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Mothers are the people dearest to us. We all have a special relationship with our mother. We are naturally bonded to our mother. We spend nine months growing inside her and she is the person who looks after us when we are babies. Our mother does everything for us. She feeds us, cleans us, wipes away our tears, treats our cuts and bruises, supports us and loves us. And all of this never stops. Mothers still do motherly things even when we are old and she is really old. It is very sad to hear that someone's mother has died. I remember this happening to some children in my class at school. I can't imagine how children grow up without a mother. I hope my mother lives forever. She deserves to.

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Mothers are the people dearest to us. 母親は私たちにとって大切な人々です。 We all have a special relationship with our mother. 私たちは皆、母親と特別な関係を持っています。 We are naturally bonded to our mother. 私たちは自然に母親と結びついています。 We spend nine months growing inside her and she is the person who looks after us when we are babies. 私たちは彼女の中で成長するのに9ヶ月を費やし、彼女は私たちが赤ちゃんのときに私たちの世話をする人です。 Our mother does everything for us. She feeds us, cleans us, wipes away our tears, treats our cuts and bruises, supports us and loves us. 彼女は私たちを養い、きれいにし、涙を拭き取り、傷や傷を治療し、私たちを支え、愛してくれます。 And all of this never stops. Mothers still do motherly things even when we are old and she is really old. It is very sad to hear that someone's mother has died. 誰かの母親が亡くなったと聞いてとても悲しいです。 I remember this happening to some children in my class at school. 私は学校で私のクラスの何人かの子供にこれが起こったことを覚えています。 I can't imagine how children grow up without a mother. I hope my mother lives forever. She deserves to. 彼女に値する。