Episode 21 - 존 크라카우어 (Jon Krakauer) - Part 1
Episode 21 - Jon Krakauer - Part 1
작가 김영하의 '책 읽는 시간' 팟캐스트
writer|Kim Young-ha's|book|reading|time|podcast
Author Kim Young-ha's 'Reading Time' podcast
'책 읽는 시간' 팟캐스트 진행하는 작가 김영하입니다.
book'|reading'|time'|podcast'|hosting'|author'|is Kim Young-ha'
This is author Kim Young-ha, the host of the 'Reading Time' podcast.
그동안 잘 지내셨습니까?
for a while|well|have you been
Have you been well?
오늘은 스물 한 번 째 시간입니다.
Today is the twenty-first time.
아시는 분은 아시겠고, 모르시는 분은 모르시겠지만 그 사이에 저의 신상에 약간의 변화가 있었습니다.
knowing|person|knows|not knowing|person|does not know|that|in between|my|personal|slight|change|was
Those who know, know, and those who don't, don't, but in the meantime, there has been a slight change in my personal situation.
저는 서울에서 뉴욕으로 거처를 옮겼습니다.
I|in Seoul|to New York|residence|moved
I have moved from Seoul to New York.
사실 그 스무 번 째 에피소드, 정이현 씨 책을 가지고 했을 때만 해도 서울에 있었는데요.
actually|that|twentieth|time|ordinal|episode|Jeong Ihyeon|Mr/Ms|book|having|was||even|in Seoul|was
In fact, when I did the twentieth episode with Jeong Ihyun's book, I was still in Seoul.
그당시에 녹음 상태가 별로 좋지않았습니다.
at that time|recording|condition|not very|was good
At that time, the recording quality was not very good.
왜그러냐하면, 집에 있느 짐을 모두 뉴욕으로 붙였기 때문에 집이 텅 빈 상태였습니다.
|at home||belongings|all|to New York|I sent|because|house|empty|vacant|was in a state of
The reason is that I had sent all my belongings to New York, so my house was empty.
그래서 목소리가 많이 울렸죠.
so|voice|a lot|echoed
So the sound echoed a lot.
지금도 뭐 약간 울리는 것 같은데요.
right now|something|slightly|ringing|thing|seems
It still seems to echo a bit now.
제가 제 방에서 하다 보니 여러가지 한계가 있습니다.
I|my|in my room|doing|since|various|limitations|exist
Since I'm doing this in my room, there are various limitations.
또 그때는 책도 많지를 않았어요.
also|at that time|books|many|were not
Also, at that time, I didn't have many books.
그래서 고르는데 어려움을 겪어서 한달 가까이 팟캐스트 녹음을 하지 못 했습니다.
so|in choosing|difficulty|experiencing|one month|nearly|podcast|recording|I did|not|was able to
So I had difficulty choosing and couldn't record the podcast for almost a month.
드디어 배로 붙였던 저의 책들을 뉴욕에서 만났습니다.
finally|by ship|that I had sent|my|books|in New York|I met
Finally, I met the books I had shipped by boat in New York.
책장을 둘러보면서 정말 책장이야말로 내 마음의 고향이구나, 내 책들과 함께 있으면 거기가 바로 고향이구나..이런 생각을 하게 됐습니다.
the bookshelf|while looking around|really|the bookshelf|my|of the heart|is my hometown|my|with the books|together|when I am|there|exactly|is my hometown|such|thought|to|became
As I looked around the bookshelf, I realized that the bookshelf truly is the hometown of my heart; being with my books feels like being at home... I started to think this way.
어떤 책을 가지고 오늘 해볼까..계속 생각을 했었는데요.
which|book|with|today|should I try|continuously|thought|I was having
I kept thinking about which book to try today.
이렇게 책장을 쭉 둘어본다는 것은 자기도 모르게 무의식 중에 자기 내면에 궁금증, 어떤 해결되지 않은 질문들, 뭐 이런 것들과 외부세계를 자연스럽게 접속시키는 그런 체험이 되는 것 같아요.
like this|the bookshelf|straight|looking around|thing|oneself|unknowingly|unconscious|in|one's|inner|curiosity|some|unresolved|not|questions|what|such|with things|external world|naturally|connecting|such|experience|becoming|thing|seems to be
Looking around the bookshelf like this seems to be an experience that naturally connects one's inner curiosity, unresolved questions, and such with the external world, even without realizing it.
그래서 그때 자기도 모르게 뽑은 책이 그 당시에 자신에게 가장 필요한 책일 수도 있는 것이죠.
so|at that time|he/she himself/herself|unknowingly|chosen|book|that|at the time|to himself/herself|most|necessary|book|possibility|being|is
So, the book that you randomly picked at that time could be the one you needed the most.
또는 그 당시에 가장 관심을 갖고 있는 문제와 관련있을 수도 있고요.
or|that|at the time|most|interest|having|in|issue|related|possibility|be
Or it could be related to the issues you were most interested in at that time.
사실은 전혀 관련이 없는데 그렇게 이어 붙이는 수도 있겠죠.
the truth is|not at all|related|there is|like that|connecting|attaching|possibility|could be
In fact, it might not be related at all, but you could connect them that way.
자, 오늘 고른 책은요 유명한 논픽션입니다.
now|today|chosen|book|famous|is non-fiction
Now, the book I chose today is a famous nonfiction.
논픽션의 글쎄요 아주 모범이라고도 할 수 있는 책인데요.
of non-fiction|well|very|can also be considered a model|to|possibility|be|book
It's a book that could be considered a very good example of nonfiction.
[희박한 공기 속으로], 영어 제목은 [Into Thin Air]입니다.
[希薄な空気の中へ]、英語のタイトルは[Into Thin Air]です。
[Into Thin Air], the English title.
존 크라카우어라는 미국의 저널리스트가 쓴 책인데요.
It's a book written by an American journalist named Jon Krakauer.
이것으로 퓰리처 상을 받았죠.
with this|Pulitzer|award|received
He won the Pulitzer Prize for this.
이 [희박한 공기 속으로]는 에베레스트 등반 체험을 논픽션으로 쓴 겁니다.
this|thin|air|into|topic marker|Everest|climbing|experience|in nonfiction|written|is
[Into Thin Air] is a nonfiction account of the experience of climbing Everest.
이렇게만 얘기하면, '아이 뭐 나는 산에도 안 가는데 무슨 상관인가' 이렇게 생각하시는 분들 계실텐데요.
like this|if I talk|oh|what|I|to the mountain|not|going|what|does it matter|like this|thinking|people|there are
If I just say this, some of you might think, 'Oh, I don't even go to the mountains, so what does it matter to me?'
저는 이 책을 1998 년인가요 그때 처음 읽었던 기억이 납니다.
I|this|book|year|at that time|first|read|memory|I have
I remember first reading this book around 1998.
그니까 지금으로 부터 10 년도 전에 읽은 책이었는데, 상당히 그 당시에도 감명깊게 읽었고요, 한 번 잡으면 손에서 놓기가 좀 힘듭니다.
so|from now|from|year|ago|read|book|quite|that||impressively|I read|one|time|if I grab|from my hand|letting go|a bit|is difficult
So, it was a book I read over 10 years ago, and I found it quite impressive at the time; once you pick it up, it's hard to put down.
제가 뭐 에베레스트에 갈 일이 있겠습니까?
I|what|to Everest|go|opportunity|is there
What are the chances that I would go to Everest?
갈 일이 전혀 없고, 그 근처에도 갈 일이 별로 없을 것 같은데, 그런데도 이 책에 빠저들어서 정신없이 봤던 기억이 나요.
go|thing|at all|not|that|nearby|go|thing|particularly|not|thing|seems|nevertheless|this|book|getting absorbed|mindlessly|was watching|memory|do
I don't think I will ever have the opportunity to go, and I probably won't even go near it, yet I remember being completely absorbed in this book.
제가 어제 이 책을 다시 뽑아들고 나서, 어떤 부분을 읽을까 들척이다가 또 가만히 앉아가지고 몇 시간 동안 이 책을 처음부터 끝까지 읽어버리고 말았습니다.
I|yesterday|this|book|again|picked up|after|which|part|should I read|while thinking|also|quietly|sitting|several|hours|during|this|book|from the beginning|to the end|read|I did
After picking this book up again yesterday, I was flipping through it to decide which part to read, but then I ended up sitting quietly and reading the book from start to finish for several hours.
그 정도로 다시 읽어도 가독성이 강하고, 흡인력이 강합니다.
that||again|reading|readability|strong|attractiveness|is strong
Even after reading it again to that extent, the readability is strong and the pull is strong.
이 존 크라카우어라는 사람은 '아웃사이드’라는 잡지에 글을 기고하는 사람이죠.
This person, Jon Krakauer, is someone who contributes articles to a magazine called 'Outside'.
중요한 필진입니다.
important|is a contributor
He is an important contributor.
그 전에도 몇 권의 중요한 책들을 냈고요, 미국의 시애틀에 살고있습니다.
that|before|several|of books|important|books|published|in the United States|Seattle|I am living
He has also published several important books before this, and he lives in Seattle, USA.
시애틀이면 로키산맥이 있는 그런 곳이죠.
if it is Seattle|Rocky Mountains|is|such|place
Seattle is a place where the Rocky Mountains are located.
그래서 산과 그렇게 멀지 않은 그런 곳인데요, 이 사람은 어느 날 그런 제안을 받게 됩니다.
so|mountain|that|not far|not|such|place|this|person|one|day|such|proposal|receives|becomes
So it's a place not far from the mountains, and one day this person receives such a proposal.
'에베레스트에 한 번 가보지 않겠느냐?
to Everest|once|time|go|wouldn't you
"How about going to Everest once?"
가서 기사를 한 번 써봐라.'
go|article|one|time|try to write
"Go and write an article."
이런 얘기를 듣게 되는 데요.
This is what he hears.
그 어떤 기사냐면은, 돈을 내고 에베레스트에 오르는 사람들에 대한 이야기입니다.
that|any|article|money|paying|to Everest|climbing|people|about|story
The article is about people who pay to climb Everest.
언젠가 부턴가 에베레스트를 오르는데 관심인 사람들이 많아지게 되고요, 세계 최고봉을 한번 올라보겠다는 몽상가들이 늘어나게 되면서, 이들을 모집해서 에베레스트 정상까지 올려주는 일종의 가이드들이 나타나게 됩니다.
someday|from|Everest|climbing|interested|people|increasing|become|world|highest peak|once|wanting to climb|dreamers|increasing|as|these people|recruiting|Everest|to the summit|taking up|a type of|guides|appearing|become
At some point, more and more people became interested in climbing Everest, and as dreamers who wanted to summit the world's highest peak increased, a type of guide emerged to recruit these individuals and take them to the top of Everest.
이 책에 등장하게 되는 로브 홀이라던가요, 스콧 피셔같은 사람들인데, 그들 자신 부터가 대단한 등반가 들인데요.
People like Rob Hall and Scott Fischer, who appear in this book, are themselves remarkable climbers.
그러나 이들은 등반을 계속하는데 상당한 어려움을 겪게 됩니다.
however|they|climbing|continue to|considerable|difficulties|experience|have
However, they face significant difficulties in continuing their climbs.
왜냐하면, 경제적으로 풍족하지 않은 네팔 정부가 에베레스트를 오르는 입산료를 계속해서 올리게 되고요, 그런데 문제는 그 높은 산들이 대부분 네팔 아니면 이 티벳 쪽에 몰려있어서 여기를 오르는데 어려움을 겪게 되고 그래서 많은 산악인들이 기업체의 스폰서를 구하게 됩니다.
because|economically|not affluent|not|Nepal|government|Everest|climbing|entrance fee|continuously|raising|and|but|the problem is|that|high|mountains|mostly|Nepal|or|this|Tibetan|side|concentrated|here|in climbing|difficulty|experiencing|and|so|many|mountaineers|corporate|sponsor|seeking|becomes
This is because the economically struggling Nepalese government keeps raising the entrance fees to climb Everest, and the problem is that most of the high mountains are located either in Nepal or Tibet, making it difficult to climb them, leading many mountaineers to seek sponsorship from companies.
우리나라에서는 이제 그런 일이 많이 있죠.
in our country|now|such|events|many/much|happen
In our country, such things happen quite often now.
최근에 한국에 한 여성 산악인도 칸첸중가 등반을 둘러싸고 여러가지 말들이 있었죠.
recently|in Korea|a|woman|mountaineer|Kanchenjunga|climbing|surrounding|various|discussions|were
Recently, there have been various discussions surrounding a female mountaineer in Korea who climbed Kanchenjunga.
그 사건이 저 한테 이 책을 다시 환기시켰을 지도 모르겠어요.
that|incident|to me|to|this|book|again|reminded|perhaps|I don't know
That incident might have reminded me of this book again.
그 8000m 고공급의 고공들.. 그 위로 올라간다는 것은 정말 죽음의 지대라고 하죠.
that|8000m|of high altitude|high altitudes|that|upwards|going up|thing|really|of death|zone|is said to be
その8000mの高高度の山々... それを越えることは本当に死の領域だと言われています。
Those high altitudes of 8000m... going up there is truly said to be a death zone.
그 위로 올라가게 되면 판단이 잘 되지 않는 그런 영역이고, 마치 술을 엄청나게 먹을 때 라던가, 아니면은 뇌에 문제가 생겼을 때 처럼 사람이 정상적인 판단을 할 수가 없고, 아주 어린 아이처럼 낮은 수준의 판단력을 갖게 된다고 하죠.
that|upward|going up|when|judgment|well|not|not|such|area|like|alcohol|extremely|drinking|time|or|or|to the brain|problem|occurred|time|like|person|normal|judgment|can||not|very|young|like a child|low|level|judgment|having|said to be|
Once you go up there, it becomes an area where judgment is impaired, and it's like when someone has consumed a lot of alcohol or when there is a problem with the brain, making it impossible for a person to make normal judgments, and they have a very low level of judgment like a very young child.
그런데서 벌어진 일, 게다가 엄청난 폭풍, 눈폭풍, 바람, 그 다음에 뭐 혹독한 기후, 이런 것들 때문에 사실은 그 위에서 어떤 일이 벌어지는지 밑에서는 잘 알 수가 없죠.
from there|happening|event|moreover|tremendous|storm|blizzard|wind|that|next|what|harsh|climate|these|things|because of|in fact|that|above|any|event|happening|below|well|know||not
What happens up there, especially with tremendous storms, snowstorms, winds, and harsh climates, makes it difficult to know what is really going on from below.
그 진실은 아마 아직 아무도 모르겠습니다만, 이 전문적으로 산악인들이 가이드들을 자임하고 나서게 된데에는 경제적인 문제가 있습니다.
that|truth|probably|still|no one||this|professionally|mountaineers|guides|taking on|taking|in the case of|economic|issue|exists
The truth is that probably no one knows yet, but the reason why these professional mountaineers have started to act as guides is due to economic issues.
돈은 많은데, 돈은 많은데 주말에나 산에가는 이런 사람들, 또는 뭐 백만 장자들 이런 사람들을 에베레스트에 오르게 해주고 대신에 이 당시의 시세로, 96 년도죠, 이 당시 시세로 $65,000를 받았으니까요.
money|is abundant|||only on weekends|going to the mountain|these|people|or|well|million|wealthy people|these|people|to Everest|to ascend|allowing|in exchange|this|of that time|market price|year|this|at that time|market price|$65000|I received
There are many people with money, but these people who only go to the mountains on weekends, or millionaires, are being allowed to climb Everest in exchange for $65,000 at the market rate of 1996.
사실은 대단히 큰 돈이죠.
the truth is|very|big|money
In fact, that's a huge amount of money.
거액의 돈을 한 사람당 받고, 여섯 명, 여덟 명..사람들을 셀파들을 동원해서 산 위에, 정상위에 올려주는 그런 사업을 벌이게 된 것입니다.
large amount of|money|one|per person|receiving|six|people|eight||people|sherpas|mobilizing|mountain|on|on the summit|raising|such|business|will be|become|is
They started a business where they receive a large sum of money per person, mobilizing six or eight Sherpas to take people to the summit.
그래서 이 '아웃사이드’라는 잡지에서는 존 크라카우어를 거기에 보내게 되는데, 그것은 이 전문적인 등반 가이드 들에게는 커다란 기회일 수도 있습니다.
So, the magazine 'Outside' sent Jon Krakauer there, which could be a great opportunity for these professional climbing guides.
유명한 기자가, 특히 전세계 산악인들에게 큰 영향을 끼치고 그러는 사람이 자기 등반대원으로 온다는 것은 커다란 기회일 수 밖에 없습니다.
famous|journalist|especially|worldwide|to mountaineers|great|influence|having|doing|person|my|as a climbing team member|coming|thing|huge|opportunity|possibility|only|is
Having a famous journalist, who has a significant influence on climbers around the world, join your climbing team is undoubtedly a great opportunity.
이 사람이 정상에 올라가면 그 다음부터는 더 많은 지원자들이 몰려들 것이고, 사업이 안정이 되겠죠.
this|person|to the summit|if he/she climbs|that|from then on|more|many|applicants|will flock||business|stability|will be
Once this person reaches the summit, more applicants will flock in, and the business will stabilize.
그래서 뉴질랜트 출신의 로브 홀이라는 산악인이 경쟁 끝에 미국, 이 존 크라카우어와 같은 도시에, 시애틀에 살고있는 스콧 피셔를 따돌리고, 이 사람을 자기 팀에 유치하게 됩니다.
so|New Zealand|from|Rob|Hall|mountaineer|competition|at the end of|United States|this|Jon|Krakauer|same|city|in Seattle|living|Scott|Fischer|outpacing|this|person|his|team|recruiting|becomes
Thus, after a competition, a mountaineer from New Zealand named Rob Hall manages to recruit Scott Fischer, who lives in Seattle, a city like that of Jon Krakauer.
$65,000 인데 $10,000 만 받고 이 사람을 팀에 넣어 주게 되고요.
but|only|receiving|this|person|to the team|putting|will|and
He is paid $65,000 but only receives $10,000 to bring this person onto his team.
물론 이 사람은 기자이기도 하지만 마음 속 깊이 에베레스트에 대한 선망이 있었던 것입니다.
of course|this|person|is also a journalist|but|heart|inside|deeply|about Everest|regarding|longing|was|
Of course, this person is a journalist, but deep down, he had a longing for Everest.
높은 산, 사실은 올라가보지도 않으면서도 많은 기사를 썼는데요.
high|mountain|actually|without even climbing|while not|many|articles|I wrote
High mountains, in fact, I wrote many articles without even climbing them.
그런 곳에 한 번 올라간다면 어떤 기분일까,늘 생각을 하고 있었고, 결혼 전 까지만 해도 많은 산들을 다녔던 사람입니다.
that|place|one|time|if I go up|what|feeling would it be|always|thought|doing|was|marriage|before|only|even|many|mountains|I used to hike|person
I always wondered what it would feel like to climb such a place, and until I got married, I was someone who hiked many mountains.
결혼 해서 정착하고 안정하면서 더이상 높은 산에는 가지 않게 되었던 사람인데, 이런 제안을 받자마자 마음 속에 어떤 뜨거운 열망이 솓구쳐 오르게 됩니다.그래서 어떤 일이 벌어질지도 모르면서, 이 존 크라카우어는 상업적인 등반대의 일원으로 참가하게 됩니다.
marriage|and|settling down|while being stable|no longer|high|mountain|going|not|was|person|this|proposal|as soon as|heart|inside|some|hot|desire|surging|rising|becomes|so|what|event|might happen|not knowing|this|Jon|Krakauer|commercial|climbing team|as a member|participating|becomes
After getting married and settling down, I became someone who no longer climbed high mountains, but as soon as I received this proposal, a hot desire surged up in my heart. So, not knowing what would happen, I joined this commercial climbing team as part of Jon Krakauer.
미리 말씀을 드리자면, 스콧 피셔 팀과 로브 홀 두 팀이 경쟁적으로 등반에 나섰던 이날, 에베레스트 등반 역사상 가장 많은 일원이 사망하는 참사가 일어났습니다.
in advance|the words|if I tell you|Scott|Fisher|team|Rob|Hall|two|teams|competitively|to the climb|had set out|on that day|Everest|climbing|in history|most|many|members|dying|tragedy|occurred
To give you a heads up, on this day when the Scott Fischer team and Rob Hall's team were competing to climb, the deadliest disaster in the history of Everest climbing occurred, with the most members dying.
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