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E-Books (english-e-reader), Climate Change (1-4) (1)

Climate Change (1-4) (1)

The Earth's climate

Today, the Earth's climate has a huge effect on the daily lives of all the people in the world. It has always had a big effect on life on Earth, and it had a big effect on how life started billions of years ago.

So, what is climate? Climate is the usual weather in a place over a long time - normally thirty years or more. Weather can change quickly, and a place can have very different weather from one day to the next. But climate is those weather patterns over a long time.

On Earth, lots of things have an effect on the climate - the atmosphere, the oceans, the land, ice, people, plants and animals, and the light and heat from the Sun.

The Earth's atmosphere is a thin layer of gases above the Earth.

The Earth's atmosphere

Most of the atmosphere is nitrogen (N2) and oxygen (O2), but there are other gases in the atmosphere, too.

Some of the gases in the atmosphere are called greenhouse gases because, like the glass in a greenhouse, they keep the Earth warm. They do this by stopping some of the Sun's heat from leaving the Earth. They are very important because they help to keep the Earth at the right temperature for life to grow - not too hot and not too cold. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a very important greenhouse gas. Without the greenhouse gases, the Earth would be very, very cold.

Many scientists study the Earth's atmosphere. They do this from satellites and from the land, and their studies show that the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is growing. This is making the temperature on Earth get warmer, and this warming is having a big effect on the climate.

We are already seeing the effects of this all over the world. Weather patterns are changing; the water in the oceans is getting warner; snow and ice are melting in the Arctic and Antarctica; and sea levels are increasing.

These effects can cause many problems for the people on Earth, and for the beautiful plants and animals that live on Earth, too. They could mean there is not enough food and water for everyone; they could have a damaging effect on people's health; and they could make some people poorer. We need to act now to stop climate change and to make a better future for our world. If we do not act now, we will put the future of our world in danger.


A warmer world

Weather stations across the world give us information about the temperature on the Earth's surface. We also get information from ships and buoys in the oceans. All this information helps scientists to decide if the temperature on Earth is going up or going down.

Information from the last 150 years shows that the temperature on the Earth's surface has gone up. The temperature in some places has increased more than others, and the warming in the Arctic is greater than in all other places on Earth.

Some years have always been warmer or colder than others, and the Earth's climate has changed a number of times in the past. This is because natural things can cause the Earth's temperature to change from one year to the next, or to change over a longer time. These things include the amount of heat coming from the Sun, the effect of volcanoes and weather patterns like El Nino.

But, for many years, scientists have talked about climate change and the warming of the Earth. Each of the past four decades has been warmer than the one before.

The information we get from weather stations, ships and buoys shows that, since the year 2000, the Earth's temperature has been 0.75 degrees Celsius warmer than it was 150 years ago. But, in 2015, the temperature became 1 degree Celsius warmer than 150 years ago. This is a big increase, and scientists are worried about it.

Other studies also show that the Earth is getting warmer. For example, studies show that the temperature of the oceans is increasing - from the surface, right down to the bottom of each ocean. Other studies show that the amount of snow and ice on the Earth's surface is getting smaller.

Melting ice and increasing sea levels

The warming of the Earth is causing the Arctic sea ice to melt. In the 2010s, at the end of the summer, the Arctic sea ice was one third smaller than at the end of the 20th century. That's a change of the same size as the UK, Ireland, France, Spain, Germany and Italy put together. When the Arctic sea ice melts, it can change the weather patterns in Europe, Asia and North America. As the Earth gets warmer, the water in the oceans gets warmer, too. This makes the water expand get larger. This makes sea levels increase. Also, the land ice in Greenland and Antarctica is melting, and this, too, causes sea levels to increase. Studies show that sea levels across the world are increasing.

When sea levels increase, floods from storms can be more dangerous for people living near the sea. Many of the world's biggest cities, like Shanghai in China, Jakarta in Indonesia and Mumbai in India, are very close to the sea. Higher sea levels put these cities in danger of floods.

The floods in New York City in 2012 showed the damage that big storms can do. These floods caused huge problems for the people of New York City. They damaged homes and other buildings, and many people had no electricity in their homes. This meant no heat, no light and no way to cook food or heat water. The damage caused by big storms can have an effect for many years and can cost billions of pounds.

For now, the Thames Barrier on the River Thames in London protects the city from floods, but, if sea levels increase, the barrier might need to be bigger. And many other cities across the world do not have anything to protect them from higher sea levels and the floods they can cause. The warming of the Earth puts all of these cities in danger. In many places, building a barrier like the Thames Barrier is either not possible or too expensive.


The effects of a warmer world

Heatwaves, droughts, floods and storms

Heatwaves, droughts, floods and storms are all extreme weather. A heatwave is very hot weather for many days, and a drought is very little rain for a long time. Extreme weather can cause huge damage to buildings and roads, and to people and animals. The damage caused by extreme weather can cost billions of pounds, and many people can lose their lives.

In 2016, there was an extreme heatwave in India. The country had its highest-ever temperature at 51 degrees Celsius, and many people died. In Europe in 2003, there was a summer heatwave that killed tens of thousands of people. Most of these people were old, because very hot weather can cause more problems for older people.

In Australia, there have been many large fires over the last few years. In the Australian summer, the land, and the plants growing on the land, can get very dry. It is then easy for a fire to start and to become very large, very quickly. These fires badly damage people's homes and other buildings, and many people lose their lives in the fires.

Since the year 2000, parts of the UK have had floods again and again, and these floods have caused huge amounts of damage. In 2010, there were extreme floods in Pakistan. These floods had a terrible effect on 20 million people in the country. Many people lost their lives, and even more people lost their homes. It takes a huge amount of time and money to help people after damaging weather like this.

All over the world, we are seeing patterns of extreme weather. Many places are having their highest-ever temperatures, and other places are having more rain than ever before. The effects of this extreme weather are very dangerous for all the living things in our world. The number of heatwaves, droughts, floods and storms we are seeing is increasing in many places. Extreme weather is now becoming normal for many people. There has always been extreme weather, but studies show that climate change has increased the risk of extreme weather. A warmer world increases the risk of Europe having a big heatwave, for example.

Studies on the floods in the UK show that the risk of extremely heavy rain is greater because of climate change, and this has made the risk of floods in this part of the world higher. One reason for this is because a warmer atmosphere can hold more water, so the rain is heavier and the risk of floods is greater.

The effects on people and where they live

Climate change can also have an effect on our food and water, and on our health.

All over the world, we grow food on farms. Much of the food we buy at supermarkets starts its life in a field or on a farm. But the food we grow needs the weather to be just right - not too hot, not too cold, not too wet and not too dry. Droughts and floods have a very damaging effect on how much food we can grow. When fields become too wet or too dry, plants cannot grow. This can increase the price of food, and then poor people cannot buy it. These people then have to go hungry. Some plants may grow better in a different climate. But scientists think that the effects of climate change will make it much harder to grow enough food for everyone.

Climate change may also have an effect on the amount of water that we have, and many places may not have the water they need. Across South Asia and China, water for drinking and farming comes from large rivers. The water in these rivers comes from rain and snow, and from ice melting high up in the Himalayan mountains. Climate change can have an effect on all of these things. This means lower amounts of water in the rivers and lower amounts of water for people to drink and use.

Climate change and extreme weather can also have a damaging effect on our health. More people could catch some diseases in a warmer world. Dirtier air can also damage the health of all living things.

The many effects of climate change can make people feel worried about their lives and their families. When people do not have the food and water they need, it can cause problems between groups of people and communities. Sometimes people move from their homes to try to find a better place to live or to find enough food and water.

The effects on animals

Climate change is causing problems for many of the animals that live on the Earth. Changes in temperature, the seasons (spring, summer, autumn and winter) and the amount of food and water animals can find all make life much more difficult for animals in different parts of the world.

When changes to the climate are slow, animals can find ways to live with the changes. But when changes to the climate happen very quickly, it is much more difficult for animals to do this. The climate change we are seeing right now is happening very quickly, and it is damaging for many of the living things on Earth. At the same time, animals are losing their habitats - the places they live. People cut down trees to build towns and cities and to grow food in fields. All of these things take habitats away from animals.

Together, climate change and losing habitats make life very difficult for the animals of this world. We may see some animals become extinct in the future because of climate change. Many animals already have problems, and there are very low numbers of some animals in today's world. More climate change may mean that these animals become extinct, and we never see them again.

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Climate Change (1-4) (1) Klimawandel (1-4) (1) Cambio climático (1-4) (1) Changement climatique (1-4) (1) 気候変動 (1-4) (1) 기후 변화(1-4) (1) Zmiana klimatu (1-4) (1) Alterações climáticas (1-4) (1) Изменение климата (1-4) (1) İklim Değişikliği (1-4) (1) Зміна клімату (1-4) (1) 气候变化 (1-4) (1) 氣候變遷 (1-4) (1)

The Earth's climate Климат Земли

Today, the Earth's climate has a huge effect on the daily lives of all the people in the world. Сегодня климат Земли оказывает огромное влияние на повседневную жизнь всех людей в мире. It has always had a big effect on life on Earth, and it had a big effect on how life started billions of years ago. 지구의 생명체에 항상 큰 영향을 미쳤으며, 수십억 년 전 생명체가 시작되는 과정에도 큰 영향을 미쳤습니다. Она всегда оказывала большое влияние на жизнь на Земле, и она оказала большое влияние на то, как жизнь зародилась миллиарды лет назад. Vedno je imela velik vpliv na življenje na Zemlji in je imela velik vpliv na nastanek življenja pred milijardami let.

So, what is climate? Итак, что такое климат? Climate is the usual weather in a place over a long time - normally thirty years or more. 기후는 일반적으로 30년 이상의 오랜 기간 동안 한 장소에서 나타나는 일반적인 날씨를 말합니다. Климат - это обычная погода в каком-либо месте в течение длительного времени - обычно тридцать лет или более. Weather can change quickly, and a place can have very different weather from one day to the next. Погода может быстро меняться, и в одном месте может быть очень разная погода от одного дня к другому. But climate is those weather patterns over a long time. Но климат — это погодные условия в течение длительного времени.

On Earth, lots of things have an effect on the climate - the atmosphere, the oceans, the land, ice, people, plants and animals, and the light and heat from the Sun. На Земле многое влияет на климат — атмосфера, океаны, земля, лед, люди, растения и животные, а также свет и тепло Солнца. Na Zemlji na podnebje vpliva veliko stvari - ozračje, oceani, kopno, led, ljudje, rastline in živali ter sončna svetloba in toplota.

The Earth's atmosphere is a thin layer of gases above the Earth. Атмосфера Земли представляет собой тонкий слой газов над Землей.

The Earth's atmosphere Атмосфера Земли

Most of the atmosphere is nitrogen (N2) and oxygen (O2), but there are other gases in the atmosphere, too. Большая часть атмосферы состоит из азота (N2) и кислорода (O2), но в атмосфере есть и другие газы.

Some of the gases in the atmosphere are called greenhouse gases because, like the glass in a greenhouse, they keep the Earth warm. Некоторые газы в атмосфере называются парниковыми, потому что, как и стекло в теплице, они согревают Землю. They do this by stopping some of the Sun's heat from leaving the Earth. Они делают это, не давая части солнечного тепла покидать Землю. They are very important because they help to keep the Earth at the right temperature for life to grow - not too hot and not too cold. Они очень важны, потому что помогают поддерживать на Земле правильную температуру для развития жизни — не слишком жарко и не слишком холодно. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a very important greenhouse gas. Углекислый газ (CO2) является очень важным парниковым газом. Without the greenhouse gases, the Earth would be very, very cold. Без парниковых газов Земля была бы очень и очень холодной.

Many scientists study the Earth's atmosphere. Многие ученые изучают атмосферу Земли. They do this from satellites and from the land, and their studies show that the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is growing. |||||||||||||||||gases de efeito estufa|||||| 인공위성과 지상에서 관측한 결과, 대기 중 온실가스의 양이 증가하고 있다는 연구 결과가 나왔습니다. Делают они это со спутников и с земли, и их исследования показывают, что количество парниковых газов в атмосфере растет. This is making the temperature on Earth get warmer, and this warming is having a big effect on the climate. ||||||||mais quente||||||||||| Это делает температуру на Земле более высокой, и это потепление оказывает большое влияние на климат.

We are already seeing the effects of this all over the world. Мы уже видим последствия этого во всем мире. Weather patterns are changing; the water in the oceans is getting warner; snow and ice are melting in the Arctic and Antarctica; and sea levels are increasing. ||||||||||||||||derretendo|||||||||| 날씨 패턴이 변화하고 있고, 바다의 수온이 점점 더 높아지고 있으며, 북극과 남극의 눈과 얼음이 녹고 있고, 해수면이 상승하고 있습니다. Погодные условия меняются; вода в океанах становится все теплее; снег и лед тают в Арктике и Антарктиде; и уровень моря повышается.

These effects can cause many problems for the people on Earth, and for the beautiful plants and animals that live on Earth, too. Эти эффекты могут вызвать много проблем для людей на Земле, а также для красивых растений и животных, которые живут на Земле. They could mean there is not enough food and water for everyone; they could have a damaging effect on people's health; and they could make some people poorer. Они могут означать, что на всех не хватает еды и воды; они могут нанести вред здоровью людей; и они могут сделать некоторых людей беднее. We need to act now to stop climate change and to make a better future for our world. Нам нужно действовать сейчас, чтобы остановить изменение климата и создать лучшее будущее для нашего мира. If we do not act now, we will put the future of our world in danger. 지금 행동하지 않으면 우리 세계의 미래가 위험에 처하게 될 것입니다. Если мы не будем действовать сейчас, мы поставим под угрозу будущее нашего мира.


A warmer world Более теплый мир

Weather stations across the world give us information about the temperature on the Earth's surface. Метеостанции по всему миру дают нам информацию о температуре на поверхности Земли. We also get information from ships and buoys in the oceans. |||||navios||boias||| Мы также получаем информацию с кораблей и буев в океанах. All this information helps scientists to decide if the temperature on Earth is going up or going down. 이 모든 정보는 과학자들이 지구의 온도가 올라갈지 내려갈지 결정하는 데 도움이 됩니다. Вся эта информация помогает ученым решить, повышается или понижается температура на Земле.

Information from the last 150 years shows that the temperature on the Earth's surface has gone up. The temperature in some places has increased more than others, and the warming in the Arctic is greater than in all other places on Earth. 일부 지역의 기온은 다른 지역보다 더 많이 상승했으며 북극의 온난화는 지구상의 다른 모든 지역보다 더 큽니다. Температура в некоторых местах повысилась больше, чем в других, и потепление в Арктике больше, чем во всех других местах на Земле.

Some years have always been warmer or colder than others, and the Earth's climate has changed a number of times in the past. 어떤 해는 항상 다른 해보다 더 따뜻하거나 더 추웠으며, 지구의 기후는 과거에도 여러 번 변했습니다. Одни годы всегда были теплее или холоднее других, и климат Земли в прошлом неоднократно менялся. This is because natural things can cause the Earth's temperature to change from one year to the next, or to change over a longer time. 자연적인 요인으로 인해 지구의 온도가 해마다 변하거나 장기간에 걸쳐 변화할 수 있기 때문입니다. Это связано с тем, что естественные явления могут вызывать изменение температуры Земли из года в год или в течение более длительного времени. These things include the amount of heat coming from the Sun, the effect of volcanoes and weather patterns like El Nino. 여기에는 태양에서 나오는 열의 양, 화산의 영향, 엘니뇨와 같은 기상 패턴이 포함됩니다. К ним относятся количество тепла, исходящего от Солнца, влияние вулканов и погодные условия, такие как Эль-Ниньо.

But, for many years, scientists have talked about climate change and the warming of the Earth. Но уже много лет ученые говорят об изменении климата и потеплении Земли. Each of the past four decades has been warmer than the one before. 지난 40년은 그 어느 때보다 따뜻했습니다. Каждое из последних четырех десятилетий было теплее предыдущего.

The information we get from weather stations, ships and buoys shows that, since the year 2000, the Earth's temperature has been 0.75 degrees Celsius warmer than it was 150 years ago. 기상 관측소, 선박 및 부표에서 얻은 정보에 따르면 2000년 이후 지구의 온도는 150년 전보다 섭씨 0.75도 더 따뜻해졌습니다. Информация, которую мы получаем от метеостанций, кораблей и буев, показывает, что с 2000 года температура Земли стала на 0,75 градуса Цельсия выше, чем 150 лет назад. But, in 2015, the temperature became 1 degree Celsius warmer than 150 years ago. Но в 2015 году температура стала на 1 градус Цельсия выше, чем 150 лет назад. This is a big increase, and scientists are worried about it. Это большой рост, и ученых это беспокоит.

Other studies also show that the Earth is getting warmer. Другие исследования также показывают, что Земля становится теплее. For example, studies show that the temperature of the oceans is increasing - from the surface, right down to the bottom of each ocean. 예를 들어, 연구에 따르면 해수면부터 해저까지 바다의 온도가 상승하고 있는 것으로 나타났습니다. Например, исследования показывают, что температура океанов повышается — от поверхности вплоть до дна каждого океана. Other studies show that the amount of snow and ice on the Earth's surface is getting smaller. Другие исследования показывают, что количество снега и льда на поверхности Земли становится меньше.

Melting ice and increasing sea levels Таяние льдов и повышение уровня моря

The warming of the Earth is causing the Arctic sea ice to melt. Потепление Земли вызывает таяние арктических морских льдов. In the 2010s, at the end of the summer, the Arctic sea ice was one third smaller than at the end of the 20th century. В 2010-х годах, в конце лета, арктический морской лед был на треть меньше, чем в конце ХХ века. That's a change of the same size as the UK, Ireland, France, Spain, Germany and Italy put together. 이는 영국, 아일랜드, 프랑스, 스페인, 독일, 이탈리아를 모두 합친 것과 같은 규모의 변화입니다. Это изменение такого же размера, как в Великобритании, Ирландии, Франции, Испании, Германии и Италии вместе взятых. When the Arctic sea ice melts, it can change the weather patterns in Europe, Asia and North America. Когда арктический морской лед тает, это может изменить погодные условия в Европе, Азии и Северной Америке. As the Earth gets warmer, the water in the oceans gets warmer, too. 지구가 따뜻해지면 바다의 물도 따뜻해집니다. По мере того, как Земля становится теплее, вода в океанах тоже становится теплее. This makes the water expand get larger. Это заставляет воду расширяться. This makes sea levels increase. Это вызывает повышение уровня моря. Also, the land ice in Greenland and Antarctica is melting, and this, too, causes sea levels to increase. Кроме того, наземные льды в Гренландии и Антарктиде тают, что также приводит к повышению уровня моря. Studies show that sea levels across the world are increasing. Исследования показывают, что уровень моря во всем мире повышается.

When sea levels increase, floods from storms can be more dangerous for people living near the sea. Когда уровень моря повышается, наводнения от штормов могут быть более опасными для людей, живущих у моря. Many of the world's biggest cities, like Shanghai in China, Jakarta in Indonesia and Mumbai in India, are very close to the sea. ||||||||||||||Mumbai|||||||| Многие крупнейшие города мира, такие как Шанхай в Китае, Джакарта в Индонезии и Мумбаи в Индии, расположены очень близко к морю. Higher sea levels put these cities in danger of floods. Высокий уровень моря подвергает эти города опасности наводнений.

The floods in New York City in 2012 showed the damage that big storms can do. 2012년 뉴욕에서 발생한 홍수는 큰 폭풍이 가져올 수 있는 피해를 보여주었습니다. Наводнения в Нью-Йорке в 2012 году показали ущерб, который могут нанести сильные штормы. These floods caused huge problems for the people of New York City. Эти наводнения вызвали огромные проблемы для жителей Нью-Йорка. They damaged homes and other buildings, and many people had no electricity in their homes. Они повредили дома и другие постройки, и у многих людей в домах не было электричества. This meant no heat, no light and no way to cook food or heat water. Это означало отсутствие тепла, света и возможности приготовить еду или нагреть воду. The damage caused by big storms can have an effect for many years and can cost billions of pounds. 큰 폭풍으로 인한 피해는 수년 동안 영향을 미칠 수 있으며 수십억 파운드의 비용이 발생할 수 있습니다. Ущерб, нанесенный сильными штормами, может иметь последствия в течение многих лет и может стоить миллиарды фунтов стерлингов.

For now, the Thames Barrier on the River Thames in London protects the city from floods, but, if sea levels increase, the barrier might need to be bigger. На данный момент Барьер Темзы на реке Темзе в Лондоне защищает город от наводнений, но, если уровень моря поднимется, барьер может быть больше. And many other cities across the world do not have anything to protect them from higher sea levels and the floods they can cause. 그리고 전 세계의 다른 많은 도시들은 해수면 상승과 이로 인한 홍수로부터 도시를 보호할 수 있는 방법이 없습니다. И во многих других городах по всему миру нет ничего, что защитило бы их от повышения уровня моря и наводнений, которые они могут вызвать. The warming of the Earth puts all of these cities in danger. Потепление Земли подвергает опасности все эти города. In many places, building a barrier like the Thames Barrier is either not possible or too expensive. 많은 지역에서 템즈 장벽과 같은 장벽을 건설하는 것은 불가능하거나 비용이 너무 많이 듭니다. Во многих местах строительство барьера, подобного барьеру Темзы, либо невозможно, либо слишком дорого.


The effects of a warmer world Эффекты более теплого мира

Heatwaves, droughts, floods and storms ondas de calor|secas|inundações|| Волны тепла, засухи, наводнения и бури

Heatwaves, droughts, floods and storms are all extreme weather. Волны тепла, засухи, наводнения и бури — все это экстремальные погодные условия. A heatwave is very hot weather for many days, and a drought is very little rain for a long time. |onda de calor|||||||||||||||||| Волна тепла – это очень жаркая погода в течение многих дней, а засуха – это очень мало дождей в течение длительного времени. Extreme weather can cause huge damage to buildings and roads, and to people and animals. Экстремальные погодные условия могут нанести огромный ущерб зданиям и дорогам, а также людям и животным. The damage caused by extreme weather can cost billions of pounds, and many people can lose their lives. Ущерб, нанесенный экстремальной погодой, может стоить миллиарды фунтов стерлингов, и многие люди могут погибнуть.

In 2016, there was an extreme heatwave in India. В 2016 году в Индии была аномальная жара. The country had its highest-ever temperature at 51 degrees Celsius, and many people died. 섭씨 51도로 사상 최고 기온을 기록했고 많은 사람이 사망했습니다. В стране была самая высокая температура в 51 градус по Цельсию, и многие люди погибли. In Europe in 2003, there was a summer heatwave that killed tens of thousands of people. В Европе в 2003 году была летняя жара, унесшая жизни десятков тысяч человек. Most of these people were old, because very hot weather can cause more problems for older people. Большинство из этих людей были пожилыми, потому что очень жаркая погода может вызвать больше проблем у пожилых людей.

In Australia, there have been many large fires over the last few years. В Австралии за последние несколько лет произошло много крупных пожаров. In the Australian summer, the land, and the plants growing on the land, can get very dry. Летом в Австралии земля и растения, растущие на ней, могут сильно высохнуть. It is then easy for a fire to start and to become very large, very quickly. 그러면 화재가 시작되고 매우 빠르게 매우 커지기 쉽습니다. В этом случае огонь может легко начаться и стать очень большим, очень быстро. These fires badly damage people's homes and other buildings, and many people lose their lives in the fires. 이러한 화재는 사람들의 집과 다른 건물에 심각한 피해를 입히고 많은 사람들이 화재로 목숨을 잃습니다. Эти пожары сильно повреждают дома людей и другие здания, и многие люди гибнут в пожарах.

Since the year 2000, parts of the UK have had floods again and again, and these floods have caused huge amounts of damage. С 2000 года в некоторых частях Великобритании снова и снова происходили наводнения, и эти наводнения причиняли огромный ущерб. In 2010, there were extreme floods in Pakistan. В 2010 году в Пакистане произошло сильное наводнение. These floods had a terrible effect on 20 million people in the country. Эти наводнения оказали ужасное влияние на 20 миллионов человек в стране. Many people lost their lives, and even more people lost their homes. Многие люди погибли, и еще больше людей потеряли свои дома. It takes a huge amount of time and money to help people after damaging weather like this. 이런 날씨로 피해를 입은 사람들을 돕는 데는 엄청난 시간과 비용이 소요됩니다. Требуется огромное количество времени и денег, чтобы помочь людям после такой разрушительной погоды.

All over the world, we are seeing patterns of extreme weather. Во всем мире мы наблюдаем экстремальные погодные явления. Many places are having their highest-ever temperatures, and other places are having more rain than ever before. Во многих местах самая высокая температура за всю историю, а в других местах идет больше дождя, чем когда-либо прежде. The effects of this extreme weather are very dangerous for all the living things in our world. Последствия этой экстремальной погоды очень опасны для всего живого в нашем мире. The number of heatwaves, droughts, floods and storms we are seeing is increasing in many places. 많은 지역에서 폭염, 가뭄, 홍수, 폭풍의 발생 횟수가 증가하고 있습니다. Количество волн тепла, засух, наводнений и штормов, которые мы наблюдаем, увеличивается во многих местах. Extreme weather is now becoming normal for many people. 이제 많은 사람들에게 극한의 날씨는 일상이 되어가고 있습니다. Экстремальная погода теперь становится нормой для многих людей. There has always been extreme weather, but studies show that climate change has increased the risk of extreme weather. Экстремальные погодные условия были всегда, но исследования показывают, что изменение климата увеличило риск экстремальных погодных явлений. A warmer world increases the risk of Europe having a big heatwave, for example. 예를 들어, 지구가 따뜻해지면 유럽에 폭염이 발생할 위험이 높아집니다. Например, более теплый мир увеличивает риск сильной жары в Европе.

Studies on the floods in the UK show that the risk of extremely heavy rain is greater because of climate change, and this has made the risk of floods in this part of the world higher. 영국의 홍수에 대한 연구에 따르면 기후 변화로 인해 극심한 폭우의 위험이 더 커졌으며, 이로 인해 이 지역의 홍수 위험이 더 높아졌습니다. Исследования наводнений в Великобритании показывают, что риск очень сильных дождей выше из-за изменения климата, и это повысило риск наводнений в этой части мира. One reason for this is because a warmer atmosphere can hold more water, so the rain is heavier and the risk of floods is greater. 그 이유 중 하나는 대기가 따뜻해지면 더 많은 물을 머금고 있어 비가 더 많이 내리고 홍수 위험이 더 커지기 때문입니다. Одна из причин этого заключается в том, что более теплая атмосфера может удерживать больше воды, поэтому дожди становятся более сильными, а риск наводнений выше.

The effects on people and where they live Воздействие на людей и места их проживания

Climate change can also have an effect on our food and water, and on our health. Изменение климата также может повлиять на нашу пищу и воду, а также на наше здоровье.

All over the world, we grow food on farms. Во всем мире мы выращиваем продукты питания на фермах. Much of the food we buy at supermarkets starts its life in a field or on a farm. 우리가 슈퍼마켓에서 구입하는 대부분의 식품은 들판이나 농장에서 시작됩니다. Большая часть продуктов, которые мы покупаем в супермаркетах, начинает свою жизнь в поле или на ферме. But the food we grow needs the weather to be just right - not too hot, not too cold, not too wet and not too dry. 하지만 우리가 재배하는 식품은 너무 덥지도 춥지도 않고, 너무 습하지도 건조하지도 않은 적당한 날씨가 필요합니다. Но еда, которую мы выращиваем, нуждается в подходящей погоде – не слишком жаркой, не слишком холодной, не слишком влажной и не слишком сухой. Droughts and floods have a very damaging effect on how much food we can grow. secas|||||||||||||| Засухи и наводнения оказывают очень разрушительное воздействие на то, сколько пищи мы можем выращивать. When fields become too wet or too dry, plants cannot grow. Когда поля становятся слишком влажными или слишком сухими, растения не могут расти. This can increase the price of food, and then poor people cannot buy it. Это может повысить цены на продукты питания, и тогда бедняки не смогут их купить. These people then have to go hungry. Затем эти люди должны голодать. Some plants may grow better in a different climate. Некоторые растения могут лучше расти в другом климате. But scientists think that the effects of climate change will make it much harder to grow enough food for everyone. 그러나 과학자들은 기후 변화의 영향으로 모든 사람이 먹을 수 있는 충분한 식량을 재배하는 것이 훨씬 더 어려워질 것이라고 생각합니다. Но ученые считают, что последствия изменения климата значительно усложнят выращивание достаточного количества еды для всех.

Climate change may also have an effect on the amount of water that we have, and many places may not have the water they need. Изменение климата может также повлиять на количество воды, которой мы располагаем, и во многих местах может не быть воды, в которой они нуждаются. Across South Asia and China, water for drinking and farming comes from large rivers. В Южной Азии и Китае вода для питья и ведения сельского хозяйства поступает из крупных рек. The water in these rivers comes from rain and snow, and from ice melting high up in the Himalayan mountains. Вода в этих реках поступает из дождя и снега, а также из-за таяния льда высоко в Гималаях. Climate change can have an effect on all of these things. Изменение климата может повлиять на все эти вещи. This means lower amounts of water in the rivers and lower amounts of water for people to drink and use. Это означает меньшее количество воды в реках и меньшее количество воды для питья и использования людьми.

Climate change and extreme weather can also have a damaging effect on our health. Изменение климата и экстремальные погодные условия также могут оказать разрушительное воздействие на наше здоровье. More people could catch some diseases in a warmer world. В более теплом мире больше людей могло бы заразиться некоторыми болезнями. Dirtier air can also damage the health of all living things. Более грязный воздух также может повредить здоровью всех живых существ.

The many effects of climate change can make people feel worried about their lives and their families. Многие последствия изменения климата могут заставить людей беспокоиться о своей жизни и жизни своих семей. When people do not have the food and water they need, it can cause problems between groups of people and communities. Когда у людей нет пищи и воды, в которых они нуждаются, это может вызвать проблемы между группами людей и сообществами. Sometimes people move from their homes to try to find a better place to live or to find enough food and water. Иногда люди переезжают из своих домов, пытаясь найти лучшее место для жизни или найти достаточно еды и воды.

The effects on animals Воздействие на животных

Climate change is causing problems for many of the animals that live on the Earth. Изменение климата создает проблемы для многих животных, живущих на Земле. Changes in temperature, the seasons (spring, summer, autumn and winter) and the amount of food and water animals can find all make life much more difficult for animals in different parts of the world. 기온, 계절(봄, 여름, 가을, 겨울)의 변화, 동물들이 찾을 수 있는 먹이와 물의 양은 세계 여러 지역의 동물들의 삶을 훨씬 더 어렵게 만듭니다. Изменения температуры, сезонов (весна, лето, осень и зима) и количества пищи и воды, которые могут найти животные, значительно усложняют жизнь животных в разных частях мира.

When changes to the climate are slow, animals can find ways to live with the changes. 기후 변화가 느리면 동물들은 변화에 적응하며 살아갈 방법을 찾을 수 있습니다. Когда изменения климата происходят медленно, животные могут найти способ приспособиться к этим изменениям. But when changes to the climate happen very quickly, it is much more difficult for animals to do this. 하지만 기후 변화가 매우 빠르게 일어나면 동물이 적응하는 것이 훨씬 더 어려워집니다. Но когда изменения климата происходят очень быстро, животным сделать это гораздо труднее. The climate change we are seeing right now is happening very quickly, and it is damaging for many of the living things on Earth. 지금 우리가 목격하고 있는 기후 변화는 매우 빠르게 일어나고 있으며, 지구상의 많은 생물에게 피해를 주고 있습니다. Изменение климата, которое мы наблюдаем сейчас, происходит очень быстро и наносит ущерб многим живым существам на Земле. At the same time, animals are losing their habitats - the places they live. В то же время животные теряют свою среду обитания — места, где живут. People cut down trees to build towns and cities and to grow food in fields. Люди вырубают деревья, чтобы строить города и города и выращивать еду на полях. All of these things take habitats away from animals. Все это отнимает у животных среду обитания.

Together, climate change and losing habitats make life very difficult for the animals of this world. В совокупности изменение климата и потеря среды обитания делают жизнь животных этого мира очень трудной. We may see some animals become extinct in the future because of climate change. Мы можем увидеть, как некоторые животные вымрут в будущем из-за изменения климата. Many animals already have problems, and there are very low numbers of some animals in today's world. У многих животных уже есть проблемы, и в современном мире их очень мало. More climate change may mean that these animals become extinct, and we never see them again. Дальнейшее изменение климата может означать, что эти животные вымрут, и мы никогда их больше не увидим.