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E-Books (english-e-reader), Ned Kelly a True Story (2)

Ned Kelly a True Story (2)

The police camp at Stringybark Creek was only two kilometres away, and the brothers soon found it. They hid behind the trees and watched. They saw the four policemen, and their guns - two big heavy guns and four smaller guns.

Later, back at Bullock Creek, Joe and Steve listened to the news about the guns.

'We've only got two guns. What can we do?' said Joe.

'They want to kill us,' said Dan. 'They're going to shoot to kill. Isn't that right, Ned?'

'Yes, that's right,' said Ned. 'So, we can stay here and wait for them - or we can go down there and take their guns and horses. What do you say?'

It was an easy answer. The Kelly Gang got ready, left Bullock Creek, and went quietly through the trees.

When they arrived at the police camp, only Lonigan and McIntyre were there. Lonigan sat on a tree, reading a newspaper, and McIntyre watched the camp fire. Then, from behind a tree, Ned Kelly called out.

'Put your hands up!'

McIntyre had no gun, so he sat still and put his hands up, but Lonigan ran. Then he got down behind a fallen tree, took out his gun, and put his head up.

He was a fool. A bullet from Ned's gun hit him in the head, and he died at once.

Ned ran to McIntyre. 'Don't move!' he said. 'We don't want to kill you, we just want the guns and horses.'

But before the gang could find the guns and leave, they heard a noise in the trees.

'Ned!' called Steve. 'The other two policemen are coming back!'

'Sit on this tree,' Ned said to McIntyre. 'And when you see your friends, call out to them. Say, "Don't shoot - put your guns on the ground." We don't want to kill them, or you.'

Seconds later, Kennedy and Scanlon rode into the camp. McIntyre stood up and said, 'Get off your horses and put your hands up - there are men with guns here.'

'Oh yes?' said Kennedy. He laughed at McIntyre. 'What men? What guns?'

At once the Kelly Gang came out of the trees and Ned called, 'Put your hands up!'

Everything happened very quickly. A bullet from Ned's gun hit Scanlon, and he fell from his horse. Kennedy jumped off his horse and fired at Dan. Dan fired back, and Kennedy ran back into the trees.

McIntyre could not shoot because he did not have his gun with him. But there in front of him was Kennedy's horse. He jumped on it and rode into the trees.

Kennedy tried to get away too. He went quietly through the trees, but suddenly he saw Ned in front of him. The two men fired - and Kennedy fell down. Soon he was dead.

'He was a brave man, but it was him or me,' said Ned. 'I didn't want to do it. I didn't want to kill any of them.'

The gang put coats over the three dead bodies, took the horses, guns and food, and rode away.

'They came to kill us, boys,' said Ned, 'but we killed them. What could we do? Now we must go - and we're not coming back.'

The Kelly Gang rode away to the north.


The next day, tired and dirty, McIntyre arrived back in Mansfield. Soon every town and village and farm in the north-east knew about the killing of the three policemen at Stringybark Creek.

'The Kelly Gang are killers,' said the police. 'These men are now outlaws, and we must catch them, dead or alive. When you see them, tell us. We are giving 500 pounds reward for news of every man in the gang - 2000 pounds for all four of them.'

It was a lot of money. More policemen came to the north-east, with more guns, more horses.

Ned and the gang stayed in the north-east. They tried to get away to the north, but there was a lot of water in the Murray River, and they couldn't get across it. They got help from their friends and moved from place to place all the time. One week they rode more than three hundred kilometres.

Thirty policemen rode through the hills for a month and looked for the outlaws night and day. But they never found them, and in December Ned and the gang moved on to the Warby Hills. It was a hard, wild life, and the outlaws were tired, hungry, and angry men.


Two Visits to the Bank

DECEMBER, 1878. The Kelly Gang have many friends, but they have no money. So they rob the bank in the little town of Euroa. They speak nicely to the people in the town, and do not fire their guns. They leave Euroa with 2260 pounds. But they give a lot of the money to their friends, the poor farmers of the north-east, to buy food, clothes, and land. The police reward goes up to 2500 pounds.


The police tried hard to catch the Kelly Gang, but the outlaws had help from their friends. They were always miles away when the police came to look for them. So the police put many of their friends in prison.

Ned was very angry about this. 'It isn't right!' he said. 'Why do the police do this? Because our friends are poor farmers, not rich ones, and because they help us. We must stop the police!'

'But how?' said Steve. 'What can we do?'

'Two things,' said Ned. 'First, we need more money, so we must visit a bank. And second, we tell everybody in Australia about the police here in Victoria.'

'Rob another bank?' Dan said. 'But the police are watching all the banks now.'

'Yes, in Victoria,' said Ned. 'But not in New South Wales, so we're going to a bank in Jerilderie. Here's the plan. There are only two policemen in Jerilderie. We arrive at night, go to the police station, and lock the policemen in the station. Then we rob the bank, and go to the office of Jerilderie's newspaper.'

'The newspaper office?' said Dan. 'Why? What for?'

'To print this,' said Joe. 'Look. It's Ned's letter to the world. I wrote it down for him. It tells the true story about Ned and his family, about the police, about Stringybark Creek, about everything.'

'We want everybody to read this letter, but how do we give it to them?' Ned said. 'We must print it in a newspaper. It's the only way.'


Ned planned the Jerilderie visit very carefully. There were now more than two hundred policemen in the north-east of Victoria because of the Kelly Gang, and Ned asked his friend Aaron Sherritt for help.

So Aaron went drinking with a policeman. Money passed from one hand to another, and Aaron spoke quietly in the policeman's ear.

'Go to Corryong. The gang are planning to cross the Murray River near there very soon.'

So the police rode east to Corryong - and the Kelly Gang rode west, and crossed the river two hundred kilometres away. And late on a Saturday night in February 1879, they rode into the town of Jerilderie.

Outside the police station Ned began to shout, 'Help! Help! There's a big fight at the hotel! We need help!'

The two policemen ran out - and saw the outlaws with their guns. The gang locked the policemen in a room in the station, and took their uniforms.

For the next two days the gang lived in the police station. On Sunday Joe and Steve put on the police uniforms and walked around the town. 'We're the new policemen for Jerilderie,' they told everyone. They went past the bank and the hotel next to it, and looked carefully at all the doors, front and back.

Then, on Monday morning Dan and Steve went into the hotel next to the bank, and took out their guns. They took all the hotel workers into one room.

'Don't move,' said Dan. 'You're our hostages, but don't be afraid. We don't want to shoot anybody.'

Ned and Joe went into the bank through the back door. When they came back to the hotel, they had more hostages - two bank workers and all the people from the bank. And Ned had the bank's money - 2140 pounds.

There were now about sixty hostages in the room, and Ned began to speak to them.

'What's happening in this country? Do you know? No, you don't! So listen! Poor men get poorer, and rich men get richer. The police help the rich farmers, and put the poor farmers in prison. Why? For nothing! Do you call this justice? There is no justice in Australia!

'The police say we are killers. But I say the police are killers! I'm going to tell you about Stringybark Creek - the true story, not the police story.'

Ned began to read to the hostages from his letter. It was a long letter, 56 pages and more than 75,000 words. After a few pages he stopped.

'Where's the newspaper office in this town?' he said. 'I want to print this letter. Then everybody can read it.'

Edwin Living, one of the bank workers, answered.

'Mr Gill is the editor of the newspaper,' he said. 'I know his house. I can take you there.'

'Come on, then,' Ned said.

But Mr Gill was not at home. He was at a farm ten kilometres away. When he heard the Kelly Gang were in town, he ran away, because he was afraid of them.

At the house Mrs Gill opened the door.

'Where's your husband?' Ned asked.

'I - I don't know. He's - he's away,' Mrs Gill said.

Ned looked at her angrily, and took out his letter. 'I want him to print this in his newspaper,' he said.

'Give it to me,' said Edwin Living. 'I can give it to Mr Gill when he gets back.'

'He must print it,' said Ned. 'It's about my life, and I want the world to read it.'

'Yes,' said Edwin. 'Everybody must read it. And Mr Gill's going to print it - for sure, Mr Kelly.'

'He must,' Ned said. 'All right, you give it to him. But do it! Or the next time I come to Jerilderie...'

They went back to the hotel, and Ned had a drink with the hostages. Then the four outlaws rode out of town, back to the Murray River, and across into Victoria and the hills in the north-east.


The police looked everywhere. They made the reward 8,000 pounds, but nobody came to get it. Nobody wanted to help them. In Jerilderie, people laughed about the visit of the Kelly Gang. In April, Ned's friends came out of prison and went back to their farms. And for sixteen months, the police heard nothing of the Kelly Gang.

And Ned's letter - the famous 'Jerilderie Letter'?

Edwin Living did not give it to Mr Gill. He went down to Melbourne and gave it to the police.

Nobody saw the letter again for fifty years.


Alive or Dead at Glenrowan

JUNE, 1880. The Kelly Gang are living in the hills. Their friends bring them food, but life is hard, and the police are still making trouble. They don't put the Kellys' friends in prison now, but they stop them buying land. And why? Because they are friends of the Kelly Gang...


'We must do something,' Ned said, 'to help our friends. We need a new country - a country for poor people, with good police, and good judges. But it's not going to happen easily. We must fight for it!'

'We need money for that,' said Joe. 'A lot of money. And there's a policeman with a gun at every bank now.'

'We need armour, to go over our heads and bodies,' Ned said. 'Bullets can't get through armour.'

'How are we going to get armour?' asked Dan.

'We can make it,' said Ned.

And they did. With help from their friends, they made four suits of armour from old farm machinery. Then they began to plan their fight.

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Ned Kelly a True Story (2) Ned Kelly eine wahre Geschichte (2) Ned Kelly, una historia real (2) Ned Kelly : une histoire vraie (2) ネッド・ケリー実話 (2) 네드 켈리 실화 (2) Prawdziwa historia Neda Kelly'ego (2) Ned Kelly uma História Verdadeira (2) Нед Келлі: правдива історія (2) 奈德·凯利的真实故事 (2)

The police camp at Stringybark Creek was only two kilometres away, and the brothers soon found it. ta||||||byla|||||a||||| ストリンギーバーククリークの警察キャンプはわずか2kmの距離にあり、兄弟たちはすぐにそれを見つけました。 스트링기바크 크릭의 경찰 캠프는 불과 2km 떨어진 곳에 있었고, 형제들은 곧 그곳을 발견했습니다. They hid behind the trees and watched. oni|||||| 彼らは木の後ろに隠れて見守っていました。 They saw the four policemen, and their guns - two big heavy guns and four smaller guns. oni||||||||dvě|||||||

Later, back at Bullock Creek, Joe and Steve listened to the news about the guns. |||||Joe||Steve||||||| その後、ブロッククリークに戻って、ジョーとスティーブは銃についてのニュースを聞いた。 나중에 불록 크릭으로 돌아온 조와 스티브는 총기 사건에 대한 소식을 들었습니다. Daha sonra Bullock Creek'e döndüklerinde Joe ve Steve silahlarla ilgili haberleri dinlediler.

'We've only got two guns. Máme|||| What can we do?' said Joe.

'They want to kill us,' said Dan. oni|||||| 'They're going to shoot to kill. Oni||||| 「彼らは殺すために撃つつもりです。 Isn't that right, Ned?' そうじゃない、ネッド?」

'Yes, that's right,' said Ned. 'So, we can stay here and wait for them - or we can go down there and take their guns and horses. |my|||||||||my||||||vzít|||| 「だから、私たちはここにとどまって彼らを待つことができます-または私たちはそこに行って彼らの銃や馬を連れて行くことができます。 '그러니 여기 남아서 그들을 기다릴 수도 있고, 저 아래로 내려가서 총과 말을 빼앗을 수도 있습니다. What do you say?' あなたは何を言っていますか?'

It was an easy answer. to bylo|||| 쉬운 대답이었습니다. The Kelly Gang got ready, left Bullock Creek, and went quietly through the trees. |||||||||šli|||| ケリーギャングは準備ができて、ブロッククリークを去り、静かに木々の間を通り抜けました。 켈리 갱은 준비를 마치고 불록 크릭을 떠나 조용히 나무 사이로 들어갔습니다. Kelly Çetesi hazırlandı, Bullock Creek'ten ayrıldı ve ağaçların arasından sessizce ilerledi.

When they arrived at the police camp, only Lonigan and McIntyre were there. Když|||||||||||| 彼らが警察のキャンプに到着したとき、ロニガンとマッキンタイアだけがそこにいました。 Lonigan sat on a tree, reading a newspaper, and McIntyre watched the camp fire. Lonigan|||||||||McIntyre(1)|||| Then, from behind a tree, Ned Kelly called out. それから、木の後ろから、ネッド・ケリーが声をかけました。

'Put your hands up!' 「手を上げろ!」 "Ellerini kaldır!

McIntyre had no gun, so he sat still and put his hands up, but Lonigan ran. McIntyre(1)||||tak|||||||||ale|| マッキンタイアは銃を持っていなかったので、じっと座って手を上げたが、ロニガンは走った。 McIntyre'ın silahı yoktu, bu yüzden kıpırdamadan oturdu ve ellerini kaldırdı ama Lonigan kaçtı. Then he got down behind a fallen tree, took out his gun, and put his head up. それから彼は倒れた木の後ろに降りて、銃を取り出し、頭を上げました。 그런 다음 그는 쓰러진 나무 뒤로 내려가 총을 꺼내 고개를 들어 올렸습니다. Sonra devrilmiş bir ağacın arkasına geçti, silahını çıkardı ve başını kaldırdı.

He was a fool. on byl||| O bir aptaldı. A bullet from Ned's gun hit him in the head, and he died at once. kulka||||||||||a|||| Ned'in silahından çıkan bir kurşun kafasına isabet etti ve hemen öldü.

Ned ran to McIntyre. Ned McIntyre'a koştu. 'Don't move!' he said. 'We don't want to kill you, we just want the guns and horses.' myšlenka||||||my||||||

But before the gang could find the guns and leave, they heard a noise in the trees. Ale|než|||||||||oni|||||| しかし、ギャングが銃を見つけて去る前に、彼らは木の音を聞いた。

'Ned!' called Steve. 'The other two policemen are coming back!' ti||||||

'Sit on this tree,' Ned said to McIntyre. 'And when you see your friends, call out to them. '그리고 친구를 만나면 친구를 불러주세요. 'Ve arkadaşlarınızı gördüğünüzde onlara seslenin. Say, "Don't shoot - put your guns on the ground." |Nestřílejte||||||| 「撃たないでください。銃を地面に置いてください」と言います。 "Ateş etmeyin, silahlarınızı yere bırakın" deyin. We don't want to kill them, or you.' myšlenka na nás|||||||

Seconds later, Kennedy and Scanlon rode into the camp. Sekundy(1)||||Scanlon (1)|||| 数秒後、ケネディとスキャンロンはキャンプに乗り込みました。 McIntyre stood up and said, 'Get off your horses and put your hands up - there are men with guns here.' |||||slezte|||||||||tady||||| マッキンタイアは立ち上がって言った、「馬を降りて手を上げてください。ここには銃を持った男性がいます。」

'Oh yes?' said Kennedy. He laughed at McIntyre. 'What men? What guns?'

At once the Kelly Gang came out of the trees and Ned called, 'Put your hands up!' Když||ta||||||||||||||

Everything happened very quickly. Všechno||| Her şey çok hızlı gelişti. A bullet from Ned's gun hit Scanlon, and he fell from his horse. ||||||||on|||| Kennedy jumped off his horse and fired at Dan. Kennedy|||||||| ケネディは馬から飛び降り、ダンに発砲した。 Dan fired back, and Kennedy ran back into the trees. Dan||||Kennedy(1)||||| ダンは反撃し、ケネディは木に駆け寄りました。

McIntyre could not shoot because he did not have his gun with him. McIntyre(1)|||||on||||||| But there in front of him was Kennedy's horse. Ale|||||||| しかし、彼の前にはケネディの馬がいました。 He jumped on it and rode into the trees. on se||||||||

Kennedy tried to get away too. Kennedy(1)||||| ケネディも逃げようとしました。 He went quietly through the trees, but suddenly he saw Ned in front of him. on|||||||||||||| The two men fired - and Kennedy fell down. Ti||||||| Soon he was dead.

'He was a brave man, but it was him or me,' said Ned. on|||||ale||||||| 「彼は勇敢な男だったが、それは彼か私だった」とネッドは言った。 네드는 '그는 용감한 사람이었지만, 그가 아니면 저였어요'라고 말했습니다. 'I didn't want to do it. 「私はそれをやりたくありませんでした。 I didn't want to kill any of them.' |||||žádného|| 누구도 죽이고 싶지 않았어요.

The gang put coats over the three dead bodies, took the horses, guns and food, and rode away. ta||||||||||||||||| ギャングは3人の死体にコートを着せ、馬、銃、食べ物を取り去りました。 갱단은 시신 세 구에 외투를 씌우고 말과 총, 식량을 빼앗아 달아났습니다.

'They came to kill us, boys,' said Ned, 'but we killed them. oni||||||||ale||| What could we do? co||| 何ができるでしょうか? Now we must go - and we're not coming back.' Teď|||||||| 이제 우리는 떠나야 하고, 다시는 돌아오지 않을 것입니다.

The Kelly Gang rode away to the north. ta|||||||


The next day, tired and dirty, McIntyre arrived back in Mansfield. |||||||se vrátil||| Soon every town and village and farm in the north-east knew about the killing of the three policemen at Stringybark Creek. |||||||v||||||té||||||||

'The Kelly Gang are killers,' said the police. Ta||||||| 「ケリーギャングは殺人者です」と警察は言いました。 'These men are now outlaws, and we must catch them, dead or alive. tito||||zločinci|a||||||| 「これらの男性は今や無法者であり、私たちは死んでいるか生きているかにかかわらず、彼らを捕まえなければなりません。 When you see them, tell us. až||||| 발견하면 알려주세요. We are giving 500 pounds reward for news of every man in the gang - 2000 pounds for all four of them.' my nabízíme|||||o|||||||||za všechny čtyři|||| 私たちはギャングのすべての男性のニュースに500ポンドの報酬を与えています-4人全員に2000ポンド。 갱단원 한 명당 500파운드, 4명 모두에게는 2000파운드의 포상금을 지급할 예정입니다.

It was a lot of money. More policemen came to the north-east, with more guns, more horses.

Ned and the gang stayed in the north-east. They tried to get away to the north, but there was a lot of water in the Murray River, and they couldn't get across it. oni||||||||||||||||||||oni|||| 彼らは北に逃げようとしましたが、マレー川にはたくさんの水があり、それを越えることができませんでした。 They got help from their friends and moved from place to place all the time. oni||||||||||||pořád|| 彼らは友達の助けを借りて、いつも場所を移動していました。 One week they rode more than three hundred kilometres. jedna|||||||| 一週間、彼らは300キロ以上走りました。

Thirty policemen rode through the hills for a month and looked for the outlaws night and day. Třicet|||||||||a|||||v noci|| 30人の警官が1か月間丘を駆け抜け、昼夜を問わず無法者を探しました。 But they never found them, and in December Ned and the gang moved on to the Warby Hills. Ale||||||||||||||||| しかし、彼らは彼らを見つけることはなく、12月にネッドとギャングはウォービーヒルズに移動しました。 It was a hard, wild life, and the outlaws were tired, hungry, and angry men. |||||||ti|||||||


Two Visits to the Bank Dvě|||| 銀行への2回の訪問

DECEMBER, 1878. The Kelly Gang have many friends, but they have no money. |||||||oni||| So they rob the bank in the little town of Euroa. Takže|oni||||||||| それで彼らはユーロアの小さな町の銀行を奪いました。 Böylece küçük bir kasaba olan Euroa'daki bankayı soyarlar. They speak nicely to the people in the town, and do not fire their guns. Oni|||||||||a||||| 彼らは町の人々と上手に話し、銃を撃ちません。 Kasabadaki insanlarla nazikçe konuşurlar ve silahlarını ateşlemezler. They leave Euroa with 2260 pounds. Oni|||| 彼らは2260ポンドでユーロアを去ります。 But they give a lot of the money to their friends, the poor farmers of the north-east, to buy food, clothes, and land. Ale|oni||||||||||ty|||||||na||||| しかし、彼らは彼らの友人である北東部の貧しい農民に、食料、衣服、土地を買うためにたくさんのお金を与えています。 The police reward goes up to 2500 pounds. ta|||||| 警察の報酬は2500ポンドになります。


The police tried hard to catch the Kelly Gang, but the outlaws had help from their friends. ta|||||||||ale||||||| 警察はケリーギャングを捕まえようと懸命に努力したが、無法者たちは彼らの友人の助けを借りた。 They were always miles away when the police came to look for them. 警察が彼らを探しに来たとき、彼らはいつも何マイルも離れていました。 경찰이 그들을 찾으러 왔을 때 그들은 항상 멀리 떨어져 있었습니다. So the police put many of their friends in prison. |tak|||||||| それで警察は彼らの友人の多くを刑務所に入れました。

Ned was very angry about this. Ned||||| 'It isn't right!' he said. 'Why do the police do this? proč||||| '경찰이 왜 이런 일을 할까요? Because our friends are poor farmers, not rich ones, and because they help us. protože|||||||||a|||| 私たちの友人は貧しい農民であり、裕福な農民ではなく、彼らが私たちを助けてくれるからです。 We must stop the police!' my musíme||||

'But how?' said Steve. 'What can we do?'

'Two things,' said Ned. 'First, we need more money, so we must visit a bank. Za prvé|||||takže||||| And second, we tell everybody in Australia about the police here in Victoria.' A(1)||my jsme|||||||||| そして第二に、オーストラリアのすべての人に、ここビクトリアの警察について話します。 둘째, 호주의 모든 사람들에게 빅토리아주 경찰에 대해 알립니다. İkincisi, Avustralya'daki herkese Victoria'daki polisten bahsediyoruz.

'Rob another bank?' okrást|| 「別の銀行を奪う?」 "Başka bir banka soymak mı? Dan said. 'But the police are watching all the banks now.' Ale|||||||| 「しかし、警察は今、すべての銀行を監視しています。」

'Yes, in Victoria,' said Ned. 「はい、ビクトリアで」とネッドは言った。 'But not in New South Wales, so we're going to a bank in Jerilderie. 「しかし、ニューサウスウェールズではないので、ジェリルデリーの銀行に行きます。 Here's the plan. これが計画です。 There are only two policemen in Jerilderie. We arrive at night, go to the police station, and lock the policemen in the station. |||||||||a|||||| Then we rob the bank, and go to the office of Jerilderie's newspaper.' それから私たちは銀行を奪い、ジェリルデリーの新聞社に行きます。

'The newspaper office?' ta|| said Dan. 'Why? What for?' Co|

'To print this,' said Joe. Aby|||| 「これを印刷するには」とジョーは言った。 'Look. It's Ned's letter to the world. ネッドの世界への手紙です。 Ned'in dünyaya mektubu. I wrote it down for him. Onun için yazdım. It tells the true story about Ned and his family, about the police, about Stringybark Creek, about everything.' ||||||||||||||||o všem| それはネッドと彼の家族、警察、ストリンギーバーククリーク、すべてについての実話を語っています。 Ned ve ailesi, polis, Stringybark Creek ve her şey hakkındaki gerçek hikayeyi anlatıyor.

'We want everybody to read this letter, but how do we give it to them?' my chceme|||||||||||||| 「私たちは皆にこの手紙を読んでもらいたいのですが、どうやって彼らにそれを与えるのですか?」 "Bu mektubu herkesin okumasını istiyoruz ama onlara nasıl vereceğiz? Ned said. 'We must print it in a newspaper. my musíme|||||| 'Bunu bir gazetede yayınlamalıyız. It's the only way.' to je|||


Ned planned the Jerilderie visit very carefully. ネッドはジェリルデリーの訪問を非常に慎重に計画しました。 네드는 제릴데리의 방문을 매우 신중하게 계획했습니다. Ned, Jerilderie ziyaretini çok dikkatli planlamıştı. There were now more than two hundred policemen in the north-east of Victoria because of the Kelly Gang, and Ned asked his friend Aaron Sherritt for help. 켈리 갱 때문에 빅토리아 북동부에는 200명이 넘는 경찰이 출동했고, 네드는 친구인 아론 셰릿에게 도움을 요청했습니다. Kelly Çetesi yüzünden Victoria'nın kuzey doğusunda artık iki yüzden fazla polis vardı ve Ned arkadaşı Aaron Sherritt'ten yardım istedi.

So Aaron went drinking with a policeman. tak|||||| Aaron bir polisle içmeye gitti. Money passed from one hand to another, and Aaron spoke quietly in the policeman's ear. peníze|||||||a||||||| お金は一方の手からもう一方の手に渡り、アーロンは警官の耳元で静かに話しました。 한 손에서 다른 손으로 돈이 건네졌고, 아론은 경찰관의 귀에 대고 조용히 말했습니다. Para bir elden diğerine geçti ve Aaron polisin kulağına sessizce konuştu.

'Go to Corryong. 'コリヨングに行きます。 Corryong'a git. The gang are planning to cross the Murray River near there very soon.' ta|||||||||||| ギャングはすぐ近くのマレー川を渡る予定です。 갱단은 곧 머레이 강을 건널 계획입니다.' Çete çok yakında Murray Nehri'ni geçmeyi planlıyor.

So the police rode east to Corryong - and the Kelly Gang rode west, and crossed the river two hundred kilometres away. tak|||||||a||||||a||||||| Böylece polis doğuya, Corryong'a doğru yola çıktı - Kelly Çetesi ise batıya doğru ilerledi ve nehri iki yüz kilometre öteden geçti. And late on a Saturday night in February 1879, they rode into the town of Jerilderie. A||||||||oni|||||| そして1879年2月の土曜日の夜遅く、彼らはジェリルデリーの町に乗り込みました。 Şubat 1879'da bir Cumartesi gecesi geç saatlerde Jerilderie kasabasına doğru at sürdüler.

Outside the police station Ned began to shout, 'Help! 警察署の外で、ネッドは叫び始めました。 Help! There's a big fight at the hotel! je|||||| We need help!'

The two policemen ran out - and saw the outlaws with their guns. ti|||||a|||||| The gang locked the policemen in a room in the station, and took their uniforms. ta|||||do|||||||||uniformy ギャングは駅の部屋に警官を閉じ込め、制服を着た。

For the next two days the gang lived in the police station. Po|||||té||||policejní|| 次の2日間、ギャングは警察署に住んでいました。 On Sunday Joe and Steve put on the police uniforms and walked around the town. |||||||||||chodili||| 'We're the new policemen for Jerilderie,' they told everyone. They went past the bank and the hotel next to it, and looked carefully at all the doors, front and back. oni|||||||||||||||||||| 彼らは銀行とその隣のホテルを通り過ぎ、正面と背面のすべてのドアを注意深く見ました。

Then, on Monday morning Dan and Steve went into the hotel next to the bank, and took out their guns. ||||||Steve||||||||||||| They took all the hotel workers into one room. oni|||ty||||| 彼らはすべてのホテルの労働者を1つの部屋に連れて行った。

'Don't move,' said Dan. 'You're our hostages, but don't be afraid. jste|||||| We don't want to shoot anybody.' myšlenka na nás|||||

Ned and Joe went into the bank through the back door. Ned||Joe||||||zadní|zadní| ネッドとジョーは裏口から銀行に入った。 When they came back to the hotel, they had more hostages - two bank workers and all the people from the bank. Když|||||||oni||||dvě||||všechny||||| And Ned had the bank's money - 2140 pounds. A|||tu||| そしてネッドは銀行のお金を持っていた-2140ポンド。

There were now about sixty hostages in the room, and Ned began to speak to them. Tam||||||||||Ned|||||

'What's happening in this country? Co se|||| Do you know? No, you don't! いいえ、しません! So listen! Poor men get poorer, and rich men get richer. The police help the rich farmers, and put the poor farmers in prison. ta||||||a|||||| Why? For nothing! za nic| Do you call this justice? děláš|||| これを正義と呼びますか? There is no justice in Australia! Tam|||||

'The police say we are killers. ta||||| But I say the police are killers! Ale|||||| I'm going to tell you about Stringybark Creek - the true story, not the police story.' ||||||||ta||||||

Ned began to read to the hostages from his letter. Ned||číst||||||| It was a long letter, 56 pages and more than 75,000 words. tohle||||||a||| After a few pages he stopped. po||||| 数ページ後、彼は立ち止まった。

'Where's the newspaper office in this town?' Kde je|||||| 「この町の新聞社はどこですか?」 he said. 'I want to print this letter. Then everybody can read it.'

Edwin Living, one of the bank workers, answered. Edwin(1)||jeden (1)||||| 銀行員の一人であるエドウィン・リビングが答えた。

'Mr Gill is the editor of the newspaper,' he said. |||ten|||||| 'I know his house. I can take you there.'

'Come on, then,' Ned said.

But Mr Gill was not at home. He was at a farm ten kilometres away. on (1)||||||| When he heard the Kelly Gang were in town, he ran away, because he was afraid of them. |||||||||on||||||||

At the house Mrs Gill opened the door.

'Where's your husband?' kde je|| Ned asked.

'I - I don't know. He's - he's away,' Mrs Gill said.

Ned looked at her angrily, and took out his letter. Ned se||||||||| 'I want him to print this in his newspaper,' he said.

'Give it to me,' said Edwin Living. 'I can give it to Mr Gill when he gets back.'

'He must print it,' said Ned. on||||| 'It's about my life, and I want the world to read it.' to je||||a|||||||

'Yes,' said Edwin. 'Everybody must read it. Každý||| And Mr Gill's going to print it - for sure, Mr Kelly.'

'He must,' Ned said. 'All right, you give it to him. Všechno (1)|||||| '大丈夫、あなたは彼にそれを与えます。 But do it! しかし、それをしなさい! Or the next time I come to Jerilderie...' または、次にジェリルデリーに来るときは...」

They went back to the hotel, and Ned had a drink with the hostages. oni||||||||||||| 彼らはホテルに戻り、ネッドは人質と一緒に飲み物を飲みました。 Then the four outlaws rode out of town, back to the Murray River, and across into Victoria and the hills in the north-east.


The police looked everywhere. ta||| 警察はいたるところを見ました。 They made the reward 8,000 pounds, but nobody came to get it. oni|||||ale||||vyzvednout| 彼らは報酬を8000ポンドにしましたが、誰もそれを手に入れるために来ませんでした。 Nobody wanted to help them. In Jerilderie, people laughed about the visit of the Kelly Gang. |||||té||||| ジェリルデリーでは、人々はケリーギャングの訪問について笑いました。 In April, Ned's friends came out of prison and went back to their farms. ||Nedovy||||||a||||| And for sixteen months, the police heard nothing of the Kelly Gang. そして16か月間、警察はケリーギャングについて何も聞いていませんでした。 그리고 16개월 동안 경찰은 켈리 갱에 대해 아무것도 듣지 못했습니다.

And Ned's letter - the famous 'Jerilderie Letter'? そしてネッドの手紙-有名な「ジェリルデリーの手紙」?

Edwin Living did not give it to Mr Gill. He went down to Melbourne and gave it to the police. on|||||a|||||

Nobody saw the letter again for fifty years. 50年間、誰もその手紙を二度と見ませんでした。


Alive or Dead at Glenrowan Naživu|||| グレンロワンで生きているか死んでいるか

JUNE, 1880. The Kelly Gang are living in the hills. Ta||||||| Kelly Çetesi tepelerde yaşıyor. Their friends bring them food, but life is hard, and the police are still making trouble. jejich|||||ale||||a|||||| Arkadaşları onlara yiyecek getirir ama hayat zordur ve polis hâlâ sorun çıkarmaktadır. They don't put the Kellys' friends in prison now, but they stop them buying land. oni|||||||||ale||||| 彼らは現在ケリーズの友人を刑務所に入れていませんが、土地を買うのを止めています。 Kelly'lerin arkadaşlarını şimdi hapse atmıyorlar ama arazi satın almalarını engelliyorlar. And why? Because they are friends of the Kelly Gang... protože||||||| Çünkü onlar Kelly Çetesi'nin arkadaşları.


'We must do something,' Ned said, 'to help our friends. We need a new country - a country for poor people, with good police, and good judges. My potřebujeme|||||chudé lidi|||||s dobrou||||| But it's not going to happen easily. Ale|||||| しかし、それは簡単には起こりません。 We must fight for it!' musíme||||

'We need money for that,' said Joe. my potřebujeme|||||| 'A lot of money. A(1) hodně||| And there's a policeman with a gun at every bank now.' |je|||||||||

'We need armour, to go over our heads and bodies,' Ned said. my potřebujeme|potřebujeme|brnění||||||||| 「頭と体を越えるには鎧が必要だ」とネッドは言った。 'Bullets can't get through armour.' 「弾丸は鎧を通り抜けることができません。」

'How are we going to get armour?' jak|||||| 「どうやって鎧を手に入れるの?」 asked Dan.

'We can make it,' said Ned. my můžeme|||||

And they did. With help from their friends, they made four suits of armour from old farm machinery. S pomocí|||||oni||čtyři|||||starého||starožitné zemědělské stroje 彼らは友人の助けを借りて、古い農機具から4つの鎧を作りました。 Then they began to plan their fight.