龍師 火帝 , 鳥 官人 皇 。
Dragon Master, Fire King; Bird Official, Lord of Men.
始制 文字 , 乃服 衣裳 。
The beginning of writing; what's more, wearing clothes.
推位 讓國 , 有 虞 陶唐 。
Yielding the throne, passing the land; rulers of Yu2, Tao2 and Tang2.
弔民伐罪 , 周發 殷湯 。
Relieve the people, right the wrong; as did Zhou1 Fa1, as did Yin1-Tang1.
坐朝 問道 , 垂拱 平章 。
Presiding at court and asking the Way; gracious yet lordly, discuss and decide.
愛育 黎首 , 臣伏 戎 羌 。
With love he taught the dark and soiled; in submission, wild tribes.
遐邇一體 , 率賓 歸王 。
Far and near, they joined as one; all followed, rallied to the king.
鳴鳳 在 竹 , 白駒 食場 。
The phoenix calls from bamboo stand; White pony grazes pasture land.
化 被 草木 , 賴及 萬方 。
Wise teachings dress each plant and tree; bounty everywhere we see.