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Steve's YouTube Videos, How to use ChatGPT to learn a language: tips and prompts

How to use ChatGPT to learn a language: tips and prompts

Have you used ChatGPT for your language learning?

I'm asking you that because I was browsing the internet on YouTube

and there was a video from someone, and I'll leave a link here, showing

how to use ChatGPT for Spanish.

And he used it in several ways, which got me to thinking.

One of which was to ask ChatGPT to write a story, I think using

the 200 most frequently used or most common words of Spanish.

And so there's a part of the video that talks about that.

And then he has a part of the video where he talks about how he speaks

to chat GPT and a very robot like voice engages in a dialogue with him.

So I'm not a strong fan of either of these things, but I will

tell you what, inspired by that.

I then went and explored a bit.

In my Turkish, first of all, I'll update you, I've been doing a number of things.

I've been listening to a lot of self help podcasts, and I'll leave a link

to the podcast that I've been listening to, and this is a podcast where

they review popular self help books.

Now, each of the podcasts is five minutes or so long.

I'm able to go through them and knock off, before even starting into it, a

lot of Vocabulary beforehand, then, read through the video in Turkish.

And sometimes I'll review the words afterwards, but because it's all about

self help, the vocabulary is quite similar from one episode to the next.

He's talking about some of the same things about how to organize your life, how to

get up early, how to plan and develop good habits and all of these things.

So I said to myself, Hey, maybe that's a good sort of type of

content to use for learning.

any language.

So then I went to my chat GPT and I said to myself, why don't I ask

chat GPT to write me a thousand word summary of atomic habits in Turkish?

And I don't believe it's necessary to specify the most common words because

if chat GPT is going to try to shrink the book down to a thousand words.

And it ended up with 750 words.

It's going to basically simplify the vocabulary.

That's going to happen naturally.

You don't have to force chat GPT to just use high frequency words.

But I did that.

Of course, I don't have natural audio, but I have the artificial audio for

it, but I can go in and I can take, the 10 bestselling self help books in

English and ask chat GPT to write a summary of a thousand words in French,

Spanish, Chinese, Russian, you name it.

Polish, and I'll have that, and I can go through there, and it's going to

be a lot of relatively high frequency words, relatively meaningful words that

appear often in self help type books.

Obviously, it's better if you have a podcast series summarizing self help

books because you get the natural audio.

But if the goal is through LingQ, where you can get a summary produced

by ChatGPT, import it into LingQ, learn all the words and phrases, that's still

a very useful activity in my opinion.

So I'm going to do that.

So there's one example of how I use ChatGPT to create meaningful

content for me, as long as you don't have to read all 300 pages.

If you can get it summarized, it's quite interesting to see what some

of these popular self help books are saying, and to see it in the language

that you're learning, and to study it on LingQ, and look up the words.

And by doing this, by the way, with the Turkish podcast series, I'm really

cranking up my known words total.

Now, granted again, Turkish, a lot of words have 10 different forms, but I'm

already at the 25, 000 known words.

And I started whenever it was the beginning of June, I was at 8, 000 words.

So I'm able to really add to my known words total.

So that's working very well.

So then I said, chat GPT, write me a thousand word summary of the history

of the Ottoman empire in Turkish.

And of course, immediately I got that.

So now I can study that on LingQ, I imported it and study it on LingQ.

And then I said, write me a thousand word summary of the history of Turkey.


Since the year 1900.

And of course I got that right away.

So if I want to get something on, the golden age of philosophy in central

Asia of a thousand years ago in Turkish, or even in Farsi, I haven't

tried it, but maybe I can get something like that and you can try the same.

Get chat GPT to create.

Summaries of books or summaries of periods of history within a thousand words or so.

It seems to stop at about 750.

So if you say 2000 words, I don't think it'll go that far.

Maybe I'm wrong.

You can try it, but it enables me to get into areas of interest to me in the

language that I'm learning and study them on LingQ and acquire the vocabulary.

It's working so well that I decided that I should get into literature.

I became an annual member, a year member of a Turkish audiobook

ebook website called Story Tell.

And on my iPhone I have audiobooks written by Elif Shaak and so I can

listen to them on my iPhone and not understand them very well or at all.

Bits and pieces.

So I said, but I also wanna buy the book, like I wanna buy the book, have an itch.

Because because I like reading in my bed before I fall asleep.

But of course I can't understand it very well.

So then my teacher was able to find me an e book.

So I was able to import the e book into LingQ.

So now I can do the book in LingQ and acquire some of the words so that when I

read it over here I might understand more.

But then I went to chat GPT.

And I said, please give me a thousand word summary of this book

in Turkish, which ChatGPT did.

The summary was excellent.

The main characters, the main theme, lots of different things that give me

a better sense of what's in the book.

And the book is 300 some pages long.

I now have a summary of it.

And between that summary and then going through the ebook on

LingQ, eventually I'll get to where I will enjoyably be reading.

The book itself.

So just some thoughts and I'm more about input.

I'm not interested in talking to a robot.

I very much enjoy talking to my Turkish tutor and I have two

tutors now, twice a week each.

So that's four sessions.

I enjoy speaking with them.

One tutor in particular is very good.

He grabs the structures where I have trouble.

I think he uses chat GPT to generate examples.

Then he sends me a report with lots of examples of the structures

where I struggled, but I enjoy that interaction, that human interaction.

The hour goes by very quickly.

I can't see myself doing that with a robot, but that's just me.

Some people may want to use chat GPT in order to talk to their iPhone

and have some practice in speaking.

But personally, I prefer to build up my familiarity with the language,

my vocabulary, my ability then to recall words and structures that

have become a part of me and try to use them in genuine conversation.

Just thought I'd share with you then some of the ways that I'm using

ChatGPT to improve in my Turkish.

And I do think I am improving.

So thank you for listening.

Bye for now.

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How to use ChatGPT to learn a language: tips and prompts ||||||||||câu lệnh |||ЧатГПТ|||||советы|и|подсказки ||||||||conseils||invites Ինչպես||||որպես|սովորել||լեզու|||խթաններ |para|usar|ChatGPT||aprender||língua|dicas|e|sugestões |||聊天生成預訓|||||||提示 Wie||||||||||Aufforderungen كيفية||||||||||نصائح وأسئلة Guide to|for|utilize|language learning tool|for|acquire knowledge|a guide|language learning|suggestions|and|suggestions Як|для|||||||||підказки Kako|||||||||| 言語を学ぶ|||チャットGPT|||||||プロンプト |||ChatGPT|||||||indicaciones Jak používat ChatGPT k učení jazyka: tipy a výzvy Wie man mit ChatGPT eine Sprache lernt: Tipps und Ratschläge How to use ChatGPT to learn a language: tips and prompts Cómo utilizar ChatGPT para aprender un idioma: consejos y sugerencias Comment utiliser ChatGPT pour apprendre une langue : conseils et invites Come usare ChatGPT per imparare una lingua: consigli e suggerimenti ChatGPTを使った語学学習:ヒントとプロンプト ChatGPT를 사용하여 언어를 배우는 방법: 팁과 프롬프트 Jak używać ChatGPT do nauki języka: wskazówki i podpowiedzi Como utilizar o ChatGPT para aprender uma língua: dicas e sugestões Как использовать ChatGPT для изучения языка: советы и подсказки Dil öğrenmek için ChatGPT nasıl kullanılır: ipuçları ve yönlendirmeler Як використовувати ChatGPT для вивчення мови: поради та підказки 如何使用 ChatGPT 学习语言:提示和提示

Have you used ChatGPT for your language learning? |||ChatGPT|||| |||||||ուսումնասիրություն |||o ChatGPT|||| |||||||學習 |||聊天生成预训练变|||| auxiliary verb|you|utilized|ChatGPT|in your|your own|language learning|

I'm asking you that because I was browsing the internet on YouTube |||||||просматривал||||Ютуб |demande||||||naviguant|||| I am|requesting information|you||the reason|I|past tense|searching||the web|using|the video platform |||||||navegando|||| |||||||瀏覽|||| |||||||surfen|||| |||||||navegando|||| |||||||procházel|||| |||||||閲覧していた|||| |||||||przeglądanie||||

and there was a video from someone, and I'll leave a link here, showing |||||||||||ссылка||показывающий ||||||||je vais||||| ||was present||video|by|a person||I will|provide||link|in this location|that demonstrates ||||||||dejaré||||| ||||||||eu deixarei|deixo|||| a někdo tam natočil video, na které dám odkaz.

how to use ChatGPT for Spanish. |||||испанский язык comment||||| how to|||ChatGPT en español|to learn|español |||ChatGPT|| |||||西班牙語 |||||Spanisch

And he used it in several ways, which got me to thinking. |||||plusieurs|||m'a fait||| |he (subject pronoun|||in various|various|methods|that|led|myself||reflecting ||||||||змусило||| |||||||o que|||| A použil ji několika způsoby, což mě přimělo k zamyšlení.

One of which was to ask ChatGPT to write a story, I think using ||||||||||příběh||| ||||||ChatGPT||||||| one task|of|||||||compose||||believe|with the help of ||||||o ChatGPT||||||| Jedním z nich bylo požádat ChatGPT, aby napsal příběh, myslím, že pomocí

the 200 most frequently used or most common words of Spanish. ||чаще всего||||распространён||| ||most often||or||most common||| |||||as palavras mais|||| ||最常用的||||||| ||dažniausiai||||||| ||nejčastěji||||||| ||najczęściej||||||| 200 nejčastěji používaných nebo nejběžnějších španělských slov.

And so there's a part of the video that talks about that. |||||||||談到|| |therefore|there is||section||||||regarding|

And then he has a part of the video where he talks about how he speaks |||a||||||où|||||| |next||||||||in which||||||speaks |então||||||||||||||

to chat GPT and a very robot like voice engages in a dialogue with him. ||GPT||||роботоподоб||||||диалог|| |||||||||s'engage||||| |talk|GPT chatbot|||extremely|robotic voice||robotic voice|participates|||conversation|with him|the user ||GPT||||robô|||interage|||diálogo|| ||||||機器人|||進行對話|||對話|| ||GPT|||||||führt ein Gespräch||||| ||聊天生成预训练变|||||||进行对话|||对话|| |||||||||prowadzi rozmowę||||| |||||||||tham gia||||| |||||||||zapojí se||||| ||GPTと|||||||対話する|||対話|| ||GPT|||||||interviene||||| to chat GPT and a very robot like voice engages in a dialogue with him. para conversar com o GPT e uma voz muito semelhante a um robô entra em diálogo com ele. в чат GPT, и очень похожий на робота голос вступает с ним в диалог. в чат GPT і дуже схожий на робот голос вступає з ним у діалог.

So I'm not a strong fan of either of these things, but I will |||||фанат|||||||| |||||||l'un ou l'autre|||||| ||not a|||||both||these things|options|however I||will do |||||||ani|||||| |||||fã||nenhuma das duas|||||| Takže nejsem silný fanoušek ani jedné z těchto věcí, ale budu Тож я не є великим прихильником жодної з цих речей, але я зроблю це

tell you what, inspired by that. |||вдохновлён|| |||inspiré|| |||motivated|| |||lấy cảm hứng|| |||受到启发|| |||натхнений|| |||受到啟發||

I then went and explored a bit. ||||поисследовал|| ||||exploré||un peu ||||looked around|| ||||khám phá|| ||||izpētīju|| ||||探検した|| Pak jsem se vydal na průzkum. Потім я пішов і трохи дослідив.

In my Turkish, first of all, I'll update you, I've been doing a number of things. ||турецком|||||обновлю|||||||| |||||||mettre à jour|vous|j'ai|||||| ||Turkish language|||||inform|||||||| ||turca|||||atualizar|||||||| ||tiếng Thổ Nh||||||||||||| |||||||оновлю|||||||| ||土耳其语||||||||||||| ||||||||あなた|||||||いくつかの ||turco||||||||||||| V mém tureckém, nejprve vás budu informovat, jsem dělal řadu věcí.

I've been listening to a lot of self help podcasts, and I'll leave a link |||||||自助||播客||||| |||||||||audio programs||||| |||||||自己啓発||||||| ||||||||||||залишу|| |||||||||подкастов|||||

to the podcast that I've been listening to, and this is a podcast where ||||||||||||подкаст|

they review popular self help books. |pārskata|||| |||||книги |||développement personnel|| ||人気の||| |recenzują||||

Now, each of the podcasts is five minutes or so long. ||||||5||約|約| Кожен подкаст триває приблизно п'ять хвилин.

I'm able to go through them and knock off, before even starting into it, a |||||||frapper||||||| |||||||remove or eliminate|remove|||||| ||||通過|||敲掉||||||| |||||||pārlūkot||||||| |||||||敲掉||||||| |||||||zaznaczyć||||||| |||||||golpear||||||| Jsem schopen je projít a vyřadit, ještě než se do nich pustím. Я могу просмотреть их и вычеркнуть из списка, даже не приступая к делу. Я можу пройти через них і вибити, ще до того, як почати роботу, a

lot of Vocabulary beforehand, then, read through the video in Turkish. |||заранее||||||| |||au préalable||||||| |||önceden||||||| |||de antemão||||||| |||trước đó||||||| |||iepriekš||||||| |||事先||||||| |||事先|||通過|||| |||předem||||||| |||前もって||||||| |||wcześniej||||||| Предварительно прочтите видео на турецком языке, используя большое количество лексики.

And sometimes I'll review the words afterwards, but because it's all about ||||||позже||||| ||||||par la suite||||| ||||||depois||||| ||||||sau đó|||||

self help, the vocabulary is quite similar from one episode to the next. ||||||похожий|||эпизод||| |||||||にわたって||||| |||||bastante||||||| ||||||相似|||||| svépomocí, slovní zásoba je v jednotlivých epizodách dosti podobná.

He's talking about some of the same things about how to organize your life, how to |||||||||||организовать|||| He is||||||similar|topics||||arrange|your own|life organization|| |||||||||||organizar|||| |||||||||як||організувати||||

get up early, how to plan and develop good habits and all of these things. |||||||||привычки||||| |||||||||習慣||||| jak brzy vstávat, jak plánovat a rozvíjet správné návyky a všechny tyto věci.

So I said to myself, Hey, maybe that's a good sort of type of ||||||||||||тип| ||||||||||tipo||| Tak jsem si řekl: "Hej, možná je to dobrý typ...

content to use for learning. obsah, který lze použít pro výuku.

any language.

So then I went to my chat GPT and I said to myself, why don't I ask |||||||GPT de chat||||||||| Tak jsem šel na svůj chat GPT a řekl jsem si, proč se nezeptám.

chat GPT to write me a thousand word summary of atomic habits in Turkish? ||||||||резюме||атомные||| ||||||||||atomiques||| ||||||||||atomik||| ||||||||resumo||atômicas||| ||||||||摘要||原子|习惯|| ||||||||||原子||| ||||||||||thói quen nguyên tử||| ||||||||||atomové||| ||||||||要約||原子||| ||||||||streszczenie||atomowych||| chat GPT mi napsat tisíc slov shrnutí atomových návyků v turečtině? Чат GPT, чтобы написать мне краткое изложение атомных привычек в тысячу слов на турецком языке? чат GPT, щоб написати мені резюме на тисячу слів про атомні звички турецькою мовою?

And I don't believe it's necessary to specify the most common words because |||||необходимо||уточнять||||| |||||||identify||||| |||||||chỉ định||||| |||||||指定||||| |||||||вказувати||||| |||||||指定||||| |||||||uvádět||||| |||||||指定する||||| |||||||especificar||||| A nemyslím si, že je nutné uvádět nejběžnější slova, protože

if chat GPT is going to try to shrink the book down to a thousand words. ||||||||уменьшить||||||| ||||||||réduire||||||| ||||||||condense||||||| ||||||||resumir||||||| ||||||||rút gọn||||||| ||||||||ridurre|||ridurre|||| ||||||||缩减||||||| ||||||||縮減||||||| ||||||||zkrátit||||||| ||||||||resumir||||||| pokud se chat GPT pokusí knihu zmenšit na tisíc slov.

And it ended up with 750 words. ||terminou||| A skončilo to na 750 slovech.

It's going to basically simplify the vocabulary. |||по сути|упростит|| |||en gros||| ||||make easier|| ||||đơn giản hóa|| ||||спростити|| ||||簡化||詞彙 ||||簡略化する|| ||||uproszczać|| V podstatě se zjednoduší slovní zásoba.

That's going to happen naturally. ||||естественным образом |||occur| To se stane přirozeně. Це станеться природним чином.

You don't have to force chat GPT to just use high frequency words. ||||ép buộc|||||||| |||||||||||частотные слова| Nemusíte nutit chat GPT používat pouze slova s vysokou frekvencí.

But I did that. Ale já jsem to udělal.

Of course, I don't have natural audio, but I have the artificial audio for |||||||||||nhân tạo|| ||||||аудио|||||искусственный|| |||||||||||人工的な|| |||||||||||sztuczny|| ||||||音頻|||||人工|| Samozřejmě nemám přirozený zvuk, ale mám umělý zvuk pro

it, but I can go in and I can take, the 10 bestselling self help books in |||||||||||бестселлеры|||| |||||||||||les 10 meilleures ventes|||| |||||||||||top-selling|||| |||||||||||mais vendidos|||| |||||||||||暢銷|||| |||||||||||畅销的|||| |||||||||||nejprodávanější|||| |||||||||||ベストセラーの|||| ale mohu jít dovnitř a mohu si vzít 10 nejprodávanějších knih o svépomoci v roce.

English and ask chat GPT to write a summary of a thousand words in French, ||||||寫一篇||||||||法文 |||||||||||тысяча слов|||français

Spanish, Chinese, Russian, you name it. ||русский||| ||ruso||| |||あなた|| ||俄文|||

Polish, and I'll have that, and I can go through there, and it's going to tiếng Ba Lan|||||||||||||| 波蘭語|||||||||||||| polonês|||||||||||||| польский|||||||||||||| Polština, a já to budu mít, a já mohu projít tam, a to bude

be a lot of relatively high frequency words, relatively meaningful words that ||||относительно|||||значимые|| |||||||||significatifs|| ||||comparatively||||||| |||||||||significativos|| ||||||||tương đối||| |||||||||significativos|| ||||相對地||頻率||||| ||||||||比較的||| ||||stosunkowo|||||znaczące||

appear often in self help type books. встречаются часто|||||| aparecem frequentemente|||||| ||||自助|| se často objevují v knihách typu Self Help.

Obviously, it's better if you have a podcast series summarizing self help ||||||||серия|обобщающую|| Évidemment||||||||||| |||||||||that summarizes|| |||||||||que resume|| Rõ ràng|||||||||tóm tắt|| |||||||||die Selbsthilfe zusammenfass|| |||||||||总结自助内容|| |||||||||總結自助|| |||||||||shrnutí seberoz|| 明らかに|||||||||要約した||

books because you get the natural audio.

But if the goal is through LingQ, where you can get a summary produced ||||||||||獲得|||生成的 ||||||language learning platform||||||| |||objetivo||por meio de||||||||produzido |||||||||||||созданный Ale pokud je cílem prostřednictvím LingQ, kde můžete získat souhrnný přehled.

by ChatGPT, import it into LingQ, learn all the words and phrases, that's still ||импортируйте||||||||||| ||bring in||||||||||| |||||||||||短語|| ChatGPT, importovat do LingQ, naučit se všechna slova a fráze, to je stále

a very useful activity in my opinion. |||活動|||我認為 ||||||мнение

So I'm going to do that. Takže to udělám.

So there's one example of how I use ChatGPT to create meaningful |||пример|||||||| |||||||||||significatif |||||||||||significativo To je jeden příklad toho, jak používám ChatGPT k vytváření smysluplných

content for me, as long as you don't have to read all 300 pages. ||||||||||||страниц obsah pro mě, pokud nemusíte číst všech 300 stran.

If you can get it summarized, it's quite interesting to see what some |||||в кратком виде||||||| conditional||are able to||it|condensed|it is|very||to verb|observe|what some people|certain |||||resumido||||||| |||||resumido|||||||alguns Pokud se vám to podaří shrnout, je docela zajímavé vidět, co někteří

of these popular self help books are saying, and to see it in the language těchto populárních knih o svépomoci, a vidět to v jazyce

that you're learning, and to study it on LingQ, and look up the words. který se učíte, a studovat ho na LingQ a vyhledávat slovíčka.

And by doing this, by the way, with the Turkish podcast series, I'm really ||||||||||||я| |||||||||||||muito

cranking up my known words total. увеличивая|||||общее количество augmenter||||| increasing|||||count aumentando|aumentar|||| 增加|||||總數 hochdrehen||||| 늘리기||||| aumentando||||| 增加||||| zvyšování||||| 増やす|||||合計 aumentando||||| zvyšuje počet mých známých slov. 私の既知の単語数は増えている。

Now, granted again, Turkish, a lot of words have 10 different forms, but I'm ||||||||||формы|| |il est vrai que||||||||||| |acknowledged||||||||||| |concedido||||||||||| |承認|再說一次|||||||||但是| |確かに||||||||||| |concedido||||||||||| Opět uznávám, že turečtina, mnoho slov má 10 různých tvarů, ale já jsem...

already at the 25, 000 known words. již na 25 000 známých slov.

And I started whenever it was the beginning of June, I was at 8, 000 words. |||в любое время|||||||||| |||quand|||||||||| |||cuando sea|||||||||| |||sempre que|||||||||| |||每當||||六月初|||||| Začal jsem, kdykoli to bylo na začátku června, a měl jsem 8 000 slov.

So I'm able to really add to my known words total. |||||добавить|||известным|| Takže jsem schopen opravdu přidat ke svému známému počtu slov.

So that's working very well. Takže to funguje velmi dobře.

So then I said, chat GPT, write me a thousand word summary of the history ||||||||||||||истории Tak jsem řekl: "Chat GPT, napište mi tisíc slov o historii.

of the Ottoman empire in Turkish. ||Османской|империи|| ||Osmanlı|imparatorluğu|| ||otomano||| ||奧斯曼|帝国|| ||奥斯曼||| |||đế chế|| ||osmanské||| ||otomano|||

And of course, immediately I got that. |||сразу же||| |||right away||| A samozřejmě jsem to okamžitě pochopil.

So now I can study that on LingQ, I imported it and study it on LingQ. |||||||||импортировал|||||| |||||||||brought in|||||| |||||||||importé|||||| |||||||||导入|||||| Takže teď to můžu studovat na LingQ, importoval jsem to a studuji to na LingQ.

And then I said, write me a thousand word summary of the history of Turkey. ||||||||||||||Турция ||||||||||||||the country |||||||||resumo||||| ||||||||||||||土耳其

Okay. Alright

Since the year 1900. from||the year

And of course I got that right away. |||||||immediately A samozřejmě jsem to hned pochopil.

So if I want to get something on, the golden age of philosophy in central ||||||||||золотой век||философии||центральной ||||||||||period||thought and inquiry||in the center ||||||||その|||||| |||||||||edad dorada||||| ||||||||||||哲學的黃金|| Takže pokud chci něco pokračovat, zlatý věk filozofie v centrální

Asia of a thousand years ago in Turkish, or even in Farsi, I haven't 亞洲|||||||||||波斯語|| ||||yıl|||||||Farsça||I have not |||||||||||ペルシャ語|| |||||||||||персидский|| |||||||||||波斯语||

tried it, but maybe I can get something like that and you can try the same. попробовал||||||||||||||| |||||||何か|||||||| ale možná se mi podaří něco takového sehnat a vy můžete zkusit totéž.

Get chat GPT to create. Lass|||| ||||crear Získejte chat GPT k vytvoření.

Summaries of books or summaries of periods of history within a thousand words or so. ||||||периодов|||||||| summarizations||||summarizations||eras|||||||| ||||resumos||períodos|||dentro de||||| 摘要|||||||||||||| 要約|||||||||||||| resúmenes|||||||||||||| Shrnutí knih nebo shrnutí historických období v rozsahu přibližně tisíce slov.

It seems to stop at about 750. |appears|||| Zdá se, že se zastaví na hodnotě přibližně 750.

So if you say 2000 words, I don't think it'll go that far. ||||||||это дойдет||| |||speak|||||it will|||that far |||||||||走|| Takže když řeknete 2000 slov, nemyslím si, že to půjde tak daleko. Тож якщо ви скажете 2000 слів, я не думаю, що це зайде так далеко.

Maybe I'm wrong. Možná se mýlím.

You can try it, but it enables me to get into areas of interest to me in the ||||||позволяет||||||||||| ||||||me permet||||||||||| ||||||allows|||||||relevance|||| ||||||me permite||||||||||| |||||||||||領域|||||| ||versuchen||||ermöglicht||||in||||||| ||||||umożliwia|||||obszary|||||| Můžete to zkusit, ale umožňuje mi to dostat se do oblastí, které mě zajímají v

language that I'm learning and study them on LingQ and acquire the vocabulary. ||||||||||приобретаю|| ||||||||||gain|| ||||||||||學習||詞彙 ||||||||||przyswaj|| ||||||||||вивчаю|| ||||||||||adquiero|| jazyk, který se učím, a studovat je na LingQ a osvojovat si slovní zásobu. Я читаю тексти мовою, яку вивчаю, вивчаю їх на LingQ і поповнюю свій словниковий запас.

It's working so well that I decided that I should get into literature. ||||||||||||литературу |||||||||ought to|||reading and writing ||||||||||||文学 ||||||||||||文學 Funguje to tak dobře, že jsem se rozhodl, že bych se měl pustit do literatury.

I became an annual member, a year member of a Turkish audiobook |||||||член||||аудиокниги |joined|||subscriber|||subscriber||||spoken book |||anual|||||||| |||年度||||||||有聲書 |||年会員|||年||||| |||||||||||audiolibro

ebook website called Story Tell. |||příběh| электронная книга|вебсайт||| electronic book||named|| 電子書籍|||| ||名為|| webové stránky ebooků s názvem Story Tell.

And on my iPhone I have audiobooks written by Elif Shaak and so I can |||айфоне||||написанные||Элиф Шаак|Шаак|||| |||iPhone device|||audiobooks|||Elif Shaak|Shafak|||| ||||||audiolivros|||Elif Shaak|Elif Shafak|||| |||||||||엘리프 샤|엘리프 샤|||| |||||||||Elif Shaak|Šaak|||| |||||||||エリフ・シャ|シャーク|||| |||iPhone||||||Elif Shaak|Shaak||||

listen to them on my iPhone and not understand them very well or at all. hear|||||smartphone||||||||| poslouchat na iPhonu a nerozumět jim dobře nebo vůbec.

Bits and pieces. кусочки||кусочки morceaux|| small parts||small parts ||Stücke 小東西|和|零零碎碎 Střípky.

So I said, but I also wanna buy the book, like I wanna buy the book, have an itch. |||||||купить|||||||||||чувствую потреб ||||||||||||||||||une envie ||||||want to|purchase||||||purchase|||||desire ||||||||||||||||||uma vontade ||||||||||||||||||욕구 ||||||||||||||||有||想买 ||||||||||||||||||потреба ||||||||||||||||||svědění ||||||||||||||||||欲求 ||||||||||||||||||picazón Tak jsem řekl, ale taky si chci koupit tu knihu, jako že si chci koupit tu knihu, mám svrbění.

Because because I like reading in my bed before I fall asleep. |||||||||||засыпаю |||||||sleeping area|||| |||||||||||眠る

But of course I can't understand it very well. Aber|||||||| ||||am unable to||||

So then my teacher was able to find me an e book. ||||||||||электронная| |||||||locate||||

So I was able to import the e book into LingQ. |||||匯入||||| |||||||electronic|||

So now I can do the book in LingQ and acquire some of the words so that when I ||||||||||adquirir|||||||| ||||||||||вивчити||||||||

read it over here I might understand more. ||again|||||additional information 読む||ここで||||| ||aqui|||||

But then I went to chat GPT.

And I said, please give me a thousand word summary of this book |||||||тысячу||||| ||||provide|||||||| |||||||||resumen extenso|||

in Turkish, which ChatGPT did.

The summary was excellent. |||very good

The main characters, the main theme, lots of different things that give me ||персонажи|||тема||||||| ||elements|||||||||| |||||tema principal||||||| |||||tema principal||||||| |||||主題|||||||

a better sense of what's in the book. ||представление||||| ||||what is||| より良い||||||| ||compreensão|||||

And the book is 300 some pages long.

I now have a summary of it.

And between that summary and then going through the ebook on |||resumo||||através de|||

LingQ, eventually I'll get to where I will enjoyably be reading. ||||||||с удовольствием|| |in time|||||||with enjoyment|| ||||||||com prazer|| |最終|||||||愉快地|| |врешті-реш||||||||| ||||||||s radostí|| LingQ||||||||楽しく|| ||||||||con placer||

The book itself. ||en sí

So just some thoughts and I'm more about input. |||||||關於| |||ideas||||| |ただ|いくつかの|考え||||| ||||||||входные данные

I'm not interested in talking to a robot. ||有興趣||||| ||not keen|||||

I very much enjoy talking to my Turkish tutor and I have two ich|||||||||||| |||like|||||teacher|||| ||||||||tutor turco||||

tutors now, twice a week each. instructors||two times||| tutores||||| nauczyciele||||| ||duas vezes|||

So that's four sessions. |||занятия |||sesji |||次數 Takže to jsou čtyři sezení.

I enjoy speaking with them.

One tutor in particular is very good. 一位|||特定的|||很棒 |||specific||| |||szczególnie|||

He grabs the structures where I have trouble. |saisit|||||| |focuses on|||||| |pega|||||| |||結構|||| |agarra|||||| |łapie||struktury||||problem Chytá se struktur, kde mám problémy. Він хапається за ті структури, де у мене виникають проблеми.

I think he uses chat GPT to generate examples. |||||||generování| |||||||генерировать| |||utilizes||||create| |||||||生成|

Then he sends me a report with lots of examples of the structures ||отправляет|||||||||| ||delivers|||||||||| ||送る|||||||||| ||envia|||||||||| |||||звіт||||||| Pak mi pošle zprávu se spoustou příkladů struktur.

where I struggled, but I enjoy that interaction, that human interaction. ||боролся|||||взаимодействие|||взаимодействие ||had difficulty|||||||| ||luché|||||||| ||lutei|||||||| ||掙扎|||||||| kde jsem bojoval, ale užívám si tu interakci, tu lidskou interakci.

The hour goes by very quickly. |час|||| |時間||経過する|| Hodina uběhne velmi rychle. Година минає дуже швидко.

I can't see myself doing that with a robot, but that's just me. |不能||||||||||| |できない||||||||||| Nedokážu si představit, že bych to dělal s robotem, ale to je jen můj názor.

Some people may want to use chat GPT in order to talk to their iPhone |||||||||pour||||| ||podem querer|||||||||||| Někteří lidé mohou chtít používat chat GPT, aby mohli komunikovat se svým iPhonem.

and have some practice in speaking. |||практика|| ir||||| |||practice|| |||prática||

But personally, I prefer to build up my familiarity with the language, |||предпочитаю|||||знание языка||| |in my opinion|||||||knowledge of||| ||||||||熟悉度||| Osobně ale dávám přednost tomu, abych se s jazykem seznámil,

my vocabulary, my ability then to recall words and structures that ||||||вспоминать|||| ||||||rappeler|||| |||capacity|||retrieve from memory|||| ||||||lembrar-me||||

have become a part of me and try to use them in genuine conversation. ||||||||||||искренний| ||||||||||||authentique| ||||||||||||authentic|dialogue ||||||||||||genuína| ||||||||||||真誠的| |||||||snažím se|||||upřímný| ||||||||||||本物の| ||||||||||||genuina| se staly mou součástí a snažím se je používat v opravdové konverzaci.

Just thought I'd share with you then some of the ways that I'm using |想說|||||||||||| ちょっと||||||||||||| Jen jsem si myslel, že se s vámi podělím o některé způsoby, které používám.

ChatGPT to improve in my Turkish. ||улучшить||| ||gelişmek||| ChatGPT, abych se zlepšil v turečtině.

And I do think I am improving. ||||||улучшаюсь |||||am improving|getting better ||||||poprawiam się A myslím, že se zlepšuju.

So thank you for listening. |appreciate|||

Bye for now. Goodbye|| ||por ahora