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Elementary book La morte d'arthur, CHAPTER ONE


When Uther Pendragon was King of England, he fought a long war against the Duke of Cornwall. However, Uther Pendragon finally decided to make peace with the duke. The duke and his wife, Igraine, came to the king's palace to discuss the plan for peace. Uther Pendragon made his guests very welcome and it seemed that there would soon be peace between the king and the duke. Unfortunately, the king fell in love with the duke's wife. He told her that he was in love with her and asked her to betray her husband. Igraine was very angry with Uther Pendragon because she was in love with her husband.

'The king wants to dishonour me,' she told the duke. 'I think we should return to our own castle where we will be safe from him.' The duke followed his wife's advice and they left Uther Pendragon's palace secretly. When the king learned that his guests had left so secretly, he was furious. He called his advisers together and asked them what he should do.

'Send a message to the Duke of Cornwall and order him to come back,' one of the advisers suggested. 'If he refuses, you must take an army and attack him.' Uther Pendragon did as his advisers suggested and sent a message to the duke ordering him to return at once. The duke refused to obey him. The king's army laid siege to the Duke of Cornwall's castle. Soon, however, Uther Pendragon fell ill and no one knew the cause of his illness.

One of the king's knights, Sir Ulfius, was determined to find out what was wrong with the king. 'What is the matter, Sir?' he enquired. 'Why have you fallen sick?' Uther Pendragon sighed deeply.

'I'm sick for anger and love of Igraine,' the king replied. 'I'll never be well again.' Sir Ulfius decided to seek out Merlin, the king's magician. He thought that Merlin might be able to help the king.

'I know everything already,' Merlin told him. 'I can help him if he agrees to do something for me in return. Tell him that I will come to see him soon.' Sir Ulfius hurried back to the king's tent with Merlin's message. 'I've seen Merlin,' he reported excitedly. 'He says he can help you but in return, you must agree to do something for him.' 'Where is he?' Uther Pendragon asked quickly. Just then, he looked up and saw that the magician was standing at the entrance to the tent.

'Come in, come in!' he cried excitedly.

Merlin entered the tent and stood before the king.

'I know everything,' he told the king quietly. 'I know that you're in love with Igraine. If you promise to do something for me, I'll help you.' 'I promise,' Uther Pendragon replied eagerly. 'I'll do whatever you want, Merlin, if you can make Igraine love me!' 'Listen carefully,' Merlin instructed him. 'I'll use my magic to make you look like Igraine's husband. You can go into the castle tonight and Igraine will think you are the duke. You must tell her that you are tired and she will take you straight into the bedchamber. You will lie beside her tonight and she will treat you as if you were her husband.' 'Can you really do that?' Uther Pendragon cried.

Merlin smiled at the king's astonishment and then he spoke seriously. 'Igraine will have a child by you,' he said quietly. 'When the child is born, you must give it to me and I will be responsible for looking after it. That's the promise you have to make me.' 'Very well,' Uther Pendragon agreed. 'I'll make sure that Igraine's child is given to you when it is born.' When evening fell, Uther Pendragon, Merlin and Sir Ulfius came out of the king's tent. The duke was looking down from the castle walls when the three figures emerged. The duke recognised Uther Pendragon and he decided to come out from the castle to attack the king's army. He came out through a little gate in the castle wall and began to fight the enemy soldiers. He was killed before Uther Pendragon entered the castle.

Everything went as Merlin had planned. Igraine thought that Uther Pendragon was her husband. She took him into the bedchamber and they spent the night together. Merlin came to their bedside very early in the morning and woke the king.

'You must go,' he whispered urgently. 'You must leave the castle before anyone else wakes up.' Uther Pendragon dressed quickly and left the castle with the magician.

Later that day Igraine heard the news that her husband had been killed the evening before. She realised that the man who had come to her bed in the night was not the duke.

'But who was he?' she wondered. 'And why did he look like my husband?' Igraine said nothing to anyone about the mysterious man who had come to the castle. She mourned her husband with great sadness because she had loved him deeply. She soon became aware that she was carrying the mysterious man s child. Still she said nothing to anyone.

A few months later Uther advisers suggested that the king should make peace with Igraine.

'The duke is dead,' they reminded him. 'There is no cause for war between you and Igraine.' Uther Pendragon agreed to make peace. He told Sir Ulfius that he was still in love with Igraine and that he wanted to marry her.

'I'll speak to her, Sir,' Sir Ulfius said. Sir Ulfius went and told Igraine of the king's proposal. She agreed to meet the king and shortly afterwards they announced that they would be married.

The marriage between Uther Pendragon and Igraine was a happy one. He told her that the mysterious man who had come to her bed on the night of the duke's death was really himself. 'So the child I am carrying is really ours!' Igraine cried with delight.


When Uther Pendragon was King of England, he fought a long war against the Duke of Cornwall. Uther Pendragon İngiltere Kralı iken Cornwall Dükü'ne karşı uzun bir savaş verdi. However, Uther Pendragon finally decided to make peace with the duke. The duke and his wife, Igraine, came to the king's palace to discuss the plan for peace. Dük ve karısı Igraine, barış planını görüşmek üzere kralın sarayına geldiler. Uther Pendragon made his guests very welcome and it seemed that there would soon be peace between the king and the duke. Uther Pendragon deu as boas-vindas aos seus convidados e parecia que logo haveria paz entre o rei e o duque. Unfortunately, the king fell in love with the duke's wife. Infelizmente, o rei se apaixonou pela esposa do duque. Ne yazık ki, kral dükün karısına aşık oldu. He told her that he was in love with her and asked her to betray her husband. Ele disse a ela que estava apaixonado por ela e pediu que ela traísse o marido. Ona aşık olduğunu söyledi ve kocasına ihanet etmesini istedi. Igraine was very angry with Uther Pendragon because she was in love with her husband. Igraine estava muito zangada com Uther Pendragon porque estava apaixonada pelo marido. Igraine, kocasına aşık olduğu için Uther Pendragon'a çok kızgındı.

'The king wants to dishonour me,' she told the duke. "O rei quer me desonrar", disse ela ao duque. Dük'e, 'Kral benim şerefimi lekelemek istiyor,' dedi. 'I think we should return to our own castle where we will be safe from him.' 'Acho que devemos voltar para nosso próprio castelo, onde estaremos a salvo dele.' "Bence kendi şatomuza dönmeliyiz, orada ondan güvende oluruz. The duke followed his wife's advice and they left Uther Pendragon's palace secretly. When the king learned that his guests had left so secretly, he was furious. Quando o rei soube que seus convidados haviam partido secretamente, ele ficou furioso. Kral konuklarının gizlice ayrıldığını öğrenince çok öfkelendi. He called his advisers together and asked them what he should do. Ele reuniu seus conselheiros e perguntou-lhes o que deveria fazer. Danışmanlarını topladı ve onlara ne yapması gerektiğini sordu.

'Send a message to the Duke of Cornwall and order him to come back,' one of the advisers suggested. 'If he refuses, you must take an army and attack him.' 'Se ele se recusar, você deve pegar um exército e atacá-lo.' "Eğer reddederse, bir ordu alıp ona saldırmalısınız. Uther Pendragon did as his advisers suggested and sent a message to the duke ordering him to return at once. Uther Pendragon fez o que seus conselheiros sugeriram e enviou uma mensagem ao duque ordenando-lhe que voltasse imediatamente. Uther Pendragon danışmanlarının önerdiği gibi yaptı ve düke hemen geri dönmesini emreden bir mesaj gönderdi. The duke refused to obey him. The king's army laid siege to the Duke of Cornwall's castle. O exército do rei sitiou o castelo do duque da Cornualha. Kralın ordusu Cornwall Dükü'nün kalesini kuşattı. Soon, however, Uther Pendragon fell ill and no one knew the cause of his illness. Logo, porém, Uther Pendragon adoeceu e ninguém sabia a causa de sua doença.

One of the king's knights, Sir Ulfius, was determined to find out what was wrong with the king. Um dos cavaleiros do rei, Sir Ulfius, estava determinado a descobrir o que havia de errado com o rei. Kralın şövalyelerinden biri olan Sör Ulfius, kralın sorununun ne olduğunu bulmaya kararlıydı. 'What is the matter, Sir?' he enquired. ele perguntou. diye sordu. 'Why have you fallen sick?' 'Por que você caiu doente?' «Почему ты заболел?» "Neden hastalandınız? Uther Pendragon sighed deeply. Uther Pendragon suspirou profundamente.

'I'm sick for anger and love of Igraine,' the king replied. - Estou doente de raiva e amor por Igraine - respondeu o rei. 'I'll never be well again.' - Nunca mais vou ficar bem. «Я больше никогда не буду здоров». "Bir daha asla iyi olamayacağım. Sir Ulfius decided to seek out Merlin, the king's magician. Sir Ulfius decidiu procurar Merlin, o mago do rei. Sör Ulfius, kralın büyücüsü Merlin'i aramaya karar verdi. He thought that Merlin might be able to help the king. Ele pensou que Merlin poderia ajudar o rei. Merlin'in krala yardım edebileceğini düşündü.

'I know everything already,' Merlin told him. - Já sei tudo - disse Merlim. «Я все знаю, - сказал ему Мерлин. Merlin ona, "Ben zaten her şeyi biliyorum," dedi. 'I can help him if he agrees to do something for me in return. - Posso ajudá-lo se ele concordar em fazer algo por mim em troca. 'Karşılığında benim için bir şey yapmayı kabul ederse ona yardım edebilirim. Tell him that I will come to see him soon.' Diga a ele que irei vê-lo em breve. Ona yakında onu görmeye geleceğimi söyle.' Sir Ulfius hurried back to the king's tent with Merlin's message. Sir Ulfius correu de volta para a tenda do rei com a mensagem de Merlin. Sör Ulfius, Merlin'in mesajıyla birlikte aceleyle kralın çadırına geri döndü. 'I've seen Merlin,' he reported excitedly. "Eu vi Merlin", ele relatou entusiasmado. "Merlin'i gördüm," diye heyecanla rapor verdi. 'He says he can help you but in return, you must agree to do something for him.' 'Ele diz que pode ajudá-lo, mas em troca, você deve concordar em fazer algo por ele.' "Size yardım edebileceğini ama karşılığında sizin de onun için bir şey yapmayı kabul etmeniz gerektiğini söylüyor. 'Where is he?' Uther Pendragon asked quickly. Uther Pendragon hemen sordu. Just then, he looked up and saw that the magician was standing at the entrance to the tent. Só então, ele olhou para cima e viu que o mago estava parado na entrada da tenda. Tam o sırada başını kaldırdı ve sihirbazın çadırın girişinde durduğunu gördü.

'Come in, come in!' he cried excitedly. ele gritou com entusiasmo.

Merlin entered the tent and stood before the king. Merlin entrou na tenda e ficou diante do rei. Merlin çadıra girdi ve kralın önünde durdu.

'I know everything,' he told the king quietly. "Her şeyi biliyorum," dedi krala sessizce. 'I know that you're in love with Igraine. "Igraine'e aşık olduğunu biliyorum. If you promise to do something for me, I'll help you.' Eğer benim için bir şey yapacağına söz verirsen, sana yardım ederim. 'I promise,' Uther Pendragon replied eagerly. "Söz veriyorum," diye yanıtladı Uther Pendragon hevesle. 'I'll do whatever you want, Merlin, if you can make Igraine love me!' - Eu farei o que você quiser, Merlin, se você puder fazer Igraine me amar! "Igraine'in beni sevmesini sağlayabilirsen, ne istersen yaparım Merlin! 'Listen carefully,' Merlin instructed him. Merlin ona, "Dikkatle dinle," diye talimat verdi. 'I'll use my magic to make you look like Igraine's husband. - Vou usar minha magia para fazer você parecer o marido de Igraine. "Seni Igraine'in kocası gibi göstermek için sihrimi kullanacağım. You can go into the castle tonight and Igraine will think you are the duke. Você pode ir ao castelo esta noite e Igraine pensará que você é o duque. Bu gece kaleye girebilirsin ve Igraine seni dük sanır. You must tell her that you are tired and she will take you straight into the bedchamber. Você deve dizer a ela que está cansado e ela o levará direto para o quarto. Ona yorgun olduğunu söylemelisin, o da seni doğruca yatak odasına götürecektir. You will lie beside her tonight and she will treat you as if you were her husband.' Você vai se deitar ao lado dela esta noite e ela vai tratá-lo como se você fosse seu marido. Bu gece onun yanında yatacaksın ve o da sana kocasıymışsın gibi davranacak. 'Can you really do that?' - Você realmente pode fazer isso? "Bunu gerçekten yapabilir misin? Uther Pendragon cried. Uther Pendragon gritou.

Merlin smiled at the king's astonishment and then he spoke seriously. Merlin sorriu com o espanto do rei e então falou sério. Merlin kralın şaşkınlığına gülümsedi ve sonra ciddi bir şekilde konuştu. 'Igraine will have a child by you,' he said quietly. - Igraine vai ter um filho com você - disse ele calmamente. "Igraine'in senden bir çocuğu olacak," dedi sessizce. 'When the child is born, you must give it to me and I will be responsible for looking after it. 'Quando a criança nascer, você deve dá-la para mim e eu serei responsável por cuidar dela. 'Çocuk doğduğunda onu bana vermelisiniz ve ona bakmaktan ben sorumlu olacağım. That's the promise you have to make me.' Essa é a promessa que você tem que me fazer. Bana vermen gereken söz bu.' 'Very well,' Uther Pendragon agreed. Muito bem concordou Uther Pendragon. "Pekâlâ," diye kabul etti Uther Pendragon. 'I'll make sure that Igraine's child is given to you when it is born.' - Vou me certificar de que o filho de Igraine seja dado a você quando nascer. «Я буду следить за тем, чтобы ребенок Игрин был дам тебе, когда он родился». "Igraine'in çocuğu doğduğunda size verilmesini sağlayacağım. When evening fell, Uther Pendragon, Merlin and Sir Ulfius came out of the king's tent. Quando a noite caiu, Uther Pendragon, Merlin e Sir Ulfius saíram da tenda do rei. Akşam olduğunda Uther Pendragon, Merlin ve Sör Ulfius kralın çadırından çıktılar. The duke was looking down from the castle walls when the three figures emerged. O duque estava olhando para baixo das paredes do castelo quando as três figuras emergiram. Üç figür ortaya çıktığında dük kale duvarlarından aşağı bakıyordu. The duke recognised Uther Pendragon and he decided to come out from the castle to attack the king's army. O duque reconheceu Uther Pendragon e ele decidiu sair do castelo para atacar o exército do rei. Dük, Uther Pendragon'u tanıdı ve kralın ordusuna saldırmak için kaleden çıkmaya karar verdi. He came out through a little gate in the castle wall and began to fight the enemy soldiers. Ele saiu por um pequeno portão na parede do castelo e começou a lutar contra os soldados inimigos. Kale duvarındaki küçük bir kapıdan dışarı çıktı ve düşman askerleriyle savaşmaya başladı. He was killed before Uther Pendragon entered the castle. Ele foi morto antes de Uther Pendragon entrar no castelo. Он был убит до того, как Утер Пендрагон вошел в замок. Uther Pendragon kaleye girmeden önce öldürüldü.

Everything went as Merlin had planned. Tudo correu como Merlin havia planejado. Her şey Merlin'in planladığı gibi gitti. Igraine thought that Uther Pendragon was her husband. Igraine, Uther Pendragon'un kocası olduğunu sanıyordu. She took him into the bedchamber and they spent the night together. Ela o levou para o quarto e eles passaram a noite juntos. Onu yatak odasına götürdü ve geceyi birlikte geçirdiler. Merlin came to their bedside very early in the morning and woke the king. Merlin foi ao lado da cama muito cedo pela manhã e acordou o rei. Мерлин подошел к постели очень рано утром и разбудил короля. Merlin sabah erkenden yataklarının yanına geldi ve kralı uyandırdı.

'You must go,' he whispered urgently. - Você deve ir - sussurrou ele com urgência. «Ты должен идти», - прошептал он срочно. 'You must leave the castle before anyone else wakes up.' - Você deve deixar o castelo antes que mais alguém acorde. "Kimse uyanmadan kaleden ayrılmalısınız. Uther Pendragon dressed quickly and left the castle with the magician. Uther Pendragon vestiu-se rapidamente e deixou o castelo com o mágico. Uther Pendragon çabucak giyindi ve büyücüyle birlikte kaleden ayrıldı.

Later that day Igraine heard the news that her husband had been killed the evening before. Mais tarde naquele dia, Igraine ouviu a notícia de que seu marido havia sido morto na noite anterior. Позже в тот же день Игрин услышала новость о том, что ее муж был убит накануне. O günün ilerleyen saatlerinde Igraine, kocasının bir önceki akşam öldürüldüğü haberini aldı. She realised that the man who had come to her bed in the night was not the duke. Ela percebeu que o homem que viera para sua cama à noite não era o duque. Gece yatağına gelen adamın dük olmadığını fark etti.

'But who was he?' she wondered. ela imaginou. 'And why did he look like my husband?' - E por que ele se parecia com meu marido? "Peki neden kocama benziyordu? Igraine said nothing to anyone about the mysterious man who had come to the castle. Igraine şatoya gelen gizemli adam hakkında kimseye bir şey söylemedi. She mourned her husband with great sadness because she had loved him deeply. Ela guardou luto pelo marido com grande tristeza, porque o amava profundamente. Kocasının yasını büyük bir üzüntüyle tuttu çünkü onu çok sevmişti. She soon became aware that she was carrying the mysterious man s child. Ela logo percebeu que estava carregando o filho do homem misterioso. Çok geçmeden gizemli adamın çocuğunu taşıdığını fark etti. Still she said nothing to anyone. Mesmo assim, ela não disse nada a ninguém. Yine de kimseye bir şey söylemedi.

A few months later Uther advisers suggested that the king should make peace with Igraine. Alguns meses depois, os conselheiros de Uther sugeriram que o rei fizesse as pazes com Igraine. Birkaç ay sonra Uther'in danışmanları krala Igraine ile barış yapmasını önerdiler.

'The duke is dead,' they reminded him. "Dük öldü," diye hatırlattılar ona. 'There is no cause for war between you and Igraine.' "Igraine ile aranızda savaş için bir neden yok. Uther Pendragon agreed to make peace. Uther Pendragon barış yapmayı kabul etti. He told Sir Ulfius that he was still in love with Igraine and that he wanted to marry her. Ele disse a Sir Ulfius que ainda amava Igraine e que queria se casar com ela. Sör Ulfius'a Igraine'e hâlâ aşık olduğunu ve onunla evlenmek istediğini söyledi.

'I'll speak to her, Sir,' Sir Ulfius said. 'Eu vou falar com ela, Senhor,' Sir Ulfius disse. Sör Ulfius, "Onunla konuşacağım, efendim," dedi. Sir Ulfius went and told Igraine of the king's proposal. Sör Ulfius gidip Igraine'e kralın teklifini anlattı. She agreed to meet the king and shortly afterwards they announced that they would be married. Ela concordou em se encontrar com o rei e logo depois eles anunciaram que se casariam. Kralla buluşmayı kabul etti ve kısa bir süre sonra evleneceklerini duyurdular.

The marriage between Uther Pendragon and Igraine was a happy one. O casamento entre Uther Pendragon e Igraine foi feliz. He told her that the mysterious man who had come to her bed on the night of the duke's death was really himself. Ele disse a ela que o homem misterioso que viera para a cama dela na noite da morte do duque era realmente ele mesmo. Ona, dükün öldüğü gece yatağına gelen gizemli adamın aslında kendisi olduğunu söyledi. 'So the child I am carrying is really ours!' 'Então, a criança que estou carregando é realmente nossa!' 'Yani taşıdığım çocuk gerçekten bizim! Igraine cried with delight. Igraine chorou de alegria. Игрин воскликнул от восторга. Igraine sevinçle ağladı.