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02.Story by Cris, THE YOUNG AND PRODIGIOUS T.S. SPIVET( short 19/50 )


You reached the Office of Ms. Jibsen, please leave a message.

This is Jack Campbell speaking The President of the University of Montana.

I have some good news.

Mr.T.S. Spivet has managed to rearrange his schedule.

So, He will be leaving...first thing tomorrow.

He will not be reachable, but will make just in time to accept the baird award and make his speech or not.

Good night. I mean good morning...

I do not if you're aware anything, but ... you are talking to a trash can.

I was terrified at the thought of having to pack my suitcase.

Even packing for school everyday, took me at the very least twenty-three min.Maybe twenty-two min.

One Play and replay the scenario of the trip in my head.

Two To arrange all necessary items in order of importance.

Eight pair of underwear. Two sextants. Three burgundy sweaters. One thermometer, One hygrometer, One barometer. Only one telescope. One frontal headlamp officially known as Tom.

Five blank red notebooks and five blank purple notebooks One tape measure, and my set of Gillette pens Twelve handkerchiefs.

A box of raisins.Twelve carrot sticks.Eleven.

A self-defense handbook. My sparrow skeleton. binoculars. My Leatherman.

Three Avoid thinking about a scenario for which I will need a seismoscope for a woodpecker who would be pecking beak at the tree.

Four Pack everything and finally add my teddy bear Big Jojo.

At four o'clock in the morning, my suitcase was finally ready.


reach sb

»Do you know where I can reach him?


»I have a hectic schedule for the next few days.

»We're working to a tight schedule (= we have a lot of things to do in a short time).

»Filming began on schedule (= at the planned time).

in time (for sth / to do sth)

• not late; with enough time to be able to do sth

»Will we be in time for the one o'clock train?

»The ambulance got there just in time (= to save sb's life).

terrified (of sb / sth) | ~ (of doing sth) | ~ (that...) very frightened

»to be terrified of spiders

»I'm terrified of losing you.


»Let me suggest a possible scenario.

»The worst-case scenario (= the worst possible thing that could happen) would be for the factory to be closed down.

»a nightmare scenario

THE YOUNG AND PRODIGIOUS T.S. SPIVET( short 19/50 ) THE YOUNG AND PRODIGIOUS T.S. SPIVET( short 19/50 ) IL GIOVANE E PRODIGIOSO T.S. SPIVET( corto 19/50 ) 年轻而多产的 T.S. 斯皮维特(短篇 19/50)

You reached the Office of Ms. Jibsen, please leave a message. 你已经拨通了吉布森小姐的办公室电话,请留言

This is Jack Campbell speaking The President of the University of Montana. 我是杰克·坎贝尔 蒙大拿大学校长

I have some good news. 我有些好消息

Mr.T.S. Spivet has managed to rearrange his schedule. T.S.斯比维特先生已经重新安排了他的日程表

So, He will be leaving...first thing tomorrow. 他明天一早就出发

He will not be reachable, but will make just in time to accept the baird award and make his speech or not. 到时候他无法接电话 但是他会按时到以领取贝尔德奖并作他自己的获奖感言

Good night. I mean good morning...

I do not if you're aware anything, but ... you are talking to a trash can. 我不知道你有没有意识到什么,但是…你在和垃圾桶讲话

I was terrified at the thought of having to pack my suitcase. 我一想到要打包行李就感到害怕

Even packing for school everyday, took me at the very least twenty-three min.Maybe twenty-two min. 甚至连每天上学的时候,打包都要花掉我至少二十三分钟 可能是二十二分钟

One Play and replay the scenario of the trip in my head. 一是在脑海中演练并重新演练整个旅程的情节梗概

Two To arrange all necessary items in order of importance. 二是按重要性次序大小…整理所有必要的物品

Eight pair of underwear. 八条内裤 Two sextants. 两个航海六分仪 Three burgundy sweaters. 三件紫红色毛衣 One thermometer, One hygrometer, One barometer. 一个温度计,一个湿度计,一个气压表 Only one telescope. 只有一副望远镜 One frontal headlamp officially known as Tom. 一个最初叫做汤姆的前头灯

Five blank red notebooks and five blank purple notebooks One tape measure, and my set of Gillette pens Twelve handkerchiefs. 五本空白的红色笔记本 五本空白的紫色笔记本 一副卷尺 还有我的一套吉莉安笔具 十二条手帕

A box of raisins.Twelve carrot sticks.Eleven. 一盒葡萄干 十二根萝卜棒 十一根

A self-defense handbook. My sparrow skeleton. binoculars. My Leatherman. 一本防身手册 我的麻雀护身符 望远镜 我的莱瑟曼多功能刀具

Three Avoid thinking about a scenario for which I will need a seismoscope for a woodpecker who would be pecking beak at the tree. 三是不要去想万一我需要简易地震计的情况 那样会老听到啄木鸟叮树的声音

Four Pack everything and finally add my teddy bear Big Jojo. 四是打包所有的东西,最后把我的泰迪熊大约约带上

At four o'clock in the morning, my suitcase was finally ready. 在早上四点钟的时候,我的箱子终于可以上路了


reach sb (尤指用电话)联系,与…取得联系:

»Do you know where I can reach him? 你知道我在哪儿能跟他联系上吗?


»I have a hectic schedule for the next few days. 我今后几天的日程紧得要命。

»We're working to a tight schedule (= we have a lot of things to do in a short time). 我们的工作安排得很紧。

»Filming began on schedule (= at the planned time). 拍摄如期开始。

in time (for sth / to do sth)

• not late; with enough time to be able to do sth • 来得及;及时:

»Will we be in time for the one o'clock train? 我们来得及赶上六点钟的那趟火车吗?

»The ambulance got there just in time (= to save sb's life). 救护车正好及时赶到那里。

terrified (of sb / sth) | ~ (of doing sth) | ~ (that...) very frightened • 恐惧;很害怕:

»to be terrified of spiders 惧怕蜘蛛

»I'm terrified of losing you. 我真害怕失去你。

scenario 设想;方案;预测:

»Let me suggest a possible scenario. 我来设想一种可能出现的情况。

»The worst-case scenario (= the worst possible thing that could happen) would be for the factory to be closed down. 最坏的情况可能是工厂关闭。

»a nightmare scenario 最坏的可能