Θεωρώ πως για την απόδρασή του αξιοποίησε ένα σμήνος από άγρια μεταναστευτικά πουλιά.
I consider|that|for|the|escape|his|utilized||flock|of||migratory|
I think that for his escape he used a swarm of wild migratory birds.
Creio que utilizou um bando de aves migratórias selvagens para a sua fuga.
Το πρωινό της αναχώρησής του, τακτοποίησε τα πάντα στον πλανήτη του προσεκτικά.
On the morning of his departure, he carefully arranged everything on his planet.
Na manhã da sua partida, arrumou cuidadosamente tudo no seu planeta.
Καθάρισε προσεκτικά τα ενεργά του ηφαίστεια.
Limpou cuidadosamente os seus vulcões activos.
Είχε δυο ενεργά ηφαίστεια.
Tinha dois vulcões activos.
Και ήταν ιδιαιτέρως βολικό για να ζεσταίνει το πρωινό του.
And it was especially convenient to warm up his breakfast.
E era particularmente útil para aquecer o seu pequeno-almoço.
Είχε επίσης κι ένα ανενεργό ηφαίστειο.
It also had an inactive volcano.
Tinha também um vulcão inativo.
Μα, όπως έλεγε: «Δεν ξέρεις ποτέ τι γίνεται!» Καθάρισε λοιπόν εξίσου προσεκτικά και το ανενεργό ηφαίστειο.
But, as he used to say: "You never know what happens!" So clean the inactive volcano just as carefully.
Mas, como ele costumava dizer, "Nunca se sabe o que se passa!" Por isso, limpou o vulcão adormecido com o mesmo cuidado.
Όταν είναι καλά καθαρισμένα, τα ηφαίστεια καίνε σιγά και σταθερά, χωρίς εκρήξεις.
When well cleaned, volcanoes burn slowly and steadily, without explosions.
Quando bem limpos, os vulcões ardem de forma lenta e constante, sem entrar em erupção.
Οι ηφαιστειακές εκρήξεις είναι όπως η φωτιά του τζακιού.
Volcanic eruptions are like the fire of a fireplace.
As erupções vulcânicas são como o fogo de uma lareira.
Εμείς βέβαια εδώ στη γη, είμαστε πολύ μικροί για να καθαρίζουμε τα ηφαίστειά μας.
É claro que nós, aqui na Terra, somos demasiado pequenos para limpar os nossos vulcões.
Γι' αυτό μας προκαλούν τόσα πολλά προβλήματα.
That's why they cause us so many problems.
É por isso que nos causam tantos problemas.
Ο μικρός πρίγκιπας ξερίζωσε επίσης, με μια κάποια μελαγχολία, τα τελευταία βλασταράκια από τα μπαομπάμπ.
The little prince also uprooted, with some melancholy, the last shoots from the baobabs.
O pequeno príncipe também arrancava, com uma certa melancolia, os últimos rebentos dos baobás.
Πίστευε ότι ποτέ πια δεν θα επέστρεφε.
He believed he would never return.
Ele pensou que nunca mais voltaria.
Όμως όλες αυτές οι συνηθισμένες του δουλειές, το πρωί εκείνο, του φάνηκαν ιδιαίτερα ευχάριστες.
|||||||||that morning||seemed to him|particularly|pleasant
But all these usual chores that morning seemed particularly pleasing to him.
Mas todos os seus afazeres habituais, naquela manhã, pareceram-lhe particularmente agradáveis.
Και όταν πότισε για μια τελευταία φορά το λουλούδι και ετοιμάστηκε να το σκεπάσει με τη γυάλα του, ανακάλυψε την επιθυμία να κλάψει.
||||||||flower||he prepared|||cover it|||glass||||desire||cry
E quando regou a flor uma última vez e se preparou para a cobrir com o seu vaso, descobriu a vontade de chorar.
«Αντίο» είπε στο λουλούδι.
Αυτή όμως δεν του απάντησε.
But she did not answer him.
«Αντίο» επανέλαβε.
Το λουλούδι έβηξε.
A flor tossiu.
Όμως δεν ήταν εξαιτίας του συναχιού.
|||because of||the cold
But it wasn't because of the concubine.
Mas não foi por causa da sinagoga.
«Ήμουν ανόητη» του είπε τελικά.
"I was a fool," she finally told him.
"Fui uma tola", disse-lhe ela finalmente.
«Σου ζητώ να με συγχωρέσεις.
|||me|forgive me
"I ask you to forgive me.
"Peço-vos que me perdoem.
Κοίταξε να είσαι ευτυχισμένος».
"Look to be happy."
Procura ser feliz".
Του έκανε εντύπωση η απουσία παραπόνου.
He was impressed by the lack of complaint.
Ficou impressionado com a ausência de queixas.
Στεκόταν εκεί, παραξενεμένος, με τη γυάλα στον αέρα.
||puzzled|||the jar|in the|air
He stood there, bewildered, with his glass in the air.
Ele ficou ali, perplexo, com a taça no ar.
Δεν καταλάβαινε αυτή την ήρεμη γλυκύτητα.
He did not understand this calm sweetness.
Ele não compreendia aquela doçura tranquila.
«Μα, ναι, σ' αγαπώ» του είπε το λουλούδι.
"Mas, sim, eu amo-te", disse a flor.
«Δεν κατάλαβες τίποτα από δικό μου σφάλμα.
"You did not understand anything from my mistake.
"Não percebeste nada da minha culpa.
Δεν έχει πια σημασία.
It doesn't matter anymore.
Já não importa.
Αλλά κι εσύ φέρθηκες το ίδιο ανόητα όπως εγώ.
But you behaved as foolishly as I did.
Mas tu foste tão tolo como eu.
Κοίτα να είσαι ευτυχισμένος… Άφησε αυτή τη γυάλα.
Look to be happy… Leave this bowl.
Procurem ser felizes... Deixem esse aquário.
Δεν τη θέλω πια».
I don't want her anymore."
Não o quero mais".
«Μα ο αέρας…» «Δεν είμαι τόσο κρυωμένη… Ο δροσερός αέρας της νύχτας μου κάνει καλό.
“But the air…” “I'm not that cold… The cool night air does me good.
"Mas o ar..." "Não tenho assim tanto frio... O ar fresco da noite faz-me bem.
Είμαι ένα λουλούδι».
I am a flower."
«Μα, τα ζώα…» «Θα πρέπει να ανεχτώ δυο ή τρεις κάμπιες αν θέλω να γνωρίσω πεταλούδες.
"But, the animals…" "I have to tolerate two or three caterpillars if I want to meet butterflies.
"Mas, animais..." "Terei de suportar duas ou três lagartas se quiser conhecer borboletas.
Φαίνεται πως είναι πάρα πολύ όμορφες.
They seem to be very beautiful.
Parecem ser muito, muito bonitas.
Διαφορετικά ποιος θα με επισκεφτεί; Εσύ θα βρίσκεσαι μακριά.
Otherwise||||visit|||will be|
Otherwise who will visit me? You will be far away.
Caso contrário, quem é que me vai visitar?
Όσο για τα μεγάλα θηρία, δεν φοβάμαι κανένα.
Quanto às grandes feras, não tenho medo de nenhuma delas.
Έχω τα νύχια μου».
Eu tenho as minhas unhas".
Και έδειξε με αφέλεια τα τέσσερα αγκάθια της.
E mostrou ingenuamente os seus quatro espinhos.
Έπειτα πρόσθεσε: «Μην καθυστερείς έτσι, είναι ενοχλητικό.
then|add||you are delaying|||annoying
Then he added, “Don't be late like that, it's annoying.
Depois acrescentou: "Não te atrases assim, é embaraçoso.
Αποφάσισες να φύγεις.
You decided to leave.
Decidiu ir-se embora.
Leave now
Go away".
Γιατί δεν ήθελε να τη δει να κλαίει.
Because he did not want to see her cry.
Porque ele não a queria ver chorar.
Ήταν ένα λουλούδι πολύ περήφανο…
It was a flower very proud…