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Listen to know everything, Unit 155 The Injury

Unit 155 The Injury

B : I've just returned from the doctor's office, and he told me that because of my injury I will have to miss the next two weeks of basketball.

I'm really disappointed! Last night, I hurt my ankle during a very exciting game against West High School. It was five minutes before the end of the game, the score was 60-60, I had the ball, and I heard my coach shouting at me to shoot. So I started to jump, but suddenly I found myself lying flat on my back on the court! A West High player had accidentally knocked me down. I tried to stand up, but my ankle hurt so much that I was unable to walk. Two of my teammates had to help me leave the court. My ankle started to swell up, so the team doctor brought me a bag of ice to put on it. The ice was cold, but it felt good on my ankle. When the swelling on my ankle reduced a little, my coach asked the doctor if he thought I would be able to play any more. But the doctor replied that I would have to sit out the rest of the game and come to see him the next day. Not only did I receive an injury, but we also lost the game by a score of 68-66. What a disappointing night!

Unit 155 The Injury Unidad 155 La lesión Unit 155 The Injury 第155单元伤害

B : I’ve just returned from the doctor’s office, and he told me that because of my injury I will have to miss the next two weeks of basketball. B: Acabo de regresar del consultorio del médico, y me dijo que debido a mi lesión tendré que perderme las próximas dos semanas de baloncesto. В: Я только что вернулся из кабинета врача, и он сказал мне, что из-за травмы мне придется пропустить следующие две недели игры в баскетбол. B: Doktorun bürosundan yeni döndüm ve bana sakatlığımdan dolayı önümüzdeki iki haftalık basketbolu kaçırmam gerektiğini söyledi.

I’m really disappointed! ¡Estoy realmente decepcionado! Last night, I hurt my ankle during a very exciting game against West High School. Anoche, me lastimé el tobillo durante un juego muy emocionante contra la Escuela Secundaria West. Вчера вечером я повредил лодыжку во время очень захватывающей игры против школы Уэст. It was five minutes before the end of the game, the score was 60-60, I had the ball, and I heard my coach shouting at me to shoot. Faltaban cinco minutos para el final del juego, el marcador estaba 60-60, yo tenía el balón, y escuché a mi entrenador gritándome que tirara. До конца игры оставалось пять минут, счет был 60:60, мяч был у меня, и я услышал, как тренер кричит мне, чтобы я бросал. So I started to jump, but suddenly I found myself lying flat on my back on the court! Así que empecé a saltar, ¡pero de repente me vi tendido boca arriba en la cancha! それでジャンプし始めましたが、突然コートに仰向けに寝転がっていました! Я начал прыгать, но вдруг обнаружил, что лежу на спине на площадке! A West High player had accidentally knocked me down. |||||unintentionally||| Un jugador de West High me había tirado accidentalmente. Игрок "Вест Хай" случайно сбил меня с ног. Bir West High oyuncusu beni yanlışlıkla yere düşürmüştü. I tried to stand up, but my ankle hurt so much that I was unable to walk. ||||||||||||||could not|| Intenté levantarme, pero mi tobillo me dolía tanto que no pude caminar. Я попытался встать, но лодыжка болела так сильно, что я не мог идти. Two of my teammates had to help me leave the court. |||チームメイト||||||| Dos de mis compañeros de equipo tuvieron que ayudarme a salir de la cancha. Двум моим товарищам по команде пришлось помочь мне покинуть площадку. My ankle started to swell up, so the team doctor brought me a bag of ice to put on it. ||||腫れる||||||||||||||| Mi tobillo empezó a hincharse, así que el doctor del equipo me trajo una bolsa de hielo para ponerla en él. Моя лодыжка начала опухать, и врач команды принес мне пакет со льдом, чтобы приложить его. The ice was cold, but it felt good on my ankle. Лед был холодным, но на лодыжке он чувствовался хорошо. When the swelling on my ankle reduced a little, my coach asked the doctor if he thought I would be able to play any more. Cuando la hinchazón en mi tobillo disminuyó un poco, mi entrenador le preguntó al médico si creía que podría seguir jugando. Когда отек на лодыжке немного спал, мой тренер спросил у врача, сможет ли я играть дальше. Ayak bileğimin şişmesi biraz azaldığında, koçum doktora daha fazla oynayabileceğimi düşünüp düşünmediğini sordu. But the doctor replied that I would have to sit out the rest of the game and come to see him the next day. Pero el médico respondió que tendría que quedarme fuera del resto del partido y venir a verlo al día siguiente. Mas o médico respondeu que eu teria que ficar de fora o resto do jogo e vir vê-lo no dia seguinte. Но доктор ответил, что мне придется продержаться до конца игры и прийти к нему на следующий день. Not only did I receive an injury, but we also lost the game by a score of 68-66. No solo recibí una lesión, sino que también perdimos el juego por un marcador de 68-66. 怪我をしただけでなく、試合も68-66というスコアで負けてしまった。 Não só me lesionei, como também perdemos o jogo por 68-66. Я не только получил травму, но и мы проиграли игру со счетом 68-66. What a disappointing night! 残念な夜だった!