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BBC - The English We Speak (YouTube), What does 'tiger mother' mean? - YouTube

What does 'tiger mother' mean? - YouTube

Feifei: Hi Neil. Good holiday?

Neil: Lovely, thanks. You know

I adore the beach.

Feifei: Your kids must have loved it too?

Neil: Ah, they didn't come. They were

at summer music camp.

Feifei: That's very dedicated!

Neil: Well, they have piano exams

to pass, Feifei. And then there's

a French test when

term starts again, so they've been having

intensive French lessons every evening.

Feifei: Wow, you really are tiger parents!

Neil: Tiger what?

Feifei: I mean you push your kids

to achieve success at school.

A 'tiger mother' or 'tiger

parenting' describes a particular kind of

strict upbringing.

Neil: Well, let's say we just want

what's best for our kids.

Even if they don't appreciate it yet!

Feifei: The phrase 'tiger mother' was first

used to describe a style

of raising children common in some

traditional East Asian households,

though it can be adopted by anyone.

Neil: It appeared in a book by

Chinese American law professor

Amy Chua, who claimed her academic

success was partly thanks to her own

tiger mother. Let's hear examples.

I never got to relax as a child.

My tiger mother had me up at 7am

practising the violin

every Saturday and Sunday.

We've decided to let little Bruno

do whatever he wants, whenever he

wants. I'm worried tiger

parenting would stress him out.

I have my tiger parents to thank for

making me learn my multiplication tables

at the age of three.

I would never have become

the governor of the bank otherwise.

Neil: You are listening to The English We

Speak from BBC Learning English.

Our expression is 'tiger mother'.

Well Feifei, how to be a good parent

is always a subject of debate.

Tiger parenting is no exception.

It all depends on your values, really.

Feifei: Absolutely. In any case, Neil, it

sounds like your kids have had a very

busy summer of learning. What are you

up to with them this weekend,

anything fun?

Neil: We're going to the zoo.

Feifei: That's nice. A reward for

getting good grades?

Neil: Yes. Though we're going

to take our notebooks too. They have

to learn so much about animals

if they want to get top grades

in biology this year.

Feifei: You really are

a tiger parent!

Neil: Roar.

Feifei: Bye.

Neil: Bye.

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What does 'tiger mother' mean? - YouTube Was bedeutet "Tigermutter"? - YouTube ¿Qué significa "madre tigresa"? - YouTube Que signifie "mère tigrée" ? - YouTube Cosa significa "madre tigre"? - YouTube 虎の母」とは?- ユーチューブ '호랑이 엄마'는 무슨 뜻인가요? - 유튜브 Ką reiškia "tigrinė motina"? - YouTube O que significa "mãe tigre"? - YouTube Что означает "мать-тигрица"? - YouTube 'Kaplan anne' ne anlama geliyor? - YouTube “虎妈”是什么意思? - YouTube “虎媽”是什麼意思? - Youtube

Feifei: Hi Neil. Good holiday?

Neil: Lovely, thanks. You know

I adore the beach. Я обожнюю пляж.

Feifei: Your kids must have loved it too?

Neil: Ah, they didn't come. They were

at summer music camp.

Feifei: That's very dedicated! |||çok özverili

Neil: Well, they have piano exams

to pass, Feifei. And then there's пройти, Фейфей. А ще є

a French test when

term starts again, so they've been having

intensive French lessons every evening. yoğun||||

Feifei: Wow, you really are tiger parents!

Neil: Tiger what?

Feifei: I mean you push your kids

to achieve success at school.

A 'tiger mother' or 'tiger

parenting' describes a particular kind of 子育て」とは、ある種の

strict upbringing. educación estricta.

Neil: Well, let's say we just want

what's best for our kids.

Even if they don't appreciate it yet!

Feifei: The phrase 'tiger mother' was first

used to describe a style

of raising children common in some

traditional East Asian households,

though it can be adopted by anyone. 誰でも採用できるものではあるが。

Neil: It appeared in a book by

Chinese American law professor

Amy Chua, who claimed her academic

success was partly thanks to her own

tiger mother. Let's hear examples.

I never got to relax as a child.

My tiger mother had me up at 7am

practising the violin

every Saturday and Sunday.

We've decided to let little Bruno 私たちはブルーノに

do whatever he wants, whenever he 好きなときに好きなことをする

wants. I'm worried tiger

parenting would stress him out. Ebeveynlik onu strese sokar.

I have my tiger parents to thank for

making me learn my multiplication tables

at the age of three.

I would never have become

the governor of the bank otherwise.

Neil: You are listening to The English We

Speak from BBC Learning English.

Our expression is 'tiger mother'.

Well Feifei, how to be a good parent

is always a subject of debate.

Tiger parenting is no exception.

It all depends on your values, really.

Feifei: Absolutely. In any case, Neil, it

sounds like your kids have had a very

busy summer of learning. What are you

up to with them this weekend,

anything fun?

Neil: We're going to the zoo.

Feifei: That's nice. A reward for Feifei: Bu güzel.|||||

getting good grades?

Neil: Yes. Though we're going

to take our notebooks too. They have

to learn so much about animals

if they want to get top grades

in biology this year.

Feifei: You really are

a tiger parent!

Neil: Roar.

Feifei: Bye.

Neil: Bye.