cao's father, Cao Song, who allied with the eunuch Cao Teng, criticized Cao Cao's ancestors as being troublemakers and doing all sorts of evil deeds. 然後 就 指出 曹操 當年 參與 討伐 董卓 , 屢屢 打敗仗 , 而 後來 積聚 咗 勢力 之後 喇 , 就 開始 飛揚跋扈 、 殘害 人民 。 then|just|pointed out|Cao Cao|that year|participated|campaign against|Dong Zhuo|repeatedly|lost battles|and|later|accumulated|past tense marker|power|after|sentence-final particle|then|started|being arrogant and overbearing|harming|people Then it pointed out that Cao Cao participated in the campaign against Dong Zhuo, suffered repeated defeats, and later, after accumulating power, began to act arrogantly and harm the people. 再 後 , 就 挾持 皇帝 、 專制 朝政 、 殺害 大臣 、 挖掘 皇室 陵墓 、 苛政 害民 等等 , 總之 呢 , 曹操 可以 話 係 歷代 最 貪 殘酷 烈 嘅 奸臣 噉 。 ||then|to kidnap|emperor|to usurp|government|to kill|ministers|to excavate|royal family|tomb|harsh rule|harming the people|etc|in short|this|Cao Cao|can|be said|is|throughout history|most|greedy|cruel|fierce|possessive particle|treacherous minister|like this Furthermore, he held the emperor hostage, monopolized the government, killed ministers, excavated royal tombs, imposed harsh policies on the people, and so on. In short, Cao Cao can be said to be one of the most greedy and cruel traitors in history. 而家 , 號召 各地 起兵 , 共同 討伐 曹操 。 now|to rally|from all over|to raise troops|together|to attack|Cao Cao Now, we call upon all regions to rise up and jointly attack Cao Cao. 如果 有人 斬得 曹操 首級 嘅 , 封 五千戶 侯 , 賞錢 五千萬 。 if|someone|can kill|Cao Cao|head|possessive particle|grant|five thousand households|marquis|reward money|fifty million If anyone can behead Cao Cao, they will be granted the title of Marquis of 5,000 households and a reward of 50 million in cash. 曹操 嘅 部下 , 無論 大小 將校 官員 , 投降 嘅 一律 不予 追究 噉 。 Cao Cao|possessive particle|subordinates|regardless of|size|military officers|officials|surrender|possessive particle|uniformly|not to|pursue responsibility|like this Cao Cao's subordinates, regardless of their rank or position, will not be pursued if they surrender. 袁紹 睇 咗 陳 琳 寫 嘅 呢 篇 檄文 , 認為 寫 得 有 氣魄 , 好 嘢 。 Yuan Shao|read|past tense marker|Chen|Lin|wrote|possessive particle|this|classifier for articles|memorial|believed|writing|to have|has|spirit|good|thing Yuan Shao read the memorial written by Chen Lin and believed it was written with great spirit, a good piece. 即刻 就 吩咐 將呢 篇 檄文 啊 , 抄成 好 多份 , 發到 去 各個 州郡 , 並且 喺 各處 嘅 關津 隘口 張貼 出 嚟 。 immediately|then|instructed||piece of|proclamation|particle|copied|very|many copies|sent to|to|every|state and county|and|at|every place|possessive particle|customs|checkpoints|posted|out|particle He immediately ordered that this memorial be copied into many copies and distributed to various states and counties, and posted at all the passes and checkpoints. 當呢 篇 檄文 傳到 去 許都 嘅 時候 , 曹操 正 係 有 病 , 頭風 啊 , 瞓 喺 床 嚟 。 |measure word for articles|edict|was delivered|to|Xu Du|possessive particle|time|Cao Cao|just|was|having|illness|headache|particle indicating exclamation|sleep|at|bed|coming When this memorial was delivered to Xu Du, Cao Cao was ill, suffering from a headache, and lying in bed. 啲 人將 呢 篇 檄文 送 嚟 畀 佢 睇 。 the||this|article|proclamation|send|here|to|him|read The people brought this memorial for him to read. 曹操 一睇 完 , 哎呀 ! 毛骨悚然 , 出 咗 成身 冷汗 。 Cao Cao|at a glance|finished|oh no|hair-raising|broke|past tense marker|whole body|cold sweat After Cao Cao finished reading it, he was shocked and broke out in a cold sweat. 誒 , 啊 又 奇 喎 , 佢 嘅 頭風 病 即刻 好 晒 。 eh|ah|again|strange|particle indicating realization|he|possessive particle|||immediately|well|completely Oh, how strange, his headache was immediately cured. 喺 床 處 嚗 聲 起身 , 佢 問 曹 洪 話 : 呢 篇 檄文 , 係 邊個 作 㗎 ? at|bed|location|snoring|sound|woke up|he|asked|Cao|Hong|said|this|piece|proclamation|is|who|wrote|question particle He sat up from bed and asked Cao Hong, 'Who wrote this memorial?' 聽講 係 陳 琳 寫 嘅 喎 。 I heard|is|Chan|Lin|wrote|(possessive particle)|sentence-final particle I heard it was written by Chen Lin. 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 有 文才 嘅 人 , 必須 有 武功 嚟 到 配合 。 hahaha|haha||have|literary talent|possessive particle|person|must|have|martial arts|come|to|match Hahahaha, a person with literary talent must have martial skills to match. 陳 琳 嘅 文才 雖然 好 啊 , 但 係 袁紹 嘅 武功 不足 呢 , 哈哈哈哈 。 Chan|Lin|possessive particle|literary talent|although|good|particle|||Yuan Shao|possessive particle|martial arts|insufficient|particle|hahaha Although Chen Lin's literary talent is great, Yuan Shao's martial skills are lacking, hahahaha. 即 係 話 唔 使 怕 。 That means there's no need to be afraid. 於是 就 召集 所有 嘅 謀士 嚟 研究 點樣 迎敵 。 then|immediately|gathered|all|possessive particle|strategists|to|study|how|confront the enemy So he summoned all the strategists to discuss how to face the enemy. 孔融 聽到 呢 個 消息 , 就 走 嚟 見 曹操 話 : Kong Rong|heard|this|measure word|news|then|||to see|Cao Cao|said Kong Rong heard this news and came to see Cao Cao saying: 袁紹 勢力 咁 大 , 唔 好 同 佢 打 啊 , 只 能夠 同 佢 講 和 㗎 咋 。 Yuan Shao|power|so|big|not|good|with|him|fight|sentence-final particle|only|able to|with|him|talk|peace|sentence-final particle|only Yuan Shao's power is so great, we shouldn't fight him, we can only talk about peace. 荀彧 駁 佢 話 : Xun Yu|refuted|he|said Xun Yu rebutted him saying: 袁紹 呢 啲 噉 嘅 無用 之 人 , 何必 同 佢 講 和 呢 ? Yuan Shao|this|plural marker|like that|possessive particle|useless|possessive particle|people|why bother|with|him|talk|peace|question particle People like Yuan Shao are useless, why should we talk about peace with him? 點 能夠 噉 話 啊 ? how|able to|like that|say|question particle How can you say that? 袁紹 地廣民強 , 佢 嘅 部下 嗱, 好似 許攸 、 郭圖 、 審配 、 逢紀 , 都 係 足智多謀 ; Yuan Shao|vast territory and strong population|he|possessive particle|subordinates|you see|like|Xu You|Guo Tu|Shen Pei|Feng Ji|all|are|resourceful and wise Yuan Shao had a vast territory and strong people, and his subordinates, like Xu You, Guo Tu, Shen Pei, and Feng Ji, were all very resourceful; 田豐 、 沮授 , 呢 啲 係 忠臣 嚟 呀 ; Tian Feng|Ju Shou|this|plural marker|are|loyal ministers|come|sentence-final particle Tian Feng and Ju Shou were loyal ministers; 顏良 、 文丑 勇冠三軍 ; Yan Liang|Wen Chou|brave and unmatched among the three armies Yan Liang and Wen Chou were brave and unmatched in the army; 其他 好似 高覽 、 張 郃 、 淳于瓊 等等 都 係 世上 名將 喎 ; others|like|Gao Lian|Zhang|He|Chunyu Qiong|etc|all|are|in the world|famous generals|particle indicating affirmation Others like Gao Lan, Zhang He, and Chunyu Qiong were also famous generals in the world; 點 能夠 話 袁紹 係 個 無用 之人 啊 ? how|able to|say|Yuan Shao|is|a|useless|person|particle How could one say that Yuan Shao was a useless person? 荀彧 笑 嘞 : 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 , 袁紹兵 多 , 冇 錯 , 但 係 好 垃雜 。 Xun Yu|laugh|past tense marker|hehe|hehe|hehe|hehe|hehe|Yuan Shao's army|many|not|wrong|||very|messy Xun Yu laughed: Hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe, Yuan Shao's troops are many, no doubt, but they are very disorganized. 田豐 , 人 啊 剛直 , 之鍾意 頂撞 上司 。 Tin Fung|person|ah|straightforward||to argue with|boss Tian Feng, a person who is straightforward, likes to clash with his superiors. 許攸 既 貪婪 又 愚蠢 。 Xu You|both|greedy|and|stupid Xu You is both greedy and foolish. 審配 雖然 學有專長 , 但 係 冇 乜 計謀 嘅 。 Shen Pei|although|has expertise|but|is|has no|any|strategy|particle Shen Pei, although knowledgeable, lacks strategy. 逢紀 做事 啊夠 果斷 咯 , 但 係 冇 能力 吖 。 Fung Kei|work|quite|decisive|particle|||no|ability|particle Feng Ji is decisive in his work, but lacks ability. 佢 哋 呢 幾個 人 , 勢必 係 不能 相容 , 一定 會 發生 內 變 嘅 。 they|plural marker|this|few|people|must|be|not|compatible|definitely|will|happen|internal|change|possessive particle These few people must be incompatible, and internal changes will definitely occur. 顏良 、 文丑 , 匹夫之勇 , 一箭 就 捉 咗 佢 咯 。 Yan Liang|Wen Chou|the bravery of a common man|one arrow|then|caught|past tense marker|him|sentence-final particle Yan Liang and Wen Chou, with mere brute strength, caught him with just one arrow. 其餘 都 係 碌碌 之輩 , 就算 有 一百萬 啊 , 何足道哉 啊 ! the rest|all|are|mediocre|people|even if|have|one million|ah|what is there to boast about|ah The rest are just mediocre individuals; even if there are a million of them, what does it matter! 孔融 噉 就 啞 晒 啦 。 Kong Rong|like this|then|mute|completely|particle indicating completed action Kong Rong is completely speechless. 曹操 哈哈大笑 話 : 都 係 不出 荀文若 所料 啊 ! 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 。 Cao Cao|laughed heartily|said|all|are|not out of|Xun Wenruo|expectations|ah|hahaha|hahaha Cao Cao laughed heartily and said: "It is just as Xun Wenruo predicted! Hahahaha!" 荀文若 就 係 荀彧 , 即 係 話 荀彧 分析 得 啱 。 Xun Wenruo|just|is|Xun Yu|that is|is|saying|Xun Yu|analysis|correctly|right Xun Wenruo is Xun Yu, which means Xun Yu's analysis is correct. 於是 曹操 下令 , 叫 前軍 劉岱 、 後軍 王忠 呀 帶 五萬 兵馬 , 打住 丞相 嘅 旗號 , 去 徐州 攻打 劉備 嘞 。 then|Cao Cao|gave the order|to call|vanguard|Liu Dai|rear guard|Wang Zhong|particle|to bring|fifty thousand|troops|under|Prime Minister|possessive particle|banner|to go|Xuzhou|to attack|Liu Bei|particle So Cao Cao ordered General Liu Dai and Rear General Wang Zhong to take 50,000 troops, under the banner of the Chancellor, to attack Liu Bei in Xuzhou.

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