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Psihološki Prostor, Psihološki podcast #3 - Sandra Zgodić: Volontirati - davati i(li) dobivati? - YouTube (1)

Psihološki podcast #3 - Sandra Zgodić: Volontirati - davati i(li) dobivati? - YouTube (1)

Dobrodošli u Psihološki podcast!

Moje ime je Ivana Blašković,

a moja današnja gošća je magistra psihologije Sandra Zgodić.

Sandra se tijekom studija bavila volonterskim radom s različitim populacijama. Od hospitalizirane djece i mladih s teškoćama u razvoju pa sve do osoba starije životne dobi. Svoju karijeru Sandra započinje kao pripravnik u Kliničkom Bolničkom Centru u Rijeci, u uredništvu Psihološkog prostora je od samih početaka, a trenutno je zamjenica glavnog urednika. Sandra, dobrodošla!


Pa, za početak, čuli smo da imaš stvarno bogato volontersko iskustvo. Pa, kako je to sve započelo kod tebe?

Nekako volontirat sam započela u srednjoj školi. Dolaskom u srednju školu upoznala sam u 2. srednje sa psihologijom

i moja profesorica Sanja Bradić tad je stalno pokretala nekakve projekte. Stalno smo nešto radili i išli i poticala nas je i tako mi je jednom spomenula, došla je na ideju, zašto ja ne bih išla volontirati u jedan starački dom godinu dana i onda ćemo o tome napraviti neki projektić i ići ću u Slovačku to predstavljati.

Meni je to bilo zanimljivo, nisam iskreno znala što znači volontiranje. Dotad se nisam susretala s tim... i pristala sam, otišla sam na Volosko u dom, međutim toliko mi se svidjelo da sam ostala 2 godine na kraju. Taj projektić je završio i nakon toga, nekako kad kreneš otvore se jedna vrata i onda druga, vidjela sam da volim to što radim, ljudi dobro reagiraju na mene, bila sam nekako ispunjena s tim i onda sam nastavila volontirat kad sam došla na fakultet pa sam onda neke sitnije, pomoć npr. kad su bile nekakve u Lovranu su znale bit neke marunade pa su bili, djecu je trebalo zabavljat, trčali su se maratoni mali i to.

To su bile neke sitnice koje sam ovako čisto pomagala, ali onda sam se uključila u priču Teta pričalica, u sklopu udruge Portić, to sam isto 2 godine radila volonterski. I sad, u zadnje vrijeme isto volontiram u društvu za istraživanje i potporu u Rijeci s osobama starijim od 18 godina. Tako da...

put nema neku posebnu priču, osim toga da sam se našla tu u to vrijeme u opatijskoj gimnaziji. I da, to me baš, jako me ispunjava, u biti. To mi je kao nekakav hobi kao što ljudi - ja nikad se nisam bavila sportom, da sam trenirala rukomet ili odbojku ili nekakve vannastavne aktivnosti

Nego sam krenula u tom smjeru i tu sam sad gdje jesam, kao psiholog, u biti. A spomenula si da nisi prije tog iskustva znala što uopće znači volontiranje. Pa kako bi nekome tko nema volontersko iskustvo objasnila što je to? Pa volontiranje je znači, ja bih rekla neki proces

nekakva radna uloga koja nije posve radna jer za nju se znači ne dobiva nekakva financijska sredstva ali zauzimamo tu neku radnu ulogu - pomagačku.

u svakoj nekoj situaciji volonterstvo znači pomoć, pomoć bez da očekujem da ću dobit nešto nazad, iako mi stvarno dobijemo jako puno.

ne dobijemo nekakve novce, ne dobijemo možda put ili neke tako nagrade, kako bih rekla ali dobijemo iskustvo rada. Možda da nisam volontirala ne bih sada imala nekakve spoznaje i znanja koje možda nema netko tko je završio kad i ja psihologiju. Dobijemo to da smo sretni, izađeš i smiješ se sam sa sobom. znalo mi se dogoditi da izađem s Kantride i sjedim u autu i smijem se i prijateljici ispričam, kao što sam danas pričala i baš ona kaže: "Izgledaš kao da si ne znam što dobila trenutno". Tako da, od tog volontiranja, znači mi dajemo nešto, nekome pomažemo, bile to ranjive skupine, bilo to organizacija nečega, znači volonterstvo ne mora uvijek biti kao što sam ja išla. Ja sam radila tu radnu terapiju s korisnicima na Voloskom. Pjevali smo, crtali i takve aktivnosti provodili,

a na Kantridi sam pričala priče za laku noć.

Sada u DIP-u radimo likovne radionice, većinom, znači u tom Društvu. Ali ne mora nužno biti samo to. Neki ljudi vole volontirat na način da pomognu organizirat neki događaj znači volontiranje je jako širok pojam, no evo, ja ću govoriti čisto u ovoj mojoj struci. Znači to je neki proces gdje ja dajem i pomažem

da bi se ostvarila nekakva priča u kojoj možda...

to su većinom udruge koje možda ni nemaju financijski dovoljno sredstava da sada plaćaju ljude pa mi tu uskačemo.

A za nazad dobivamo nekakvo iskustvo, znanje, vještine... sve ono što se, po meni, ne može ni platiti možda.

Kroz neku edukaciju koju ćeš odlušati 2 sata, ovo je stvarno neki rad gdje ti možeš vidjeti, iskusiti, ono što sam ja osobno dobila da, neke stvari koje sam učila na fakultetu sam vidjela kako to izgleda u praksi.

Nije isto kada netko vam objašnjava teorijski "Sada je to to"... ili evo, najopćenitije, "Starije osobe, nakon tih godina gube interes"... sad karikiram, i onda sam ja tamo na Voloskom malo gledala što oni rade, ispitivala ih, imate nekakav prostor za, u biti, sami eksperimentirat, koliko situacija dopušta.

Izgubila sam sve u svemu, ali globalna definicija volontiranja bi bila da je to neki proces u kojem mi pomažemo drugima i zauzvrat također nešto dobivamo. Tako da, ne bih rekla ni da je to skroz nešto od čega mi;

kad netko kaže volontira podrazumijeva se da se ništa ne dobiva, da je to proces nesebičnog davanja, ali uvijek tu ima nešto sebično, a to je da se ja osjećam dobro. Da, da. Pa to, zapravo i kad dajemo nešto, samim tim davanjem možda dobivamo. A što bi rekla, osim toga iskustva, što ti je radilo taj osjećaj ispunjenosti? Da li su to bile više bile konkretne aktivnosti, recimo ti si se bavila kreativnim izražavanjem u tim, recimo, likovnim radionicama? Ili taj osjećaj da si nekome doprinijela. Što ti je točno proizvodilo taj osjećaj ispunjenosti u tebi?

Pa ovako, ovaj smiješni dio koji vjerujem da su se možda i drugi prepoznali, koji su kasnije volontirali, da ja jesam dobila od tih radionica kreativnih jer ja nisam valjda,

mislim, otvorila, nešto krenula crtat ili slikat stvarno dugo.

Mi nakon osnovne škole u srednjoj se dođe, mislim, više nemamo tu neku naviku, ekspresiju, taj umjetnički dio...

to nekako staje ako nismo dovoljno maštoviti u slobodno vrijeme. I onda na faksu isto tako, većinom se ne rade te stvari.

I onda sam ja došla na te likovne radionice i razmišljam

„Čovječe, ja ne znam držat flomaster više u ruci“, tako da, to sam dobila stvarno,

mašta mi se kao, sad bih voljela možda i kući sama nešto slikat, na primjer. Te stvari, tako da jesam dobila to.

No dobro, to je nešto što je meni osobno značilo jer nisam dugo bila u doticaju. Ali, što se tiče toga, te pomoći, pa ja mislim da je čak ta neka empatija koja u biti raste, koju ja održavam time što pomažem drugima.

Može netko reći da je empatičan i da on može vidjet kako je drugima, stavit se u tuđe cipele.

Mislim da dosta ljudi kaže da to može. Ali...

nisam sigurna dal' baš može dok se ne vidi kakve sve populacije postoje. Na primjer, to da sam ja sad u domu za starije, mislim, znamo kakvo mišljenje većinom ljudi

zauzimaju o starijim osobama, ne kažem starijim srednje životne dobi, nego umirovljenici.

Znamo nekad mi reći da su oni malo naporni i da oni sad, na primjer, kod nas je situacija konkretno u Rijeci pa u busu, pa ti zauzimaju mjesto, pa hoće da se digneš...

Ima tih nekih, pogotovo adolescenti, ja kad sam volontirala, imala sam 15-ak godina.

Kad sam krenula, 16. I nakon što sam bila u susretu s njima, upoznala sam ih. Nekako sam se povezala s njima, s njihovim životnim pričama, i nakon toga ja sam, mogu reći da sam bila više empatična. To jest, da onda kad bih bila u busu ne bih razmišljala

"Joj, sad ona kao želi da se ja tu dignem...” nego sam ih nekako razumjela. Svašta su prošli. Mislim da je to nešto što stvarno, ne znam dal' možemo dobiti iz drugih nekih aktivnosti.

Sa mladima s teškoćama koji su često maltretirani, mislim, oni su od strane pogotovo adolescenata,

neću reći da je to nešto što se uvijek događa, ali stvarno sam često bila svjedok tome,

da je netko možda slabovidniji, ili da ima neke intelektualne teškoće, i toj djeci se rugaju. -Da.

Kad sam volontirala, trenutno sad to jest volontiram u DIP-u, ali i u nekim drugim okolnostima u kojima sam bila volonter, vidjela sam da su oni... ljudi, da su oni isto, znači sve neke aktivnosti

se s njima mogu, oni su topli, dragi, sretni, veseli, tužni, sve isto kao i mi. I zbog toga ih isto drugačije gledam. I mislim da ljudi možda nisu svjesni toga da kada volontiraju, kada se susretnu

s tom nekom skupinom, ja bih, slobodna sam reći, možda ranjivom, manjinskom skupinom,

da tek onda dožive tu empatiju, to jest, mogu osjetit kako je njima i možda onda manje će ih maltretirat,

manje će biti skloni vršiti bullying na drugima, možda i nekoj drugoj populaciji, jer razmišljaju

“Ajme, a kako bi bilo nekome drugom da ja to radim”, na primjer: "Upoznao sam osobu koja je... intelektualnih teškoća, i njoj je teško, pa neću valjda maltretirat nekog kog vidim tko je siromašan”. Mislim, ta neka generalizacija se isto događa.

Tako da, to je definitivno nešto što, po meni, se dobije volontiranjem. Da, zapravo kad na neki način ne poznajemo neku skupinu onda nam je puno lakše nekoga osuditi

i imati unaprijed nekakve predrasude i slično, a ti si se zapravo susrela s dosta raznolikim skupinama

i onda si mogla tu empatiju prema njima razviti i možda onda i generalizirati zapravo?

Da, i time kad sam krenula volontirati i to razvijat, znači osvještavala sam to, onda sam tek shvatila kako u biti malo sam kroz život prije bila empatična, to jest nitko mi nije pokazao šta je to, i to je po meni velik problem, na primjer ono šta sam čula je da Danska ima, znači, predmet empatiju u osnovnoj školi

i mislim da stvarno ne može biti previše da se o tome priča, mi smo na fakultetu

i učili o emocionalnoj inteligenciji o cijelom tom konceptu i to mi je uvijek bilo zanimljivo,

ali razmišljala sam da kod nas tog baš kronično fali, jer svi smo svjedoci toga da mladi ljudi,

ne želim da se samo govori da su mladi takvi onakvi, mislim tinejđeri adolescenti,

zna se da oni još nemaju dovoljno razvijen mozak da mogu odlučivat za sve, ali imam osjećaj da su dovoljno zreli da mogu razvijat svoje emocije i svoje razumijevanje drugih,

što opet imam nekakav globalni osjećaj da nije baš razvijen, da li je to dio tog odgoja našeg balkanskog

i mentaliteta, ne znam evo iskreno u čemu je problem,

ali nalazim to i da i stariji nemaju toliko empatije, to je nešto što se gradi, to je proces od malena, znači to u Danskoj što sam pročitala, oni imaju predmet gdje dijele svoje probleme,

to ne mora biti školski, znači van škole, oni se nekako - stvara se ta grupna, ta kohezija,

znači kao zajednica neka u kojoj ti znaš da možeš izreći ono što te muči, a samim time bez da ja izreknem što me muči nekako druga osoba razumije da li sam ja sretna, tužna, ali da bi mi mogli uopće bit empatični mislim da je važno razvijat svoje emocije,

nisam sigurna da li baš mi danas i znamo što su naše emocije, to je neka skroz druga priča od toga,

od našeg odrastanja i našeg djetinjstva, ja nisam toliko u tom području, to jest ne znam toliko o tome,

voljela bih znati puno više, ali ovo što jesam čitala je da nije baš toliko komplicirano razvijat emocije kod djece i taj nekakvi emocionalni razvoj, ali kao da jednostavno kod nas to nije nešto

što se podrazumijeva da će se raditi, da će se dijete naučiti šta je tuga, ljutnja,

ono će moći prepoznati kod nekog onda svojeg vršnjaka ili starijeg te osjećaje,

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Psihološki podcast #3 - Sandra Zgodić: Volontirati - davati i(li) dobivati? - YouTube (1) Psychological|podcast|Sandra|Zgodić|Volunteering|to give|||to receive|YouTube Psychologischer Podcast #3 – Sandra Zgodić: Freiwilligenarbeit – Geben und (oder) Empfangen? - YouTube (1) Podcast psicológico n°3 - Sandra Zgodić: Voluntariado: ¿dar y (o) recibir? - YouTube (1) Podcast psychologique #3 - Sandra Zgodić : Bénévolat - donner et (ou) recevoir ? - YouTube (1) Psychologische podcast #3 - Sandra Zgodić: Vrijwilligerswerk - geven en (of) ontvangen? - YouTube (1) Podcast psychologiczny nr 3 - Sandra Zgodić: Wolontariat – dawanie i (lub) otrzymywanie? -YouTube (1) Podcast psicológico #3 - Sandra Zgodić: Voluntariado - dar e (ou) receber? -YouTube (1) Психологический подкаст №3 – Сандра Згодич: Волонтерство – отдавать и (или) получать? - Ютуб (1) Psykologisk podcast #3 - Sandra Zgodić: Volontärarbete - att ge och (eller) ta emot? - YouTube (1) Psikolojik podcast #3 - Sandra Zgodić: Gönüllülük - vermek ve/veya almak mı? -YouTube (1) Psychological podcast #3 - Sandra Zgodić: Volunteering - giving and/or receiving? - YouTube (1)

Dobrodošli u Psihološki podcast! Welcome|to|Psychological|podcast Welcome to the Psychological podcast!

Moje ime je Ivana Blašković, My|name|is|Ivana|Blašković My name is Ivana Blašković,

a moja današnja gošća je magistra psihologije Sandra Zgodić. and|my|today's|guest|is|master's degree holder|of psychology|Sandra|Zgodić and my guest today is Master of Psychology Sandra Zgodić.

Sandra se tijekom studija bavila volonterskim radom s različitim populacijama. Sandra|herself|during|studies|engaged|volunteer|work|with|different|populations During her studies, Sandra was involved in volunteer work with various populations. Od hospitalizirane djece i mladih s teškoćama u razvoju pa sve do osoba starije životne dobi. From|hospitalized|children|and|youth|with|difficulties|in|development|all|all|up to|persons|older|life| From hospitalized children and young people with developmental difficulties to elderly individuals. Svoju karijeru Sandra započinje kao pripravnik u Kliničkom Bolničkom Centru u Rijeci, Her|career|Sandra|begins|as|intern|in|Clinical|Hospital|Center|in|Rijeka Sandra begins her career as an intern at the Clinical Hospital Center in Rijeka, u uredništvu Psihološkog prostora je od samih početaka, a trenutno je zamjenica glavnog urednika. in|editorial board|Psychological|space|is|from|very|beginnings|and|currently|is|deputy|chief|editor she has been part of the editorial team of the Psychological Space since its inception, and she is currently the deputy editor-in-chief. Sandra, dobrodošla! Sandra|welcome Sandra, welcome!

Hvala. Thank you Thank you.

Pa, za početak, čuli smo da imaš stvarno bogato volontersko iskustvo. Well|for|a start|we heard|(auxiliary verb)|that|you have|really|rich|volunteer|experience Well, to start with, we heard that you have really rich volunteer experience. Pa, kako je to sve započelo kod tebe? Well|how|is|it|all|started|at|you So, how did it all begin for you?

Nekako volontirat sam započela u srednjoj školi. Dolaskom u srednju školu somehow|volunteering|I|started|in|high|school|With the arrival|in|high|school I somehow started volunteering in high school. When I entered high school, upoznala sam u 2. srednje sa psihologijom I met|(past tense marker)|in|high school|with|psychology In der 2. Sekundarschule wurde ich in die Psychologie eingeführt I met psychology in my second year,

i moja profesorica Sanja Bradić tad je stalno pokretala nekakve projekte. and|my|teacher|Sanja|Bradić|then|was|constantly|initiating|some|projects and my professor Sanja Bradić was constantly initiating various projects. Stalno smo nešto radili i išli i poticala nas je i tako mi je jednom spomenula, došla je na ideju, We were always|we|something|worked|and|went|and|||was||||was|||||to|idea We were constantly doing something and going, and she encouraged us, and she once mentioned to me, she came up with the idea, zašto ja ne bih išla volontirati u jedan starački dom godinu dana i onda ćemo o tome why|I|not|would|go (feminine)|volunteer|in|one|nursing|home|year|days|and|then|we will|about|it why don't I volunteer in a nursing home for a year and then we will make some little project about it and I will go to Slovakia to present it. napraviti neki projektić i ići ću u Slovačku to predstavljati. to make|some|project|and|||to|Slovakia|to|present I found it interesting, I honestly didn't know what volunteering meant.

Meni je to bilo zanimljivo, nisam iskreno znala što znači volontiranje. to me|is|that|was|interesting|I did not|honestly|knew|what|means|volunteering Es war interessant für mich, ich wusste ehrlich gesagt nicht, was Freiwilligenarbeit bedeutet. Until then, I hadn't encountered it... and I agreed, I went to Volosko to the home, Dotad se nisam susretala s tim... i pristala sam, otišla sam na Volosko u dom, Until then|reflexive pronoun|I had not|encountered|with|that|and|I agreed|I|went|I|to|Volosko|in|home Until then I had not encountered it... and I agreed, I went to Volosko to the home, međutim toliko mi se svidjelo da sam ostala 2 godine na kraju. however|so|to|reflexive particle|liked|that|I|stayed|years|in|the end however, I liked it so much that I stayed for 2 years in the end. Taj projektić je završio i nakon toga, nekako kad kreneš otvore se jedna vrata i onda druga, That|little project|is|finished|and|after|that|somehow|when|you start|open|reflexive particle|one|door|and|then|another Dieses kleine Projekt endete und danach öffnet sich irgendwie, wenn man anfängt, eine Tür und dann eine andere, That little project finished, and after that, somehow when you start, one door opens and then another, vidjela sam da volim to što radim, ljudi dobro reagiraju na mene, bila sam nekako ispunjena s tim I saw|(past tense verb marker)|that|I love|what||I do|people|well|react|to|me|I was||somehow|fulfilled|with|it Ich habe gesehen, dass ich liebe, was ich tue, die Leute reagieren gut auf mich, das hat mich irgendwie erfüllt I saw that I love what I do, people react well to me, I felt somehow fulfilled with that i onda sam nastavila volontirat kad sam došla na fakultet pa sam onda neke sitnije, and|then|I|continued|to volunteer|when|I|arrived|at|university|so|I|then|some|smaller and then I continued to volunteer when I got to college, and then I did some smaller, pomoć npr. kad su bile nekakve u Lovranu su znale bit neke marunade pa su bili, help|for example|when|were|there|some|in|Lovran|were|used to know|to be|some|chestnut festivals|so|were|there help, for example, when there were some events in Lovran, there were some chestnut festivals. djecu je trebalo zabavljat, trčali su se maratoni mali i to. children|was|needed|to entertain|ran|they|themselves|marathons|small|and|that the children needed to be entertained, they were running small marathons and such.

To su bile neke sitnice koje sam ovako čisto pomagala, ali onda sam se uključila u priču Teta pričalica, Those|were|some|little|things|that|I|like this|purely|helped|but|then|I|myself|included|in|the story|Aunt|storyteller Das waren ein paar Kleinigkeiten, denen ich nur geholfen habe, aber dann habe ich mich auf die Geschichte von Teta, der Geschichtenerzählerin, eingelassen. These were some little things that I was helping with, but then I got involved in the story of Aunt Storyteller, u sklopu udruge Portić, to sam isto 2 godine radila volonterski. in|the framework of|association|Portić|that|I|also|years|worked|voluntarily Als Teil des Vereins Portić habe ich das Gleiche zwei Jahre lang als Freiwilliger getan. as part of the Portić association, I did that for 2 years as a volunteer. I sad, u zadnje vrijeme isto volontiram u društvu za istraživanje i potporu u Rijeci I|said|in|last|time|also|volunteer|in|society|for|research|and|support|in|Rijeka Und seit Kurzem arbeite ich auch ehrenamtlich bei der Gesellschaft für Forschung und Unterstützung in Rijeka And now, recently I am also volunteering in the society for research and support in Rijeka s osobama starijim od 18 godina. Tako da... with|people|older|than|years|So|that with people over 18 years old. So...

put nema neku posebnu priču, osim toga da sam se našla tu u to vrijeme u opatijskoj gimnaziji. time|doesn't have|any|special|story|except|that|that|I|reflexive pronoun|found|here|in|that|time|in|Opatija's|gymnasium The path doesn't have any special story, except that I found myself here at that time in the Opatija gymnasium. I da, to me baš, jako me ispunjava, u biti. To mi je kao nekakav hobi kao što ljudi - Yes|yes|that|me|really|very|me|fulfills|in|essence|That|to|is|like|some|hobby|as|what|people And yes, it really fulfills me, actually. It's like some kind of hobby for me, like for people - ja nikad se nisam bavila sportom, da sam trenirala rukomet ili odbojku I|never|reflexive pronoun|have not|engaged in|sports|if|I|had trained|handball|or|volleyball Ich habe nie Sport gemacht, sondern Handball oder Volleyball trainiert I never engaged in sports, like I didn't train handball or volleyball ili nekakve vannastavne aktivnosti or|some|extracurricular|activities or any extracurricular activities.

Nego sam krenula u tom smjeru i tu sam sad gdje jesam, kao psiholog, u biti. But|I|started|in|that|direction|and|here|I|now|where|I am|as|psychologist|in|essence Aber ich habe in diese Richtung angefangen und dort bin ich jetzt, als Psychologin, im Wesentlichen. Instead, I started in that direction and here I am now, as a psychologist, actually. A spomenula si da nisi prije tog iskustva znala što uopće znači volontiranje. And|you mentioned|(past tense marker)|that|you had not|before|that|experience|knew|what|at all|means|volunteering Und Sie haben erwähnt, dass Sie vor dieser Erfahrung nicht wussten, was Freiwilligenarbeit überhaupt bedeutet. And you mentioned that before that experience you didn't know what volunteering even meant. Pa kako bi nekome tko nema volontersko iskustvo objasnila što je to? Well|how|would|to someone|who|doesn't have|volunteer|experience|you would explain|what|is|it Wie würden Sie also jemandem erklären, was es ist, der keine Erfahrung als Freiwilliger hat? So how would you explain to someone who has no volunteer experience what it is? Pa volontiranje je znači, ja bih rekla neki proces well|volunteering|is|means|I|would|said|some|process Nun ja, Freiwilligenarbeit ist, würde ich sagen, ein Prozess Well, volunteering means, I would say it's some kind of process

nekakva radna uloga koja nije posve radna jer za nju se znači ne dobiva nekakva financijska sredstva some|work|role|which|is not|completely|work|because|for|it|reflexive pronoun|that means|not|receives|any|financial|resources eine Art Arbeitsrolle, die nicht nur Arbeit ist, weil sie bedeutet, dass man keine finanziellen Mittel erhält some kind of work role that is not entirely work because you don't receive any financial compensation for it ali zauzimamo tu neku radnu ulogu - pomagačku. but|we take|that|some|work|role|assisting Aber wir übernehmen diese Art von Arbeitsrolle – die eines Helfers. but we take on this kind of work role - a helping role.

u svakoj nekoj situaciji volonterstvo znači pomoć, pomoć bez da očekujem da ću dobit nešto nazad, in|every|some|situation|volunteering|means|help|help|without|to|expect|||receive|something|back In every situation, volunteering means helping, helping without expecting to get something back, iako mi stvarno dobijemo jako puno. although|we|really|receive|very|much obwohl wir wirklich viel bekommen. even though we really gain a lot.

ne dobijemo nekakve novce, ne dobijemo možda put ili neke tako nagrade, kako bih rekla not|we receive|some|money|||maybe|trip|or|some|such|prizes|how|I would|said Wir bekommen kein Geld, vielleicht bekommen wir auch keine Reise oder sozusagen irgendwelche Preise We don't receive any money, we don't get maybe a trip or some kind of rewards, as I would say, ali dobijemo iskustvo rada. Možda da nisam volontirala ne bih sada imala nekakve but|we gain|experience|work|Maybe|that|I had not|volunteered|not|I would|now|have|some aber wir sammeln Berufserfahrung. Wenn ich mich nicht freiwillig gemeldet hätte, hätte ich jetzt vielleicht keins davon but we gain work experience. Maybe if I hadn't volunteered, I wouldn't have the insights and knowledge that someone who graduated psychology at the same time as I did might not have. spoznaje i znanja koje možda nema netko tko je završio kad i ja psihologiju. insights|and|knowledge|that|maybe|does not have|someone|who|has|completed|when|and|I|psychology Erkenntnisse und Kenntnisse, die jemandem, der zur gleichen Zeit wie ich sein Psychologiestudium abgeschlossen hat, möglicherweise nicht zur Verfügung stehen. insights and knowledge that may not be available to someone who graduated from psychology when I did. Dobijemo to da smo sretni, izađeš i smiješ se sam sa sobom. We get|that|we|are|happy|you go out|and|you laugh||alone|with|yourself Wir verstehen, dass wir glücklich sind, du gehst raus und lachst mit dir selbst. We get to be happy, you go out and laugh by yourself. znalo mi se dogoditi da izađem s Kantride i sjedim u autu i smijem se i prijateljici ispričam, would happen|to me|reflexive particle|occur|that|I would leave|from|Kantrida|and|I sit|in|the car|and|I laugh|reflexive particle|and|to my friend|I tell Früher passierte es mir, dass ich Kantrida verlasse, mich ins Auto setze, lache und meinem Freund erzähle: It has happened to me that I go out from Kantrida and sit in the car and laugh and tell my friend, kao što sam danas pričala i baš ona kaže: "Izgledaš kao da si ne znam što dobila trenutno". as|that|I|today|talked|and|just|she|says|You look|like|that|you|not|know|what|received|currently worüber ich heute gesprochen habe, und sie sagte: „Du siehst aus, als wüsste ich gerade nicht, was du hast.“ as I was talking today and she says: "You look like you've just won something". Tako da, od tog volontiranja, znači mi dajemo nešto, nekome pomažemo, bile to ranjive skupine, So|that|from|that|volunteering|it means|we|give|something|to someone|we help|whether|it|vulnerable|groups Diese Freiwilligenarbeit bedeutet also, dass wir etwas geben, jemandem helfen, sei es gefährdete Gruppen, So, from that volunteering, it means we give something, we help someone, whether it's vulnerable groups, bilo to organizacija nečega, znači volonterstvo ne mora uvijek biti kao što sam ja išla. it was|that|organization|of something|means|volunteering|not|has to|always|be|like|how|I|I|went Sei es eine Organisation, Freiwilligenarbeit muss also nicht immer so sein, wie ich es mir vorgestellt habe. or organizing something, so volunteering doesn't always have to be like what I did. Ja sam radila tu radnu terapiju s korisnicima na Voloskom. I|was|working|that|occupational|therapy|with|clients|in|Volosko I did that occupational therapy with users in Volosko. Pjevali smo, crtali i takve aktivnosti provodili, We sang|(past tense marker)|we drew|and|such|activities|we conducted Wir haben gesungen, gezeichnet und solche Aktivitäten durchgeführt, We sang, drew, and carried out such activities,

a na Kantridi sam pričala priče za laku noć. and|at|Kantrida|I|told|stories|for|easy|night and at Kantrida, I told bedtime stories.

Sada u DIP-u radimo likovne radionice, većinom, znači u tom Društvu. Now|in||in|||||||that|Society Jetzt veranstalten wir Kunstworkshops am DIP, hauptsächlich in dieser Gesellschaft. Now in DIP, we mostly do art workshops, meaning in that Society. Ali ne mora nužno biti samo to. Neki ljudi vole volontirat na način da pomognu organizirat neki događaj But|not|must|necessarily|be|only|that|Some|people|like|to volunteer|in|way|that|they help|to organize|some|event Aber es muss nicht unbedingt nur das sein. Manche Menschen engagieren sich gerne ehrenamtlich, indem sie bei der Organisation einer Veranstaltung helfen But it doesn't have to be just that. Some people like to volunteer by helping to organize an event. znači volontiranje je jako širok pojam, no evo, ja ću govoriti čisto u ovoj mojoj struci. it means|volunteering|is|very|broad|concept|but|here|I|will|speak|purely|in|this|my|profession Freiwilligenarbeit ist also ein sehr weit gefasster Begriff, aber ich werde hier nur über diesen Bereich sprechen. So volunteering is a very broad concept, but here, I will speak purely in my field. Znači to je neki proces gdje ja dajem i pomažem So|that|is|some|process|where|I|give|and|help Es ist also ein Prozess, bei dem ich gebe und helfe So it's a process where I give and help

da bi se ostvarila nekakva priča u kojoj možda... to|would|reflexive pronoun|realized|some|story|in||maybe um eine Art Geschichte zu verwirklichen, in der vielleicht... to achieve some kind of story in which maybe...

to su većinom udruge koje možda ni nemaju financijski dovoljno sredstava da sada plaćaju ljude they|are|mostly|associations|which|maybe|not|have|financially|enough|resources|to|now|pay|people Hierbei handelt es sich meist um Vereine, die derzeit möglicherweise nicht einmal über genügend finanzielle Mittel verfügen, um Menschen zu bezahlen these are mostly associations that may not even have enough financial resources to pay people right now pa mi tu uskačemo. so|we|here|jump in so we step in here.

A za nazad dobivamo nekakvo iskustvo, znanje, vještine... And|for|back|we gain|some|experience|knowledge|skills And in return, we gain some experience, knowledge, skills... sve ono što se, po meni, ne može ni platiti možda. all|that|what|reflexive pronoun|by|me|not|can|neither|pay|maybe everything that, in my opinion, might not even be able to be paid for.

Kroz neku edukaciju koju ćeš odlušati 2 sata, ovo je stvarno neki rad gdje ti možeš vidjeti, iskusiti, Through|some|education|which|you will|decide|hours|this|is|really|some|work|where|you|can|see|experience Durch eine Ausbildung, die Sie für 2 Stunden entscheiden, ist dies wirklich eine Art Arbeit, bei der Sie sehen, erleben, Through some education that you will attend for 2 hours, this is really some work where you can see, experience, ono što sam ja osobno dobila da, neke stvari koje sam učila na fakultetu that|what|I|I|personally|received|yes|some|things|that|I|learned|at|university what I personally gained is that some things I learned at university sam vidjela kako to izgleda u praksi. I|saw|how|it|looks|in|practice I saw how they look in practice.

Nije isto kada netko vam objašnjava teorijski "Sada je to to"... ili evo, najopćenitije, It is not|the same|when|someone|to you|explains|theoretically|Now|is|that|that||| Es ist nicht dasselbe, wenn Ihnen jemand theoretisch erklärt „Das ist es jetzt“... oder ganz allgemein: It's not the same when someone explains to you theoretically "Now this is it"... or here, most generally, "Starije osobe, nakon tih godina gube interes"... sad karikiram, Older|people|after|those|years|lose|interest|now|I'm exaggerating „Ältere Menschen verlieren nach diesen Jahren das Interesse“ ... jetzt karikiere ich, "Older people, after those years lose interest"... now I'm exaggerating, i onda sam ja tamo na Voloskom malo gledala što oni rade, ispitivala ih, and|then|I|I|there|at|Volosko|a little|watched|what|they|do|questioned|them und dann habe ich beobachtet, was sie dort in Volosko machten, habe sie befragt, and then I was there in Volosko watching what they do, questioning them, imate nekakav prostor za, u biti, sami eksperimentirat, koliko situacija dopušta. you have|some|space|for|in|essence|alone|to experiment|as much as|situation|allows Sie haben im Wesentlichen etwas Spielraum, um selbst zu experimentieren, soweit es die Situation zulässt. you have some space to actually experiment, as much as the situation allows.

Izgubila sam sve u svemu, ali globalna definicija volontiranja bi bila da je to neki proces I lost|(past tense verb marker)|everything|in|totality|but|global|definition|volunteering|would|be|that|is|it|some|process Ich habe in allem alles verloren, aber die globale Definition von Freiwilligenarbeit wäre, dass es ein Prozess ist I lost everything overall, but the global definition of volunteering would be that it is some kind of process u kojem mi pomažemo drugima i zauzvrat također nešto dobivamo. in|which|we|help|others|and|in return|also|something|receive in which we help others and in return we also gain something. Tako da, ne bih rekla ni da je to skroz nešto od čega mi; So|that|not|I would|say|neither|that|is|it|completely|something|from|which|me Ich würde also nicht einmal sagen, dass es etwas ist, das wir tun; So, I wouldn't say that it's completely something from which we;

kad netko kaže volontira podrazumijeva se da se ništa ne dobiva, da je to proces nesebičnog davanja, when|someone|says|volunteers|it is implied|reflexive pronoun|that||||||is|it|process|selfless|giving when someone says volunteering, it is implied that nothing is gained, that it is a process of selfless giving, ali uvijek tu ima nešto sebično, a to je da se ja osjećam dobro. but|always|here|there is|something|selfish|and|that|is|that|myself|I|feel|good but there is always something selfish in it, and that is that I feel good. Da, da. Pa to, zapravo i kad dajemo nešto, samim tim davanjem možda dobivamo. Yes|yes|Well|that|actually|and|when|we give|something|by|that|giving|maybe|we receive Yes, yes. Well, actually, even when we give something, by giving we might be gaining. A što bi rekla, osim toga iskustva, što ti je radilo taj osjećaj ispunjenosti? And|what|would|you (feminine) said|besides|that|experience|what|you|was|caused|that|feeling|of fulfillment Und was würde Ihnen, abgesehen von dieser Erfahrung, dieses Gefühl der Erfüllung geben? And what would you say, besides that experience, what gave you that feeling of fulfillment? Da li su to bile više bile konkretne aktivnosti, recimo ti si se bavila kreativnim izražavanjem u tim, (verb to be)|question particle|(verb to be)|those|were|more|(verb to be)|concrete|activities|for example|you|(verb to be)|reflexive pronoun|were engaged|creative|expression|in|team Handelt es sich dabei um spezifischere Aktivitäten, beispielsweise waren Sie am kreativen Ausdruck im Team beteiligt, Were they more concrete activities, for example, were you engaged in creative expression in those, recimo, likovnim radionicama? Ili taj osjećaj da si nekome doprinijela. for example|art|workshops|Or|that|feeling|that|you|someone|contributed sagen wir, Kunstworkshops? Oder das Gefühl, dass man jemandem etwas Gutes getan hat. let's say, art workshops? Or was it the feeling that you contributed to someone. Što ti je točno proizvodilo taj osjećaj ispunjenosti u tebi? What|to you|is|exactly|produced|that|feeling|of fulfillment|in|you Was genau hat bei Ihnen dieses Gefühl der Erfüllung hervorgerufen? What exactly produced that feeling of fulfillment in you?

Pa ovako, ovaj smiješni dio koji vjerujem da su se možda i drugi prepoznali, Well|like this|this|funny|part|which|I believe|that|(they)|(reflexive pronoun)|maybe|and|others|recognized Also, dieser lustige Teil, von dem ich glaube, dass andere ihn erkannt haben: Well, this funny part that I believe others might have recognized as well, koji su kasnije volontirali, da ja jesam dobila od tih radionica kreativnih jer ja nisam valjda, who|(auxiliary verb)|later|volunteered|that|I|am|received|from|those|workshops|creative|because|I|am not|probably der sich später freiwillig meldete, dass ich bei diesen Workshops tatsächlich kreativ geworden bin, weil ich es nicht getan habe, who later volunteered, that I did receive from those creative workshops because I haven't really,

mislim, otvorila, nešto krenula crtat ili slikat stvarno dugo. |she opened|something|started|drawing|or|painting|really|long Ich meine, sie öffnete es und fing wirklich lange an, etwas zu zeichnen oder zu malen. I think, opened up, started drawing or painting for a really long time.

Mi nakon osnovne škole u srednjoj se dođe, mislim, više nemamo tu neku naviku, We|after|elementary|school|in|high|reflexive pronoun|come|I think|anymore|we don't have|here|some|habit Nach der Grundschule gehen wir aufs Gymnasium, ich glaube, diese Angewohnheit haben wir nicht mehr, After elementary school, when we get to high school, I think we no longer have that habit, ekspresiju, taj umjetnički dio... expression|that|artistic|part Ausdruck, dieser künstlerische Teil... expression, that artistic part...

to nekako staje ako nismo dovoljno maštoviti u slobodno vrijeme. it|somehow|stops|if|we are not|sufficiently|imaginative|in|free|time Es hört irgendwie auf, wenn wir in unserer Freizeit nicht einfallsreich genug sind. it somehow stops if we are not imaginative enough in our free time. I onda na faksu isto tako, većinom se ne rade te stvari. And|then|at|university|the same|like that|mostly|reflexive pronoun|not|are done|those|things Und auch im College werden diese Dinge meistens nicht gemacht. And then at university, similarly, those things are mostly not done.

I onda sam ja došla na te likovne radionice i razmišljam I|then|was|I|came|to|those|art|workshops|and|I think And then I came to those art workshops and I think

„Čovječe, ja ne znam držat flomaster više u ruci“, tako da, to sam dobila stvarno, Man|I|not|know|hold|marker|anymore|in|hand|so|that|that|I|received|really „Mann, ich weiß nicht mehr, wie ich einen Filzstift in der Hand halten soll“, also, das habe ich wirklich verstanden, "Man, I can't even hold a marker in my hand anymore," so I really got that,

mašta mi se kao, sad bih voljela možda i kući sama nešto slikat, na primjer. imagination|to me|reflexive pronoun|like|now|would|like|maybe|and|at home|alone|something|to draw|for|example my imagination is like, now I would maybe like to paint something at home by myself, for example. Te stvari, tako da jesam dobila to. Those|things|so|that|I am|received|it Diese Dinger, also habe ich sie verstanden. Those things, so I did get that.

No dobro, to je nešto što je meni osobno značilo jer nisam dugo bila u doticaju. Well|good|that|is|something|that|is||personally|meant|because|I have not|long|been|in|contact Nun, das hat mir persönlich sehr viel bedeutet, weil ich lange Zeit keinen Kontakt hatte. Well, that's something that personally meant a lot to me because I haven't been in touch for a long time. Ali, što se tiče toga, te pomoći, pa ja mislim da je čak ta neka empatija koja u biti raste, But|what|reflexive particle|concerns|that|that|help|well|I|think|that|is|even|that|some|empathy|which|in|essence|grows Aber was das betrifft, diese Hilfe, denke ich, dass sogar diese Art von Empathie, die grundsätzlich wächst, But, as far as that help is concerned, I think that even that empathy is actually growing, koju ja održavam time što pomažem drugima. which|I|maintain|by|by|helping|others which I maintain by helping others.

Može netko reći da je empatičan i da on može vidjet kako je drugima, stavit se u tuđe cipele. Can|someone|say|that|is|empathetic|and|that|he|can|see|how|is|to others|put|himself|in|others'|shoes Jemand kann sagen, dass er einfühlsam ist und sehen kann, wie es für andere ist, sich in die Lage anderer Menschen versetzen kann. Someone can say that they are empathetic and that they can see how others feel, put themselves in someone else's shoes.

Mislim da dosta ljudi kaže da to može. Ali... I think|that|a lot of|people|say|that|it|can|But I think a lot of people say they can do that. But...

nisam sigurna dal' baš može dok se ne vidi kakve sve populacije postoje. I am not|sure|if|really|can|until|reflexive pronoun|not|sees|what kind of|all|populations|exist Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob das wirklich möglich ist, bis wir sehen, welche Art von Populationen es gibt. I'm not sure if it can really be done until we see what populations exist. Na primjer, to da sam ja sad u domu za starije, mislim, znamo kakvo mišljenje većinom ljudi For|example|that|I|am|I|now|in|home|for|elderly|I think|we know|what kind of|opinion|by most|people For example, the fact that I am now in a nursing home, I mean, we know what opinion most people

zauzimaju o starijim osobama, ne kažem starijim srednje životne dobi, nego umirovljenici. take care of|about|older|people|not|I mean|older|middle|life|age|but|retirees Es geht um ältere Menschen, ich meine nicht ältere Menschen mittleren Alters, sondern Rentner. have about older people, I'm not talking about older middle-aged people, but retirees.

Znamo nekad mi reći da su oni malo naporni i da oni sad, na primjer, kod nas je situacija We know|sometimes|us|to tell|that|are|they|a little|annoying|and|that|they|now|for|example|at|us|is|situation Wir wissen, wie man mir manchmal sagt, dass sie etwas beschäftigt sind und dass sie sich jetzt beispielsweise in unserer Situation befinden Sometimes we say that they are a bit demanding and that they now, for example, in our situation konkretno u Rijeci pa u busu, pa ti zauzimaju mjesto, pa hoće da se digneš... specifically|in|Rijeka|then|on|the bus|then|you|take|your seat|then|they want|to|yourself|stand up Speziell in Rijeka, dann nehmen sie im Bus Ihren Platz ein und wollen, dass Sie aufstehen ... specifically in Rijeka, on the bus, they take up space, and they want you to get up...

Ima tih nekih, pogotovo adolescenti, ja kad sam volontirala, imala sam 15-ak godina. There are|some|certain|especially|adolescents|I|when|was|volunteering|I had|I|around 15|years Es gibt einige davon, vor allem Jugendliche, als ich mich ehrenamtlich engagierte, war ich etwa 15 Jahre alt. There are some of them, especially adolescents, when I volunteered, I was about 15 years old.

Kad sam krenula, 16. I nakon što sam bila u susretu s njima, upoznala sam ih. When|I|left|And|after|that|I|was|in|meeting|with|them|I met|I|them Als ich anfing, war ich 16. Und nachdem ich sie kennengelernt hatte, lernte ich sie kennen. When I started, I was 16. And after I met them, I got to know them. Nekako sam se povezala s njima, s njihovim životnim pričama, i nakon toga ja sam, Somehow|I|reflexive particle|connected|with|them|with|their|life|stories|and|after|that|I|am Irgendwie habe ich mich mit ihnen verbunden, mit ihren Lebensgeschichten, und danach habe ich, Somehow I connected with them, with their life stories, and after that I, mogu reći da sam bila više empatična. To jest, da onda kad bih bila u busu ne bih razmišljala I can|say|that|I was|was|more|empathetic|That|is|that|then|when|I would|be|in|the bus|not|I would|think Ich kann sagen, dass ich einfühlsamer war. Das heißt, wenn ich im Bus wäre, würde ich nicht denken can say I became more empathetic. That is, when I would be on the bus I wouldn't think

"Joj, sad ona kao želi da se ja tu dignem...” nego sam ih nekako razumjela. Svašta su prošli. Oh|now|she|like|wants|that|myself|I|here|stand up|but|I|them|somehow|understood|a lot|they|gone through „Oh, jetzt scheint sie zu wollen, dass ich da hochkomme...“, aber irgendwie habe ich sie verstanden. Sie haben alles Mögliche durchgemacht. "Oh, now she wants me to get up..." but I somehow understood them. They have been through a lot. Mislim da je to nešto što stvarno, ne znam dal' možemo dobiti iz drugih nekih aktivnosti. I think|that|is|it|something|that|really|not|I know|whether|we can|get|from|other|some|activities Ich denke, das ist etwas, was wir wirklich können, ich weiß nicht, ob wir es durch andere Aktivitäten erreichen können. I think that's something that really, I don't know if we can get it from other activities.

Sa mladima s teškoćama koji su često maltretirani, mislim, oni su od strane pogotovo adolescenata, With|youth|with|difficulties|who|are|often|bullied|I think|they|are|by|the side|especially|adolescents Bei jungen Menschen mit Schwierigkeiten, die oft misshandelt werden, meine ich, sie werden vor allem von Heranwachsenden misshandelt, With young people with difficulties who are often bullied, I think, they are especially targeted by adolescents,

neću reći da je to nešto što se uvijek događa, ali stvarno sam često bila svjedok tome, I won't|say|that|is|it|something|that|(reflexive pronoun)|always|happens|but|really|I|often|was|witness|to that I won't say that this always happens, but I have really often witnessed it,

da je netko možda slabovidniji, ili da ima neke intelektualne teškoće, i toj djeci se rugaju. -Da. that|is|someone|maybe|visually impaired|or|that|has|some|intellectual|difficulties|and|those||themselves|mock|Yes dass jemand möglicherweise sehbehindert ist oder geistige Schwierigkeiten hat, und diese Kinder werden verspottet. -Das. that someone might be visually impaired, or has some intellectual difficulties, and those children are mocked. -Yes.

Kad sam volontirala, trenutno sad to jest volontiram u DIP-u, ali i u nekim drugim okolnostima When|I|volunteered|currently|now|||I volunteer|in||in||||some|other|circumstances Als ich mich ehrenamtlich gemeldet habe, arbeite ich derzeit ehrenamtlich bei der SEC, aber auch in anderen Situationen When I volunteered, I am currently volunteering at DIP, but also in some other circumstances. u kojima sam bila volonter, vidjela sam da su oni... ljudi, da su oni isto, znači sve neke aktivnosti in|which|I|was|a volunteer|I saw|I|that|they|they|people|that|are|they|the same|mean|all|some|activities in dem ich ehrenamtlich tätig war, sah ich, dass es... Menschen waren, dass sie gleich waren, das heißt alle Arten von Aktivitäten in which I was a volunteer, I saw that they are... people, that they are the same, meaning all kinds of activities

se s njima mogu, oni su topli, dragi, sretni, veseli, tužni, sve isto kao i mi. I zbog toga ih isto reflexive pronoun|with|them|I can|they|are|warm|kind|happy|cheerful|sad|everything|the same|as|and|we|and|because of|that|them|the same Ich komme mit ihnen klar, sie sind warmherzig, lieb, glücklich, fröhlich, traurig, alle genauso wie wir. Und deshalb auch sie can be done with them, they are warm, kind, happy, cheerful, sad, all just like us. And because of that, I also drugačije gledam. I mislim da ljudi možda nisu svjesni toga da kada volontiraju, kada se susretnu differently|see|I|think|that|people|maybe|are not|aware|of that|that|when|volunteer|when|themselves|meet Ich sehe es anders. Und ich denke, dass die Leute sich dessen vielleicht nicht bewusst sind, wenn sie sich ehrenamtlich engagieren, wenn sie sich treffen look at them differently. And I think that people may not be aware that when they volunteer, when they meet

s tom nekom skupinom, ja bih, slobodna sam reći, možda ranjivom, manjinskom skupinom, with|that|some|group|I|would|free|am|to say|perhaps|vulnerable|minority|group Bei dieser bestimmten Gruppe kann ich frei sagen, vielleicht einer gefährdeten Minderheitengruppe, with that kind of group, I would, I am free to say, maybe a vulnerable, minority group,

da tek onda dožive tu empatiju, to jest, mogu osjetit kako je njima i možda onda manje će ih maltretirat, that|only|then|experience|that|empathy|that|means|they can|feel|how|is|to them|and|maybe|then|less|will|them|bully dass sie erst dann diese Empathie erfahren, das heißt, sie können spüren, wie es für sie ist, und vielleicht werden sie sie dann weniger schlecht behandeln, that only then do they experience that empathy, that is, they can feel how it is for them and maybe then they will harass them less,

manje će biti skloni vršiti bullying na drugima, možda i nekoj drugoj populaciji, jer razmišljaju less|will|be|prone|to perpetrate|bullying|on|others|maybe|and|some|other|population|because|they think they will be less inclined to bully others, perhaps even some other population, because they think

“Ajme, a kako bi bilo nekome drugom da ja to radim”, na primjer: Oh no|but|how|would|be|to someone|else|that|I|it|do|as|example „Oh, aber wie wäre es für jemand anderen, wenn ich es tun würde“, zum Beispiel: “Oh, how would it be for someone else if I did that,” for example: "Upoznao sam osobu koja je... intelektualnih teškoća, i njoj je teško, I met|(past tense marker)|person|who|is|intellectual|disabilities|and|to her|is|difficult "I met a person who has... intellectual difficulties, and it is hard for them, pa neću valjda maltretirat nekog kog vidim tko je siromašan”. well|I won't|probably|bully|someone|whom|I see|who|is|poor Deshalb werde ich niemanden misshandeln, den ich sehe und der arm ist. so I wouldn't want to bully someone I see who is poor.” Mislim, ta neka generalizacija se isto događa. I think|that|some|generalization|itself|also|happens Ich meine, diese Art der Verallgemeinerung kommt auch vor. I mean, that kind of generalization also happens.

Tako da, to je definitivno nešto što, po meni, se dobije volontiranjem. So|that|it|is|definitely|something|that|in|my opinion|reflexive pronoun|is gained|by volunteering Das ist also meiner Meinung nach definitiv etwas, das durch ehrenamtliches Engagement erreicht wird. So, that is definitely something that, in my opinion, is gained through volunteering. Da, zapravo kad na neki način ne poznajemo neku skupinu onda nam je puno lakše nekoga osuditi Yes|actually|when|in|some|way|not|we know|some|group|then|to us|is|much|easier|someone|to judge Ja, tatsächlich fällt es uns viel leichter, jemanden zu verurteilen, wenn wir eine Gruppe in irgendeiner Weise nicht kennen Yes, actually when we don't know a certain group in some way, it is much easier for us to judge someone.

i imati unaprijed nekakve predrasude i slično, a ti si se zapravo susrela s dosta raznolikim skupinama and|to have|in advance|some|prejudices|and|similar|but|you|are|reflexive pronoun|actually|encountered|with|quite|diverse|groups und haben einige vorgefasste Meinungen und dergleichen, und Sie haben tatsächlich eine ganze Reihe unterschiedlicher Gruppen getroffen And to have preconceived notions and similar things, and you actually encountered quite diverse groups.

i onda si mogla tu empatiju prema njima razviti i možda onda i generalizirati zapravo? and|then|you|could|that|empathy|towards|them|develop|and|maybe|then|and|generalize|actually And then you were able to develop empathy towards them and maybe even generalize, actually?

Da, i time kad sam krenula volontirati i to razvijat, znači osvještavala sam to, Yes|and|moment|when|I|started|to volunteer|and|that|to develop|it means|I was becoming aware of|I|it Ja, und als ich anfing, mich ehrenamtlich zu engagieren und es zu entwickeln, war ich mir dessen bewusst, Yes, and when I started volunteering and developing that, I was becoming aware of it, onda sam tek shvatila kako u biti malo sam kroz život prije bila empatična, then|I|just|realized|how|in|being|a little|I|through|life|before|was|empathetic then I only realized how I had been a little empathetic throughout my life, to jest nitko mi nije pokazao šta je to, i to je po meni velik problem, it|is|nobody|to me|has not|shown|what|is|that|and|that|is|by|me|big|problem Das heißt, niemand hat mir gezeigt, was es ist, und das ist meiner Meinung nach ein großes Problem. that is, no one showed me what it is, and I think that's a big problem, na primjer ono šta sam čula je da Danska ima, znači, predmet empatiju u osnovnoj školi for|example|that|what|I|heard|is|that|Denmark|has|I mean|subject|empathy|in|primary|school Ich habe zum Beispiel gehört, dass es in Dänemark in der Grundschule das Thema Empathie gibt for example, what I heard is that Denmark has, I mean, a subject on empathy in elementary school

i mislim da stvarno ne može biti previše da se o tome priča, mi smo na fakultetu and|I think|that|really|not|can|be|too much|to|it|about|that|talk|we|are|at|university und ich denke, es kann wirklich nicht viel zu bereden geben, wir sind auf dem College and I really think it can't be too much to talk about it, we are in college

i učili o emocionalnoj inteligenciji o cijelom tom konceptu i to mi je uvijek bilo zanimljivo, and|we learned|about|emotional|intelligence|about|whole|that|conceptu|and|it|to|is|always|been|interesting und lehrte mich über emotionale Intelligenz zu diesem ganzen Konzept und das war für mich immer interessant, and we learned about emotional intelligence, about the whole concept, and I have always found it interesting,

ali razmišljala sam da kod nas tog baš kronično fali, jer svi smo svjedoci toga da mladi ljudi, but|I thought|(past tense marker)|that|at|us|that|really|chronically|lacks|because|all|(past tense marker)|witnesses|of that|that|young|people aber ich dachte, dass es in unserem Land chronisch daran mangelt, denn wir alle sind Zeugen der Tatsache, dass junge Menschen, but I was thinking that we are chronically lacking that, because we are all witnesses to the fact that young people,

ne želim da se samo govori da su mladi takvi onakvi, mislim tinejđeri adolescenti, I do not|want|to|reflexive pronoun|only|is said|that|are|young people|like that|like this|I think|teenagers|adolescents Ich möchte nicht, dass man sagt, dass junge Leute so sind, ich meine Teenager und Heranwachsende, I don't want it to be said that young people are like this or that, I mean teenagers, adolescents,

zna se da oni još nemaju dovoljno razvijen mozak da mogu odlučivat za sve, it is known|reflexive particle|that|they|yet|do not have|sufficiently|developed|brain|to|can|decide|for|everything es ist bekannt, dass sie noch nicht über ein ausreichend entwickeltes Gehirn verfügen, um über alles entscheiden zu können, it is known that they still do not have a fully developed brain to make decisions about everything, ali imam osjećaj da su dovoljno zreli da mogu razvijat svoje emocije i svoje razumijevanje drugih, but|I have|feeling|that|are|sufficiently|mature|to|can|develop|their|emotions|and|their|understanding|of others aber ich habe das Gefühl, dass sie reif genug sind, ihre Gefühle und ihr Verständnis für andere zu entwickeln, but I have the feeling that they are mature enough to develop their emotions and their understanding of others,

što opet imam nekakav globalni osjećaj da nije baš razvijen, da li je to dio tog odgoja našeg balkanskog what|again|I have|some kind of|global|feeling|that|is not|really|developed|whether|question particle|is|that|part|of that|upbringing|our|Balkan Auch hier habe ich das globale Gefühl, dass es nicht sehr entwickelt ist, und das ist ein Teil der Erziehung unserer Balkanländer which again gives me some global feeling that it is not really developed, whether that is part of our Balkan upbringing.

i mentaliteta, ne znam evo iskreno u čemu je problem, and|mentality|not|I know|here|honestly|in|what|is|problem and mentality, I honestly don't know what the problem is,

ali nalazim to i da i stariji nemaju toliko empatije, to je nešto što se gradi, to je proces od malena, but|I find|that|and|that|and|older|do not have|so much|empathy|that|is|something|that|reflexive pronoun|is built|that|is|process|from|childhood Aber ich finde auch, dass selbst ältere Menschen nicht so viel Empathie haben, es ist etwas, das aufgebaut wird, es ist ein Prozess aus der Kindheit, but I find that even older people lack empathy, it's something that is built, it's a process from a young age, znači to u Danskoj što sam pročitala, oni imaju predmet gdje dijele svoje probleme, it means|that|in|Denmark|what|I|read|they|have|subject|where|share|their|problems Das bedeutet, dass es in Dänemark, soweit ich gelesen habe, ein Thema gibt, in dem sie ihre Probleme mitteilen, I mean, in Denmark, from what I've read, they have a subject where they share their problems,

to ne mora biti školski, znači van škole, oni se nekako - stvara se ta grupna, ta kohezija, it|not|has to|be|school|means|outside|school|they|themselves|somehow|creates|themselves|that|group|that|cohesion Es muss nicht unbedingt in der Schule sein, es bedeutet außerhalb der Schule, sie irgendwie - diese Gruppe, dieser Zusammenhalt entsteht, it doesn't have to be school-related, it means outside of school, they somehow - that group, that cohesion is created,

znači kao zajednica neka u kojoj ti znaš da možeš izreći ono što te muči, means|like|community|some|in||you|know|that|can|express|what|that|you|troubles bedeutet wie eine Gemeinschaft, in der Sie wissen, dass Sie sagen können, was Sie stört, it's like a community where you know you can express what troubles you, a samim time bez da ja izreknem što me muči nekako druga osoba razumije and|at the same|time|without|me||say|what|me|troubles|somehow|another|person|understands und deshalb versteht die andere Person es irgendwie, ohne dass ich sage, was mich stört and at the same time without me expressing what troubles me, somehow another person understands da li sam ja sretna, tužna, ali da bi mi mogli uopće bit empatični mislim da je važno razvijat svoje emocije, if|question particle|am|I|happy|sad|but|to|would|we|could|at all|be|empathetic|I think|that|is|important|to develop|my|emotions whether I am happy, sad, but in order for them to be empathetic at all, I think it is important to develop our emotions,

nisam sigurna da li baš mi danas i znamo što su naše emocije, to je neka skroz druga priča od toga, I am not|sure|that|question particle|exactly|we|today|and|know|what|are|our|emotions|that|is|some|completely|different|story|from|that Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob wir heute überhaupt wissen, was unsere Gefühle sind, das ist eine ganz andere Geschichte. I am not sure if we really know what our emotions are today, that is a completely different story from that,

od našeg odrastanja i našeg djetinjstva, ja nisam toliko u tom području, to jest ne znam toliko o tome, from|our|growing up|and|our|childhood|I|am not|so much|in|that|area|that|that is|not|know|so much|about|it from our upbringing and our childhood, I am not so much in that area, that is, I don't know that much about it,

voljela bih znati puno više, ali ovo što jesam čitala je da nije baš toliko komplicirano would love|I|to know|much|more|but|this|what|I|read|is|that|is not|really|that much|complicated Ich würde gerne noch viel mehr wissen, aber ich habe gelesen, dass es nicht so kompliziert ist I would love to know much more, but what I have read is that it is not that complicated. razvijat emocije kod djece i taj nekakvi emocionalni razvoj, ali kao da jednostavno kod nas to nije nešto develop|emotions|in|children|and|that|some||development|but|as|if|simply|in|us|that|is not|something developing emotions in children and that kind of emotional development, but it seems that simply in our case it is not something

što se podrazumijeva da će se raditi, da će se dijete naučiti šta je tuga, ljutnja, what|reflexive particle|implies|that|will|reflexive particle|work|that|will|reflexive particle|child|learn|what|is|sadness|anger was so verstanden wird, dass das Kind lernt, was Traurigkeit, Wut, that is taken for granted that will be done, that the child will learn what sadness, anger,

ono će moći prepoznati kod nekog onda svojeg vršnjaka ili starijeg te osjećaje, it|will|be able to|recognize|in|someone|then|its own|peer|or|older|those|feelings they will be able to recognize those feelings in someone, then in their peers or older,

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