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The Royal Wedding

The Royal Wedding

I just can't wait for the royal wedding. I'd say it's the biggest one since William's mother Princess Diana got married in 1981. I'm going to watch TV all day on April the 29th. I'm so excited about seeing Kate in her dress. I'm sure she'll look totally amazing. She's so beautiful. Of course, the other highlight is when Kate and William kiss on the balcony of Buckingham Palace. And Kate's walk down the aisle at Westminster Abbey – mustn't forget that! I think they make such a lovely couple – they always seem so happy together. I've been excited ever since William proposed to Kate in Kenya – how romantic! I hope their marriage lasts longer than other royal marriages. They don't really have such a great record, do they? I'm sure this one will – it's a match made in heaven.

The Royal Wedding

I just can't wait for the royal wedding. I'd say it's the biggest one since William's mother Princess Diana got married in 1981. I'm going to watch TV all day on April the 29th. I'm so excited about seeing Kate in her dress. I'm sure she'll look totally amazing. She's so beautiful. Of course, the other highlight is when Kate and William kiss on the balcony of Buckingham Palace. And Kate's walk down the aisle at Westminster Abbey – mustn't forget that! I think they make such a lovely couple – they always seem so happy together. I've been excited ever since William proposed to Kate in Kenya – how romantic! I hope their marriage lasts longer than other royal marriages. They don't really have such a great record, do they? I'm sure this one will – it's a match made in heaven. これはきっと間違いないでしょう。天国で行われた試合です。