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Assorted YouTube videos, Game Theory: Winning the Game of Life

Game Theory: Winning the Game of Life

are you the type of person to analyze

every second of the interaction you just

had with someone for hours on end or

are you normal either way you probably

don't think all that hard about every

single detail of the decisions you make

in social situations

but believe it or not there's an entire

scientific field that applies to social

situations and decision making

we're talking about game theory game

theory can be used to analyze both

economic and social situations

it's essentially the science of strategy

and just like the reality it is trying

to model

game theory can get really complicated

and yes

although game theory is relevant to

games as we typically understand them

such as poker most research and game

theory focuses on how groups of people


let's first define what a game is so

what exactly is a game

it sounds like a stupid question like

who doesn't know what a game is

but games in the field of game theory

are a slightly different concept to what

you might expect

when it comes to game theoretic analysis

the game constitutes any interaction

between multiple people where each

person's payoff is affected by the

decision made by others

let's apply this definition of a game to

a couple of

games is sudoku a game well

in the traditional sense sure but in

game theory

no sudoku is not a game sudoku is not a

game because how you decide to complete

the puzzle doesn't affect any other


there is after all only one player in

the game

you what about tic-tac-toe is that a


two players can play the game and each

box that is filled by one of the players

affects the other player

winning requires both players to respond

optimally to what the other player is

doing so yes

it is a game you could also have a

situation where two shop owners choose

from a finite number of positions where

to strategically place their shops for

maximum profit

they are each affected by what the other

person does since they may be opting for

the same market

and there's certainly a win-lose

situation here so

even though placing your shop may not

sound like much of a game

in the eyes of game theorists it

certainly is

game theory is the study of games like

these and game theories try to model

games in a way that makes them easy to

understand and analyze

i say easy but a lot of games can end up

having pretty similar properties or

reoccurring patterns

and more often than not things can get

pretty complicated

game theory has two main focuses

cooperative games and non-cooperative


most game theory models involve five

conditions it goes something like this

first each player has two or more

choices or sequence of choices

think of these like typical moves in a

game like moving a chess piece

second all possible combinations of

decisions or plays result in a clear


basically you can win or lose third

it's clear how you can win or lose and

participants will gain or lose something

depending on the outcome

fourth the players know the rules of the

game as well as the payoffs of other


meaning everyone is aware of what is

desirable to the other players as well

and fifth the players are rationable and

sensible people

rational here means strictly that when

they're faced with two alternatives

they'll choose the option that provides

the greatest benefits while players know

the rules and their opponents options

they don't know their opponent's actual

decisions in advance

so players must choose options based on

assumptions of what their opponents

might choose

some game theory scenarios are zero-sum

games meaning one player's win is

another's loss

and vice versa others however

allow mutual gains and losses these

games can involve multiple strategies

you can try to minimize the maximum

losses another player can cause and make

decisions based on probable outcomes

this all really just sounds a bit

confusing so here just let me show you

if life is indeed a game then the first

rule is to be skeptical of other

people's suggestions

as we said if it's a game someone else

is going to be competing

so there's definitely going to be

competition and sabotage

perhaps a straightforward and well-known

example is the prisoner's dilemma

the game goes like this two criminals

are caught red-handed and are arrested

each has two choices they can each

either stay quiet

or testify against their friend upon


they are each separated and offered a

deal testify against your friend

and will let you off the hook easy with

one year in prison and give the other

person 10 years

if both stay quiet the cops can't really

prove the more serious charges and both

criminals would spend only 2 years

behind bars

if they both testify against each other

however then both would get 5-year

prison sentences

at first glance keeping quiet seems like

the best strategy

if they both did this they would both be

out after just two years

but right before they're about to

testify one of the two thinks to himself

what if i stay quiet and the other guy

rats me out without knowing what the

other person is actually going to decide

it's a reasonable worry to have the

smartest solution to this would be to

react in a way that is beneficial

regardless of what the other person does

a nash equilibrium is actually a state

in which no one person can improve given

what the others are doing

this means you're picking the best

response to a particular strategy from

your opponent

a quick analysis of the prisoner's

dilemma reveals they would both most

likely testify

which is the nash equilibrium for this

problem this is because regardless of

what the other person does

testifying will lead to a maximum

sentence of 5 years with the potential

for a 1 year sentence

meanwhile if you don't testify you could

end up with a 10-year term

it's easily the safest thing to do

considering neither party knows what the

other is going to do

even though both criminals are better

off if they just stayed quiet

here the individual incentive wins over

group interest

testifying is a better option because

you know that you'll be in trouble if

you stay quiet but your friend testifies

but if you can think of that your friend

can too

so he knows you're likely going to

testify given that it's the safer option

for you

and you know he's likely going to

testify too for the same reason

and you know that he knows that you're

likely going to testify

you see the loop that's forming these

types of problems are examples of

non-cooperative games

which means the two prisoners can't

convey their intentions to each other

if they were able to talk to each other

however we would be in a cooperative


and that would affect the likelihood of

certain outcomes as you can imagine

for example it'd become much easier for

them to agree beforehand that they're

both just going to stay quiet

on the contrary a coordination game is

one in which everyone benefits from

working together

there's no incentive for either party to

cheat since it will result in a worse

outcome than if they just cooperated

a good example is driving on the correct

side of the road you win nothing by

driving on the wrong side of the road

but sometimes you lose without even


the principal agent problem is when one

person is allowed to make decisions on

behalf of another person

in this situation the first person is

likely to prioritize their own interests

and pursue their own goals

and well yeah that's the basis of modern


game theory can also be applied to

biology though in fact

its application in the field of biology

has allowed biologists to answer a lot

of questions about evolution

which is remarkable since game theory

was never designed for this

for example it's helped scientists

explain biological altruism

where an organism acts in a way that is

most favorable for the overall species

even if that action is harmful to itself

a bird might warn the rest of the group

about the arrival of a predator

doing so risks its own life since it

essentially announces itself to the


but this trait can later help that bird

assuming it survives of course

when other birds return the favor and

worn it these concepts might help you

anticipate some of the strategies others

might be using to get one over on you

but who really knows what they're

thinking the concept of guessing others

moves is what makes the game so tricky

while each player is likely to be

certain about only their own move they

still have to speculate about other

players decisions

and more importantly other players

conception of every other player's


essentially you are no longer making a

decision based on what you think is


rather you're anticipating what your

opponent thinks is right and simply

reacting to it

but then again your opponent is doing

the same exact thing

so who's really making the decision here

whose mind is the actual decision being

made in

let's put it another way each player

must know their own chance of coming out

on top

guess everyone else's chance and also

guess what everyone else is guessing

about their own chances of winning

not only this but you also really need

to be able to guess what other players

are guessing about your guesses about


and now look we're confused again

another problem is that

although game theory has many benefits

it would be impossible to properly apply

it in all situations

there will be times where rationality

might not offer the right solutions

or a mutual benefit might not be the

most ideal outcome

when you come up against these you have

to not only recognize them

but then also decide whether using game

theory would be the most helpful way to

deal with the situation

by then the moment could already be gone

the assumption that everyone is going to

be rational a basic premise of game


is also a really risky one humans can be

extremely unpredictable and emotional

and this makes the guessing work near


there's a ton of real-life examples that

illustrate the basic concepts of game


apple and samsung are involved in an

endless game of advertising

it's not like either company needs to

advertise besides advertising can get

extremely expensive

so why not just forego this task all

together and use the money for research

and development

if both companies did this then we'd

probably have better phones by now

but sure enough apple banks on the

possibility of samsung advertising and

gaining an edge over the market

and samsung does the same and that

possibility soon turns into a certainty

you and i have all come to accept

now this is an extremely simplistic

example that bypasses many other


but you see the basic concept another

good everyday example can be found in

the treatment of public goods and


if everyone decides to be good citizens

and not litter society benefits as a


but you're inevitably going to come up

against one or more people who choose to

essentially go rogue and behave

selfishly by littering

this leads to society as a whole bearing

the cost of cleaning up

all the while making not littering a

less worthwhile decision

after all if the road's already littered

the work to not litter is that much less


you can probably now see how applicable

this is to other situations in life

like every big important decision we're

supposed to be fixing

but more on that later as interesting as

it is

game theory can still only analyze

simple situations with well-defined


and you must remember that any model is

a subset of reality no matter how good

it is

it's essentially intellectual guesswork

the bottom line

we're all constantly in the game it's

pretty impossible not to be

our lives are endlessly and unavoidably

impacted by the actions and decisions

made by others

so you might as well play the game the

best you can

and that interaction you spent hours

analyzing after the other person has

already long forgotten it

maybe it's not such a bad thing after

all we're just trying to win the game of


and the reason to win is so that you can

be free of it

game theory is complicated and i don't

think it's something you're consistently

aware of

it takes time to truly understand and

there's even more scenarios than just

the ones i've mentioned that you'll

encounter pretty often

it has roots in mathematics statistics

and probability

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Game Theory: Winning the Game of Life Gioco|Teoria|winning|the|game||life Spieltheorie: Das Spiel des Lebens gewinnen Game Theory: Winning the Game of Life Teoría de juegos: Ganar el juego de la vida تئوری بازی: برنده شدن در بازی زندگی Théorie des jeux : Gagner au jeu de la vie Teoria dei giochi: vincere il gioco della vita ゲーム理論人生ゲームに勝つ 게임 이론: 인생의 게임에서 승리하기 Žaidimų teorija: Laimėti gyvenimo žaidimą Teoria gier: zwycięstwo w grze życia Teoria dos jogos: Ganhar o jogo da vida Теория игр: Победа в игре жизни Oyun Teorisi: Hayat Oyununu Kazanmak Теорія ігор: Перемога у грі життя 博弈论:赢得人生博弈 博弈论:赢得生命的游戏 博弈論:贏得生命的遊戲

are you the type of person to analyze verbo ausiliare|you||type|of|||analyze آیا شما از آن دسته افرادی هستید که باید تحلیل کنید؟ Вы тот человек, которого нужно анализировать? ste tip osebe za analizo 你是要分析的人吗

every second of the interaction you just every|second|of|the|interaction|| |||the|interazione|| هر ثانیه از تعامل شما فقط каждую секунду взаимодействия вы просто

had with someone for hours on end or ساعت ها با کسی یا

are you normal either way you probably آیا شما در هر صورت احتمالاً عادی هستید؟ ты в любом случае нормальный? 不管怎样你都正常吗你可能

don't think all that hard about every در مورد همه اینقدر سخت فکر نکن 不要把每件事都想得那么难

single detail of the decisions you make جزییات تنها از تصمیماتی که می گیرید

in social situations در موقعیت های اجتماعی 在社交场合

but believe it or not there's an entire اما باور کنید یا نه یک کل وجود دارد 但信不信由你

scientific field that applies to social حوزه علمی که در حوزه اجتماعی کاربرد دارد 适用于社会的科学领域

situations and decision making 情况和决策

we're talking about game theory game 我们在谈论博弈论游戏

theory can be used to analyze both 理论可以用来分析两者

economic and social situations 经济和社会状况

it's essentially the science of strategy 它本质上是战略科学

and just like the reality it is trying 就像它正在尝试的现实一样

to model 模拟

game theory can get really complicated 博弈论可以变得非常复杂

and yes 是的

although game theory is relevant to 虽然博弈论与

games as we typically understand them 我们通常理解的游戏

such as poker most research and game 例如扑克大多数研究和游戏

theory focuses on how groups of people ||||집단|| 理论关注人群如何

interact 相互作用

let's first define what a game is so 让我们首先定义什么是游戏

what exactly is a game 到底什么是游戏

it sounds like a stupid question like 这听起来像是一个愚蠢的问题

who doesn't know what a game is quem|||||| 谁不知道游戏是什么

but games in the field of game theory 但是博弈论领域的博弈

are a slightly different concept to what 是一个稍微不同的概念

you might expect 你可能会期望

when it comes to game theoretic analysis 当谈到博弈论分析时

the game constitutes any interaction ||구성한다|| 游戏构成任何互动

between multiple people where each 多人之间,每个人

person's payoff is affected by the |보상|||| 人的收益受

decision made by others 别人的决定

let's apply this definition of a game to 让我们将这个游戏定义应用到

a couple of 几个

games is sudoku a game well 游戏是数独游戏很好

in the traditional sense sure but in 在传统意义上是肯定的,但在

game theory 博弈论

no sudoku is not a game sudoku is not a 没有数独不是游戏数独不是

game because how you decide to complete Spiel, denn wie Sie sich entscheiden, das Spiel 游戏因为你决定如何完成

the puzzle doesn't affect any other 拼图不影响任何其他


there is after all only one player in 毕竟只有一个玩家

the game 游戏

you what about tic-tac-toe is that a 你说井字游戏是什么

game 游戏

two players can play the game and each 两个玩家可以玩这个游戏,每个

box that is filled by one of the players 由其中一名玩家填充的盒子

affects the other player 影响其他玩家

winning requires both players to respond |필요하다|||| 获胜需要双方都做出回应

optimally to what the other player is 상대방에 비|||||상대 플레이어| 最适合其他玩家的情况

doing so yes 这样做是的

it is a game you could also have a 这是一款你也可以拥有的游戏

situation where two shop owners choose 两个店主选择的情况

from a finite number of positions where 从有限数量的位置,其中

to strategically place their shops for 战略性地放置他们的商店

maximum profit 最大利润

they are each affected by what the other 他们每个人都受到对方的影响

person does since they may be opting for ||||||선택하는| 人们这样做是因为他们可能会选择

the same market 同一个市场

and there's certainly a win-lose 肯定有输赢

situation here so 这里的情况是这样

even though placing your shop may not 即使放置您的商店可能不会

sound like much of a game 听起来像是一场游戏

in the eyes of game theorists it 在博弈论者看来

certainly is 当然是

game theory is the study of games like 博弈论是对博弈的研究

these and game theories try to model 这些和博弈论试图建模

games in a way that makes them easy to 游戏的方式,让他们很容易

understand and analyze 理解和分析

i say easy but a lot of games can end up |||||많은||||| 我说容易,但很多游戏都可以结束

having pretty similar properties or 具有非常相似的属性或

reoccurring patterns

and more often than not things can get 事情往往可以得到

pretty complicated 相当复杂

game theory has two main focuses 博弈论有两个主要焦点

cooperative games and non-cooperative 合作博弈与非合作博弈


most game theory models involve five 大多数博弈论模型涉及五个

conditions it goes something like this 条件是这样的

first each player has two or more 首先每个玩家有两个或更多

choices or sequence of choices 选择或选择顺序

think of these like typical moves in a 把这些想象成一个典型的动作

game like moving a chess piece 像移动棋子一样的游戏

second all possible combinations of 第二个所有可能的组合

decisions or plays result in a clear 决定或戏剧会产生清晰的结果

outcome 结果

basically you can win or lose third 基本上你可以输第三

it's clear how you can win or lose and 很清楚你如何赢或输

participants will gain or lose something 参与者会得到或失去一些东西

depending on the outcome 取决于结果

fourth the players know the rules of the 第四,玩家知道规则

game as well as the payoffs of other |||||보상(1)|| 游戏以及其他游戏的收益


meaning everyone is aware of what is 意味着每个人都知道什么是

desirable to the other players as well 对其他玩家也是可取的

and fifth the players are rationable and 第五,玩家是理性的

sensible people

rational here means strictly that when 这里的理性严格意味着当

they're faced with two alternatives 他们面临两种选择

they'll choose the option that provides 他们会选择提供的选项

the greatest benefits while players know 玩家知道的最大好处

the rules and their opponents options 规则和对手的选择

they don't know their opponent's actual 他们不知道对手的真实情况

decisions in advance 预先决定

so players must choose options based on 所以玩家必须根据

assumptions of what their opponents 他们的对手的假设

might choose 可能会选择

some game theory scenarios are zero-sum 一些博弈论场景是零和的

games meaning one player's win is 游戏意味着一个玩家的胜利是

another's loss

and vice versa others however 反之亦然

allow mutual gains and losses these 允许相互得失这些

games can involve multiple strategies 游戏可以涉及多种策略

you can try to minimize the maximum 你可以尝试最小化最大值

losses another player can cause and make

decisions based on probable outcomes 基于可能结果的决定

this all really just sounds a bit 这一切真的只是听起来有点

confusing so here just let me show you 令人困惑所以在这里让我告诉你

if life is indeed a game then the first 만약 인생이 정말 게임이라면 첫 번째 如果生活真的是一场游戏那么第一个

rule is to be skeptical of other ||||회의적|| 규칙은 다른 사람의 规则是对其他人持怀疑态度

people's suggestions 제안에 회의적이 되는 것이다 人们的建议

as we said if it's a game someone else 正如我们所说,如果这是别人的游戏

is going to be competing 将要竞争

so there's definitely going to be 所以肯定会有

competition and sabotage 竞争和破坏

perhaps a straightforward and well-known 也许是一个直截了当且广为人知的

example is the prisoner's dilemma 例子是囚徒困境

the game goes like this two criminals 游戏是这样的两个罪犯

are caught red-handed and are arrested |||현행범으로||| 被当场抓住并被捕

each has two choices they can each 每个人都有两个选择

either stay quiet 要么保持安静

or testify against their friend upon |증언하다|||| 或指证他们的朋友


they are each separated and offered a 他们每个人都分开并提供一个

deal testify against your friend 交易作证反对你的朋友

and will let you off the hook easy with 并且会让你轻松摆脱困境

one year in prison and give the other 一年监禁,另一年

person 10 years 人 10 年

if both stay quiet the cops can't really 如果两个人都保持安静,警察真的不能

prove the more serious charges and both 证明更严重的指控和两者

criminals would spend only 2 years 罪犯只会花2年时间

behind bars 身陷囹圄

if they both testify against each other 如果他们都互相作证

however then both would get 5-year 然而,两者都会得到 5 年

prison sentences 监禁

at first glance keeping quiet seems like 乍一看,保持安静似乎

the best strategy 最好的策略

if they both did this they would both be 如果他们都这样做,他们都会

out after just two years

but right before they're about to 但就在他们即将

testify one of the two thinks to himself |||||생각한다|| 证明两种想法中的一种自言自语

what if i stay quiet and the other guy 如果我和另一个人保持安静怎么办

rats me out without knowing what the 내가 배신하다|||||| 在不知道是什么的情况下把我赶出去

other person is actually going to decide 其他人实际上将决定

it's a reasonable worry to have the 有理由担心

smartest solution to this would be to 最聪明的解决办法是

react in a way that is beneficial

regardless of what the other person does 不管对方做什么

a nash equilibrium is actually a state |내쉬||||| 纳什均衡实际上是一种状态

in which no one person can improve given 没有人可以改进

what the others are doing 其他人在做什么

this means you're picking the best 这意味着你选择了最好的

response to a particular strategy from 对特定策略的响应

your opponent 你的对手

a quick analysis of the prisoner's 对囚犯的快速分析

dilemma reveals they would both most 困境表明他们最

likely testify 可能作证

which is the nash equilibrium for this 这是这个的纳什均衡

problem this is because regardless of 问题这是因为不管

what the other person does 对方做什么

testifying will lead to a maximum 作证将导致最大

sentence of 5 years with the potential 有可能被判 5 年徒刑

for a 1 year sentence 一年徒刑

meanwhile if you don't testify you could

end up with a 10-year term 结束 10 年任期

it's easily the safest thing to do 这很容易是最安全的事情

considering neither party knows what the 考虑到双方都不知道

other is going to do

even though both criminals are better 即使两个罪犯都更好

off if they just stayed quiet 如果他们只是保持安静,请关闭

here the individual incentive wins over 在这里个人激励胜出

group interest 团体利益

testifying is a better option because 作证是更好的选择,因为

you know that you'll be in trouble if 你知道如果

you stay quiet but your friend testifies 你保持沉默,但你的朋友作证

but if you can think of that your friend 但如果你能想到你的朋友

can too 也可以

so he knows you're likely going to 所以他知道你可能会

testify given that it's the safer option 证明这是更安全的选择

for you

and you know he's likely going to 你知道他可能会

testify too for the same reason 出于同样的原因也作证

and you know that he knows that you're 你知道他知道你是

likely going to testify |||증언하다 可能会作证

you see the loop that's forming these |||루프(1)||| 你看到形成这些的循环

types of problems are examples of 问题类型的例子

non-cooperative games 非合作博弈

which means the two prisoners can't 这意味着两个囚犯不能

convey their intentions to each other 전달하다||의도||| 互相传达心意

if they were able to talk to each other 如果他们能够互相交谈

however we would be in a cooperative ||||||협력적인 但是我们会合作


and that would affect the likelihood of 这会影响的可能性

certain outcomes as you can imagine 您可以想象的某些结果

for example it'd become much easier for 例如它会变得更容易

them to agree beforehand that they're |||미리|| 他们事先同意他们是

both just going to stay quiet 都只是保持安静

on the contrary a coordination game is 相反,协调博弈是

one in which everyone benefits from 每个人都从中受益

working together 一起工作

there's no incentive for either party to 任何一方都没有动力

cheat since it will result in a worse 作弊,因为它会导致更糟

outcome than if they just cooperated 结果比他们只是合作

a good example is driving on the correct 一个很好的例子是正确驾驶

side of the road you win nothing by 在路边你一无所获

driving on the wrong side of the road 逆行行驶

but sometimes you lose without even 但有时你甚至没有输


the principal agent problem is when one 委托代理问题是当一个

person is allowed to make decisions on ||||||에 대해 人被允许做出决定

behalf of another person 대리하여||| 代表另一个人

in this situation the first person is 在这种情况下,第一人称是

likely to prioritize their own interests 可能优先考虑自己的利益

and pursue their own goals |추구하다||| 并追求自己的目标

and well yeah that's the basis of modern 嗯,是的,这是现代的基础

politics 政治

game theory can also be applied to

biology though in fact 生物学虽然事实上

its application in the field of biology

has allowed biologists to answer a lot 让生物学家回答了很多

of questions about evolution 关于进化的问题

which is remarkable since game theory

was never designed for this 从来没有为此设计

for example it's helped scientists 例如,它帮助科学家

explain biological altruism 解释生物利他主义

where an organism acts in a way that is ||||||||이다 有机体的行为方式是

most favorable for the overall species |가장 유리한|||| 对整个物种最有利

even if that action is harmful to itself ||||해롭다||| 即使那个动作对自己有害

a bird might warn the rest of the group 一只鸟可能会警告其他人

about the arrival of a predator 关于捕食者的到来

doing so risks its own life since it 这样做会冒着生命危险,因为它

essentially announces itself to the 本质上是向


but this trait can later help that bird ||특성||||| 但是这个特性以后可以帮助那只鸟

assuming it survives of course 가정하건대|||| 假设它当然幸存下来

when other birds return the favor and |||||보답| 当其他鸟儿报答时

worn it these concepts might help you 戴上它这些概念可能对你有帮助

anticipate some of the strategies others 预测其他人的一些策略

might be using to get one over on you 可能会用来对付你

but who really knows what they're 但谁真正知道它们是什么

thinking the concept of guessing others 想着猜别人的概念

moves is what makes the game so tricky 移动是让游戏如此棘手的原因

while each player is likely to be 而每个玩家很可能是

certain about only their own move they 确定只有他们自己的举动他们

still have to speculate about other |||추측하다|| 还是要推测其他的

players decisions 球员决定

and more importantly other players 更重要的是其他玩家

conception of every other player's 각 플레이어의 개|||| 每个其他玩家的构想


essentially you are no longer making a 基本上你不再制作

decision based on what you think is 根据您的想法做出决定


rather you're anticipating what your 오히려|||| 而是你在期待你的

opponent thinks is right and simply 对手认为是正确的和简单的

reacting to it 对此作出反应

but then again your opponent is doing 但是你的对手又在做

the same exact thing 完全一样的东西

so who's really making the decision here 那么谁真正在这里做决定

whose mind is the actual decision being 谁的想法才是真正的决定

made in

let's put it another way each player 让我们换一种方式说每个玩家

must know their own chance of coming out 必须知道自己出柜的机会

on top

guess everyone else's chance and also 猜测其他人的机会,也

guess what everyone else is guessing 猜猜其他人都在猜什么

about their own chances of winning 关于他们自己获胜的机会

not only this but you also really need 不仅如此,你也真的需要

to be able to guess what other players 能够猜测其他玩家

are guessing about your guesses about 正在猜测你的猜测


and now look we're confused again 现在看我们又糊涂了

another problem is that 另一个问题是

although game theory has many benefits 虽然博弈论有很多好处

it would be impossible to properly apply 无法正确应用

it in all situations

there will be times where rationality |||||합리성 会有理性的时候

might not offer the right solutions 可能无法提供正确的解决方案

or a mutual benefit might not be the ||상호||||| 或者互惠互利可能不是

most ideal outcome 最理想的结果

when you come up against these you have 当你遇到这些你有

to not only recognize them 不仅要认出他们

but then also decide whether using game 但随后还要决定是否使用游戏

theory would be the most helpful way to 理论是最有用的方法

deal with the situation 处理情况

by then the moment could already be gone 那一刻可能已经过去了

the assumption that everyone is going to 每个人都会去的假设

be rational a basic premise of game 理性是游戏的基本前提

theory 理论

is also a really risky one humans can be

extremely unpredictable and emotional 极度不可预测和情绪化

and this makes the guessing work near 这使得猜测工作接近

impossible 不可能的

there's a ton of real-life examples that

illustrate the basic concepts of game


apple and samsung are involved in an 苹果和三星卷入了一场

endless game of advertising 无尽的广告游戏

it's not like either company needs to

advertise besides advertising can get |그 외에||| 打广告除了打广告还能得到

extremely expensive 极其昂贵

so why not just forego this task all ||||이 작업을 포기||| 那么为什么不放弃这个任务呢

together and use the money for research 一起把钱用在研究上

and development

if both companies did this then we'd 如果两家公司都这样做,那么我们

probably have better phones by now 现在可能有更好的手机

but sure enough apple banks on the ||||은행|| 但果然苹果银行在

possibility of samsung advertising and 三星广告的可能性和

gaining an edge over the market 在市场上获得优势

and samsung does the same and that 三星也这样做

possibility soon turns into a certainty 可能性很快变成确定性

you and i have all come to accept 你我都已经接受

now this is an extremely simplistic 现在这是一个非常简单的

example that bypasses many other ||우회하는|| 绕过许多其他的例子

variables 变量

but you see the basic concept another 但你看到了另一个基本概念

good everyday example can be found in 很好的日常例子可以在

the treatment of public goods and 公共物品的处理和


if everyone decides to be good citizens 如果每个人都决定成为好公民

and not litter society benefits as a ||쓰레기|||| 而不是乱丢社会福利


but you're inevitably going to come up 但你不可避免地会出现

against one or more people who choose to 针对一个或多个选择

essentially go rogue and behave 本质上是流氓行为

selfishly by littering 自私地乱扔垃圾

this leads to society as a whole bearing |이것은 사회에|||||| 这导致整个社会的轴承

the cost of cleaning up 清理费用

all the while making not littering a 一直不乱扔垃圾

less worthwhile decision 不值得的决定

after all if the road's already littered ||||도로가||

the work to not litter is that much less


you can probably now see how applicable 你现在可能会看到有多适用

this is to other situations in life 这是生活中的其他情况

like every big important decision we're 就像我们做出的每一个重大决定

supposed to be fixing 应该修复

but more on that later as interesting as 但稍后会更有趣

it is

game theory can still only analyze 博弈论仍然只能分析

simple situations with well-defined 定义明确的简单情况

constraints 제약 조건

and you must remember that any model is 你必须记住,任何模型都是

a subset of reality no matter how good 现实的一个子集,无论多么好

it is

it's essentially intellectual guesswork ||지적|추측 작업 这本质上是智力猜测

the bottom line 底线

we're all constantly in the game it's 我们一直都在游戏中

pretty impossible not to be 不可能不成为

our lives are endlessly and unavoidably 我们的生活是无止境的和不可避免的

impacted by the actions and decisions 受到行动和决定的影响

made by others

so you might as well play the game the 所以你不妨玩这个游戏

best you can

and that interaction you spent hours 你花了几个小时的互动

analyzing after the other person has 对方有后分析

already long forgotten it 早就忘记了

maybe it's not such a bad thing after 也许这不是一件坏事之后

all we're just trying to win the game of 我们只是想赢得这场比赛


and the reason to win is so that you can 获胜的原因是你可以

be free of it 摆脱它

game theory is complicated and i don't 博弈论很复杂,我不知道

think it's something you're consistently 认为这是你始终如一的事情

aware of

it takes time to truly understand and 真正理解和理解需要时间

there's even more scenarios than just 场景不止于此

the ones i've mentioned that you'll 我提到过的那些你会

encounter pretty often

it has roots in mathematics statistics 它起源于数学统计

and probability 和概率

if you're interested in things like this 如果你对这样的事情感兴趣

then brilliant is for you

brilliant is a problem-solving site that brilliant 是一个解决问题的网站

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