[바른 한국어 1급] 6-1 콘서트가 며칠이에요?
correct|Korean|level 1|concert|is on what day
[Korrektes Koreanisch Stufe 1] 6-1 An welchem Tag ist das Konzert?
[6-1 ¿Qué día es el concierto?
[Coréen correct niveau 1] 6-1 Quel est le jour du concert ?
[6-1 Che giorno è il concerto?
[Correct Koreaans Niveau 1] 6-1 Welke dag is het concert?
[Правильный корейский уровень 1] 6-1 В какой день концерт?
[Doğru Korece Seviye 1] 6-1 Konser hangi gün?
[普通韓文1級] 6-1 演唱會是哪一天?
[Correct Korean Level 1] What day is the concert?
콘서트가 며칠이에요?
the concert|is on what day
An welchem Tag findet das Konzert statt?
What day is the concert?
여러분, 안녕하세요?
Hello everyone?
오늘은 ‘콘서트가 며칠이에요?'를 공부하겠습니다.
today|concert|is when||
Today we will study 'What day is the concert?'
주제는 ‘날짜와 요일'인데요.
the topic|date|
Le sujet est "Date et jour de la semaine".
The topic is 'dates and days of the week'.
어휘는 ‘날짜와 요일 관련 어휘'를, 문법은 ‘이에요/예요', ‘이/가 아니에요'를 배우겠습니다.
vocabulary|date|day|related||grammar||||||I will learn
Pour le vocabulaire, nous allons apprendre "le vocabulaire lié aux dates et aux jours de la semaine" et pour la grammaire, nous allons apprendre "est/n'est pas" et "est/n'est pas".
We will learn vocabulary related to 'dates and days of the week', and grammar such as '이에요/예요' and '이/가 아니에요'.
이 과를 공부한 다음에 여러분은 한국어로 날짜와 요일에 대해서 이야기할 수 있을 거예요.
this|course|studied|after|you|in Korean|date and|day of the week|about|will talk|possibility|will be|will be able to
Après avoir étudié cette leçon, vous serez capable de parler des dates et des jours de la semaine en coréen.
After studying this lesson, you will be able to talk about dates and days of the week in Korean.
마지막으로 문화에서는 ‘한국의 대중문화'에 대해 알아보겠습니다.
finally|in culture|'Korean|popular culture|about|we will learn
Finally, in culture, we will learn about 'Korean popular culture'.
먼저, 대화를 들어 보세요.
First, listen to the conversation.
오늘 대화에서는 K-pop을 좋아하는 지민이가 콘서트 기획사에 전화를 합니다.
today|in the conversation|||likes|Jimin|concert|to the planning company|phone call|makes
In today's conversation, Jimin, who likes K-pop, calls a concert planning company.
그리고 직원에게 콘서트의 일정에 대해 물어보는데요. 콘서트는 언제 할까요?
and|to the employee|of the concert|schedule|about|I am asking|the concert|when|will be held
And I ask the staff about the schedule for the concert. When will the concert be?
한번 들어 보세요.
Please listen once.
잘 들었어요? 콘서트가 며칠이에요?
well|did you hear|concert|is on what day
Did you hear it well? What day is the concert?
또, 그 날은 무슨 요일이지요?
also|that|day|what|day of the week
Also, what day of the week is that?
내용을 더 자세히 알아보기 전에 대화에 나온 어휘와 문법을 먼저 공부해 봅시다.
the content|more|in detail|to find out|before|in the conversation|that came up|vocabulary and|grammar|first|study|let's
Before learning more details, let's first study the vocabulary and grammar that appeared in the conversation.
먼저 어휘입니다. 따라 읽어 보세요.
First, vocabulary. Please read along.
가수들이 콘서트를 해요.
the singers|concert|have
The singers are having a concert.
노래해요. 춤도 춰요. 팬들은 가수를 보러 콘서트에 가요.
I sing|also dance||fans|to the singer|to see|at the concert|go
They sing and dance. Fans go to the concert to see the singers.
다시 한 번 따라 읽어 보세요. ‘콘서트'
Read along one more time. 'Concert'
how many days
A few days
날짜를 알고 싶어요. 그러면 이렇게 질문을 합니다.
the date|I know|I want to|then|like this|question|I ask
I want to know the date. So I ask like this.
what day is it
What day is it?
다시 한 번 따라 읽어 보세요. ‘며칠'
again|one|time|following|read|please|how many days
Read it again. 'What day'
그림을 보세요. 지금은 3월입니다.
the picture|look|now|is March
Look at the picture. It is now March.
다시 한 번 따라 읽어 보세요. ‘월'
Read it again. 'Month'
따라 읽어 보세요. ‘일'
Read it. 'Day'
그림을 보세요. 오늘은 3월 며칠이에요?
the picture|look|today|March|what day is it
Look at the picture. What date is it today in March?
네, 20일. 20일이에요.
yes|20th|is the 20th
Yes, the 20th. It's the 20th.
다시 한 번 따라 읽어 보세요. ‘일'
Read it again. 'Day'
day of the week
Day of the week
그림을 보세요. 3월 4일, 11일, 18일, 25일
the picture|look at|March|4th|11th|18th|25th
Look at the picture. March 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th
모두 수요일이에요.
all|is Wednesday
They are all Wednesdays.
다시 한 번 따라 읽어 보세요. ‘요일'
Read it again after me. 'Day of the week'
잘 하셨습니다.
Well done.
이제 배운 어휘를 다시 한 번 확인해 볼까요?
now|learned|vocabulary|again|one|time|check|shall we
Shall we check the vocabulary we learned one more time?
가수들이 노래를 불러요. 춤도 춰요.
the singers|song|sing|dance|dance
The singers sing songs. They also dance.
팬들이 가수를 보러 와요. 뭐지요?
the fans|singer|to see|come|what is it
Fans come to see the singers. What is it?
네, ‘콘서트'
Yes, 'concert'.
날짜를 알고 싶어요. 어떻게 질문하지요?
the date|I know|want to know|how|should I ask
I want to know the date. How should I ask?
네, ‘며칠'이에요? ‘며칠'
yes||what day
Yes, it's 'what date'? 'What date'?
그림을 보세요. 지금은 3
the picture|look at|now
Look at the picture. It is now March.
월. 3월이에요.
month|it is March
It's March.
오늘은 3월 며칠이에요? 네, 20
today|March|is what date|yes
What date is it today in March? Yes, it's the 20th.
일. 20일이지요.
The 20th, right?
3월 4일, 11일, 18일, 25일은 모두 수
March 4th, 11th, 18th, and 25th are all Wednesdays.
요일. 수요일이에요. 요일.
day|is Wednesday|day
It's Wednesday. The day of the week.
잘 하셨어요. 이제, 대화를 다시 한 번 들어 보세요.
Well done. Now, let's listen to the conversation one more time.
이제 대화 내용을 한번 살펴볼까요?
now|conversation|content|once|shall we examine
Now, shall we take a look at the conversation content?
지민이는 K-Pop을 아주 좋아해요.
Jimin really likes K-Pop.
그래서 콘서트에 가려고 합니다.
so|to the concert|I am going|I am going to
So I am going to the concert.
콘서트에 가려면 콘서트 날짜를 알아야겠지요.
to the concert|if I want to go|concert|date|I need to know
To go to the concert, I need to know the concert date.
그래서 콘서트 기획사에 전화를 해서 물어봐요.
so|concert|to the planning company|phone call|and|I ask
So I call the concert planning company and ask.
“콘서트가 며칠이에요?”
the concert|is when
"What day is the concert?"
이렇게 날짜를 물어볼 때는 ‘며칠'을 써서, ‘며칠이에요?' 이렇게 질문해요.
like this|date|asking|when||using|is which day||
When asking for the date like this, I use 'what day' and ask, 'What day is it?'.
what day is it
What day is it?
직원이 대답합니다. “6월 16일이에요.”
the employee|answers|June|16th
The employee answers, "It's June 16th."
지민이는 또 6월 16일이 금요일인지 궁금해요.
Jimin|also|June|16th|is Friday|is curious
Jimin is also curious if June 16th is a Friday.
그래서 다시 질문을 합니다.
so|again|question|I ask
So he asks again.
“그날이 금요일이에요?”
that day|is Friday
"Is that day a Friday?"
여기에서 ‘그날'은 앞에서 말한 6월 16일이지요.
here|'that day'|previously|mentioned|June|16th
Here, 'that day' refers to June 16th mentioned earlier.
6월 16일은 토요일이에요.
June|16th|is Saturday
June 16th is a Saturday.
그럼 직원이 어떻게 대답하지요?
then|the employee|how|should respond
Then how does the employee respond?
“아니요, 금요일이 아니에요. 토요일이에요.” 이렇게 말합니다.
no|Friday|is not|it is Saturday|like this|I say
"No, it's not Friday. It's Saturday." That's what they say.
지민이는 6월 16일 토요일에 콘서트에 가서 즐거운 시간을 보내겠지요?
||||au concert||||
Jimin|June|16th|on Saturday|to the concert|going|enjoyable|time|will have
Jimin will probably have a great time at the concert on Saturday, June 16th, right?
좋습니다. 그럼 우리는 문법을 공부해 볼까요?
good|then|we|grammar|study|shall we
Alright. Then shall we study grammar?
첫 번째 문법은 ‘이에요/예요'입니다.
The first grammar point is '이에요/예요'.
‘이에요/예요'는 ‘입니다'를 친근하게 말할 때 사용해요.
is|||in a friendly manner|speaking|when|used
'이에요/예요' is used to say '입니다' in a friendly way.
여러분, 우리 예전에 ‘입니다'를 같이 공부했는데요.
you all|we|in the past|'is'|together|studied
Everyone, we studied '입니다' together before.
‘입니다'는 ‘입니다' 앞에 오는 명사가 주어와 같다는 것을 나타내는 말이었어요.
|'is'|'in front of'|'coming'|'noun'|'subject'|'is the same as'|'thing'|'indicating'|'was'
'입니다' indicates that the noun before it is the same as the subject.
그리고 격식적인 상황에서 사용했지요.
and|formal|in the situation|was used
And it was used in formal situations.
그런데 격식적인 상황이 아니라 친근하게 말하고 싶으면, ‘이에요/예요'를 사용합니다.
but|formal|situation|not|friendly|speaking|if you want|||
However, if you want to speak casually rather than formally, you use '이에요/예요'.
문장을 볼까요? ‘콘서트가 며칠이에요?'
||the concert'|is on what day'
Shall we look at a sentence? 'What day is the concert?'
콘서트 날짜가 궁금해요. 그리고 친근하게 말해요.
concert|date|I'm curious|and|in a friendly manner|I speak
I'm curious about the concert date. And I'm speaking casually.
그래서 ‘콘서트가 며칠이에요?' 이렇게 말합니다.
so|the concert|is on what day||
So I say, 'What day is the concert?'
콘서트가 며칠이에요? 대답은요?
the concert|is on what day|the answer is
What day is the concert? What's the answer?
대답도 친근하게 해요. 그래서 ‘6월 16일이에요.' 이렇게 대답해요.
the answer|friendly|is|so|June|is 16th||
Answer in a friendly way. So you would answer, 'It's June 16th.'
같이 읽어 볼까요?
together|read|shall we
Shall we read together?
“콘서트가 며칠이에요?”
the concert|is when
"What day is the concert?"
“6월 16일이에요.”
June|is the 16th
"It's June 16th."
잘 하셨어요. 그럼 문장을 하나 더 보지요.
well|did|then|sentence|one|more|let's see
Well done. Then let's look at one more sentence.
‘내일은 크리스마스예요.'
tomorrow|is Christmas
‘Tomorrow is Christmas.'
여러분, 오늘이 12월 24일이에요. 그럼 내일은 며칠이에요?
you all|today is|December|24th|then|tomorrow|what date is
Everyone, today is December 24th. So what day is tomorrow?
네, 12월 25일, 크리스마스지요.
yes|December|25th|is Christmas
Yes, December 25th, it's Christmas.
그럼 친근하게 말해요. 어떻게 말해요?
then|friendly|I speak|how|do I speak
Then let's say it in a friendly way. How do we say it?
‘내일은 크리스마스예요.'
tomorrow|is Christmas
'Tomorrow is Christmas.'
같이 읽어 볼까요?
together|read|shall we
Shall we read together?
“내일은 크리스마스예요.”
tomorrow|is Christmas
"Tomorrow is Christmas."
잘 하셨어요.
Well done.
그런데 언제 ‘이에요'를 써요? 언제 ‘예요'를 써요?
But when do we use '이에요'? When do we use '예요'?
뒤에서 확인해 보지요.
from behind|check|we will
Let's check from the back.
‘이에요, 예요'는 명사와 함께 쓰는데요.
is||with a noun|together|used
‘이에요' and ‘예요' are used with nouns.
‘며칠'처럼 명사에 받침이 있으면, ‘이에요'를 씁니다.
|to the noun'|with a final consonant'|if there is'||we use'
When there is a final consonant in a noun, like ‘며칠', we use ‘이에요'.
그런데 ‘크리스마스'는 어때요? 받침이 없지요.
but|'Christmas'|how about|final consonant|doesn't exist
But how about ‘크리스마스'? It has no final consonant.
이렇게 받침이 없으면, ‘예요'를 써요.
like this|final consonant|if there is not|'ye-yo|I use
When there is no final consonant like this, we use ‘예요'.
따라해 보세요.
follow along|please
Please try to follow along.
며칠, 이에요, 며칠이에요.
which day|is|which day is it
A few days, is it, how many days is it?
크리스마스, 예요, 크리스마스예요.
Christmas|is|is Christmas
Christmas, is it, is it Christmas?
잘 하셨습니다. 그럼 다음 문법도 같이 볼까요?
well|you did|then|next|grammar|together|shall we see
Well done. Shall we look at the next grammar together?
두 번째 문법은 ‘이/가 아니에요'입니다.
second|ordinal marker|grammar|||
The second grammar is 'is not'.
‘이/가 아니에요'는 ‘이/가 아닙니다'를 친근하게 말할 때 사용해요.
||||||in a friendly manner|speaking|when|is used
‘This is not' is used in a friendly way to say ‘This is not formal'.
‘이/가 아닙니다'와 ‘이/가 아니에요'는 모두 앞에 있는 말을 부정할 때 사용하는데요.
||||||all|in front of|existing|word|to negate|when|is used
Both ‘This is not formal' and ‘This is not' are used to negate what is said before.
‘이/가 아닙니다'는 격식적인 상황에서 사용하고,
|||formal|in situations|used
‘This is not formal' is used in formal situations,
‘이/가 아니에요'는 친근하게 말할 때 사용해요.
|||in a friendly manner|speaking|when|is used
while ‘This is not' is used in a friendly manner.
문장을 같이 볼까요?
the sentence|together|shall we see
Shall we look at the sentences together?
‘금요일이 아니에요.'
Friday|is not
'It's not Friday.'
여러분, 오늘이 목요일이에요. 그런데 제가 질문합니다.
you all|today|is Thursday|but|I|ask
Everyone, today is Thursday. But I have a question.
오늘이 금요일이에요? 그럼 여러분이 친근하게 대답해요. 어떻게 대답해요?
today|is Friday|then|you all|friendly|respond|how|do you respond
Is today Friday? Then you respond warmly. How do you respond?
아니요, ‘금요일이 아니에요.'
no|Friday|is not
No, 'It's not Friday.'
이렇게 말해요.
like this|I speak
That's how you say it.
이렇게 ‘이 아니에요'는 ‘이' 앞에 있는 ‘금요일'을 부정하면서,
like this|this|||in front of|existing||negating
In this way, 'It is not this' negates 'Friday' that is in front of 'this'.
친근하게 말할 때 사용합니다.
friendly|speaking|when|is used
It is used when speaking in a friendly manner.
같이 읽어 볼까요?
together|read|shall we
Shall we read together?
“금요일이 아니에요.”
Friday|is not
"It is not Friday."
잘 하셨어요. 문장을 하나 더 보지요.
well|did|sentence|one|more|let's see
Well done. Let's look at one more sentence.
‘내일은 크리스마스가 아니에요.'
tomorrow|Christmas|is not
'Tomorrow is not Christmas.'
여러분, 오늘이 12월 7일이에요. 그럼 내일은 며칠이에요?
you all|today is|December|7th|then|tomorrow|what date is
Everyone, today is December 7th. So what day is tomorrow?
12월 8일.
December 8th.
12월 8일은 크리스마스예요?
December|8th|is Christmas
Is December 8th Christmas?
No, it is not.
그럼 친근하게 대답해요. 어떻게 대답해요?
then|friendly|I answer|how|I answer
Then answer in a friendly way. How do you answer?
‘내일은 크리스마스가 아니에요.' 이렇게 말합니다.
tomorrow|Christmas|is not||
You say, 'Tomorrow is not Christmas.'
여기에서 ‘가 아니에요'는 앞에 있는 ‘크리스마스'를 부정하면서,
here|subject marker||in front of|existing||negating
Here, 'is not' negates the 'Christmas' that comes before it,
친근하게 말할 때 사용해요.
friendly|speaking|when|I use
and is used when speaking in a friendly manner.
같이 읽어 볼까요?
together|read|shall we
Shall we read it together?
“내일은 크리스마스가 아니에요.”
tomorrow|Christmas|is not
"Tomorrow is not Christmas."
잘 하셨어요. 그런데 언제 ‘이 아니에요'를 써요? 언제 ‘가 아니에요'를 써요?
well|did|but|when|this||||subject marker||
You did well. But when do you use '이 아니에요'? When do you use '가 아니에요'?"
뒤에서 확인해 보지요.
from behind|check|we will
Let's check from the back.
‘이 아니에요', ‘가 아니에요'는 명사와 함께 쓰는데요.
this|is not|||with a noun|together|used
'이 아니에요' and '가 아니에요' are used with nouns.
‘금요일'처럼 명사에 받침이 있으면 ‘이 아니에요'를 사용합니다.
|to the noun|final consonant|if there is|this||
If the noun has a final consonant like 'Friday', you use '이 아니에요'.
그런데 ‘크리스마스'는 어때요?
but||how about
But how about 'Christmas'?
받침이 없지요. 이렇게 받침이 없는 명사 뒤에는 ‘가 아니에요'를 사용해요.
the final consonant|does not exist|like this|final consonant|non-existent|noun|after|subject marker||is used
It doesn't have a final consonant. We use 'is not' after nouns that don't have a final consonant.
따라해 보세요.
follow along|please
Try repeating after me.
금요일, 이 아니에요, 금요일이 아니에요.
Friday|this|is not|Friday|
Friday, is not, it is not Friday.
크리스마스, 가 아니에요, 크리스마스가 아니에요.
Christmas|subject marker|is not|Christmas|
Christmas, is not, it is not Christmas.
잘 하셨습니다. 이제, 대화 내용을 한 번 더 들어 보세요.
well|you did|now|conversation|content|one|time|more|listen|please
Well done. Now, listen to the conversation one more time.
이제 대화를 다시 한 번 읽어 봅시다. 듣고 따라 읽으세요.
Now let's read the conversation again. Listen and read along.
잘 하셨습니다.
Well done.
그럼 이제 여러분이 직원이 되어 대화해 보세요.
then|now|you all|employee|become|have a conversation|try
Now, let's have you act as the employee and have a conversation.
이번에는 여러분이 지민이가 되어 대화해 보세요.
this time|you|Jimin|becoming|have a conversation|try
This time, let's have you act as Jimin and have a conversation.
잘 하셨습니다.
Well done.
말하기 연습입니다. 앞에서 배운 어휘와 문법으로 말하기 연습을 해 봅시다.
speaking|is practice|in front|learned|vocabulary and|with grammar|speaking|practice|let's|do
This is speaking practice. Let's practice speaking using the vocabulary and grammar we learned earlier.
그림을 잘 보세요. 그리고 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 넣어 보세요.
the picture|well|look|and|in the blank|appropriate|thing|put|try
Look at the picture carefully. Then try to fill in the blanks with the appropriate words.
먼저, 여기 달력이 있네요.
First, here is a calendar.
오늘이 며칠이에요?
today|what date is it
What day is it today?
네, 5월 29일.
Yes, it's May 29.
5월 29일이에요.
May|is the 29th
It's May 29.
다시, 달력을 보세요.
again|the calendar|look
Look at the calendar again.
오늘은 며칠이에요?
today|what date is it
What date is it today?
7월 12일이지요. 그럼, 오늘이 무슨 요일이에요?
July|12th|then|today|what|day of the week
It's July 12. Then, what day of the week is it today?
네, 금요일.
Yes, it's Friday.
오늘은 금요일이에요.
today|is Friday
Today is Friday.
여기 케이크가 있네요. 이 날이 생일이에요.
here|cake|is|this|day|is my birthday
There is a cake here. It's a birthday.
오늘은 며칠이에요? 오늘은 1월 9일이지요.
today|what date is it||January|9th
What date is it today? Today is January 9.
그럼 생일이 오늘이에요? 아니요. 생일은?
then|birthday|is today|no|birthday
So is the birthday today? No, when is the birthday?
it's the 15th
It's the 15th.
와, 그림을 보세요. 산타, 트리, 선물이 있네요.
wow|the picture|look|Santa|tree|presents|are
Wow, look at the picture. There's Santa, a tree, and presents.
12월 25일이에요. 12월 25일은 무슨 날이에요?
It's December 25th. What day is December 25th?
네, 12월 25일은 크리스마스예요.
yes|December|25th|is Christmas
Yes, December 25th is Christmas.
이번에는 손자, 손녀가 할아버지, 할머니께 절을 하고 있어요.
this time|grandson|granddaughter|grandfather|to grandmother|bowing|doing|is
This time, the grandchildren are bowing to their grandfather and grandmother.
1월 1일이에요. 1월 1일은 무슨 날이에요?
January|is the 1st|||what|day is
It's January 1st. What day is January 1st?
네, 1월 1일은 설날이에요.
yes|January|1st|is Lunar New Year
Yes, January 1st is New Year's Day.
잘 하셨습니다.
Well done.
이번에는 듣기입니다. 지민이가 콘서트를 가려고 콘서트 일정에 대해 질문을 했었지요?
this time|is listening|Jimin|concert|is trying to go|concert|schedule|about|question|asked
This time it's listening. Jimin asked about the concert schedule because he was going to a concert, right?
이번에는 또 다른 콘서트를 가려고 해요.
this time|again|another|concert||
This time, he is going to another concert.
그래서 지민이는 다시 콘서트 일정에 대해 질문을 하는데요.
so|Jimin|again|concert|schedule|about|question|is asking
So Jimin is asking about the concert schedule again.
지민이가 이번에 가려는 콘서트는 며칠일까요?
Jimin|this time|going to|concert|what day is it
What day is the concert Jimin is going to this time?
또, 그날은 무슨 요일일까요? 잘 들어 보세요.
also|that day|what|day of the week|well|listen|please
Also, what day of the week is it? Listen carefully.
잘 들었지요? 그럼 이제 질문에 알맞은 답을 찾아보세요.
well|did you hear|then|now|to the question|appropriate|answer|find
Did you listen well? Now, find the appropriate answer to the question.
1번. 콘서트 날짜가 몇 월 며칠이에요?
1. What month and day is the concert?
10월 7일? 10월 10일? 며칠이죠?
October|7th||10th|which day is it
October 7th? October 10th? What day is it?
네, 10월 10일이에요.
yes|October|is the 10th
Yes, it's October 10th.
2번. 그날이 무슨 요일이에요?
number 2|that day|what|day of the week
Number 2. What day of the week is that day?
여러분 10월 10일이 무슨 요일이에요?
you all|October|10th|what|day of the week
Everyone, what day of the week is October 10th?
수요일? 목요일? 수요일이 아니에요.
Wednesday|Thursday|Wednesday|is not
Wednesday? Thursday? It's not Wednesday.
it is Thursday
It's Thursday.
잘 하셨습니다.
Well done.
어휘 플러스입니다. 날짜와 요일 관련 어휘를 몇 가지 더 배워보지요.
vocabulary|is plus|date|day of the week|related|vocabulary|||more|let's learn
This is Vocabulary Plus. Let's learn a few more vocabulary related to dates and days of the week.
7월 10일.
July 10th.
‘오늘'은 7월 10일이에요.
'Today' is July 10.
오늘은 7월 10일이에요.
today|July|is 10th
Today is July 10.
그럼 7월 11일은요?
Then what about July 11?
It's 'tomorrow'.
내일 뭐 해요?
tomorrow|what|are you doing
What are you doing tomorrow?
내일 저는 교회에 가요.
tomorrow|I|to church|go
I'm going to church tomorrow.
the day after tomorrow
The day after tomorrow.
오늘은 7월 10일이에요. 그럼 7월 12일은요?
today|July|is 10th|then|July|12th
Today is July 10th. Then what about July 12th?
‘모레' ‘모레'예요.
'the day after tomorrow'|'is the day after tomorrow'
'The day after tomorrow' is 'the day after tomorrow'.
7월 12일에 저는 약속이 있어요.
July|on 12th|I|appointment|have
I have an appointment on July 12.
모레 저는 약속이 있어요.
the day after tomorrow|I|appointment|have
I have an appointment the day after tomorrow.
토요일, 일요일. ‘주말'이에요.
Saturday, Sunday. It's 'the weekend'.
주말에 뭐 해요?
on the weekend|what|do
What are you doing on the weekend?
주말에 여행가요. 주말
on the weekend|I am going on a trip|weekend
I'm going on a trip this weekend.
다음은 한국어로 요일을 배워봅시다. 달력을 보세요.
next|in Korean|days of the week|let's learn|calendar|look at
Next, let's learn the days of the week in Korean. Look at the calendar.
3월 1일은 ‘일요일'이에요.
March|1st|is Sunday
March 1st is 'Sunday'.
따라해 보세요. 일요일.
Repeat after me. Sunday.
3월 2일은 ‘월요일'이에요.
March|2nd|is Monday
March 2nd is a 'Monday'.
다음은 ‘화요일'
Next is 'Tuesday'.
3월 4일은요? ‘수요일'
What about March 4th? It's 'Wednesday'.
다음은요? ‘목요일'
What's next? It's 'Thursday'.
3월 6일은 금요일이에요. ‘금요일'
March 6th is a Friday. 'Friday'
다음은요? ‘토요일'
What's next? 'Saturday'
네, 다시 한 번 따라해 보세요.
Yes, let's try it one more time.
일요일, 월요일, 화요일, 수요일, 목요일, 금요일, 토요일
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
잘 하셨습니다.
Well done.
오늘이 3월 4일이에요.
today|March|is 4th
Today is March 4th.
그럼 오늘이 무슨 요일이에요?
then|today|what|day is
So what day is it today?
네, 오늘이 수요일이에요.
yes|today|is Wednesday
Yes, today is Wednesday.
오늘이 제 생일이에요?
today|my|is birthday
Is today my birthday?
아니요, 토요일이 제 생일이에요.
no|Saturday|my|is my birthday
No, my birthday is on Saturday.
잘 하셨어요. 이제, 그림을 보세요.
well|did|now|picture|look at
Well done. Now, look at the picture.
월요일에 무엇을 해요?
on Monday|what|do
What do you do on Monday?
운동해요. ‘월요일에 운동해요.'
I exercise|on Monday|I exercise
I exercise. 'I exercise on Monday.'
수요일에 무엇을 해요?
on Wednesday|what|do
What do you do on Wednesday?
약속이 있어요. ‘수요일에 약속이 있어요.'
the appointment|I have|on Wednesday|appointment|I have
I have an appointment. 'I have an appointment on Wednesday.'
토요일에 무엇을 해요?
on Saturday|what|do
What do you do on Saturday?
친구와 여행가요. ‘토요일에 친구와 여행가요.'
with my friend|I am traveling|||
I go on a trip with my friend. 'I go on a trip with my friend on Saturday.'
잘 하셨습니다. 마지막으로 한국 문화입니다.
well|you did|lastly|Korean|is culture
Well done. Lastly, it's about Korean culture.
여러분. 여러분은 가수 싸이의 강남스타일을 들어 보셨어요?
you all|you all|singer|Psy's|Gangnam Style|heard|have you
Everyone. Have you heard of the singer Psy's Gangnam Style?
바로 오늘은 ‘한국의 대중문화'에 대해서 알아보겠는데요.
right|today|'Korean|popular culture'|about|we will learn
Today, we will learn about 'Korean popular culture.'
한국에는 어떤 가수, 어떤 배우들이 있을까요? 한번 알아보도록 하지요.
in Korea|what|singers|what|actors|are|||
What kind of singers and actors are there in Korea? Let's find out.
한국의 대중문화
Korean|pop culture
Korean pop culture
한국의 가수, 배우들은 국내 뿐 아니라, 해외에서도 열심히 활동하여 인기를 끌고 있습니다.
Korean singers and actors are actively working not only in the country but also overseas, gaining popularity.
가수 ‘싸이'의 <강남스타일> 뮤직비디오는 해외에서 폭발적인 인기를 얻었습니다.
singer||<Gangnam Style>|music video|overseas|explosive|popularity|gained
The music video for the singer 'Psy's <Gangnam Style> gained explosive popularity overseas.
한국의 연예인을 응원하는 펜클럽에 한국인 뿐 아니라 외국인들도 많이 참여하고 있습니다.
Korean|celebrity|supporting|fan club|Korean people|only|not|foreigners also|many|participating|are
Fan clubs supporting Korean celebrities have many participants not only from Koreans but also from foreigners.
오늘 배운 내용을 정리해 봅시다.
Let's summarize what we learned today.
오늘은 ‘날짜와 요일'을 주제로 공부했는데요.
today|'date and|day|as a topic|I studied
Today, we studied the topic of 'dates and days of the week'.
어휘는 날짜와 요일 관련 어휘를, 문법은 ‘이에요/예요', ‘이/가 아니에요'를 배웠지요.
vocabulary|date|day|related|vocabulary|grammar||||||we learned
We learned vocabulary related to dates and days of the week, and the grammar points '이에요/예요' and '이/가 아니에요'.
마지막으로 한국 문화에서는 ‘한국의 대중문화'에 대해서 알아봤는데요.
lastly|Korean|in culture|'Korean|popular culture|regarding|we learned
Finally, we explored 'Korean popular culture' in Korean culture.
어때요? 이제 한국어로 날짜와 요일에 대해 이야기할 수 있겠지요?
how about|now|in Korean|date|day|about|I can talk|possibility|right
How about it? Now you should be able to talk about dates and days of the week in Korean, right?
좋습니다. 그럼 오늘 수업은 여기에서 마치겠습니다. 다음 시간에 또 만나요!
good|then|today|class|here|will end|next|time|again|we meet
Alright. Then we will end today's class here. See you next time!
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