🦔 PRIČE ZA DJECU - Prestani se majmunirati - Slikovnice - Priča o važnosti igre i prijateljstva
|||stop||monkeying|Picture books||||||
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🦔 HISTOIRES POUR ENFANTS - Arrêtez d'être un singe - Livres d'images - Une histoire sur l'importance du jeu et de l'amitié
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🦔 HISTORIE DLA DZIECI - Przestań być małpą - Książki z obrazkami - Opowieść o znaczeniu zabawy i przyjaźni
🦔 ИСТОРИИ ДЛЯ ДЕТЕЙ - Хватит быть обезьяной - Книжки с картинками - История о важности игры и дружбы
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Prestani se majmunirati
Houd op met rondhangen
Maymunluk yapmayı bırak
Napisala Christine Swift
Written by Christine Swift
Yazan Christine Swift
Ilustrirala Sarah Wade
Illustrated by Sarah Wade
Mali majmun je rijetko bio tih.
The little monkey was rarely quiet.
Het aapje was zelden stil.
Volio se igrati raznih igara,
He liked to play various games,
Hij speelde graag verschillende spelletjes,
iako mu se ostale životinje nisu uvijek
although the other animals do not always like him
al vinden de andere dieren hem niet altijd leuk
željele pridružiti.
they wanted|to join
wanted to join.
wilde meedoen.
"Prestani se majmunirati!"
"Stop monkeying around!"
rekla je njegova mama.
said his mom.
Ali mali majmun je bio mali majmun!
But the little monkey was a little monkey!
Maar het kleine aapje was een klein aapje!
Mali majmun je bio raspoložen za igru.
||||in the mood||
The little monkey was in the mood to play.
Het kleine aapje had zin om te spelen.
Vidio je slona kako pije vodu iz jezerceta
|||||||the pond
He saw an elephant drinking water from a pond
"Prestani se majmunirati",
"Stop monkeying around",
zaurlao je slon.
roared the elephant.
"Pokušavam piti!"
"I'm trying to drink!"
Zmija se pokušavala sklupčati
|||curl up
The snake was trying to curl up
De slang probeerde zich op te krullen
za popodnevni odmor,
voor een middagpauze,
ali majmun je pomislio
maar de aap dacht
kako bi baš bilo zabavno
how fun it would be
hoe leuk zou het zijn
njihati se na njenom repu.
sway on her tail.
zwaaien op haar staart.
"Pressssstani se majmunirati!"
"Pressssstop monkeying around!"
siknula je zmija,
sudden movement||
the snake hissed,
ali mali majmun se samo nasmijao
but the little monkey only laughed
i nastavio po svom.
|he continued||
and continued in his own way.
en ging op zijn eigen manier verder.
Gore među drvećem papagaj je namještao
Up among the trees the parrot was making arrangements
Tussen de bomen was de papegaai voorbereidingen aan het treffen
svoje prekrasno perje.
its beautiful feathers.
zijn prachtige veren.
Mali majmun jednostavno nije mogao odoljet
The little monkey just couldn't resist
Het kleine aapje kon het gewoon niet laten
a da ga ne povuče za pero.
without pulling him by the pen.
zonder hem bij de pen te trekken.
"Prestani se majmunirati",
"Stop monkeying around",
zakreštao je Papagaj.
squawked the Parrot.
"Ostavi me na miru!"
"Leave me alone!"
"Laat me alleen!"
Tigrica se igrala sa svojim mladuncima.
The tigress was playing with her cubs.
Ovo izgleda, zabavno, pomislio je majmun.
This looks like fun, thought the monkey.
Majmun se zanjihao
The monkey swayed
De aap zwaaide
i sletio na leđa tigrici,
and landed on the tigress's back,
en landde op de rug van de tijgerin,
zgrabio je za rep i povukao.
he grabbed|||||
he grabbed the tail and pulled.
hij pakte de staart en trok.
"Prestani se majmunirati",
"Stop monkeying around",
"Hou op met rondhangen",
zarežala je tigrica,
she has roared||
snarled the tigress,
što ga je malčice preplašilo.
|||a little|scared
which scared him a little.
wat hem een beetje bang maakte.
Mali Majmun je bio tužan.
Little Monkey was sad.
Zašto se niko nije želio igrati?
Why didn't anyone want to play?
Waarom wilde niemand spelen?
Žirafa je bila zauzeta jedenjem lišća
The giraffe was busy eating leaves
sa visokih stabala ...
from tall trees...
van hoge bomen...
Nilski konj je bio zauzet
The hippo was busy
Het nijlpaard had het druk
kupanjem u blatu ...
bathing in mud...
Čak su i ostali majmuni
Even the rest are monkeys
bili zauzeti dotjerivanjem!
were busy dressing up!
was druk bezig met verkleden!
Mali majmun je upitao mamu:
The little monkey asked his mother:
„Šta da radim?
"What should I do?
"Wat moet ik doen?
Niko se ne želi igrati sa mnom!”
Nobody wants to play with me!"
"Zašto ne izmisliš igru koju možeš sam
"Why don't you invent a game you can play yourself
‘Waarom bedenk je geen spel dat je zelf kunt spelen
potiho igrati?" predložila je mama.
rustig spelen?" stelde mama voor.
"Broji leptire, njiši se kroz drveće!"
||he swings|||
"Count the butterflies, swing through the trees!"
"Tel de vlinders, slinger door de bomen!"
Nato je mali majmun mirno sjeo sam.
Dann setzte sich der kleine Affe ruhig alleine hin.
Then the little monkey calmly sat down alone.
Toen ging het aapje rustig alleen zitten.
Brojao je leptire ..
He was counting butterflies..
Jedan, dva, tri, četiri, pet, šest.
One two three four five six.
Brojao je ptice ...
He counted birds...
Jedan, dva, tri, četiri, pet, šest.
Čak je i brojao insekte...
He even counted insects...
Jedan, dva, tri, četiri, pet, šest.
Pronjihao se pored papagaja,
Pronjihao||next to|
He swung by the parrot,
Hij zwaaide langs de papegaai,
Pored tigrice,
next to|
Next to the tigress,
Pored zmije,
Next to the snake,
Pored slona,
Next to the elephant,
Pored nilskog konja,
Next to the hippopotamus,
Pored leptira,
Next to the butterfly,
Pored insekata,
In addition to insects,
Pored ptica,
Next to the birds,
Sve dok se nije ...
Zanjihao pravo u ...
Swing right into the ...
Draai recht in de...
Drugog malog majmuna, baš poput sebe!
Another little monkey, just like you!
Sada su se dva mala majmuna
Now there are two little monkeys
njihala kroz drveće,
swing through the trees,
slinger door de bomen,
ali ovaj put nikome nisu smetali.
|||to nobody||bothered
but this time they didn't bother anyone.
maar deze keer vielen ze niemand lastig.
Jednostavno su se igrali zajedno
They were simply playing together
Ze waren gewoon samen aan het spelen
i sjajno se zabavljali!
and had a great time!
Hvala vam što ste čitali sa nama!
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