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Listen to know everything, Unit 151 I Feel Awful!

Unit 151 I Feel Awful!

B : Mom, I feel awful, I think I'd better stay home from school today.

W: I'm sorry you're not feeling well.

What's the problem? B : I have a stomachache, my head hurts, and I have a sore throat.

W: Well, we'd better take your temperature and make sure you don't have a fever.

Keep this thermometer under your tongue for a minute or two. Remind me to call your teacher and tell her you're sick later on today. All right, let's check. Oh dear, you've got a fever. Your temperature is 103, so I think we need to give Dr. Thompson a call. B : I don't understand how my head can be so hot when my body feels so cold.

W: That's called the chills, and they often come along with fever.

You've certainly got a fever. B : But what about my stomachache, and my sore throat?

W: Well, that's another reason we need to go see Dr. Thompson, because when you have a stomachache, fever, chills, and a sore throat, it usually means that you have something more serious than a common cold.

I think you've probably got the flu. B : I hope it's not too serious, because we've got a basketball game Thursday, and the coach told me that I'll probably start.

W: If you want to recover from the flu in time for your game, you'd better get plenty of rest, take the medicine the doctor gives you, and drink plenty of water.

B : I promise I will, Mom.

Let's go and see Dr. Thompson now.

Unit 151 I Feel Awful! Unidad 151 ¡Me siento fatal! Unidade 151 Sinto-me péssimo! 第151单元我感觉糟透了!

B : Mom, I feel awful, I think I’d better stay home from school today. B: Mamá, me siento horrible, creo que sería mejor quedarme en casa hoy. Б: Мама, я ужасно себя чувствую, думаю, мне лучше остаться сегодня дома.

W: I’m sorry you’re not feeling well. W: Lamento que no te sientas bien.

What’s the problem? ¿Cuál es el problema? B : I have a stomachache, my head hurts, and I have a sore throat. B: Tengo dolor de estómago, me duele la cabeza y tengo dolor de garganta. B : Bolí ma žalúdok, hlava a hrdlo.

W: Well, we’d better take your temperature and make sure you don’t have a fever. W: Bueno, será mejor tomar tu temperatura y asegurarnos de que no tienes fiebre. У: Ну, нам лучше измерить твою температуру и убедиться, что у тебя нет лихорадки.

Keep this thermometer under your tongue for a minute or two. Mantén este termómetro debajo de tu lengua durante uno o dos minutos. Remind me to call your teacher and tell her you’re sick later on today. Recuérdame llamar a tu maestra y decirle que estás enfermo más tarde hoy. Bana öğretmenini aramamı ve ona daha sonra hasta olduğunu söylemeni hatırlat. All right, let’s check. Bien, vamos a revisar. Хорошо, давайте проверим. Oh dear, you’ve got a fever. Oh querido, tienes fiebre. Your temperature is 103, so I think we need to give Dr. Thompson a call. Tu temperatura es de 103, así que creo que necesitamos llamar al Dr. Thompson. У вас температура 103, так что, думаю, нам нужно позвонить доктору Томпсону. B : I don’t understand how my head can be so hot when my body feels so cold. B: No entiendo cómo mi cabeza puede estar tan caliente cuando mi cuerpo se siente tan frío.

W: That’s called the chills, and they often come along with fever. ||||寒気||||||| W: Eso se llama escalofríos y a menudo vienen acompañados de fiebre.

You’ve certainly got a fever. Sin duda tienes fiebre. У вас определенно жар. B : But what about my stomachache, and my sore throat? B: ¿Pero qué pasa con mi dolor de estómago y mi dolor de garganta?

W: Well, that’s another reason we need to go see Dr. Thompson, because when you have a stomachache, fever, chills, and a sore throat, it usually means that you have something more serious than a common cold. W: Bueno, esa es otra razón por la que necesitamos ir a ver al Dr. Thompson, porque cuando tienes dolor de estómago, fiebre, escalofríos y dolor de garganta, generalmente significa que tienes algo más grave que un resfriado común. Это еще одна причина, по которой нам нужно сходить к доктору Томпсону, потому что, когда у вас болит живот, температура, озноб и боль в горле, это обычно означает, что у вас что-то более серьезное, чем обычная простуда.

I think you’ve probably got the flu. ||||||インフルエンザ Creo que probablemente tengas gripe. B : I hope it’s not too serious, because we’ve got a basketball game Thursday, and the coach told me that I’ll probably start. B: Espero que no sea muy grave, porque tenemos un partido de baloncesto el jueves, y el entrenador me dijo que probablemente comenzaré. B: Espero que não seja muito sério, porque temos um jogo de basquete na quinta-feira e o treinador me disse que provavelmente vou começar. B: Umarım çok ciddi değildir, çünkü Perşembe günü bir basketbol maçımız var ve koç bana muhtemelen başlayacağımı söyledi.

W: If you want to recover from the flu in time for your game, you’d better get plenty of rest, take the medicine the doctor gives you, and drink plenty of water. W: Si quieres recuperarte de la gripe a tiempo para tu partido, es mejor que descanses mucho, tomes la medicina que te recete el médico y bebas mucha agua. W: Если вы хотите поправиться от гриппа к началу игры, вам лучше побольше отдыхать, принимать лекарства, которые вам назначит врач, и пить много воды.

B : I promise I will, Mom. B: Te lo prometo, mamá.

Let’s go and see Dr. Thompson now. Vamos a ver al Dr. Thompson ahora. トンプソン先生に会いに行こう。 Vamos ver o Dr. Thompson agora.