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Society and people, Meet the Family 1

Meet the Family 1

Todd: So Shuan, you mentioned your family, do you have a big family?

Shuan: No, I have a fairly small family, actually, I've only got, including me there's only four people in my family. Todd: So it's your mother, your father, you... Shuan: And my sister.

Todd: Oh, and your sister.

OK, is your sister younger or older than you?

Shuan: She's younger. She just started university actually.

Todd: Ah, so you're the big brother. Shuan: I am, yeah.

Todd: OK, that's nice. So where does your family live right now?

Shuan: Ah, my mother and my father live in Victoria in Canada and my sister is on the other side of Canada in Montreal in Quebec.

Todd: Well, tell me about your father.

What's your father like? Shuan: My father is pretty much the most interesting person I think I know.

He all different kinds of stories about his childhood, and his growing up.

Todd: Did you grow up in Canada?

Shuan: No, he grew up in Liverpool, in England.

Todd: OK, nice, and what does your father do?

Shuan: Ah, he was a pilot until five years ago, five years ago, it was kind of tragic , but he had a heart attack and he wasn't allowed to fly anymore. Todd: Oh, I'm sorry. Shuan: It's fine. He makes, he's pretty much happier now I guess. Todd: OK, so he was OK after the heart attack.

Shuan: He's fine, yeah. Todd: OK, what about your mother?

Does she work?

Shuan: My mother, no, she doesn't. She used to work. In fact my mother and my father met at work. They both worked for Cathay Pacific, which is an airline based in Hong Kong. My mother was a stewardess and my father was a pilot, so they met that way in Osaka actually.

Todd: Oh, what a story.

OK and what about your sister? You said that she's a student. Shuan: She's a student. She's actually in her first year in McGill. she's actually in her first year in McGill unversity which is in Quebec. I haven't spoken to her lately so I don't know how she's doing. Todd: OK, do you know what she studies?

Shuan: I believe it's arts and humanities. Todd: So you and your sister, are you similar or quite different?

Shuan: Oh, we are definely quite different.

Todd: How so?

Shuan: I was the rebelious type.

I pretty much laid the foundation for my sister to get all the freedoms that she has, and she doesn't appreciate any of the things I've done so,.. another way that we're different is that she's really into arts and drawing and painting and making music where as I'm more into the technical side of things, like I'm into computer making, fixing cars. Todd: So it sounds like your quite different.

Well, maybe she'll listen to this and she'll appreciate you more. Shuan: I hope so.

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Meet the Family 1 Meet the Family 1 Conozca a la familia 1 家族の紹介 1 Conheça a família 1 认识家人 1 认识家庭 1

Todd: So Shuan, you mentioned your family, do you have a big family?

Shuan: No, I have a fairly small family, actually, I've only got, including me there's only four people in my family. Todd: So it's your mother, your father, you... Shuan: And my sister.

Todd: Oh, and your sister.

OK, is your sister younger or older than you?

Shuan: She's younger. She just started university actually.

Todd: Ah, so you're the big brother. Shuan: I am, yeah.

Todd: OK, that's nice. So where does your family live right now?

Shuan: Ah, my mother and my father live in Victoria in Canada and my sister is on the other side of Canada in Montreal in Quebec.

Todd: Well, tell me about your father.

What's your father like? Shuan: My father is pretty much the most interesting person I think I know.

He all different kinds of stories about his childhood, and his growing up.

Todd: Did you grow up in Canada?

Shuan: No, he grew up in Liverpool, in England.

Todd: OK, nice, and what does your father do?

Shuan: Ah, he was a pilot until five years ago, five years ago, it was kind of tragic , but he had a heart attack and he wasn't allowed to fly anymore. |||||||||||||||||||||||crise cardiaque||||||| Todd: Oh, I'm sorry. Shuan: It's fine. He makes, he's pretty much happier now I guess. |||||plus heureux||| Todd: OK, so he was OK after the heart attack.

Shuan: He's fine, yeah. Todd: OK, what about your mother?

Does she work?

Shuan: My mother, no, she doesn't. She used to work. Sie hat früher gearbeitet. Вона працювала. In fact my mother and my father met at work. Na verdade, minha mãe e meu pai se conheceram no trabalho. They both worked for Cathay Pacific, which is an airline based in Hong Kong. |||||||||compagnie aérienne|||| My mother was a stewardess and my father was a pilot, so they met that way in Osaka actually. |||||||||||||||||Osaka| ||||comissária de bordo||||||||||||||

Todd: Oh, what a story.

OK and what about your sister? You said that she's a student. Shuan: She's a student. She's actually in her first year in McGill. she's actually in her first year in McGill unversity which is in Quebec. I haven't spoken to her lately so I don't know how she's doing. Я не розмовляла з нею останнім часом, тому не знаю, як у неї справи. Todd: OK, do you know what she studies?

Shuan: I believe it's arts and humanities. ||||les arts|| Шуан: Я вважаю, що це мистецтво та гуманітарні науки. Todd: So you and your sister, are you similar or quite different?

Shuan: Oh, we are definely quite different. ||||certainement||

Todd: How so?

Shuan: I was the rebelious type. ||||révolté| ||||rebelde| Shuan: Eu era do tipo rebelde.

I pretty much laid the foundation for my sister to get all the freedoms that she has, and she doesn't appreciate any of the things I've done so,.. another way that we're different is that she's really into arts and drawing and painting and making music where as I'm more into the technical side of things, like I'm into computer making, fixing cars. |||posé|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||technique|||||||||| |||estabeleci||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Ich habe den Grundstein dafür gelegt, dass meine Schwester alle Freiheiten hat, die sie hat, und sie weiß nichts von dem zu schätzen, was ich getan habe... Ein weiterer Unterschied zwischen uns ist, dass sie sich sehr für Kunst, Zeichnen, Malen und Musizieren interessiert, während ich mich mehr für die technische Seite der Dinge interessiere, z. B. für Computer und das Reparieren von Autos. Eu praticamente lancei as bases para minha irmã obter todas as liberdades que ela tem, e ela não aprecia nada das coisas que eu fiz, .. outra maneira de sermos diferentes é que ela realmente gosta de artes e desenhar, pintar e fazer música quando entro mais no lado técnico das coisas, como fazer computadores e consertar carros. Kız kardeşimin sahip olduğu tüm özgürlüklerin temelini ben attım ve o benim yaptığım şeylerin hiçbirini takdir etmiyor... Farklı olduğumuz bir başka nokta da onun sanatla, çizimle, resimle ve müzikle ilgilenmesi, benim ise bilgisayar yapımı, araba tamiri gibi işlerin daha teknik tarafıyla ilgilenmem. Я заклала фундамент для того, щоб моя сестра отримала всі ті свободи, які вона має, а вона не цінує нічого з того, що я зробила, тому... ще одна відмінність між нами полягає в тому, що вона дуже любить мистецтво, малювання, живопис і музику, тоді як я більше люблю технічний бік справи, наприклад, комп'ютери, лагодження автомобілів. Todd: So it sounds like your quite different. Todd: Görünüşe göre oldukça farklısınız.

Well, maybe she'll listen to this and she'll appreciate you more. Belki bunu dinler ve seni daha çok takdir eder. Що ж, можливо, вона послухає це і буде цінувати вас більше. Shuan: I hope so.