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Hercules (Fabulae Faciles), Hercules IV: FF 27-31

Hercules IV: FF 27-31

27. Pholus

Postquam reliqui fugerunt, Pholus ex spelunca egressus est, et corpora spectabat eorum qui sagittis interfecti erant. Magnopere autem miratus est quod tam levi vulnere exanimati erant, et causam eius rei quaerebat. Adiit igitur locum ubi cadaver cuiusdam centauri iacebat, et sagittam e vulnere traxit. Haec tamen sive casu sive consilio deorum e manibus eius lapsa est, et pedem leviter vulneravit. Ille extemplo dolorem gravem per omnia membra sensit, et post breve tempus vi veneni exanimatus est. Mox Hercules, qui reliquos centauros secutus erat, ad speluncam rediit, et magno cum dolore Pholum mortuum vidit. Multis cum lacrimis corpus amici ad sepulturam dedit; tum, postquam alterum poculum vini exhausit, somno se dedit.

28. Labor Quintus: Stabula

Deinde Eurystheus Herculi hunc laborem graviorem imposuit. Augeas quidam, qui illo tempore regnum in Elide obtinebat, tria milia boum habebat. Hi in stabulo ingentis magnitudinis includebantur. Stabulum autem inluvie ac squalore erat obsitum, neque enim ad hoc tempus umquam purgatum erat. Hoc Hercules intra spatium unius diei purgare iussus est. Ille, etsi res erat multae operae, negotium suscepit. Primum magno labore fossam duodeviginti pedum duxit, per quam fluminis aquam de montibus ad murum stabuli perduxit. Tum postquam murum perrupit, aquam in stabulum immisit et tali modo contra opinionem omnium opus confecit.

29. Labor Sextus: Aves Stymphalides

Post paucos dies Hercules ad oppidum Stymphalum iter fecit; imperaverat enim ei Eurystheus ut avis Stymphalides necaret. Hae aves rostra aenea habebant et carne hominum vescebantur. Ille postquam ad locum pervenit, lacum vidit; in hoc autem lacu, qui non procul erat ab oppido, aves habitabant. Nulla tamen dabatur appropinquandi facultas; lacus enim non ex aqua sed e limo constitit. Hercules igitur neque pedibus neque lintre progredi potuit.

Ille cum magnam partem diei frustra consumpsisset, hoc conatu destitit et ad Volcanum se contulit, ut auxilium ab eo peteret. Volcanus (qui ab fabris maxime colebatur) crepundia quae ipse ex aere fabricatus erat Herculi dedit. His Hercules tam acrem crepitum fecit ut aves perterritae avolarent. Ille autem, dum avolant, magnum numerum earum sagittis transfixit.

30. Labor Septimus: Taurus Cretanus

Tum Eurystheus Herculi imperavit ut taurum quendam ferocissimum ex insula Creta vivum referret. Ille igitur navem conscendit, et cum ventus idoneus esset, statim solvit. Cum tamen insulae iam appropinquaret, tanta tempestas subito coorta est ut navis cursum tenere non posset. Tantus autem timor animos nautarum occupavit ut paene omnem spem salutis deponerent. Hercules tamen, etsi navigandi imperitus erat, haudquaquam territus est.

Post breve tempus summa tranquillitas consecuta est, et nautae, qui se ex timore iam receperant, navem incolumem ad terram appulerunt. Hercules e navi egressus est, et cum ad regem Cretae venisset, causam veniendi docuit. Deinde, postquam omnia parata sunt, ad eam regionem contendit quam taurus vastabat. Mox taurum vidit, et quamquam res erat magni periculi, cornua eius prehendit. Tum, cum ingenti labore monstrum ad navem traxisset, cum praeda in Graeciam rediit.

31. Labor Octavus: Equi Horribiles

Postquam ex insula Creta rediit, Hercules ab Eurystheo in Thraciam missus est, ut equos Diomedis reduceret. Hi equi carne hominum vescebantur; Diomedes autem, vir crudelissimus, illis obiciebat peregrinos omnis qui in eam regionem venerant. Hercules igitur magna celeritate in Thraciam contendit et ab Diomede postulavit ut equi sibi traderentur. Cum tamen ille hoc facere nollet, Hercules ira commotus regem interfecit et cadaver eius equis obici iussit.

Ita mira rerum commutatio facta est; is enim qui antea multos cum cruciatu necaverat ipse eodem supplicio necatus est. Cum haec nuntiata essent, omnes qui eam regionem incolebant maxima laetitia adfecti sunt et Herculi meritam gratiam referebant. Non modo maximis honoribus et praemiis eum decoraverunt sed orabant etiam ut regnum ipse susciperet. Ille tamen hoc facere nolebat, et cum ad mare rediisset, navem occupavit. Ubi omnia ad navigandum parata sunt, equos in navi conlocavit; deinde, cum idoneam tempestatem nactus esset, sine mora e portu solvit, et paulo post equos in litus Argolicum exposuit.

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Hercules IV: FF 27-31 |IV| Hercules IV: FF 27-31 Hercule IV : FF 27-31 Hercules IV: FF 27-31

27\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\. Pholus

Postquam reliqui fugerunt, Pholus ex spelunca egressus est, et corpora spectabat eorum qui sagittis interfecti erant. after|they||Pholus||cave|having exited|was|and|||of them||arrows|killed| ||逃げた||||||||||||| After the rest fled, Pholus and went out from the cave, looking at the bodies, and they were of them that were slain by arrows. 逃げた後、フォルスは洞窟から出て、矢で殺された者たちの遺体を見ていた。 Magnopere autem miratus est quod tam levi vulnere exanimati erant, et causam eius rei quaerebat. greatly|however|||that|so|light|||they were||the cause|||he was seeking ||驚いた|||||||||||| They were amazed at him, paralyzed with, as well as a light wound, however, be of great importance, and the cause of the thing he sought. 彼は、こんなに軽い傷で息絶えてしまったことに大いに驚き、その理由を探ろうとした。 Adiit igitur locum ubi cadaver cuiusdam centauri iacebat, et sagittam e vulnere traxit. he approached|therefore|place|where|the body||centaur|was lying||||the wound| |||||||||||傷| He therefore approached the place where the body of a certain centaur lay, and he pulled an arrow from the wound. そこで彼は、あるケンタウロスの死体が横たわっている場所に行き、傷口から矢を引き抜いた。 Haec tamen sive casu sive consilio deorum e manibus eius lapsa est, et pedem leviter vulneravit. this|nevertheless|||whether||of the gods||||||||lightly| ||||||||||||||軽く| However, whether by chance or by the design of the gods, it slipped from his hands and lightly wounded his foot. しかし、これは神々の偶然または計画によって、彼の手から滑り落ち、足に軽い傷を負わせた。 Ille extemplo dolorem gravem per omnia membra sensit, et post breve tempus vi veneni exanimatus est. he|immediately|pain|||all||he felt|||short|time||poison|unconscious| ||痛み||||||||||||| Immediately he felt a severe pain throughout all his limbs, and after a short time he was rendered lifeless by the power of the poison. 彼はすぐに全身に激しい痛みを感じ、短い時間の後に毒の力で息絶えた。 Mox Hercules, qui reliquos centauros secutus erat, ad speluncam rediit, et magno cum dolore Pholum mortuum vidit. |||||had followed||||returned||||||dead| Soon Hercules, who had followed the other centaurs, returned to the cave and saw Pholus dead with great sorrow. すぐに、他のケンタウロスを追っていたヘラクレスは、洞窟に戻り、Pholusが死んでいるのを大きな痛みをもって見た。 Multis cum lacrimis corpus amici ad sepulturam dedit; tum, postquam alterum poculum vini exhausit, somno se dedit. ||||of the friend|||gave||||cup||he drained||| ||||||葬儀|||||||||| With many tears he gave his friend's body to burial; then, after he drained another cup of wine, he gave himself to sleep. 彼は多くの涙を流しながら、友の遺体を埋葬に送り出した。そして、もう一杯のワインを飲み干した後、眠りについた。

28\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\. 28\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\. 28\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\。 Labor Quintus: Stabula ||stables ||厩舎 労働クイントゥス:馬小屋

Deinde Eurystheus Herculi hunc laborem graviorem imposuit. then||Hercules|this|||imposed |||||より重い| Then Eurystheus imposed this more difficult task on Hercules. 次に、エウリュステウスはヘラクレスにこのより重い仕事を課しました。 Augeas quidam, qui illo tempore regnum in Elide obtinebat, tria milia boum habebat. Augeas|a certain||||||Elis|was holding|||cattle| |||||||エリダ||||| Augeas, who at that time held the kingdom in Elis, had three thousand cows. オウゲイアスという者は、その時エリダに王国を持っており、牛を三千頭飼っていました。 Hi in stabulo ingentis magnitudinis includebantur. ||stable|||were being included ||厩舎||| They were kept in a stable of enormous size. これらは巨大な大きさの厩舎に閉じ込められていました。 Stabulum autem inluvie ac squalore erat obsitum, neque enim ad hoc tempus umquam purgatum erat. the stable|but|inluvie||filth||obscured||||||ever|cleaned|had been |||||||||||||清められた| しかし、その家畜小屋は汚れと不潔さで覆われており、この時点で一度も清掃されたことがなかった。 Hoc Hercules intra spatium unius diei purgare iussus est. ||||of one||to cleanse|| ||||||清める|| このため、ヘラクレスは一日以内にそれを清掃するよう命じられた。 Ille, etsi res erat multae operae, negotium suscepit. he|although|thing|was||of work|business|he undertook |||||労力|| He, although it was a task of great effort, undertook the business. 彼は、多くの労力を要するものであったが、その仕事を引き受けた。 Primum magno labore fossam duodeviginti pedum duxit, per quam fluminis aquam de montibus ad murum stabuli perduxit. |||ditch|eighteen|||through|which|of the river|water||||||he brought |||溝|十八|フィート||||||||||厩舎| First, he dug a trench eighteen feet deep with great labor, through which he brought the river's water from the mountains to the wall of the stable. まず、彼は大きな労力をかけて18フィートの溝を掘り、それを通して山から厩舎の壁まで川の水を導いた。 Tum postquam murum perrupit, aquam in stabulum immisit et tali modo contra opinionem omnium opus confecit. |after|||||||||||||work| |||||||流し込んだ|||||意見||| Then after he broke through the wall, he poured water into the stable and in this way, against everyone's expectations, he completed the task. そして壁を破った後、彼は水を厩舎に流し込み、全員の予想に反してこのようにして仕事を完成させた。

29\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\. 29\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\. Labor Sextus: Aves Stymphalides |||Stymphalides |||スタンピュアリデス Labor Six: The Stymphalian Birds 労働第六: スティンファルの鳥

Post paucos dies Hercules ad oppidum Stymphalum iter fecit; imperaverat enim ei Eurystheus ut avis Stymphalides necaret. after|few|days|Hercules||||journey|made|he had ordered|for|to him||that||Stymphalides|he should kill ||||||スタンファルム|||||||||| After a few days, Hercules made his journey to the town of Stymphalus; for Eurystheus had ordered him to kill the Stymphalian birds. 数日後、ヘラクレスはスティンファルの町への旅をしました。なぜなら、エウリュステウスが彼にスティンファルの鳥を殺すよう命じたからです。 Hae aves rostra aenea habebant et carne hominum vescebantur. these|birds|beaks|bronze||||of men|were feeding ||くちばし|||||| These birds had bronze beaks and fed on human flesh. これらの鳥は青銅のくちばしを持ち、人間の肉を食べていました。 Ille postquam ad locum pervenit, lacum vidit; in hoc autem lacu, qui non procul erat ab oppido, aves habitabant. he|after||place|||||this||lake||not||||||were living ||||||||||湖|||遠く||||| When he arrived at the place, he saw a lake; in this lake, which was not far from the town, birds were living. 彼が場所に到着した後、彼は湖を見た。しかしその湖は、町からそれほど遠くないところにあり、そこで鳥たちが住んでいた。 Nulla tamen dabatur appropinquandi facultas; lacus enim non ex aqua sed e limo constitit. |nevertheless|was given|approaching|opportunity|lake||||water|||mud| |||近づくこと||||||||||成り立っていた However, there was no opportunity to approach; for the lake consisted not of water but of mud. それにしても、近づく機会は与えられなかった。なぜなら、その湖は水ではなく泥でできていたからだ。 Hercules igitur neque pedibus neque lintre progredi potuit. Hercules|therefore||on foot||boat|to advance| ||||||進む| Therefore, Hercules could not advance either on foot or by boat. したがって、ヘラクレスは足でも小舟でも進むことができなかった。

Ille cum magnam partem diei frustra consumpsisset, hoc conatu destitit et ad Volcanum se contulit, ut auxilium ab eo peteret. ||||||he had spent|||he stopped|||||||help|||he might seek ||||||||試み||||ヴォルカヌス||||||| After he had wasted a great part of the day in vain, he gave up this effort and went to Vulcan to seek help from him. 彼は日中の大部分を無駄に過ごした後、この試みを止めて、火山神のところに行き、彼から助けを求めた。 Volcanus (qui ab fabris maxime colebatur) crepundia quae ipse ex aere fabricatus erat Herculi dedit. Vulcan|||||was worshipped|rattles|||||made||| ||||||おもちゃ|||||||| Vulcan (who was especially revered by the craftsmen) gave Hercules the trinkets which he himself had made from bronze. 火山神(工匠たちに最も崇拝されていた)は、彼自身が銅で作った道具をヘラクレスに与えた。 His Hercules tam acrem crepitum fecit ut aves perterritae avolarent. |Hercules||loud|||||frightened|would fly away ||||音||||| With these, Hercules made such a loud clamor that the frightened birds flew away. ヘラクレスはあまりにも鋭い音を立てたので、驚いた鳥たちが飛び去った。 Ille autem, dum avolant, magnum numerum earum sagittis transfixit. |however||||number|||he pierced |||||||矢|貫通させた However, while they are flying away, he pierced a large number of them with arrows. しかし、彼は飛んでいる間に、多くの矢で彼女たちを貫通させました。

30\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\. 30.................................................. 30。 Labor Septimus: Taurus Cretanus ||the Bull| |||クレタの Seventh Labor: The Cretan Bull 第七の労働: クレタの牡牛

Tum Eurystheus Herculi imperavit ut taurum quendam ferocissimum ex insula Creta vivum referret. |||||||||island|||bring back |||||||非常に凶暴な||||| ユリステウスはヘラクレスに、クレタ島から非常に凶暴な雄牛を生け捕りにして持ち帰るよう命じた。 Ille igitur navem conscendit, et cum ventus idoneus esset, statim solvit. he|therefore|ship|he boarded|||wind|suitable|was|immediately|he set sail |||||||適した||| Therefore, he boarded the ship, and when the wind was favorable, he immediately set sail. そこで彼は船に乗り込み、ちょうど良い風が吹くとすぐに出港した。 Cum tamen insulae iam appropinquaret, tanta tempestas subito coorta est ut navis cursum tenere non posset. when|nevertheless||now|was approaching|||suddenly|arose|was|that|ship|||not|could ||||近づいていた||||||||||| However, when he was already approaching the island, such a storm suddenly arose that the ship could not maintain its course. しかし、島に近づくと、突然非常に大きな嵐が起こり、船は航路を維持できなくなった。 Tantus autem timor animos nautarum occupavit ut paene omnem spem salutis deponerent. |but||the minds|of the sailors|occupied|that||all|hope|of safety|they would give up |||||||||||諦める Moreover, such great fear seized the minds of the sailors that they almost abandoned all hope of safety. しかし、船乗りたちの心をこれほどまでに恐怖が襲ったため、ほとんど全ての救いの希望を諦めてしまった。 Hercules tamen, etsi navigandi imperitus erat, haudquaquam territus est. Hercules|nevertheless|although|sailing|inexperienced|was|by no means|frightened| |||航海する|||まったく|| Hercules, however, though he was inexperienced in sailing, was by no means frightened. しかし、ヘラクレスは航海の経験がなかったが、決して怯えてはいなかった。

Post breve tempus summa tranquillitas consecuta est, et nautae, qui se ex timore iam receperant, navem incolumem ad terram appulerunt. ||||tranquility|having followed|||the sailors||||||had recovered|the ship|safe|||they brought ||||||||||||||戻ってきていた||無事な||| After a brief time, complete tranquility followed, and the sailors, who had now recovered from their fear, brought the ship safely to shore. 短い時間の後、最高の静けさが訪れ、恐怖からすでに立ち直った船乗りたちは、無事に船を岸に寄せた。 Hercules e navi egressus est, et cum ad regem Cretae venisset, causam veniendi docuit. |from|ship|having disembarked|||||king|||the reason||he informed |||||||||クレタ島の|||| Hercules disembarked from the ship, and when he had come to the king of Crete, he explained the reason for his arrival. ヘラクレスは船から上陸し、クレタの王のもとに来ると、来た理由を説明した。 Deinde, postquam omnia parata sunt, ad eam regionem contendit quam taurus vastabat. then|after|||||||||the bull| Then, after everything was prepared, he hastened to the region which the bull was ravaging. その後、すべての準備が整った後、彼は牛が荒らしている地域に向かって進んだ。 Mox taurum vidit, et quamquam res erat magni periculi, cornua eius prehendit. soon|bull|saw||although|it was|||||| Soon he saw the bull, and although the situation was very dangerous, he seized its horns. すぐに彼は牛を見つけ、危険な状況であったが、その角をつかんだ。 Tum, cum ingenti labore monstrum ad navem traxisset, cum praeda in Graeciam rediit. then|when||effort|monster||ship|had dragged||||Greece| |||||||引きずった||||| Then, after he had dragged the monster to the ship with great effort, he returned to Greece with the prize. あなたが巨大な労力を使って怪物を船に引きずり込んだ時、あなたは戦利品とともにギリシャに帰った。

31\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\. 31 Labor Octavus: Equi Horribiles |||Horrible |||恐ろしい 労働第八: 恐ろしい馬

Postquam ex insula Creta rediit, Hercules ab Eurystheo in Thraciam missus est, ut equos Diomedis reduceret. after||||returned|Hercules||Eurystheus|||sent|was||||bring back |||||||||||||馬|| After he returned from the island of Crete, Hercules was sent by Eurystheus to Thrace to bring back the horses of Diomedes. クレタ島から帰った後、ヘラクレスはエウリュステウスによってトラキアに送られ、ディオメデスの馬を連れ戻すように命じられた。 Hi equi carne hominum vescebantur; Diomedes autem, vir crudelissimus, illis obiciebat peregrinos omnis qui in eam regionem venerant. ||||were feeding|Diomedes|however||most cruel|to them|was throwing to them|||who|in|||had come ||||||||||を襲っていた||||||| These horses fed on human flesh; however, Diomedes, a very cruel man, used to throw to them any foreigners who had come into that region. これらの馬は人間の肉を食べていた; しかしディオメデスは、その地域に来たすべての外国人を彼らに捧げていた非常に残忍な男であった。 Hercules igitur magna celeritate in Thraciam contendit et ab Diomede postulavit ut equi sibi traderentur. |||||||||Diomedes|||||be handed over ||||||||||||||渡される Therefore, Hercules hurried to Thrace with great speed and demanded that Diomedes hand over the horses to him. したがってヘラクレスは迅速にトラキアに向かい、ディオメデスに馬を自分に引き渡すよう求めた。 Cum tamen ille hoc facere nollet, Hercules ira commotus regem interfecit et cadaver eius equis obici iussit. |||this|||||moved||killed|||||to throw| |||||||||||||||投げ捨てる| Since he was unwilling to do this, Hercules, stirred by anger, killed the king and ordered his body to be thrown to the horses. しかし彼がこれを行うことを拒んだため、ヘラクレスは怒りに駆られ、王を殺し、彼の遺体を馬に投げ捨てるよう命じた。

Ita mira rerum commutatio facta est; is enim qui antea multos cum cruciatu necaverat ipse eodem supplicio necatus est. |strange||change||||||before|||torture|had killed|he|||killed| |||||||||||||殺していた||||| Thus a wonderful change of events occurred; the one who had previously killed many with torture was himself killed by the same punishment. このようにして驚くべき事の変化が起こった;彼は以前、多くの人々を苦しめて殺していた者であり、同じ刑で殺されたのだから。 Cum haec nuntiata essent, omnes qui eam regionem incolebant maxima laetitia adfecti sunt et Herculi meritam gratiam referebant. |||had been|||||||joy|||||merited|favor|were showing |||||||||||||||||返していた When this was announced, all those who inhabited that region were affected by the greatest joy and gave deserved thanks to Hercules. これらのことが報告されると、その地域に住んでいた全ての人々は最大の喜びに満たされ、ヘラクレスに相応しい感謝の意を示した。 Non modo maximis honoribus et praemiis eum decoraverunt sed orabant etiam ut regnum ipse susciperet. |only||honors||rewards|him||||||||should undertake |||||報酬||飾った||||||| Not only did they adorn him with the greatest honors and rewards, but they also begged him to take up the kingdom himself. 彼らは彼を最大の栄誉と報酬で飾るだけでなく、彼が自ら王国を引き受けるようにと祈った。 Ille tamen hoc facere nolebat, et cum ad mare rediisset, navem occupavit. ||||||||sea||| |||||||||戻ってきた|| However, he did not want to do this, and when he returned to the sea, he took possession of a ship. しかし彼はこれをすることを望まず、海に戻ると船を奪った。 Ubi omnia ad navigandum parata sunt, equos in navi conlocavit; deinde, cum idoneam tempestatem nactus esset, sine mora e portu solvit, et paulo post equos in litus Argolicum exposuit. |||sailing|prepared|are|horses||ship|he placed|then|when|suitable||||without|delay||||||after|the horses|||| |||||||||配置した||||||||||||||||||| When everything was prepared for sailing, he placed the horses on the ship; then, having found a suitable storm, he set sail from the port without delay, and a little later he disembarked the horses on the Argolic shore. すべてが航海の準備が整ったとき、彼は船に馬を配置した。その後、適切な嵐を得ると、何の躊躇もなく港を出航し、少し後に馬をアルゴリック海岸に上陸させた。