Psihološki podcast #2 - Ana Antolović: Odluke iz djetinjstva, ljubav prema sebi i psihološke gladi - YouTube (1)
Psychologischer Podcast #2 - Ana Antolović: Entscheidungen aus der Kindheit, Selbstliebe und psychischer Hunger - YouTube (1)
Podcast psychologique #2 - Ana Antolović : Décisions d'enfance, amour-propre et faim psychologique - YouTube (1)
Psychologische podcast #2 - Ana Antolović: Beslissingen uit de kindertijd, eigenliefde en psychologische honger - YouTube (1)
Podcast psychologiczny nr 2 - Ana Antolović: Decyzje z dzieciństwa, miłość własna i głód psychiczny - YouTube (1)
Podcast psicológico #2 - Ana Antolović: Decisões desde a infância, amor próprio e fome psicológica - YouTube (1)
Psychological podcast #2 - Ana Antolović: Childhood decisions, self-love, and psychological hunger - YouTube (1)
Dobrodošli u Psihološki podcast!
Welcome to the Psychological podcast!
Moje ime je Ivana Blašković
My name is Ivana Blašković
a danas ću razgovarati s magistrom psihologije Anom Antolović.
and|today|I will|talk|with|master's degree holder|of psychology||Antolović
and today I will be talking to Master of Psychology Ana Antolović.
Ana je rođena u Vukovaru, nakon završetka studija psihologije u Osijeku
Ana|was|born|in|Vukovar|after|completion|of studies|psychology|in|Osijek
Ana was born in Vukovar, after completing her psychology studies in Osijek.
prva radna iskustva stjecala je u području socijalne skrbi,
first|work|experiences|gained|she|in|the field of|social|care
she gained her first work experience in the field of social care,
a nakon toga kao psiholog u nastavi i u dječjem vrtiću.
and afterwards as a psychologist in education and in a kindergarten.
Trenutno je na 3. godini edukacije za savjetnicu u modalitetu Transakcijske analize
Derzeit befindet sie sich in ihrem 3. Ausbildungsjahr als Beraterin in der Modalität Transaktionsanalyse
She is currently in her 3rd year of training to become a counselor in the Transactional Analysis modality,
A zaposlena je kao vojni psiholog u Ministarstvu obrane Republike Hrvatske.
And|is employed|is|as|military|psychologist|in|Ministry|of Defense|of the Republic|Croatia
Und sie ist als Militärpsychologin im Verteidigungsministerium der Republik Kroatien angestellt.
and she is employed as a military psychologist in the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Croatia.
Naposljetku, Ana je jedna od najproduktivnijih autorica Psihološkog prostora
Finally|Ana|is|one|of|most productive|authors|Psychological|space
Schließlich ist Ana eine der produktivsten Autorinnen des Psychological Space
Finally, Ana is one of the most productive authors of the Psychological Space.
kao i urednica naše rubrike "S poštovanjem, PP".
sowie der Herausgeber unserer Kolumne "Mit freundlichen Grüßen PP".
as well as the editor of our column "With Respect, PP."
Ana, dobrodošla!
Anna, willkommen!
Ana, welcome!
Hvala, Ivana.
Thank you|Ivana
Danke, Ivana.
Thank you, Ivana.
Evo, za početak, vidim da si jako puno iskustava skupila i u raznim dijelovima naše struke
Here|for|start|I see|that|you|very|many|experiences|gathered|and|in|various||our|profession
Hier sehe ich zunächst, dass Sie in verschiedenen Bereichen unseres Berufs viel Erfahrung gesammelt haben
Well, to start, I see that you have gathered a lot of experiences in various parts of our field
a i s raznim populacijama pa me zanima što ti je bilo nekako, gdje ti se najviše svidjelo raditi
and|I|with|various|populations|so|me|interests|what|you|was|like|somehow|where|you|yourself|most|liked|to work
ais für verschiedene Bevölkerungsgruppen, also frage ich mich, wie es für dich irgendwie war, wo du am liebsten gearbeitet hast
and with various populations, so I am curious about what you liked the most about working.
a opet, s druge strane, što ti je bilo najizazovnije.
and yet, on the other hand, what was the most challenging for you.
Pa, zapravo su mi sve populacije, dakle od djece do odraslih, zanimljive.
Well|actually|are|to me|all|populations|so|from|children|to|adults|interesting
Nun, eigentlich interessieren mich alle Bevölkerungsgruppen, von Kindern bis zu Erwachsenen.
Well, actually, all populations, from children to adults, are interesting to me.
Nose svoje psihološke teme oko kojih se treba psiholog bavit
They carry|their|psychological|topics|around|which|reflexive pronoun|should|psychologist|deal with
Sie tragen ihre eigenen psychologischen Themen, die von einem Psychologen angegangen werden müssen
They carry their psychological themes that a psychologist needs to deal with.
ali mi je najbolje bilo radit u vrtiću, zapravo. -Da?
but|to|was|best|to be|work|in|kindergarten|actually|Yes
aber am schönsten war für mich eigentlich die Arbeit im Kindergarten. -Dass?
but I actually enjoyed working in a kindergarten the most. -Really?
To sam ti nekad i u razgovoru neformalno spomenula da, kad sam radila u vrtiću,
Ich habe Ihnen einmal informell in einem Gespräch erzählt, dass ich, als ich im Kindergarten arbeitete,
I mentioned to you informally in a conversation that when I worked in a kindergarten,
jedno jutro, to mi je osobito ostalo u sjećanju da sam, pila sam kavu ujutro
one|morning|that|to me|was|especially|remained|in|memory|that|I|drank|I|coffee|in the morning
Eines Morgens ist es mir besonders in Erinnerung geblieben, dass ich morgens Kaffee getrunken habe
one morning, it particularly stuck in my memory that I was drinking coffee in the morning
i jednu skupinu djece sam promatrala dok su doručkovali
and|one|group|of children|I|observed|while|they|were having breakfast
und ich beobachtete eine Gruppe Kinder beim Frühstücken
and I was watching a group of children while they were having breakfast
prije nego što su se išli bavit drugim aktivnostima
before|than|that|they|themselves|went|to engage in|other|activities
bevor sie sich anderen Aktivitäten widmeten
before they went to engage in other activities
i onda sam ih tak gledala i pomislila kako je život lijep.
and|then|I|them|like that|looked|and|thought|how|is|life|beautiful
und dann sah ich sie so an und dachte, wie schön das Leben ist.
and then I looked at them and thought how beautiful life is.
To je dosad, ono, jedini trenutak na poslu u ovoj karijeri kad sam pomislila da je život lijep.
It|is|so far|like|only|moment|at|work|in|this|career|when|I|thought|that|is|life|beautiful
Es war bisher der einzige Moment bei der Arbeit in dieser Karriere, in dem ich dachte, das Leben sei schön.
That is so far, the only moment at work in this career when I thought that life is beautiful.
Na poslu. -Da, da, a kako to? Mislim, zato jer su djeca ili?
At|work|Yes|yes|but|how|that|I think|that's why|because|are|children|or
Auf Arbeit. - Ja, ja, aber wie? Ich meine, weil sie Kinder sind oder?
At work. -Yes, yes, but how is that? I mean, is it because they are children or?
Da, nekako su mi djelovali tako bezbrižno i opušteno... nekako nevino...
Yes|somehow|they|to me|seemed|so|carefree|and|relaxed|somehow|innocent
Ja, irgendwie wirkten sie so sorglos und entspannt... irgendwie unschuldig...
Yes, they somehow seemed so carefree and relaxed to me... somehow innocent...
I tako sam, onako, stekla takav dojam, baš mi je bio gušt promatrati ih.
And|like that|I|in that way|gained|such|impression|really|to me|was|was|pleasure|to observe|them
Und so habe ich diesen Eindruck bekommen, ich habe es wirklich genossen, sie zu sehen.
And so I, like, got that impression, it was really a pleasure to observe them.
Da, mislim da je to ta neka energija djece, onako neka spontanost i bezbrižnost, da...
Yes|I think|that|is|that|that|some|energy|of children|like|some|spontaneity|and|carefreeness|yes
Ja, ich denke, es ist die Energie der Kinder, die Spontaneität und Unbekümmertheit, ja...
Yes, I think that's the energy of children, some kind of spontaneity and carefreeness, yes...
A što ti je bilo najizazovnije?
Und was war für Sie die größte Herausforderung?
And what was the most challenging for you?
Pa, izazovno mi je bilo sa srednjoškolcima raditi.
Well|challenging|to me|was|it|with|high school students|to work
Nun, es war eine Herausforderung für mich, mit Gymnasiasten zu arbeiten.
Well, it was challenging for me to work with high school students.
Kad sam razmišljala zašto, točnom uzroku, onda sam došla do toga da se nekako danas
When|I|thought|why|exact|cause|then|I|came|to|that|to|reflexive pronoun|somehow|today
Als ich überlegte warum, die genaue Ursache, dann bin ich heute irgendwie dazu gekommen
When I thought about why, the exact cause, I came to the conclusion that somehow today
gube nekako razlike između učitelja, odnosno nastavnika, i učenika u srednjoj školi
sie verlieren irgendwie die Unterschiede zwischen Lehrern und Gymnasiasten
the differences between teachers, or educators, and students in high school are somehow fading away
u smislu da mi imamo društvene mreže i onda smo im tamo dostupni
in dem Sinne, dass wir soziale Netzwerke haben und dann dort für sie erreichbar sind
in the sense that we have social networks and we are accessible to them there
i onda oni nas nekako manje doživljavaju kao neke stroge autoritete u odnosu na to
und dann nehmen sie uns irgendwie weniger als eine strenge Autorität wahr
and then they somehow perceive us less as strict authorities in relation to that.
kako smo mi doživljavali svoje nastavnike.
wie wir unsere Lehrer wahrgenommen haben.
how we perceived our teachers.
Ne znam, meni nikad ne bi palo na pamet ili nekom iz mog razreda, u kojem god da sam bila
I do not|know||never|not|would|occurred|to|mind|or|someone|from|my|class|in|which|any|that|I|was
Ich weiß nicht, es wäre mir oder jemandem in meiner Klasse nie eingefallen, wer auch immer ich war
I don't know, it would never occur to me or anyone from my class, no matter which school I was in
osnovnoj ili srednjoj, ono, profesoru postaviti neko privatno pitanje. -Da, da...
primary|or|secondary|you know|to the teacher|to ask|some|private|question|Yes|yes
primär oder sekundär, d. h. dem Professor eine private Frage stellen. -Ja ja...
whether primary or secondary, to ask a professor a personal question. -Yes, yes...
A što se meni znalo događati, da su mi znali postavljati pitanja.
And|what|(reflexive particle)|to me|used to be|happen|that|they|to me|used to know|ask|questions
Und was mir früher passiert ist, dass sie wussten, wie man mir Fragen stellt.
And what would happen to me is that they would ask me questions.
Mislim, ništa sad ono, bezobrazno, ali dosta privatno.
I think|nothing|now|you know|rude|but|quite|privately
Ich meine, jetzt nichts dergleichen, unhöflich, aber ganz privat.
I mean, nothing rude, but quite personal.
Mi smo nekako imali više postavljene granice
Wir hatten irgendwie mehr gesetzte Grenzen
We somehow had more established boundaries
u odnosu s nastavnicima nego što
in Beziehung mit Lehrern als
in relation to the teachers than
se meni činilo da oni danas imaju... u odnosu.
reflexive pronoun|to me|seemed|that|they|today|have|in|relationship
Mir kam es so vor, als hätten sie heute... eine Beziehung.
it seems to me that they have today... in relation.
A što bi rekla zašto je to tako?
And|what|would|you (feminine) said|why|is|that|so
Und was würden Sie sagen, warum ist das so?
And what would you say is the reason for that?
Pa, jednostavno smo dostupni tako na društvenim mrežama
Well|simply|we are|available|like that|on|social|media
Nun, wir sind einfach so in den sozialen Medien erreichbar
Well, we are simply available like that on social media.
i oni mogu tako zaviriti u naš privatni život
und sie können einen Blick in unser Privatleben werfen
and they can peek into our private lives like that
i onda ono, iz toga ide ta znatiželja. Mislim, i zbog toga, a i zato što smo možda mlađi
and|then|that|from|that|comes|that|curiosity|I think|and|because of|that|and|and|therefore|that|we are|maybe|younger
und dann kommt diese Neugier. Ich meine, sowohl deswegen als auch weil wir vielleicht jünger sind
and then, you know, from that comes the curiosity. I mean, also because of that, and also because we might be younger
Sad ide možda ta smjena, smjena generacija
Vielleicht findet jetzt diese Verschiebung statt, die Verschiebung der Generationen
Now maybe that change is happening, a generational shift
I onda ono, meni su čak neki profesori, kad sam tek počela raditi, oni nisu znali da sam ja nastavnica.
And|then|that|to me|were|even|some|professors|when|I|just|started|working|they|were not|knew|that|I|I|teacher
Und dann gibt es einige Professoren für mich, als ich anfing zu arbeiten, die wussten nicht, dass ich Lehrerin bin.
And then, you know, some professors, when I just started working, they didn't even know I was a teacher.
Zamijenili su me s nekim, ono... mislim da sam sjela u klupu, nitko ne bi skužio
They replaced|(past tense auxiliary verb)|me|with|someone|you know|I think|that|(past tense auxiliary verb)|sat|in|the desk|no one|not|would|noticed
Sie haben mich mit jemandem verwechselt, was ... ich glaube, ich saß auf einer Bank, niemand würde es herausfinden
They confused me with someone else, you know... I think if I sat in a desk, no one would notice.
da ja zapravo predajem neki predmet tamo. Tako da, zbog toga se vjerojatno isto gubi ta granica
yes|I|actually|teach|some|subject|there|So|that|because|that|(reflexive pronoun)|probably|also|loses|that|boundary
dass ich dort tatsächlich ein Fach unterrichte. Deshalb geht wahrscheinlich auch dieses Limit verloren
that I actually teach some subject there. So, because of that, that boundary is probably also lost.
-Da, da, moguće. -Jer su mi dobno, dobno bliski. 10 godina zapravo i nije tolika velika razlika.
Yes|yes|possible|Because|are|me|age|age|close|years|actually|and|is not|such|big|difference
- Ja, ja, möglich. - Weil sie mir nahe sind, sehr alt. 10 Jahre sind nicht wirklich ein Unterschied.
-Yes, yes, possible. -Because they are close to my age, actually 10 years is not such a big difference.
Da... kužim, kužim.
Yes|I understand|I understand
Ja ... ich bin zu Hause, ich bin zu Hause.
Yeah... I get it, I get it.
A htjela sam te pitati, evo spomenula sam da si rođena u Vukovaru,
And|wanted|I|you|to ask|here|I mentioned|I|that|you|were born|in|Vukovar
Und ich wollte Sie fragen, hier erwähnte ich, dass Sie in Vukovar geboren wurden,
And I wanted to ask you, I mentioned that you were born in Vukovar,
i to taman u neko predratno razdoblje.
und das nur in einer Vorkriegszeit.
and that was right in some pre-war period.
Pa, da li je rat imao efekta na tvoj život?
Well|yes|question particle|did|war|have|effect|on|your|life
Hatte der Krieg Auswirkungen auf Ihr Leben?
So, did the war have an effect on your life?
Pa je, da nije imao vjerojatno ne bih radila tu gdje radim sada.
well|is|that|he didn't|had|probably|not|I would|have worked|here|where|I work|now
Nun, wenn er es nicht täte, würde ich wahrscheinlich nicht dort arbeiten, wo ich jetzt arbeite.
Well, yes, if it hadn't, I probably wouldn't be working where I am now.
Nekakav sustav vrijednosti je i zbog toga i zbog utjecaja obitelji oblikovan kod mene.
some|system|values|is|and|because of|that|and|because of|influence|family|shaped|in|me
Dadurch und durch den Einfluss der Familie bildet sich in mir eine Art Wertesystem.
Some kind of value system has been shaped in me because of that and due to the influence of my family.
Tako da je definitivno bilo, bilo utjecaja.
So|that|it was|definitely|there|was|influence
Es gab also definitiv einen Einfluss.
So there definitely was, there was an influence.
Da, a i možda vezano i na domoljublje
Ja, und vielleicht im Zusammenhang mit Patriotismus
Yes, and maybe it's also related to patriotism.
a i vezano i na materijalno vs nematerijalno.
und zwar sowohl in Bezug auf das Materielle als auch das Immaterielle.
and also related to material vs immaterial.
Moji su me naučili kako ne bih trebala kao prioritet stavljati materijalne stvari
My|(past tense verb auxiliary)|me|taught|how|not|I should|should|as|priority|to put|material|things
Meine hat mich gelehrt, dass ich keine materiellen Dinge priorisieren sollte
My parents taught me that I shouldn't prioritize material things.
nego duhovne, duševne. Zato što... bez materijalnog možeš ostati preko noći
but|spiritual|mental|That's why|that|without|material|you can|remain|overnight|night
als spirituell, spirituell. Denn ... man kann ohne Material über Nacht bleiben
but rather spiritual, emotional ones. Because... you can lose the material overnight.
a ono što nosiš tu i tu ti ne može netko samo tako lako oduzet.
and|that|what|you carry|here|and|here|you|not|can|someone|just|so|easily|take away
und was du hier und da trägst, kann dir niemand so leicht wegnehmen.
and what you carry here and here cannot be taken away from you so easily.
Da, da... -Tako da... -Znači neke lijepe poruke si zapravo dobila iz svega toga.
Ja, ja ... - Also ... - Sie haben also tatsächlich ein paar nette Nachrichten von all dem bekommen.
Yes, yes... -So... -So you actually received some beautiful messages from all of that.
Da. -A, znači, ti si sad zapravo na završetku transakcijske analize, edukacije za...
Yes|But|that means|you|are|now|actually|at|the end of|transactional|analysis|education|for
Dass. -Und damit sind Sie nun tatsächlich am Ende der Transaktionsanalyse, der Ausbildung für ...
Yes. -So, you are actually at the end of the transactional analysis, training for...
Na završetku treće godine, to se malo odužilo sad zbog ove korone jer jedno vrijeme nismo imali
At|the end of|third|year|it|reflexive pronoun|a little|prolonged|now|because of|this|corona|because|one|period|we were not|had
Am Ende des dritten Jahres hat es jetzt wegen dieser Krone etwas länger gedauert, weil wir sie eine Weile nicht hatten
At the end of the third year, it has been prolonged a bit now because of this corona since for a while we didn't have
odbijali smo se, pod navodnicima, prebaciti online.
refused|we|reciprocal pronoun|under|quotation marks|to switch|online
wir haben uns in Anführungszeichen geweigert, online zu wechseln.
we were, in quotes, reluctant to switch online.
Ali smo se prebacili, ipak, preko Zooma sad imamo grupe.
But|we|reflexive pronoun|switched|still|over|Zoom|now|we have|groups
But we switched, after all, over Zoom now we have groups.
I kako je to krenulo, to sve sa transakcijskom, kako si odabrala zapravo tu vrstu psihoterapije?
And|how|is|it|started|that|all|with|transactional|how|you|chose|actually|that|type|of psychotherapy
Und wie ist es gelaufen, alles mit Transaktionstherapie, wie haben Sie sich eigentlich für diese Art von Psychotherapie entschieden?
And how did it all start, all this with transactional, how did you actually choose this type of psychotherapy?
Krenulo je, bila sam na jednom školovanju u Zagrebu
It started|was|I was|I|at|one|training|in|Zagreb
Es begann, als ich eine Ausbildung in Zagreb absolvierte
It started, I was at a training in Zagreb.
i tako sam provodila vrijeme na društvenoj mreži i onda sam vidjela oglas da se skuplja grupa
and|so|I|was spending|time|on|social|network|and|then|I|saw|ad|that|(reflexive particle)|is gathering|group
und so verbrachte ich Zeit in den sozialen Medien und sah dann eine Anzeige, die eine Gruppe sammelte
And so I was spending time on social media and then I saw an ad that a group was being formed.
za rad na, u smislu transakcijske analize u Zagrebu i da ju vodi Zoran Miliovojević.
zur Bearbeitung, im Hinblick auf Transaktionsanalysen in Zagreb und unter der Leitung von Zoran Miliovojević.
For work on, in terms of transactional analysis in Zagreb and that it is led by Zoran Miliovojević.
I ono, to me, zapravo me privuklo to što on vodi grupu zato što sam prije toga čitala njegove članke.
Und das, das hat mich tatsächlich zu ihm als Leiter der Gruppe hingezogen, weil ich seine Artikel schon vorher gelesen hatte.
And that, actually attracted me because he leads the group since I had read his articles before.
I onda sam... i svidjeli su mi se, bili su mi pitki, kratki i pitki u smislu da...
And|then|I was|and|I liked|||||||drinkable||||in|sense|that
Und dann habe ich ... und ich mochte sie, sie waren trinkbar, kurz und trinkbar in dem Sinne, dass ...
And then I... I liked them, they were digestible, short and digestible in the sense that...
mislim ja sam razumjela a psiholog sam, ali sam nekako smatrala da i osoba koja nije psiholog
|I|am|understood|but|psychologist|am|but|I|somehow|thought|that|and|person|who|is not|psychologist
Ich meine, ich habe es verstanden und bin Psychologe, aber irgendwie dachte ich, dass sogar eine Person, die kein Psychologe ist
I think I understood, and I am a psychologist, but I somehow believed that even a person who is not a psychologist
može dosta dobro razumjeti te njegove tekstove.
er kann seine Texte recht gut verstehen.
can understand his texts quite well.
Svidio mi se. Svidjele su mi se teme o kojima piše, znači sve aktualne, sve vrlo bitne
I liked|me|reflexive pronoun|They liked|past tense auxiliary verb|me|reflexive pronoun|topics|about|which|he/she writes|means|all|current|all|very|important
Ich mochte es. Ich mochte die Themen, über die er schreibt, also alles aktuell, alles sehr wichtig
I liked it. I liked the topics he writes about, meaning all current, all very important
i način na koji piše.
and the way he writes.
I kad se ta grupa otvorila, dala sam si priliku da vidim kako će to funkcionirati
I|when|reflexive pronoun|that|group|opened|gave|I|yourself|opportunity|to|see|how|will|it|function
Und als sich diese Gruppe öffnete, gab ich mir die Chance zu sehen, wie es funktionieren würde
And when that group opened, I gave myself a chance to see how it would work.
jer mi je to prvo iskustvo, zapravo, s takvim načinom grupnog rada
weil es eigentlich meine erste Erfahrung mit dieser Art von Gruppenarbeit ist
because this is my first experience, actually, with this kind of group work
jer to nije ono klasično predavanje, profesor predaje a mi slušamo, pišemo
because|it|is not|that|classical|lecture|professor|teaches|and|we|listen|write
weil es keine klassische Vorlesung ist, der Professor lehrt und wir hören zu, wir schreiben
because it's not the classic lecture, where the professor teaches and we listen, write
nego je u biti grupa, dakle neka vrsta grupne psihoterapije, uz edukaciju
vielmehr ist es im Wesentlichen eine Gruppe, also eine Art Gruppenpsychotherapie, mit Bildung
but it's actually a group, so some kind of group psychotherapy, along with education
Znači vi zapravo i radite na sebi, istovremeno. -Tako je, da.
Du arbeitest also gleichzeitig an dir selbst. - Das stimmt, ja.
So you are actually working on yourself at the same time. -That's right, yes.
I taj dio, Zoran mi se svidio zato što je, nije mi nekako tipičan profesorski onaj tip.
And|that|part|Zoran|to me|himself|liked|because|that|is|is not|to me|somehow|typical|professorial|that|type
Und dieser Teil mochte ich Zoran, weil er ist, ich bin kein typischer Professorentyp.
And I liked that part, Zoran, because he is not your typical professor type.
Nije uštogljen, dosta je opušten i sviđa mi se. Njegova ličnost mi se sviđa.
He is not|uptight|quite|is|relaxed|and|I like|me|reflexive pronoun|His|personality|me|reflexive pronoun|likes
Es ist nicht steif, es ist ziemlich entspannt und ich mag es. Ich mag seine Persönlichkeit.
He is not stiff, he is quite relaxed and I like that. I like his personality.
Ne može ga se baš previše ukalupit i to mi je super kod njega. Da... taj dio.
Not|can|him|reflexive pronoun|really|too much|fit into a mold|and|that|to me|is|great|about|him|Yes|that|part
Es kann nicht zu viel geformt werden und das ist großartig für mich. Ja ... dieser Teil.
He can't really be put into a mold and I think that's great about him. Yes... that part.
A koje su nekakve osnovne postavke transakcijske analize? Možeš li nekako približiti gledateljima
And|what|are|some|basic|principles|transactional|analysis|You can|question particle|somehow|explain|to the viewers
Und was sind einige Grundeinstellungen der Transaktionsanalyse? Kann man den Zuschauern irgendwie näher kommen
And what are some basic principles of transactional analysis? Can you somehow explain it to the viewers?
što bi bila ta vrsta terapije?
Was wäre das für eine Therapie?
What would that type of therapy be?
Pa evo, najosnovnije je da mi donosimo odluke. Znači da svatko od nas odlučuje o svojoj sudbini.
well|here|most fundamental|is|that|we|make|decisions|This means|that|everyone|of|us|decides|about|his/her|destiny
Nun, das Grundlegendste ist, dass wir Entscheidungen treffen. Das bedeutet, dass jeder von uns über sein eigenes Schicksal entscheidet.
Well, the most basic thing is that we make decisions. It means that each of us decides about our own destiny.
I da te odluke najčešće donosimo u razdoblju djetinjstva, kad ih zapravo nismo svjesni
And|that|those|decisions|most often|we make|in|the period|of childhood|when|them|actually|we are not|aware
Und dass wir diese Entscheidungen am häufigsten in der Kindheit treffen, wenn wir uns ihrer nicht wirklich bewusst sind
And we often make those decisions in childhood, when we are actually not aware of them.
i onda je dobro ih osvijestit u ovoj odrasloj dobi ako vidimo da nam stalno nešto u životu ponavlja.
and|then|is|good|them|to awaken|in|this|adult|age|if|we see|that|to us|constantly|something|in|life|repeats
und dann ist es gut, sie im Erwachsenenalter darauf aufmerksam zu machen, wenn wir sehen, dass sich in unserem Leben ständig etwas wiederholt.
And then it is good to bring them to awareness in this adult age if we see that something keeps repeating in our lives.
Neki događaj, neke situacije da nam se ponavljaju, a nisu nam ugodne.
Some|event|some|situations|that|to us|reflexive pronoun|repeat|but|are not|to us|pleasant
Manche Ereignisse, manche Situationen wiederholen sich für uns und sind für uns nicht angenehm.
Some event, some situations keep repeating, and they are not pleasant for us.
Onda se vratimo unazad i povezujemo to s nečim - kad se to prvi put pojavljivalo, sa slikom o sebi
Then|reflexive pronoun|we return|backwards|and|we connect|that|with|something|when|reflexive pronoun|that|first|time|appeared|with|image|about|self
Dann gehen wir zurück und verbinden es mit etwas – als es zum ersten Mal auftauchte, mit dem Bild von uns selbst
Then we go back and connect it to something - when it first appeared, with the image of ourselves.
Znači obično je u podlozi neka slika o sebi zbog koje čovjek onda teži određenim izborima
So|usually|is|in|the background|some|image|about|himself|because of|which|person|then|strives for|certain|choices
So usually there is some underlying self-image that causes a person to strive for certain choices.
i određenim ponašanjima da to potvrdi, i tu sliku o sebi i te odluke koje je donio nekad u djetinjstvu.
und bestimmte Verhaltensweisen, die das bestätigen, und dieses Bild von sich selbst und die Entscheidungen, die er irgendwann in seiner Kindheit getroffen hat.
and certain behaviors to confirm it, and that image of himself and the decisions he made sometimes in childhood.
Tako da je dobra stvar transakcijske u tome što sa poboljšanjem slike o sebi, prihvaćanjem sebe
So the good thing about transactional is that with the improvement of self-image, accepting oneself
Čovjek može onda donijet drugačiju odluku. I onda si i skrojit sudbinu na neki bolji način, poželjniji.
Man|can|then|make|different|decision|And|then|you|also|tailor|destiny|in|some|better|way|more desirable
A person can then make a different decision. And then you can shape your destiny in a better, more desirable way.
Da, da... - I to možemo radit bilo kad u životu.
Yes|yes|||we can|work|any|time|in|life
Ja, ja... – Und das können wir jederzeit in unserem Leben tun.
Yes, yes... - And we can do that at any time in life.
Da, to je zapravo ta moć psihoterapije što bilo kad se možemo odlučiti, na taj korak.
Yes|it|is|actually|that|power|of psychotherapy|that|any|time|ourselves|we can|decide|on|that|step
Yes, that is actually the power of psychotherapy that we can decide at any time, to take that step.
A... -A kad sam vidjela Zokija, oprosti... -Reci, reci.
And||when|I|saw|Zoki|I'm sorry|Tell me|tell
Und... -Und als ich Zoki sah, tut es mir leid... -Sag, sag.
A... -And when I saw Zoki, sorry... -Say it, say it.
Prvi put, Zoki, mi ga tako, neformalno se on... ne smijemo se presirat jer se onda...
First|time|Zoki|we|him|like that|informally|himself|he|not|we can|ourselves|to take advantage of|because|it|then
Zum ersten Mal, Zoki, wir mögen ihn, ungezwungen, er... wir dürfen es nicht übertreiben, denn dann...
For the first time, Zoki, we are like that, informally he... we shouldn't be too formal because then...
onda je on kao autoritet, ne, nemamo takav odnos u grupi... kad sam ga vidjela imala sam osjećaj
then|is|he|like|an authority|no|we don't have|such|relationship|in|the group|when|I|him|saw|I had|I|feeling
dann ist er wie eine Autorität, nein, so eine Beziehung haben wir in der Gruppe nicht... als ich ihn sah, hatte ich ein Gefühl
then he is like an authority, no, we don't have that kind of relationship in the group... when I saw him I had the feeling
ko' kad netko vidi Brad Pitta, znaš, ono, i onda sam samo onako...
like|when|someone|sees|Brad|Pitt|you know|that|and|then|I|just|like that
like when someone sees Brad Pitt, you know, and then I just...
on kad je mene, on je mene pogledao, ma skužio je, to njemu - on to ne voli. On voli s ljudima biti...
when|me|he|me|he|past tense marker|me|looked|but|realized|he|that|to him|he|that|not|likes|he|likes|with|people|to be
Als er mich ansah, sah er mich an, er hat es herausgefunden, es gefällt ihm nicht. Er mag es, mit Menschen zusammen zu sein...
when he looked at me, he understood, he doesn't like that. He likes to be with people...
opušten, neformalan jer zna da je odnos najbitniji.
relaxed|informal|because|knows|that|is|relationship|most important
relaxed, informal because he knows that the relationship is the most important.
U... pomaganju osobi, u potpori osobi da napravi neke promjene kod sebe.
Indem man... einer Person hilft, indem man eine Person dabei unterstützt, einige Veränderungen an sich selbst vorzunehmen.
In... helping a person, in supporting a person to make some changes in themselves.
Znači taj odnos, ta povezanost sa terapeutom, pa bila ona u grupi ili jedan na jedan.
So that relationship, that connection with the therapist, whether it is in a group or one-on-one.
Da... a to kad si spomenula tu sliku o sebi, možeš li dati neki primjer, recimo kako mi donosimo
Yes|but|that|when|you|mentioned|that|picture|about|yourself|you can|question particle|give|some|example|for example|how|we|bring
Yes... and when you mentioned that image of yourself, can you give an example, for instance how we make
te odluke i općenito zvuči malo čudno kako mi u djetinjstvu smo donijeli te odluke, kako...
those|decisions|and|generally|sounds|a little|strange|how|we|in|childhood|we|made|those|decisions|how
diese Entscheidungen und im Allgemeinen klingt es ein wenig seltsam, wie wir diese Entscheidungen in der Kindheit getroffen haben, wie...
those decisions and it generally sounds a bit strange how we made those decisions in childhood, how...
kako smo ih donijeli kad nismo ni bili svjesni?
how|we|them|brought|when|we were not|even|were|aware
how did we bring them when we weren't even aware?
A da, upravo to, te odluke se donose na nesvjesnoj razini, najčešće na osnovu toga
And|yes|exactly|that|those|decisions|reflexive pronoun|are made|at|unconscious|level|most often|on|basis|of that
Oh yes, exactly that, those decisions are made on an unconscious level, most often based on
kako su se roditelji i neki drugi nama značajni autoriteti prema nama ponašali.
how|were|reflexive pronoun|parents|and|some|other|to us|significant|authorities|towards|us|behaved
how our parents and some other significant authorities treated us.
Međutim, to je ono kako sam navela u jednom od svojih članaka, na primjer u ovome
Dies habe ich jedoch in einem meiner Artikel dargelegt, zum Beispiel in diesem
However, that is what I mentioned in one of my articles, for example in this one
vezano za osjećaj osobne vrijednosti,
verbunden mit einem Gefühl des persönlichen Wertes,
related to the feeling of personal worth,
da nije čak sva odgovornost na roditeljima.
that|is not|even|all|responsibility|on|parents
dass nicht einmal die gesamte Verantwortung bei den Eltern liegt.
that not all responsibility lies with the parents.
Roditelj može bit odličan, pažljiv u odgoju, imat puno znanja i trudit se
Parent|can|be|excellent|attentive|in|upbringing|have|a lot of|knowledge|and|try|reflexive particle
Ein Elternteil kann ausgezeichnet sein, sorgfältig erziehen, viel Wissen haben und sich viel Mühe geben
A parent can be excellent, attentive in upbringing, have a lot of knowledge, and make an effort
međutim, to si dijete može protumačit na svoj neki način koji ne mora nužno bit dobar.
Allerdings kann das Kind es auf seine eigene Weise interpretieren, was nicht unbedingt gut ist.
however, the child can interpret that in their own way which may not necessarily be good.
Jer djeca nemaju taj kognitivni aparat...
Because|children|do not have|that|cognitive|apparatus
Weil Kinder diesen kognitiven Apparat nicht haben...
Because children do not have that cognitive apparatus...
mozak razvijen u toj mjeri, niti logiku, da mogu donijeti dobre odluke.
brain|developed|to|that|extent|nor|logic|that|I can|make|good|decisions
the brain developed to that extent, nor the logic, to make good decisions.
I onda neki ljudi donesu dobre odluke u toj dobi, a neki ne.
And then some people make good decisions at that age, and some do not.
I onda kad se utvrdi da osoba nije donijela dobru odluku, onda može, znači sad kad je odrasla,
And|then|when|reflexive pronoun|it is determined|that|person|did not|made|good|decision|then|can|means|now|when|is|grown up
And then when it is determined that a person did not make a good decision, then they can, meaning now that they are an adult,
sad kad može rezonirat, kad ima logiku, kad ima razvijen mozak do kraja, promijeniti to.
now|when|can|resonate|when|has|logic|when|has|developed|brain|to|the end|change|that
now that they can reason, now that they have logic, now that their brain is fully developed, change that.
Znači shvatit da, to što je zaključila nekad, nije dobro zaključila.
So|to understand|that|what|she|has|concluded|at some point|not|correctly|concluded
Meaning realize that what they concluded at some point was not a good conclusion.
Da... a to zapravo ima i smisla, zato možda ni roditelji nekad se ne bi trebali krivit
Yes|but|that|actually|has|and|sense|that's why|maybe|not even|parents|sometimes|themselves|not|should|should|blame
Yes... and that actually makes sense, which is why maybe parents shouldn't blame themselves sometimes.
kad ih dijete možda krivi jer nisu oni mogli utjecat na tu osobnu interpretaciju.
when|them|child|maybe|blames|because|they were not|they|could|influence|on|that|personal|interpretation
when the child may blame them because they could not influence that personal interpretation.
Tako je, da... i uvijek je 50-50, nikad nije ni samo dijete, ni samo roditelj... to je interaktivni proces.
That's right, yes... and it's always 50-50, it's never just the child or just the parent... it's an interactive process.
Znači odnos roditelja i djeteta je interakcija.
Die Eltern-Kind-Beziehung ist also eine Interaktion.
So the relationship between the parent and the child is an interaction.
Da, da, da... -Ili odnos osobe koja ide na psihoterapiju i njenog terapeuta.
Ja, ja, ja... - Oder die Beziehung zwischen einem Menschen, der eine Psychotherapie macht, und seinem Therapeuten.
Yes, yes, yes... -Or the relationship between a person going to psychotherapy and their therapist.
Isto tako - interaktivno.
Auch - interaktiv.
Similarly - interactive.
Da... baš si spomenula taj članak koji je stvarno odličan, o osjećaju osobne vrijednosti.
Ja ... Sie haben gerade diesen wirklich tollen Artikel über das Gefühl des persönlichen Wertes erwähnt.
Yes... you just mentioned that article which is really excellent, about the feeling of personal worth.
U njemu spominješ kako neki ljudi osjećaju taj samoprezir i ne prihvaćaju sebe
In|it|you mention|how|some|people|feel|that|self-contempt|and|not|accept|themselves
In it, you mention how some people feel that self-contempt and do not accept themselves.
pa me zanima kako mi možemo prepoznati to kod sebe i taj neki osjećaj inferiornosti
so|me|interests|how|we|can|recognize|that|in|ourselves|and|that|some|feeling|of inferiority
So I'm curious how we can recognize that in ourselves and that feeling of inferiority.
koji možda imamo?
which|maybe|we have
Which we might have?
Uf, na razne načine se to manifestira, nije to baš tako jednostavno
Oh|in|various|ways|itself|it|manifests|is not|that|really|so|simple
Ugh, it manifests in various ways, it's not that simple.
i neki ljudi to dosta dobro i prikriju i to nije baš... baš tako jednostavno.
and|some|people|that|quite|well|and|hide|and|that|is not|really|really|so|simple
and some people hide it quite well and it's not really... not that simple.
Ali vezano za taj članak što je vrlo, vrlo važno, primjećujem to u svakodnevnom životu
But|related|to|that|article|which|is|very|very|important|I notice|it|in|everyday|life
But regarding that article which is very, very important, I notice it in everyday life
od čega zapravo i polazi to da ljudi, kad odrastu, imaju taj osjećaj inferiornosti i samoprezira
from|what|actually|and|originates|that|to|people|when|grow up|have|that|feeling|of inferiority|and|of self-contempt
that actually starts from the fact that people, when they grow up, have this feeling of inferiority and self-contempt
da ne razlikuju što se u transakcijskoj analizi naziva fundamentalna razlika, temeljna.
that|not|differentiate|what|reflexive pronoun|in|transactional|analysis|is called|fundamental|difference|basic
that they do not distinguish what is called the fundamental difference in transactional analysis.
Da? -Znači ponašanje, postupak, i biće, odnosno osoba.
Das? - Es bedeutet Verhalten, Vorgehensweise und Sein, also Person.
Right? -So behavior, action, and being, or the person.
Tako da... dok sam radila u vrtiću, vezano na tu temu, sam posebno naglašavala kako...
So... while I was working in the kindergarten, related to this topic, I particularly emphasized how...
to smo mislim i na faksu učili samo što nismo toliko naglašavali;
we|were|I think|and|at|university|learned|only|what|we weren't|so much|emphasized
we learned this in college too, only we didn't emphasize it as much;
da roditelji, kad dijete kritiziraju, trebaju kritizirati konkretno ponašanje - konkretni postupak.
dass Eltern, wenn sie ein Kind kritisieren, ein bestimmtes Verhalten kritisieren sollten – ein bestimmtes Verfahren.
that parents, when they criticize a child, should criticize specific behavior - a specific action.
Na primjer: "nije lijepo što nisi pospremio igračke",
For|example|is not|nice|that|you did not|put away|toys
Zum Beispiel: „Es ist nicht schön, dass du die Spielsachen nicht weggeräumt hast“,
For example: "it's not nice that you didn't tidy up the toys,"
i onda: "bilo bi lijepo kad bi pospremio igračke".
and|then|it would be|(conditional particle)|nice|if|(conditional particle)|picked up|toys
and then: "it would be nice if you tidied up the toys."
Znači onda dijete točno zna što je to što ne valja i može to popraviti.
Dann weiß das Kind genau, was falsch ist und kann es beheben.
So the child knows exactly what is wrong and can fix it.
Ali kad ga kritiziramo kao osobu, kad mu lijepimo etiketu npr. "ti si zločest"
But|when|him|we criticize|as|a person|when|to him|we label|label|for example|you|are|wicked
But when we criticize them as a person, when we label them, for example, "you are naughty"
dijete ne zna što sad to znači, to znači da "ja iznutra ne valjam i ne mogu ništa napraviti povodom toga."
the child|not|knows|what|now|that|means|||that|I|from within|not|am good|and|not|can|anything|do|regarding|that
the child does not understand what that means, it means that "I am not good inside and I cannot do anything about it."
a kad kažemo "pokupi igračke, nije lijepo što nisi", ok, dobro, da bi tata bio, mama, zadovoljni
and|when|we say|pick up|toys|is not|nice|that|you are not|ok|good|for|would|dad|be|mom|happy
And when we say "pick up your toys, it’s not nice that you didn’t," okay, fine, so that dad or mom is happy
ja trebam pokupit igračke. I onda pokupi igračke, a ovo jadno ne zna što da mijenja.
I|need|to pick up|toys|I|then|pick up|toys|but|this|poor|not|knows|what|to|change
I need to pick up the toys. And then they pick up the toys, but this poor child doesn’t know what to change.
Da, da, a i ne može jer zapravo ovisi o tim roditeljima i onda mora zapravo povjerovat
Yes, yes, and it can't be because it actually depends on those parents and then they have to actually believe
da je ono loše, jer ne može misliti o roditeljima da su loši...
dass es schlimm ist, weil er sich seine Eltern nicht so schlecht vorstellen kann ...
that what is bad, because they can't think of their parents as bad...
Da, da, zato što - roditelji su nam zapravo prvi autoriteti i taj svijet obitelji u kojoj mi odrastamo
Yes|yes|that's why|because|parents|are|us|actually|first|authorities|and|that|world|family|in||we|grow up
Yes, yes, because - parents are actually our first authorities and that world of family in which we grow up
je ono što mi mislimo da je ispravno. Ono, kako bi roditelj mogao reći nešto krivo?
is what we think is right. How could a parent say something wrong?
Kako bi meni roditelj mogao naštetiti? Ne, on meni želi dobro, on radi najbolje za mene.
How|would|to me|parent|could|harm|No|he|to me|wants|well|he|does|best|for|me
Wie könnte ein Elternteil mir schaden? Nein, er will, dass es mir gut geht, er tut das Beste für mich.
How could my parent harm me? No, they want the best for me, they do their best for me.
I onda na taj način razmišljamo i zbog toga prihvaćamo to i potvrđujemo
And then in that way we think and because of that we accept it and confirm it.
jer mislimo da je roditelj u pravu i da mora biti u pravu.
because|we think|that|is|parent|in|right|and|that|must|be|in|right
weil wir denken, dass die Eltern Recht haben und Recht haben müssen.
Because we think that the parent is right and must be right.
A sad nekako kad prepoznamo, recimo, kod sebe da imamo taj osjećaj manje osobne vrijednosti
It|now|somehow|when|we recognize|for example|in|ourselves|that|we have|that|feeling|less|personal|worth
And now somehow when we recognize, let's say, in ourselves that we have that feeling of lesser personal value
nekako je uobičajena, čak bih ja rekla i floskula, ono: "Voli samog sebe" i to
somehow|is|usual|even|would|I|said|and|cliché|you know|Love|yourself|yourself|and|that
it is somehow a common, I would even say a cliché, saying: "Love yourself" and that.
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