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Friends S02, Friends S02E04 6d

Friends S02E04 6d

What? Nothing... It is your first time with her, and if the first time doesn't go well... ...well then, that's pretty darn hard to recover from. Okay, now I'm nervous. Maybe you should put it off. No, I don't want to put it off! I spent last year being so unbelievably miserable. And now I'm actually happy. You know, I mean really happy. I just don't wanna... I don't wanna mess it up, you know? I know. I'm sorry. It's not your fault. Right. Maybe it doesn't have to be this tough. Maybe you were on the right track with that whole "spontaneous" thing. - Women really like that. - Really? I mean if it were me, I'd want you to... I don't know, catch me off guard with a really... ...good kiss. Really sort of soft at first. And then maybe brush the hair away from my face. And then look far into my eyes... ...in a way that lets me know something... ...amazing is about to happen. And then, I don't know, then... ...you'd pull me really close to you so that... ...so that I'd be pressed up right against you. And it would get kind of... ...sweaty... ...and blurry. And then it's just happening. Thanks, Rach. Good night!

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Friends S02E04 6d Freunde S02E04 6d Friends S02E04 6d フレンズ S02E04 6d Friends S02E04 6d Друзья S02E04 6d Friends S02E04 6d 老友记 S02E04 6d

What? Nothing... It is your first time with her, and if the first time doesn’t go well... ...well then, that’s pretty darn hard to recover from. Нічого... Це твій перший раз з нею, і якщо перший раз не вдасться... ...ну тоді, біса, важко оговтатися. Okay, now I’m nervous. Maybe you should put it off. Можливо, варто відкласти. No, I don’t want to put it off! I spent last year being so unbelievably miserable. Я провів минулий рік, будучи неймовірно нещасним. And now I’m actually happy. You know, I mean really happy. I just don’t wanna... I don’t wanna mess it up, you know? Я просто не хочу... Я не хочу все зіпсувати, розумієш? I know. I’m sorry. It’s not your fault. Це не твоя помилка. Right. Maybe it doesn’t have to be this tough. Можливо, це не повинно бути так важко. Maybe you were on the right track with that whole "spontaneous" thing. Можливо, ви були на правильному шляху з усією цією «спонтанною» справою. \- Women really like that. \- Really? I mean if it were me, I’d want you to... I don’t know, catch me off guard with a really... ...good kiss. Я маю на увазі, якби це було я, я б хотів, щоб ти... я не знаю, застав мене зненацька справді... ...хорошим поцілунком. Really sort of soft at first. And then maybe brush the hair away from my face. А потім, можливо, відкинути волосся з мого обличчя. And then look far into my eyes... ...in a way that lets me know something... ...amazing is about to happen. And then, I don’t know, then... ...you’d pull me really close to you so that... ...so that I’d be pressed up right against you. А потім, я не знаю, потім... ...ти притягнув би мене дуже близько до себе, щоб... ...так, щоб я був притиснутий прямо до тебе. And it would get kind of... ...sweaty... ...and blurry. І воно ставало б... ...пітнілим... ...і розмитим. And then it’s just happening. Thanks, Rach. Good night!