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Easy Conversations, 38. A Bad Diet

38. A Bad Diet

A: Mom, I'm hungry.

B: Look in the fridge.

A: I'm looking.

There's nothing to eat. B: Are you sure?

A: It's almost empty.

B: I went to the market yesterday.

A: I don't see anything.

B: I bought lots of oranges and apples.

A: I don't want fruit.

I want something tasty. B: Eat the fruit.

It's good for you. A: Next time you go to the market, let me go with you.

B: No, thank you.

All you want to eat are hot dogs and candy bars.

38. A Bad Diet 38. Una mala dieta

A: Mom, I’m hungry. A: Mamă, mi-e foame.

B: Look in the fridge.

A: I’m looking.

There’s nothing to eat. B: Are you sure?

A: It’s almost empty. R: Este aproape gol.

B: I went to the market yesterday. B: M-am dus ieri la piață.

A: I don’t see anything. R: Nu văd nimic.

B: I bought lots of oranges and apples. B: Am cumpărat o mulțime de portocale și mere.

A: I don’t want fruit. R: Nu vreau fructe.

I want something tasty. Vreau ceva gustos. B: Eat the fruit. B: Mănâncă fructele.

It’s good for you. A: Next time you go to the market, let me go with you. R: Data viitoare când te duci pe piață, lasă-mă să merg cu tine.

B: No, thank you.

All you want to eat are hot dogs and candy bars. Tot ce vrei să mănânci sunt câini calzi și baruri bomboane.