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ESOL and New Scots stories, Accident in school

Accident in school

Sara is a young girl. She's from Syria and has lived in Scotland for 2 years and is in primary 5. She speaks fluent English and Arabic. She's a very clever girl who likes school a lot. When she grows up, she wants to be a doctor to help people.

When Sara isn't in class, she likes to play on the playground every day. She likes to run and play on the swings.

Last Tuesday, she fell from the swing and hurt her arm. Her teacher, Mrs. Hassan, saw her fall from the window. Mrs. Hassan ran out the school to see if Sara was ok. Her shirt and face were dirty, and she was crying a lot. Mrs. Hassan took Sara to see Mrs. Smith, the school nurse.

Mrs. Smith checked Sara's arm. Sara said her arm hurt a lot. The school nurse called Sara's father, Ahmad. He came to the school to collect her then drove her to the hospital.

At the hospital, they waited for one hour to see a doctor. Sara got an X-Ray. She had a fractured bone.

Sara wore a bandage around her arm for 8 weeks.

After 8 weeks, her arm was better. She still likes to play on swings but now she's more careful.

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Accident in school Unfall in der Schule Accidente escolar Accident à l'école 学校での事故 Acidente na escola Несчастный случай в школе Okulda kaza 学校意外 校内事故 學校意外

Sara is a young girl. Sara ist ein junges Mädchen. Sara genç bir kız. 萨拉是一个年轻的女孩。 She's from Syria and has lived in Scotland for 2 years and is in primary 5. Sie kommt aus Syrien, lebt seit 2 Jahren in Schottland und geht in die 5. Suriye'den gelmiş ve 2 yıldır İskoçya'da yaşıyor ve ilkokul 5'e gidiyor. 她来自叙利亚,在苏格兰生活了 2 年,现在读小学 5 年级。 She speaks fluent English and Arabic. Sie spricht fließend Englisch und Arabisch. Akıcı bir şekilde İngilizce ve Arapça konuşmaktadır. 她能说流利的英语和阿拉伯语。 She's a very clever girl who likes school a lot. Sie ist ein sehr kluges Mädchen, das die Schule sehr mag. Okulu çok seven, çok zeki bir kız. 她是一个非常聪明的女孩,非常喜欢上学。 When she grows up, she wants to be a doctor to help people. Wenn sie groß ist, möchte sie Ärztin werden, um Menschen zu helfen. Büyüdüğünde insanlara yardım etmek için doktor olmak istiyor. 长大后,她想成为一名医生来帮助人们。

When Sara isn't in class, she likes to play on the playground every day. Wenn Sara nicht im Unterricht ist, spielt sie jeden Tag gerne auf dem Spielplatz. Sara derste olmadığı zamanlarda her gün oyun parkında oynamayı seviyor. 萨拉不上课的时候,她喜欢每天在操场上玩耍。 不上课的时候,萨拉每天都喜欢在操场上玩耍。 She likes to run and play on the swings. Sie liebt es, zu rennen und auf der Schaukel zu spielen. Koşmayı ve salıncakta oynamayı seviyor. 她喜欢跑步和荡秋千。

Last Tuesday, she fell from the swing and hurt her arm. Letzten Dienstag fiel sie von der Schaukel und verletzte sich am Arm. Geçen Salı günü salıncaktan düştü ve kolunu incitti. 上周二,她从秋千上摔下来,弄伤了手臂。 Her teacher, Mrs. Hassan, saw her fall from the window. Ihre Lehrerin, Frau Hassan, sah sie aus dem Fenster fallen. Öğretmeni Bayan Hassan onun pencereden düştüğünü görmüş. 她的老师哈桑夫人看到她从窗户掉下去。 Mrs. Hassan ran out the school to see if Sara was ok. Frau Hassan rannte aus der Schule, um zu sehen, ob es Sara gut ging. La Sra. Hassan salió corriendo de la escuela para ver si Sara estaba bien. ハッサン夫人は、サラが大丈夫かどうかを確かめるために学校を駆け出しました。 Bayan Hassan Sara'nın iyi olup olmadığını görmek için okuldan dışarı koştu. 哈桑夫人跑出学校看萨拉是否还好。 Her shirt and face were dirty, and she was crying a lot. Ihr Hemd und ihr Gesicht waren schmutzig, und sie weinte sehr viel. Gömleği ve yüzü kirliydi ve çok ağlıyordu. 她的衬衫和脸很脏,她哭得很厉害。 Mrs. Hassan took Sara to see Mrs. Smith, the school nurse. Frau Hassan brachte Sara zu Frau Smith, der Schulkrankenschwester. Bayan Hassan Sara'yı okul hemşiresi Bayan Smith'i görmeye götürdü. 哈桑夫人带萨拉去见学校护士史密斯夫人。

Mrs. Smith checked Sara's arm. Frau Smith untersuchte Saras Arm. Bayan Smith Sara'nın kolunu kontrol etti. 史密斯夫人检查了萨拉的手臂。 Sara said her arm hurt a lot. Sara sagte, ihr Arm tue sehr weh. Sara kolunun çok acıdığını söyledi. 萨拉说她的胳膊很痛。 The school nurse called Sara's father, Ahmad. Die Schulkrankenschwester rief Saras Vater, Ahmad, an. Okul hemşiresi Sara'nın babası Ahmad'ı aradı. 学校护士给萨拉的父亲艾哈迈德打了电话。 He came to the school to collect her then drove her to the hospital. Er holte sie in der Schule ab und fuhr sie dann ins Krankenhaus. Onu almak için okula gelmiş ve daha sonra hastaneye götürmüştür. Він прийшов до школи, щоб забрати її, а потім відвіз до лікарні. 他来学校接她,然后开车送她去医院。

At the hospital, they waited for one hour to see a doctor. Im Krankenhaus warteten sie eine Stunde lang auf einen Arzt. Hastanede bir saat boyunca doktoru görmek için beklediler. 在医院,他们等了一个小时才见到医生。 Sara got an X-Ray. Sara wurde geröntgt. Sara röntgen çektirdi. Сарі зробили рентген. 萨拉接受了 X 光检查。 She had a fractured bone. Sie hatte einen gebrochenen Knochen. Kemiği kırılmıştı. 她骨折了。

Sara wore a bandage around her arm for 8 weeks. Sara trug 8 Wochen lang einen Verband um ihren Arm. Sara 8 hafta boyunca koluna bandaj taktı. 萨拉在手臂上缠了 8 周绷带。

After 8 weeks, her arm was better. Nach 8 Wochen ging es ihrem Arm besser. 8 hafta sonra kolu daha iyiydi. 8 周后,她的手臂好多了。 She still likes to play on swings but now she's more careful. Sie spielt immer noch gerne auf Schaukeln, aber jetzt ist sie vorsichtiger. Hâlâ salıncakta oynamayı seviyor ama artık daha dikkatli. 她仍然喜欢荡秋千,但现在更加小心了。