Skal jeg snappe nøgenbilleder? – SELVGLAD (7:10) med Katrine Gisiger
Should|I|snap|nude pictures|SELF-GLAD|with|Katrine|Gisiger
Soll ich Nacktfotos machen? - SELVGLAD (7:10) mit Katrine Gisiger
Moet ik naaktfoto's maken? - ZELVGLAD (7:10) met Katrine Gisiger
Стоит ли мне снимать обнаженную натуру - SELVGLAD (7:10) с Катрин Гизигер
Чи варто фотографуватися оголеною? - SELVGLAD (7:10) з Катрін Ґізіґер
Should I snap nude pictures? – SELF-LOVING (7:10) with Katrine Gisiger
Selvom jeg godt kan lide...
Even though I like...
Noget af min krop...
Some of my body...
Så fokuserer jeg på det, jeg ikke kan lide ved den.
Then|I focus|I|on|it|I|not|can|like|about|it
I focus on what I don't like about it.
Jeg har et anstrengt forhold -
I have a strained relationship -
til mine lår og til min bagdel.
with my thighs and with my butt.
- Er du klar?
- Are you ready?
- Hun er født klar.
- She is born ready.
- Hej Neel. Vi har snakket lidt om, at du altid sammenligner dig med andre på den dårlige måde.
Hi|Neel|We|have|talked|a little|about|that|you|always|compare|yourself|with|others|in|the|bad|way
- Hi Neel. We've talked a bit about how you always compare yourself to others in a negative way.
Hvor du fokuserer på alle de ting, som du ikke kan lide ved din egen krop.
Where you focus on all the things you don't like about your own body.
Så selvom det måske lyder lidt floskel-agtigt, -
So|although|it|maybe|sounds|a little||
So even though it might sound a bit cliché, -
så skal vi have dig til at øve dig i at fokusere på de ting, som du godt kan lide ved din krop.
so we need to get you to practice focusing on the things you like about your body.
Vi skal have det positive frem og...
We need to bring out the positive and...
og vænne dit syn til, at din krop er helt, som den skal være.
and|to adjust|your|perception|to|that|your|body|is|completely|as|it|should|be
and get your perception used to the fact that your body is just as it should be.
Jeg glæder mig til at se dig igen.
I|look forward|to see|to|again|see|you|again
I look forward to seeing you again.
- Okay!
- Okay!
Jeg skal lære at fokusere på de ting, jeg godt kan lide, -
I need to learn to focus on the things I like, -
i stedet for at fokusere på det jeg ikke kan lide.
I|instead|to|focus on|focus|on|what|I|not|can|like
instead of focusing on the things I don't like.
Man bruger enormt meget energi i hverdagen -
One|uses|enormously|much|energy|in|daily life
One uses a lot of energy in everyday life -
på at tænke over, når man har det sådan.
about|to|think|over|when|one|has|it|like this
to think about when you feel that way.
Og det fylder, for mig at se, for meget.
And|it|takes up|for|me|to|see|too|much
And it takes up, in my view, too much.
- Det der med at øve sig i at...
- The thing about practicing to...
... at sige, at det kører sgu for mig.
... to say that it's really going well for me.
Helt dybt seriøst inde i knoglerne, så synes jeg faktisk, at jeg er meget lækker i dag.
completely|deep|seriously|inside|in|my bones|then|think|I|actually|that|I|am|very|attractive|in|today
Deep down in my bones, I actually think I look very good today.
Hvis jeg har en dårlig dag, så har man lyst til bare at...
If I'm having a bad day, I just want to...
... skære så meget væk, som man overhovedet kunne.
cut|as|much|away|as|one|at all|could
...cut away as much as I possibly can.
- Så stemmer jeg for, at du hver dag i den her uge -
- So I vote that you do this every day this week -
skal tænke på noget andet end din numse og lår, når du står op.
should think about something other than your butt and thighs when you stand up.
Ja tak! Goddaw du'!
Yes|thank you|Good day|you
Yes please! Good day to you!
- Jamen hvad fanden vil du ellers have?
but|what|the hell|will|you|otherwise|have
- But what the hell do you want otherwise?
Nej nej!
No no!
- Så må du sende en snap til mig, hvor der står: -
- Then you have to send me a snap that says: -
"Jeg synes simpelthen, at mine bryster er gode i dag."
"I simply think my breasts look good today."
Du skal simpelthen have billeder af mine bryster i en uge?
Do you really want pictures of my breasts for a week?
- Eller dine hænder, underben, mave eller hvad fanden det nu kan være.
Or|your|hands|lower legs|stomach|or|what|the hell|it|now|can|be
- Or your hands, lower legs, stomach, or whatever the hell it might be.
Det er jo fuldstændig ligegyldigt, hvad det er.
It|is|after all|completely|irrelevant|what|it|is
It is completely irrelevant what it is.
Skal det så være en positiv ting?
Should it then be a positive thing?
Ja! Så må det kun være positive ting.
Yes! Then it can only be positive things.
- Jo, jo, jo, jo!
- Yes, yes, yes, yes!
"Min lilletå er flot igen i dag."
My|little toe|is|pretty|again|in|day
"My little toe looks nice again today."
- Så er tricket jo, at det ikke bliver en joke.
Then|is|trick|after all|that|it|not|becomes|a|joke
- So the trick is that it doesn't become a joke.
Dammit! Ja, okay!
Dammit! Yes, okay!
Så tricket er, at det ikke skal være en joke?
So the trick is that it shouldn't be a joke?
Jeg må ikke sende et billede af min øreflip i ren og skær...
I must not send a picture of my earlobe in pure...
- Nej, nej!
- No, no!
Og sige: "Det kører bare for min øreflip i dag."
And say: "It's just going great for my earlobe today."
- Nej, det må man ikke.
- No, you must not.
Jeg tror tit, at jeg skjuler...
I often think that I hide...
... mine udfordringer med sjov og med humor.
... my challenges with fun and humor.
Det gør jeg tit.
I do that often.
Jeg tror ikke, at jeg har sendt nøgenbilleder af mig selv -
I|believe|not|that|I|have|sent|nude pictures|of|myself|self
I don't think I've sent nude pictures of myself -
siden sjette klasse eller sådan noget. Ej!
since sixth grade or something. No way!
Det er jo mit skjold.
It|is|of course|my|shield
That's my shield.
Det er jo den her humor omkring...
It|is|after all|this|here|humor|around
That's the kind of humor around...
Omkring de her ting.
About these things.
- Skal vi gøre det? Det bliver skidegodt.
Shall|we|do|it|It|will be|really good
- Should we do it? It's going to be awesome.
Det bliver pissefedt. Det er det, vi gør.
It|will be|really awesome|That|is|what|we|do
It's going to be really cool. That's what we're doing.
Det er en syg plan.
It is a sick plan.
- Det er en rimelig god idé.
- It is a fairly good idea.
Det er nemt og overskueligt. Vi gør det.
It is easy and manageable. We will do it.
- Det er det, vi gør.
- That's what we do.
Er det det, vi gør?
Is that what we do?
- Det er det, vi gør.
- That's what we do.
Det var faktisk meget lærerigt for en gangs skyld at...
It was actually very educational for a change to...
... prøve at fokuserer på de ting, som jeg er glad for.
... try to focus on the things that I am happy about.
Det gjorde noget for mit humør og...
It did something for my mood and...
Jeg har da fint kunne finde et billede af noget hver dag, -
I have been able to find a picture of something every day, -
som jeg synes har været 'okay', -
which I think has been 'okay', -
eller som jeg har været glad for.
or which I have been happy with.
Så ja!
So yes!
Gør det samme.
Do the same.
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