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Friends S02, Friends S02E07 2d

Friends S02E07 2d

I don't care. I have a date tonight. You have a date? Monica's setting me up. What about Ross and... What? My whole insane jealousy thing? Well, you know, as much fun as that was... ...I've decided to opt for sanity. You're okay about all this? Oh, yeah, come on! I'm moving on. He can press her up against that window as much as he wants. For all I care, he can throw her through the damn thing. Hi, guys. Monica, I'll come by tomorrow and pick up Fluffy's old cat toys, okay? If you say his full name. Can I come over tomorrow and pick up Fluffy Meowington's cat toys? All right. - You're getting a cat? - Actually, we're getting a cat. Together? Both of you? Together? Lt'll live with Ross half the time and with me half the time. Well, isn't that just lovely? That's something you'll enjoy... ...for a really, really, really long time. Hopefully. Look at that. I gotta go! I got a date! With a man. You guys have a really good night... ...and you two have a really good cat. We're not supposed to take these when we leave. I don't know if Monica told you, but this my first date since my divorce. If I seem a little nervous... ...I am. How long do cats live? I'm sorry? Cats. How long do they live? Figuring you don't throw them under a bus or something? Maybe 15, 16 years. Well, that's just great. Cheers! Right. Clink. Monica told you I was cuter than this, didn't she? No, Michael, it's not you. Sorry. It's just... It's this thing. It's not as bad as it sounds... ...but this friend of mine is getting a cat with his girlfriend. Oh, that does sound... He just started going out with her. Is this guy an old boyfriend? Yeah, he wishes. I'm sorry. Look at me. Michael, let's talk about you. So... Did you ever get a pet with a girlfriend?

Friends S02E07 2d Friends S02E07 2d フレンズ S02E07 2D Friends S02E07 2d Друзья S02E07 2d Friends S02E07 2d

I don't care. Мені байдуже. I have a date tonight. You have a date? Monica's setting me up. Моніка мене підставляє. What about Ross and... What? My whole insane jealousy thing? Вся моя божевільна ревнощі? Well, you know, as much fun as that was... ...I've decided to opt for sanity. Ну, знаєте, як би весело це не було... ...я вирішив вибрати здоровий глузд. You're okay about all this? Oh, yeah, come on! I'm moving on. He can press her up against that window as much as he wants. Він може притискати її до того вікна скільки завгодно. For all I care, he can throw her through the damn thing. Як би мене не хвилювало, він може кинути її через кляту річ. Hi, guys. Monica, I'll come by tomorrow and pick up Fluffy's old cat toys, okay? Моніка, я зайду завтра і заберу старі котячі іграшки Флаффі, добре? If you say his full name. Can I come over tomorrow and pick up Fluffy Meowington's cat toys? Можна я прийду завтра і заберу котячі іграшки Пухнастого Мяуінгтона? All right. - You're getting a cat? - Actually, we're getting a cat. Together? Both of you? Together? Lt'll live with Ross half the time and with me half the time. Він буде жити з Россом половину часу і зі мною половину часу. Well, isn't that just lovely? That's something you'll enjoy... ...for a really, really, really long time. Hopefully. Look at that. I gotta go! I got a date! With a man. You guys have a really good night... ...and you two have a really good cat. We're not supposed to take these when we leave. Ми не повинні брати їх, коли йдемо. I don't know if Monica told you, but this my first date since my divorce. If I seem a little nervous... ...I am. How long do cats live? I'm sorry? Cats. How long do they live? Figuring you don't throw them under a bus or something? Думаєте, не кинете їх під автобус чи щось таке? Maybe 15, 16 years. Well, that's just great. Cheers! Right. Clink. Клацніть. Monica told you I was cuter than this, didn't she? Моніка сказала тобі, що я симпатичніший, чи не так? No, Michael, it's not you. Sorry. It's just... It's this thing. It's not as bad as it sounds... ...but this friend of mine is getting a cat with his girlfriend. Oh, that does sound... He just started going out with her. Is this guy an old boyfriend? Yeah, he wishes. I'm sorry. Look at me. Michael, let's talk about you. So... Did you ever get a pet with a girlfriend?