你 微笑 时 很 美 EP19
Du bist schön, wenn du lächelst EP19
You're Beautiful When You Smile EP19
Brother Cheng,
最后 一个 问题
one last question.
你 这 几天 不理 我
Did you ignore me for the past few days
只是 因为 生气 吗
because you were angry at me?
还是 有 其他 原因
Or was it because of other reasons?
因为 害怕
It's because I was afraid.
害怕 会 心软
I was afraid that I might have a soft spot for you.
(Everyone has to)
都 难免 将要 为 自己 热爱 的 事物
(make sacrifices)
做出 牺牲
(for the things they love.)
要 准备 好
(We need to prepare ourselves.)
这才 是 刚刚开始
(This is just the start.)
黑曜 战队 这边 已 是 来到 了 石距 附近
Team Obsidian is approaching the Ryujin.
发现 ZGDX 正在 打石距
They saw Team ZGDX taking the Ryujin.
猫猫 稳住 啊
Mao, stay strong.
把 线 清 了 把 上 路线 清 了
Clear the line in the top lane.
把 上 塔 推 了
Push the top tower.
上 上 上 打一波 打 一波
- Let's go! - Let's fight.
控住 了
I stunned them!
稳住 拖住
- Don't rush. - Stall them.
ZGDX 拿到 石距
Team ZGDX has taken down the Ryujin!
并且 乘胜追击
And they used the momentum to their advantage!
团战 还 没有 结束
The clash isn't over yet!
Alright, Team ZGDX
拿下 了 这波 团战 的 胜利
has emerged victorious from the last clash.
陆岳 上
Lu Yue, go.
来 了
黑曜 已经 无人 抵挡
Team Obsidian is wiped out.
ZGDX 继续 追击
Team ZGDX continues the assault.
又 一次 击杀
Another kill!
最后 一波 团战
This is our last clash.
来 了 收到
- Coming. - Yes, sir.
快快 快 上 上 上
Hurry, go.
打打 打
Fight them.
小心 小心
Be careful.
后边 还有 一个 快
There's another one at the back. Go.
分散 站位
Spread out.
给 我 输出 空间
Distract them for me.
追 追 追
After him.
陆思诚 继续 追击
[Raging Storm] Chessman continues his assault!
漂亮 又 收到 一人
Nice! He has slain another one!
陆思诚 双克之理
Chessman got a double kill!
还 在 追击
He's still pursuing the others.
三大 神器
[Seal, Triple Kill] Triple kill!
漂亮 陆思诚 拿到 了 三 杀
Nice! Chessman got a triple kill!
这 样子 很 有 机会 一波
They can end this in one go!
让 我们 恭喜 ZGDX
拿下 了 本局 比赛 的 胜利
[VICTORY] for winning the match!
让 我们 恭喜 ZGDX
Let's congratulate Team ZGDX!
感谢 农夫山泉
(for sponsoring our season.)
本赛季 的 大力支持 啊
我们 还是 话说回来
(Speaking of which,)
这场 比赛 ZGDX 打得 还
(Team ZGDX)
确实 是 非常 出人意料 啊
(did something unexpected today,)
尤其 是律 选手
(especially Lv.)
这 把 表现 也 是 非常 的 不错
(He did great in the last match as well.)
拿下 了 全场 最佳
(He was the MVP of the match.)
(if a substitute like him is this good,)
一个 替补 都 能 打 得 这么 好
我 觉得 可能 其它 的 战队
(I think the other teams)
需要 重新 评估
(should reevaluate)
ZGDX 的 综合 实力 了
(the strength of Team ZGDX.)
(That's right.)
晚上 陆岳 请客 吃 什么 呢
What kind of food will you treat us to today, Lu Yue?
我 跟 你 说 陆岳
Listen, Lu Yue,
你 今天 晚上 想 吃 什么 吃 什么
you can have whatever you like for dinner tonight.
可以 呀
Not bad at all.
You did great!
Lu Yue,
打 得 不错 啊
you did great.
全场 最佳
You were the MVP of the match.
感觉 打 完 这 一场
I think you will have over 300,000 fans
你 粉丝 都 要 涨 三十万 了
after winning this match.
干什么 你
What's wrong with you?
饮水机 对 你 做 什么 了
What did the drinking machine do to you?
还是 你 打算 退役 呀
Don't tell me you plan to retire from the scene.
哥 你 跟 矮子 刚说 什么 了
Brother, what did you tell Shorty?
怎么 搞 得 这 家伙
She's acting
整个 意志 都 崩塌 了 呀
as if her will was broken.
贼 好吃 咱去 吃 啊
This is delicious. Let's have this for dinner.
就 知道 吃
Can you stop spouting nonsense?
你别 胡说八道 好不好
这场 比赛 之后
Even after this match,
我们 队 依然 保持 着 全胜 纪录
our team still hasn't lost any matches at all.
你 看见 台下 的 粉丝 了 没有
Have you seen our fans down below?
他们 为 你 的 胜利 挥舞 的 荧光棒
They were waving and cheering for you
都 是 朕 之前 为 你 打下 的 江山
because I did all the work for you before you played for the team.
是 你 打下 了 一片 江山
Yeah, you did all the work for me.
然后 一巴掌 扇飞
After that, you undid all of them
还 亏损 了 十二万
and lost 120,000 yuan because of that.
我 是 在 夸 你
I'm praising you.
你 有没有 良心 啊
Do you even have a conscience?
真 不知好歹
You don't know what's good for you.
打 得 真不错
You did great.
非常 好
You did very well.
是 吧
Am I right?
你 俩 话 怎么 那么 多
Why are you two so chatty?
要 几点 才能 出来 啊
What time will they come out?
谁 知道 啊
Who knows?
等 着 吧 这 等 了 大半天 了
- Let's just wait. - We've been waiting here for some time.
出来 了 出来 了 来 了 来 了
They're out!
来 来 来 了 快快 快
- They're here! - Hurry!
Thank you.
谢谢 谢谢
让 一下 让 一下
Sorry for this.
不好意思 不好意思 啊
不好意思 不好意思
Please excuse us.
看 这里 看 这里 看 这里
Look over here.
请 看 这边 请 看 这边
Please look over here.
人 还 挺 多 的
This place is crowded.
你好 你好
Tong Yao!
请问 童谣
Tong Yao,
对于 这次 禁赛 你 有 什么 看法
what do you think about your match suspension?
我 活该
I deserved it.
会 不会 觉得 特别 委屈
Do you feel that it's unfair for you?
外界 传言 你 是 为了 维护 队友
Rumour has it that you did it
才 做出 这样 的 举动
in order to protect your teammates.
不 委屈
Not at all.
会 不会 担心 自己 被 陆岳 所 取代
Are you worried that Lu Yue might take over your spot?
我 就 禁赛 一场 而已
I'm just suspended for one match.
为什么 出手 打人
Why did you hit her?
难道 你 不 知道
Didn't you know
这样 会 影响 你 的 形象 吗
that it would affect your image?
还是 你 知道
Or, you knew
自己 作为 唯一 的 参赛 女选手
that you would attract attention
一举一动 都 会 得到 大众 的 关注
with anything you did?
为了 博得 关注
Is that why
你 忍不住 这么 做
you did so?
差不多 行 了
That's enough.
你 说 这些 让 她 怎么 回答
How could she answer questions like those?
你 哪家 媒体
Which media company are you from?
本来 就是 啊
I'm stating the truth.
没有 一点 实训 就让 她 上 了 首发
She started for the team without any training.
听说 之前 签了 合同 的
I heard that you guys signed a contract with her.
是 啊 就算 是 真 厉害
Yeah, even if she's a great player,
之前 直播 也 没开 摄像头
she didn't turn on her camera during her live streams.
谁 知道 是不是 自己 打 的
Who knows if she was playing the game herself?
俱乐部 就 直接 给 了 合同
But your club gave her the contract straight away.
根据 《 中华人民共和国 刑法 》
According to Article 246
第二 百四十六 条
of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China,
以 暴力 或者 其他 方法 公然侮辱 他人
whoever, by violence or other methods,
又 或者 捏造事实 诽谤 他人
publicly humiliates another person or invent stories to defame him/her,
情节严重 的
if the circumstances are serious,
处 三年 以下 有期徒刑
shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of no more than three years,
拘役 管制
with criminal detention, public surveillance
剥夺 政治权利
or deprivation of political rights.
话 想 好 了 再说
you better think before you speak.
这 别 走 啊
Don't leave!
就是 啊
诚哥 他 说 的 真的假 的
Was Brother Cheng making up stories just now?
你 当 我哥 政法大学 白念 的
He graduated from the University of Political Science and Law.
律 选手
久别 战场 重新 回归 的 感觉 怎么样
(how does it feel to return to the scene after a long time?)
挺 好 的
(It felt pretty good.)
所以 今天 用 了 新练 的 式 神
(That's why I used my new Shikigami today.)
对 律 选手 今天 拿出 了
(Yes, Lv has chosen Enenra, a Shikigami)
与 自己 打法
that doesn't really
并 不 那么 匹配 的 烟烟罗
[OPL] suit your play style.
真是 让 人 大吃一惊
You really surprised everyone.
请问 是否 有 事先 准备 好 呢
So, did you prepare for this beforehand?
也 不算 提前准备 好 吧
I can't really say that.
只是 我们 教练
It's just that our coach...
对 我们 教练 明神
(Yes, our coach, God Ming,)
他 说 国产 中单 必须 要会 这个 式 神
(he said every Mid needs to know how to use Enenra.)
不会 的话 会 有点 丢人
(If not, I'll be a disgrace to the position.)
所以 我 就 提前 练 了
(That's why I trained Enenra beforehand.)
这么 说 童谣 也 会 玩 烟烟罗 喽
(Does that mean Smiling knows how to use Enenra as well?)
她 玩烟 烟罗玩得 很 好
(She's a great Enenra player.)
事实上 我 觉得 她 什么 都 会
(Honestly speaking, I think she's great with all kinds of Shikigami.)
刚 开始 彼岸花 玩得 不太好
(At first, her Higanbana isn't that good.)
但 后面 也 玩 得 不错
(But she's improving gradually.)
看来 ZGDX 战队 首发
(Seems like the relationship between)
与 替补 之间 的 关系
(Team ZGDX's starter and her substitute)
并 不是 那么 紧张
(isn't that tense.)
没什么 好 紧张 的
(There's nothing to be tense about.)
我们 风格 不 一样
(We have different styles)
打法 不 一样
(and different play styles.)
该 谁 上 就 谁 上
(We'll take our turn playing for the team.)
但是 就 现在 的 情况 而言
(But according to our current situation,)
还是 她 比 我 更 适合 做 首发
(it's better for her to start for the team.)
不过 我 之后 也 会 变得 更强 的
(But I'll become stronger in the future.)
这是 肯定 的
(That's a given.)
看来 律 选手 这 是 在 回应
(Seems like you're)
网上 对 ZGDX 战队 的 一些 质疑 啊
(trying to clear the doubts the netizens have regarding your team.)
我 相信 我 队友 的 判断力
I believe in my teammates' judgment.
如果 我 有 什么 想要 的
If I want anything,
我 自己 也 会 去 争取 的
I will fight for it myself.
算 你 有点 良心
You do have a conscience.
居然 还 知道 夸 我
You're actually praising me.
你 可别 想 多 了
Don't overthink it.
我 是 为了 维护 我哥 的 战队
I'm just doing it in order to protect
my brother's team.
护兄狂 魔
You're obsessed with your brother.
里面 请
这家 很 好吃
This place has great food.
怎么 了 腿 瘸 了
What's wrong? Are you crippled?
磨破 了
There are blisters on my feet.
小心 点
Be careful.
等等 我
Wait for me!
脚 磨破 都 不 说
You didn't tell us about the blisters.
你 哑巴
Are you a mute?
我 去 店里 买个 创口 贴 就 好 了
I'll just get a band-aid from the convenience store.
来来来 哥哥
咱们 来 拍 张照 吧
let's take a picture.
我 也 要 我 也 要
Me too.
来来来 看 我 看 我 咱走 一个 好
- Look at me. - Let's have a drink.
你 看 这个 滤镜 好看 吧
This filter looks great, right?
别动 别动 再 来 一张 选 这个 吧
- Don't move. Let's take another one. - Let's choose this.
这 小崽子 每次 出来 身边 都 一堆 女人
Women surround that brat whenever he goes outside.
看看 怎么样
你 看 好看 吧
It looks great, right?
这个 还 不错
This is pretty good.
你 怎么 也 来 了
Why are you here?
我来 吃饭
I'm here to have dinner.
昨天 我 直播 了
Yesterday, when I did my live stream,
直播间 有人 说 你
someone in the chat was insulting you.
我 骂人
I scolded them.
我 让 他们 不要 说 你
I told them not to insult you.
你 很 好
You're a great person.
谢谢 啊
Thank you.
不过 下次 别 这样 了
But don't do that next time.
他们 会 连 你 一起 骂 的
They'll scold you as well.
会 连累 你 的
You'll be implicated.
I don't understand what it means.
哥 连累 是 什么 意思
Brother, what does implicated mean?
姐姐 你好 可爱
Missy, you're so cute.
骂人 也 这么 可爱
You're cute even when you scold people.
今天 我 跟 泰伦哥 说
Today, I told Brother Tae Lom
你 很 有趣
that you were interesting.
泰伦哥 也 说 你 很 有趣
Brother Tae Lom said you were interesting as well.
我 说 不行
I said no.
这是 另外 一个 哥哥 的 女人
You belong to another brother.
就算 不是
Even if you don't belong to him,
我 也 排 第二
I'll be next in line.
Stop daydreaming.
白日做梦 什么 意思
What does daydreaming mean?
一个 意思
It's the same meaning.
你 骂人 一点 也 不 可爱
you're not cute when you scold people.
我 先 去 吃饭 了
I'll go and have dinner now.
一会 微信 联系
I'll message you later.
好好 走路
Walk properly.
那个 泰伦哥 他
That Brother Tae Lom, he...
什么 泰伦哥
What Brother Tae Lom?
你们 很熟 吗
Are you two familiar with each other?
看着 很 面熟 啊
He looks familiar.
又 是 一个 打野
Another Jungler.
小姐姐 你 怎么 了
Missy, what's wrong?
这个 泰伦哥
That Brother Tae Lom,
我 总 觉得 在 哪里 见过
I felt like I saw him before.
咱们 之前 看过
We watched
DQ.Five 的 比赛 视频 啊
the matches of DQ.Five before.
是 在 其他 的 什么 地方
I saw him at some other places.
别瞎想 赶紧 吃
Stop imagining things. Eat up.
吃 一个 吧
Try this.
我 想 起来 了
I remember now.
怎么 了
What's wrong?
我 在 哪里 看到 过泰伦哥
I remember where I saw Brother Tae Lom before.
我 在 宁佳琪 的 直播 里面 看到 过
I saw him on Ning Jia Qi's live stream before.
他们 俩 什么 关系 啊
What's their relationship?
Are they a couple?
你 不 知道
You didn't know about that?
吃 肉
have some meat
so that you can grow taller.
师傅 前面 靠边 停 一下
Mister, please stop in front.
诚哥 你 要 干吗
Brother Cheng, what are you doing?
买 东西
I need to buy something.
你们 不用 等 我
You guys don't need to wait for me.
饼 饼
Bing Bing.
我们 去 吃饭 饭 喽
Time to have dinner.
走 吧 吃饭 了
Let's go and have dinner.
小姐姐 快 来
Missy, come quickly!
怎么 了
What's wrong?
诚哥 的 金鱼 儿子
Why are there
为什么 只 剩 两条 了
only two goldfish of Brother Cheng left?
下午 比赛 出门 之前 还是 三条 的
There were three goldfish in the tank before we went out.
你 看 错 了 吧
You must be mistaken.
不能 你 自己 看
Take a look yourself.
Da Bing!
赶紧 想招
You better come up with something.
要不然 等 诚哥 回来
你 和 大饼 都 要 被 灭口
will both be done for when Brother Cheng comes back.
你 看
这 怎么样
What do you think?
你 觉得 诚哥 是 傻子 吗
Do you think Brother Cheng is an idiot?
他 说不定 压根 就 看不见 呢
Maybe he wouldn't know the difference?
这 颜色 都 不 一样
But the colour is different.
你们 在 干什么
What are you guys doing?
诚哥 你 儿子 自己 乱 吃 东西
Brother Cheng, your son died
把 自己 撑死 了
because it tried to eat everything.
我 帮 你 毁尸灭迹
I'll dispose of the body for you.
仔细 想想
Now that I think about it,
还 没 好好 谢谢 诚哥 的 教育 之恩 呢
I haven't thanked you for teaching me yet.
教育 意义 之深
As my teacher and mentor,
犹如 我 的 再生父母 之恩
you are as important as my parents.
诚哥 这么 宅心仁厚
Brother Cheng, you are so magnanimous
心慈 如 菩萨
and kind.
对 万物 生灵 都 充满 爱
You love every living being in the world.
遵守 自然界 因果 法则
You respect nature's law of cause and effect.
遵守 食物链 弱肉强食 的 规律
You respect the food chain as well.
Tong Yao,
speak in a way that I can understand.
我 的 猫
My cat
遵守 大自然 弱肉强食 的 规律
respects the food chain
吃 了 你 的 鱼
and devoured your fish.
我错 了
It's my fault.
乐观 点
Be optimistic.
你 这么 想想
Why don't you think of it in this way?
说不定 是 你 的 金鱼 儿子
Maybe your goldfish
长 翅膀 飞走 了
flew away after he grew a pair of wings?
北冥有 鱼 其 名为 鲲
In the northern sea, there's a fish. (* Lit.: An adaption of the ancient writing, Xiao Yao You)
鲲 之 大 一锅炖 不下
Due to its massive size, it can't fit in a pot.* (* Lit.: Kun, a huge fish which transformed into a bird)
创口 贴
Your band-aid.
喂 姐妹
Hello, Sis?
心情 这么 好 呢
You're in such a good mood today.
那 当然 了
But of course.
今天天气 风和日丽
The weather is great today.
当然 高兴
Of course I'm happy.
是 吗
Is that so?
你们 家 队长 那边 可是 阴云密布 呢
Seems like your leader is experiencing a storm.
什么 意思
What do you mean?
你们 家 队长
Your leader
在 直播间 不 好好 打游戏
isn't playing games during his live stream.
正在 某宝 搜索 食人鱼 活体 鱼苗
He's looking for live piranhas online.
刚艾佳 转 我 了
Ai Jia sent the link to me just now.
我 转 你 啊
I'll send it to you.
我 挂 了
I won't stop you from admiring your leader.
不 耽误 你 欣赏 你们 家 队长 的 英姿 了
诚哥 食人鱼 活体 鱼苗 买 不了
(Brother Cheng, we couldn't buy live piranhas online.)
搜 搜 别的 吧
(You should search for something else.)
不 知道 为什么
I don't know why,
搜索 结果 全是 捕蝇草
不过 想想 这 东西 在 鱼缸 旁边
But I think it's the same
效果 好像 也 一样
if I put them beside my fish tank.
于是 就 买 了
That's why I bought them.
诚哥 什么 效果
(Brother Cheng, what do you mean?)
谁 再 手 贱 去 撩 鱼 就 咬 谁
They'll bite those who are daring enough to touch my fish.
(Venus flytraps?)
不是 吧
(That can't be.)
它 不会 要 吃 了 我 的 大饼 吧
(Don't tell me it's going to eat Da Bing...)
大饼 妈妈 对不起 你
(Da Bing, sorry for not keeping you safe.)
Da Bing!
Da Bing?
Da Bing?
Da Bing.
Da Bing.
Da Bing?
Don't move.
再动 赶紧 滚
You better scram if you want to move.
陆思诚 我 不是
Lu Si Cheng, I'm not her!
你 松手
Let go of me!
诚哥 你 怎么 还 不 睡 呀
Brother Cheng, why aren't you asleep yet?
我 一定 是 在 梦游
I must be sleepwalking!
我 的 天
(My goodness!)
我 都 看到 了 个 啥
(What did I see just now?)
我要 瞎 了
(I'm going blind!)
没想到 你 是 这样 的 队长
(I didn't expect you to be a person like this.)
怪我太 天真
(It's my fault for being too naive.)
为什么 被 我 看到
(Why did I see that?)
为什么 又 被 我 看到
(Why did I see that again?)
胖爷 我 一年 三百六十五天
(I only wake up early)
大概 只有 不 超过 五天 的 时间 会 早起
(less than five days in a year.)
为什么 就 偏偏 选 这 几天
(Why must they try to blind me)
残害 我 的 眼睛
(on these few selected days?)
还是 其实 你们 天天 都
我要 报警
(I need to call the cops.)
What are you doing?
怎么 一副 你 受惊吓 的 样子
Why do you look so surprised?
你 干什么
when I was sleeping on the sofa?
人家 睡觉 你 凑 那么 近
我 从 楼上 下来
I just came down.
想 看看 我 的 猫 是不是 还 活着
I want to see if my cat is still alive.
好好 的 猫 怎么 会 死 啊
Why would your cat die all of a sudden?
你 要 找 借口 麻烦 也 换 一换
You should come up with a better excuse.
还 不是 你 昨天 说 要 买 那个 捕蝇草
It's all because you said you were going to buy the Venus flytrap yesterday.
我 就 看 我 的 猫 是不是 活着
That's why I need to see if my cat is still alive.
有没有 被 你 掐死
I was wondering if you had
准备 塞 马桶 里 冲走
murdered my cat.
In the end,
就 下来 看见 你 开着 排位 睡着 了
I saw you sleeping while you were still on a ranking match.
然后 就 出于 好心
Out of kindness,
怕 你 冻 着
I got you a blanket
给 你 找 了 条 毯子 盖
as I was afraid you might get a cold.
谁 知道 你 一言不合
Who knew you would
就 把 我 的 头 往 你 肚子 上 按
hug me and press my head against your belly?
还 弄乱 我 的 头发
You even messed up my hair.
怎么 可能
That's impossible.
你 以为 我 是 大饼
You must've thought that I was Da Bing.
怎 怎么
Wha... what...
反正 最后 落幕 戏 让 小胖 看到 了
Anyway, Fatty saw what you were doing just now.
喂 小胖 你 看 错 了
Hello, Fatty? You were mistaken.
我们 什么 都 没 做
We did nothing just now.
真要 做 什么
If we really wanted to do something,
为什么 会 在 客厅
we wouldn't do it in the living room.
你 没带 脑子 我 带 了
I need to explain it to you since you're an idiot.
你 语气 要是 不 这么 凶巴巴 的
You would sound more convincing
还 有点 说服力
if you weren't that fierce.
现在 连 我 都 觉得 你 是 在 胡搅蛮缠
Even I think that you're trying to find excuses for your act.
所以 你 认为
So, in your opinion,
小胖 觉得 我们 在 做 什么
what do you think Fatty was thinking when he saw us?
Brother Cheng.
今天 周二
Today is Tuesday.
没有 训练赛
There are no training matches.
原本 说 反正 今天 大家 都 没事
Initially, I thought we could go to
要 不 一起 去逛 花鸟 鱼虫 市场
the animal&plant; market since we're free today.
正好 赔 你 一条 金鱼
I could compensate you with another goldfish.
但是 看 你 昨晚 通宵 排位
But since you
一 晚上 没睡
pulled an all-nighter last night,
我 看 还是 算了吧
I think we should forget about it.
好 啊
Let's go.
等 我 洗个 澡 换个 衣服
Let me take a shower first.
麻烦 你 也 洗 个头
Please wash your hair as well.
走 吧
Let's go.
直播 绩效 还 不够 吧
you didn't hit your live stream KPI, right?
够 了
I did.
够 什么 够
You must be kidding me.
我 看 你 是 吃 够 了
Eating is the only thing you know.
你 再 这样 扣 你 工资 了
I'll deduct your wage if you continue this.
这 什么
What is this?
小姐姐 今天 打扮 得 分外妖娆 啊
Missy, you're actually dolling yourself up today?
打扰 一下
Excuse me?
穿个 鞋子 还要 选 一个 牌子 什么 鬼
Why do you even wear shoes of the same brand?
什么 情况
What do you mean?
什么 什么 情况
我队 双 C 干吗 去 了
Where are our carries going?
说 去 花鸟 市场 买鱼
They said they were going to buy fish from animal&plant; market.
说 去 花鸟 市场 买鱼 啊
They said they were going to buy fish from animal&plant; market.
是 民政局 旁边 的 花鸟 市场
You mean the market beside the Civil Affairs Bureau?
还是 花鸟 市场 旁边 的 民政局 啊
Or the Civil Affairs Bureau beside the market?
春天 到 了
Spring is here.
又 到 了 小 动物 们 蠢蠢欲动 的 季节
It's time for the animals to mate.
这俩 人 也 太 明目张胆 了 吧
Aren't they too blatant?
虽然 说 俱乐部 守则 没说 不许 吧
Although our rule didn't state that they couldn't do so,
但 这个 也
this is too...
突然 觉得 好气 啊
I feel angry suddenly.
这年头 连 智障 和 小学生
Even a retard and a primary school student
都 能 烂 锅烂盖 地 去 约会 了
can go on dates in public nowadays.
而 我们 的 老猫
But Lao Mao
这种 正常人 却是 单身 狗
is still single even though he's a normal person.
只能 孤独 地 撸 铁
He can only date his dumbbells.
你 戴 项链 挺 好看 的 呀
You look great with your necklace.
在 基地 怎么 不戴
Why didn't you wear it when we're at the base camp?
基地 戴 给 谁 看
Who should I wear it for?
那 你 在 花鸟 市场 戴 给 谁 看 啊
Why did you wear it when we're coming to the market today?
你 不 也 穿 裙子 吗
You're wearing a skirt as well.
穿 给 谁 看 啊
Who are you wearing it for?
看够 了 没有
Are you done staring at me?
你 到底 成年 没有 啊
Are you sure you're not an underage girl?
What's wrong?
高跟鞋 都 不会 穿
You don't even know how to walk in high heels.
装 什么 成年人 啊
Why are you pretending to be an adult?
诚哥 你 要 几条 啊
Brother Cheng, how many of them do you want?
随便 啊
Any number is fine.
那要 什么 颜色 啊
What colour do you want then?
黑 的
红 的 多 好看 呀
The red ones look pretty.
你 看 它们 的 尾巴 跟个 小伞 似的
Look at their tails, they look like parasols.
是 吗
Is that so?
我要 黑 的
I want black ones.
红色 多 喜庆 啊
Red is a festive colour.
你 看 它 活蹦乱跳 的
Look at how lively they are.
一看 就 长命百岁
I'm sure they'll live a long life.
如果 我 那条 鱼
If my fish
不 被 你家 的 肥猫 咬 死 的话
wasn't eaten by your chubby cat,
也 能 长命百岁
it would've lived a long life as well.
都 说 了 要 黑 的
I told you I want black ones.
你 管 我
Just do what I tell you to do.
我 的 鱼缸 我 做主
I'm the owner of the fish tank, not you.
你 那么 不 喜欢 红色
You hate the red colour that much?
你 有 本事 以后 火麒麟 别要 了
You should stop taking Red Buff in the future.
给 我 呀
Let me take it.
你 敢 碰 我 火麒麟 试试
Take my Red Buff if you dare.
你 那么 有 能耐
If you're that capable,
你 怎么 不让 游戏 设计师
why don't you ask the game developers
给 你 设计 一个 黑 麒麟 呢
to design a Black Buff for you?
就 说 你 喜欢
Just tell them that you like the colour
不 接受 反驳
and you will not accept any refutations.
我 的 野区 我 做主
Tell them that you're the owner of the jungle.
就 这么 霸道
You should tell them that.
就 你 话 多
You're so talkative.
要 我 说 你 就 听 这 小姑娘 的话 算了
if I must say, I think you should listen to the lady.
跟 女朋友 争 这 干 啥
There's no point in arguing with your girlfriend.
她们 生气 了
When they're angry,
遭罪 的 不 还是 咱们 大老爷们 吗
we're the ones who suffer.
下个月 你 想 牵 她 的 手
Next month, she won't let you hold her hands
被 她 拍开
even if you want to.
跟 你 算旧账 的 时候
You'll regret it when
你 就 该 后悔 了
she starts to dig out the past.
你 搞错 了
you're mistaken.
我们 俩 不是 那种 关系
We aren't a couple.
你 这鱼 多少钱 一条
How much for one fish?
一块 五
1.5 yuan.
一块钱 卖不卖
Can you sell it to me for one yuan?
你 一个 开 阿斯顿 马丁 的 人
you're driving an Aston Martin.
你 跟 人家 摊主 讲价 五毛钱
Now, you're trying to haggle with a fish stall owner?
还有 没有 人性 啊
Are you even human?
我 老婆 跟 你 女朋友 一样
My wife is the same as your girlfriend.
Both of them are wilful.
我们 真 不是 那种
We really aren't a couple...
Pay up.
Thank you.
慢走 啊
Take care.
看 什么
What are you looking at?
走 吧
Let's go.
这个 地方 来 一次 折寿 三年
My lifespan will be shortened by three years whenever I visit this place.
你 要 想 我 早点 死 的话
If you want me to die early,
就让 你 的 猫 再 吃 我 的 鱼
just let your cat eat my fish again.
你 今天 总是 占 我 便宜 呀
you've been trying to take advantage of me today.
不 合适 吧
You shouldn't do that.
好 可爱
It's so cute.
老板 它 多少钱 啊
Mister, how much for the cat?
这 只 猫 三千五
This cat costs 3,500 yuan.
有没有 搞错
Are you out of your mind?
有 一只 肥猫 不够
Isn't one chubby cat enough for you?
还 想养
You want another cat?
好 可爱 的 小猫 啊
This cat is so cute.
哥 送 我 这个 吧
Dear, please buy this kitten for me.
我 想要 这 只 小猫
I want this kitten.
你 不在 的 时候 它 还 可以 陪 着 我 嘛
At least it can accompany me when you're not around.
这 是 我 先 看到 的
I saw the kitten first.
走 了
Let's go.
这个 人 就是 陆思诚 吗
Is that Chessman?
老板 多少钱
But I saw the kitten first.
那 只 猫 明明 是 我 先 看见 的
有 你 那 只 肥猫 就够 了
You already have one cat.
你 还 想 再养 啊
If you bought another one,
基地 两只 烦人 精了
there would be three nuisances in our base camp.
拒绝 第三只
There are already two of them now.
哪来 的 两只 啊
What do you mean by two of them?
你 和 猫
Both you and your cat are nuisances.
刚刚 那 只 猫 真 可爱
That kitten was so cute.
就 像是 大饼 的 弟弟 一样
He's just like Da Bing's little brother.
他 女朋友 不是 宁佳琪 吗
Isn't his girlfriend Ning Jia Qi?
那 刚刚 那个 是
So, that person is...
可能 是 DQ.Five 战队 的 粉丝
Maybe she's a fan of Team DQ.Five
或者 是 工作人员 吧
or she's part of their crew members.
啥 玩意
What's going on?
劈 腿 啊
Is he cheating on her?
你 看 你 这 一脸 尴尬 的
Look at how embarrassed you are.
先是 李桓硕后 是 许泰伦
First, it's Lee Hang Suk. Now, it's Xu Tai Lun.
你 看 人 就 没有 一次 准 的
You were never right about men.
以后 乖乖 闭嘴
You should shut up in the future.
你 之前 又 没有 告诉 我
You didn't tell me about it in the first place.
我 说 了 你 会信 吗
Will you believe me even if I told you?
到时候 说 我 空口无凭 血口喷人
By then, you'll say that I'm accusing him
羡慕 嫉妒 恨
because I'm jealous of him.
车到 了
Our cab is here.
我 有点 饿 了 你 想 吃 什么
I'm starving. What do you want to eat?
女孩子 不 都 喜欢 吃 什么
日料 之类 的 吗
love Japanese cuisines and so on。
那 是 什么 啊
What's that?
我 就要 吃面
I want noodles.
热腾腾 有 汤 有肉 有 鸡蛋 的 那种
Noodles with hot soup, meat and egg.
如果 世界 上 有 一种 性别 是 爱 吃面
If a noodle lover is its own type of gender,
那 我 一定 是 那个 性别 的
I'm sure I'm a noodle lover.
李师傅 不好意思 啊
[Turn into Qingxin Road after 1.5 km] Mr. Li, sorry,
修改 目的地 了
but I've changed our destination.
好 嘞 收到
Alright, understood.
请 按 导航 行驶 到 目的地
(Please follow the navigation.)
一会儿 想 去 干吗
What do you plan to do later?
回 基地 排位
Play some ranking matches, I guess.
今天 没有 训练赛
There are no training matches today.
不想 打游戏 了
I don't feel like playing.
要 不 我们 去 看 电影吧
Why don't we catch a movie together?
票 已经 买好 了
I already bought the tickets.
你 陪 我 去
You should accompany me.
Excuse me.
你 干什么
What are you doing?
跟 做 贼 一样
You're acting as if you're a thief.
要是 被 发现 的话 那 就
If someone discovers us, we'll be...
已经 打 了 三分之一 联赛 入围 赛 了
We've finished one-third of our qualifying rounds.
还 没 习惯 自己 是 个 公众 人物
Are you still not used to being a public figure?
要 经常 暴露 在 公众 视野 这件 事 吗
You'll be exposed to the public sooner or later.
第一次 让 你 躲 在 我 身后
I let you hid behind me during the first time
是因为 你 刚入 战队
because you just joined our team.
第二次 就 没 那么 好运 了
You won't be that lucky from now on.
凭 什么
What gives you the right to do so?
你 要 学会 自己 适应
You need to adapt to your environment.
这 是 最 基本 的
That's one of the most basic skills.
先 适应 做 一个 公众 人物
You need to get used to being a public figure.
再 适应 自己 不 被 舆论 左右
After that, you need to make sure you won't be influenced by people's words.
你 的 教育方针
I thought
难道 不是 少搞 事 好好 做人 吗
your slogan was to stop creating trouble and be a kind person.
你 之前 是 这么 教育 我 的 呀
That's what you taught me in the past.
就算 你 做到 了
Even if you follow my teaching,
也 会 有人 讨论 你
people will gossip about you as well.
昨天 直播间 就 有人 说 你 胖 了
Yesterday, someone in the live stream said that you gained weight.
真的 吗
你 看 又 被 舆论 左右 了
You see, you're influenced by their words again.
你 胖不胖 你 自己 不会 上 秤 啊
Don't you know your own weight the best?
等 你 哪一天 做到 了
亲口 跟 他们 说 我 没 胖 是 你们 瞎 了
tell them that they're blind and you didn't gain weight,
就 代表 你 毕业 了
that's when you'll graduate from my academy.
怎么 当 个 职业 选手 都 这么 累 啊
Why is it so exhausting to be a pro gamer?
欲 戴 皇冠 必承其重
If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight.
你们 把 小猫 带进来 了
You guys brought the kitten into the cinema?
这 里面 很凉 的
The cinema is cold.
小奶 猫 很 容易 生病
Kittens get sick easily.
生病 起来 的话
It'll be troublesome
照顾 很 麻烦 的
when it gets sick.
好好看 电影
Just enjoy your movie.
这许 泰伦好 心机 啊
That Xu Tai Lun is so devious.
电影 还 没 看 完 就 跑 了
He left before the movie ended.
那里 好像 有 粉丝
我 去 趟 洗手间
I need to use the washroom.
你 真是 没什么 长进 啊
You didn't improve at all.
许泰伦 肯定 是 知道 有 粉丝
I'm sure Xu Tai Lun knew that our fans are around here.
故意 套路 你 的
That's why he's trying to land you in trouble.
我先 躲起来
I'll go and hide first.
我 说 过 这种 事 不会 有 第二次
I told you that this wouldn't happen for the second time.
诚哥 你 是 在 和 童谣 约会 吗
Brother Cheng, are you dating Smiling right now?
她 怎么 也 在
Why is she here?
还是 你们 整个 战队 都 在
Is your entire team here as well?
怎么 躲起来 了
Why is she hiding behind you?
是 害羞 吗
Is she shy?
天 哪 你们 不会 真的 在 约会 吧
My goodness, don't tell me you two are really dating each other.
网上 说 的 刚 开始 我 还 不信 呢
I didn't believe the rumours on the Internet.
我 也 觉得 是 啊
I think so too.
大家 好
Hello, everyone.
我 是 ZGDX 的 中单 童谣
I'm Tong Yao, Team ZGDX's Mid.
标准 的 接受 全场 最佳 采访 时
That's the type of speech you would give
用 的 台词
when you're receiving an interview.
你们 别笑 了
Stop teasing her.
她 脸皮子 本来 就 薄
She's a very shy person.
好不容易 才 说服 她 陪 我 看 电影
It's hard for me to convince her to join me for the movie.
诚哥 就 你们 俩 吗
Brother Cheng, are you two the only ones here?
我 觉得 这 肯定 是
I'm sure they're a couple.
我 在 竞圈 养殖场 微博上
I often see people discussing about
经常 看到 有人 讨论 你们
you two on E-Sports Farm.
所以 你们 是 真的 在 一起 了 吗
So, are you two a couple now?
我们 是 和谐 队友 关系
纯属巧合 出来 看 电影 的
We're catching the same movie together by coincidence.
队友 关系 啊
今天 干吗 去 了
What did you do today?
买鱼 啊
I went out to buy fish.
买鱼 买 一天 啊
You went out the whole day just to buy fish?
真当 我 是 傻子 啊
You think I'm an idiot?
我们 确实 还 去 看 了 电影
we went to catch a movie together as well.
你 喜欢 的 黑寡妇
It's your favourite Black Widow.
给 你 剧透 一下
Let me spoil the movie for you.
我 不
来 嘛
Come on.
我 不 我 不
Don't spoil my Scarlett Johansson for me.
不要 剧透 我 的 斯嘉丽 约翰逊
对 啊 粉丝 送 的
(Yeah, a fan gave it to me.)
特别 可爱
(It's adorable.)
(Thank you.)
我会 好好 照顾 它 的
(I will take good care of it.)
(The cinema?)
看 电影
(You saw me watching a movie?)
你 肯定 是 认错 人 了
(You must be mistaken.)
我刚 带 着 小猫 回 基地
(I just brought my kitten back to the base camp.)
今天下午 一直 在 用 小号 打 排位
(I've been playing ranking matches with my smurf account this afternoon.)
不信 啊 你 问问 我 队友
是 啊
他 下午 一直 在 基地 打游戏 呢
(He has been playing games at the base camp the whole afternoon.)
再说 了 电影院 那么 冷
(Besides, the cinema is very cold.)
小猫 吹 了 冷气 肯定 会 感冒 的
(The kitten will surely catch a cold if I bring it over there.)
我 可 舍不得
(I can't bear to do so.)
你 去 把 那个 基地 的 空调 关了 吧
小猫 吹 多 了 冷气 会 着凉 的
The kitten will catch a cold if the air-conditioner is turned on.
It's okay.
估计 是 吹冷气 吹 多 了
(I think it's because of the air-conditioning in our base camp.)
有点 冷
(It's a bit cold here.)
这 不是 DQ.Five 战队 的 许泰伦
Isn't that Xu Tai Lun from Team DQ.Five?
你 看 他 干吗 呀
Why are you watching his live stream?
下周 不是 跟 他们 打 比赛 吗
We will have a match against them next week.
提前 了解 一下 对方 战术
I'm trying to learn their strategy beforehand.
怎么 了
What's wrong?
这个 许泰伦 真的 太 讨厌 了
Xu Tai Lun is a scum.
不是 个 好人
He's not a good guy.
我 讨厌 他
I hate him.
你们 这 一帮 打电 竞 的 男 的
All male pro gamers
就 没有 一个 好 东西
are scums.
你 弱智 吧
You idiot.
关 我 什么 事 啊
What has that got to do with me?
DQ.Five 战队 打野 许泰伦
(Team DQ.Five's Jungler, Dragon,)
和 女友 之外 的 女人 约会
(is cheating on his girlfriend with another girl.)
许泰伦开 直播 的 时候
穿 的 和 照片 里 根本 不是 一件 衣服
(during his live stream.)
所以 上午 被 照到 的 那个 人
(So, I'm sure the person in the picture)
肯定 不是 许泰伦
(wasn't Xu Tai Lun.)
下午 两点 在 万泰 影城
遇到 童谣 和 陆思诚
(at Wantai Cinema at 2pm.)
这 时间 点 不 正好 是
(Isn't Dragon)
一次 许泰伦 的 那个 人
(watching the movie)
看 那场 电影
(The clock on the wall isn't faulty.)
墙上 电子钟 的 时间 也 对 的 上
我 和 诚哥 去 买 金鱼
Brother Cheng and I went out to buy golden fish.
买 完 时间 还 早就 顺便去 看 了 电影
We went to catch a movie since we had some spare time.
又 没有 人 规定
No one says
电影 只能 情侣 去 看
that movies are only meant for couples.
如果 真的 有 什么 问题
If there's really anything between us,
谁 会 这么 正大光明 地
why would we go to a place like the cinema
去 电影院 等 着 被 你们 八卦
and create new materials for you guys to gossip about?
至于 你们 说 那 别队 打野
As for the Jungler you were mentioning,
那 我 就 不 清楚 是 什么 情况 了
I don't know about him,
毕竟 电影院 人 那么 多
确实 是 有 几个 人
there were some people
是 等 电影 开场 的 时候
who only entered the cinema
才 摸黑 进来 的
when the movie was starting.
至于 是 谁
As for who it is,
你 那么 好奇 你 怎么 不 自己 去 问 他
you should ask him yourself if you're that curious.
童谣 老 阴阳师 了
[I'm sure she's referring to Xu Tai Lun.] (Smiling is so good at sarcasm.)
明显 在 内涵 许泰伦 吧
要 我 说 她 跟 诚哥 肯定 有 一腿
拿泰伦哥 当 挡箭牌 呢 吧
(She's using Brother Tai Lun as her scapegoat.)
亲爱 的 决战 平安 京 大人
My dear fans of Onmyoji arena Pro League
还有 正在 收看 直播 的 观众 朋友 们
and people who are watching our live stream,
大家 好
good evening.
欢迎 大家 来到 二零二零 决战 平安 京
Welcome to the live stage
职业联赛 的 比赛 现场
of OPL 2020.
我 是 主持人 西哲
I'm your host, Xi Zhe.
今天 对决 的 战队 是
ZGDX 战队 和 DQ.Five 战队
Team ZGDX will be facing against Team DQ.Five in a fierce battle.
两队 的 实力 可以 说 是
Both teams
不相 伯仲
are equal in strength.
究竟 鹿死谁手
So, who will be our winner today?
让 我们 拭目以待
Let's wait and see.
再 一次 用 热烈 的 掌声
Let's give a round applause
欢迎 他们
to our players!
好 的 有 请 双方 入座
Alright, please take your seats.
这 局 大家 都 小心 点 吧
Everyone, be careful.
我 总 觉得 心里 有点 慌
I feel nervous for some reason.
不 知道 怎么回事
你 看 谁 都 慌
You're nervous all the time.
你 属 兔子 的 吗
Are you a rabbit?
好 了 现在 双方 的 阵容 已经 确定
Alright, both teams have confirmed their line-ups.
让 我们 期待 接下来 的 对战 吧
Let's expect great things from the match.
比赛 刚刚开始
The match has just begun...
他们 玩 的 啥
What are they doing?
他们 人 呢
Where are they?
不 知道 啊
I don't know.
可能 在 哪 开会 呢 吧
Maybe they're having a meeting.
来来来 准备 杀 童谣
Come, prepare to slay Tong Yao.
知道 来 了 来 了
- Understood. - Coming.
这 是 要 搞 事情 啊
They're trying to do something.
而 童谣 此时 还 一无所知
Smiling has no idea about their scheme at all.
上 现在
Go now.
突然 杀出 一 起来 中路 突袭 童谣
All of them are suddenly attacking Smiling!
童谣 人 毫无 招架之力
Smiling can't do anything about it.
队友 也 根本 来不及 支援
Her teammates couldn't do anything as well.
童谣 分 分钟 被 秒
[Seal, First Blood] Smiling was downed in an instant.
DQ.Five 拿下 一血
- Smiling, you can do it. - DQ.Five took the first blood.
小姐姐 太惨 了
Missy, you're so pitiful.
这一 开始 这五人 在 中路 抱团
Five of them are sticking together at the mid lane from the start?
什么 操作
What kind of strategy is that?
前期 就 这么 压制 中路
They're suppressing the mid lane this early on in the game?
难道 这是 什么 新 的 战术
Is this a new type of strategy?