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Crash Course: English Literature, Pride and Prejudice, Part 1: Crash Course Literature 411 - YouTube (2)

Pride and Prejudice, Part 1: Crash Course Literature 411 - YouTube (2)

But the idea that happiness should be privileged over security is pretty radical.

/ Elizabeth is deciding that her personal individual

happiness should outweigh the economic problems of her family.

She is taking a huge risk when she rejects him.

/ As Mr. Collins tells her, she's poor so

she probably won't get another proposal.

He might not have made her happy, but he would have made her and any unmarried sisters financially


And then, Elizabeth takes the same risk or a greater one when she rejects Mr. Darcy's

insulting first proposal.

She can't make herself marry a man she doesn't like.

This was the same dilemma Austen herself faced and her rejection of a suitor made things

hard for herself and for her family.

But she did it anyway.

Now, thanks to the fairy tale ending, Elizabeth doesn't experience, like, catastrophic consequences

as a result of her privileging happiness.

/ But as 19th century English readers would

have been very well aware, she could have.

And so, the novel helped them, and also helps us, explore when we should put our own needs

first, and when the happiness and security of others is more important.

/ Is doing what is best for you always the right

thing to do?

Or are there moments when you must sacrifice your happiness for the good of your family

or your social order?

We'll continue our discussion next time when we'll also examine whether the politics

of the book are radical or conservative.

And we'll answer a vexing question: Why does Lydia buy such an ugly bonnet?

Thanks for watching.

Hope it was tolerable.

I'll see you next time.

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Pride and Prejudice, Part 1: Crash Course Literature 411 - YouTube (2) orgulho||||||| Orgullo y prejuicio, Parte 1: Curso acelerado de literatura 411 - YouTube (2) Orgueil et préjugés, partie 1 : Cours accéléré de littérature 411 - YouTube (2) Orgulho e Preconceito, Parte 1: Curso intensivo de literatura 411 - YouTube (2) Гордость и предубеждение, часть 1: Краткий курс литературы 411 - YouTube (2) Gurur ve Önyargı, Bölüm 1: Crash Course Literature 411 - YouTube (2) Гордість і упередження, частина 1: Посилений курс літератури 411 - YouTube (2) 傲慢与偏见,第 1 部分:文学速成班 411 - YouTube (2)

But the idea that happiness should be privileged over security is pretty radical. however|||||||||||| ||||felicidad||||||||

/ Elizabeth is deciding that her personal individual

happiness should outweigh the economic problems of her family.

She is taking a huge risk when she rejects him. ||||||||rechaza| |||||risco enorme|||| فرفضها للسيد "كولينز" فيه مخاطرة كبيرة

/ As Mr. Collins tells her, she's poor so وقد أخبرها أنه ربما لا يتقدم أحد لخطبتها وذلك لأنها فقيرة

she probably won't get another proposal.

He might not have made her happy, but he would have made her and any unmarried sisters financially

secure. بعدها تخاطر إلازابيث مرة أخرى

And then, Elizabeth takes the same risk or a greater one when she rejects Mr. Darcy's

insulting first proposal.

She can't make herself marry a man she doesn't like.

This was the same dilemma Austen herself faced and her rejection of a suitor made things وهذه هي ذات المعضلة التي واجهتها الكاتبة فرفضها للخطبة حعل وضعها المادي

hard for herself and for her family. هي وعائلتها ييصبح صعبًا ولكنًها لم تكترث

But she did it anyway.

Now, thanks to the fairy tale ending, Elizabeth doesn't experience, like, catastrophic consequences

as a result of her privileging happiness.

/ But as 19th century English readers would

have been very well aware, she could have.

And so, the novel helped them, and also helps us, explore when we should put our own needs

first, and when the happiness and security of others is more important. ومتى تكون سعادة الاخرين وأمنهم أكثر أهمية

/ Is doing what is best for you always the right هل فعل ما يسعدنا هو الشئ الصواب دوما

thing to do? أم هناك أوقات نتنازل فيها لمصلحة عوائلنا أو نظامنا الاجتماعي أو حتى أنفسنا؟

Or are there moments when you must sacrifice your happiness for the good of your family

or your social order?

We'll continue our discussion next time when we'll also examine whether the politics

of the book are radical or conservative.

And we'll answer a vexing question: Why does Lydia buy such an ugly bonnet?

Thanks for watching.

Hope it was tolerable. أراكم في المرة القادمة

I'll see you next time. أراكم في المرة القادمة يتم تصوير الحلقات في أحد الأستديوهات هنا في الأطلس الهندي ونحن مستمرون بفضل دعمكم على موقع "باتريون" يمكن دعمنا مباشرة بتبرع شهري على الموقع لنكمل تقديم محتوى مجاني دائمًا للجميع لقد صممنا سحابة بيانات تفاعلية جربوها مجانُا بالضغط على الرابط في الوصف شكرًا لمن يدعموننا ولكل مشاهدينا وكما نقول في مسقط رأسي، دمتم رائعين