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Crash Course European History, Commerce, Agriculture, and Slavery: Crash Course European History #8 (2)

Commerce, Agriculture, and Slavery: Crash Course European History #8 (2)

European consumers snapped up goods and merchants grew wealthy.

The increase in consumption was truly unprecedented: For example, in 1660 the East India Company

imported 23 pounds of tea to Britain; in 1750 it imported five million pounds.

[missing text] [[TV: Indiaman]] Besides slavery and colonization,

innovation was also an important facilitator of economic growth.

And I don't just mean innovation in terms of actual things, I also mean innovation in

terms of ideas...like corporations!

The East India companies such as those founded in Britain, the Netherlands, and France focused

each kingdom's international trade and raised funds for investment.

Joint stock companies arose to finance merchant ships.

The development of double entry bookkeeping gave merchants and bankers a better idea of

inflows and expenditures.

However, there wouldn't be laws limiting liability of such companies until much later.

So, a ship lost at sea could still mean the investors' loss of homes and possessions.

Whereas now, when investors do things that lose money, we just give them their money


And talking of bankers brings us to the Fuggers, or Fuggers.

The Fugger family of bankers, who once loaned money to monarchs such as Charles V and Philip

II of Spain, who then spent everything on defeating Protestants, the monarchy's bankruptcy

made the bankers penniless too.

This whirl of commerce disrupted society by producing new values and creating new groups

of wealthy, influential people.

Almost everywhere in Europe, people who weren't aristocrats became rich from global expansion

of trade.

Many of the aristocrats also became richer, of course, but the wealth of new groups of

people upset long-held notions about the importance of family lineage.

And capitalism--that is, the private ownership of enterprises--changed everyday values and

turned activities toward making profit above all else.

Capitalism created a new class of wealthy traders and merchants, who competed for political

influence with those from hereditary status groups such as the nobility.

We'll hear more, of course, about the twists and turns of capitalism across the centuries.

But by the beginning of the eighteenth century capitalism was in a lively stage of development,

thanks to the abundance provided by the agricultural and commercial revolutions and also by the

Atlantic slave trade, which wrenched some eleven to twelve million Africans from their

homes and families.

Thanks for watching.

I'll see you next time.

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Commerce, Agriculture, and Slavery: Crash Course European History #8 (2) Commerce, agriculture et esclavage : cours accéléré d'histoire européenne n°8 (2) 商業、農業、奴隷制度:クラッシュコース ヨーロッパ史 第8回 (2) Comércio, agricultura e escravatura: Curso Rápido de História Europeia #8 (2) Торговля, сельское хозяйство и рабство: Краткий курс европейской истории #8 (2) Торгівля, сільське господарство та рабство: Прискорений курс європейської історії #8 (2) 商业、农业和奴隶制:欧洲历史速成班#8 (2) 商業、農業與奴隸制:歐洲歷史速成課程#8 (2)

European consumers snapped up goods and merchants grew wealthy. ||抢购|||||| європейські||розкупили|||||| ヨーロッパの消費者は商品を買いあさり、商人たちは裕福になった。

The increase in consumption was truly unprecedented: For example, in 1660 the East India Company 消費の増加はまさに前代未聞だった:たとえば、1660年に東インド会社は

imported 23 pounds of tea to Britain; in 1750 it imported five million pounds. |фунтів|||||||||| 1750年には500万ポンドを輸入した。

[missing text] [[TV: Indiaman]] Besides slavery and colonization, |||Indiaman ship|||| ||||Окрім|||

innovation was also an important facilitator of economic growth. |||||推动者||| |||||фактор сприяння||| イノベーションは経済成長の重要な促進要因でもあった。

And I don't just mean innovation in terms of actual things, I also mean innovation in そして、私が意味する技術革新とは、実際の物事だけでなく、次のような技術革新も意味している。

terms of ideas...like corporations! ||||corporations 企業のような...!

The East India companies such as those founded in Britain, the Netherlands, and France focused

each kingdom's international trade and raised funds for investment. |||||erhöhte|||

Joint stock companies arose to finance merchant ships. ||||||Händler| ||||||商人| ||||||купецьких суден| 株式会社は商船の資金調達のために設立された。

The development of double entry bookkeeping gave merchants and bankers a better idea of |||||bookkeeping|||||||| |||подвійний запис||бухгалтерський облік|||||||| 複式簿記が開発されたことで、商人や銀行家たちは、以下のことをよりよく理解できるようになった。

inflows and expenditures. Zuflüsse||Ausgaben 流入|| ||витрати インフローと支出。

However, there wouldn't be laws limiting liability of such companies until much later. ||||||responsibility|||||| ||||||відповідальність|||||| しかし、そのような企業の責任を制限する法律ができるのは、ずっと後のことだ。

So, a ship lost at sea could still mean the investors' loss of homes and possessions. |||||||||||||||Besitz |||||||||||||||майно

Whereas now, when investors do things that lose money, we just give them their money 一方、今は、投資家が損をするようなことをしても、我々は彼らに資金を渡すだけだ。


And talking of bankers brings us to the Fuggers, or Fuggers. ||||||||Fuggers|| ||||||||Fuggers|| そして銀行家といえば、フガース(Fuggers)である。

The Fugger family of bankers, who once loaned money to monarchs such as Charles V and Philip |Fugger family||||||||||||||| 銀行家のフッガー家は、かつてシャルル5世やフィリップといった君主に金を貸していた。 A família de banqueiros Fugger, que outrora emprestou dinheiro a monarcas como Carlos V e Filipe

II of Spain, who then spent everything on defeating Protestants, the monarchy's bankruptcy |||||||||Protestants||monarchy|bankruptcy

made the bankers penniless too. |||无钱的|

This whirl of commerce disrupted society by producing new values and creating new groups |whirl of commerce|||||||||||| この商業の渦は、新たな価値観を生み出し、新たな集団を生み出すことで社会を混乱させた。 Este turbilhão de comércio perturbou a sociedade, produzindo novos valores e criando novos grupos

of wealthy, influential people.

Almost everywhere in Europe, people who weren't aristocrats became rich from global expansion |||||||the nobility||||| ヨーロッパではほとんどどこでも、貴族でない人々が世界進出によって金持ちになった。

of trade.

Many of the aristocrats also became richer, of course, but the wealth of new groups of

people upset long-held notions about the importance of family lineage. ||||Vorstellungen||||||Familienlinie ||||||||||family heritage 人々は、家系の重要性についての長年の観念をひっくり返した。

And capitalism--that is, the private ownership of enterprises--changed everyday values and

turned activities toward making profit above all else. その活動は、何よりも利益を上げることに向けられていた。

Capitalism created a new class of wealthy traders and merchants, who competed for political 資本主義は、裕福な商人や貿易商という新しい階級を生み出し、彼らは政治的な競争を繰り広げた。

influence with those from hereditary status groups such as the nobility. ||||||||||der Adel ||||hereditary|||||| 貴族のような世襲的な地位集団の出身者と影響力を持つ。

We'll hear more, of course, about the twists and turns of capitalism across the centuries. もちろん、何世紀にもわたる資本主義の紆余曲折についても、もっと話を聞くことになるだろう。

But by the beginning of the eighteenth century capitalism was in a lively stage of development, しかし、18世紀の初めには、資本主義は活発な発展段階にあった、

thanks to the abundance provided by the agricultural and commercial revolutions and also by the |||Überfluss||||||||||| |||abundance||||||||||| 農業革命と商業革命によってもたらされた豊かさのおかげである。

Atlantic slave trade, which wrenched some eleven to twelve million Africans from their ||||forcibly removed|||||||| 大西洋奴隷貿易は、約1100万から1200万人のアフリカ人を自国から引き離した。

homes and families.

Thanks for watching.

I'll see you next time.