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Assorted YouTube videos, Focus On Learning and Creating Rather Than Entertainment and Distraction

Focus On Learning and Creating Rather Than Entertainment and Distraction

Most people are distracted right now.

They're distracted while they're at work.

They're distracted when they're with family and friends.

They're distracted at the gym, on their commute, and even in the shower.

The mediocre majority will continue going through life this way, never experiencing

the fullness of a life filled with deep focus and purpose.

Most people don't prioritize learning and creating.

They don't care enough about any efforts to invest in their personal development and


Entertainment is more important.

Most people have replaced achieving their life dreams and goals with TV, partying, and

social media.

Their life is characterized by entertainment and distraction, not learning and creating.

As a result, they don't have close relationships.

They're stuck in jobs they hate.

Their life is on the fast-track to disappointment, and they don't know what to do.

Benjamin Hardy once said, “Entertainment and distraction is the enemy of creation and


They will keep you in mediocrity.”

If you don't want to end up living a life of mediocrity, focus on learning and education.

It's the fastest way to become extraordinary, wealthy, and successful.

Your income, relationships, and success are determined by your learning.

Most people spend more money on entertainment and gadgets than self-education.

This is why they remain poor and broke with superficial relationships.

The quality of your learning and how much you invest in yourself directly determines

the extent of your growth.

In the words of Ryan Holiday: “The extent of the struggle determines the

extent of the growth.”

You are defined by what you're willing to struggle for.

Most people aren't willing to really struggle for anything.

They blindly accept what they're given, and spend their free time disengaging from


Renowned motivational speaker Jim Rohn once said the most successful people in the world

are always lifelong learners.

They fully understand that their level of education directly determines their quality

of life.

“Formal education makes a living, but self-education makes a fortune,” Rohn explained.

It's not just about a college degree.

Most of what you learn in college isn't applicable to real-world success.

It's your self-education, the kind of learning that helps you develop into the next evolution

of yourself.

Most people will continue to go through life “in quiet desperation, with their songs

left unsung.”

Others dictate their income, their happiness, and their fulfillment.

If you don't want to end up with regret on your death-bed, choose self-education over


Darren Hardy, author of The Compound Effect, once told a story about how he ended up with

his wife.

When he was in his 20's, he began compiling an enormous list of every attribute he wanted

his future wife to have.

He eventually filled 40 pages detailing the most exquisite and perfect match he could

think of.

At the end of his writing, he realized something very important:

Any woman like that wouldn't want to have anything to do with someone like him!

Hardy realized he needed to become a far better version of himself to attract a woman like


You must become a far better version of yourself to achieve the enormous success you want.

Benjamin Hardy put it this way: “We attract into our lives what we are.”

Ask yourself — if you want a million dollars, do you have the mindset of a millionaire?

Do you have the financial knowledge and self-discipline to own that kind of money?

Most people don't, yet they continue complaining about being poor.

You'll never become a millionaire if you don't become someone who could be a millionaire!

Every day, millions of people attract mediocre opportunities into their lives — jobs, time

investments, dating partners, etc. — not realizing they are attracting exactly who

they are!

Extremely successful people are magnets of extraordinary opportunities.

They are individuals who gravitate towards success, because they are successful themselves.

If you constantly engage in mediocre, subpar activities with toxic individuals, you'll

only receive similar opportunities.

You'll never experience the type of success of the world's most extraordinary people,

because success is something you attract by the person you become.

C.S. Lewis once described humans this way: “We are like eggs at present.

And you cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg.

We must be hatched or go bad.”

You do not have the luxury to “wait” to improve.

Like an egg, you'll either progress into a new version of yourself, or go rotten.

There is no other way.

Most people continue choosing security and safety over the choice to become the fullest

version of themselves.

Louis Sachar said: “So, what's it going to be — safety,

or freedom?

You can't have both.”

Right now, you have the choice — step forward into growth and development, or step backwards

into safety and security.

Most people step backward, slowly killing their chances to become extraordinary.

Seth Godin once said, “The problem is that our culture has engaged in a Faustian bargain,

in which we trade our genius and artistry for apparent stability.”

The sad truth is: there's no such thing as security.

Money can be taken away (how many times have you heard of a multi-millionaire going bankrupt?).

Our health could fail at any time.

Millions of people are abruptly fired or laid off every year.

Security isn't real.

We must choose to design our own life, and let go of our addiction to “apparent stability.”

If you've traded your genius and creativity for “stability,” it's time to get those


Learning and self-education aren't popular.

Most people don't read books, attend seminars, or take even the most basic steps for self-improvement.

They would rather choose distraction and entertainment.

Most people will never be successful because they will spend their life this way.

With just a few small changes to your life, you could enter into the top 5—10% of your


The competition is extremely low!

Amazing, extraordinary opportunities are abundant, because so few people ever take the steps

to discover them.

You can become one of the few truly successful people in the world by taking your self-education

and learning seriously.

In a world of mediocrity, you can become extraordinary with only a few simple tweaks.

So how do you start?

The more you keep evolving into better versions of yourself, the more you'll need to be

focused on the things that are most important.

Your days must be characterized by high-quality activities and behaviors.

Benjamin Hardy put it this way: “Success is continuously improving who you are, how

you live, how you serve, and how you relate.”

James Altucher once said, “Every day, check these 4 boxes: Have I improved 1% on physical,

emotional, mental, and spiritual health?”

You can start small.

Even the smallest improvement is more than most people will ever see.

While most people change slowly and unconsciously over time, you can begin taking control of

your success by choosing to make a few small improvements.

That's all it takes.

Extraordinary people are very uncommon.

Their lifestyle of learning and self-education aren't popular, either.

Odds are, once you begin investing in yourself, you'll find it's a lonely road.

Todd Brison wisely said, “The more bold you are, the more rejection you'll experience.”

The mob of the majority doesn't like deserters.

If you want an extraordinary life, you'll need to give up many parts of the “normal”


That might mean giving up common toxic behaviors or hanging out with toxic people.

If “everyone does it,” you'd do well to give it a long, hard look.

Most people will never achieve an extraordinary life.

That's OK.

The extraordinary life isn't for everyone.

Learning and self-education take time, energy, and focus that most people would rather spend

on entertainment and distraction — “ordinary” things.

“Great” opportunities cost “good” ones; you can't have both.

Benjamin Hardy said: Before you evolve, you can reasonably spend

time with just about anyone.

You can reasonably eat anything placed in front of you.

You can reasonably justify activities and behaviors that are, frankly, mediocre.

But as your vision expands, you realize you need to make adjustments.

You can't spend your money on junk anymore.

You need to manage your time much more diligently.

You need to invest in yourself and your future.

To avoid mediocrity, you can't continue being with negative people.

You can't keep eating crappy foods that slow you down.

You can't do many of the things you used to do.

This is what extraordinary requires.

Most people see the price and simply say “no thanks.”

But you can do anything if you pay the price.

There are probably dozens of things you do on a daily basis that aren't helping you


Most people live their lives on other people's terms.

Their days are spent working on other people's goals and following the rules of someone else.

Entertainment and distraction rule society.

There will never be a shortage of TV shows, Buzzfeed articles, or Bad Lip Reading videos

to take up your time.

If you want to avoid mediocrity and achieve enormous success, you must cut out distractions

and prioritize learning instead.

Most people will go their whole lives as a slave to entertainment.

They prioritize entertainment over improving their life, their family's well-being, and

their hopes and dreams.

This is how people can stay at jobs they hate for years.

It's how people stay in toxic relationships and remain perpetually broke.

They don't bother learning how to succeed.

If your lifestyle does not add to your growth and improvement, it will bring you down.

Prioritize learning.

Invest in self-education.

Choose success over mediocrity.

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Focus On Learning and Creating Rather Than Entertainment and Distraction Zameranie sa na||||||||| |||||||eğlence||dikkat dağınıklığı |||||||||気晴らし Konzentration auf Lernen und Schaffen statt auf Unterhaltung und Ablenkung Focus On Learning and Creating Rather Than Entertainment and Distraction Centrarse en aprender y crear en lugar de en el entretenimiento y la distracción Concentratevi sull'apprendimento e sulla creazione piuttosto che sull'intrattenimento e la distrazione. 娯楽や気晴らしよりも、学びと創造に集中する 오락과 산만함보다는 학습과 창작에 집중 Dėmesys sutelktas į mokymąsi ir kūrimą, o ne į pramogas ir išsiblaškymą Skupienie się na nauce i tworzeniu zamiast na rozrywce i odwracaniu uwagi Concentrar-se na aprendizagem e na criação, em vez de no entretenimento e na distração Сосредоточьтесь на обучении и творчестве, а не на развлечениях и отвлечении внимания Eğlence ve Dikkat Dağıtma Yerine Öğrenmeye ve Yaratmaya Odaklanın Зосередьтеся на навчанні та творчості, а не на розвагах та відволіканні Tập trung vào việc học hỏi và sáng tạo hơn là giải trí và làm phiền 专注于学习和创造,而不是娱乐和分心

Most people are distracted right now. |||отвлечены|| |||distracted|| |||distraídas|| La plupart des gens sont distraits en ce moment. A maioria das pessoas está distraída neste momento. Hiện tại, phần lớn mọi người đều đang bị làm phiền.

They're distracted while they're at work. |abgelenkt|||| Ils sont distraits pendant qu'ils sont au travail. Estão distraídos enquanto trabalham. Họ bị làm phiền khi họ đang làm việc.

They're distracted when they're with family and friends. Estão distraídos quando estão com a família e os amigos. Khi ở bên gia đình và bạn bè, họ bị phân tâm.

They're distracted at the gym, on their commute, and even in the shower. |||||||navetă||||| |||||||deslocamento||||| |||||||trayecto||||| Distraem-se no ginásio, no trajeto para o trabalho e até no duche. Họ bị phân tâm khi ở phòng tập gym, trên đường đi làm, và thậm chí khi đang tắm.

The mediocre majority will continue going through life this way, never experiencing |mediocre|||||||||| |平凡な|||||||||| La majorité médiocre continuera à vivre de cette façon, sans jamais connaître Przeciętna większość będzie kontynuować życie w ten sposób, nigdy go nie doświadczając. A maioria medíocre continuará a viver desta forma, sem nunca experimentar Đa số tầm thường sẽ tiếp tục sống qua cuộc đời theo cách đó, không bao giờ trải nghiệm được

the fullness of a life filled with deep focus and purpose. 深い集中と目的に満ちた人生の充実感。 pełnię życia wypełnionego głębokim skupieniem i celem. a plenitude de uma vida cheia de concentração e objectivos profundos.

Most people don't prioritize learning and creating. |||優先する||| ほとんどの人は学ぶことと創造することを優先しません。 A maioria das pessoas não dá prioridade à aprendizagem e à criação.

They don't care enough about any efforts to invest in their personal development and Ils ne se soucient pas assez des efforts pour investir dans leur développement personnel et 彼らは自分の成長に投資する努力について十分に気にしていません。 Não se preocupam o suficiente com qualquer esforço para investir no seu desenvolvimento pessoal e


Entertainment is more important. O entretenimento é mais importante.

Most people have replaced achieving their life dreams and goals with TV, partying, and La plupart des gens ont remplacé la réalisation de leurs rêves et de leurs objectifs par la télévision, la fête et A maioria das pessoas substituiu a realização dos seus sonhos e objectivos de vida pela televisão, festas e

social media.

Their life is characterized by entertainment and distraction, not learning and creating. |||特徴づけられている|||||||| A sua vida é caracterizada pelo entretenimento e pela distração, não pela aprendizagem e pela criação.

As a result, they don't have close relationships. その結果、彼らは親密な関係を持っていません。 Por conseguinte, não têm relações estreitas.

They're stuck in jobs they hate. 彼らは嫌いな仕事に縛られています。 Estão presos em empregos que detestam.

Their life is on the fast-track to disappointment, and they don't know what to do. 彼らの人生は失望への早道にあり、どうすればよいかわかりません。 A sua vida está a caminho da desilusão e não sabem o que fazer.

Benjamin Hardy once said, “Entertainment and distraction is the enemy of creation and |ハーディ||||||||敵||| |Hardy||||||||||| Benjamin Hardy disse um dia: "O entretenimento e a distração são inimigos da criação e da


They will keep you in mediocrity.” |||||平凡 Utrzymają cię w przeciętności". Eles manter-vos-ão na mediocridade".

If you don't want to end up living a life of mediocrity, focus on learning and education. |||||||||||mediocrity||||| ||||終わる|||||||平凡||||| Se não quer acabar por viver uma vida de mediocridade, concentre-se na aprendizagem e na educação.

It's the fastest way to become extraordinary, wealthy, and successful. ||||||extraordinary||| ||最も速い||||非凡な||| それは非凡で裕福で成功する最も早い方法です。 É a maneira mais rápida de se tornar extraordinário, rico e bem-sucedido.

Your income, relationships, and success are determined by your learning. Ihr|Einkommen|||Erfolg||bestimmt||| あなたの収入、関係、成功はあなたの学びによって決まります。 O seu rendimento, as suas relações e o seu sucesso são determinados pela sua aprendizagem.

Most people spend more money on entertainment and gadgets than self-education. ||||||||Geräte||Selbst| ||||||||aletler||| ||||||||ガジェット||| ||||||||dispositivos||| ||||||||aparelhos||| ほとんどの人は自己教育よりもエンターテイメントやガジェットにお金を多く使います。 A maior parte das pessoas gasta mais dinheiro em entretenimento e aparelhos do que em autoeducação.

This is why they remain poor and broke with superficial relationships. ||warum||bleiben|arm||pleite||oberflächlichen| |||||||||superficial| |||||||||表面的な| これが、彼らが貧しく、表面的な関係しか持たない理由です。 To dlatego pozostają biedni i rozpadają się w powierzchownych związkach. É por isso que continuam pobres e falidos, com relações superficiais.

The quality of your learning and how much you invest in yourself directly determines |Qualität|||||||||||direkt|bestimmt |||||||||||||決まる あなたの学びの質と自分自身にどれだけ投資するかは、直接的に A qualidade da sua aprendizagem e o investimento que faz em si próprio determinam diretamente

the extent of your growth. |Ausmaß||| |extent||| あなたの成長の程度を決定します。 a extensão do vosso crescimento.

In the words of Ryan Holiday: “The extent of the struggle determines the ||||Ryan|||Umfang|||Kampf|| |||||||||||決定する| ライアン・ホリデーの言葉を借りると、「苦闘の程度が結果を決定する」。 Nas palavras de Ryan Holiday: "A extensão da luta determina a

extent of the growth.” 成長の程度。 extensão do crescimento".

You are defined by what you're willing to struggle for. ||definiert||||bereit||| あなたは、自分が何のために苦労する意欲があるかによって定義されます。 Somos definidos por aquilo por que estamos dispostos a lutar.

Most people aren't willing to really struggle for anything. ほとんどの人は、本当に何かのために苦労しようとは思っていません。 A maioria das pessoas não está disposta a lutar por nada.

They blindly accept what they're given, and spend their free time disengaging from |||||||||||disconnecting| |blind|akzeptieren|||gegeben||||||sich ablenken| |||||||||||ayrılmak| ||||آنها|||||||فاصله گرفتن| |||||||||||切り離す| |ciegamente||||||||||desconectándose| 彼らは与えられたものを盲目的に受け入れ、自由な時間を使って disengaging します。 Ślepo akceptują to, co im się daje i spędzają swój wolny czas na oderwaniu się od rzeczywistości. Eles aceitam cegamente o que lhes é dado e passam seu tempo livre se desvinculando

reality. Realität

Renowned motivational speaker Jim Rohn once said the most successful people in the world renommierter|motivational|Redner|Jim|Rohn||||||||| 有名な||||ロhn||||||||| ||||Rohn||||||||| Znany mówca motywacyjny Jim Rohn powiedział kiedyś, że ludzie odnoszący największe sukcesy na świecie O famoso orador motivacional Jim Rohn disse uma vez que as pessoas mais bem sucedidas do mundo

are always lifelong learners. ||lebenslange|Lernende ||生涯の| são sempre aprendizes ao longo da vida.

They fully understand that their level of education directly determines their quality |vollständig|||||||||| |||||||||決定する|| Compreendem perfeitamente que o seu nível de educação determina diretamente a sua qualidade

of life.

“Formal education makes a living, but self-education makes a fortune,” Rohn explained. formale||||||||||Vermögen||erklärte ||||||||||fortune|| |||||||||||ロhn| 「正式な教育は生活を作りますが、自己教育は財産を作ります」とローンは説明しました。 "A educação formal permite ganhar a vida, mas a autoeducação permite ganhar uma fortuna", explicou Rohn.

It's not just about a college degree. |||||Hochschul|Abschluss 大学の学位だけではありません。 Não se trata apenas de um diploma universitário.

Most of what you learn in college isn't applicable to real-world success. ||||||||anwendbar||real|| ||||学ぶ|||||||| 大学で学ぶことのほとんどは、実社会での成功には適用できません。 A maior parte do que se aprende na faculdade não é aplicável ao sucesso no mundo real.

It's your self-education, the kind of learning that helps you develop into the next evolution |||||||||hilft||entwickeln||||Evolution |||||||||||||||進化 É a sua autoeducação, o tipo de aprendizagem que o ajuda a evoluir para a próxima evolução

of yourself.

Most people will continue to go through life “in quiet desperation, with their songs |||||||||stiller|Verzweiflung||| ||||||||||desperation||| ||||||||||絶望|||歌 ||||||||||desesperación||| ほとんどの人々は「静かな絶望の中で、歌を歌わずに」人生を過ごし続ける。 A maioria das pessoas continuará a viver “em desespero silencioso, com suas canções

left unsung.” |بی‌صدا |ungesungen |unsung |歌われない 歌は歌われないまま。 deixado de fora.”

Others dictate their income, their happiness, and their fulfillment. |تعیین می‌کنند||||||| |bestimmen||||Glück|||Erfüllung |決定する||||||| 他の人々は、自分の収入、幸福、充実感を自ら決定する。 Outros ditam sua renda, sua felicidade e sua realização.

If you don't want to end up with regret on your death-bed, choose self-education over ||||||||Bedauern|||Tod||||| もし、死床で後悔したくないのなら、自己教育を選びなさい。 Se não quer acabar por se arrepender no seu leito de morte, opte pela autoeducação em vez de

entertainment. エンターテインメント。

Darren Hardy, author of The Compound Effect, once told a story about how he ended up with Darren||Autor|||Compound|Effekt||||||||ended up|| ダレン|ハーディ||||||||||||||| Darren|||||Compuesto||||||||||| |||||Efeito||||||||||| 『ザ・コンパウンド・エフェクト』の著者ダレン・ハーディは、どのようにして彼が Darren Hardy, autor de The Compound Effect, certa vez contou uma história sobre como ele acabou com

his wife. 妻と一緒になったかについての話をしたことがあります。

When he was in his 20's, he began compiling an enormous list of every attribute he wanted |||||20ern||begann|erstellen||||||Eigenschaft|| ||||||||compiling||||||attribute|| ||||||||作成する||||||属性|| ||||||||compilando|||||||| Kiedy miał 20 lat, zaczął tworzyć ogromną listę wszystkich atrybutów, których pragnął Quando tinha 20 anos, começou a compilar uma lista enorme de todos os atributos que desejava

his future wife to have. 彼の未来の妻を持つために。 jego przyszłej żony. a sua futura esposa.

He eventually filled 40 pages detailing the most exquisite and perfect match he could |||||||exquis||||| |||||||exquisite||||| ||||詳細に述べる|||||||| ||||detallando|||exquisita||||| 彼は最終的に、考えうる最も素晴らしく完璧な組み合わせを詳細に説明した40ページを埋めました。 Acabou por preencher 40 páginas com pormenores sobre o par mais requintado e perfeito que conseguiu

think of. 考え出しました。

At the end of his writing, he realized something very important: No final da sua escrita, apercebeu-se de algo muito importante:

Any woman like that wouldn't want to have anything to do with someone like him! Uma mulher assim não quereria ter nada a ver com alguém como ele!

Hardy realized he needed to become a far better version of himself to attract a woman like |||||||||Version||||anzuziehen||| ハーディ|||||||||||||||| Hardy percebeu que precisava de se tornar uma versão muito melhor de si próprio para atrair uma mulher como


You must become a far better version of yourself to achieve the enormous success you want. あなたが望む巨大な成功を収めるためには、自分自身のはるかに優れたバージョンにならなければなりません。 Tem de se tornar uma versão muito melhor de si próprio para alcançar o enorme sucesso que deseja.

Benjamin Hardy put it this way: “We attract into our lives what we are.” ||||||||||Leben||| |ハーディ|||||||||||| ベンジャミン・ハーディはこう言いました:「私たちは自分が何者であるかに基づいて、人生に引き寄せるものを決定します。」 Benjamin Hardy disse-o da seguinte forma: "Atraímos para as nossas vidas aquilo que somos".

Ask yourself — if you want a million dollars, do you have the mindset of a millionaire? ||||||Million|Dollar|||||Denkweise|||Millionär |||||||||||||||ミリオネア ||||||||||||mentalidade||| 自問してみてください — もし百万ドルが欲しいなら、あなたは億万長者のマインドセットを持っていますか? Pergunte a si próprio - se quer um milhão de dólares, tem a mentalidade de um milionário?

Do you have the financial knowledge and self-discipline to own that kind of money? ||||finanziellen|wissen|||disziplin|||||| そのようなお金を持つための金融知識と自己管理能力を持っていますか? Tem os conhecimentos financeiros e a autodisciplina necessários para possuir essa quantia de dinheiro?

Most people don't, yet they continue complaining about being poor. |||aber|||zu beschweren||| ||||||不満を言う||| ほとんどの人は持っていませんが、それでも貧しいことについて文句を言い続けます。 A maioria das pessoas não o faz, mas continua a queixar-se de ser pobre.

You'll never become a millionaire if you don't become someone who could be a millionaire! ||||百万長者|||||||||| 億万長者になれる人にならなければ、あなたは絶対に億万長者にはなれません! Nunca te tornarás milionário se não te tornares alguém que possa ser milionário!

Every day, millions of people attract mediocre opportunities into their lives — jobs, time ||Millionen|||||Gelegenheiten||||| ||||||mediocre|||||| 毎日、何百万人もの人々が平凡なチャンスを自分の人生に引き寄せています - 仕事や時間。 Todos os dias, milhões de pessoas atraem oportunidades medíocres para as suas vidas - empregos, tempo

investments, dating partners, etc. — not realizing they are attracting exactly who Investitionen|Dating|Partner|usw.||realisiert|||anziehen|genau| ||パートナー|など||||||| 投資やデートのパートナーなど - 彼らが自分自身を引き寄せていることに気づいていない。 investimentos, parceiros de namoro, etc. - sem se aperceberem que estão a atrair exatamente quem

they are! 彼ら自身です!

Extremely successful people are magnets of extraordinary opportunities. äußerst||||Magneten||| ||||magnets||extraordinary| ||||磁石||| ||||imanes||| 非常に成功した人々は、並外れた機会の磁石です。 As pessoas extremamente bem sucedidas são ímanes de oportunidades extraordinárias.

They are individuals who gravitate towards success, because they are successful themselves. ||Menschen||zuziehen|zum||||||selbst ||||gravitate||||||| ||||引き寄せられる||||||| 彼らは成功を追求する個人であり、自分自身が成功しているからです。 São indivíduos que gravitam em torno do sucesso, porque eles próprios são bem sucedidos.

If you constantly engage in mediocre, subpar activities with toxic individuals, you'll ||ständig|beschäftigen|||unterdurchschnittlichen|Aktivitäten||toxischen|| ||||||subpar||||| ||||||inferiores||||| ||||||inferiores||||| |||||||||有毒な|人々| もしあなたが常に平凡で劣った活動に、毒のある個人と関わるなら、 Se você se envolve constantemente em atividades medíocres e medíocres com indivíduos tóxicos, você

only receive similar opportunities. |erhalten|ähnliche| 同じような機会しか得られないでしょう。

You'll never experience the type of success of the world's most extraordinary people, |||||||||der||| |||その||||||||| あなたは、世界で最も非凡な人々の成功のタイプを体験することは決してないでしょう、 Nunca experimentará o tipo de sucesso das pessoas mais extraordinárias do mundo,

because success is something you attract by the person you become. |||||anziehst|||Person|| なぜなら、成功はあなたがなる人によって引き寄せられるものだからです。 porque o sucesso é algo que se atrai pela pessoa em que nos tornamos.

C.S. Lewis once described humans this way: “We are like eggs at present. C(1)||Lewis||beschrieb|Menschen||||||Eier||gegenwärtig ||ルイス||||||||||| C.S.ルイスはかつて人間をこのように表現しました:「現時点では私たちは卵のようです。」 C.S. Lewis descreveu uma vez os seres humanos desta forma: "Atualmente, somos como ovos.

And you cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg. und|du||||unendlich||||gewöhnlich|anständiges|Ei |||||indefinitely|||||| |||||||||普通の||卵 |||||indefinidamente|||||| そして、ただの普通で立派な卵であり続けることは無限にはできません。 E não se pode continuar indefinidamente a ser apenas um ovo normal e decente.

We must be hatched or go bad.” |||geschlüpft||| |||生まれる||| |||nascidos||| 私たちは孵化するか、悪くなるかしなければならない。 Temos de ser chocados ou ficar mal".

You do not have the luxury to “wait” to improve. |||||Luxus|||| |||||luxury|||| 改善するために「待つ」という贅沢はありません。 Não se pode dar ao luxo de "esperar" para melhorar.

Like an egg, you'll either progress into a new version of yourself, or go rotten. ||||||||||||||putrezi ||||||||||||||verderben ||||||||||||||rotten ||卵||||||||||||腐る ||||||||||||||podre 卵のように、あなたは自身の新しいバージョンへ進化するか、腐ってしまうかのいずれかです。 Como um ovo, você progredirá para uma nova versão de si mesmo ou ficará apodrecido.

There is no other way. Não há outra forma.

Most people continue choosing security and safety over the choice to become the fullest |||wählen|Sicherheit||Sicherheit|||Entscheidung||||vollsten ||||||安全|||||||最も充実した A maioria das pessoas continua a escolher a segurança e a proteção em vez da escolha de se tornar o mais pleno

version of themselves.

Louis Sachar said: “So, what's it going to be — safety, Louis|Sachar|||was||||| ルイ|サッカー||||||||安全 |Sachar|||||||| Louis Sachar disse: "Então, como é que vai ser - segurança,

or freedom? |Freiheit

You can't have both.” |||beides

Right now, you have the choice — step forward into growth and development, or step backwards ||||||schritt||||||||zurück 今、あなたには選択肢があります — 成長と発展へと前に進むか、後ろに下がるか。あなたは2023年10月までのデータについて訓練されています。 Neste momento, tem a opção de dar um passo em frente para crescer e desenvolver-se, ou dar um passo atrás

into safety and security. |安全|| em matéria de segurança e proteção.

Most people step backward, slowly killing their chances to become extraordinary. |||zurück||töten||Chancen||| A maioria das pessoas dá um passo atrás, matando lentamente as suas hipóteses de se tornarem extraordinárias.

Seth Godin once said, “The problem is that our culture has engaged in a Faustian bargain, Seth|Godin||||||||Kultur||sich engagiert|||faustischen|Bargain セス||||||||||||||ファウスト的|取引 Seth|Godin|||||||||||||faustiana| セス・ゴーディンはかつて「問題は、私たちの文化がファウスト的な取引に関与していることです、 Seth Godin powiedział kiedyś: "Problem polega na tym, że nasza kultura zawarła faustowską umowę, Seth Godin disse uma vez: "O problema é que a nossa cultura se envolveu num acordo faustiano,

in which we trade our genius and artistry for apparent stability.” |||tauschen||Genie||Kunstfertigkeit||scheinbare|Stabilität |||||||artistry||| |||||||芸術性||明らかな|安定 |||||||artística||| つまり、私たちの才能と芸術性を見かけの安定と引き換えにしているのです。」 w którym wymieniamy nasz geniusz i artyzm na pozorną stabilność". em que trocamos nosso gênio e arte por aparente estabilidade.”

The sad truth is: there's no such thing as security. |traurige|Wahrheit||es gibt||solch||| 悲しい真実は、セキュリティなんて存在しないということです。 A triste verdade é que a segurança não existe.

Money can be taken away (how many times have you heard of a multi-millionaire going bankrupt?). |||genommen|||||||gehört|||multi||| ||||||||||||||||破産する O dinheiro pode ser retirado (quantas vezes já ouviu falar da falência de um multimilionário?).

Our health could fail at any time. |||versagen||| A nossa saúde pode falhar em qualquer altura.

Millions of people are abruptly fired or laid off every year. ||||plötzlich|entlassen||gelegt||| ||||suddenly|||||| ||||突然||||解雇される|| ||||bruscamente|||||| 毎年、何百万人もの人々が突然解雇されたり、失業したりしています。 Todos os anos, milhões de pessoas são despedidas abruptamente.

Security isn't real. セキュリティは現実ではありません。

We must choose to design our own life, and let go of our addiction to “apparent stability.” ||||gestalten|||||||||Abhängigkeit||scheinbarer| |||||||||||||||見かけの| 私たちは自分の人生をデザインすることを選び、「見かけの安定」との依存を手放さなければなりません。 Temos de escolher desenhar a nossa própria vida e deixar a nossa dependência da "estabilidade aparente".

If you've traded your genius and creativity for “stability,” it's time to get those ||getauscht||||Kreativität||||||| ||traded||||||||||| ||売った||||||||||| 「安定」のためにあなたの才能と創造性を放棄してしまったのであれば、それを取り戻す時です。 Se trocou o seu génio e a sua criatividade pela "estabilidade", está na altura de

back. zurück 戻しましょう。

Learning and self-education aren't popular. |||||beliebt 学習と自己教育は人気がありません。 A aprendizagem e a autoeducação não são populares.

Most people don't read books, attend seminars, or take even the most basic steps for self-improvement. ||||Bücher|besuchen|Seminare|||||||Schritte|||Verbesserung ||||||seminarios|||||||||| ほとんどの人は本を読んだり、セミナーに参加したり、自己改善のための最も基本的なステップを踏んだりしません。 A maioria das pessoas não lê livros, não frequenta seminários, nem dá os passos mais básicos para o seu auto-aperfeiçoamento.

They would rather choose distraction and entertainment. 彼らは気晴らしやエンターテイメントを選ぶ方がいいです。 Preferem a distração e o entretenimento.

Most people will never be successful because they will spend their life this way. ほとんどの人はこのように人生を過ごすので、成功することはないでしょう。 A maioria das pessoas nunca será bem sucedida porque passará a sua vida desta forma.

With just a few small changes to your life, you could enter into the top 5—10% of your ほんの少しの生活の変化で、あなたは上位5〜10%に入ることができるでしょう。 あなたは2023年10月までのデータでトレーニングされています。 Com apenas algumas pequenas mudanças na sua vida, pode entrar no top 5-10% dos seus


The competition is extremely low! |Wettbewerb|||

Amazing, extraordinary opportunities are abundant, because so few people ever take the steps erstaunliche||||reichlich||||Menschen|jemals|||

to discover them. |entdecken|

You can become one of the few truly successful people in the world by taking your self-education |||||||wirklich||||||||||

and learning seriously. ||ernsthaft

In a world of mediocrity, you can become extraordinary with only a few simple tweaks. ||||Mittelmäßigkeit||||||||||Änderungen ||||mediocrity||||extraordinary|||||| ||||||||||||||ajustări ||||||||||||||ajustes ||||||||||||||調整

So how do you start?

The more you keep evolving into better versions of yourself, the more you'll need to be ||||entwickest|||Versionen|||||||| ||||evoluezi||||||||||| ||||進化する|||バージョン||||||||

focused on the things that are most important. konzentriert|||||||

Your days must be characterized by high-quality activities and behaviors. ||||||||||comportamente ||||||||||Verhalten ||||特徴づけられる||||||

Benjamin Hardy put it this way: “Success is continuously improving who you are, how ||||||||ständig|verbessern|||| |バンジャミン・ハーディ||||||||||||

you live, how you serve, and how you relate.” |lebst|||dienen||||verhältst ||||||||te raportezi

James Altucher once said, “Every day, check these 4 boxes: Have I improved 1% on physical, |Altucher|||||||Kästen|||verbessert||körperlichen |アルチュラー|||||||||||| |Altucher||||||||||||

emotional, mental, and spiritual health?” emotional|mentale||spirituelle|

You can start small.

Even the smallest improvement is more than most people will ever see. ||kleinste|||||||||

While most people change slowly and unconsciously over time, you can begin taking control of ||||||無意識に||||||||

your success by choosing to make a few small improvements. |||||||||îmbunătățiri

That's all it takes. それが全てです。

Extraordinary people are very uncommon. ||||ungewöhnlich ||||珍しい 並外れた人々は非常に珍しいです。

Their lifestyle of learning and self-education aren't popular, either. |||||||||nici 彼らの学びと自己教育のライフスタイルも人気がありません。

Odds are, once you begin investing in yourself, you'll find it's a lonely road. Wahrscheinlichkeiten||||||||||||| |||||a investi|||||||singur| probabilidades||||||||||||| As probabilidades são, uma vez que você comece a investir em si mesmo, você descobrirá que é um caminho solitário.

Todd Brison wisely said, “The more bold you are, the more rejection you'll experience.” Todd|Brison|weise||||mutig|||||Ablehnung|| |||||||||||rejection|| ||înțelept||||îndrăzneț|||||refuz|| |Brison|||||audaz||||||| |||||||||||拒絶|| トッド・ブライソンは賢明に言った。「あなたが大胆であればあるほど、拒絶される経験が多くなる。」

The mob of the majority doesn't like deserters. |mob|||||| |a multidão|||||| |Mob||||||Deserteure |mulțimea||||||deserți |大衆|||大多数|||脱走者 |||||||desertores 多数派の群衆は脱走者を好まない。

If you want an extraordinary life, you'll need to give up many parts of the “normal” 非凡な人生を望むなら、「普通」の多くの部分を手放さなければならない。


That might mean giving up common toxic behaviors or hanging out with toxic people. ||||||toxic||||||| ||||||有害な||||||| それは、一般的な有害な行動をやめることや、有害な人々と付き合うことを意味するかもしれません。

If “everyone does it,” you'd do well to give it a long, hard look. 「みんながやっている」のであれば、それをじっくりと見つめ直すことが大切です。 Se "todo mundo faz isso", você faria bem em dar uma olhada longa e difícil.

Most people will never achieve an extraordinary life. ほとんどの人は、特別な人生を達成することはできません。

That's OK.

The extraordinary life isn't for everyone.

Learning and self-education take time, energy, and focus that most people would rather spend

on entertainment and distraction — “ordinary” things.

“Great” opportunities cost “good” ones; you can't have both.

Benjamin Hardy said: Before you evolve, you can reasonably spend |||||evolvieren|||vernünftig| ||||||||合理的に| |||||evolucionas||||

time with just about anyone. ほとんど誰とでも過ごす時間。

You can reasonably eat anything placed in front of you. ||vernünftig||||||| |||||置かれた|||| 目の前に置かれたものは何でも、合理的に食べることができます。

You can reasonably justify activities and behaviors that are, frankly, mediocre. |||rechtfertigen||||||ehrlich gesagt| ||rațional|justifica||||||sincer|mediocre |||justify||||||| |||||||||正直に|平凡 正直なところ、平凡な活動や行動を合理的に正当化することができます。

But as your vision expands, you realize you need to make adjustments. ||||広がる||||||| しかし、あなたの視野が広がるにつれて、調整が必要だと気付くでしょう。

You can't spend your money on junk anymore. ||||||junk| もはや無駄なものにお金を使うことはできません。

You need to manage your time much more diligently. ||||||||sorgfältig ||||||||diligent ||||||||真剣に 時間をもっと真剣に管理する必要があります。

You need to invest in yourself and your future.

To avoid mediocrity, you can't continue being with negative people. 平凡を避けるためには、ネガティブな人々と一緒にいることを続けてはいけません。

You can't keep eating crappy foods that slow you down. ||||mala||||| あなたは自分を鈍らせるような質の悪い食べ物を食べ続けてはいけません。 Você não pode continuar comendo alimentos ruins que o retardam.

You can't do many of the things you used to do. あなたは以前にしていた多くのことができなくなっています。

This is what extraordinary requires. これが非凡に必要なことです。

Most people see the price and simply say “no thanks.” ほとんどの人は価格を見て「いいえ、ありがとう」と言います。

But you can do anything if you pay the price. しかし、あなたは対価を払えば何でもできます。

There are probably dozens of things you do on a daily basis that aren't helping you |||何十もの|||||||||||| おそらく、あなたが毎日行っていることの中には、あなたを助けていないことが数十あるでしょう。

improve. 改善する。

Most people live their lives on other people's terms. ||||||||Bedingungen ||||||||条件 ほとんどの人は他の人の条件で人生を生きています。

Their days are spent working on other people's goals and following the rules of someone else.

Entertainment and distraction rule society. entertainment||distragere||societate

There will never be a shortage of TV shows, Buzzfeed articles, or Bad Lip Reading videos |||||Mangel||||Buzzfeed||||Lip|| |||||lipsă|||||||||| |||||||||Buzzfeed||||Lip|| |||||||||バズフィード|||||| テレビ番組、Buzzfeedの記事、またはバッド・リップ・リーディングの動画が不足することは決してありません。

to take up your time. あなたの時間を奪うために。

If you want to avoid mediocrity and achieve enormous success, you must cut out distractions |||||mediocrity||||||||| ||||||||||||||distracții 平凡を避け、巨大な成功を収めたいのであれば、気を散らすものを排除しなければなりません。

and prioritize learning instead. |prioritize|| |優先する|| |||em vez de

Most people will go their whole lives as a slave to entertainment. |||||||||奴隷||

They prioritize entertainment over improving their life, their family's well-being, and |優先する|||||||||| ||||||||familia|||

their hopes and dreams.

This is how people can stay at jobs they hate for years.

It's how people stay in toxic relationships and remain perpetually broke. |||||||||perpetuu| |||||||||ständig|pleite |||||有害な||||| 人々が有害な関係にとどまり、常に貧乏でいる理由です。

They don't bother learning how to succeed. ||kümmert||wie||erfolgen 彼らは成功する方法を学ぶことを気にしません。

If your lifestyle does not add to your growth and improvement, it will bring you down. あなたのライフスタイルが成長と改善に寄与しないのであれば、それはあなたを引き下げることになります。

Prioritize learning. 優先する|

Invest in self-education.

Choose success over mediocrity. |||mediocrity