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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 096

楊修 啊 , 一 聽講 曹操 吩咐 當晚 嘅 口令 , 係 雞肋 兩個 字 , 即刻 就 叫 人 同 佢 執 拾 行裝 準備 返扯 。 呢 件 事 有人 講 咗 畀 夏侯惇 知 。 得 了 嘅 ! 夏侯惇 吃 咗 一驚 , 即刻 請 楊修 嚟 問 佢 : 先生 , 點解 你 要 收拾 行裝 啊 ? 楊修話 喇 : 哦 , 將軍 你 睇 下 今晚 嘅 口令 , 就 可以 知道 魏王 好 快 就 會 退兵 返去 㗎 喇 。 雞肋 雞肋 , 唉 , 食之無肉 , 棄之 有味 吖 嘛 。 而家 ? 進 不能 勝退 又 怕人 哋 笑 , 喺 度 毫無 益處 , 噉 就 不如 早 啲 返 扯 啦 。 好 快趣 魏王 就 班師 㗎 喇 , 故此 我 叫 人 收拾 定 行裝 , 免致 臨急 周章 啦 。 啊 , 先生 你 真 係 摸清 晒 魏 王 嘅 心事 啊 ! 夏侯惇 亦 都 吩咐 啲 人 同 佢 執 定 行李 喇 。 眨 下眼 , 一傳十 十傳百 所有 個 將官 人人 都 準備 返歸 嘞 喎 。 當晚 , 曹操 心亂如麻 , 瞓 極 都 瞓 唔 着 。 佢 唔 瞓 喇 , 索性 起身 , 揸 住 一把 鋼斧 , 靜靜地 噉 喺 營寨 裏頭 到處 咁 巡 。 咦 ? 乜 見到 夏侯惇 營寨 裏頭 啲 士兵 , 人人 都 執拾 行裝 嘞 。 嚇 到 曹操 一 驚 噃, 急急 返去 中軍帳 , 召 夏侯惇 嚟 問 佢 , 究竟 係 一回 咩 嘢 事 。 夏侯惇 就將 楊修個 說話 原原本本 噉 報告 曹操 。 曹操 就 立即 嗌 楊修 嚟 問 佢 。 噉 楊修 就將 雞肋 嘅 意思 講出 嚟 啦 。 曹操 突然 變 咗 面色 , 大喝一聲 話 : 你 咁 大膽 亂 造謠言 , 動搖 軍心 ! 人 嚟 ! 推出 去 斬首 ! 曹操 即刻 嗌 刀斧手 啊 推 咗 楊修 出去 殺頭 喎 , 並且 將 佢 個人 頭 掛 喺 轅門 外便示 眾添 。 唉 , 原來 楊修 呢 份 人 呢 , 平時 太過 恃 住 自己 才學 叻 , 鋒芒畢露 , 又 唔 識得 避忌 , 觸犯 過 曹操 好 幾次 㗎 喇 。 呢 有 一次 啊 , 曹操 建築 咗 一座 花園 。 落成 嗰 日 呢 , 曹操 去 睇 過 , 佢 冇 話 好 時 亦 冇 話 唔 好 , 吓 。 只 係 攞 支 筆 喇 , 喺 門口 上面 寫 咗 個 活字 , 呢 噉 就 走 咗 喇 。 啲 人 都 唔 知 係 咩 意思 噃。 楊修 見 咗 就 話 喇 : 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 , 門字 裏頭 添 多個 活字 , 就 係 個 闊字 啦 , 丞相 呀 係 嫌個 轅門 闊 啲 吖 嘛 。 於是 就 再起 個 埲 圍牆 , 改過 個 門口 , 又 請 曹操 嚟 睇 下 。 哈 , 呢 次 曹操 就 好 滿意 嘞 , 佢 問 啲 人 話 : 邊個 咁 知 我 嘅 意思 啊 , 吓 ? 係 楊修 啊 。 哦 , 好極 喇 , 哈哈 , 好極 喇 。 曹操 個口 雖然 稱讚 佢 啊 , 之個 心 呀 就 好 忌 楊修 啊 。 又 有 一日 , 有人 喺 塞北 , 即 係 長城 以北 , 誒 今日 嘅 內蒙 呢 啲 地方 喇 , 送 咗 一盒 酥油 嚟 。 曹操 順手 攞 支 筆 喺 個 盒 處 寫 咗 一盒 酥 噉 三個 字 就 放 喺 枱 頭 。 收尾 , 楊修入 嚟 見到 , 哈 , 佢 一 啲 都 唔 客氣 喎 , 竟然 攞 隻 匙 羹 就 同 大家 分 嚟 食 清光 。 曹操 知道 咗 就 問 佢 點解 啦 。 楊修話 嘞 : 個 盒 上 便 , 明明 寫住 一人 一口 酥 咯 , 噉 我 哋 點敢 違抗 丞相 嘅 命令 吖 ? 唔 係 一人 一口 分 嚟 食 晒 佢 咯 。 哦 , 哈哈 , 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 曹操 雖然 表面 上 哈哈大笑 呀 , 之個 心 呀 , 就 好 嬲 楊修 啊 。 呢 仲 有 噃, 曹操 個人 啊 好 怕 畀 人 哋 謀害 嘅 , 所以 經常 都 吩咐 佢 啲 近 身 侍從 話 嘞 : 我 , 發夢好 鍾 意 殺人 㗎 , 凡 係 我 瞓 着 咗 , 你 哋 千祈 唔 好 行近 我 啊 。 有 一日 , 曹操 瞓 晏 覺 , 瞓 瞓 下 一 轉身 , 戽 被 , 張 被 跌落 地 嘞 。 有個 侍從 即刻 行埋 去 床邊 , 執返 起張 被 同 佢 𢫏 返 啦 。 曹操 突然 間 啪 聲 跳 起身 ,掹 出 把 劍 斬 死 咗 個 侍從 , 然後 又 上床 瞓 返 。 過 咗 一陣 , 曹操 起身 , 佢 好 驚 噉 問 : 哎呀 , 邊 , 邊個 殺 咗 我 嘅 侍從 啊 ! 大家 就講 返 佢 聽 啦 係 噉 噉 噉 噉 噉 。 曹操 當堂 𡃀𡃀 聲喊 得 都 唔 知 幾 傷心 , 叫 人 好好 噉 安葬 咗 嗰 個 侍從 。 所以 呢 , 人人 都 知道 曹操 呀 真 係 發夢 殺人 㗎 。 唯獨 是 楊修 呢 就 睇 穿 晒 曹操 呢 槓 嘢 喎 。 臨到 同 嗰 個 侍從 安葬 嗰 陣 , 楊修 指 住 埲 棺材 話 喇 : 唉 , 丞相 就 唔 係 發夢 啊 , 你 先 至 係 發夢 咋 。 哈哈 曹操 知道 咗 , 當然 更加 憎 佢 啦 。 曹植 , 係 曹操 個 第三 仔 吖 , 佢 係 好 愛慕 楊 修 嘅 才學 , 時時 都 請 楊修 去 談今論古 就 傾到 通宵 都 有 嘅 。 有 一段時間 , 曹操 同 佢 啲 謀士 商量 想立 曹植 做 繼承人 。 呢 件 事 畀 大仔 曹丕 知道 咗 , 就 秘密 約 咗 佢 個 死黨 啊 , 朝歌 令 吳質 就 返 嚟 屋企 商量 。 因為 怕 畀 人知 啊 , 就 用 隻 大笠 呢 , 就 裝住 吳質 , 話 係 布匹 嚟 噉 , 用 噉 嘅 辦法 啊將 吳質 接返 去 屋企 。 楊修 啊 唔 知 點解 咁 叻 , 知道 咗 呢 件 事 喎 畀 佢 , 就 直情 去 報告 曹操 。 曹操 就 派 人 喺 曹丕 嘅 住宅 門口 睺 到實 。 曹丕 慌忙 講 畀 吳質 聽 。 吳質 話 : 唔 使 憂 嘅 。 聽日 , 你 用 隻 大笠 , 再裝 啲 布匹 入 嚟 迷惑 下 佢 啦 。 噉 於是 曹丕 就 叫 人用 隻 大笠 , 裝住 好多 布匹 運入 住宅 。 曹操 派 嚟 監視 嘅 人 就 截 咗 一 查 嘿 , 冇 錯 係 布匹 嚟 啫 , 唔 係 其他 嘢 啊 , 就 返去 報告 曹操 。 曹操 噉 就 懷疑 楊修 啊 , 係 有心 整 蠱 曹丕 嘞 , 就 越發 憎恨 佢 。 又 有 一次 , 曹操 想試 下 曹丕 、 曹植 兩個 仔 嘅 才幹 喎 。 呢 一日 , 曹操 叫 佢 哋 出去 鄴 城門 外 , 但 係 呢 , 又 靜靜 派 人 去 吩咐 守門 嘅 官員 , 唔 好 畀 佢 哋 出 城 。 曹丕 係 先 到 嘅 , 門官 就 攔住 唔 畀 出去 。 曹丕 就 老老實實 返 轉頭 啦 。 曹植 知道 咗 就 問楊修 嘞 噃。 楊修話 : 你 係 奉 咗 王命 出 城 嘅 , 邊個 敢 攔阻 你 , 你 直 情殺 咗 佢 就 係 喇 。 曹植 聽 佢 嘅 。 當 曹植 行到 城門 , 門官 就 攔住 佢 。 曹植 喝 佢 話 喇 : 我 奉 咗 王命 出城 , 邊個 敢 攔 我 ! 拔出 把 劍 , 一劍 就 斬 咗 個 門官 , 哈真 係 冤枉 咯 , 噉 佢 就 昂然 出城 嘞 。 哈 , 叻 仔 喎 ! 於是 曹操 以為 曹植 有 本事 嘞 。 收尾 有人 講返 畀 曹操 知 , 話 嗰 啲 啊 , 係 楊修 教 嘅 啫 噉 。 吖 曹操 嬲 得 好 緊要 啊 , 因此 呢 , 就連 曹植 都 嬲 埋 。 仲有 啊 , 楊修 啊 幫 曹植 編 咗 十幾 段 有關 天下大事 嘅 問答 , 愛 嚟 應付 曹操 嘅 , 噉 一 問起 上 嚟 就 有 得講 啊 。 所以 但凡 曹操 將軍 國 大事 問起 曹植 呢 , 曹植 都 對答如流 嘅 , 吖 曹操 個心 十分 奇怪 嘞 。 收尾 , 曹丕 暗中 收買 曹植 嘅 僕人 , 偷 咗 嗰 份 問答 嚟 畀 曹操 睇 。 曹操 真 係 發火 喇 : 豈有此理 , 楊修 你 個 匹夫 ! 咁 大膽 連我 都 敢 呃 ! 從此 呢 , 曹操 就 想 殺 咗 楊修 㗎 喇 。 呢 一次 呀 , 就 係 借 啲 意以 擾亂 軍心 嘅 罪名 嚟 殺 咗 佢 。 噉 楊修 被 殺 嘅 時候 呀 , 嘿 , 先至 係 卅 四歲 咋 。 曹操 殺 咗 楊修 之後 詐家 意想 殺 埋 夏侯惇 。 噉 大家 當然 嚟 講情 㗎 啦 , 一 講情 , 曹操 就 有 台階落 喇 , 鬧 夏侯惇 幾句 就 了 事 嘞 。 跟 住 就 下令 聽日 進兵 。 到 咗 第日 , 曹 軍 一出 咗 斜谷 界口 , 魏延 已經 率領 住 一支 兵馬 喺 度 等 實 嘞 。 曹操 招魏延 投降 喎 , 畀 魏延鬧 返 轉頭 。 曹操 就 叫 龐德 出戰 。 當 佢 哋 正 喺 度 激戰 緊 , 嘿 , 曹 軍營 寨 起火 嘞 。 探馬 飛奔 嚟 報告 話 馬超 劫 咗 中寨 同後寨 啊 噉 。 曹操 一聽 , 立即 拔出 寶劍 揸 住 喺 手 , 大聲 噉 話 : 邊個 後退 嘅 斬 ! 啊 , 於是 全軍 將士 呀 , 奮勇向前 。 打到 咁 上下 , 魏延 詐敗 走 嘞 。 曹操 呢 個 時候 先至 指揮 軍隊 轉頭 返去 打 馬超 。 自己 呢 , 就 騎馬 企 喺 個 高坡 上面 觀戰 。 突然 間 有 一彪 人馬 好似 天外飛來 噉 啊 , 撞 到 嚟 面前 。 有個 將軍 大喝一聲 : 魏 延 喺 處 啊 ! 𠻘 噉 一箭射 正 曹操 , 嘩 ! 曹操 成個 跌 咗 落馬 。 魏延 就 擗 開張 弓 , 手提 大刀 驟馬 跑 上 山坡 想 嚟 斬 曹操 。 哈 , 眼睇 住 曹操 呢 勻 係 咁 大 㗎 喇 , 好 在 打橫 閃出 一員大將 高聲 大叫 咪 逳 手 啊 ! 有救 喇 有救 喇 , 原來 係 龐德 趕到 。 佢 搏 命 殺退 咗 魏延 , 保護 住 曹操 向前 行 。 呢 陣時 , 馬超 嘅 人馬 就 已經 退 咗 。 曹操 啊 受傷 返到 營寨 吖 , 哎喲 , 慘咯 呢 勻 。 原來 先頭 畀 魏延 一箭 射中 人中 , 打脫 咗 兩隻 門牙 , 個 嘴 呀 , 變 咗 個 風爐 噉 樣 , 即刻 就 叫 隨軍 醫生 嚟 醫啦 。 噉 啊 到 咗 而家 , 曹操 先至 諗 返起 楊 修 嘅 說話 。 話 漢中 呢 笪 地方 呀 確係 雞肋 雞肋 , 食之無肉 就棄 之 有味 咯 。 就 叫 人 啊 斂 好 楊 修 嘅 屍體 , 好好 噉 安葬 。 就 下令 班師回朝 , 大軍 撤退 嗰 陣 呢 , 由 龐德 押後 。 曹操 就 瞓 喺 架 特 備 嘅 車 處 , 左右 兩旁 呢 由 虎賁 軍 護衛 。 而 孔明 呢 , 早就 料到 曹操 必定 要 放棄 漢中 撤退 嘅 。 所以 派 咗 馬超 等等 一班 將官 呀 分兵 十幾路 , 沿途 咁 攻擊 。 所以 搞 到 曹操 非常 之 狼狽 啊 。 嗰 日 佢 嘅 前 隊 啱 啱 出發 唧 , 斜谷 山上 就 兩 便 起火 。 嘩 係 馬超 嘅 伏兵 追 嚟 啊 ! 曹兵 人人 心慌 個個 膽寒 。 曹操 下令 急行軍 , 不分晝夜 拼命 趕路 , 一直 返到 去 長安 附近 啊 人心 先至定 返 。 噉 呢 啲 呢 , 就 放落 唔 講 佢 喇 。 而家 講下 劉備 。 劉備 佢 擊敗 咗 曹操 之後 呢 , 又 命令 劉封 、 孟達 、 王平 等等 將領 啊 去 攻佔 上庸 各個 郡 。 噉 啊 上 庸 嘅 郡 城 呢 , 誒 喺 今日 湖北省 嘅 西部 。 上 庸 郡 包括 陝西 東部 、 湖北 西部 嘅 部分 地方 。 噉 啊 , 當地 啲 官員 聽講 曹操 已經 放棄 咗 漢中 走人 嘞 , 咪 冚𠾴唥 都 投降 啦 。 劉備 安民 之後 , 大賞 三軍 , 人人 都 好 高興 嘞 。 當時 , 所有 嘅 文官 武將 啊 , 都 有 心想 推舉 劉備 做 皇帝 㗎 嘞 , 但 係 就 唔 敢 開口 喎 , 就 走 去 同 孔明 講 嘞 。 孔明 話 : 得 喇 , 我 已經 諗 定 晒 㗎 喇 。 於是 孔明 就 同埋 法正 等等 一班人 去 見 劉備 。 孔明 話 喇 : 當前 曹操 專權 , 百姓 無 主 。 主公 你 嘅 大仁大義 天下 著名 。 今日 , 已經 擁有 東西 兩川 之 地 , 就 應該 順從 天意 人心 , 登位 做 皇帝 , 名正言順 嚟 討伐 國賊 。 事不宜遲 啊 , 請 主公 擇個 吉日 登位 啦 。 哎呀呀 呀呀 , 軍師 你 噉 講就 大錯特錯 咯 。 我 劉備 雖則 係 漢室 宗親 , 但 係 到底 係 個 臣子 嚟 吖 。 如果 做 啲 噉 嘅 事 , 就 係 反漢 㗎 喇 。 唔 係 噉 講 啊 主公 , 當今 天下大亂 , 英雄 並起 各霸 一方 。 咁 多 有 才學 有 本事 嘅 人 , 捨死忘生 為 佢 哋 嘅 主公 效力 , 為 咩 嘢 呢 ? 無非 係 想 攀龍附鳳 建立 功名 啫 。 如果 主公 一味 噉 避 嫌疑 , 死守 住 君臣 之義唔 肯 即位 做 皇帝 , 噉 就 會令 到 大家 好 失望 㗎 喇 。 請 主公 你 認真 諗 下 啦 。 誒 , 啊 唔 得 嘅 唔 得 嘅 , 要 我 自立 為 皇帝 , 啊 我點 都 唔 能夠 噉 做 嘅 。 誒 不如 大家 再 商量 個 好 啲 嘅 辦法 啦 。 噉 大家 一齊 都 話 喇 : 主公 啊 , 你 如果 一味 噉 推 , 大家 就 離心 㗎 喇 。 孔明 話 喇 : 係 嘅 , 主公 你 平生 以義為 本 , 一時 唔 肯稱 為 皇帝 , 噉 啊 以後 再講 啦 。 不過 而家 已經 擁有 荊襄 兩川 之 地 咯 , 噉 誒 , 可以 暫時 做住 漢中 王 啦 。 劉備 話 : 你 哋 雖然 有心 要 擁護 我 做 王 啫 , 不過 冇 天子 正式 嘅 詔書 嚟 封 我 , 噉 啊 仲 係 冒用 名義 嘅 咋 噃。 孔明 話 喇 : 主公 啊 , 喺 呢 啲 時候 可以 變通 啲 嚟 做 嘅 , 唔 使 咁 拘泥於 常理 嘅 。 張飛 聽聽 下真 係 忍 唔 住 喇 佢 大聲 噉 嗌: 唔 係 姓 劉 嘅 人 , 個個 都 想 係 做 皇帝 , 何況 大哥 你 係 漢室 宗親 呢 ? 莫 講話 做 漢中 王 啊 , 就 係 做 皇帝 又 有何不可 啊 ! 哎三弟 三弟 你 唔 好講 咁 多咯 。 孔明 話 : 主公 呀 , 你 應該 根據 當前 嘅 形勢 變通 一下 , 先進 位 做 漢中 王 , 然後 稟奏 天子 都 未 為 遲 吖 。 既然 孔明同 大家 都 係 噉 講 , 劉備 再三再四 都 推辭 不了 就 只有 應承 啦 。 嘿嘿 , 其實 呢 啲 呢 , 又 係 做戲 咁 做 嘅 啫 。 噉 啊 喺 建安 二十四年 , 即 係 公元 二一 九年 , 七月 。 喺 沔陽縣 , 呢 個 係 古代 個 縣 喇 , 就 喺 而 家 陝西省 勉縣 附近 嚟 , 喺 漢中市 嘅 東 便 。 噉 啊 築起 咗 個壇 , 好大 喇 , 方圓 九里 , 分佈 五方 , 擺設 好 旌旗 儀仗 , 噉 啊 所有 嘅 官員 都 依住 次序 排列 好 。 到 咗 吉時 喇 , 許靖 、 法正 , 就 恭請 劉備 登壇 , 獻上 皇冠 、 玉璽 , 然後 就 向 住 南 便 坐落 。 呢 , 古時 所有 嘅 皇帝 啊 , 都 係 座 北向南 噉 坐 嘅 。 所謂 南面 稱王 就 係 噉 解喇 。 噉 啊 接受 文武 官員 朝拜 祝賀 , 登位 做 其 漢中 王 。 立個 仔 劉禪 , 就 係 阿斗 啊 , 做皇 世子 。 封 許靖 做 太傅 ; 法正 做 尚書令 ; 諸葛亮 做 軍師 , 總理 軍國大事 。 封 關羽 、 張飛 、 趙雲 、 馬超 、 黃忠 做 五虎 大將 ; 魏延 做 漢中 太守 ; 其餘 嘅 官員 , 個個 都 有 封賞 。 劉備 做 咗 漢中 王 之後 , 佢 寫 咗 一道 稟奏 皇帝 嘅 表章 就 派 使者 送 去 許都 。 內容 呢 大致 係 話 : 曹操 啊 , 有謀朝 篡位 之心 , 禍國殃民 。 自己 於是 呢 依照 古代 嘅 先例 , 權宜 行事 就 立為 漢中 王 , 此後 呢 , 務必 竭盡 努力 , 掃蕩 國賊 啊 安定 社稷 噉 。 曹操 喺 鄴 郡 聽聞 劉備 自立 為 漢中 王唄 , 極之 憤怒 啊 。 佢 拍 枱 噉 鬧 啊 劉備 你 呢 個織席 佬 ! 噉 做 咁 大膽 , 我 發誓 要 消滅 你 ! 即刻 就 想 下令 出 齊 全部 兵馬 , 親自 去 兩川同 劉備 決一雌雄 嘞 噃。 司馬懿 出班 嚟 勸 佢 話 喇 : 大王 , 你 唔 好 因為 一時 嘅 憤怒 , 就 親自 去 遠征 啊 。 微臣 有 一個 辦法 , 唔 使 逳 動 一刀 一箭 , 就 使 到 劉備 喺 兩 川 自 受 其 禍 。 等到 佢 兵 衰 力盡 嘞 , 到 其時 , 大王 派 一個 將軍 去 打 佢 就 可以 成功 喇 。 哦 ? 仲達 你 有何高見 啊 ? 大王 , 江東 孫權 , 初時 將個 妹嫁 畀 劉備 , 收尾 又 睺 個 機會 偷偷 接 咗 返 去 吖 。 劉備 呢 , 又 佔 住 荊州 唔 肯還 。 噉 佢 哋 彼此 都 有 切齒 之 恨 嘅 。 如果 大王 派 一個 好 有 口才 嘅 人 , 帶 封信 去 說 孫權 , 使 到 佢 興兵 去 攞 荊州 。 噉 樣 , 劉備 必定 要 喺 兩 川 發兵 返 嚟 救 荊州 。 到 其時 , 大 王興兵 去 攞 漢川 。 劉備 就 兩頭 都 顧 唔 掂 , 佢 嘅 處境 啊 就 危險 啦 嘛 。 曹操 聽 咗 好 歡喜 , 立即 寫 一封信 派 滿寵 做 使者 , 日夜兼程 趕 去 江東 見 孫權 。 孫權 知道 滿寵 嚟 嘞 , 就 同 佢 嘅 謀士 商量 。 張昭話 嘞 : 魏吳 本來 係 冇 仇 嘅 。 以前 , 皆 因 聽 咗 諸葛亮 嘅 說話 , 先至 使 到 兩家 連年 咁 打仗 , 百姓遭殃 受罪 啫 。 今日 滿寵 嚟 , 必定 係 有講 和 嘅 意思 嘅 , 應該 以禮相待 嘅 。 孫權 聽 佢 講 , 叫 嗰 班 謀士 出去 迎接 滿寵入 城 嚟 見面 。 當滿寵 嚟 到 拜見 嘅 時候 , 孫權 真 係 當 佢 係 貴賓 噉 接待 嘅 。 滿寵 呈 上 曹操 嘅 書信 佢 就 話 嘞 : 吳魏 從來 都 冇 仇 , 皆 因 劉備之 故至 先 搞 到 咁 多 衝突 唧 。 今日 , 魏王 派 我 嚟 , 約請 將軍 去 攻取 荊州 , 魏王 出兵 去 攻打 漢川 , 實行 首尾 夾擊 。 噉 擊破 劉備 之後 , 吳魏 就 一齊 嚟 分 咗 佢 嘅 疆土 。 以後 誓 不 侵犯 , 請 將軍 你 考慮 吖 。 孫權 睇 完信 , 就 設宴款待 滿寵 , 散 咗 席 呢 就 送 佢 去 賓館 住落 。 第 日 , 孫權 就 同 佢 嗰 班 謀士 商量研究 嘞 。 顧雍話 喇 : 滿寵 呢 啲 說話 , 都 係 有 啲 道理 嘅 。 主公 係 唔 係 可以 噉 樣 做 呢 吓 : 誒 一方面 , 送滿 寵返 去 , 約定 曹操 啊 , 首尾夾攻 劉備 。 另一方面 , 派人過 江去 探聽 下 關雲長 嘅 動靜 先 , 然後 先至 採取行動 啦 。 諸葛瑾 接住 話 喇 : 雲長 到 咗 荊州 之後 , 劉備 啊 同 佢 娶 咗 妻室 , 生 咗 個 仔 , 跟 住 又 生 咗 個 女 。 佢 個 女 年紀 仲 係 細 , 未曾 許配 畀 人 嘅 。 如果 主公 同意 嘅 話 , 我 就 去 為 主公 嘅 世子 向雲長 求婚 。 若果 雲長 應承 咯 , 我 哋 就 同雲長 商量 合力 去 破 曹操 ; 若果 雲長 唔 肯 呢 , 噉 我 哋 就 同 曹操 聯合 去 奪取 荊州 啦 。 主公 你 話 噉 好 唔 好 呢 ? 孫權 決定 用 佢 呢 一條 計 。 噉 啊 送 咗 滿寵返 許都 先 , 然後 啊 派 諸葛瑾 做 使者 去 荊州 見 關雲長 嘞 。 關雲長 問 : 子瑜 你 嚟 有 咩 嘢 事 呢 ? 恭喜 將軍 , 賀喜 將軍 啊 ! 哦 ? 賀 喜從何來 啊 ? 吳侯 有 個 仔 , 聰明 過人 , 聽聞 將軍 嘅 令嬡 十分 賢淑 , 我 奉 咗 吳侯之 命前 嚟 求婚 。 噉 兩家 結為 秦晉之好 共同 破 曹 , 呢 個 真 係 一件 美事 啊 ! 請 將軍 唔 好 推辭 喇 , 哈哈哈 哈哈 。 呸 ! 啊 啊 , 誒 將軍 , 將軍 。 你 聽 住 , 我 嘅 虎 女 , 點肯 嫁 畀 狗 仔 吖 ! 如果 唔 係 睇 在 你 細 佬 嘅 份 上 , 就 立刻 殺 咗 你 ! 關將軍 。 唔 使 多講 , 眾 左右 ! 有 ! 趕 佢 出去 ! 哎呀 , 諸葛瑾 啊 , 碰 咗 一鼻灰 , 畀 人 趕 咗 出 嚟 就 滿面 羞慚 返去 見 孫權 。 當然 亦 唔 敢 隱瞞 嘞 , 一五一十 講返 畀 孫權 聽 。 當堂 嬲 到 孫權 跳 起 八丈 高 : 關 某人 你 咁 無禮 都 有 嘅 ! 就 召集 張昭 等等 文武 官員 一齊 嚟 商量 攻取 荊州 嘅 計策 。 步騭 話 嘞 : 曹操 , 想謀朝 篡位 好耐 㗎 喇 , 佢 就 係 擏 住 劉備 㗎 唧 。 而 家 佢 派 個 使者 嚟 想 說 我 哋 興兵 去 攻打 劉備 , 係 想 嫁禍於 我 哋 東吳 啊 ! 孫權 話 : 不過 噉 , 我 亦 想 攞 返 荊州 好 耐 嘞 。 主公 呀 , 而家 曹仁 率領 大軍 駐 扎 喺 襄陽 、 樊城 一帶 。 嗰 度 又 冇 長江 之險 , 由 陸路 就 可以 去 打 荊州 㗎 喇 。 點解 佢 仲 唔 去 打 反而 要 主公 興兵 去 打 呢 ? 淨 係 呢 一點 就 睇 到 佢 係 乜嘢 心 啦 。 嗯 , 噉 你 嘅 意思 點做 呢 ? 步騭 話 喇 : 主公 , 你 就 派 個 使者 去 許都 見 曹操 , 要 佢 命令 曹仁 , 由 陸路 先 起兵 去 打 荊州 。 噉 樣 呢 , 關雲長 必定 率領 荊州 嘅 兵馬 去 打 佢 樊城 㗎 。 等到 關雲長 一 逳, 主公 你 就 派 一支 軍隊 偷襲 荊州 , 必定 馬到功成 嘅 ! 好計 啊 好計 啊 ! 孫權 聽 佢 嘅 。 即刻 就 派 使者 去 見 曹操 , 如此這般 噉 講 佢 聽 。 曹操 高興 啊 , 打發 使者 返 東吳 。 跟 住 就 派 滿寵 去 樊城 協助 曹仁 , 做 佢 嘅 參謀 官 , 就 商量 出兵 嘅 事情 嘞 。 同時 呢 , 又 送 檄文 去 東吳 , 命令 孫權 派兵 由 水路 接應 , 奪取 荊州 。 好 喇 , 呢 啲 呢 就 暫時 放落 唔 講 佢 住 。 而家 講返 下 劉備 , 佢 登位 做 咗 漢中 王 , 就 任命 魏延 總督 軍馬 鎮守 東川 。 自己 帶齊 文武 官員 就 返去 成都 嘞 。 噉 啊 做 咗 王 嘞 噃, 梗 係 要 起 皇宮 啦 , 起 啲 亭台 樓館 啦 等等 。 又 派 人 由 成都 到 白 水關 呀 , 白 水關 誒 喺 四川 北便 嚟 。 噉 啊 完善 興建 四百 幾處 館舍 郵站 。 同時 大量 積聚 糧草 , 製造 兵器 , 為 進取 中原 做好 準備 。 呢 一日 , 啲 間諜 探聽到 曹操 聯合 東吳 , 想 攻取 荊州 就 立即 嚟 報告 。 嗬 劉備 大吃一驚 啊 , 連忙 搵 孔明 商量 。 孔明 話 嘞 : 我 已經 料到 曹操 實會 噉 做 嘅 。 不過 噉 , 東吳 嘅 謀士 極 多 , 必定會 請 曹操 命令 曹仁 起兵 先 嘅 。 哎呀 ! 噉 如之奈何 呢 軍師 ? 主公 你 唔 使 憂心 。 請 主公 你 派 人 將官 誥 送 去 畀 雲長 , 命令 佢 起兵 去 攻取 樊城 , 噉 就 會 使 到 敵軍 膽寒 , 佢 哋 嘅 攻勢 自然 就 瓦解 㗎 喇 。 劉備 噉 就 安心 嘞 , 立即 派 前部 司馬 費詩 做 使者 , 帶住 誥命 去 荊州 。 誒 所謂 官 誥 啊 或者 誥命 啊 , 即 係指 帝王 對 下屬 封官賜 爵 嘅 命令 。 關雲長 出 到 城外 迎接 費詩入 城 , 嚟 到 衙門 大堂 就行 過禮 坐落 。 費 詩話 : 主公 已經 進位 漢中 王喇 。 關雲長 話 喇 : 哦 , 我 大哥 進位 漢中 王 , 封 我關 某 乜嘢 爵位 呢 ? 五虎上將 之首 啊 ! 五虎將 ? 關雲長 唔 肯接 印 啊 。 點解 唔 肯接 印 呢 ? 就 且 聽 下回分解 喇 。

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楊修 啊 , 一 聽講 曹操 吩咐 當晚 嘅 口令 , 係 雞肋 兩個 字 , 即刻 就 叫 人 同 佢 執 拾 行裝 準備 返扯 。 Yang Xiu|ah|one|heard|Cao Cao|instructed|that night|possessive particle|password|is|chicken rib|two|characters|immediately|then|called|people|with|him|pick up|gather|luggage|prepare|return home Yang Xiu, upon hearing that Cao Cao's command for that night was the phrase 'chicken rib', immediately called someone to help him pack his belongings and prepare to leave. 呢 件 事 有人 講 咗 畀 夏侯惇 知 。 this|classifier for events|matter|someone|told|past tense marker|to|Xiahou Dun|know Someone reported this to Xiahou Dun. 得 了 嘅 ! 夏侯惇 吃 咗 一驚 , 即刻 請 楊修 嚟 問 佢 : got|past tense marker|possessive particle|Xiahou Dun|eat|past tense marker|a fright|immediately|invite|Yang Xiu|come|ask|him Oh no! Xiahou Dun was startled and immediately invited Yang Xiu to ask him: 先生 , 點解 你 要 收拾 行裝 啊 ? sir|why|you|need to|pack|luggage|question particle Sir, why are you packing your belongings? 楊修話 喇 : 哦 , 將軍 你 睇 下 今晚 嘅 口令 , 就 可以 知道 魏王 好 快 就 會 退兵 返去 㗎 喇 。 Yang Xiu said|particle indicating completed action|oh|general|you|||tonight|possessive particle|password|then|can|know|King Wei|very|soon|then|will|withdraw troops|return|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action Yang Xiu replied: Oh, General, just look at tonight's command, and you will know that the King of Wei will soon retreat. 雞肋 雞肋 , 唉 , 食之無肉 , 棄之 有味 吖 嘛 。 chicken rib||sigh|eating it has no meat|discarding it|has flavor|particle|particle Chicken ribs, chicken ribs, sigh, there's no meat to eat, but it's still tasty to throw away. 而家 ? 進 不能 勝退 又 怕人 哋 笑 , 喺 度 毫無 益處 , 噉 就 不如 早 啲 返 扯 啦 。 now|advance|cannot|retreat|again|afraid of people|they|laugh|at|place|without|benefit|then|then|might as well|early|a bit|go back|slack off|sentence final particle Now? Can't advance or retreat, and I'm afraid others will laugh, it's completely useless here, so I might as well go back early. 好 快趣 魏王 就 班師 㗎 喇 , 故此 我 叫 人 收拾 定 行裝 , 免致 臨急 周章 啦 。 good|quickly|King Wei|then|retreat|particle|particle|therefore|I|call|people|pack|properly|luggage|to avoid|last minute|confusion|particle Very soon, King Wei will lead the troops, so I told people to pack their things to avoid last-minute chaos. 啊 , 先生 你 真 係 摸清 晒 魏 王 嘅 心事 啊 ! ah|sir|you|||understand|completely|||possessive particle|thoughts|ah Ah, sir, you really understand King Wei's thoughts! 夏侯惇 亦 都 吩咐 啲 人 同 佢 執 定 行李 喇 。 Xiahou Dun|also|all|instructed|particle indicating plural|people|with|he|carry|properly|luggage|particle indicating completed action Xiahou Dun also instructed his men to pack their luggage. 眨 下眼 , 一傳十 十傳百 所有 個 將官 人人 都 準備 返歸 嘞 喎 。 blink|eyes|||all|measure word|officer|everyone|all|prepared|return|past action particle|sentence-final particle Blinking, the news spread from one person to ten, and from ten to a hundred, all the generals were preparing to return. 當晚 , 曹操 心亂如麻 , 瞓 極 都 瞓 唔 着 。 that night|Cao Cao|his mind was in chaos|sleep|extremely|at all||| That night, Cao Cao was in a state of confusion and couldn't sleep at all. 佢 唔 瞓 喇 , 索性 起身 , 揸 住 一把 鋼斧 , 靜靜地 噉 喺 營寨 裏頭 到處 咁 巡 。 he|not|sleep|past tense particle|simply|get up|holding|in a state of|a (measure word for tools)|steel axe|quietly|like that|at|camp|inside|everywhere|so|patrol Since he couldn't sleep, he simply got up, took a steel axe, and quietly patrolled around the camp. 咦 ? 乜 見到 夏侯惇 營寨 裏頭 啲 士兵 , 人人 都 執拾 行裝 嘞 。 eh|what|saw|Xiahou Dun|camp|inside|plural marker|soldiers|everyone|all|packing|luggage|past tense marker Oh? He saw that the soldiers in Xiahou Dun's camp were all packing their belongings. 嚇 到 曹操 一 驚 噃, 急急 返去 中軍帳 , 召 夏侯惇 嚟 問 佢 , 究竟 係 一回 咩 嘢 事 。 scare|to|Cao Cao|one|surprised||hurriedly|return to|central army tent|summon|Xiahou Dun|come|ask|him|exactly|is|one time|what|thing|matter Cao Cao was startled and hurried back to the central tent to summon Xiahou Dun to ask him what was going on. 夏侯惇 就將 楊修個 說話 原原本本 噉 報告 曹操 。 Xiahou Dun|||words|verbatim|like that|report|Cao Cao Xiahou Dun reported Yang Xiu's words to Cao Cao exactly as they were. 曹操 就 立即 嗌 楊修 嚟 問 佢 。 Cao Cao|then|immediately|called|Yang Xiu|over|asked|him Cao Cao immediately called for Yang Xiu to question him. 噉 楊修 就將 雞肋 嘅 意思 講出 嚟 啦 。 then|Yang Xiu||chicken rib|possessive particle|meaning|explain|out|particle indicating completed action Then Yang Xiu explained the meaning of 'chicken ribs'. 曹操 突然 變 咗 面色 , 大喝一聲 話 : 你 咁 大膽 亂 造謠言 , 動搖 軍心 ! 人 嚟 ! 推出 去 斬首 ! Cao Cao|suddenly|changed|past tense marker|complexion|shouted loudly|said|you|so|bold|randomly|spread rumors|shake|morale|guards|come|take out|to|beheaded Cao Cao suddenly changed his expression and shouted: 'You are so bold to spread rumors and shake the morale of the army! Bring him here! Take him out and behead him!' 曹操 即刻 嗌 刀斧手 啊 推 咗 楊修 出去 殺頭 喎 , 並且 將 佢 個人 頭 掛 喺 轅門 外便示 眾添 。 Cao Cao|immediately|shout|executioner|ah|push|past tense marker|Yang Xiu|outside|beheaded|sentence-final particle|and|take|he|personal|head|hang|at|the gate of the chariot|| Cao Cao immediately called for the executioners to take Yang Xiu out to be executed, and had his head displayed outside the gate for everyone to see. 唉 , 原來 楊修 呢 份 人 呢 , 平時 太過 恃 住 自己 才學 叻 , 鋒芒畢露 , 又 唔 識得 避忌 , 觸犯 過 曹操 好 幾次 㗎 喇 。 sigh|originally|Yang Xiu|this|measure word for people|person||usually|too much|||oneself|talent|clever|showing off|also|not|knowing how to|avoid taboos|offending|more than|Cao Cao|very||particle indicating past action|particle indicating completed action Ah, it turns out that Yang Xiu is someone who usually relies too much on his own talent and skills, showing off his brilliance, and doesn't know how to be cautious, having offended Cao Cao several times. 呢 有 一次 啊 , 曹操 建築 咗 一座 花園 。 this|has|one time|particle|Cao Cao|built|past tense marker|one|garden There was one time when Cao Cao built a garden. 落成 嗰 日 呢 , 曹操 去 睇 過 , 佢 冇 話 好 時 亦 冇 話 唔 好 , 吓 。 completion|that|day|particle|Cao Cao|went|to see|past tense marker|he|did not|say|good|time|also|did not|say|not|bad|huh On the day it was completed, Cao Cao went to take a look, and he neither praised it nor criticized it. 只 係 攞 支 筆 喇 , 喺 門口 上面 寫 咗 個 活字 , 呢 噉 就 走 咗 喇 。 ||take|measure word for stick-like objects|pen|particle indicating completed action|at|door|on|write|past tense marker|measure word for objects|printed character|||then|leave|past tense marker|particle indicating completed action He just took a brush and wrote a character above the entrance, and then he left. 啲 人 都 唔 知 係 咩 意思 噃。 plural marker|people|all|not|know|is|what|meaning|sentence-final particle The people didn't know what it meant. 楊修 見 咗 就 話 喇 : 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 , 門字 裏頭 添 多個 活字 , 就 係 個 闊字 啦 , 丞相 呀 係 嫌個 轅門 闊 啲 吖 嘛 。 Yang Xiu|saw|past tense marker|then|said|sentence-final particle|hehe||character for 'door'|inside|add|one more|movable type|just|is|measure word|character for 'wide'|sentence-final particle|prime minister|question particle|is||the gate|wide|comparative particle|sentence-final particle|question particle Yang Xiu saw it and said: Hehe, hehe, if you add a living character inside the door, it would be the character 'wide', right? The Prime Minister is complaining that the gate is too wide, isn't he? 於是 就 再起 個 埲 圍牆 , 改過 個 門口 , 又 請 曹操 嚟 睇 下 。 then|just|rebuild|measure word|low|wall|changed|measure word|entrance|again|invite|Cao Cao|come|see|a particle indicating a suggestion or request So they built another wall, changed the entrance, and invited Cao Cao to take a look. 哈 , 呢 次 曹操 就 好 滿意 嘞 , 佢 問 啲 人 話 : 邊個 咁 知 我 嘅 意思 啊 , 吓 ? ha|this|time|Cao Cao|then|very|satisfied|past action particle|he|asked|some|people|said|who|so|knows|my|possessive particle|meaning|question particle|huh Ha, this time Cao Cao was very satisfied. He asked the people: Who understands my intention so well, huh? 係 楊修 啊 。 is|Yang Xiu|particle indicating affirmation It's Yang Xiu. 哦 , 好極 喇 , 哈哈 , 好極 喇 。 oh|extremely good|particle|haha|extremely good|particle Oh, that's great, haha, that's great. 曹操 個口 雖然 稱讚 佢 啊 , 之個 心 呀 就 好 忌 楊修 啊 。 Cao Cao||although|praised|he|particle||heart|particle|just|very|jealous|Yang Xiu|particle Although Cao Cao praised him, in his heart he was very jealous of Yang Xiu. 又 有 一日 , 有人 喺 塞北 , 即 係 長城 以北 , 誒 今日 嘅 內蒙 呢 啲 地方 喇 , 送 咗 一盒 酥油 嚟 。 again|has|one day|someone|at|the area north of the Great Wall|||Great Wall|north of|ah|today|possessive particle|Inner Mongolia|these|plural particle|places|completed action particle|sent|past tense marker|a box|butter| One day, someone in the northern frontier, that is, north of the Great Wall, in today's Inner Mongolia and such places, sent a box of butter. 曹操 順手 攞 支 筆 喺 個 盒 處 寫 咗 一盒 酥 噉 三個 字 就 放 喺 枱 頭 。 Cao Cao|conveniently|take|measure word for stick-like objects|pen|at|measure word|box|location|write|past tense marker|a box of|pastry|like this|three|characters|then|put|at|table|top Cao Cao casually took a pen and wrote the words 'a box of butter' and placed it on the table. 收尾 , 楊修入 嚟 見到 , 哈 , 佢 一 啲 都 唔 客氣 喎 , 竟然 攞 隻 匙 羹 就 同 大家 分 嚟 食 清光 。 finishing||here|saw|ha|he|one|a little|all|not|polite|particle indicating realization|unexpectedly|took|measure word for utensils|||then|with|everyone|to share|to come|eat|finish eating completely Later, Yang Xiu came in and saw it, ha, he was not polite at all, and actually took a spoon to share and eat it all. 曹操 知道 咗 就 問 佢 點解 啦 。 Cao Cao|knew|past tense marker|then|asked|he|why|sentence final particle Cao Cao found out and asked him why. 楊修話 嘞 : 個 盒 上 便 , 明明 寫住 一人 一口 酥 咯 , 噉 我 哋 點敢 違抗 丞相 嘅 命令 吖 ? Yang Xiu said|past tense marker|the|box|on|convenient|clearly|written|one person|one bite|pastry|particle indicating realization|then|I|plural marker|how dare|disobey|prime minister|possessive particle|order|particle indicating question or emphasis Yang Xiu said: On the box, it clearly says one person one piece of pastry, so how can we dare to disobey the Prime Minister's orders? 唔 係 一人 一口 分 嚟 食 晒 佢 咯 。 not|is|one person|one bite|share|come|eat|finish|he|sentence final particle It's not like we are eating it separately one piece at a time. 哦 , 哈哈 , 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 oh|haha|hahah|hahah|hahah| Oh, haha, hahahaha, hahahaha, hahahaha. 曹操 雖然 表面 上 哈哈大笑 呀 , 之個 心 呀 , 就 好 嬲 楊修 啊 。 Cao Cao|although|surface|on|laughed heartily|particle|his|heart|particle|just|very|angry|Yang Xiu|particle Although Cao Cao laughed heartily on the surface, deep down he was very angry with Yang Xiu. 呢 仲 有 噃, 曹操 個人 啊 好 怕 畀 人 哋 謀害 嘅 , 所以 經常 都 吩咐 佢 啲 近 身 侍從 話 嘞 : 我 , 發夢好 鍾 意 殺人 㗎 , 凡 係 我 瞓 着 咗 , 你 哋 千祈 唔 好 行近 我 啊 。 this|still|has|particle|Cao Cao|person|ah|very|afraid|by|people|plural marker|assassination|particle|so|often|all|instructed|him|plural marker|||bodyguards|said|particle|I||||killing|particle|every|is|I|||past tense marker|you|plural marker|absolutely|not|very|approach|me|ah Moreover, Cao Cao is someone who is very afraid of being plotted against, so he often instructs his close attendants, saying: I, in my dreams, really like to kill people, so whenever I am asleep, you must never come near me. 有 一日 , 曹操 瞓 晏 覺 , 瞓 瞓 下 一 轉身 , 戽 被 , 張 被 跌落 地 嘞 。 there is|one day|Cao Cao|sleep|late|wake|||after|one|turn|hit|by|Zhang|by|fell|ground|past tense marker One day, Cao Cao was taking a nap. As he turned over in his sleep, his blanket fell to the ground. 有個 侍從 即刻 行埋 去 床邊 , 執返 起張 被 同 佢 𢫏 返 啦 。 there is a|servant|immediately|walked over|to|the bedside|picked up|the blanket|blanket|with|him|cover|back|particle indicating completion A servant immediately went over to the bedside, picked up the blanket, and put it back on him. 曹操 突然 間 啪 聲 跳 起身 ,掹 出 把 劍 斬 死 咗 個 侍從 , 然後 又 上床 瞓 返 。 Cao Cao|suddenly|heard|a|sound|jumped|up|pulled|out|a|sword|slashed|killed|past tense marker|the|servant|then|again|onto the bed|slept|back Suddenly, Cao Cao jumped up with a start, drew his sword, and killed the servant, then went back to bed. 過 咗 一陣 , 曹操 起身 , 佢 好 驚 噉 問 : 哎呀 , 邊 , 邊個 殺 咗 我 嘅 侍從 啊 ! after|past tense marker|a while|Cao Cao|got up|he|very|scared|like that|asked|oh no|where|who|killed||my|possessive particle|servant|question particle After a while, Cao Cao got up and, feeling very scared, asked: "Oh no, who killed my servant?" 大家 就講 返 佢 聽 啦 係 噉 噉 噉 噉 噉 。 everyone||back|he|listen|sentence final particle|is|like this|like this|like this|like this|like this Everyone then told him what had happened. 曹操 當堂 𡃀𡃀 聲喊 得 都 唔 知 幾 傷心 , 叫 人 好好 噉 安葬 咗 嗰 個 侍從 。 Cao Cao|in the hall|to cry|shouted|must|all|not|know|how much|sad|ordered|people|properly|like that|bury|past tense marker|that|measure word|servant Cao Cao cried out loudly in the hall, not knowing how heartbroken he was, and asked people to properly bury that servant. 所以 呢 , 人人 都 知道 曹操 呀 真 係 發夢 殺人 㗎 。 so|question particle|everyone|all|knows|Cao Cao|exclamation particle|really|is|in a dream|killing|sentence-final particle So, everyone knows that Cao Cao really is a murderer in his dreams. 唯獨 是 楊修 呢 就 睇 穿 晒 曹操 呢 槓 嘢 喎 。 only|is|Yang Xiu|question particle|then|see|through|completely|Cao Cao|question particle|challenge|thing|particle indicating realization Only Yang Xiu saw through Cao Cao's nonsense. 臨到 同 嗰 個 侍從 安葬 嗰 陣 , 楊修 指 住 埲 棺材 話 喇 : 唉 , 丞相 就 唔 係 發夢 啊 , 你 先 至 係 發夢 咋 。 when it came to|with|that|classifier for people|attendant|burial|that|time|Yang Xiu|pointed|at|coffin||said|particle indicating completed action|sigh|Prime Minister|just|not|is|dreaming|particle indicating exclamation|you|first|only|are|dreaming|particle indicating limitation When it came time to bury that servant, Yang Xiu pointed at the coffin and said: "Alas, the Prime Minister is not dreaming, you are the one who is dreaming." 哈哈 曹操 知道 咗 , 當然 更加 憎 佢 啦 。 haha|Cao Cao|knows|past tense marker|of course|even more|hate|him|sentence-final particle Haha, when Cao Cao found out, of course he hated him even more. 曹植 , 係 曹操 個 第三 仔 吖 , 佢 係 好 愛慕 楊 修 嘅 才學 , 時時 都 請 楊修 去 談今論古 就 傾到 通宵 都 有 嘅 。 Cao Zhi|is|Cao Cao|possessive particle|third|son|sentence-final particle|he|is|very|admires|Yang|Xiu|possessive particle|talent and learning|often|all|invites|Yang Xiu|to||then|talk until|all night|all|have|particle indicating past action Cao Zhi is Cao Cao's third son. He greatly admired Yang Xiu's talents and often invited Yang Xiu to discuss history and current affairs, sometimes talking all night long. 有 一段時間 , 曹操 同 佢 啲 謀士 商量 想立 曹植 做 繼承人 。 there is|a period of time|Cao Cao|with|he|plural marker|strategists|discussed||Cao Zhi|to be|heir For a period of time, Cao Cao and his advisors discussed the idea of making Cao Zhi the heir. 呢 件 事 畀 大仔 曹丕 知道 咗 , 就 秘密 約 咗 佢 個 死黨 啊 , 朝歌 令 吳質 就 返 嚟 屋企 商量 。 this|classifier for events|matter|by|eldest son|Cao Pi|to know|past tense marker|then||to arrange|past tense marker|he|classifier for people|close friend|sentence-final particle|Zhao Ge|to make|Wu Zhi|then|to return|to come|home|to discuss When this matter was discovered by the eldest son, Cao Pi, he secretly arranged a meeting with his close friend, Wu Zhi, to discuss it at home. 因為 怕 畀 人知 啊 , 就 用 隻 大笠 呢 , 就 裝住 吳質 , 話 係 布匹 嚟 噉 , 用 噉 嘅 辦法 啊將 吳質 接返 去 屋企 。 because|afraid|by||particle|then|use|measure word for animals|big hat|particle|then|cover|Wu Zhi|said|is|cloth|come|like this|use|like this|possessive particle|method||Wu Zhi|return|to|home Fearing that others would find out, they used a large hat to disguise Wu Zhi, claiming he was carrying cloth, and used this method to take Wu Zhi back home. 楊修 啊 唔 知 點解 咁 叻 , 知道 咗 呢 件 事 喎 畀 佢 , 就 直情 去 報告 曹操 。 Yang Xiu|ah|not|know|why|so|smart|knew|past tense marker|this|measure word for events|matter|sentence-final particle|give|him|then|directly|go|report|Cao Cao Yang Xiu, not knowing how he found out about this matter, went directly to report it to Cao Cao. 曹操 就 派 人 喺 曹丕 嘅 住宅 門口 睺 到實 。 Cao Cao|then|sent|person|at|Cao Pi|possessive particle|residence|door|to watch|to wait Cao Cao sent someone to watch at Cao Pi's house entrance. 曹丕 慌忙 講 畀 吳質 聽 。 Cao Pi|hurriedly|said|to|Wu Zhi|listen Cao Pi hurriedly told Wu Zhi. 吳質 話 : 唔 使 憂 嘅 。 聽日 , 你 用 隻 大笠 , 再裝 啲 布匹 入 嚟 迷惑 下 佢 啦 。 Ng Zat|said|not|need|worry|particle|tomorrow|you|wear|measure word for hats|big hat||some|cloth|put|in|confuse|particle|him|particle Wu Zhi said: "Don't worry. Tomorrow, you use a big hat and bring in some cloth to confuse them." 噉 於是 曹丕 就 叫 人用 隻 大笠 , 裝住 好多 布匹 運入 住宅 。 then|so|Cao Pi|then|ordered||measure word for tools|big hat|to pack|a lot of|cloth|to transport into|residence So Cao Pi instructed someone to use a big hat and carry a lot of cloth into the house. 曹操 派 嚟 監視 嘅 人 就 截 咗 一 查 嘿 , 冇 錯 係 布匹 嚟 啫 , 唔 係 其他 嘢 啊 , 就 返去 報告 曹操 。 Cao Cao|sent|here|to spy on|possessive particle|person|then|intercepted|past tense marker|a|check|exclamation|not|wrong|is|cloth|coming|only|not|is|other|things|particle|then|return|report|Cao Cao The person sent by Cao Cao to monitor intercepted and checked, and confirmed it was indeed cloth, not anything else, and went back to report to Cao Cao. 曹操 噉 就 懷疑 楊修 啊 , 係 有心 整 蠱 曹丕 嘞 , 就 越發 憎恨 佢 。 Cao Cao|then|just|suspected|Yang Xiu|ah|is|intentionally|to harm|to deceive|Cao Pi|past tense marker|then|increasingly|hated|him Cao Cao then suspected Yang Xiu, thinking he was intentionally trying to undermine Cao Pi, and thus grew to hate him even more. 又 有 一次 , 曹操 想試 下 曹丕 、 曹植 兩個 仔 嘅 才幹 喎 。 again|has|opportunity|Cao Cao||particle indicating action|Cao Pi|Cao Zhi|both|sons|possessive particle|talent|particle indicating suggestion or realization On another occasion, Cao Cao wanted to test the abilities of his two sons, Cao Pi and Cao Zhi. 呢 一日 , 曹操 叫 佢 哋 出去 鄴 城門 外 , 但 係 呢 , 又 靜靜 派 人 去 吩咐 守門 嘅 官員 , 唔 好 畀 佢 哋 出 城 。 this|one day|Cao Cao|called|they|plural marker|go out|Ye|city gate|outside|||this|again|quietly|sent|people|to|instruct|gatekeeper|possessive particle|official|||let|them|plural marker|exit|city One day, Cao Cao called them to go outside the Ye city gate, but quietly instructed the gate officials not to let them leave the city. 曹丕 係 先 到 嘅 , 門官 就 攔住 唔 畀 出去 。 Cao Pi|is|first|arrived|past tense marker|gatekeeper|then|stopped|not|allowed|to go out Cao Pi arrived first, but the gate official stopped him from going out. 曹丕 就 老老實實 返 轉頭 啦 。 Cao Pi|then|honestly|return|turn around|sentence-final particle Cao Pi then honestly turned back. 曹植 知道 咗 就 問楊修 嘞 噃。 Cao Zhi|knew|past tense marker|then||sentence-final particle|exclamatory particle Cao Zhi knew and then asked Yang Xiu. 楊修話 : 你 係 奉 咗 王命 出 城 嘅 , 邊個 敢 攔阻 你 , 你 直 情殺 咗 佢 就 係 喇 。 Yang Xiu said|you|are|carrying out|past tense marker|Wang's order|out|city|past action particle|who|dares|to stop|you||directly||past tense marker|him|just|is|final particle Yang Xiu said: You are on a royal mission to leave the city, who would dare to stop you? You can just kill them. 曹植 聽 佢 嘅 。 Cao Zhi|hears|he|possessive particle Cao Zhi listened to him. 當 曹植 行到 城門 , 門官 就 攔住 佢 。 when|Cao Zhi|walked to|city gate|gatekeeper|then|stopped|him When Cao Zhi reached the city gate, the gatekeeper stopped him. 曹植 喝 佢 話 喇 : 我 奉 咗 王命 出城 , 邊個 敢 攔 我 ! Cao Zhi|shouted|he|said|particle indicating completed action|I|received|past tense marker|royal order|out of the city|who|dares|stop|me Cao Zhi shouted at him: I am on a royal mission to leave the city, who dares to stop me! 拔出 把 劍 , 一劍 就 斬 咗 個 門官 , 哈真 係 冤枉 咯 , 噉 佢 就 昂然 出城 嘞 。 draw|measure word for tools|sword|one sword|then|cut|past tense marker|measure word for people|gatekeeper||is|wronged|sentence-final particle|then|he|then|proudly|leave the city|past action marker He drew his sword and with one strike, he killed the gatekeeper. It was really unfair, and then he proudly left the city. 哈 , 叻 仔 喎 ! 於是 曹操 以為 曹植 有 本事 嘞 。 ha|clever|boy|particle|so|Cao Cao|thought|Cao Zhi|has|ability|particle Ha, what a clever guy! So Cao Cao thought that Cao Zhi had some skills. 收尾 有人 講返 畀 曹操 知 , 話 嗰 啲 啊 , 係 楊修 教 嘅 啫 噉 。 wrap up|someone|tell|to|Cao Cao|know|said|those|plural marker|ah|are|Yang Xiu|taught|possessive particle|only|like that In the end, someone told Cao Cao that those things were taught by Yang Xiu. 吖 曹操 嬲 得 好 緊要 啊 , 因此 呢 , 就連 曹植 都 嬲 埋 。 ah|Cao Cao|angry|very|much|important|ah|therefore|particle||Cao Zhi|also|angry|together Cao Cao was very angry, and as a result, even Cao Zhi was also angry. 仲有 啊 , 楊修 啊 幫 曹植 編 咗 十幾 段 有關 天下大事 嘅 問答 , 愛 嚟 應付 曹操 嘅 , 噉 一 問起 上 嚟 就 有 得講 啊 。 also|particle|Yang Xiu|particle|helped|Cao Zhi|compile|past tense marker|more than ten|sections|related to|world affairs|possessive particle|questions and answers|love|to come|deal with|Cao Cao|possessive particle|then|one|asked about|up|to come|then|have||particle Moreover, Yang Xiu helped Cao Zhi compile more than ten segments of questions and answers about the major affairs of the world, just to deal with Cao Cao, so when a question came up, there would be something to talk about. 所以 但凡 曹操 將軍 國 大事 問起 曹植 呢 , 曹植 都 對答如流 嘅 , 吖 曹操 個心 十分 奇怪 嘞 。 so|whenever|Cao Cao|general|country|important matters|asked about|Cao Zhi|question particle|Cao Zhi|all|answered fluently|past action particle|ah|Cao Cao||very|strange|past action particle So whenever General Cao Cao asked about important matters, Cao Zhi would always respond fluently, which puzzled Cao Cao greatly. 收尾 , 曹丕 暗中 收買 曹植 嘅 僕人 , 偷 咗 嗰 份 問答 嚟 畀 曹操 睇 。 finish|Cao Pi|secretly|bribed|Cao Zhi|possessive particle|servant|stole|past tense marker|that|copy|question and answer|to|give|Cao Cao|see In the end, Cao Pi secretly bribed Cao Zhi's servants and stole that Q&A to show it to Cao Cao. 曹操 真 係 發火 喇 : 豈有此理 , 楊修 你 個 匹夫 ! 咁 大膽 連我 都 敢 呃 ! Cao Cao|really|is|angry|particle indicating completed action|how can this be reasonable|Yang Xiu|you|measure word|petty man|so|bold||also|dare|deceive Cao Cao was really furious: "How outrageous! Yang Xiu, you rascal! How dare you deceive even me!" 從此 呢 , 曹操 就 想 殺 咗 楊修 㗎 喇 。 from then on|particle indicating a question or emphasis|Cao Cao|then|wanted|to kill|past tense marker|Yang Xiu|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action From then on, Cao Cao wanted to kill Yang Xiu. 呢 一次 呀 , 就 係 借 啲 意以 擾亂 軍心 嘅 罪名 嚟 殺 咗 佢 。 this|time|particle|then|is|borrow|some|ideas|disturb|morale|particle|crime|in order to|kill|past tense marker|him This time, he used the pretext of disturbing the morale of the army to have him killed. 噉 楊修 被 殺 嘅 時候 呀 , 嘿 , 先至 係 卅 四歲 咋 。 then|Yang Xiu|was|killed|possessive particle|when|particle|hey|only|was|thirty||only So, when Yang Xiu was killed, he was only thirty-four years old. 曹操 殺 咗 楊修 之後 詐家 意想 殺 埋 夏侯惇 。 Cao Cao|killed|past tense marker|Yang Xiu|after|deceiving|unexpectedly|kill|also|Xiahou Dun After Cao Cao killed Yang Xiu, he pretended to want to kill Xiahou Dun as well. 噉 大家 當然 嚟 講情 㗎 啦 , 一 講情 , 曹操 就 有 台階落 喇 , 鬧 夏侯惇 幾句 就 了 事 嘞 。 then|everyone|of course|come|plead for leniency|particle|particle|one|plead for leniency|Cao Cao|then|has|a way to step down|particle|scold|Xiahou Dun|a few words|then|||particle So, everyone naturally came to express their feelings, and as soon as feelings were expressed, Cao Cao had a way out, just scolding Xiahou Dun a few times and that was it. 跟 住 就 下令 聽日 進兵 。 ||then|order|tomorrow|advance Then he ordered to advance the troops the next day. 到 咗 第日 , 曹 軍 一出 咗 斜谷 界口 , 魏延 已經 率領 住 一支 兵馬 喺 度 等 實 嘞 。 arrive|past tense marker|the next day|Cao|army||past tense marker|Xiegu|border|Wei Yan|already|lead|continuous aspect marker||soldiers and horses|at|place|wait|real|past action marker By the next day, as soon as the Cao army crossed the boundary of Xiegugu, Wei Yan had already led a troop waiting there. 曹操 招魏延 投降 喎 , 畀 魏延鬧 返 轉頭 。 Cao Cao||surrender|particle indicating realization|let||return|turn back Cao Cao summoned Wei Yan to surrender, but Wei Yan scolded him and turned back. 曹操 就 叫 龐德 出戰 。 Cao Cao|then|ordered|Pang De|to battle Cao Cao then ordered Pang De to go into battle. 當 佢 哋 正 喺 度 激戰 緊 , 嘿 , 曹 軍營 寨 起火 嘞 。 when|they|plural marker|currently|at|place|fierce battle|ongoing|hey|Cao|military camp|barracks|caught fire|past tense marker While they were in the midst of a fierce battle, hey, the Cao army's camp caught fire. 探馬 飛奔 嚟 報告 話 馬超 劫 咗 中寨 同後寨 啊 噉 。 scout horse|galloped|here|report|said|Ma Chao|raided|past tense marker|central village||particle|like that A scout rushed back to report that Ma Chao had raided the central and rear camps. 曹操 一聽 , 立即 拔出 寶劍 揸 住 喺 手 , 大聲 噉 話 : 邊個 後退 嘅 斬 ! Cao Cao|upon hearing|immediately|drew|sword|||in|hand|loudly|like that|said|who|retreats|possessive particle|will be killed As soon as Cao Cao heard this, he immediately drew his treasured sword, held it in his hand, and shouted loudly: 'Whoever retreats will be executed!' 啊 , 於是 全軍 將士 呀 , 奮勇向前 。 ah|then|the whole army|soldiers|particle|advance bravely Ah, so the entire army, brave soldiers, charge forward. 打到 咁 上下 , 魏延 詐敗 走 嘞 。 fight until|like this|up and down|Wei Yan|feigned defeat|run away|past tense marker After fighting like this, Wei Yan pretended to be defeated and retreated. 曹操 呢 個 時候 先至 指揮 軍隊 轉頭 返去 打 馬超 。 Cao Cao|this|measure word|time|only then|command|army|turn around|return|fight|Ma Chao At this time, Cao Cao finally commanded the army to turn back and fight Ma Chao. 自己 呢 , 就 騎馬 企 喺 個 高坡 上面 觀戰 。 myself|question particle|then|riding a horse|standing|at|the|hill|on top|watching the battle As for himself, he stood on a high slope on horseback to observe the battle. 突然 間 有 一彪 人馬 好似 天外飛來 噉 啊 , 撞 到 嚟 面前 。 suddenly|moment|there is|a group of|horsemen|seemed||like|ah|||coming|in front of Suddenly, a group of cavalry seemed to have flown in from the sky, crashing right in front. 有個 將軍 大喝一聲 : 魏 延 喺 處 啊 ! there is a|general|shouted loudly|Wei|Yan|at|place|particle A general shouted loudly: Wei Yan is here! 𠻘 噉 一箭射 正 曹操 , 嘩 ! 曹操 成個 跌 咗 落馬 。 then|like this|shot an arrow|accurately|Cao Cao|wow|Cao Cao|completely|fell|past tense marker|off his horse With that, he shot an arrow straight at Cao Cao, wow! Cao Cao fell off his horse completely. 魏延 就 擗 開張 弓 , 手提 大刀 驟馬 跑 上 山坡 想 嚟 斬 曹操 。 Wei Yan|then|draw|fully|bow|holding|large sword|fast horse|ran|up|hillside|wanted|to|kill|Cao Cao Wei Yan then drew his bow, wielded his big sword, and galloped up the hill wanting to chop Cao Cao. 哈 , 眼睇 住 曹操 呢 勻 係 咁 大 㗎 喇 , 好 在 打橫 閃出 一員大將 高聲 大叫 咪 逳 手 啊 ! ha|looking|at|Cao Cao|this|person|is|so|big|particle|particle|very|just|horizontally|dodged|a general|loudly|shouted|don't|miss|attack|ah Ha, just as I was watching Cao Cao, he was so big, luckily a general rushed out and shouted loudly, 'Don't let him get away!' 有救 喇 有救 喇 , 原來 係 龐德 趕到 。 there is hope|particle indicating a completed action|||it turns out|is|Bond|arrived There's hope, there's hope, it turns out Pang De has arrived. 佢 搏 命 殺退 咗 魏延 , 保護 住 曹操 向前 行 。 He|||drove back|past tense marker|Wei Yan|protected|continuously|Cao Cao|forward|walked He fought desperately to drive back Wei Yan, protecting Cao Cao as they moved forward. 呢 陣時 , 馬超 嘅 人馬 就 已經 退 咗 。 ||Ma Chao|possessive particle|cavalry|then|already|retreated|past tense marker At this moment, Ma Chao's troops had already retreated. 曹操 啊 受傷 返到 營寨 吖 , 哎喲 , 慘咯 呢 勻 。 Cao Cao|ah|injured|returned to|camp|ah|oh|so tragic|this|person Cao Cao returned to the camp injured, oh no, it's terrible. 原來 先頭 畀 魏延 一箭 射中 人中 , 打脫 咗 兩隻 門牙 , 個 嘴 呀 , 變 咗 個 風爐 噉 樣 , 即刻 就 叫 隨軍 醫生 嚟 醫啦 。 it turns out|at first|by|Wei Yan|one arrow|hit|in the middle of the face|knocked out|past tense marker|two|front teeth|classifier for people|mouth|particle|became|past tense marker|classifier for people|stove|like|appearance|immediately|then|called|accompanying the army|doctor|come| It turns out he was shot in the face by Wei Yan's arrow, knocking out two of his front teeth, and his mouth looked like a furnace, so he immediately called for the army doctor to treat him. 噉 啊 到 咗 而家 , 曹操 先至 諗 返起 楊 修 嘅 說話 。 like this|ah|arrive|past tense marker|now|Cao Cao|only then|think|remember|Yang|Xiu|possessive particle|words Now, Cao Cao finally recalled Yang Xiu's words. 話 漢中 呢 笪 地方 呀 確係 雞肋 雞肋 , 食之無肉 就棄 之 有味 咯 。 speaking|Hanzhong|question particle|a dialect word for a certain|place|exclamatory particle|really|chicken rib|something of little value|eating it has no meat|||has flavor|particle indicating realization or conclusion Talking about Hanzhong, this place is indeed a chicken rib, a chicken rib, it has no meat when eaten, so it's discarded, but it has flavor. 就 叫 人 啊 斂 好 楊 修 嘅 屍體 , 好好 噉 安葬 。 then|to call|people|ah|to collect|very|Yang|Xiu|possessive particle|body|properly|like this|to bury So I asked someone to properly collect Yang Xiu's body and give him a good burial. 就 下令 班師回朝 , 大軍 撤退 嗰 陣 呢 , 由 龐德 押後 。 then|ordered||the main army|retreated|that|time|this|by|Pang De|held back Then I ordered the troops to return to the capital, and during the retreat of the main army, it was led by Pang De. 曹操 就 瞓 喺 架 特 備 嘅 車 處 , 左右 兩旁 呢 由 虎賁 軍 護衛 。 Cao Cao|then|sleep|at|measure word for vehicles|special|equipped|possessive particle|car|location|left and right|both sides|this|by|elite cavalry|army|guard Cao Cao was resting in a specially prepared carriage, guarded on both sides by the Tiger Ben army. 而 孔明 呢 , 早就 料到 曹操 必定 要 放棄 漢中 撤退 嘅 。 and|Kongming|question particle|long ago|anticipated|Cao Cao|definitely|would|give up|Hanzhong|retreat|past tense particle And Kongming had already anticipated that Cao Cao would definitely have to abandon Hanzhong and retreat. 所以 派 咗 馬超 等等 一班 將官 呀 分兵 十幾路 , 沿途 咁 攻擊 。 so|sent|past tense marker|Ma Chao|and so on|a group of|generals|particle|divide troops|over ten routes|along the way|so|attack So, Ma Chao and a group of generals were dispatched to split the troops into dozens of routes and attack along the way. 所以 搞 到 曹操 非常 之 狼狽 啊 。 so|||Cao Cao|very|possessive particle|embarrassed|ah As a result, Cao Cao was in a very embarrassing situation. 嗰 日 佢 嘅 前 隊 啱 啱 出發 唧 , 斜谷 山上 就 兩 便 起火 。 that|day|he|possessive particle|front|team|||departed|sound of a horn|Xiegu Valley|on the mountain|then|two|side|caught fire On that day, his advance team had just set off when fires broke out on both sides of the Xiegu Mountain. 嘩 係 馬超 嘅 伏兵 追 嚟 啊 ! wow|is|Ma Chao|possessive particle|ambush troops|chasing|coming|sentence-final particle Wow, it's Ma Chao's ambush troops chasing after us! 曹兵 人人 心慌 個個 膽寒 。 Cao Bing|everyone|anxious|every|scared Cao's soldiers were all panicking and terrified. 曹操 下令 急行軍 , 不分晝夜 拼命 趕路 , 一直 返到 去 長安 附近 啊 人心 先至定 返 。 Cao Cao|ordered|forced march||desperately|traveled|continuously|returned to|to|Chang'an|nearby|ah|people's hearts||return Cao Cao ordered a rapid march, working tirelessly day and night to hurry back, until he finally returned near Chang'an, where people's hearts were finally settled. 噉 呢 啲 呢 , 就 放落 唔 講 佢 喇 。 like this|this|plural marker||then|put in|not|say|he|sentence-final particle As for these matters, let's not talk about them. 而家 講下 劉備 。 now|talk about|Liu Bei Now let's talk about Liu Bei. 劉備 佢 擊敗 咗 曹操 之後 呢 , 又 命令 劉封 、 孟達 、 王平 等等 將領 啊 去 攻佔 上庸 各個 郡 。 Liu Bei|he|defeated|past tense marker|Cao Cao|after|sentence-final particle|again|ordered|Liu Feng|Meng Da|Wang Ping|etc|generals|sentence-final particle|to|capture|Shangyong|each|county After Liu Bei defeated Cao Cao, he ordered generals like Liu Feng, Meng Da, and Wang Ping to attack and occupy the various counties of Shangyong. 噉 啊 上 庸 嘅 郡 城 呢 , 誒 喺 今日 湖北省 嘅 西部 。 then|particle|above|Yōng (a place name)|possessive particle|county|city|question particle|eh|is|today|Hubei Province|possessive particle|western part The county city of Shangyong is located in the western part of today's Hubei Province. 上 庸 郡 包括 陝西 東部 、 湖北 西部 嘅 部分 地方 。 Shang|Yong|county|includes|Shaanxi|eastern|Hubei|western|possessive particle|part|areas Shang Yong County includes parts of eastern Shaanxi and western Hubei. 噉 啊 , 當地 啲 官員 聽講 曹操 已經 放棄 咗 漢中 走人 嘞 , 咪 冚𠾴唥 都 投降 啦 。 like this|ah|local|plural marker|officials|heard that|Cao Cao|already|abandoned|past tense marker|Hanzhong|leave|past action marker|then|all|all|surrender|sentence-final particle So, when the local officials heard that Cao Cao had already abandoned Hanzhong and left, they all surrendered. 劉備 安民 之後 , 大賞 三軍 , 人人 都 好 高興 嘞 。 Liu Bei|pacifying the people|afterwards|greatly rewarded|three armies|everyone|all|very|happy|past tense marker After Liu Bei brought peace to the people, he rewarded the three armies, and everyone was very happy. 當時 , 所有 嘅 文官 武將 啊 , 都 有 心想 推舉 劉備 做 皇帝 㗎 嘞 , 但 係 就 唔 敢 開口 喎 , 就 走 去 同 孔明 講 嘞 。 at that time|all|possessive particle|civil officials|military generals|sentence-final particle|all|had|secretly thought|to recommend|Liu Bei|to make|emperor|sentence-final particle|past action particle|||then|not|dare|to speak|sentence-final particle|then|went|to|with|Kongming|to speak|past action particle At that time, all the civil and military officials wanted to propose Liu Bei as emperor, but they didn't dare to speak up, so they went to talk to Kongming. 孔明 話 : 得 喇 , 我 已經 諗 定 晒 㗎 喇 。 Kongming|said|okay|particle indicating completed action|I|already|thought|decided|completely|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action Kongming said: "It's fine, I've already thought it through." 於是 孔明 就 同埋 法正 等等 一班人 去 見 劉備 。 then|Kongming|then|and|Fazheng|etc|a group of people|go|meet|Liu Bei So, Kongming went to meet Liu Bei with Fa Zheng and a group of others. 孔明 話 喇 : 當前 曹操 專權 , 百姓 無 主 。 主公 你 嘅 大仁大義 天下 著名 。 Zhuge Liang|said|particle indicating past action|currently|Cao Cao|usurpation of power|common people|without|ruler|lord|you|possessive particle|great benevolence and righteousness|the world|well-known Kongming said: Currently, Cao Cao holds power, and the people have no leader. Your great benevolence and righteousness are well-known throughout the world. 今日 , 已經 擁有 東西 兩川 之 地 , 就 應該 順從 天意 人心 , 登位 做 皇帝 , 名正言順 嚟 討伐 國賊 。 today|already|possesses|East and West|two rivers|possessive particle|land|then|should|obey|divine will|people's hearts|ascend the throne|become|emperor|rightful and just|to|punish|traitors Today, having already acquired the lands of the two rivers, you should follow the will of heaven and the hearts of the people, ascend the throne as emperor, and justly punish the traitors. 事不宜遲 啊 , 請 主公 擇個 吉日 登位 啦 。 there's no time to lose|ah|please|lord|choose a|auspicious day|ascend the throne|particle indicating suggestion or urging There is no time to lose, please choose an auspicious day to ascend the throne. 哎呀呀 呀呀 , 軍師 你 噉 講就 大錯特錯 咯 。 oh no|ah|strategist|you|like that||completely wrong|particle indicating finality or realization Oh dear, military advisor, you are making a huge mistake by saying that. 我 劉備 雖則 係 漢室 宗親 , 但 係 到底 係 個 臣子 嚟 吖 。 I|Liu Bei|although|am|Han dynasty|clan relative|but|am|ultimately|am|a|subject|come|particle I, Liu Bei, although I am a member of the Han royal family, am ultimately just a subject. 如果 做 啲 噉 嘅 事 , 就 係 反漢 㗎 喇 。 if|do|some|like that|possessive particle|things|then|is|anti-Han|sentence-final particle|past action particle If I were to do such things, it would be considered treason against the Han. 唔 係 噉 講 啊 主公 , 當今 天下大亂 , 英雄 並起 各霸 一方 。 no|is|like that|talk|ah|lord|currently||heroes|rise together||one region That's not the case, my lord. The world is in chaos now, and heroes are rising, each dominating their own territory. 咁 多 有 才學 有 本事 嘅 人 , 捨死忘生 為 佢 哋 嘅 主公 效力 , 為 咩 嘢 呢 ? so|many|have|talented scholars|have|ability|possessive particle|people|sacrifice their lives and forget their own lives|for|them|plural particle|possessive particle|lord|serve|for|what|thing|question particle With so many talented and capable people willing to risk their lives for their lord, what is the reason for that? 無非 係 想 攀龍附鳳 建立 功名 啫 。 nothing more than|is|want|to seek a wealthy and powerful partner|to establish|fame and success|only It is nothing more than wanting to climb the dragon and attach themselves to the phoenix to establish their own fame. 如果 主公 一味 噉 避 嫌疑 , 死守 住 君臣 之義唔 肯 即位 做 皇帝 , 噉 就 會令 到 大家 好 失望 㗎 喇 。 if|lord|only|like this|avoid|suspicion|stubbornly adhere to|the|ruler and subject||willing|ascend the throne|become|emperor|like this|then||to|everyone|very|disappointed|sentence-final particle|particle indicating a change of state If the lord keeps avoiding suspicion and stubbornly adheres to the loyalty between ruler and subject, refusing to ascend the throne as emperor, it will greatly disappoint everyone. 請 主公 你 認真 諗 下 啦 。 please|lord|you|seriously|think|a bit|particle Please, my lord, think seriously about it. 誒 , 啊 唔 得 嘅 唔 得 嘅 , 要 我 自立 為 皇帝 , 啊 我點 都 唔 能夠 噉 做 嘅 。 eh|ah|not|able|particle|not||particle||||||||||||| Ah, no, no, I cannot declare myself emperor, I just can't do that. 誒 不如 大家 再 商量 個 好 啲 嘅 辦法 啦 。 hey|might as well|everyone|again|discuss|a|||possessive particle|solution|sentence-final particle How about we discuss a better solution together? 噉 大家 一齊 都 話 喇 : 主公 啊 , 你 如果 一味 噉 推 , 大家 就 離心 㗎 喇 。 then|everyone|together|all|said|particle indicating change|lord|ah|you|if|only|like this|push|everyone|then|lose heart|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating change Then everyone says: My lord, if you keep pushing like this, everyone will become disheartened. 孔明 話 喇 : 係 嘅 , 主公 你 平生 以義為 本 , 一時 唔 肯稱 為 皇帝 , 噉 啊 以後 再講 啦 。 Kongming|said|particle indicating completed action|yes|particle indicating possession|lord|you|in your lifetime|based on righteousness|principle|for a moment|not||as|emperor|then|particle|in the future||particle indicating suggestion Kongming said: Yes, my lord, you have always valued righteousness above all, and for a time you are unwilling to be called emperor, so let's talk about it later. 不過 而家 已經 擁有 荊襄 兩川 之 地 咯 , 噉 誒 , 可以 暫時 做住 漢中 王 啦 。 but|now|already|possess|Jingxiang|Liangchuan|possessive particle|land|sentence-final particle|then|interjection|can|temporarily|act as|Hanzhong|king|sentence-final particle However, now that we have already acquired the lands of Jing and Xiang, well, we can temporarily act as the King of Hanzhong. 劉備 話 : 你 哋 雖然 有心 要 擁護 我 做 王 啫 , 不過 冇 天子 正式 嘅 詔書 嚟 封 我 , 噉 啊 仲 係 冒用 名義 嘅 咋 噃。 Liu Bei|said|you|plural marker|although|intention|to|support|me|to be|king|only|but|no|emperor|official|possessive particle|edict|come|appoint|me|then|ah|still|is|usurping|name|possessive particle|only| Liu Bei said: Although you all have the intention to support me as king, without an official edict from the emperor to appoint me, it would still be usurping the title. 孔明 話 喇 : 主公 啊 , 喺 呢 啲 時候 可以 變通 啲 嚟 做 嘅 , 唔 使 咁 拘泥於 常理 嘅 。 Zhuge Liang|said|particle indicating completed action|lord|ah|at|these|plural marker|times|can|be flexible|a bit|come|do|particle indicating possession|not|need|so|be bound by|common sense| Kongming said: My lord, in these times, we can be flexible and do things; there is no need to be so rigid about common principles. 張飛 聽聽 下真 係 忍 唔 住 喇 佢 大聲 噉 嗌: 唔 係 姓 劉 嘅 人 , 個個 都 想 係 做 皇帝 , 何況 大哥 你 係 漢室 宗親 呢 ? Zhang Fei|listen|really|is||||particle indicating completed action|he|loudly|like that|shouted||to be||||||||are|||||||Han dynasty|royal relative|question particle Zhang Fei, upon hearing this, couldn't help but shout loudly: It's not just people with the surname Liu who want to be emperor; how much more so for you, big brother, who is a relative of the Han dynasty? 莫 講話 做 漢中 王 啊 , 就 係 做 皇帝 又 有何不可 啊 ! don't|talk|be|Hanzhong|king|particle|then|is|be|emperor|again||particle Don't just talk about becoming the King of Hanzhong, why not become the Emperor instead! 哎三弟 三弟 你 唔 好講 咁 多咯 。 |third younger brother|you|not|should talk|so|much Hey, third brother, don't say so much. 孔明 話 : 主公 呀 , 你 應該 根據 當前 嘅 形勢 變通 一下 , 先進 位 做 漢中 王 , 然後 稟奏 天子 都 未 為 遲 吖 。 Kongming|said|lord|particle|you|should|according to|current|possessive particle|situation|be flexible|a little|advance|position|to become|Hanzhong|king|then|report|emperor|all|not yet|to be|late|particle Kongming said: My lord, you should adapt to the current situation, first advance to become the King of Hanzhong, and then it won't be too late to report to the Emperor. 既然 孔明同 大家 都 係 噉 講 , 劉備 再三再四 都 推辭 不了 就 只有 應承 啦 。 since||everyone|all|is|like this|speaking|Liu Bei|repeatedly|all|decline|unable to|then|only|to agree|particle Since Kongming and everyone else are saying this, Liu Bei could no longer decline after repeated refusals and had to accept. 嘿嘿 , 其實 呢 啲 呢 , 又 係 做戲 咁 做 嘅 啫 。 hee hee|actually|particle indicating a question|||again|are|acting|like this|doing|particle indicating possession|only Hehe, actually, this is just a performance. 噉 啊 喺 建安 二十四年 , 即 係 公元 二一 九年 , 七月 。 then|ah|in|Jian'an|year 24|||AD|21|year|July So, in the 24th year of Jian'an, which is the year 219 AD, in July. 喺 沔陽縣 , 呢 個 係 古代 個 縣 喇 , 就 喺 而 家 陝西省 勉縣 附近 嚟 , 喺 漢中市 嘅 東 便 。 in|Mianyang County|this|measure word|is|ancient|measure word|county|particle indicating completed action|just|in|||Shaanxi Province|Mian County|nearby|come|in|Hanzhong City|possessive particle|east|side In Mianyang County, this is an ancient county, located near present-day Mian County in Shaanxi Province, to the east of Hanzhong City. 噉 啊 築起 咗 個壇 , 好大 喇 , 方圓 九里 , 分佈 五方 , 擺設 好 旌旗 儀仗 , 噉 啊 所有 嘅 官員 都 依住 次序 排列 好 。 like this|ah|built|past tense marker||very big|particle indicating completed action|within a radius|nine miles|distributed|five directions|arrangement|very|flags|honor guard|like this|ah|all|possessive particle|officials|all|according to|order|arranged|well So, a large altar was built, with a circumference of nine miles, distributed in all directions, with flags and ceremonial decorations set up, and all the officials were arranged in order. 到 咗 吉時 喇 , 許靖 、 法正 , 就 恭請 劉備 登壇 , 獻上 皇冠 、 玉璽 , 然後 就 向 住 南 便 坐落 。 arrive|past tense marker|auspicious time|sentence-final particle|Xu Jing|Fa Zheng|then|respectfully invite|Liu Bei|ascend the platform|present|crown|imperial seal|then|then|towards|reside|south|then|settle down When the auspicious time arrived, Xu Jing and Fa Zheng respectfully invited Liu Bei to ascend the altar, presenting the crown and jade seal, and then he sat facing south. 呢 , 古時 所有 嘅 皇帝 啊 , 都 係 座 北向南 噉 坐 嘅 。 this|ancient times|all|possessive particle|emperors|sentence-final particle|all|were|seated|facing north|like that|sitting|past action particle In ancient times, all emperors sat facing north. 所謂 南面 稱王 就 係 噉 解喇 。 so-called|south|king|then|is|like this|understood The so-called southern rule is understood like this. 噉 啊 接受 文武 官員 朝拜 祝賀 , 登位 做 其 漢中 王 。 then|ah|accept|civil and military|officials|tribute|congratulations|ascension to the throne|become|his|Hanzhong|king So, accepting the civil and military officials' homage and congratulations, he ascended the throne as the King of Han. 立個 仔 劉禪 , 就 係 阿斗 啊 , 做皇 世子 。 establish|son|Liu Shan|then|is|A Dou|particle||crown prince He established his son Liu Shan, who is also known as A Dou, as the crown prince. 封 許靖 做 太傅 ; 法正 做 尚書令 ; 諸葛亮 做 軍師 , 總理 軍國大事 。 appoint|Xu Jing|serve as|Grand Tutor|Fa Zheng||Chancellor|Zhuge Liang||military strategist|oversee|military and national affairs He appointed Xu Jing as the Grand Tutor; Fa Zheng as the Minister of Works; and Zhuge Liang as the military advisor, overseeing military and national affairs. 封 關羽 、 張飛 、 趙雲 、 馬超 、 黃忠 做 五虎 大將 ; appoint|Guan Yu|Zhang Fei|Zhao Yun|Ma Chao|Huang Zhong|become|Five Tiger|generals He conferred titles to Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Ma Chao, and Huang Zhong as the Five Tiger Generals. 魏延 做 漢中 太守 ; Wei Yan|became|Hanzhong|governor Wei Yan became the governor of Hanzhong; 其餘 嘅 官員 , 個個 都 有 封賞 。 the rest|possessive particle|officials|everyone|all|have| the other officials all received rewards. 劉備 做 咗 漢中 王 之後 , 佢 寫 咗 一道 稟奏 皇帝 嘅 表章 就 派 使者 送 去 許都 。 Liu Bei|became|past tense marker|Hanzhong|king|after|he|wrote|past tense marker|a|report|emperor|possessive particle|document|then|sent|messenger|delivered|to|Xudu After Liu Bei became the king of Hanzhong, he wrote a memorial to the emperor and sent a messenger to Xu Du. 內容 呢 大致 係 話 : 曹操 啊 , 有謀朝 篡位 之心 , 禍國殃民 。 content|this|roughly|is|saying|Cao Cao|ah||usurpation|intention| The content was roughly saying: Cao Cao has the intention to usurp the throne, bringing disaster to the country and the people. 自己 於是 呢 依照 古代 嘅 先例 , 權宜 行事 就 立為 漢中 王 , 此後 呢 , 務必 竭盡 努力 , 掃蕩 國賊 啊 安定 社稷 噉 。 oneself|then|question particle|according to|ancient times|possessive particle|precedent|expedient|act|then|established as|Hanzhong|king|thereafter|question particle|must|exhaust|effort|eradicate|traitors|ah|stabilize|state|like this Therefore, he acted according to ancient precedents and temporarily established himself as the king of Hanzhong, and from then on, he would do his utmost to eliminate traitors and stabilize the state. 曹操 喺 鄴 郡 聽聞 劉備 自立 為 漢中 王唄 , 極之 憤怒 啊 。 Cao Cao|at|Ye|county|heard|Liu Bei|self-proclaimed|as|Hanzhong|king|extremely|angry|ah Cao Cao heard that Liu Bei had declared himself the King of Hanzhong in Ye County, and he was extremely angry. 佢 拍 枱 噉 鬧 啊 劉備 你 呢 個織席 佬 ! 噉 做 咁 大膽 , 我 發誓 要 消滅 你 ! he|hit|table|like that|scold|ah|Liu Bei|you|this||guy|like that|act|so|bold|I|swear|will|eliminate|you He slammed the table and shouted, 'You, this mat weaver Liu Bei! How dare you act so boldly, I swear I will destroy you!' 即刻 就 想 下令 出 齊 全部 兵馬 , 親自 去 兩川同 劉備 決一雌雄 嘞 噃。 immediately|then|want|to order|to deploy|all|all|troops|personally|to go||Liu Bei||past action particle| He immediately wanted to order all the troops to gather and personally go to Liangchuan to settle the score with Liu Bei. 司馬懿 出班 嚟 勸 佢 話 喇 : 大王 , 你 唔 好 因為 一時 嘅 憤怒 , 就 親自 去 遠征 啊 。 Sima Yi|led the troops|here|advised|him|said|particle indicating completion|Your Majesty|you|not|should|because|a moment of|possessive particle|anger|then|personally|go|expedition|particle indicating suggestion Sima Yi came out to advise him, saying: 'My lord, do not let a moment of anger drive you to personally lead an expedition.' 微臣 有 一個 辦法 , 唔 使 逳 動 一刀 一箭 , 就 使 到 劉備 喺 兩 川 自 受 其 禍 。 I your humble servant|have|one|method||cause|||||||to arrive|Liu Bei|in|||by himself|suffer|his|calamity I have a plan that does not require drawing a sword or shooting an arrow, and it will cause Liu Bei to suffer his own misfortune in Liangchuan. 等到 佢 兵 衰 力盡 嘞 , 到 其時 , 大王 派 一個 將軍 去 打 佢 就 可以 成功 喇 。 wait until|he|soldiers|weak|exhausted|past tense marker|when|that time|the great king|send|one|general|to|fight|him|then|can|succeed|completed action marker Wait until their troops are exhausted, then at that time, the king can send a general to defeat them and it will be successful. 哦 ? 仲達 你 有何高見 啊 ? oh|Chung Tat|you||question particle Oh? Chang Da, what are your thoughts? 大王 , 江東 孫權 , 初時 將個 妹嫁 畀 劉備 , 收尾 又 睺 個 機會 偷偷 接 咗 返 去 吖 。 Your Majesty|Jiangdong|Sun Quan|at first|his||to|Liu Bei|in the end|again|seizing|the|opportunity|secretly|taking||back|to|particle The king, Sun Quan of Jiangdong, initially married his sister to Liu Bei, but later took the opportunity to secretly bring her back. 劉備 呢 , 又 佔 住 荊州 唔 肯還 。 Liu Bei|question particle|again|occupy|to be in possession of|Jingzhou|not| As for Liu Bei, he is occupying Jingzhou and is unwilling to return it. 噉 佢 哋 彼此 都 有 切齒 之 恨 嘅 。 then|they|plural marker|each other|all|have|gritting teeth|possessive particle|hatred|past tense marker So they both have a deep-seated hatred for each other. 如果 大王 派 一個 好 有 口才 嘅 人 , 帶 封信 去 說 孫權 , 使 到 佢 興兵 去 攞 荊州 。 if|the king|sends|a|very|has|eloquence|possessive particle|person|brings|letter|to|persuade|Sun Quan|causes|to|him|raise troops|to|take|Jingzhou If the king sends a very eloquent person to deliver a letter to Sun Quan, it will provoke him to raise troops to take Jingzhou. 噉 樣 , 劉備 必定 要 喺 兩 川 發兵 返 嚟 救 荊州 。 like this|situation|Liu Bei|definitely|must|at|||deploy troops|return|here|save|Jingzhou In that case, Liu Bei will definitely have to send troops from Liangchuan to rescue Jingzhou. 到 其時 , 大 王興兵 去 攞 漢川 。 at|that time|great||to|take|Han River By that time, the king will raise troops to take Hanchuan. 劉備 就 兩頭 都 顧 唔 掂 , 佢 嘅 處境 啊 就 危險 啦 嘛 。 Liu Bei|just|both ends|all|manage|not|handle|he|possessive particle|situation|ah|then|dangerous|final particle|question particle Liu Bei will be unable to manage both sides, and his situation will be dangerous. 曹操 聽 咗 好 歡喜 , 立即 寫 一封信 派 滿寵 做 使者 , 日夜兼程 趕 去 江東 見 孫權 。 Cao Cao|heard|past tense marker|very|happy|immediately|wrote|a letter|sent|Man Chong|to be|messenger|traveling day and night|hurried|to|Jiangdong|see|Sun Quan Cao Cao was very pleased to hear this, and immediately wrote a letter sending Man Chong as an envoy, traveling day and night to Jiangdong to meet Sun Quan. 孫權 知道 滿寵 嚟 嘞 , 就 同 佢 嘅 謀士 商量 。 Sun Quan|knew|Man Chong|come|past tense particle|then|with|him|possessive particle|strategist|discuss Sun Quan knew that Man Chao was coming, so he discussed it with his advisors. 張昭話 嘞 : 魏吳 本來 係 冇 仇 嘅 。 Zhang Zhao said|past tense marker|Wei and Wu|originally|were|no|enmity|possessive particle Zhang Zhao said: Wei and Wu originally had no enmity. 以前 , 皆 因 聽 咗 諸葛亮 嘅 說話 , 先至 使 到 兩家 連年 咁 打仗 , 百姓遭殃 受罪 啫 。 in the past|all|because|heard|past tense marker|Zhuge Liang|possessive particle|words|only then|caused|to|the two families|for many years|so|fought||endured hardship|only In the past, it was all because they listened to Zhuge Liang's words that led to years of fighting between the two families, causing the common people to suffer. 今日 滿寵 嚟 , 必定 係 有講 和 嘅 意思 嘅 , 應該 以禮相待 嘅 。 today|Man Chung|come|definitely|is||peace|possessive particle|meaning|possessive particle||| Today, with Man Chao coming, it must be with the intention of discussing peace, and they should be treated with courtesy. 孫權 聽 佢 講 , 叫 嗰 班 謀士 出去 迎接 滿寵入 城 嚟 見面 。 Sun Quan|heard|he|speak|ordered|that|group|strategists|to go out|to welcome||city|come|meet Upon hearing this, Sun Quan instructed his advisors to go out and welcome Man Chao into the city for a meeting. 當滿寵 嚟 到 拜見 嘅 時候 , 孫權 真 係 當 佢 係 貴賓 噉 接待 嘅 。 when Man Chong|||to pay respects|possessive particle|time|Sun Quan||as||||VIP|like|received|past tense particle When Man Chong came to pay his respects, Sun Quan really treated him as a distinguished guest. 滿寵 呈 上 曹操 嘅 書信 佢 就 話 嘞 : Man Chong|present|to|Cao Cao|possessive particle|letter|he|then|said|past tense particle When Man Chong presented Cao Cao's letter, he said: 吳魏 從來 都 冇 仇 , 皆 因 劉備之 故至 先 搞 到 咁 多 衝突 唧 。 Wu and Wei|always|all|have not|enmity|all|because of|Liu Bei's|actions|first|cause|to|so|many|conflicts|sigh Wu and Wei have never been enemies; it was all due to Liu Bei that so many conflicts arose. 今日 , 魏王 派 我 嚟 , 約請 將軍 去 攻取 荊州 , 魏王 出兵 去 攻打 漢川 , 實行 首尾 夾擊 。 today|King of Wei|sent|I|here|invited|general|to|capture|Jingzhou|King of Wei|deployed troops|to|attack|Hanchuan|implement|front and rear|encirclement Today, the King of Wei sent me here to invite the general to attack Jingzhou, while the King of Wei will send troops to attack Hanchuan, implementing a pincer attack. 噉 擊破 劉備 之後 , 吳魏 就 一齊 嚟 分 咗 佢 嘅 疆土 。 then|defeated|Liu Bei|after|Wu and Wei|then|together|came|divide|past tense marker|his|possessive particle|territory After defeating Liu Bei, Wu and Wei will then divide his territory together. 以後 誓 不 侵犯 , 請 將軍 你 考慮 吖 。 from now on|swear|not|infringe|please|general|you|consider|particle From now on, I vow not to infringe, please consider it, General. 孫權 睇 完信 , 就 設宴款待 滿寵 , 散 咗 席 呢 就 送 佢 去 賓館 住落 。 Sun Quan|read||then||Man Chong|dismiss|past tense marker|banquet|particle indicating a completed action|then|send|him|to|hotel|stay After reading the letter, Sun Quan held a banquet to entertain Man Choi, and after the banquet, he sent him to the hotel to stay. 第 日 , 孫權 就 同 佢 嗰 班 謀士 商量研究 嘞 。 the|day|Sun Quan|then|with|him|that|group|strategists||past tense marker The next day, Sun Quan discussed and studied it with his group of strategists. 顧雍話 喇 : 滿寵 呢 啲 說話 , 都 係 有 啲 道理 嘅 。 Gu Yong said|particle indicating completion|Man Chong|these|particle indicating plural|words|all|are|have|some|reason|particle indicating possession Gu Yong said: Man Choi's words do have some reason. 主公 係 唔 係 可以 噉 樣 做 呢 吓 : lord|is|not|is|can|like this|manner|do|this|question particle Is it possible for the lord to do it this way? 誒 一方面 , 送滿 寵返 去 , 約定 曹操 啊 , 首尾夾攻 劉備 。 hey|on one hand|send Meng back|return the favor|go|agreed|Cao Cao|ah|attack from both ends|Liu Bei Eh, on one hand, send the full favor back, and agree with Cao Cao to launch a joint attack on Liu Bei. 另一方面 , 派人過 江去 探聽 下 關雲長 嘅 動靜 先 , 然後 先至 採取行動 啦 。 on the other hand|||inquire|about|Guan Yu|possessive particle|movements|first|then|only then|take action|particle indicating suggestion or finality On the other hand, send someone across the river to investigate the movements of Guan Yu first, and then take action. 諸葛瑾 接住 話 喇 : 雲長 到 咗 荊州 之後 , 劉備 啊 同 佢 娶 咗 妻室 , 生 咗 個 仔 , 跟 住 又 生 咗 個 女 。 Zhuge Jin|then|said|particle indicating completed action|Yun Chang (another name for Guan Yu)|arrived|past tense marker|Jingzhou|after|Liu Bei|particle for emphasis|with|he|married|past tense marker|wife|gave birth|past tense marker|measure word|son|then|continued|again|gave birth|past tense marker|measure word|daughter Zhuge Jin continued, after Guan Yu arrived in Jingzhou, Liu Bei married him and had a son, and then they had a daughter. 佢 個 女 年紀 仲 係 細 , 未曾 許配 畀 人 嘅 。 she|measure word for people|daughter|age|still|is|young|not yet|betrothed|to|someone|possessive particle His daughter is still young and has not been promised to anyone. 如果 主公 同意 嘅 話 , 我 就 去 為 主公 嘅 世子 向雲長 求婚 。 if|lord|agrees|possessive particle|statement|I|then|go|for|lord|possessive particle|son||propose marriage If the lord agrees, I will go to propose to Guan Yu on behalf of the lord's heir. 若果 雲長 應承 咯 , 我 哋 就 同雲長 商量 合力 去 破 曹操 ; if|Yun Chang|agrees|particle indicating completed action|I|plural marker|then|with Yun Chang|discuss|work together|to go|defeat|Cao Cao If Yun Chang agrees, we will discuss with Yun Chang to work together to defeat Cao Cao; 若果 雲長 唔 肯 呢 , 噉 我 哋 就 同 曹操 聯合 去 奪取 荊州 啦 。 if|Yun Chang|not|willing|question particle|then|||will|together|Cao Cao|unite|to|seize|Jingzhou|final particle If Yun Chang is unwilling, then we will join forces with Cao Cao to seize Jingzhou. 主公 你 話 噉 好 唔 好 呢 ? lord|you|say|like this|good|not|good|question particle My lord, what do you think about this? 孫權 決定 用 佢 呢 一條 計 。 Sun Quan|decided|to use|he|this|one|plan Sun Quan decided to use this plan. 噉 啊 送 咗 滿寵返 許都 先 , 然後 啊 派 諸葛瑾 做 使者 去 荊州 見 關雲長 嘞 。 then|particle|send|past tense marker||Xuchang|first|then|particle|appoint|Zhuge Jin|act as|messenger|go|Jingzhou|meet|Guan Yu|particle So, first send Man Chao back to Xu Du, and then send Zhuge Jin as an envoy to Jingzhou to meet Guan Yun Chang. 關雲長 問 : 子瑜 你 嚟 有 咩 嘢 事 呢 ? Guan Yun Chang|asked|Zi Yu|you|come|have|what|thing|matter|question particle Guan Yunchang asked: "Ziyu, what brings you here?" 恭喜 將軍 , 賀喜 將軍 啊 ! congratulations|general|congratulations|general|ah Congratulations, General! Congratulations to you! 哦 ? 賀 喜從何來 啊 ? oh|||question particle Oh? What is the reason for the congratulations? 吳侯 有 個 仔 , 聰明 過人 , 聽聞 將軍 嘅 令嬡 十分 賢淑 , 我 奉 咗 吳侯之 命前 嚟 求婚 。 Wu Hou|has|a|son|smart|exceptional|heard|general|possessive particle|daughter|very|virtuous|I|in accordance with|past tense marker|Wu Hou's||come|propose The Marquis of Wu has a son, exceptionally clever. I have come here on the Marquis's orders to propose, having heard that the General's daughter is very virtuous. 噉 兩家 結為 秦晉之好 共同 破 曹 , 呢 個 真 係 一件 美事 啊 ! then|the two families|become|a marriage alliance|together|defeat|Cao|this|measure word|really|is|a|beautiful thing|ah Then the two families will form a bond like Qin and Jin to jointly defeat Cao. This is truly a wonderful thing! 請 將軍 唔 好 推辭 喇 , 哈哈哈 哈哈 。 please|general|||decline|particle|hahaha|ha Please, General, don't refuse, hahaha. 呸 ! phew Pah! 啊 啊 , 誒 將軍 , 將軍 。 ah||hey|general| Ah, ah, hey General, General. 你 聽 住 , 我 嘅 虎 女 , 點肯 嫁 畀 狗 仔 吖 ! you|||I|possessive particle|||how could|marry|to|||sentence-final particle You listen, my tiger girl would never marry a dog! 如果 唔 係 睇 在 你 細 佬 嘅 份 上 , 就 立刻 殺 咗 你 ! if|||seeing|at|your|||possessive particle|part|on|then|immediately|kill|past tense marker|you If it weren't for your little one, I would kill you immediately! 關將軍 。 General Guan General Guan. 唔 使 多講 , 眾 左右 ! ||say much|everyone|around No need to say much, everyone! 有 ! have Yes! 趕 佢 出去 ! drive|him|out Get him out! 哎呀 , 諸葛瑾 啊 , 碰 咗 一鼻灰 , 畀 人 趕 咗 出 嚟 就 滿面 羞慚 返去 見 孫權 。 oh no|Zhuge Jin|ah|bumped|past tense marker|a face full of humiliation|by|people|driven|past tense marker|out|here|then|full face|shame||see|Sun Quan Oh dear, Zhuge Jin, got humiliated and was kicked out, now he has to go back to face Sun Quan with a face full of shame. 當然 亦 唔 敢 隱瞞 嘞 , 一五一十 講返 畀 孫權 聽 。 of course|also|not|dare|to hide|past tense marker|in detail|tell back|to|Sun Quan|hear Of course, I also dare not hide it, I will tell Sun Quan everything. 當堂 嬲 到 孫權 跳 起 八丈 高 : 關 某人 你 咁 無禮 都 有 嘅 ! on the spot|angry|to|Sun Quan|jump|up|eight zhang|high|Guan|someone|you|so|rude|still|have|particle indicating possession or emphasis Sun Quan was so angry that he jumped up eight feet high: "How can you be so rude!" 就 召集 張昭 等等 文武 官員 一齊 嚟 商量 攻取 荊州 嘅 計策 。 then|gather|Zhang Zhao|and other|civil and military|officials|together|come|discuss|capturing|Jingzhou|possessive particle|strategy He then summoned Zhang Zhao and other civil and military officials to discuss strategies for attacking Jingzhou. 步騭 話 嘞 : 曹操 , 想謀朝 篡位 好耐 㗎 喇 , 佢 就 係 擏 住 劉備 㗎 唧 。 Bu Zhi|said|past tense particle|Cao Cao||usurp the throne|a long time|particle indicating certainty|past tense particle|he|just|is|suppressing|holding|Liu Bei|particle indicating certainty|defeat Bu Zhi said: "Cao Cao has been plotting to usurp the throne for a long time, he is just waiting for Liu Bei to be in trouble." 而 家 佢 派 個 使者 嚟 想 說 我 哋 興兵 去 攻打 劉備 , 係 想 嫁禍於 我 哋 東吳 啊 ! and|family|he|sent|a|messenger|here|wants|to say|we|plural marker|raise troops|to|attack|Liu Bei|is|wants|to frame|us|plural marker|Eastern Wu|ah Now he has sent a messenger to suggest that we raise troops to attack Liu Bei, intending to frame us, Eastern Wu! 孫權 話 : 不過 噉 , 我 亦 想 攞 返 荊州 好 耐 嘞 。 Sun Quan|said|but|like this|I|also|want|take|back|Jingzhou|very|long|past tense particle Sun Quan said: However, I also want to take back Jingzhou for a long time. 主公 呀 , 而家 曹仁 率領 大軍 駐 扎 喺 襄陽 、 樊城 一帶 。 Your Majesty|particle|now|Cao Ren|leads|large army|stationed|at||Xiangyang|Fancheng|area My lord, right now Cao Ren is leading a large army stationed in the area of Xiangyang and Fancheng. 嗰 度 又 冇 長江 之險 , 由 陸路 就 可以 去 打 荊州 㗎 喇 。 that|place|again|not have|Yangtze River||by|land route|then|can|go|attack|Jingzhou|sentence-final particle|particle indicating completed action There is no danger from the Yangtze River there, and they can attack Jingzhou by land. 點解 佢 仲 唔 去 打 反而 要 主公 興兵 去 打 呢 ? 淨 係 呢 一點 就 睇 到 佢 係 乜嘢 心 啦 。 why|he|still|not|go|fight|instead|wants|lord|raise troops|to|fight|question particle|only|is|this|one point|then|see|to|he|is|what|intention|final particle Why hasn't he gone to attack yet, but instead wants the lord to raise troops to attack? Just this point shows what his intentions are. 嗯 , 噉 你 嘅 意思 點做 呢 ? hmm|then|you|possessive particle|meaning|how to do|question particle Hmm, so what do you mean by that? 步騭 話 喇 : 主公 , 你 就 派 個 使者 去 許都 見 曹操 , 要 佢 命令 曹仁 , 由 陸路 先 起兵 去 打 荊州 。 Bu Zhi|said|particle indicating completion|lord|you|then|send|classifier for people|messenger|to|Xu Du|meet|Cao Cao|require|he|order|Cao Ren|from|land|first|mobilize troops|to|attack|Jingzhou Bu Zhi said: My lord, you should send an envoy to Xu Du to meet Cao Cao, asking him to order Cao Ren to mobilize troops by land to attack Jingzhou. 噉 樣 呢 , 關雲長 必定 率領 荊州 嘅 兵馬 去 打 佢 樊城 㗎 。 like this|appearance|question particle|Guan Yu|definitely|lead|Jingzhou|possessive particle|troops|go|attack|him|Fan City|sentence-final particle In this way, Guan Yun Chang will definitely lead the troops from Jingzhou to attack Fan City. 等到 關雲長 一 逳, 主公 你 就 派 一支 軍隊 偷襲 荊州 , 必定 馬到功成 嘅 ! when|Guan Yu|one|arrives|lord|you|then|send|a|army|surprise attack|Jingzhou|definitely|achieve success immediately|particle indicating certainty Once Guan Yun Chang is distracted, my lord, you should send a troop to launch a surprise attack on Jingzhou, and it will surely succeed! 好計 啊 好計 啊 ! 孫權 聽 佢 嘅 。 good plan|ah|||Sun Quan|listens|he|possessive particle Good plan, good plan! Sun Quan will listen to him. 即刻 就 派 使者 去 見 曹操 , 如此這般 噉 講 佢 聽 。 immediately|then|send|messenger|to|see|Cao Cao|like this|then|tell|him|will listen Immediately send an envoy to meet Cao Cao and explain it this way. 曹操 高興 啊 , 打發 使者 返 東吳 。 Cao Cao|happy|ah|send away|messenger|return|Eastern Wu Cao Cao was very happy and sent a messenger back to Eastern Wu. 跟 住 就 派 滿寵 去 樊城 協助 曹仁 , 做 佢 嘅 參謀 官 , 就 商量 出兵 嘅 事情 嘞 。 ||then|send|Man Chong|go|Fan City|assist|Cao Ren|be|his|possessive particle|strategist|officer|then|discuss|deployment|possessive particle|matter|past action particle Then he dispatched Man Chong to Fan City to assist Cao Ren, serving as his military advisor to discuss the matter of deploying troops. 同時 呢 , 又 送 檄文 去 東吳 , 命令 孫權 派兵 由 水路 接應 , 奪取 荊州 。 at the same time|particle indicating a question or emphasis|also|send|edict|to|Eastern Wu|order|Sun Quan|send troops|by|waterway|support|seize|Jingzhou At the same time, he sent a decree to Eastern Wu, ordering Sun Quan to send troops to support via water routes and seize Jingzhou. 好 喇 , 呢 啲 呢 就 暫時 放落 唔 講 佢 住 。 good|particle indicating completion|this|plural marker|||temporarily|put aside|not|talk|he|now Alright, let's temporarily set these matters aside. 而家 講返 下 劉備 , 佢 登位 做 咗 漢中 王 , 就 任命 魏延 總督 軍馬 鎮守 東川 。 now|talk about|next|Liu Bei|he|ascended the throne|became|past tense marker|Hanzhong|king|then|appointed|Wei Yan|governor|cavalry|stationed|Eastern Sichuan Now let's talk about Liu Bei; he ascended to the throne as the King of Hanzhong and appointed Wei Yan as the commander to guard the horses in Eastern Chuan. 自己 帶齊 文武 官員 就 返去 成都 嘞 。 myself|bring along|civil and military|officials|then|return|Chengdu|past action particle Bring along the civil and military officials and return to Chengdu. 噉 啊 做 咗 王 嘞 噃, 梗 係 要 起 皇宮 啦 , 起 啲 亭台 樓館 啦 等等 。 like this|particle|build|past tense marker|Wang|particle|particle|||need|build|palace|particle|build|plural marker|pavilions|buildings|particle|etc Since I have become the king, of course I need to build a palace, and construct pavilions and buildings, etc. 又 派 人 由 成都 到 白 水關 呀 , 白 水關 誒 喺 四川 北便 嚟 。 again|send|person|from|Chengdu|to|||particle|||particle|is|Sichuan|north|coming Also, send people from Chengdu to Baishui Pass, which is in the northern part of Sichuan. 噉 啊 完善 興建 四百 幾處 館舍 郵站 。 then|ah|improve|build|four hundred|several|dormitories|post office Then, improve and build over four hundred lodgings and post stations. 同時 大量 積聚 糧草 , 製造 兵器 , 為 進取 中原 做好 準備 。 at the same time|large quantities|accumulate|food and supplies|manufacture|weapons|for|advancing|Central Plains|make good|preparations At the same time, gather a large amount of grain and grass, and manufacture weapons to prepare for advancing into the Central Plains. 呢 一日 , 啲 間諜 探聽到 曹操 聯合 東吳 , 想 攻取 荊州 就 立即 嚟 報告 。 this|day|plural marker|spy|overheard|Cao Cao|allied|Eastern Wu|wanted|to capture|Jingzhou|then|immediately|came|report On this day, the spies reported that Cao Cao had allied with Eastern Wu and intended to attack Jingzhou. 嗬 劉備 大吃一驚 啊 , 連忙 搵 孔明 商量 。 oh|Liu Bei|was greatly shocked|ah|hurriedly|sought|Kongming|to discuss Oh, Liu Bei was taken aback and quickly sought advice from Kongming. 孔明 話 嘞 : 我 已經 料到 曹操 實會 噉 做 嘅 。 Kongming|said|past tense marker|I|already|anticipated|Cao Cao|really would|like that|do|particle indicating completed action Kongming said: I had already anticipated that Cao Cao would indeed do this. 不過 噉 , 東吳 嘅 謀士 極 多 , 必定會 請 曹操 命令 曹仁 起兵 先 嘅 。 however|like this|Eastern Wu|possessive particle|strategists|extremely|many||request|Cao Cao|order|Cao Ren|raise troops|first|possessive particle However, Eastern Wu has many strategists, and they will definitely ask Cao Cao to order Cao Ren to mobilize first. 哎呀 ! 噉 如之奈何 呢 軍師 ? oh no|then|what can we do|question particle|strategist Alas! What should we do, military advisor? 主公 你 唔 使 憂心 。 lord|you|not|need|worry My lord, you don't need to worry. 請 主公 你 派 人 將官 誥 送 去 畀 雲長 , 命令 佢 起兵 去 攻取 樊城 , 噉 就 會 使 到 敵軍 膽寒 , 佢 哋 嘅 攻勢 自然 就 瓦解 㗎 喇 。 please|your lord|you|send|person|officer|decree|deliver|to|to|Yun Chang|order|he|raise troops|to|capture|Fan City|then|will|cause|make|to|enemy army|fearful|they|plural marker|possessive particle|offensive|naturally|then|collapse|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action Please, my lord, send someone to deliver the official decree to Guan Yu, commanding him to raise troops to attack Fan City. This will intimidate the enemy, and their offensive will naturally collapse. 劉備 噉 就 安心 嘞 , 立即 派 前部 司馬 費詩 做 使者 , 帶住 誥命 去 荊州 。 Liu Bei|then|would|at ease|past tense particle|immediately|send|front army|Sima|Fei Shi|act as|messenger|bring|imperial decree|to|Jingzhou Liu Bei then felt at ease and immediately sent his chief officer, Fei Shi, as an envoy to take the decree to Jingzhou. 誒 所謂 官 誥 啊 或者 誥命 啊 , 即 係指 帝王 對 下屬 封官賜 爵 嘅 命令 。 eh|so-called|official|decree|ah|or|decree of appointment|ah|||emperor|to|subordinates|||possessive particle|order The so-called official decree or command refers to the emperor's order to grant titles and ranks to subordinates. 關雲長 出 到 城外 迎接 費詩入 城 , 嚟 到 衙門 大堂 就行 過禮 坐落 。 Guan Yu|to go out|to arrive|outside the city|to welcome||city|to come|to arrive|yamen|main hall||the ritual of respect|to sit down Guan Yu went out of the city to welcome Fei Shi into the city, and upon arriving at the government hall, he performed the proper greetings and took his seat. 費 詩話 : 主公 已經 進位 漢中 王喇 。 ||Lord|already|advanced|Hanzhong|Wangla Fei Shi said: The lord has already been promoted to the King of Hanzhong. 關雲長 話 喇 : 哦 , 我 大哥 進位 漢中 王 , 封 我關 某 乜嘢 爵位 呢 ? Guan Yunchang|said|particle|oh|I|elder brother|promoted|Hanzhong|king|confer|me Guan|certain|what|title|question particle Guan Yunchang said: Oh, my elder brother has been promoted to the King of Hanzhong, what title will be conferred upon me? 五虎上將 之首 啊 ! Five Tiger Generals||exclamatory particle The leader of the Five Tiger Generals! 五虎將 ? 關雲長 唔 肯接 印 啊 。 Five Tiger Generals|Guan Yu|not||seal|particle Five Tiger Generals? Guan Yunchang is unwilling to accept the seal. 點解 唔 肯接 印 呢 ? why|not|willing to accept|stamp|question particle Why is he unwilling to accept the seal? 就 且 聽 下回分解 喇 。 then|and|listen||particle indicating completed action Just wait for the next explanation.

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